Life Onboard Serenity: #40 - Burnt Stew, Dinner and a Job - Let's Celebrate!

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 09:54
VIEWED: 18061
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Saturday, November 15, 2008 6:57 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic.
Here are the links to the past LoS threads:

Story so far:

Pain suspected that the marks on Ivy’s back were not what she said they were; Ivy finally waved Grayson, who then started to search for her; After some intense accusations, Ivy got scared and slipped into Pain’s bunk to sleep; Mal and Pain discussed Ivy, which involved Mal hitting Pain; Ivy left Pain’s bunk after a good night’s sleep, collided with Jayne and received a concussion; Aiko woke up.

Ivy talked Pain into letting her recuperate in his bunk; however nothing resembling rest occured. Instead, they got to know each other a lot better.

Mal and 13 were still distrustful of Ivy; 13 guessed what Ivy’s secret was, but she narrowly convinced him otherwise; Ivy was starting to remember things from her past. The more she began to remember, the less stable she was becoming.

John was unsettled by a loss of time he experienced while in his bunk.

The Crew rescued Isahiah from escape pod. A man with mystery all around him. Isahiah attacked Simon in a fit of confusion.

Pain started to get an inkling of Ivy’s condition, but kept it to himself. Later on, he asked her a question when she was nearly asleep and her answer confirmed his suspicions. Ivy feared that Pain wanted her to leave, but he assured her that he still liked her and asked her to move into his bunk.

John went to investigate Isahiah, but was overwhelmed by the strength of Ivy’s painful, emotional dreams. He sought her out to get some answers and his mind was eased by what she told him. He promised to help her with the Captain.

Mal and Isahiah talked and came to an uneasy agreement. Later, in the galley, Isahiah revealed to Simon that he knew who he was. Cate interrupted them before Isahiah could talk to Simon longer.

13 clashed with Pain over Ivy; first verbally, then physically. They fought in the cargo bay, accidentally knocking Jayne out in the process. River broke up the fight. The two parted ways; Pain made it back to his bunk where Ivy became alarmed by his noticeable injuries.

They all meet in the galley for dinner.


Sunday, November 16, 2008 5:41 PM


Everyone found a place to sit around the table.

Pain and Ivy sat together with her chair as close to Pain as she could get it, using his shoulder as a head rest. She needed his touch to keep her together and grounded. 13 glared at them, concluding that his fight with Pain didn’t change anything. Jayne leered at Ivy who looked down at herself and realized that she was only wearing Pain’s T-Shirt. Luckily, due to their size difference, it looked more like a short dress.

“Pain!” she whispered to him. “I didn’t put pants on!”

“Don’t worry, bao bei, you look just fine,” Pain reassured her. “Just ignore Jayne. He’s always like that.”

River sat down on the far end next to Simon. She seemed jumpy and a little unsettled. Simon leaned over to her.

“Mal said you wanted to talk to me? And that you had an episode?” Simon asked with a concerned look on his face. “I want to see you down in the infirmary as soon as we finish here.”

“Everything is fine, Simon,” River told him.

“You had an episode! That’s far from fine.”

“I’m OK, Simon. No infirmary visit needed,” she reiterated. She leaned in closer to him and whispered to him the reason why she wanted to see him earlier. “Wait until he says something to you directly, but Pain will have some medical questions to ask you.”

Simon looked at her strangely.

“About what? Is he injured?”

“Not enough to warrant looking at, but this is something different. I can’t say why. Just let him come to you.”

Simon nodded.

The stew Jayne “cooked” is passed around.

“Gorram it, Jayne,” Pain exclaimed after he took a bite. “Did you have to burn it?”


Sunday, November 16, 2008 6:46 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Gorram it, Jayne,” Pain exclaimed after he took a bite. “Did you have to burn it?”

"Did ya go and have to get in a fight with Bot Boy, causin' me to burn it in the first place?" Jayne shot back, leering at Pain.

"First off." Pain pointed out in a calm manner, trying not to worry Ivy, to which he had resorted to giving a reassuring back rub to. "I didn't start the fight and secondly, I don't think it's the best in dinner manners to discuss who did at this point."

He took a bite of his bread, swallowed it after chewing it, and added with a playful smile, "Course, Jayne, you ain't ever been one for manners."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 16, 2008 7:51 PM


Ivy leaned down and sniffed the stew only to wrinkle up her nose at it and push it away. She grabbed some bread and tore off a piece.

The back rub Pain was giving her was very reassuring. She knew he was going out of his way right now to make her feel better and she appreciated it.

Ivy popped the bread into her mouth as she leaned up against Pain’s side. He winced visibly, but covered well. She looked over at 13 and glared at him. If bread could somehow become a lethal, robot destroying weapon, she would have used it. But unfortunately, it was only food and all she could muster up was the glare.

She tilted her head to whisper into Pain’s ear.

“Are you OK? We can postpone our later plans,” she offered. “Cuddling could be a viable option. It is one of your hobbies after all.”


Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:07 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Are you OK? We can postpone our later plans,” she offered. “Cuddling could be a viable option. It is one of your hobbies after all.”

Pain leaned over, placing his left hand over his mouth and whispered into her ear, "I'm fine, baobei. I'm still up to havin' some after dinner fun with you and Tommy." To show her what he meant, Pain placed her left hand on his lap. With a sly smile, he whispered, "We can cuddle afterwards."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:47 PM


As Pain placed her hand in his lap, Ivy's back straightened and her eyes went wide.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"We can cuddle afterwards."

She looked around the table, quickly scanning to see if anyone took notice to the current location of her left hand. She only noticed River shifting uncomfortably in her chair and Jayne was smiling slightly as he looked back and forth between Pain and her.

Her mouth had suddenly went dry, but she took a bite of her bread anyway. After she did that, she reached up, grabbed her water and drank a sip.

Pain started rubbing her back again and it ran shivers down her spine. With his other hand he reached for his own bread. So if both of his hands were accounted for, then why hadn't she moved hers?


Monday, November 17, 2008 1:29 AM


Cate quietly ate her stew, not minding the fact that it was a little burnt, the bread helped mask the charcoal aftertaste. She listened to the murmur of conversation, mainly of Jayne making lewd comments about Pain and Ivy that Cate, while a bit put off by the mans bluntness also found it quite funny, but she didn’t let it show in her demeanour or face.

She took a gulp of the beer and continued with her meal, trying to find her place with this rag-tag crew who seemed to be … missing something about them that she couldn’t quite place……

Well, just yet anyway.


Monday, November 17, 2008 12:09 PM


Isahiah's followed the cast iron stewpot as it circled around the table, pinning his eyes on it as if to peer through the flaked red enamel. Once it was passed over to him, he slopped a generous helping of stew onto his plate and began gobbling it down gluttonously. Sitting beside him was an exquisite young lady clad in plain yet fashionable apparel. She momentarily gaped at his glaring disregard for proper table manners before surreptitiously edging away from him.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Monday, November 17, 2008 12:59 PM


Simon looked over at Ivy, who seemed a little tense. He noted tired look to her features.

“Ivy?” he asked. Her eyes whipped around to his, a slightly alarmed look on her face. “You look tired. Do I need to remind you that you need your rest?”

“N-No, Simon,” she stammered. “I’m good.”

“I’d say she’s barely gotten out of bed today,” Jayne snickered beneath his breath. Ivy pulled both of her hands into her lap and started scrutinizing her cuticles. Pain’s leg shot out underneath the table, connecting with Jayne’s shin. “Ow! Whad’cha do that-“

Another kick followed, along with a glare from Pain and Jayne got the hint to shut his mouth. Pain smiled at Simon, then at Mal, who was regarding him with suspicion.

“She’s slept a while today,” he retorted. “Honest to God.”

13 snorted at Pain’s comment and Kaylee suppressed a giggle.

Simon looked at Ivy again.

“Just don’t make me come down there and dope you,” he warned. “Concussions don’t go away by themselves. It takes rest.”

“Yes, doctor,” Ivy acquiesced.

"I’m sure she’ll be good and tired soon enough,” Jayne said smirking at Pain as he scooted back a little, putting him out of Pain’s reach.


Monday, November 17, 2008 5:33 PM


John was glad to be back. He sat in his spot between Inara and Kaylee and quietly sipped his soup. As the exchange between Jayne and Pain went on he couldn't help but snicker. He was reminded that he liked these people, loved most of them like family. He had missed them. Inara looked at him knowingly. She had noticed his absence and was waiting for him to talk about it. She was one of three people on the ship who knew his past. That thought struck him. River and Inara would know exactly what had happened, but would anyone else even care?
He looked at Kaylee. She had her arm wrapped around Simon's and was smiling. Would she notice? He was just about to talk to her when the captain interupted.
"Where you been John?" he said mostly to get of the intercrew relations topic.
"My bunk most of the time," John replied nonchalantly, "around, too." River gave him a knowing look, as did Inara. It was enough for them. The captain would want more.



Monday, November 17, 2008 8:37 PM




Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I’m sure she’ll be good and tired soon enough,”

"Wouldn't you like to know." Pain shot back.

Ivy in the meanwhile, was teetering back and forth between herself and Tommy. The seesawing had been provoked by Jayne's comments and Mal's distrust towards Ivy. Of course Pain placing her hand on his lap didn't help much either.

"Actually I would like to know." replied Jayne, eying Ivy and Pain. Turning to Ivy he winked and asked, "Are ya gonna tell me?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 17, 2008 9:25 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
[B"Actually I would like to know." replied Jayne, eying Ivy and Pain. Turning to Ivy he winked and asked, "Are ya gonna tell me?"

It was about all that Ivy could take. She blinked for a second while Tommy slid forward.

As Jayne was waiting for a response from Ivy, he pulled forward and swiped the bowl of stew that Ivy discarded. He dug out a spoonful and was about to raise it to his lips when she responded.

"Tell you, Jayne?" she said slyly. "Don't you have any imagination?"

As she said that, she slid her bare foot up the inside edge of his leg until it hit his knee. It was something Jayne didn't expect and he dropped the spoon into the stew splashing it.

"Gorram it, Jayne," 13 exclaimed as he wiped stew off his sleeve. "Watch what you are rutting doing!"


Monday, November 17, 2008 9:41 PM


Isahiah wolfed down the remainder of his portion and crossed his utensils atop of his now clean-swept plate, then slumped against the back of his seat, exhaling blissfully. The stew smacked of scrubber residue doused in old hydraulic fluid with a generous helping of "burned" on top, but it was fit to eat, and that was enough. He had never been one to fuss over such subtleties anyway.

He closed is eyes and listened. As the reach of his perceptions began to expand, he focused on the chatter that filled the room, paying close attention to every word uttered as well as, and perhaps even more so, to the ones left unspoken, and chuckling inwardly at the petty disputes. Spacers. Ragtag gatherings of washouts and perennial "No welcomes" held together only by their collective idiocy and their individual impotence. Pirates, Raiders, Smugglers, the blight of the outer rim. A smile graced his lips. There had been a time when merely contemplating such notions would've been enough to cause his blood to boil. But after the Dandelion... He sighed softly, his smile fading fast. Perhaps the only lesson he was to derive from recent events was that there was a bit of truth to be found in all beliefs. The key, he thought, was to pick your side before your side picked you.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 12:00 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Gorram it, Jayne," 13 exclaimed as he wiped stew off his sleeve. "Watch what you are rutting doing!"

Pain chuckled and whispered to Tommy, "Good one, baobei."

He placed a hand on her leg and gave it an affectionate rub and a pat, before eating some more of his stew. Taking his right hand out from underneath the table, Pain picked up his glass and took another drink, washing the contents in his mouth down into his stomach before setting the glass down.

He leaned over to Tommy's ear, shielding his mouth with his left hand and whispered, "So am I goin' to be the only one doin' the whole stealthily 'under-the-table' touchin' thing, or did you want to get in on it too?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:23 PM


John chuckled as Jayne spilled his stew and used it as a distraction. "So Kaylee," he said turning from the captain, "did you come up with a solution for the burnt out thruster assist unit?" It was small talk but it changed the subject. John would on day tell the captain everything, but not today.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:36 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
[B"So am I goin' to be the only one doin' the whole stealthily 'under-the-table' touchin' thing, or did you want to get in on it too?"

Tommy turned and smirked a little at him. Her left hand slid up the inside of Pain's right thigh. Her touch was feather light.

To her surprise, Pain shifted away quickly as his hand clamped over his own mouth to stifled the laugh that threatened to erupt.

Tommy quickly disguised her movement by lifting her napkin to dab the breadcrumbs off her mouth. She then casually turned to Pain and whispered.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008 5:10 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:

"A little." whispered Pain, smirking back at her.

He picked his glass up in his left hand to take another drink from it. It was a perfect distraction as his right hand slid up her left thigh. As Pain tilted the glass to his lips, Tommy let out a surprised gasp, which she quickly covered up with her hand.

"Sorry for that." she managed to say to those at the table, after removing her hand from her mouth. "Just a little case of the hiccups. They're gone now."

Tommy looked at Pain with a raised eyebrow and a half smirk. Pain set down his glass and gave her a wink. Whispering to her, he said, "You know I'm finished with my dinner. What do you say we go get some dessert?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:27 PM


Mal put down his fork and spoon and audibly cleared his throat, bringing all ongoing conversations to a halt. "Everyone hush up," he said. "I've got news."

"That so? Well here's hoping it's of the good kind for once!" a perky voice said, effecting a few chuckles around the table.

"We've got a job before us, folks," Mal continued, unmindful of the interruption. "Izzy's the sponsor."

Jayne looked up from his meal. "We takin' work from this corpse?" he asked through a mouthful.

Isahiah suffered the remark without flinching. "Indeed," he retorted. "And I expect that your gift for fouling up perfectly wholesome edibles is matched by your skill and prowess out on the field, else I fear I might have to seek out a more capable crew."

Jayne shot him a meaning look, but kept his words about him.

"First leg of this run entails we turn and head back towards Beylix," Mal said. "I already had Zoe plot in the new course, meaning we should be touching dirt at about..."

"Nineteen hours and forty-six minutes," River mumbled, her eyes fixed on her stew as if she were aiming to will it into tasting better.

Isahiah's brows lifted sharply and his eyes went wide in shock. The slender build, the alabaster skin, the tangled mass of inky black hair... Could it be? He cast his eyes on the elder Tam sibling and bethought himself of that rainy night when they had first met, far beneath the busy streets of Osiris. He had seemed so terror-struck then, and beside himself with worry. He remembered having qualms about dealing with a man so overtly overwhelmed with what he was getting into. Eventually, his scruples had subsided before the lure of trim stacks of hard Alliance currency, and he had taken the man's money and run, certain to never see or hear from him again...

"Izzy... Izzy? Izzy!" Mal said with increasing irritation.

Isahiah shook himself. "Pardon me captain, it seems I got lost in thought," he said.

"I'll say," Mal replied snappily. "You sure that head of yours is holding together?"

"The head is holding just fine, don't concern yourself with it," Isahiah answered.

The captain nodded appreciatively. "Swell," he said. "Then how's about you pass on some intel regarding that cargo you need lifted?"

Feeling a dozen or so pairs of eyes suddenly shifting their gaze towards him, Isahiah ran a hand through his tousled hair in an effort to tidy it up and straightened in his seat. "Certainly," he said. "The payload is hoarded in an idle packaging plant located at the base of the Hedon Range— It's a succession of rocky outcrops that runs clean through Beylix's main landmass."

"Now some'in tells me it ain't so idle," Jayne sneered.

"Correct," Isahiah conceded somewhat begrudgingly. "My associates and I set up an operation there once the facility had fallen into disuse. We sought to use it's machinery and infrastructure to serve our collective end."

"And what end would that be, exactly?" Simon keenly inquired.

"Now, now, doctor," Isahiah replied coyly. "That would be telling."

"Should I go in expecting trouble?" Mal asked earnestly.

"Why, naturally, captain," Isahiah said, a crooked smile adorning his lips. "Risk is the ubiquitous unknown that makes our existence tick. One should always keep a lookout for danger."

"I'll take that as a yes," Mal said.

Isahiah bowed his head in assent.

Jayne folded his mighty arms and considered him skeptically. "Funny, I thought they was your people," he said.

"They were the last time I stopped by," Isahiah retorted. "But..." he gestured to the ship and the crew around him. "A great deal of things have transpired since. I only ask that you be prepared."

"Fair enough," Mal said, effectively burying the question. "What's the stuff?"

"The plant's production encompasses a wide range of commodities," Isahiah said. "We'll be taking a bit of everything. Manufactured items are color-coded and stockpiled in a series of subsurface storehouse. I suggest we break up into groups to speed up the loading process."

Kaylee's head tilted up and she waveringly raised her hand in interrogation. "Sorry, but won't there be people down there taking care of that for us? Like... dockworkers and such?"

Isahiah turned to face her. "Possibly," he replied summarily.

An uneasy silence descended upon the room as the people in attendance awaited expectantly for him to expatiate on the matter.

"I believe that'd warrant bit of elaboratin' on your part," Mal finally said.

"I would agree, captain," Isahiah answered candidly. "Sadly, the current state of affairs doesn't allow for me to provide you with the answers you seek."

Mal heaved a tired sigh. "You are not an easy guy to work with, you know that?"

"Ah, you wound me, captain," Isahiah said, affecting a pained expression.

Mal brought a hand up to knead his brow. This little meeting was growing tiresome fast. "So what's with the hurry anyway? 'Thinking your little comrades might'nt be overjoyed at seein' you again?" he asked.

"It's not so much a matter of haste as of efficiency," Isahiah explained. "The vaults are fully automated and self-reliant. The only means of access are a solitary elevator shaft and a network of emergency staircases accessible from the inside only." He paused to draw in a quick breath. "Now if you ask me, going through the sub-levels one vault at a time would be quite the bothersome experience, whereas if we were to split up, the whole operation could be over in the span of a few hours."

"That don't answer my question," Mal said, his dour countenance conveying his growing frustration.

Isahiah put on a quizzical frown. "Didn't it?"

Mal's lips twitched as he bit back a curse. It was plain he wasn't going to get more out of that motormouthed sleazeball. Not at the dinner table anyway. "All right, that's enough of that," he said, his fists clenching tightly as he spoke. He pushed his chair back from the table and got to his feet, leaving his empty plate for Jayne to collect, then walked out of the room.

Isahiah tucked his thumbs under the waistband of his pants and beamed a broad, self-satisfied smile. "Any further questions?"

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:50 PM


"So this will either be incredibly simple or a difficult bank job?" John was confused about just what they were doing, but he would do what he was told. He had felt the recognition for River, and the specific shock led John to a conclusion. Isahiah had some connection into the alliance and John didn't like it. He would burn that bridge when he came to it. He shot River a knowing look attempting to see what she had gleaned. She was far more acurate than he was.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:09 PM


Once Mal left, the table was left to finish up on their own. Some had eaten everything they were going to and some weren’t quite done yet. Most people stayed around for a while after dinner for lively discussions. Today was no different, except for the fact that Isahiah's job had garnered the attention of many of the crew, who stayed nearby to ask questions and get more information.

Some people had other plans though. Tommy leaned over and whispered something in Pain’s ear, which made him smile, stand up and pull her up out of her chair. He leaned down and whispered something to her that made her giggle. They were in their own little world and didn’t notice the attention they were getting from certain members of the crew. They flirted and played all the way from where they were sitting to the doorway to the foredeck, at which point Pain picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him and gave him a solid kiss. He stumbled up the stairs and headed off to his bunk, locked in a permanent clench of passion, their mouths devouring each other’s. It was amazing that Pain managed to walk straight. Jayne, Kaylee and Simon watched them travel down the foredeck and disappear down the hatch.

“Aren’t they adorable together?” Kaylee gushed.

“She really needs to get some rest,” Simon remarked.

River was sitting behind them, rocking a bit and mumbling.

“Need to leave. Need to leave. But feet won’t move.”

Kaylee and Simon looked back at her, slightly concerned. Jayne didn’t notice.

“Wonder how many times they’ve done it today?” he mused.

“FOUR!” River shouted.

Kaylee, Simon, Jayne and anyone else in close proximity turned towards her.

“Four?” they said in unison as they looked back down the hall towards Pain’s bunk.


They all looked back at her again before returning their gaze to Pain’s bunk.

“Tzao gao!” Jayne muttered under his breath. "Why couldn't I meet someone like that?"

Finally, River found her legs and ran from the room, putting as much space as she could between herself and the two lovers.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 8:28 PM


PG-13 Ahead!

Pain's Bunk

The hot and heavy kissing between both Tommy and Pain broke off momentarily to allow them to take their shirts off with nary a care as to were they fell. Pain navigated Tommy over to his desk and sat her down on top of it, continuing to kiss her lips and neck as he proceeded to free her of her panties. As Pain did accomplished that task, Tommy's hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it, and then sliding them off his muscular frame. Once free of clothing they backed over to his bed, Pain letting Tommy take control as she straddled him.

She looked at the bruises on his chest and asked, "Do those hurt?"

Pain nodded and said, "Just a little, but I can deal with them."

Tommy brought her face closer to his, her blond hair cascading down and enveloping Pain's face, as she asked seductively, "Would you like me to kiss them and make them all better?"

"Would you?" Pain asked with a sly smile.

Tommy returned the smile and started to kiss the random bruises on his chest. After she was done she rose up, bringing her face to his once more and asked, "Does it hurt anywhere else?"

"Here." Pain said, pointing to his left cheekbone. Tommy kissed it and Pain continued pointing to the tip of his nose, "And here."

Tommy kissed his nose and asked, "Anywhere else?"

"Here." replied Pain, touching his lips with a finger.

As Tommy reached down to give him a kiss, Pain pulled her closer to him and kissed her with a bruising intensity. Tommy broke off the kiss and smiled devilishly at Pain before the two resumed their fun.


Thursday, November 20, 2008 2:26 PM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATERFREAK:
"So this will either be incredibly simple or a difficult bank job?"

Isahiah smirked at the whiff of sarcasm in the man's question. "Yes, something along those lines," he said with a jeering smile. "Anything else?"

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:21 PM


"Fantastic." The man knew more then he was letting on but that could wait. John walked out of the room and went to Inara's shuttle. He knocked and the door opened quickly, she had been expecting him. "Come in," she said motioning toward the tea set she had set on the table. He took a seat in a rather comfortable chair and turned to face the companion would had become his friend.
"Where'd you go?" she said after a brief moment of silence.
"I have no idea, but I didn't feel anything." Inara knew exactly what this meant.
"Does it worry you?"
"A little. I'm afraid that someone is reaching out for me. Coming for me."
"Is that possible?"
"Considering the re-emergance of the independents, I don't doubt it. I just don't want to be that person again."
"You won't" She smiled at him. Maybe it was that they both had pasts, maybe Kaylee's ignoring of them, but they had been brought together and now were completely open with each other. He was happy for their friendship. They sat there together and drank the tea. The silence was enough.



Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:07 PM


"Who the hell do you think you are?" 13 vociferated. "Coming in here acting all snooty, treating us like dirt? You think you're too good to be on this ship? Too good for us?"

Isahiah held his hands before him, palms out, in a mollifying gesture. "Please," he said. "I implore you to compose yourself. What I think is largely irrelevant, what is at stake here is business, and business cares little for common courtesy."

Zoe took a step forward, dominating him in both height and presence. "You're holding back too much," she said, the heat of her eyes belying her collected exterior. "Cap'n's not gonna roll with this."

"Ha! The captain!" 13 exclaimed, throwing his hands up in a fit of exasperation. "Why is he even bothering with this guy, anyway?"

Isahiah smiled a simpering smile. "Maybe you should ask him," he said.

"Yeah!" 13 spat angrily. "Maybe I will!"

Isahiah sustained Zoe' gaze as she stared him down coldly. Maybe she would.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Thursday, November 20, 2008 6:39 PM


PG-13+ ahead...

Select to view spoiler:

The two of them bantered playfully at the beginning, but soon fell into a rhythm that was all their own. Pain wanted to enjoy himself, but he also wanted to give her the chance to reconcile her two halves to allow herself the fullest of experiences. At some points it was difficult and it took at lot of control.

Tommy was powerful and passionate. She did things to Pain that he could barely withstand, but somehow he managed. And it took considerable effort. She understood that completely, looking past her own pleasures to keep herself in tune with his needs. When things became way too close to raging out of control, Tommy would switch to Ivy, whose style was much slower, yet just as gratifying. The simple change of pace was enough for Pain to withstand the sensual onslaught his body was enduring.

He was getting to know her better as well. He could now distinctly tell the difference between Ivy and Tommy and would signify that by murmuring the name of who ever came forth as they did. As each one surged forward and ebbed back, the simple act of saying her name was enough to keep him perched in just the right place. It was something to concentrate on while his body plummeted between layers of desire.

This was nothing like he ever felt before. Two women housed within one, each one with their own needs and each one trying to give him everything he ever wanted. At one point they were rotating in so fast, that his mind went blank trying to figure out who was there. He was getting so close to falling over the edge that he suddenly called out a name, trying to summon one of them forward. That someone was for at that point in time, the one part of her that he really wanted… and needed.


As he repeated her name over and over, he felt her rush forward and stay there, applying her level of style on him. Her slow, all consuming, fire hot ways led him into a corridor of feeling where he do nothing more than grab hold and follow her into undying ecstasy.


Friday, November 21, 2008 3:29 PM


Pain, Ivy, and Tommy's Bunk

"WOW!" exclaimed a thoroughly exhausted yet happy Pain as he looked into Ivy's eyes, his fingers tracing her body's curves. "That was just WOW! I can't think of any other words to describe what just happened, other than WOW!"

"It was incredible." replied Ivy, before giving Pain a long, slow, passionate kiss.

Their hands roved over bodies as their tongues explored each others' mouths. Time seemed to be meaningless as they embraced each other with a fiery passion. After their lips finally departed, Pain rested his forehead against Ivy's and said, "Most incredible indeed."

They laid there looking into each others' eyes before Pain said, "I hope Tommy ain't mad at me for pickin' you over her for the last leg of the journey so to speak."

"She's not mad at you, baobei." Ivy replied with a smile, her fingers absently tracing circles on Pain's back.

"That's good." replied Pain, brushing away a few errant strands of sweat soaked hair from her forehead. "Cause I was plannin' on havin' equal amounts of fun with both of you and I didn't want her thinkin' I was short changin' her on that."

"Don't worry, Pain." Ivy said to him, running a hand through his hair. "You're not." They kissed once more, before she asked, "So what are our plans for tomorrow?"

"Well.." Pain said as he laid back down, folding one arm behind his head and cradling Ivy with the other. "I plan on sleepin' in cause all that sexin' you two gave me, has made me powerful sleepy. After that I suppose I'll make us breakfast."

He gave her a smile and a wink, before adding, "Which of course will require the help of a beautiful, blond haired assistant." Ivy giggled at that and gave Pain a loving peck before he continued, "After that we can share a shower and then we can get that doctor to clear you of that pesky little concussion of yours'. Hopefully if'n you come back with a clean bill of health, I get done talkin' with Mal, you check on your plants, and I help you move your stuff into here, you can show me just how agile you are, though I might suspect you'll be showin' me that before then."


Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:37 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
...I help you move your stuff into here...

"Move my stuff into here?" she asked, lifting her head up so she could look him in the eyes.

"Yeah... Why? Don't you want to?"

She laid her head back down.

"I just didn't think you were serious," she said softly. "You haven't known me very long."

"Know enough, bao bei."

She didn't say anything after that, but he could feel her eyelashes blink across his skin every once in a while.

"Ivy?" Pain asked, pulling her up so he could look at her. "I want you here. I won't take no for an answer."

She smiled weakly.

"I came here as a passenger, Pain. What's going to happen when I have to leave?"

Pain sighed in frustration. He hadn't thought of that.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:44 PM


Grayson set his ship down at the freight docks on Beylix. There were two other ports, but one was all comercial passenger flights. He'd already checked their records and did not find her name listed on anyone's passenger manifesto. Plus she would need somewhere that could take on her cargo. So this port seemed the most likely. He did a search and found out that there were three grain stores relatively close, so he decided to start there. She would have had to stop by one of them.

He stood up, strapped a gun to his leg, grabbed a couple of pictures of Ivy and exited his ship. The hunt was on.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:14 PM


Isahiah was strolling down the short hallway from the dinning area, with one hand tucked into his pocket and the other lobbing and catching a hunk of bread, when he caught a sibilant murmur issuing from the room at the corridor's end, like voices conversing in hushed tones. Not having anything better to do at the time, he opted to investigate, and cautiously moved towards the ship's aft end, mindful of treading with gentle footfalls. "Yup, 'definitely people in there," he thought as he drew closer. He came against the door and pulled it wide, only to be confronted the sight of Simon Tam and a comely young woman cuddling on a hammock hung in a recess in the room's starboard bulkhead, whispering and giggling at each other's ear.

"Oh..." Isahiah said, diverting his gaze from the twosome. "I hope I'm not... Boy, this is awkward."

The two jerked apart in a fright as he spoke.

"What the heck..." Simon began.

"Oh, hey! 'Ya need anything?" the young woman asked.

She wore an agreeable smile, and he perceived nothing to indicate that she was being anything other than genuine in her inquiry. Still, he was under no illusions: she wanted him out of here just as much as her companion did. But seeing as she was asking...

"Well, now that you mention it," he said. "I'd very much like for someone to tell me where I am to spend the night."

Simon's irritation with his presence seemed to let up momentarily as his aesculapian instruction took over. "Well you look like you've recovered enough for me to let you go," he said. "Only..." he paused briefly, with his mouth hanging partly open; a tiresome mannerism which Isahiah was growing increasingly annoyed with. "I frankly don't know where else you could pass the night, I mean from what I understand the ship is almost full up and..." he trailed off again, spurring Isahiah to narrow his eyes imperceptibly. "I mean, obviously nobody thought to set up accommodations for an extra passenger. We..." Isahiah winced inwardly. "We didn't know what to expect from you, to be honest."

"Is that so," Isahiah answered with inordinate haste. "Well I suppose that's that..."

Kaylee's face lit up as a thought occurred to her. "Hey! Wait, I got an idea: why don't you use my bunk for the night?" she asked.

Both men looked at her with varying degrees of incredulity.

"Wh-, b-b-but, hang on..." Simon faltered.

"Listen, miss, I really don't..." Isahiah began.

"No, it's all good," she said, her lips curling up teasingly as she turned to a bewildered Simon Tam. "Simon'll have me over."

The doctor's ivory cheeks flushed with red, and his face adopted that same gape-mouthed expression Isahiah had come to abhor, except this time he was savoring it, his gaunt frame rocking with mirth.

"Sure," Simon finally said, cracking a bashful smile. "That'll work."

"Shiny!" Kaylee said gleefully.

"Thank you, I appreciate, it miss... miss?" Isahiah inquired.

"I'm Kaylee," she said, turning to him and holding her hand forth. "And don't go callin' me miss Kaylee," she added with a genial laugh. "That just don't sound right."

"Kaylee..." Isahiah with a distant look in his eyes. "That's right, you're the mechanic am I right?"

She frowned. "Yeah... how'd you know?"

"I guess I just do," he said, flashing his wonted winsome smile. "But I've taken enough of your time already, I'll leave the two of you be."

"Good, hum... remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid sharp movements," Simon recited mechanically.

"An' make sure you leave everything the way it was when you came in!" Kaylee added.

"Thank you, I will," Isahiah vowed. "See you guys in the morning." He snuck a quick wink at Simon, who looked unsure whether to strike him or wink back in response, then walked out, taking a bite out of his hunk of bread as he stepped through the door.

"What a dweeb..."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Saturday, November 22, 2008 4:10 PM


John left the companion's room feeling refreshed. There was just one more person to se. He walked to the engine room and found it empty, obviously just used. They were probably back at one of there bunks. He walked to Kaylee's bunk and looked at the door. None of the usual don't enter signs, like sexual emotion sweeping out the door. Unlike certain other rooms. He entered the room as usual and was suprised to see the man with the job.

"Oh! Sorry," John said, "I was just looking for Kaylee. Why are you in here?" The incredible vagueness of the job and his feelings toward River made John suspicious of the man. Maybe he could figure something out about him. If he was sending them into a trap, John wanted to know.



Saturday, November 22, 2008 5:17 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I came here as a passenger, Pain. What's going to happen when I have to leave?"

Pain sighed in frustration. He hadn't thought of that.

If there was ever a thing in the 'Verse that Pain didn't want to hear, this was one of them. To Pain it felt as if he'd been kicked in the crotch by a donkey wearing steel-toed boots repeatedly on end without so much as a 'please' and 'thank you'.

There was a weight in his stomach that felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and a lump in his throat. Pain swallowed hard and asked, "Who says you have to leave, babe? Why can't you stay on Serenity with me?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 22, 2008 6:50 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Who says you have to leave, babe? Why can't you stay on Serenity with me?"

Ivy looked up at him.

"I don't want to leave here. I don't want to leave you," she whispered. "If there was a way I could stay... If the Captain would let me... Anyway, I'd do it in a minute."


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:38 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I don't want to leave here. I don't want to leave you," she whispered. "If there was a way I could stay... If the Captain would let me... Anyway, I'd do it in a minute."

"Don't worry about the Captain, darlin'." Pain replied, the weight in his stomach fading away. "I'll deal with him when him and I have our little chat tomorrow."

He ran a hand through her hair, smiled and said, "Now lets think happy thoughts and get some sleep, alright?" He gave her a kiss, winked at her, and continued, "We have a busy day tomorrow and we need to be well rested for it."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:50 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Don't worry about the Captain, darlin'. I'll deal with him when him and I have our little chat tomorrow."

Ivy felt little butterflies twitter in her stomach. Could it be possible? Is there a way she might be able to stay on the ship? With Pain?

She said a silent prayer. She definitely didn't want to leave. She was right though. She'd do anything to stay.

She gave him a hopeful smile.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Now lets think happy thoughts and get some sleep, alright? We have a busy day tomorrow and we need to be well rested for it."

Busy day... Sleeping in, making breakfast, a shower... *her mind wandered a little at that thought* A check up with Simon...

Simon. A thought for a plant jumped into her head. It was perfect. She'd have to give it to him in the morning.

With a smile on her face, she slid her hand across Pain's stomach, pulled herself close to him and fell asleep.


Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:41 AM


Isahiah reclined on the young mechanic's bed with his hands joined beneath his head, his fingers folded in a small hollow for his head to repose in. The bed was a short one, which required him to angle his knees upward to keep his feet from dangling over the edge of the mattress. He considered the room in silence. He was still unsure as to what class of vessel he was dealing with, though he was beginning to get a strong inkling, but he had a sense that it was the smallest on board.

Although,he thought.That might be imputable to a rather marginal approach to decoration. He glanced around him. Clothes hung from virtually anything fit to serve as a hook, a host of obscure publications whose titles he could not make out amidst the dim lighting issued by Kaylee's heart-shaped bedside lamp were piled in a precarious mound atop of a run-down wooden dresser, and torn foil wrappers were bestrewn over nearly every flat surface. A whole herd of plushes plus a pink bell dress, complete with a matching paper umbrella, rounded off the scene.

Not a room he would typically associate with an engineer. Its cluttered state suggested that it was seldom used, as if its occupant had other places she'd rather dwell in. A most unusual indulgence on a spacefaring craft, where space was typically held as paramount.

He leaned over to his side and flicked off the lamp, plunging the room into pitch-black darkness, then rolled onto his back and let himself be lulled to sleep by the drone of the ship's gravity drive.

His tranquility was disrupted when a sonorous clang echoing from the access shaft caused him to stir slightly. Then came the steady thud of someone climbing down the ladder bars, and suddenly he was wide awake again. Having nothing in the way of a weapon on hand, he switched the lamp back on and sat to face the intruder, hoping that mere wits would suffice to avoid a physical confrontation.


Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATERFREAK:
"Oh! Sorry," John said, "I was just looking for Kaylee. Why are you in here?"

Isahiah placed him instantly. John, the unassuming gent from the galley, who had been quick to voice his disgruntlement over his reticence to disclose information regarding the tasks ahead. Isahiah gauged the man charily. He was no stranger to hand-to-hand combat, but he was also keenly aware of just how deep a toll recent events had taken on his body. In his tired, withered state, he doubted he would prevail should things degenerate into a brawl. He would have to hope that they didn't slide down that path.

"I'm sleeping, or rather I was, before you roused me," he answered placidly. "Kaylee lent me her room for the night," he continued. "A vibrant young lady that one. Doctor Tam is a lucky man." He paused to observe his interlocutor, scouting for behavioral tip offs, strings and pulleys to tug at.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Sunday, November 23, 2008 1:12 PM


"She sure is," John replied glaring at the man. "I suppose while I'm here I have a question for you. This job you've got for us, how sure are you that it's going to involve trouble?"



Sunday, November 23, 2008 3:05 PM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATERFREAK:
She sure is," John replied glaring at the man. "I suppose while I'm here I have a question for you. This job you've got for us, how sure are you that it's going to involve trouble?"

Isahiah suppressed a scornful comeback, and took a moment of consideration before he worded a response.

"Quite," he finally said. "Should things go awry, there's a strong likelihood of one or several members of this crew, not to mention my own self, being injured or killed."

He cleared his throat in an effort to oust a handful of bread crumbs that had lodged themselves into his larynx.

"If I haven't been quite as forthright as you'd have wished, it's because I must, and no length of physical abuse will compel me to do otherwise. This goes beyond mere trust issues. There are things I simply cannot tell you, either because I'm not sure of the facts myself, or because doing so would be detrimental to the pursuit of my... objectives."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Sunday, November 23, 2008 3:24 PM


"You see that's not okay. I don't like it when my people get hurt. And if someone gets killed...I'm not even willing to discuss that. I don't care about your gorram "objectives." I'd just as soon throw you out the airlock as let this crew enter into a nasty situation without all the facts. So if you don't want to tell me, fine, but I will find out what you know. Trust me." John climbed out of the room and turned to the bridge. As he entered River gave him a look. "Invasion of privacy," she said.

"One of us dead," he responded. She was silent but then got up and went to the door to the man's bunk and began to probe his mind. "I'm not telling you, you know," she said.

"I know, just make sure it's not a huge death trap."



Monday, November 24, 2008 3:35 PM


River crouched to her knees and laid her palms against the cold metal hatch, smiling fleetingly at the ludicrous ornaments Kaylee had incorporated to the doorframe, then closed her eyes and let her perceptions flow outward. She protracted a mental tendril so as to touch the mind of the man resting in the cabin below, and dove forth into his thoughts.

At first, all she saw were haphazard collections of sounds and images randomly pulled from his memory, glimpses of a past mingled with many feats and exploits. She saw women, most of them willful and attractive, all of them committed to him and his ideals. She also saw much bloodshed and battle... no, she though, not battle. She saw war. A quiet war, though by no means less hungry for the lives of the men and women who waged it. It was vivid, and it nigh overwhelmed her, but she found the strength to surmount it.

She quickly came to the realization that the man had fallen asleep, which accounted for his rambling thoughts as well as the low level of resistance she had faced on her way in. Unfortunately, there was little to be learned from watching a sleeping brain do its laundry, as she liked to call it, and she was all set to pull back when she noticed a shift occurring in the scenery.

The frantic undercurrent of memories began to ebb away, obliterated by the rise of something infinitely more commanding. It presented itself to her as a formidable body of light whose unconceivable radiance eradicated all that stood before it, but she knew from past experience that it would take on whatever shape and form she deemed fit to give it. It's purpose was to act as a lure, to draw you to it. It was a treacherous thing, as it was wholly impossible to predict what would befall her once she crossed that threshold, yet it was also an opportunity to untangle some of the mystery that shrouded their new houseguest, which was precisely the reason for her incursion. Tentatively, she reached for the light...

* * *

Isahiah woke up in a daze, his body and mind sluggish from having roused too quick. He got to his feet and fumbled around for his shoes, which failed to turn up anywhere, then decided someone had nabbed them in the course of his sleep and stormed up the ladder in a huff. "I bet it's that Tam girl," he thought. "Oh, I'll show her..." He yanked the hatch open and emerged from the access shaft and into the hallway... except it wasn't the right hallway.

Instead of subdued lighting and deep blue tones, he saw rows of wires and cables bound together by plastic restraints as well as tin ducts and sturdy metal pipes running the length of the hall behind the robust steel grating that acted as its bulkheads and flooring.

"What now..." he thought. As he took a first step into this nameless space, he acknowledged the merit of such a crude design. It allowed for easier access to the ship's inner workings should a problem arise, at the price of eye-appeal. He deemed it to be quite sensible. And then it dawned on him. "This... is the Dandelion," he murmured. "My old boat."

He ambled through the ship's halls for what felt like an eternity. He didn't recall them being so intricately entangled and homogenous in appearance, and had a difficult time finding his bearings. He came across a few familiar faces. Kip Bartley, his right-hand man, a loyal soldier, infamous womanizer and furious brawler who had served under him for nearly a decade. And Anya, his old flame. She had stuck with him through thick and thin. She cast her striking green eyes upon him and gave an earnest smile before pressing herself against the grating, allowing him to move by her. He met others as well, but their features were blurred, as if clouded by the passage of time.

Finally, he came against a sealed blast door. Its actuators whirred to life as he approached, prompting its massive halves to slide apart and granting him access to the adjoining room. It was sparsely lit and overrun with machines, with a set of two bulky spinning contraptions taking up most of its volume. Its sight sent a tingling shiver up his spine.

He clenched his fist and stepped onward, treading gingerly, deaf to all sounds but the pounding of his own heart. "I know this room..." he realized. "I was here, on that day..." Suddenly, he discerned the somber outline of a man stooped over a control panel at the far end of the room, and everything began to fall into place. This was his chance to amend the past, to prevent the tragic events of that day from ever coming to pass. He hunkered down and gathered a heavy tow wrench from a nearby tool box, then silently crept within striking distance of this man he had pledged himself to kill, before landing a hard blow to the back of his head, propelling him head first into the controls.

His foe's prone body hung limply over the console, and Isahiah sighed with relief, safe in his belief that disaster had been averted. But there remained one thing for him to do. He grabbed the lifeless body and threw it face down on the floor. "I have to know," he thought. With a shove of his foot, he rolled the man onto his back and gasped in horror as he realized that the inert, blood smeared face staring up at him with idle eyes was none other than his own.

He hazily stepped back, thoroughly stunned. "No..." he said as a lone tear streaked down his face. "Can't be... no! NO!"

He felt a nagging itch in his right hand, the one he had used to strike the fatal blow. The itch soon grew into a burning sensation. He looked down to assess the nature of it, and his eyes went wide in shock as he found that the tow wrench he still had his hand wrapped around had taken on an incandescent glow. Fighting a growing urge to panic, he repeatedly commanded for his fingers to unwind and let go of the blazing object, but to no avail, as his stubborn digits refused to meet his bidding.

He began to thrash around helplessly, banging his hand against the room's many appliances in an effort to knock the wrench loose, but ultimately he could do nothing but watch as his skin parched and flaked under the intense heat, as his flesh and sinew were charred to ashes, as his bones assumed the tint of coal...

* * *

Isahiah woke up, tossing and screaming dementedly. On the deck above, River sat hunched up in a ball against the bulkhead facing the entrance to Kaylee's bunk, her eyes swollen and red.


Monday, November 24, 2008 4:30 PM


"Vivid Dreams." John knew how those felt, and unfortunately, river had jsut gon ethrough someone else's. John felt bad about using her in this way, but he wanted to be safe. "You okay, darlin?" "Yeah." "What do you think?" "He's been through things." "Who hasn't." "Couldn't get details, too much else." "Gorramit. Thanks." "You're welcome."

John walked out of the hallway and toward his room. He stood at the door and considered sleep. He realized he wouldn't be able to. He walked into the room and began to compose a wave on the portable cortex link, but decided against it. Some people he didn't want to talk to right then, even if he needed too.



Monday, November 24, 2008 9:56 PM


Ivy awoke shivering. The blanket that had been covering her had fallen away, leaving her bare skin exposed to the cool air. She rolled over towards Pain only to find him looking over at her, already holding up the blanket for her to crawl back in.

She pressed herself against him, craving his warmth as he wrapped his arms around her to facilitate the process.

“Sorry to wake you,” she said softly. “I must have rolled over in my sleep.”

“You’re cold.”

“The blanket ran away?” she said. She propped herself up a little and gave him a teasing smile. “Unless you’re a blanket hog.”

He laughed as he pushed her onto her back, playfully pinning her to the bed.

“A blanket hog?” he asked her as he kissed her soundly on the mouth.

“Yes. A blanket hog,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

They kissed deeply and passionately for a few minutes, Pain’s fingertips tracing the curves of her body.

“Mmmmm…” he growled. “We need to get up. We have some things to get done this morning.”

“I know,” Ivy sighed. She knew he was right and if they stayed where they were, she knew they would get distracted. So, she slid out from underneath the covers, retrieved her own clothing and started to dress.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:50 AM


Isahiah lied sprawled on one of the lounging area couch, squeezing the bridge of his nose to combat his pulsing headache, when the shrill call of the tea kettle he had left on the stove a handful of minutes prior startled him. He got to his feet and walked over to the kitchen range, his baggy eyes and slouched demeanor testaments to a night bereft of sleep, when he became conscious of another presence in the room. "Who's there?" he asked drearily as he killed the burner and helped himself to the dish cupboards.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 12:41 PM


PG-13-ish ahead.

Pain's Bunk

From his bed Pain watched as Ivy got dressed and coyly commented as she slipped on her panties, "Well now ain't that a pretty sight to see." A topless Ivy turned to face Pain. He smiled and said to her, "And that ain't a bad sight neither."

Ivy smiled, picked up one of Pain's shirts, and threw it at him, giggling as it covered his face. "Get dressed, blanket hog."

"Make me, shirt thrower." replied Pain, pulling the shirt from his face and sticking his tongue out at her, as he got out of bed and stretched.

They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, before Ivy jumped into Pain's arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, their tongues probing each others' mouths. Pain sat Ivy down on his desk and hands started to explore their bodies as they continued to passionately kiss.

Pain pulled his mouth away from Ivy's and rasped, "This is really really fun, baobei, and I really do enjoy it, but we're gettin' each other distracted from what we need to be doin'. Besides.." He gave her a wink and a devilish smile before continuing, "We've got that whole shower thing to address. We can continue the fun in there."

"Mmmmm." Ivy moaned, as she admired Pain's body. "I'd like that."

Pain gave her one last kiss before unwrapping her arms and legs from around him. As he got himself dressed, he smiled and said, "I hope you like your showers hot and steamy, cause that's the way I like mine." He picked up the shirt she had dropped earlier when she had lustfully jumped into his arms. As he handed it to her, he winked and commented, "Oh and I like to use hot water in my showers too. I hope that's alright with you."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:00 PM


"Hot shower?" she asked. "I like hot."

She gave him a long kiss and quickly started up the ladder. About halfway up, she suddenly stopped. Pain looked up at her to see her gripping the rungs with her eyes closed and forehead touching the metal.

"Bao bei? You OK?" he asked.

She opened her eyes and looked down at him.

"Remind me that for now, slower is better."

"Slower was definitely better last night," Pain commented with a wistful look on his face.

Ivy poked him in the chest with her foot.

"I meant when going up the ladder. Got a little dizzy is all."

"You're fine now though?"

"I'm good," she said as she finished climbing up to the foredeck.

Pain embraced her once he got up there, picking her up and kissing her deeply while he moved closer to the galley. It was almost a replay of the previous night, just in opposite direction.

They crossed the threshold into the galley, stumbling a little and giggling softly when they heard:


Originally posted by Isahiah:
"Who's there?"

Pain set Ivy down on the floor and they both looked at him like they had gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"Um... Sorry," Ivy said. "We didn't mean to bother you. Just came for some breakfast."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:53 PM



Originally posted by ENGLISHIVY:
"Um... Sorry," Ivy said. "We didn't mean to bother you. Just came for some breakfast."

Isahiah turned towards the couple and gave a tired smile. "It's quite all right," he said. "I had a rough night, and it's impacting my mood."

He examined the content of the cupboards, frowning as he found that most of the china had been nicked and chipped through extended use and perfunctory handling, and eventually pulled out a relatively intact-looking teacup. Its inner walls were besmirched with the tawny stain of coffee, and a crack snaked down its brim all the way to its base, but he decided it would have to do, and poured himself a cupful of tea.

He brought the cup to his lips and took a lengthy sip from it. "Would you fancy some tea? If so, have at it. There's water aplenty," he offered.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:38 PM



Originally posted by Isahiah:
He brought the cup to his lips and took a lengthy sip from it. "Would you fancy some tea? If so, have at it. There's water aplenty," he offered.

"I could go for some tea." replied Pain with a smile. He turned to Ivy and asked, "You want some tea, baobei?"

"Yes please." Ivy replied. With a smile to both Pain and Isahiah, she added, "Thank you."

Pain procured two mugs, one for each of them. Both were chipped and were white with a faded Blue Sun logo emblazoned on them. While Pain poured some tea into them, he asked Isahiah, "So. Are we early to breakfast or are the three of us late to the breakfast club?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:20 PM



Originally posted DRPAIN:
"So. Are we early to breakfast or are the three of us late to the breakfast club?"

"I wouldn't know," Isahiah said. "I haven't been on this ship long enough to fully grasp its day-to-day procedures. Although..." Tiny ridges surfaced at the corners of his weary eyes has he smiled. "...I don't suppose it would cause too much of a commotion for us to get things started here while everyone else is still in bed. We'll call it... preparatory measures. Plus, I'm absolutely ravenous."

He drew another sip from his cracked mug. "So what are we having?"

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 8:44 PM


Ivy took a few sips of her tea and set it down. She moved to stand next to Pain. He wrapped his arms around her as he seemed to be thinking about what he should make.

"Yes, darling," she said as she slid her hand behind Pain's body and gave him a subtle grope, a move that Isahiah wouldn't be able to see. She flashed him a smile as he looked down at her. "What exactly did you have in mind? and what can I do to help."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:20 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What exactly did you have in mind? And what can I do to help."

Pain appreciated what Ivy was doing and made sure in his mind that he would return the favor as soon as possible. He looked down at her, smiled and said, "Well you could assist me with food preparation, honey. It's always nice to have an extra set of hands."

He looked up at Isahiah and said, "I'm afraid we'll most likely be havin' protein and the like, but I'll do my best to spice it up."

He gave the man a nod and a grin before leading Ivy over and into the pantry. Making sure they couldn't be seen, Pain lifted Ivy up and pinned her to the shelves. His hands slid their way underneath her shirt as he kissed her, finding their way upward and stopped.

Giving Ivy a gentle rub and squeeze, Pain whispered into her ear, "You are a very naughty girl, baobei." His eyes drifted over to a can on the shelf and he asked, "Can the very naughty girl please hand me that can of beans? I'd be ever so grateful if'n you would."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:48 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Can the very naughty girl please hand me that can of beans? I'd be ever so grateful if'n you would."

"With a bit of convincing, I might think about it," she whispered.

Pain smiled as she leaned in and proceeded to take possession of his mouth, their tongues mingling together in a savage dance while their hands wandered over each other's bodies. When they parted, Pain leaned his forehead against hers.

"Well, Tommy," he said. "It's nice for you to come by."

"Couldn't be helped," she said as she kissed him again.

That's when they heard a knock on the pantry door. A voice drifted through the door. It was River.

"Save it for the shower," she said softly. "It's time you should be thinking about food."






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