Life Onboard Serenity: In A Vaguely Frontwardsy Type Direction

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 14:24
VIEWED: 36059
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Thursday, October 16, 2008 4:41 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"This mousse is basically done," she whispered. "Would you like to try something else?"

"Yes." replied Pain in a half whisper as he looked into Tommy's eyes. "Yes I would."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:14 PM


"You would?" Ivy whispered back. She leaned in close enough to whisper in Pain's ear. "So would I."

She reached down to the tray, lifted the next delicacy and looked him square in the eye.

"Would you like this Chocolate Truffle?" she asked. "Or do you have something different in mind?"


Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:37 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Would you like this Chocolate Truffle?" she asked. "Or do you have something different in mind?"

She was good, Pain had to admit. He also had to admit that he was liking it as well. He wondered just how far this little game of theirs' would go before one or both of them snapped.

Pain looked over at the chocolate truffle, then gently placed his hand on Tommy's wrist. He looked deeply into her eyes, bringing his lips closer to hers' and whispered, "Actually I did have somethin' different on my mind."

He let go of her wrist and made like he was going to kiss her, then at the last split second he stopped, turned his eyes towards the tray, and said, "I'd like to try some of that fudge brownie with the dark chocolate frostin' and the real chopped walnuts on top." He turned his eyes back to Tommy and asked, his face still close to hers', "Would you like to try some?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:50 PM


"I'm allergic to walnuts," she said as she brought the truffle to her lips and took a bite. Then she picked up the brownie and fed a piece to him. A smudge of frosting was left in the corner of his mouth. She took her thumb, wiped it away and brought it to her mouth.

"The frosting is good. Would you like some more?"


Thursday, October 16, 2008 6:14 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"The frosting is good. Would you like some more?"

"That's a shame." replied Pain as he gazed into Tommy's eyes. "Pretty girl like you bein' allergic to walnuts. They're very tasty and good for you." He glanced at the brownie in her hand, then looked back at her, smiled and said, "To answer your question, Tommy. Yes I would like some more. And perhaps after that you would be ever so kind as to let me try some of that truffle perhaps?"

He raised an eyebrow after he said that and pouted in a manly fashion as he waited for her to respond.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 16, 2008 6:46 PM


"My truffle? I don't know... It's really good. You might have to wrestle me for it."

Pain lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Just teasing. You'd have an unfair advantage. It wouldn't take you long before you'd have me at your mercy," she said as gave him the last half of the truffle. "I think this is the best chocolate yet."

She looked down at the plate, noticed that there was nothing left but crumbs and frowned.

"Now what are we going to do?"


Thursday, October 16, 2008 7:04 PM


The truffle was good just like Tommy had said it would. Of course Pain really hadn't any prior chocolate truffle experience to compare it to, as that was his first chocolate truffle. He saw Tommy's eyes advert themselves over to the try and his eyes followed.

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Now what are we going to do?"

"Don't be sad, darlin'." Pain replied, putting a reassuring hand around her shoulder. "Tell you what." he said, giving her a cheery smile. "I'll pay for what we ate and then we can decide on what to do next."

He tapped the tip of his left pointer finger on his lips and continued as he looked off into space, "Perhaps we could do somethin' physical to help burn off some of these calories we've just consumed." Pain quit tapping his lips with his finger and looked over to Tommy. He grinned at her as he said, "I'm drawin' a blank here, Tommy. Perhaps you can come up with a suggestion for somethin' physical and fun that we could do."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 17, 2008 4:35 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I'm drawin' a blank here, Tommy. Perhaps you can come up with a suggestion for somethin' physical and fun that we could do."

“Physical and fun?” Ivy asked him. “That does sound intriguing.”

“Could be,” Pain answered with a wink.

Ivy thought for a moment. Then an idea popped into her head.

“I know exactly what we should do,” she announced as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the booth. Pain barely had time to throw some coin on the table before she was rushing him outside into the hotel lobby. She then turned and stopped by the hotel desk and leaned in close. “I think you’ll really enjoy this.”

Pain glanced over at the desk, then back to her.

“I will?”

“Of course,” she said giggling. “This will be very physical.”

Then she pulled him outside and down a couple of doors. The sign over the entrance said “PAINT TAG.”

“Paint Tag?” Pain asked, surprised.

“Yep,” she said as she pulled him inside. “I’ll even pay.”

She gave the person at the window the specified amount and they were led to an area to don white coveralls. Ivy rigged up her bag so that it worked as a thin backpack and pulled the coveralls over it. Once they were done, they had to pick out a color of their choice. Ivy picked out red. They filled the pouch on their waist with 12 paint balls each and stepped into the playing zone.

“So we just have to try to hit each other with these?” Pain asked.

“Yep,” Ivy confirmed. She pulled out a red paint ball and threw it at Pain. It exploded across his chest making a big red splat. She laughed hysterically.

“That’s cheating!” Pain exclaimed, looking down at his now painted chest. He started to fish out a paint ball of his own. “We haven’t even started!”

“You’re on the playing field,” she teased as she started to pull out another paint ball. “All’s fair in love and war.”

Pain threw a paint ball softly in her direction, which she sidestepped easily.

“Oh, please. Is that the best you can do?” she goaded as she threw another of hers, hitting his thigh. “Don’t hold back. I can take whatever you can dish out. And remember, I am quite agile.”

Pain got a devious grin on his face as she started backing up towards the course ahead of them. The course was laid out with forts, mazes and obstructions to hide in and attack from.

“Game on, darling.”

She ran into the course, but took the time to peek around the corner of a high fence she was behind.

“No hitting in the face, mind you. It’s against the rules. You win by hitting your opponent the most often. I'm already two up on you,” she told him. Then she gave him a wiley smile and crooked a finger at him suggestively. “Catch me if you can, big boy.”

Then the game was afoot.


Saturday, October 18, 2008 5:44 PM


Paint Tag

Pain ducked behind one of the wall obstacles, blue paint balls in each hand. He looked at his chest again and shook his head. It had been a cheap shot, but it was an easy on as well. It didn't help that Tommy caught him off guard with it too. She'd pay for it of course, provided Pain could get a clean shot at her.

He peaked around the corner trying to see if he could spot her location. She could be hiding anywhere in here and that was bad for Pain as she was quicker than him. Throughout all his years as a mercenary he faced many opponents. Some were slower than him, others were evenly matched, while a few like Tommy were even faster than him. Of course all of those opponents were either slinging lead at Pain, trying to blow him up, or stab him. They weren't trying to lob paint balls at him.

Pain couldn't hear or see Tommy, so he decided to move over to another obstacle. His plan was for her to reveal her position, chuck some paint balls at her, and then hide in the maze and wait for her. Once she was in his sights he would ambush her, tag her, and then go back into hiding. Pain hoped that it would work, but he knew more often then not that things never went as planned.

He took a few quick breaths and took a few steps towards the obstacle he planned to move behind. He cocked his head a little as he heard a slight whistling sound in the air and then....


Pain looked down at his feet and saw that his left foot was covered in red paint. He looked over in the direction that the paint ball had come from and was greeted with a grinning Tommy, readying another paint ball from her hidey spot.

"That's three for me, Pain." replied Tommy between giggles.

Pain grinned and threw one of his paint balls at her, which she quickly ducked. The paint ball hit the wall behind her and she stuck her head back up, blew Pain a raspberry and taunted, "You missed me!"

She threw another one at him, but Pain ran for the obstacle, readying another paint ball as Tommy's own missed him by mere inches. As his back hit the obstacle, he rolled with the impact, dropped to one knee and lobbed a paint ball at the prone Tommy. He let out a loud cackle as it smacked her in the upper portion of her left shoulder.

As he spun back behind the obstacle, Tommy looked at the blue splotch on her coveralls and called out, "You finally hit me, Pain. Congrats."

"It looks good on you." Pain shot back, getting ready to run into the maze.

He readied another paint ball, mentally taking note that he had nine left and rushed for the maze, throwing the paint ball in Tommy's direction as he entered the maze.

"Four down." he thought to himself as he disappeared into the maze. "Eight to go. Got to make these one's count."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:37 PM


Pain worked his way through the maze, running into a dead end more than once. He came to a stop and listened, but he didn't hear anything. He knew Tommy was nearby, she caught him like that once before. Suddenly, he felt something hit him from behind. He looked at backward to see that she had hit him square in the pi gu. She was standing about 20 feet back and laughing at him.

He turned and threw a ball at her, but she dropped to the ground and rolled through a gap under one of the fences that made up part of the maze.

Damn she was agile.

He laid down to try to go through the same gap, but found that it was too small for him to fit through. She must have thought about that too, because another one of her paint balls connected with his knee.

"Gorram it!" he swore. He could see her standing about 10 feet away, but knew that he wasn't in a position to make a good throw, so he quickly retreated out of the gap.

"That's five!" she shouted over at him in a sing-songy voice. "You'll have to try harder than-"

SPLAT! She looked down to see her knee covered with blue paint. She looked up to see that Pain had jumped up and pulled himself halfway over the fence.

And he was smirking at her.

She pulled out another ball, but he dropped back down on his side and ran away. She had forgotten that he had the height advantage.

She decided that she better take him a little more serious now. He was starting to catch on to the game.

It was 5 hits for her and 2 for him. Both had six balls left.


Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:37 PM


Ack! Double Post!


Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:38 PM


Ack! Triple Post! How'd that happen?


Saturday, October 18, 2008 8:14 PM


A part of him was enjoying this game while another part hated it. While he enjoyed the trill of the hunt so to speak and the tactics of hiding and taking the opponent by surprise, he hated the fact that his opponent was getting the drop on him more than he was on her. But what could he do about that? She was cute and very very agile, Pain had to admit. She was also a little bratty, but that was okay with Pain. He smiled to himself as he thought about that. She was cute when she was bratty, but then Pain found her to be cute regardless of whether she was being a brat or not.

The smile faded as he became more serious about the game. What he wouldn't give to have that holo minstrel here to flush Tommy out of the maze and into the path of his paint balls. He waited in the shadows as he heard footsteps approach, two paint balls in hand. As the footsteps came closer and Pain saw Tommy pass him, he stepped out behind her, intentionally making himself heard. When she turned around ready to strike, Pain beat her to the punch by throwing two paint balls at her chest.

She looked down at the two splotches adorning her breasts and looked at Pain with a raised eyebrow. Pain grinned and asked, "What? You said no hittin' you in the face. Besides you hit me in the pigu."

As he continued to grin at her, he heard a 'SPLAT!' and looked down at his crotch.

"Oh now it's on, darlin'. Like flies on honey." he said, as he looked up to see Tommy grinning.

"Bring it." she replied, letting her mouth hang open a little as she looked at Pain.

"With pleasure." replied Pain, launching another paint ball at Tommy.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 18, 2008 8:40 PM


She spun to the left and avoided Pain's paintball, but yelped in pain as she fell to the ground. Pain looked up at her as she held onto her knee and rocked a bit with the pain. He was by her side in a moment.

"I don't know what happened!" she sniffled. "I just felt something go pop."

Pain put his stuff down and tenderly took her leg in his hands to examine it. She dropped her hands to her sides to balance herself and then winced in pain.

"How does this feel?" he asked sincerely as he moved the joint a bit.

"I don't know. How does this feel?"

Before her could even look up, two paintballs exploded onto the shoulders of his coveralls. She then used her other foot and pushed him back, causing him to lose balance and fall onto his butt. She sprang up and ran off in another direction, laughing the whole way.

She had faked him out. And he had fell for it. Pain was feeling a bit foolish. But he also knew something else.

She had 3 paint balls left and she only needed to hit him once to win.


Sunday, October 19, 2008 1:07 PM


On the hunt in the Maze

The hunt was on once again. Pain needed to be careful where he moved and in which direction he chose, otherwise he could wind up getting hit with another one of Tommy's paint balls and losing the game. She was a crafty woman, Pain had to admit. Crafty and cute all the way. He'd get her one way or another. It was all just a matter of time, tactics, and the possibility of playing dirty.

"Fool me once, shame on you." Pain thought to himself as he checked his six to make sure he wasn't being followed. "Fool me twice, shame on me."

Pain walked backwards for a few more steps, not realizing the foot sticking out around the corner until it kicked his foot right from under him. Pain fell backwards onto the ground with an audible thud, which caused him to involuntarily release the two paint balls held in his hands. As he tried reaching for one, Pain felt a weight on his stomach and turned his attention from the wayward paint ball to whatever, or whoever it was that had him pinned.

"I should have known it was you." he muttered, looking at a grinning Tommy, who had his stomach between her thighs.

In addition to the height advantage on her, Pain also held the weight advantage. He could've easily rolled her off of him and pinned her to the ground, but he chose not to.

"Could, shoulda, woulda." she replied coyly. She leaned down slightly and added, "And now you're going to pay." She added another splotch to Pain's already covered chest and declared, "I win, you lose."

"Bein' the one who's pinned to the ground by a beautiful woman, who am I to argue?" replied a smiling Pain. Gazing up at the sight of her on top of him, he continued, "Since we didn't bet on this game beforehand, I reckon that me bein' the loser and all, that it's my duty to ask if there's anythin' you'd like to claim as a prize."

Pain licked his lips slowly as his eyes locked onto hers' and asked, "So is there?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 19, 2008 5:01 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Since we didn't bet on this game beforehand, I reckon that me bein' the loser and all, that it's my duty to ask if there's anythin' you'd like to claim as a prize."

Pain licked his lips slowly as his eyes locked onto hers' and asked, "So is there?"

Ivy gazed deeply into his eyes and started to lean in to kiss him. He was so swai and...

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? a voice screamed in her head. It was Tommy. Ivy stopped dead in her tracks, but her eyes never left his. Tommy continued. You're not ready for this.

I...I think I am, Ivy thought back.

You're not, now get up. We'll figure this out later.

Ivy broke eye contact, stood up and backed away enough so she could give Pain a helping hand getting up.

"Do you have a prize in mind?" Pain asked her again.

Ivy froze again. It probably looked like she was simply thinking, but more was going on inside her. Finally, she answered.

"Yes," she said. "Yes I do."

I'm not weak, Tommy. Not like I was before, she thought. This time I'm going to do what I want.

Ivy put her hand on Pain's chest and gently pushed him back until his back was against the wall. She stood on her toes and brought her lips to his.


Sunday, October 19, 2008 5:46 PM


WARNING: Kissing below. You have been warned.

Their lips locked as if attracted by powerful magnets, tongues flitted in and out of each others' mouths in an ever increasing spit swapping duel. Pain ran a hand through Tommy's hair, stopping at the base of her skull, while he rested the other on the small of her back.

Tommy broke off the kiss, looked into Pain's eyes, and said almost breathlessly, "You're a very good kisser, Pain."

"I've had lots of practice." replied Pain, before they locked lips again.

Tommy broke off the kiss once again to say, "I'll say."

Pain smiled as he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her up. Tommy let out a surprised gasp as Pain raised her up enough so that their heads were level with each other.

As if to answer her question as to why he picked her up, Pain replied, "If we plan on playin' tonsil hockey with each other, then we can't have you gettin' toe cramps now can we?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 20, 2008 4:33 AM


WARNING: kissing… groping… and guns… You know, typical date behavior.
. .
. . .
The heated kissing continued as Ivy ran her hands through Pain's hair, across his shoulders, down his back, around his waist, basically getting familiar with the man who was so intent in sucking the breath out of her.

Pain was doing the same. Her hips, her waist, the small of her back, up her spinal column to her… backpack? Pain patted it and felt a familiar shape.

At the same time, Ivy’s hands brushed past his hip to come across a similar item.

Both their eyes snapped open and they pushed away from each other, each retrieving the offending objects (somewhat slowly and not so graceful, since they were hindered by the coveralls.) Tommy instantly took control and pushed Ivy out. The situation was surely tense.

They drew on each other. On one side, Pain was holding a snub-nosed, eight shot .357 Magnum revolver. One the other, Tommy was armed with a Baby Eagle 9 mm pistol.

“You brought a gun?” they asked each other in unison.

For a minute, they stood there, with guns still drawn, sizing each other up.

“A girl can’t be too careful nowadays,” Tommy started. “Just a precaution.”

“I guess so,” Pain agreed. “And you never know when things will go all pear shaped. There are those in the ‘verse who ain’t so law abiding.”

“I guess so,” Tommy conceded.

A little voice filtered into Tommy’s thoughts.

Put the gun down, Tommy. It was Ivy.

Tentatively, Pain and Tommy lowered their guns.

“Well, that was interesting,” Pain said to her. “Not sure if I ever had a night out that included drawing a gun on my date.”

“Got to admit it was something that got the blood pumping,” Tommy said.

Each one of them stood there looking at each other. Coveralls half on, both of their hair slightly mussed. Paint smudging parts of their skin and hair. Both of them slowly put away their guns.

“We should go clean up,” Pain offered.

“We should,” Tommy agreed.

But neither of them moved. Instead they locked eyes again. Within seconds they were back where they started, with their lips joined and hands roaming, but without the added bulk of their coveralls.

The added tension from the gun incident had an enjoyable effect on them. Pain noticed that Tommy even kissed differently.


Monday, October 20, 2008 7:25 AM


Kaylee heard a beep beep beep; a familiar sound of an incoming wave on a portable cortex unit. She listened to it “ring” until she found it. She looked down at the screen. It said:

Missed 9 incoming waves…

Tentatively, she pressed the button that would identify the senders of the wave. What she found said:

GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (text)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (text)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (text)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (text)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (text)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (video)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (video)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (video)
GCornwell, Allied Law Enforcement (video - urgent)

Whoever it was, they were getting more persistent. Kaylee looked to see if anyone was around and pushed the message for the first one. The text came up:

You didn’t check in. Where are you?

Kaylee’s eyes grew wide. A lawman on board? She turned and ran looking for someone to tell. She ran into Jayne first.

“Jayne! Jayne! Look what I found!” she exclaimed, showing him the cortex link. “It belongs to one of the passengers.”

Jayne looked at it and swore.

“Gorram it!” he growled and started making his way toward the bridge with Kaylee trying to keep up. “MAL! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!”


Monday, October 20, 2008 1:57 PM


On Serenity

Originally posted by GraysonCornwell:

"This had better be good." Mal thought as he asked, "What is it? Did Pain finally get back from wherever the hell he ran off to?"

"No, Cap'n, he didn't. Don't know where he ran off to." replied Kaylee, looking up to the captain.

"Didn't even leave a gorram note neither." added Jayne. "But that ain't what we wanted to show ya, Cap." Jayne looked to Kaylee and prodded, "Go ahead, lil' Kaylee, show him what ya found.

Kaylee handed the portable Cortex unit to Mal and his face drained of color when he looked at what was shown on the screen.

"Son of a bitch." he muttered.


WARNING! Two people going at it like it's 2499. Please have high pressure water cannon ready.

Time seemed meaningless as the two of them went at it. Hell Pain didn't even know how long they had been kissing and groping each other. Not even with the little gun incident did the concept of time register in his brain. He doubted it was even on Tommy's, as her hands ran over his toned abs and up his chest.

As his tongue probed Tommy's mouth and hers' probed his, Pain wondered if Mal and the crew finished their job yet, while his hands ran up and down Tommy's back. If so, were they waiting for him to return? Did they even know he was gone? Did they know Tommy was with him? Did they even know she was gone?

All those questions were in the back of his mind, screaming for answers and wanting his attention. Pain ignored them though as the only important thing he was thinking about and wanted to pay the most attention to, was currently grabbing his pigu and shoving her tongue down his throat.

Pain smiled as he kissed Tommy, his hands finding their way down to her own pigu, and tightening when they found their target. Pain used his strong arms to lift her up so she was half a head above him. Tommy smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck while her legs surrounded his waist. There was a brief moment where the two of them looked into each others' eyes before they started making out once again.

All was going fine and dandy until a familiar voice shouted, "HARLET! RUINER OF GOOD MEN! UNHAND THEE MERCENARY, YOU WRETCHED WENCH!"

They both broke off their kiss to glare at the trenchcoated 13 who was pointing at Tommy with an accusatory finger.

Pain muttered something in Chinese and whispered to Tommy, "You want to shoot him or should I?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 20, 2008 5:56 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
[BAll was going fine and dandy until a familiar voice shouted, "HARLET! RUINER OF GOOD MEN! UNHAND THEE MERCENARY, YOU WRETCHED WENCH!"

They both broke off their kiss to glare at the trenchcoated 13 who was pointing at Tommy with an accusatory finger.

Pain muttered something in Chinese and whispered to Tommy, "You want to shoot him or should I?"

Tommy growled in frustration, then gave Pain a quick peck on the lips.

"You said this happens a lot?" she asked quietly.

"Seems to be becoming a pattern," he whispered back into her ear before nibbling on her earlobe.

"DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID? UNHAND HIM!" 13 accused again.

Tommy looked down and confirmed that she indeed had her legs wrapped around Pain's midsection and he was holding her. She looked over at 13 and rolled her eyes.

"He ain't gonna leave, is he?" she asked.

"Nope," Pain grinned.

Tommy sighed, unhooked her legs and slid down Pain's torso until her feet hit the ground.

"You sure he's a robot?"

"Painfully sure."

Tommy reached up and into her backpack. She grabbed her gun, pulled it out and shot 13 straight in the chest, which knocked him back a couple of steps.

13 narrowed his eyes at her and started forward towards her, but Pain stopped him with just one word.


Then 13's comm came to life. If was Mal.

"13, if you find Pain or anyone else from the ship, you tell them to get their pi gus back to the ship. Mah shong!"

13 smirked at them as a wire sticking out of his chest arced blue electricity.

"Guess your date is over."

In the background, sirens began to wail. Someone in the Paint Tag office had called the feds.

"Rutting Hell," Pain said as he took Tommy's hand and jogged out of the facility with 13 not far behind. "It always ends up like this."

The three made their way back to the ship, sometimes having to duck behind corners, lamp posts and the like to get there. As they got there, Mal, Jayne and Zoe stood in the doorway of the cargo bay, waiting for them.

As 13, Pain and Tommy crossed the threshold, the ramp closed up. Mal took a double take at 13.

"That harlot over there SHOT me!" 13 complained.

"She could be called a bunch of names, but harlot ain't probably one of them," Mal commented as he turned towards her. Unexpectedly, the ship took off and Mal shot an annoyed glare in the direction of the cockpit. He didn't know what River was doing, but he'd talk to her after he dealt with the problem at hand. He held up the portable cortex unit. "This is yours. I know this because I took it from you when you initially boarded."

The smile on Tommy's face fell as she felt her wonderful night go from fantastic to bad, really quickly. Mal continued.

"Should I tell you about the last time we had a fed on board?"

"Fed?" Pain asked as he looked from Mal to Tommy.

By now both Jayne and Zoe had pulled their guns out of their holsters and were ready in case there was trouble. Tommy looked at Pain and then at the others.

"I'm not a fed. I'm just a grain and seed distributor," she explained. She looked at Pain. "I swear."

"9 messages, all from a G Cornwell at Allied Law Enforcement," Mal read off the front of the unit. "Message #1 - You didn't check in. Where are you. Message #2 - Please check in. I need to know where you are. Message #3 - Tell me your status. Do you need help? Similar messages continue from there. Tell me Ivy. Do I need to continue?"

Ivy looked square into Pain's eyes.

"I promise, I am not a fed. Let me explain."


Monday, October 20, 2008 7:04 PM


Serenity's Cargo Bay

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
Ivy looked square into Pain's eyes.

"I promise, I am not a fed. Let me explain."

Things between them had been going so well and now there was this massive pile of go-se. Pain stood looking back into Ivy/Tommy's eyes in disbelief. He felt a mixture of confusion and anger brewing inside himself, as his mind went over what Mal had said and shown.

Finally he blinked, swallowed the lump in his throat, and said, "Please do."

He didn't know what he would do after she explained to him and the rest of the crew that she wasn't a Fed. A large part of him still liked her, yet there was a smaller part of him that was beginning to distrust her. Just how convincing her explanation would be to him and the others, would determine if the part of him that liked her would prevail over the part that distrusted her, or vice versa.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 20, 2008 7:59 PM


"I promise you all that I am not a fed," Tommy told them all, her eyes searching everyone's in the crew, but mostly Pain's.

She could see the smallest hint of mistrust and it hurt. She had only known him a couple of days, but based on their adventures this afternoon, she wanted to know him more.

"Then why is a G Cornwell of Allied Law Enforcement waving you..." Mal asked looking back down at the unit. "Nine times."

"I do know him. His name is Grayson Cornwell," Tommy admitted. "And he is a lawman, but I swear to you. I am not a fed."

She looked back at Pain with pleading eyes.

"I promise," she said softly.

"Why is he contacting you?" Mal probed further.

"He's a family friend. He knew my father before he passed. Grayson promised my father that if anything happened to him, that he would make sure I was taken care of."

Tommy looked over at Pain to see him relax just a bit.

"I'm a grain distributor," Tommy repeated. "Why would I bring a fortune worth of seeds, plants and supplies if I was a fed looking to arrest some folk?"

"Zoe..." Mal said as he jerked his head towards the crates she had brought on board with her.

Zoe walked over to them and gave them a good inspecting, all the while keeping an eye on Tommy.

"She telling the truth, Sir."

"And I set up terrariums in my bunk. Getting the growing process started would be even more costly if it was abandoned."

Tommy slowly moved towards Pain.

"She's got Pain wrapped around her little finger already," 13 told them.

Pain took a step forward.

"Don't even go there, bot boy," he ground out.

"This is all just making my life all too interesting again. It is too suspicious," Mal said. "Why should I believe you?"

"You should believe her, because I do," a voice from above them called out to them. Mal jerked his head up to see River looking down at him. "She's telling the truth."

"Care to elaborate on the subject, Albatross?"

"No," she stated flatly. She turned around to go back to the bridge, but stopped. "Just watch the last message. She can let you in. It's encrypted."

Mal motioned to the unit, directing Tommy to play the message. She did as everyone gathered around it with Mal, Zoe and Jayne watching her closely.

Tommy looked over at Pain, hoping that he believed her as well.


Monday, October 20, 2008 8:38 PM


Tommy handed the unit back to Mal as she shrunk back and sat on top of one of her crates. The image of Grayson Cornwell appeared on the screen. The message was...

Ivy, honey. You didn't check in with me. I'm worried. Are you OK? Do I need to send someone to pick you up?

Grayson rubbed his face in frustration.

I told your father that I would be there for you and I will do that, but I have to know where you are. I know it's been hard after what happened, but... just call me so I know you're OK.

Grayson looked directly into the screen.

I hope to hear from you soon, Tommy. You know how worried I get.

The the transmission ended.

Pain looked over at her. She sat on the crate with a far away look on her face, it was a stark contrast to her earlier self. Mal walked up to her.

"I'll hang onto this a while longer, but you should call him...," Mal said softly as he slipped the unit into his pocket. "But do it from the bridge. River'd help you. Also, 13 said you shot him. I'd like to hang on to your gun for a bit as well. Just until we get better acquainted."

A tear ran down her face. Once the danger was over, Tommy had suddenly retreated and Ivy was left in charge. Instead of relief, she felt scared and slightly confused. Things felt all foggy again.

Ivy nodded and took her pack off her back, reached in and shakily handed the gun to Mal.

"I don't like guns..." she whispered as a faint memory buzzed in the back of her mind, trying to push through.

Mal and the others left her there. Only Pain stayed behind, but 13 didn't stray far. He wanted to keep an eye on the girl.

"Are you OK?" Pain asked.

Meanwhile, in Grayson's office...

An alarm sounded. Grayson jumped up and flipped a switch.

"Ah! There you are! There is something to be said for wave tracers..."

Then just as fast as it appeared, it disappeared.

"Unit is turned off but I have a general reference to go from."

He keyed in the coordinates that had been transmitted back. It gave him a starting point. He knew what planet she had been on.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:55 AM


In Serenity's Cargo Bay

When Pain didn't get an immediate response from Tommy, he sat down next to her on the crate and asked in a caring tone, "Hey, Tommy, you all right? I ain't mad at you, darlin'. There was a little bit of me that was, but it's gone now." He gnawed at his lower lip, then asked, "Is there anythin' I can do to cheer you up?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:49 PM


"Just being here helps," she said absently as she moved closer to him, lying her head on his shoulder. She was still trying to grasp that memory that she knew was in the back of her mind, but it stayed just out of her reach.

Don't try, she heard Tommy tell her. Now is not the time.

For the first time since their date started, Ivy did as she was told.

"Is the Captain always like that?" Ivy asked. "He seems like he's a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. Or at least he very nearly was today."

"Wasn't always that way. Things have happened in the past."

"We all have our pasts, don't we?" she mused, still deep in thought, her one hand rubbing the tattoo on her wrist. She caught the memory slightly only to have a gunshot reverberate through her head. She visibly jumped and molded herself to Pain's side.

Don't try, Tommy reiterated, this time more forceful.

"You OK?" Pain asked her, wrapping his arm around her.

It was nice having someone to actually hold her when she got scared. Tommy was comforting, but it wasn't the same. Ivy turned her head so she could see Pain's face.

"Could you kiss me some more?"


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:48 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Could you kiss me some more?"

Pain smiled as he cradled Ivy's left cheek in his hand, using his thumb to wipe away the remnants of the tears on her cheek. As he brought his lips closer to Ivy's, Pain whispered before kissing her, "I was hopin' you'd say that."

It had felt like forever since Pain last kissed her. Time seemed to stand still as they kissed, kissed again, and then kissed some more. It was only when Pain felt that they were being watched that he broke their embrace.

"Perhaps we should continue this somewhere more private." He whispered into her ear. He motioned to where 13 was at and continued, "Away from pryin' eyes."

OoC: Anybody else thinking we need to start a new thread?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:32 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Perhaps we should continue this somewhere more private." He whispered into her ear. He motioned to where 13 was at and continued, "Away from pryin' eyes."

“Can’t you tell him to turn off his eyes or something?” Ivy sighed between kisses.

“I don’t know what his problem is.”

They sat there kissing for a little while longer. They shared long and slow kisses, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths at a languid pace. It was such a complete opposite from earlier that day. At the Paint Tag place, it was nearly blind lust, their contact was passionate and insistent, almost rushed. But right at the present moment, it was more sensual and deep. It was the kind of kissing you could do for hours and still be mind blowing. Pain almost thought he could be kissing someone else, but knew better.

He pulled away and exhaled in frustration.

“Bot boy is really getting on my nerves. Let’s go somewhere else,” he huskily whispered to her. He turned toward where 13 was standing and raised his voice. “Somewhere without spectators!”

“I don’t know the ship very well,” Ivy said as she laid her head against him. “You pick.”

Pain hopped off the crate and then lifted her down before lacing his fingers through hers and leading her away.

OOC: A new thread would probably be in order. I think we're nearing 130 posts.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:41 PM


As the two of them walked past 13, he turned and demanded, "And where do you two think you're going?"

"None of your business." replied Pain as he led Ivy up the stairs near the Infirmary and out of 13's sight.

Pain knew the Bot Boy would follow, so as soon as they made it up the stairs, Pain closed the hatch behind him and continued to lead Ivy to his bunk.

"So where are you taking me, Pain?" she asked, ever so curious.

Pain smiled and replied as they stopped outside his bunk, "Why my bunk of course. You did say you wanted to see it, plus it's a lot more intimate than say the pantry and it's roomier." He opened the hatch and continued, "Plus I can lock the door and turn off the comm so no one will bother us." Pushing the hatch open he gestured to her and asked, "So. Ladies first?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:58 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"So. Ladies first?"

Ivy tentatively looked through the hatch and down the ladder, then back at Pain's face.

"Don't worry, I'm not Jayne," Pain said with a warm smile. "I know how to keep my bunk clean. You won't need Simon to innoculate you or anything to go down there."

Ivy smiled at the joke before a sound behind her made her jump and instinctively move closer to Pain. It was the Captain coming up from another bunk. Ivy assumed it was his. He gave her a small, but still slightly distrusting smile, then moved on to give Pain a whole different look. Once he got to the top of the ladder, he nodded curtly and disappeared into the galley.

Ivy then stepped onto the ladder and climbed down into Pain's bunk. It was a decent size, clean and contained exactly what Pain had described earlier: a bed, desk, footlocker, two two-door storage lockers and a few posters. It suited him.

The events of the evening had taken a bit out of her: the dinner's crazy holo-minstral, the intrusion by 13 and the paint tag game. Some of the muscles in her back were a little tense. As she continued to check out the room, she raised her arms abve her head and stretched. A couple of vertebrae popped as she arched her back. As she returned to her usual posture, she looked back to the ladder. Pain was leaning against it, watching her.

"Your bunk's nice," she said. "A lot bigger than I thought."


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:24 PM


New thread finally:

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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