Newbie in love with this show

UPDATED: Sunday, January 4, 2009 12:05
VIEWED: 21148
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Friday, December 12, 2008 10:15 PM


Hi.After hearing about Firefly so often,I decided to check it out,and bought the complete series DVD.I've watched the first three episodes.That's it.I decided to take a break and check the show out on the net.This show is so fantastic.I'm not even a sci-fi guy.Hell,I'm not even a tv guy.In fact I mostly like classic directors like Sergio Leone,Pecinpah,Coppola etc.But this story is so unique and great that I can't understand how it didn't work out.I am truly losing faith in the taste of Americans.I'm going to savor these episodes and the movie.This series must be revisited at some point.People can't be this stupid.Anyway thanks for reading.I'm going to read some threads and educate myself on this great universe.


Friday, December 12, 2008 10:43 PM



Originally posted by Cole23:
Hi.After hearing about Firefly so often,I decided to check it out,and bought the complete series DVD.I've watched the first three episodes.

...I am truly losing faith in the taste of Americans.

...I'm going to savor these episodes and the movie.

I think you have a point...

Pound for pound , Americans aren't nearly as tasty as they once were...

Welcome to the 'Verse !

You're gonna come with Us !

Get aboard 'the boat' , chow's in ten , make yourself to home !

Most of all , recruit some other newish Folk and bring 'em along...

And , send us some 'post'...

'Cause , we love to get post !

When you get done with the Firefly DVD's , enjoy the movie , Serenity...


Friday, December 12, 2008 11:42 PM


Hello Cole23:

Always like to welcome new people. Search the site and see all we have here. We can be serious and we can also be fun. So join in.

And we Americans do make some fine shows. You just have to search through a lot of trash to find a gem. Just like looking for diamonds.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:03 AM


Welcome Cole! My husband and I rewatch Firefly several times a year and cannot believe it was canceled! Hope to hear more from you on the board.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 7:50 AM


I watched the movie first and fell in love by the time the scene with Mal and Wash in the cockpit was over. Imagine my joy when I found out there was a series. Just couldn't get enough after that. (Mostly because there isn't that much to get, sadly. One full season would have been nice...)

Welcome to the 'verse! FFF has a large and spacious virtual pub, several ongoing caption games, amazing fanfic and fanart, and our very own League of Psychic Nutcases.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 8:21 AM


1st off I'm very tasty, 2nd when you watch all the episodes please tell us your favorite episode and why, mine is "Our Mrs Reynolds"

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, December 13, 2008 8:49 AM


Thanks for the welcome.I just found out reading the board before i joined last night that there was a movie!I should watch it last?
As far as which episode I like best,I'll try.I've watched the first four so far and I really would have trouble picking.
A cool little side-effect of this show is that it has opened a door with my oldest son.He's thirteen and we just haven't been seeing eye to eye.Nothing major.He's a good kid.We just haven't been connecting lately.Teenage stuff.He wandered in and checked the first episode with me and loved it.He's watched the others with me to,so at least we have something we both like now.Spend a little time together and high-five when something awesome happens.
Here's a question.How come the order of the episodes don't seem to match the air dates?I had to check out the episode guides to make sure I was watching them right.Also I know this series was cancelled arruptly and unfairly,so I have to ask.Does everything get tied up?Will I be left in unknowing hell?
Anyway thanks again for the welcome.This is a great site!


Saturday, December 13, 2008 9:36 AM


Always nice to see someone else discover Firefly and Serenity for the first time.

Interesting for a new fan to come via the series and not the movie as is more often the case these days it seems. At least it means you'll watch it in the right order!

As to that, Fox messed around with the show big time, showed 'em out of order, Friday night death slot yadda yadda yadda and killed it without even airing all 14 (think they only showed 11). So we got half a season basically.

Luckily, DVD sales caused Universal to notice and stump up for Serenity, which does sort of tie up at least a couple of stories, mainly River's.

You may suffer from FWD (Firefly Withdrawal Syndrome) briefly once you finish the series, just to forewarn you :-)

But there is still so much more. Apart from all the fan sites like this, there are the Dark Horse comic series (2 published so far, new one on the way and at least one more in planning) including a free one in Dark Horse Presents online. Then there's the podcasts (declaring an interest here as I'm on the crew of The Signal, the original Firefly 'cast still going strong after 4 seasons, but there's Firefly Talk, Sending A Wave, the Sonic Society's Old Wounds and Wedding Day audio dramas (really good), Severance...with more on the way in the form of Dark Places and Firefly Between The Lines), the fan films like Mosquito (hilarious making of spoof), Bellflower, Into The Black, Browncoats:Redemption (which has the blessing of Joss himself) and Big Iron, all of which are progresing well. There's Done The Impossible, the story of the fans, by the fans - an award winning documentary you can buy on Amazon! There's all the music - The Bedlam Bards, Persephone Pickers, Vixy and Tony and most recently Marian Call. The fan fiction on just this site will keep you busy for months (and there's plenty more out there). There's all the official Verse expanding merchandise from QMX like the Serenity Blueprints and the Official Map of The Verse to name but 2. There's all the Firefly conventions (most recent one in Burbank less than a month ago), all the message boards.... well as you can see I could go on and on :-)

Suffice to say, you have discovered something truly remarkable, with an equally remakable fandom.

Welcome, and enjoy the ride!



Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:01 AM


America loves a winner!

Welcome to the 'verse and glad ya found FFF.Net. Super place w/ great folks and all the Browncoat love you could ask for. Kick around for a while, and get use to the place !

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:04 AM


Thanks Nick and Auraptor.Nick,I'm going to download your podcast as soon as I finish this post.Wow,that is alot of stuff to check out.I'm glad though.
I had heard of the film when it first came out, but had no idea it was from a TV series.
The way I got turned onto the show was the pastor at my church is a big fan.Now that I've seen the Shepherd character I can see why.Haha.He kept telling me how this was a sci-fi show with western elements.That got me interested.I have a Circuit City store that is closing in my area,and saw it for 40% off.What a deal for this quality show.
I feel like an idiot saying that Americans don't have good taste in entertainment.After thinking about it,I wasn't watching it when it was on.They must have done a poor job of promoting it because I can't even remember it being on.
After reading up on it,it is amazing the way this show has spread.You can bet that I'll do my part.If you talk a friend into checking this show out,you are truly doing him or her a favor.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 12:10 PM



That is *exactly* how it works. Watch the show, tell a friend. This is the great thing about Browncoats new or old. They *get it*, the show, the vibe, the all makes sense.

Most of us end up with at least one "loaner" copy of the show purely for conversion purposes :-)

(See the large Guerilla Marketing section here and elsewhere. It still goes on and the fandom still grows. That's what keeps it alive :-)



Saturday, December 13, 2008 12:42 PM


As an oldbie..(is that a word?)..anyways, old Browncoat, coming back into the ranks, trust me, once you get into this fandom you'll love it. Nothing else is quite like it. And, yes,as mentioned above,prepare for the shock and withdrawal when it's over, then watch the movie, and start all over again...

"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go and get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Saturday, December 13, 2008 4:20 PM


Hi COLE23, Welcome. As you will find out as time goes by, it will be suggested that you watch the episodes and movie several times. But be warned, you will begin to like the show even more then you do now.
You will see and hear things that you didn't the first time, making this series even more enjoyable. When there is nothing on TV to watch, I through in a Firefly DVD and enjoy again....


Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:02 PM


I've already started!I just rewatched the first two with my wife.Haha.You are absolutely right,I did catch stuff I had missed the first time. Thanks for the welcome.
Also,personally I'm five episodes in.Will they ever explain the Chinese speak?One of the things I caught on my second viewing of the pilot is that they were eating with chopsticks.Strange.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 6:25 PM


It's because in Firefly/Serenity, the two most prominent cultures of Earth-that-was have kind of merged. Just about everyone knows Chinese and English, and everything is a mix of American and Far-Eastern style.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 6:30 PM


One nice thing about coming in backwards with the movie is that the Mandarin is explained in the exposition just in case the visual oriental influences are not picked up on immediately.

I think my favorite fan phrase has to be "Ni-howdy!"

Silly, but fun.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 8:49 PM


Thanks guys.I really should have figured that out.It's kind of obvious now that you pointed it out.
I've just watched episode six and at this point the whole family is watching.I have my beatiful wife Deanna and four kids.For Whozit,who said Our Mrs Reynolds was her favorite,that was a great episode.My wife really got a kick out of it.She guessed that I would be sucked in.I told her there was no way I would fall for that harlots charms.She didn't beleive me,and I don't blame her.Haha.I'm faithful,but that chick was good.
I'm having such a great time with this show.Here's the problem.My wife told me she wanted to get me Serenity as part of my Christmas,because she could tell that it was something I would be excited about.The thing is,I'm going to burn through Firefly by tomorrow or the next day,and I don't want to wait.I guess I will though.I fully intended to take my time with this show and watch only one or maybe two a day.It's just so damn good that it's hard to do.
The characters are so rich.At this point I'm invested in all of them.I hope nobody gets killed off.That's a fear of mine.It already seemed close a couple of times.I don't want anyone to spoil things for me,I just thought some of you guys might get a kick out of my thoughts while watching it.
If anyone does get killed off,I think the likely ones are Shepherd and Jayne.Shepherd because he's a man of God,and it would be less jaring.You would just feel like he's going to a better place.It would also be a good soul searching moment for Captain Reynolds.Jayne because he just seems the most violent of the crew and it wouldn't surprise me to see him meet his end that way.I do love the character though.I could take him getting offed.I could not take him betraying the crew for money.I hope that doesn't happen.They had a great scene in the pilot that hinted at it.
You know what I really find fascinating?The ship is a character in the series!I actually care about it.That is a veiwing experience that I have not had.Being invested in an inanimate object.That ship is so awesome though.You just grow to trust it.
I know I'm mostly just posting in this thread,but I'm trying to avoid spoilers.When I'm done with everything,I'll post my thoughts on other subjects.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:05 PM


COLE23 ,

Don't look about the site too much , or it'll turn out spoilery for you...

Meanwhile , if you have to have the Serenity movie soonish , be sure to get the newer Collector's Edition...It's 'prettier' !

But , there are some other nice items to be had for someone turning so 'Brown' so fast...

I'd recommend the Serenity blueprints since you're falling in Love with Kaylee's 'good girl'...

They're 'On Sale' :

Also , the 'Done The Impossible' DVD , AND the additional Soundtrack Disc will make you Gorramned Proud to be a Browncoat...

Plus , Marian Call has her new , Limited Edition disc at QMx :

So much SHINY , So little COIN !

The WHEDONIA store , @ Amazon :

To 'the JOB' , then !


Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:21 PM


Awesome links!Thanks alot.


Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:28 PM



Originally posted by Cole23:
Awesome links!Thanks alot.

Just happy to be doin' good works...

You'll love Marian's Songs of Saffron...

Cole , I hope you'll hang out with us in Joss and Eliza's 'Dollhouse' , if you can...

Coming February 13th...


Sunday, December 14, 2008 2:10 PM



Originally posted by Cole23:
Hi.After hearing about Firefly so often,I decided to check it out,and bought the complete series DVD.I've watched the first three episodes.That's it.I decided to take a break and check the show out on the net.This show is so fantastic.I'm not even a sci-fi guy.Hell,I'm not even a tv guy.In fact I mostly like classic directors like Sergio Leone,Pecinpah,Coppola etc.But this story is so unique and great that I can't understand how it didn't work out.I am truly losing faith in the taste of Americans.I'm going to savor these episodes and the movie.This series must be revisited at some point.People can't be this stupid.Anyway thanks for reading.I'm going to read some threads and educate myself on this great universe.

Actually Cole23 it isn’t beyond belief that some folks can be greedy, power mongers and pig headed. Which is what I’m thinking was the case at the network that will remain unnamed back in 2002. If the folks at the top, or near the top want a show to fail ( for whatever reason) then it will fail. This is the case with our beloved FF. They tied an anchor around it’s neck before giving it swimming lessons.


Btw welcome!!

Mal, “ Shoot them, politely.”


Sunday, December 14, 2008 4:14 PM


Welcome it's good to have you :)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Sunday, December 14, 2008 7:11 PM


Thanks,guys!OKay.I've got my favorite episode.War Stories.I've still got four more episodes to watch,but it just can't get any better.It's not possible.


Monday, December 15, 2008 12:10 PM


Well, good luck with the spoiler avoidance. Good thing it's close to Christmas!

One of the things that most impressed me about the fandom, was that with all the preview screenings that happened in the UK and the US, not one person I know blabbed anything to me before the film was released. (Apart from Evo on Wingin' It and The Signal punished him on air :-)
Seriously, you will enthralled. I daren't say anymore. Just remember, this *is* Joss Whedon we're talking about here!

Oh and there are links to all the Chinese translations elsewhere on this site (the English subtitles for the Chinese bits are not always correct my friend from Beijing informs me after I converted her. But she enjoyed both Firefly and Serenity hugely :-)

The Signal even ran a semi humourous How To Speak Chinese segment in season 1 all based on Firefly phrases which was very popular. "Explosive diarrhoea of an elephant" was always my favourite!



Monday, December 15, 2008 12:18 PM


Amazing restraint you show, Cole. I think we ripped through the whole series in about 15 hours straight. (We did take a coupla potty breaks, but that was about it.)

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, December 15, 2008 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Cole23:
Thanks,guys!OKay.I've got my favorite episode.War Stories.I've still got four more episodes to watch,but it just can't get any better.It's not possible.

Just be real careful about spoilers- they're in the gorram thread titles hereabouts!!! Don't go runnin' loose in here 'till you've finished & seen the movie, that's my say.

*Passes the Mudder's milk*

The welcoming Chrisisall


Monday, December 15, 2008 2:02 PM


Thanks for the advice.Yeah,the Christmas thing ain't happening.As soon as we watch these next four episodes and it arrives in the mail,it's getting watched.My willpower isn't that great.The reason it's taken this long to watch Firefly is because it's now become a family thing.Me and my wife have four boys and nobody wants anybody else to watch an episode without them.Haha.
I'll be very honest,I'm not ashamed of my newness.I really have no idea of what Josh Whedon is about.Well,I know he created this awesome show called Firefly,and I like him plenty for that.I've heard of Buffy but never watched it.A cheerleader fighting vampires doesn't sound like it would appeal to me,but seeing as this show is so great,I might check it out.
I work as a salesman for Pepsi and spend a good amount of time driving so I checked out some podcast.Very cool.I listened to a couple episodes of The Signal.Oh,excuse me,the award winning The Signal and I liked it very much.Again,I'm avoiding spoilers so i just listened to a couple of episodes going through and talking about the Serenity pilot.Very insightful.I'm going to listen to Firefly Talk tomorrow.
Someone recommend some books to me.Thanks guys.You've been very cool and helpful to a newbie.


Monday, December 15, 2008 4:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Cole23:
Someone recommend some books to me. Thanks guys.

There are more episodes of Firefly at "Virtual Firefly"
There are 7 more episodes for Season 1 of Firefly and 21 episodes for Season 2.
Written in the format of scripts, the stories are very faithful to the continuity of the television series, but the writers aren’t afraid to act definitively by killin' villains. The movie is written into late episodes of season 2.


Monday, December 15, 2008 4:03 PM


If I were you, I'd seriously expose myself to nothing fan-related, except maybe JUST THIS THREAD (EDITED To Add: and the virtual FF as mentioned above my post) until I got to the end of Serenity, it's a field of spoiler land mines out there (and in here)- the less you know before the end of the BDM (Big Damn Movie), the better.


And now, a word on Buffy:

It's an acquired taste, you have to give it at least a season and a half before it starts to gel in your head, after that it's as inescapable as sixty-second epoxy, all seven seasons. But then, Firefly was like that from the first episode.

The Slayer-fan-as-well Chrisisall


Monday, December 15, 2008 4:06 PM


Hey, COLE23 and again, welcome. If you don't already know about them, there are three very shiny official companion guides to the show. There's a volume one and two for Firefly the series, and one for the movie Serenity as well. I got all three off of Amazon for fairly decent prices. You might also check your local Borders or Barnes and Noble. The books all have some great cast pictures, info on all the props an' such, interviews with Joss Whedon, and most everyone else, and complete scripts for each episode along with translations for all the Mandarin/Chinese phrases. Hope this helps! Keep Flyin'.

"Preacher, you got a smutty mind." "Perhaps." "Maybehaps I'm thinkin'."


Monday, December 15, 2008 4:45 PM


Thanks.I found those on Amazon and ordered them.I'm really excited about the scripts to the shows being in them.I love to read scripts.
Yeah,Chris,I think your right.I'll lay low.
A few thoughts on the show.My wife's favorite character seems to be Shepherd Book though she's also really fond of Kaylee.Among my kids it's overwhelmingly Jayne.I've tried to explain that he's not really a good guy and they counter that he's not a bad one either.Good point.He's the classic anti-hero,and a damn good one.They think he's funny and can kick butt.That's 99% of what they care about.Still,I'm a little hesitant to accept Jayne as role-model material just now.Haha.
My favorite is Wash.I imagine alot of people wouldn't pick him.I just relate more to him.He has a few things that he does very well and he treats his wife and friends right.That makes him worth alot to people.He's not really heroic,but neither is he a coward.I'm not saying I'm in the same class,but I'm tryin'.
This show is really deep.There are so many layers.There's themes that range from spiritual, to cultural,and even family dysfunction.I can see why so many people,including myself,love it.Pure genius.


Monday, December 15, 2008 11:51 PM



Originally posted by Cole23:
The Signal and I liked it very much.Again,I'm avoiding spoilers so i just listened to a couple of episodes going through and talking about the Serenity pilot.Very insightful.I'm going to listen to Firefly Talk tomorrow.
Someone recommend some books to me.Thanks guys.You've been very cool and helpful to a newbie.

Just a warning, Firefly Talk has a lot of recordings from conventions and will have a LOT of spoilers (not always flagged up). The early Signal tends to avoid movie spoilers as the first season was prior to the BDM coming out, but after that (from mid season 2 as I recall) Firefly and Serenity spoiler warnings were dropped as it was assumed anyone listening by then had seen both (a reasonable assumption)

As you will clearly be finished with the whole lot shortly (it's crack TV, let's face it) and left desperately wanting more (how well I remember that...something you never lose TBH), you won't have to dodge spoilers for long.

Love the fact that it's become a family event. We did that too and are another family of 6 Browncoats :-)

There's plenty more books and material out there once you can be "unspoiled"



Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:55 AM


Thanks Nick.
Only one episode left to watch,Objects In Space.We toyed with the idea of never watching it,so we'll always have something left to watch,but we both know that ain't happening.Ordered the movie Friday night,right after watching the first three episodes in a row,getting on the site and finding out there was a movie.I'm on the UPS website tracking the shipping.Yep.Absolute tv crack.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:30 AM


NooooOOOOooooo don't read's Virtual Firefly until you've seen the Big Damn Movie. The whole idea was that they took what Joss said, that the movie was to cover what he would have covered in Season 2, and they fleshed out the story of the movie into a lovely fat season of real 44-minute episodes. So it spoils the movie all over the place.

I encourage you to read them, absolutely! But see the movie first.

And Objects in Space? You'll need to see it. About 12 times. And then you'll still be finding new genius in it. It's a beautifully shot episode.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:18 AM


I'll admit it's not to everyone's taste, but as others have said, give it a chance. After a few episodes, it should just "click" and you'll start really enjoying it. There is the same degree of characterisation, witty dialogue, clever stories (though to be fair, in 7 seasons worth there a number of "filler" episodes that you can happily skip on repeated viewings) that you'd expect from Joss. Oh, plus funny much? Oh yeah.

The premise may sound naff (kind of the point, and yes, some episodes, you do wonder if Joss thought, "now just how silly an idea can I get away with?"...but he pulls it off, mostly!) but it is so much more than that as it develops. There is some *awesome* drama in there and it's worth sticking with it (if only to see Nathan - Mal in season 7 playing a baaaad man in several episodes)

OK so I'm biased. I was a Buffy fan before Firefly stole my heart, but I still watch it and enjoy it. (Though I was never involved in Buffy fandom the way I am in Firefly...with the exception of Buffy Between The Lines: a fan audio drama podcast in it's second season now. And that only happened because of doing Firefly related stuff anyway :-)



Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:25 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Welcome Cole23, nice to have you posting with us! You're definitely in luck if you like reading scripts. I agree with others that it's a good idea to see the movie before reading any of the great scripts at scripts, but there IS a script that won't spoil the film and was actually created during the run of the show... but never shot, Dead or Alive:

a slightly easier to read version is here:

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site, and to the ranks of the browncoats, Cole23. Glad to have you here with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 4:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by pizmobeach:
I agree with others that it's a good idea to see the movie before reading any of the great scripts at

The seven Season 1 episodes of Firefly at "Virtual Firefly"
don't mention the movie's major mystery. Season 2 -- not so much spoiler safe. The end of season 2 is where the episodes are expanded versions of the movie.

"Firefly - the Virtual Season" at
also has new episodes. Could be spoilers in there, somewhere. Those episodes were formated as short stories rather than the scripts at


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:42 AM


Welcome to the 'verse!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:08 AM


Ni Hao, Cole23.

Stuff to look for...

Watch Jayne's hand when he's standing behind / next to Saffron in the cargo bay scene of "Our Mrs. Reynolds". Watch what he's doing to Safron.. You will die laughing.

In the fight scene at the edge of the cliff in "The Train Job" make sure you catch Mal's line to the crowd surrounding him as they back the crew towards the cliff. I must've watched that episode a half dozen times before I caught Mal's line. Now it's a fav I use everytime I enter a crowded room for the first time.

Enjoy the verse.
-- MAGhaffar

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!
Free MP3 uploader (PC) at:
FF Stickers & "Scents of Serenity" Perfume Oils. -->


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:55 AM


Hey Cole23,

Welcome to the 'Verse.

Glad to to have ya on board. I'm really feeling your take on the eps as you watch 'em. I think it's great to hear from newbies but especially to hear about what they get from the eps (episodes) their fav characters and the like.

Glad to hear that you're watching with the family and especially glad to hear that it's bringing you and your son together. I watched it with my son and it helped us recently, so it's good to hear. Anyway enjoy the last ep and then the BDM, it will be a sweet ride.

Tawabawho? (OMR)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:03 PM


Thanks everyone!You guys are so cool.
So here's where I stand,It's on tonight.
In my area,we have a Circuit City that is closing.They have all their dvds 40% off.I stopped by and bought Serenity collectors edition for 12 bucks.Now,I had already ordered the regular edition from Amazon last Friday.In true Browncoat fashion,when it comes in,I'm going to find someone that I think will enjoy it and just give it to them.I am really excited.We are having a family night and we will be watching the last episode and then straight into watching Serenity.
My wife is still at I'm going to cook dinner and get everyone fed.Then I'll make sure all the kids are studied up.I made sure we had plenty of Pepsi and popcorn to finish this great ride off.I'll post my thoughts after.Thanks again.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:37 PM


Wash.That hurt.It fits though.As much as I don't like it,I understand it.You can't pit the Serenity crew against those kind of odds and have everyone just walk away.If that had happened,I'd call BS.Great film.Exceeded all expectations.
I've always loved stories.I loved to read Tolkien and Bradbury as a kid.I grew up watching all those great films.Jaws,Star Wars,Raiders,
Poltergeist,Halloween,Enter the Dragon.Do you guys remember what life was like before dvrs and dvds?I do.I would plan two weeks in advance and stay up untill two in the morning to watch Jaws.
As an adult I started getting seriously into cinema.I've been kind of a film snob lately.No Rush Hour 3 or Superman Returns for me,thank you.I had to examine Citizen Kane.I quit having fun with stories.I watched a few films with my family just to hang out with them,but mostly I was watching Miller's crossing or Mulholland Drive by myself after everyone went to bed.Those are great films and i enjoyed them,but they weren't fun.
Friday night me and my son Colby watched the Serenity pilot.Tonight my entire family finished the series by watching the Serenity film.This period of time,Friday till Tuesday,is the most fun I've had involving storytelling in years.
This story is full of great characters and atmosphere.You know what surprised me about Wash dying?How good it felt to care.To see a fictional character die,and realize that your going to miss him.I haven't felt that way in a long time.The series and film are the best kind of Sci-Fi.The suspension of disbelief is not hard.This world feels like it's possible.Does Star Wars?Not to me.I will check out everything this world has to offer,comic books,novels,whatever.Bring me my Serenity video game!I will also do whatever I can do to help get this series back on the screen in some form.Thanks everyone for walking me through it and also to the fans before me that worked so hard to get this film made.That was one hell of a ride.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:42 PM


Welcome to the 'verse, gets mighty lonesome out here in the black so a new hand on board is always welcome.

Glad you finished things up, sorry about the aching hole it leaves in your heart but that heals up soon enough. It does feel damn good to care...been a long time since that was a possibility and if we keep on fighting we might just see it happen again...Can't Stop the Signal!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:14 AM


Yep, you're Browncoat alright. And you are absolutely right, to care that much for a character, especially on TV today, is rare indeed.
Wash's death did hurt to see, and I only came to accept it recently after much thought, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. It's good to meet a fellow film "snob" someone who appreciates a good story. That is why I think I enjoyed Firefly and Serenity so much - the storytelling aspect is much like in film, a good film, unraveling, onionlike with many layers that only serve to flesh out the story.

My filmloving life began at an early age, but I did not develop any real appreciation until well into my twenties and early 30's. And yes, I remember life before any of the gadgets we have today, when you had to carefully plan to see a classic film such as Citizen Kane, Raiders, Poltergeist and then later Mulholland Drive, Miller's Crossing, Monster's Ball, American Beauty (I'll stop there). I really appreciate movies of the 30's and 40's - Thin Man, My Man Godfrey, anything by Frank Capra. I remember the Late Show on Fridays.

I understand what you mean about the "fun" aspect of a film. Some years ago I recall hearing Roger Ebert describe to Gene Siskel his take on film in general. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, that film can be many things to many people -- it can be entertaining, fun, make you think or make you laugh. I always admired Roger Ebert for that reason, he always kept his mind open about film. That film didn't necessarily have to be "artsy" to be good.

But getting back to Serenity, I loved watching this with my son because we would talk about it after each episode. A truly shiny experience! It reminded me of when I was a kid and we all gathered around the lone black & white TV (all 6 of us). And don't get me started on Star Wars, but yes Joss' storytelling in the series and the BDM is quite moving. I loved the fact that there was layer upon layer of story and character development and you felt as though you could be there along with them. Genius writing and direction. The series felt to me like one long film that you didn't want to end. Now that's one hell of a ride.

Tell whoever will listen about FF and Serenity, as well as giving away the extra BDM, that's how we will get them back. I once got someone to watch the series by wearing my Serenity T-shirt to work. Many don't have any clue that Serenity came out of the Firefly series. This was fun, thanks again for sharing your thoughts.




Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:48 PM


Yeah man,it's been fun for me.Now I get home from work and it hits me,I have no more Firefly/Serenity to watch.Yeah,I guess the withdrawal starts now.I'll just watch everything again.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:38 AM


Imagine, all those smart people over at Fox didn't know what they had on their hands and they just couldn't figure out how to package this to advertisers.

Bottom line: the fans know what they want - more Firefly. Someone on another thread said that it would be better off on cable (Sci-Fi channel?) where it would rule.

And all the shiny people would say - Amen!

Withdrawal pains; I think this is why this, and other fan sites for Serenity, are so popular. It gives folk a chance to ease the pain. Anyway have fun re-watching the series, you'll probably catch some things you missed the first time around.




Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:45 AM



Originally posted by Cole23:
Yeah man,it's been fun for me.Now I get home from work and it hits me,I have no more Firefly/Serenity to watch.Yeah,I guess the withdrawal starts now.I'll just watch everything again.

I humbly suggest Buffy- it made my withdrawal so much easier, it's not Firefly, but some of the same great wit, drama & character depth can be found in it.

What say you, fellow Browncoats, am I right?

The Chosen Oneisall


Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:28 PM


I watched two episodes of Buffy online and you know what?I liked it.I'm going to buy it.Thanks,Chris


Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:38 PM


Cool, just remember, for many peeps, it doesn't truly kick into gear until sometime in season 2. That said, enjoy the ride.

The Xander-like Chrisisall






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