spreading the word to more people

UPDATED: Saturday, January 24, 2009 00:45
VIEWED: 15304
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Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:52 AM


I would like to see Joss Whedon tell his Firefly story. I suspect he will do this in comics for eventually. Dark Horse would make plenty of profit off of that to make it worth doing for them. And Joss wants to tell the story.

But I think we all have a greater vision for that, and I think that vision is video. TV, Movie, or Internet video (like Dr Horrible.) I think I might even settle for a radio series.

But, the 'verse is a complicated place and it helps if people understand what is happening a bit before they jump in. A lot of people. We don't need more browncoats, although they are surely welcome. We need regular people to understand what's happening if Joss is to get the money to continue.

So, my real point: We now have the tool to introduce everyone to the 'verse for free;

The whole series, like on DVD. A little fuzzy, but still engrossing, still great television. I think we need something like:

Watch the best TV show that didn't make it:

And maybe a simple website to explain what happened, point to some good boards, explain about the BDM, etc.

Our best hope is to spread the word to more people. The studio doesn't care about making a little money off of us. They want to make a lot of money off of everyone. So let's try and give them everyone.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:10 PM

FIREFLYPASSENGER is a web directory for all sites Firefly related.

This site is great for explaining who we are.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:18 PM


I think we need to create an even simpler website. We need to make it easy for people to figure out what is going on and get involved if they want to.



Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:47 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


We now have the tool to introduce everyone to the 'verse for free

Well, not quite everyone. Hulu is only available for Americans, I do believe.

Edit: But if you'd like to make a website, there's always Freewebs.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:27 PM


I forgot about that, but it's a start. Hopefully the fox overlords will release it to the rest of the world at some point.

I was hoping more for a new domain or something. Mostly static content, friendly. Short easy to remember domain name.

The main point is to make firefly as ubiquitous as star trek. to make people understand reavers as quickly as they understand klingons.

More browncoats, while great, are not going to get us another movie. We need a more complete cultural understanding. We need regular people to get it. That will get us more browncoats, but it will also make it easier to pitch a new project based around firefly.

It's annoying that we have to do the studio's work for them, but we want more firefly and we need to think logically about how to get it.



Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:41 PM


Um, what makes you think that people are going to go out of there way to read a website when they aren't really willing to sit on there ass doing nothing but watching it? And if they aren't interested after watching it, what's a website going to do to change there minds?

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:52 PM


The website is for after they see firefly. I think that some of them will want to read it after seeing firefly. For the same reason that we all ended up here.

The website is a secondary point, to give people somewhere to go after Firefly affects them. To make things a little easier. I don't think we need more websites for browncoats. I think we need one that gives you all the info you need to become a browncoat.



Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:40 PM


The thing is, this is not a short term plan. I'm not talking about a plan to get Firefly back this year, or even next.

I don't know if this is the forum to bring this up. I don't know if the forum exists. I just know that we need to encourage the world to see this so that there is a chance that it can continue.

It's great to have a social site full of people who like Firefly. I was just hoping that some people might be open to trying something. I don't expect it to happen overnight. It might not work at all. But you have to try.



Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:52 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

You're new in town, so I'm going to be nice: however social this site appears, a lot of us are active in some way in spreading the word. And, there are people here who campaigned after the show ended (I'm not one of them) that helped lead to Universal making the movie. So saying things like


It's great to have a social site full of people who like Firefly. I was just hoping that some people might be open to trying something. I don't expect it to happen overnight. It might not work at all. But you have to try.

comes off as insulting.

We have done, not just tried. Some of us still are doing, still active in whatever capacity we can be, whether it's watching shows that the actors are in or Joss is a part of (like Dollhouse), loaning the DVDs out to friends, or buying (official) Firefly and Serenity merchandise. We have a good idea of what works and what doesn't. Sigmanunki isn't being critical of your idea to be mean, but because he's been around for a long time, and seen many of these types of ideas come and go.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:57 PM


I had no intention of insulting anyone. I just had an idea, and got excited about it.

Is there a central group working on these things, or a general consensus? I'm completely up for working with other people. I'm even up for my idea being shot down with good reasons. I just want to do something, you know?



Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:03 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Well, the Vote for Firefly threads are a nice place to go to help Firefly/Serenity gain visibility.

There's also this crew:

Otherwise, the Guerrilla Marketing section is the place I'd recommend checking.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:25 PM


Thanks YingYang You nailed it on the head... I'm definitely an old fogy.


Originally posted by stillson:
The website is for after they see firefly. I think that some of them will want to read it after seeing firefly. For the same reason that we all ended up here.

The website is a secondary point, to give people somewhere to go after Firefly affects them. To make things a little easier. I don't think we need more websites for browncoats. I think we need one that gives you all the info you need to become a browncoat.

Well, then they would already know about FF/S. So, why the explanation about what a Reaver is, etc? IMO (and I believe others as well), if you're coming to this site after having watched the series, then you're already a Browncoat.

(NOTE: The "real Browncoat" thing is a real point of contention around here. Many people, including myself, find it insulting that some people think that you have to do a certain amount, or know a certain amount, or whatever a certain amount to be a "real Browncoat." Many of us have the opinion that if you love the series, then you're a Browncoat. No need to go crazy about the thing or chest beat to "prove" it. If the love is there, then your coat is brown.)

Not to be rude, but I think you going off half-cocked here. As in, you have had an idea, but haven't worked it out and as such, have posted the idea pre-maturely. If you have another idea for a website than the above, then work some of it out so that there is a relatively solid idea of its content and repost when done.


Originally posted by stillson:

Is there a central group working on these things, or a general consensus? I'm completely up for working with other people. I'm even up for my idea being shot down with good reasons. I just want to do something, you know?

There is no central group working on anything, never has been. Its always been a loose organisation of people working together. Sometimes (most times?) projects have also been organised on multiple forums. It's more along the lines of someone running with something and others joining up rather than anything else. I don't think that one could expect anything else from a group of fans.

(NOTE: At two points I attempted to contact several people on this forum that indicated that they were programmers and willing to do something. The point was to get a group together to accomplish projects of a larger scale than any one person would be able to alone. The response was virtually non-existent on both occasions. Hell, I even did a little something and posted a link here - which got downloaded a couple times. Zero response even though I asked for some. So, I stopped the project.)

I did reply on your blog entry:

Regarding the reasons why a central site doesn't currently exist and what can be done. But, a few concrete examples here:

Still Flying:

Continuing the series through fan made scripts. I'm not sure of there current status.

EV Nova Firefly Mod (Game):

Has gotten to the point where the mod's end is in sight. Though "just" episode one. Not sure what help they need now. But, I'm sure they'll let you know if you ask.

There's also fan fic and art, which are popular enough pass times. There is another project that I could post a link to. But, its status is somewhat dubious at the moment. So, I'm hesitant to do so.

At any rate, there's some ideas for what to do. Yes, they all take a good chunk of time and energy to do/be a part of. But, nothing worth doing is easy.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:19 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Gee, we've done nothing for years, wonder how "Serenity" got made, I guess NO BODY, bought the DVD's or signed petitions, or went to cons and bought swag and nobody went to see the BDH's when they came to your town, and no body has started several boards to help people understand FF/S(thats Firefly/Serenity)and there aren't any CHARITIES that benefit from us BROWNCOATS!! we've done sad

You INSULTED me and every other person in the FF/S world,....
'we don't need more Browncoats',...where do you get off ?


Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Friday, January 23, 2009 2:15 AM


Didn't mean an insult.

By "don't need more browncoats" I just meant that if we expose enough people, the browncoats will come, and we don't need to specifically go after them.

And I didn't mean to imply that nothing has happened. I just saw an opportunity with the episodes being on hulu to try something else.

I guess I just got a little excited and put my foot in my mouth.

sorry if I offended anyone.



Friday, January 23, 2009 2:27 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

We know you did not want to upset people, but you didn't think before you posted. Can you explain WHY new people ALWAYS think they got an idea that the rest of us haven't had or tried?

You need to read the boards a lot before you come on here blasting guns and shooting up the place, if you had, you would understand why we are VERY PROUD to be Browncoats, the name came from Joss (in-directly). As other people have posted, we are Browncoats, because we CHOSE that name. There are no Browncoats in the BDS, we are them. (BDS=BIG DAMN SERIES)
Have you watched the intro by Joss on the Serenity DVD, extended not Blu ray, Joss explains it much better than I...
Remember in the store at the beginning of the movie(Serenity), when the store keeper says" ya'll are Browncoats?" loose translation, Joss put this here for US Browncoats.

Keep trying....

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Friday, January 23, 2009 3:08 AM


Quote: "(NOTE: The "real Browncoat" thing is a real point of contention around here. Many people, including myself, find it insulting that some people think that you have to do a certain amount, or know a certain amount, or whatever a certain amount to be a "real Browncoat." Many of us have the opinion that if you love the series, then you're a Browncoat. No need to go crazy about the thing or chest beat to "prove" it. If the love is there, then your coat is brown.)

Not to be rude, but I think you going off half-cocked here. As in, you have had an idea, but haven't worked it out and as such, have posted the idea pre-maturely. If you have another idea for a website than the above, then work some of it out so that there is a relatively solid idea of its content and repost when done."

This is solid advice and I pretty much agree with all the above.

Here's a little secret. Not everyone who watches Firefly will like it or "get it". It will just be "some show" to them. (Hard to believe, but it's true and that will hold no matter how wide you make folk aware of it.)

Even fewer will have the imagination to be totally hooked and become a Browncoat (like it says: you love it, then your coat is Brown as far as most of us are concerned)

The best way we can support Firefly is to continue what we are doing now and that others have mentioned here. Trying to group all Browncoats together is like herding cats (impossible anyway and it pisses off the cats)

Some folk will always prefer one board or website over another and that's fine. There is a wide variety to choses from and all have their various merits and annoyances enough to suit most tastes.

Folks like us who do love the show, do get it and consider ourselves Browncoats are the ones who *have* gone online looking for more...and found it in abundance I might add.
(Try googling Firefly Podcast, to mention just one example. We *do* stuff, as do so many others in all sorts of areas.)

Being inspired to add to that is a good thing. Being inspired to do anything out of love is usually good, but it's also sensible to see what has gone before. Researching want you want to see is kinda obvious. For example, how did you find this board? Did you look beyond it?

Everyone was a newb at some point. I love that you have got excited enough about this show to want to do something, but you aren't the first (by some way) nor the last. And the "don't need more browncoats" was inevitably going to make you sound foolish and get a less than happy response.

Don't worry though, it will pass :-)



Friday, January 23, 2009 3:35 AM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger: is a web directory for all sites Firefly related.

This site is great for explaining who we are.

Big Damn Board is a good one indeed. And it seems to be fairly regularly updated, unlike (which nevertheless does indeed give a good description of Browncoats)

One of the things we are developing The Signal podcast's site towards is very similar. We are gradually expanding what we offer on the site with the intent that that it become at least one of the "one stop shop" sites for Browncoats, with links to as many others as we can manage ultimately. None of us will ever be able to encompass the whole fandom (it's too damn big and too damn independantly minded! :-), but sites are already out there that together cover pretty much what folk might want to find out. Plus of course, different styles will suit different folk. I bang on about it, but I'm well aware that not everyone is into listening to podcasts :-)

They're just so much fun though :-)


(The Signal's Homepage:


Friday, January 23, 2009 7:32 AM

FIREFLYPASSENGER recently had a Firefly Blu-ray give away contest. I think maybe they just need folks to contribute or offer assistance.

It was one of the first sites and it gives great history to everything Firefly Browncoats related.

Thanks for your words to Stillson. I knew it was just newbie excitement wanting to do something.

It does get tiresome folks thinking we haven't tried doing something. We just need to be patient that's all.


Friday, January 23, 2009 12:55 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger: recently had a Firefly Blu-ray give away contest. I think maybe they just need folks to contribute or offer assistance.

It was one of the first sites and it gives great history to everything Firefly Browncoats related.

Thanks for your words to Stillson. I knew it was just newbie excitement wanting to do something.

It does get tiresome folks thinking we haven't tried doing something. We just need to be patient that's all.


Cap'n said it his own self:

"You hold. Hold till I get back"

(We Hold was The Signal's slogan for last year. This year it's "What's the first rule of flyin'?" :-)

In the meantime of course, there is *lots* to get involved with. The above about is just one fine example. Contributing is easy and just about any form of it helps sustain and grow the fandom.

Continuing with all the guerilla marketing options we've used over the years (and lending someone the BDS is still probably the most effective. Get a lending copy or 3!) is a good choice. Doing something for CSTS this year is another. The list goes on and on and is only limited by your imagination. Getting involved with an existing fanac (Fan Activity/Fan Action) is often the best place to start and is frequently where newer ideas spring from. If it's good and it's new, folk will run with it if it works.

(The Signal:


Friday, January 23, 2009 1:45 PM



Originally posted by Lemming:
Cap'n said it his own self:

"You hold. Hold till I get back"

(We Hold was The Signal's slogan for last year. This year it's "What's the first rule of flyin'?" :-)

In the meantime of course, there is *lots* to get involved with. The above about is just one fine example. Contributing is easy and just about any form of it helps sustain and grow the fandom.

Continuing with all the guerilla marketing options we've used over the years (and lending someone the BDS is still probably the most effective. Get a lending copy or 3!) is a good choice. Doing something for CSTS this year is another. The list goes on and on and is only limited by your imagination. Getting involved with an existing fanac (Fan Activity/Fan Action) is often the best place to start and is frequently where newer ideas spring from. If it's good and it's new, folk will run with it if it works.

(The Signal:

Very true!

Rosie :)


Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:45 AM



Originally posted by fillygirl:

We know you did not want to upset people

Then why freak out the way you did? Especially, when it was already covered earlier in the thread. I mean, calling someone out on something is one thing. But, flogging him to death by repeatedly bringing up already resolved issues is quite another.

Seriously, if we reacted like that to every new person that joined the site who put his/her foot in there mouth, how many would be left?

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"






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