Dollhouse Premieres Tonight. Join Us on Shiny Universe.

UPDATED: Thursday, February 19, 2009 01:30
VIEWED: 19135
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Saturday, February 14, 2009 5:50 PM


Honestly, objectively, if it wasn't Joss, I'd still be intrigued enough to give it a few more eps to make me solid fan. Watch it more, then you become solid.
Give up too soon, and you not so solid. I do not want earful until then.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, February 14, 2009 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
Also let me add this. Even if you might not like it because it's not Firefly, watch it anyway. Having Dollhouse succeed gives Joss more pull in Hollywood to do more, which means that with enough pull, he can make another Firefly movie.

Just look at J.J. Abrams as an example as to what he is able to accomplish with a successful run on TV.

Give Joss the power to do the same.

gossi wrote on whedonesque

- digg the first episode.

- Watch on Hulu.

Then rate it.
- Buy the episodes on Amazon.
- Or buy them on iTunes
for your iPhone, iPod, Apple TV or Mac/PC.
- Or watch on
- Crank up your TiVo and watch that recorded copy you made.
- Ask people if they've seen the show.
- Watch next week.


Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:39 PM



chrisisall wrote:
Friday, February 13, 2009 18:03

Originally posted by Zeek:
I worry that there's not gonna be enough funny.

The funny was there, just very subtle. I caught a few good lines here & there, maybe it takes time to adjust to the feel of the show.

There was funny? Must have been so especially subtle that I missed it. Can you point it out for me please?


Saturday, February 14, 2009 7:24 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
There was funny? Must have been so especially subtle that I missed it. Can you point it out for me please?

"Have you ever like, tried to actually wipe a slate clean...?"
"I'm sure it was something great."
There are others, but it's late, I'm tired, and Mr. Bond has just dropped into my bathroom.

The Blofeld Chrisisall


Saturday, February 14, 2009 8:05 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

chrisisall wrote:
Friday, February 13, 2009 18:03

Originally posted by Zeek:
I worry that there's not gonna be enough funny.

The funny was there, just very subtle. I caught a few good lines here & there, maybe it takes time to adjust to the feel of the show.

There was funny? Must have been so especially subtle that I missed it. Can you point it out for me please?

When he's describing Miss Penn the negotiator is nearsighted and why. The last line "...and she has asthma."

Something about that line, just struck me as very Joss. It was almost like hearing him.

The funny has to be buried, so its very subtle you'll need to try to find it. FOX is not wanting funny. However Joss can't help himself. :)


Saturday, February 14, 2009 9:55 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by singate:
I had my doubts about Eliza's ability to play a wide range of characters.

Oh, I never doubted that. It has long been my opinion that she played Buffy incredibly well when, you know, they switched. I liked her Buffy more than I usually liked the regular Buffy, but that's a whole other can of worms. Throughout her journey as Faith, I thought she showed immense acting range. Actually, I never saw her in a role I thought she wasn't great in. Not that I've seen everything.
Even in the pilot, Dollhouse is giving her some major opportunity to stretch her wings. Tough, and terrified. Intelligent, efficient, and weak, back to efficient. I'd kind of like to pretend that the pointless, ridiculous, pandering opening didn't even happen, but she was pretty good in that, too.

I don't know why the stupid network wouldn't want funny (aside from the aforementioned 'stupid' part, of course) but I sure hope they clear that little hurdle. I kind of chuckled a few times, but I didn't get that tickled feeling that makes me giggle through most of a scene and then some random time the following day. I like the tickled feeling.



Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:17 PM


Second viewing: You know, it never ceases to amaze me, that whenever I see a movie or an ep over again I invariably pick up on things I miss or just jettisoned from my brain.

Well, I liked it a little better the second time around, but I still don't like the Olivia Williams as the director of the DH. I still liked Eliza's perf and Harry Lennix, as her handler, was very "solid" but I also picked up on DeWitt right hand man - he was also very good. Topher, the geeky dude, was somewhat annoying, perhaps by design, but I liked the Dr (Amy Acker?).

Still though it was a weak pilot, but I attribute that to our good friends at Fox. I did pick up on some Whedon-like dialogue along the way. I'm beginning to think that Joss slipped in a few zingers at Fox (well done Joss) for instance:
The one you picked about wiping the slate clean, "I'm sure it was something great." Or Langton's comment to DeWitt when they were going to scrub Echo after the assignment went south, he said to let her finish what she started.

More later, I'm getting sleepy.....good night.




Saturday, February 14, 2009 11:17 PM


Hmm, ok there were a couple of semi-humourous lines. I'd just like a bit more..


Sunday, February 15, 2009 3:08 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Hmm, ok there were a couple of semi-humourous lines. I'd just like a bit more..

So would we all. If Fox allows the initial 7 to run I'm sure we'll see more Jossy goodness.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:29 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Second viewing: You know, it never ceases to amaze me, that whenever I see a movie or an ep over again I invariably pick up on things I miss or just jettisoned from my brain.

Well, I liked it a little better the second time around

I think most peeps will find this to be the case.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 15, 2009 12:32 PM


" The early ratings are in for the Friday debut of 'Dollhouse,' the latest TV show from Joss Whedon ('Buffy,' 'Angel,' 'Dr. Horrible'), and while it improved on its Fox lead-in, that's not saying much..."


Sunday, February 15, 2009 12:55 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

== A couple ways to look at things==

If the show doesn't do well:

1. Joss will realize his true calling is to tell more Firefly stories, and he'll get back to finishing up the comics & Shepherd's Tale.

2. He'll expand upon the indy production methods he used for Dr. Horrible and make it a viable form for other creatives like himself, which will bring us entertainment that won't have to pander to a wider, lower demographic to sell advertising.

If it regains its legs and ultimately does well:

1. He can do more Firefly

OR, something not mentioned above will happen.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 1:10 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Was buffy's first ep erfect? Was The train Job?
I'll give it MANY shots.

Don't remember Buffy, but Firefly was yes.

And it set the tone.

This is not entertainment, its dreary preaching that prostitution is bad - and those of the cast who said anything weren't very impression.

I'm not horny after any of the cast, perhaps that's why I'm not less than enthusiastic.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 1:29 PM



Originally posted by LexiBlock:

This is not entertainment, its dreary preaching that prostitution is bad - and those of the cast who said anything weren't very impression.

Could I have that again in "Captain-dummy" talk?

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:03 PM


Watched today off of the DVR. Wasn't bad and I'll give it some more episodes to see if it gets better. I was hoping for more "funny" though.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 6:28 PM



Originally posted by LexiBlock:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
Was buffy's first ep erfect? Was The train Job?
I'll give it MANY shots.

Don't remember Buffy, but Firefly was yes.

And it set the tone.

This is not entertainment, its dreary preaching that prostitution is bad - and those of the cast who said anything weren't very impression.

I'm not horny after any of the cast, perhaps that's why I'm not less than enthusiastic.

Read on Whedonesque that Joss will be adding some well known faces: Alan Tudyk and Felicia Day.

I love Alan so I'm really looking forward to what Joss will do. :)


Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:05 PM


"Thats cause their brains are melting and that reality crap is the reason why."

Hahahaha, he just couldn't help himself.

Whedon says to mainstream TV.


Monday, February 16, 2009 5:26 AM


I really like the concept of the show.. and I could see that there are enough elements to it, and a lot of the characters looked like they could be rather compelling, but I was a little disappointed in the overall story of this first episode. It just had the feel like it was a "typical so-so" episode. Like this episode could have easily been aired halfway through the season.

I guess it didn't seem like there was enough compelling exposition to really grab your attention and the story of this episode just didn't seem "big" enough for a start of a new show. Especially at the end. I guess that was supposed to be a cliff-hanger kind of "what's going on here" type of thing. But that's the problem.. it was TOO MUCH of "what's going on here". I was more just scratching my head at the end, than OMG I can't wait for the next episode. They gave us TOO LITTLE information about what was going on. I would like to see Joss's first version of the show, before he had to re-shoot it.

Like anything, maybe it just needs to get it's legs under it. Many shows start out slow but then progressively get better and better as they go, right up until the show meets it's full potential and the network cancels it!

I think that this show would be MUCH better on cable.. like Showtime or HBO.. where Joss wouldn't be limited to the stories that he could do or wouldn't have the network meddeling in it so much. Like, s*x is certainly going to be an aspect of the show.. they hinted at it in the beginning when we see Echo's memory was being wiped from her most current "job". I'm sure it's going to be an aspect of the show, but it being network TV, Joss is going to have to kind of delicatly dance around the subject. Where on HBO or Showtime.. he wouldn't have those restrictions. Like take Dexter for example. Dexter would be a good show on network TV. But on cable where they don't have the restrictions... it's a brilliant show. I would definatly say the best show on TV right now.. even better than BSG.

So, I guess I'm trying to say that I thought it was OK, looks like it has potential, but was a little disappointed in this pilot episode.


Monday, February 16, 2009 5:46 AM


Ouch, second lowest rated series premiere of the year, just ahead of Crusoe.


"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, February 16, 2009 6:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I agree, Joss would do very well on HBO or Showtime, I mean just in general. Not that he seems overly fond of being explicit, he actually likes to keep some mystery and intrigue going, but not having to work with restrictions would be good. Also, those cable networks are less obsessed with mega ratings than the major networks are. They have smaller audience levels, but since the smaller audiences all have to pay to have the channel, they seem to have decent budgets. So I'm very much in agreement that he should do something for a channel like that, it could really be great. FOX.



Monday, February 16, 2009 6:28 AM


Look guys, it can still be a hit. Obama got in, right? Anything is possible.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, February 16, 2009 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Ouch, second lowest rated series premiere of the year, just ahead of Crusoe.


"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

yeah, but Crusoe was just garbage. >_< It seriously engaged my gag reflex, the writing is so bad. It only got worse after the first episode, and why I watched the first episode let alone more than one I have no idea, guess there was nothing on. But I think Dollhouse has the opportunity to get better and I think the audience will be able to feel that.

Besides, compare this show to the bland crime investigation stuff that gets a lot of viewers, the stuff people watch on the networks and think have good stories because they don't know any better. This first episode definitely wasn't any worse than those.


Monday, February 16, 2009 9:45 AM


The following sounds like an echo (heh, punny!):
It might have done better if it were promoted. Fox in Atlanta did a little bit to talk about it, but I never saw diddly for promotion on the Carolina affiliate. I was amused that the prize on the Atlanta affiliate was a Firefly blu-ray.

I also thought the cut-ins with Eliza and Summer were horrible. As if some exec said "Pimply face geek-boys are the target! All we need to do is put the hotties on and they'll come drooling!" Perhaps allowing the writers to focus on plot and story-telling might help with the ratings for both shows? Oh, and less yapping about 3 dots from Sarah Connor.


Monday, February 16, 2009 10:39 AM


Even after Fox Network nixed the Serenity Pilot, we got Train Job as a replacement pilot. Dollhouse didn't have ANYTHING even remotely as good in it. No memorable scenes or lines, just nothing. Train Job was Gone With The Wind compared to Dollhouse premier. Joss and company have a lot of work to do to make this thing fly.


Monday, February 16, 2009 11:57 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I agree, Joss would do very well on HBO or Showtime, I mean just in general. Not that he seems overly fond of being explicit, he actually likes to keep some mystery and intrigue going, but not having to work with restrictions would be good. Also, those cable networks are less obsessed with mega ratings than the major networks are. They have smaller audience levels, but since the smaller audiences all have to pay to have the channel, they seem to have decent budgets. So I'm very much in agreement that he should do something for a channel like that, it could really be great. FOX.


You are so very right.

Dexter, or The Entourage would have been DOA on a mainstream network.
If it's canceled, let's hope Joss can bring it over to the "premium" channels


Monday, February 16, 2009 1:54 PM

SHINYGOODGUY so like to stir the pot (place a Big Grin here)




Monday, February 16, 2009 2:20 PM


Hey Pizmo,

I'm gonna go with No. 2 on this one.
What I don't understand is how Joss has been given absolutely no respect by Fox (and maybe some others) when all he has had are hits (Buffy and Angel) that people love.

His strength is writing for television, that's be proven, so I could imagine how it would be for someone trying to break into the business. But I also tend to agree with Phoenixrose about putting his shows on cable. With the following he has he would do well and he would have certain freedoms that, right now, are hindrances on broadcast television.

If he were to go "rogue" and work with Apple and others to submit his material directly to us, his fan base, and to the general internet population, I think he would do as well there, thereby eliminating his need to get the financial support from those who would dilute his genius.

Oh man, imagine, getting Firefly in pure Joss form. Oooooh, my mind just drooled. Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, cable would be good. Universal are you listening? I have a question. Did anyone notice that DeWitt said that Echo signed up for five years? My guess is that Joss is lowering his sights a bit and hoping that Fox will allow this journey to be completed. We will see.

Of course, true fans will go 'til the end.




Monday, February 16, 2009 2:48 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Hey Pizmo,

I'm gonna go with No. 2 on this one.
What I don't understand is how Joss has been given absolutely no respect by Fox (and maybe some others) when all he has had are hits (Buffy and Angel) that people love.

Hey SGG - Me too on #2, and sadly because it will prbably be all that's left to him other than print.
While we the fans can sit enraptured by his monologues I doubt studio execs get the same buzz. Simple personality/ego clashes - even though JW has produced succe$$ful tv programing - may have a lot to do with his troubles with mainstream media. He needs to be in control and they need to be in control - only room for one of those in the room at a time.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 2:09 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Even after Fox Network nixed the Serenity Pilot, we got Train Job as a replacement pilot. Dollhouse didn't have ANYTHING even remotely as good in it. No memorable scenes or lines, just nothing. Train Job was Gone With The Wind compared to Dollhouse premier. Joss and company have a lot of work to do to make this thing fly.

I feel the same way; I thought the Train Job was very solid. Much like Angel, Firefly had its legs from the get go.

I know I'll probably take some flak for this, but, I just re-watched the pilot of Drive this weekend, and it was way better than the Dollhouse premier. Maybe it was the Nathan factor, but Drive was funnier, more intense, and more exciting to me.

I guess it ultimately comes down to characters you can like, the good ones and the bad ones. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to like a character who, by design, has no personality, at least not one that lasts longer than 1 hour. I assume will get some of Ecco's real personality seeping through eventually. That is, if it's on the air long enough!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 2:33 AM



Originally posted by pachelbel:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Even after Fox Network nixed the Serenity Pilot, we got Train Job as a replacement pilot. Dollhouse didn't have ANYTHING even remotely as good in it. No memorable scenes or lines, just nothing. Train Job was Gone With The Wind compared to Dollhouse premier. Joss and company have a lot of work to do to make this thing fly.

I feel the same way; I thought the Train Job was very solid. Much like Angel, Firefly had its legs from the get go.

I know I'll probably take some flak for this, but, I just re-watched the pilot of Drive this weekend, and it was way better than the Dollhouse premier. Maybe it was the Nathan factor, but Drive was funnier, more intense, and more exciting to me.

I guess it ultimately comes down to characters you can like, the good ones and the bad ones. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to like a character who, by design, has no personality, at least not one that lasts longer than 1 hour. I assume will get some of Ecco's real personality seeping through eventually. That is, if it's on the air long enough!

I liked Drive very much. I was disappointed when it got axed. I have a hard time watching our BDH's in anything not Firefly. Summer on TSSC is great because she is very much like River, and she is growing as an actress and person, but Nathan always seems out of place to me when he's not Captain Mal. I'm going to hang in there with Dollhouse because it is Joss Whedon here, and its' success could help get Joss more power and influence for perhaps more Firefly someday.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Haken:
The thing everyone should be aware of about tonight's episode is that it was re-tooled at FOX's request. If the episode seems serious and disjointed, it's because of that reason.

In interviews, etc., Joss and cast have made it known that the 1st episode isn't what they originally had in mind. Episodes 2 thru 5 are standalone episodes and from episodes 7 on, we'll start seeing a bigger story arc.

Wow. "Retooled" pilot episode forced on Joss and cast by Fox execs. That sounds so familiar......

I did watch and while I wasn't blown away, I did enjoy the show and will be tuned in this coming Friday.

Seems the ratings were less than what Fox hoped for, but TSCC was the lead in and being in the "Timeslot of Death" it did not do well at all either.

Let's hope Fox doesn't hold true to form and cancel it after only three to eight episodes.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 6:24 AM



Originally posted by dug:
I also thought the cut-ins with Eliza and Summer were horrible. As if some exec said "Pimply face geek-boys are the target! All we need to do is put the hotties on and they'll come drooling!" Perhaps allowing the writers to focus on plot and story-telling might help with the ratings for both shows? Oh, and less yapping about 3 dots from Sarah Connor.

Amen! They must've been after that coveted "11-16 male/bi-curious" demographic. That kind of idiocy always gets on my nerves, and under the circumstances it was worse than usual (though through stategic bathroom-going and fast-forwarding I was able to avoid all but 2 of the breaks). Ms. Dushku seemed easy enough with the whole thing, but Summer looked to me like she was wanting to open up a can of I-can-kill-you-with-my-brain on somebody.

It was like that when we got here!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:03 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by pachelbel:
I assume will get some of Ecco's real personality seeping through eventually.

If I'm remembering right, we saw the 'real' girl in the opening. It was kind of an intriguing scene, and definitely could have gone longer. She seemed to be wanting to get away from something, or she'd done something and was pushed into the program as a kind of punishment. She said something about not having a choice. I'd like to have known a little more of that girl's story; the scene felt kind of truncated to me.



Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:15 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
the scene felt kind of truncated to me.

I thought they showed just enough to give us an idea, but left more for us to wonder about.
I liked it.

The action-figure Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:54 AM


Finally watched it last night.

I was.... underwhelmed. Didn't dislike it by any means, but it didn't really grab me, either.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:13 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

I was.... underwhelmed.

I can grok that. Were it not that I see great potential, I might have written it off on the spot.
(and it's Joss )

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:29 AM


Ok.. a lot of people seem to be on the same bandwagon as "Meh".. or "Underwelmed" by this piolet episode. But I think that we are all on Joss's bandwagon enough to give the show a chance and keep watching to see where it goes.

So instead of keep going on what we all didn't like about the piolet.. or what didn't grab us. Let's take a second to talk about the things we did like:

I for one:

1) Acutally liked that fact that Echo was something, I hate to call 'mundane', as a hostage negotiater. This is only in comparison to what the cliche or expectation would have been of her being some kind of assasin, mercinary, soldier, etc. Joss is the master of taking a cliche and turning it on it's head. So I loved that he went out the gate with her being something that no-one would expect. Her being nearsighted and having ashma was TOTALLY unexpected and was the icing on the cake.

2) I really like the cast. I can't say there was anyone in there so far that I was disappointed in. Things could change on any given character for me of course.. but the only one I was a little disappointed in was the geeky computer scientist guy. That was just it... he wasn't geeky enough (at least so far), I thought he was too "hip" geeky. Not that I want him to be I-live-in-my-parents-basement geeky.. but maybe just a little more shy/awkward than what he is. That could lend to some great storylines.. of what does a nerdy/shy/geeky guy do afterhours with a "dollhouse" full of incredibly hot women?!?!?! Would he ever even leave work and go home?

I think Alan would have been good for this part. Also.. I'm not quite sure about the lady who runs the dollhouse (or appears to run it). She was OK.. I would LOVED to have seen Moreana in this roll.

3) Eliza.. she is going to have to pull of an ENORMOUS range in acting this part. So far from the first episode.. I think she's going to be able to do it. And all the while being a very attractive woman.. but who isn't shown as "over the top" gorgeous. It looks to me that Eliza is going to play the part very effectivly. Kristen Bell is the first name that pops to my mind that I think also could have fit in this roll. Kristen could make an excellent addition as another active.

4) Helo!!! Can't recall the actor's name off the top of my head.. but great to see him in a Joss show! And I had NO clue what was going on when he was being drilled by his bosses, and they keep flashing to a scene of him boxing. I keep thinking.. WTF does him boxing have to do with anything? Yet when they ask him "So are you going to back down?" and they flash to him laying on the mat after being pummeled by the other guy, yet he gets back up and beats the crap out of him, cut back to being drilled by his bosses, and he looks to them as he lies "Yes, I will back down". It all made perfect sense. That was, in my opinion, the best scene of the whole episode. Well.. right behind the half second shot of Eliza's memory being wiped and she's naked in bed with the guy and she pulls out some rope! That would be number 1!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:09 PM


Things I liked about the episode...hmmmm

Eliza dancing in the little white dress.

I actually did like the nerd who did the conditioning or whatever you want to call it. He seemed like Wash to me.

Echo's handler seemed like a character with some potential.

The head of the Dollhouse seemed like she has potential as well.

Beyond that not much else jumped out at me as good.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:22 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by pachelbel:
I assume will get some of Ecco's real personality seeping through eventually.

If I'm remembering right, we saw the 'real' girl in the opening. It was kind of an intriguing scene, and definitely could have gone longer. She seemed to be wanting to get away from something, or she'd done something and was pushed into the program as a kind of punishment. She said something about not having a choice. I'd like to have known a little more of that girl's story; the scene felt kind of truncated to me.

I'm assuming that the "'real' girl" is something we'll se more of as the story unfolds. Even so, I know what you mean - the scene did feel shorter than it wanted to be. At the time I semi-unconsciously attributed it to whatever retooling Joss had to do to satisfy Fox's savage, heathen urges...

It was like that when we got here!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:58 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by pachelbel:
I assume will get some of Ecco's real personality seeping through eventually.

If I'm remembering right, we saw the 'real' girl in the opening. It was kind of an intriguing scene, and definitely could have gone longer. She seemed to be wanting to get away from something, or she'd done something and was pushed into the program as a kind of punishment. She said something about not having a choice. I'd like to have known a little more of that girl's story; the scene felt kind of truncated to me.


I actually missed the very beginning ... stupid kids! And last night my VCR ate the tape I recorded the episode on. I guess I'll have to try to catch it on Hulu. It sounds like it was a rather important part.

Did anyone understand what was happening at the very end, when the tape of Ecco at college was playing? Are we supposed to yet?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:02 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:

Read on Whedonesque that Joss will be adding some well known faces: Alan Tudyk and Felicia Day.

I love Alan so I'm really looking forward to what Joss will do. :)

Saw Alan at Farpoint Con this weekend and he cleared up the rumor. He said he will NOT be appearing on Dollhouse. He only visited the set. But Felicia has confirmed that she'll be on.

And Alan did say he plans to be on Nathan's new show, Castle, but not in the first season. It would be the second assuming they get renewed.

OK, back to your regularly scheduled discussion....

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:12 PM


Thanks! Our insider!

The convention-less Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:30 AM


I pestered a co-worker into watching Dollhouse on hulu. The first thing she messages me about it "this is terrible". Not a good review from someone who at least enjoyed Firefly even if she didn't become an all out browncoat.

Update: She quit watching before even the end of the episode. That's a really bad sign. She said she was so unimpressed that she didn't care about the last 10 minutes. Bah.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:12 PM



Originally posted by Stoweaway:

Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:

Read on Whedonesque that Joss will be adding some well known faces: Alan Tudyk and Felicia Day.

I love Alan so I'm really looking forward to what Joss will do. :)

Saw Alan at Farpoint Con this weekend and he cleared up the rumor. He said he will NOT be appearing on Dollhouse. He only visited the set. But Felicia has confirmed that she'll be on.

And Alan did say he plans to be on Nathan's new show, Castle, but not in the first season. It would be the second assuming they get renewed.

Maybe Alan doesn't know yet. :( Sometimex he doesn't understand well what people say.

It sounded like Joss said so at NY Comic Con.

Of course Nathan and Alan working together again would be fun.


Thursday, February 19, 2009 1:30 AM


Well I'm a little surprised at peoples indifference to what the pilot just did.

It maybe doesn't have the usual pilot episode 'action' but it's full of little Joss sized intrigue! I thought the whole piece played like a picture boardgame. Clues of what's to come everywhere. I was fascinated. Bare in mind her name is 'Echo' - I think this is a big indicator of what to expect from the show. So paying attention to what takes place is very important.

Some very interesting personalities working around each other too.

Her 'watcher' (essentially) Boyd Langdon stole the show for me. He had just the right amount of duty and pathos towards Echo. Superb casting.

The morally intriguing Topher Brink and the morally shackled Dr Claire Saunders are great. I can only hope Joss expands on them, because thier dynamic is looking very interesting.

Now Sierra who stormed in at the end to lead the assault squad has the rumblings of what 'River' was designed to be had the government had their way. Now that, I found very interesting, because I think Joss is maybe expanding on what he had in mind for that particular story arc in Firefly.

..and the idea that The Dollhouse was set up to do good - is an intriguing misdirection.

The idea of borrowed memory implants I think is a touch of genius. That really struck me as the key to where this show is going to go. I'm a little disappointed this wasn't highlighted more in the build up.

So all in all. I'm sold.

The one thing that is occaisionally taking me away from the show, is the fact that the Dollhouse looks very similar to the Wolfram and Hart offices from Angel season 5. I'd have hoped for a vastly different look. Also the theme and the music throughout was a little limp.

Otherwise I'm into it.






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