My thoughts made public: Perhaps a greeting's in order...?

UPDATED: Monday, March 23, 2009 13:47
VIEWED: 6266
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Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:32 AM


Hello all.

I feel like I don't know wher to begin or if I should even write this, but just wanted to say hello to everyone out there.

I feel late in so many ways or somehow wandered down a different path and yet ended up as avid and intrinsicly fascinated of an enthusiast of Firefly and Serenity as many others.

I first caught Firefly on TV but I somewhat dismissed it because I never got the full story... I always felt like I was watching the middle of a storyline I just couldn't follow, and, as some may find ironic, I'm not much into "western" oriented movies, stories, etc.. so I think, now in retrospect, the TV company which released everything in a terrible order somewhat forced my hand of bias towards not thinking about Firefly anymore... and I didn't have to since time for its airing was so shortlived (now, I can honestly say, so sorry that ever happened).

Years later, finally a new preview of a sci-fi movie that looked unqiue.. different.. something that wasn't another sequel or rehash of whatever of a previous sci fi movie, etc (and I do like scifi, don't get me wrong).

And I swear to this day Serenity is a constant movie I talk about and try sharing to others. Within 15 minutes, it suddenly clicked, however, after watching it: "oh my.. wait a second.. I recognize this crew.. these actors.." and I was shocked and delightfully surprised because of the quality of the film being able to, not only pull me in as an independent scifi movie with substance, but suddenly connected me to a renewed interested of Firefly. I thought "Gee, how did I miss this from the original show?"

Well after getting all the episodes and watching them in order, I had so much more of an open mind. The idea of Chinese and English fascinates me as well.. the stories, characters.. all such warrantable substance..

...And trying to get others to watch it.. well, I just finished watching a my copy of "Done The Impossible" and I think I now see and understand/share the commonality of other people's frustrations of getting other people to watch such a good piece of visual writing.

I've been intrigued and following closely the logos, symbolic references in the episodes and movie, I've noted (and bought) a few shirts, envied others that I cannot find.. and now I'm embarking on my own to make a few of my own from scratch referencing screen shots and replicating what I caught in a few-frames of a logo, etc.

But on the side of other Browncoats out there... well, I feel somewhat lost and, as I started off, misplaced/displaced/a bit late in coming out as a (if I can call myself one) a Browncoat...

A Cleveland transplant of 30 years, I now have been living in Philly. From my interactions with others here, I only know of one other friend who enjoys Firefly and Serenity, but most everyone else either dismisses when I mention it, or the "Oh I'll rent it... eventually [sigh]" response...

So I keep to myself about my personal enjoyment (and hopes of a sequel in the next decade), but am I alone in the thought process I've just described? In Philly? In the country/world?

Hmm.. I reckon that may be a mystery, but I just felt the need to write this down and get it out to (hopefully) a community of people who also came onto this site (at whatever point in their lives after Firefly's debut) with similar thoughts, feels, etc..

Anyway, cheers to you all. And if anyone from the show ever reads this, know that you all have done something very unique and specially indepth... and indelible to people like me (artist, musician, filmmaker and film editor).

Thank you.

Jared Tobin


Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:14 PM


Welcome Browncoat!
down below my signature is a link that might lead you to some stuff you may have missed...

There are conventions w/our BDH (Big Damn Heroes) at different times and places around the country...
and most big cities have a group of Browncoats who get together several times a year (notably for Joss Whedon's birthday there is a 'Can't Stop the Serenity' event to support Equality Now)
I hope you'll find some local Browncoats even if you haven't had luck in converting friends & family
(I ended up giving the Firefly DVDs to people for birthdays & Christmas, and converted several... but they'll never be as big of fans as I am! LOL)

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:23 PM


Welcome Jared!
A Browncoat's a Browncoat, no matter when they come on board! I love seein' new peeps finding the show/movie & this site. Start some threads, and don't worry about covering old territory, we lurves to gab about it.
And we go on and on.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:53 PM


Welcome, Jared! I'm a newcomer myself, only realizing the sheer awesomeness that is Firefly about two months ago for the first time. I'm excited to see new people are still getting started posting and reaching out to fellow Browncoats. Though I'm not sure how many here are from Philly, I'd wager you're not the only one in your "town"--probably more are in the closet about their Firefly addiction there too. You might try searching Yahoo Groups for a nearby group of fans. Try Browncoat or Firefly/Serenity as search terms. I found one for me in Tennessee that way. I'm just blessed that my father (and to a smaller degree my mother) is discovering and loving the series almost as much as I am. Having another face to talk about the series with is key!

I still need to get Done the Impossible (I know I can download it free, but I want to buy it to support those who worked so hard to make it happen), but I can already understand some of the devotion and community inherent to being a Browncoat. As some of the long-time residents to this site told me not long ago, "You're buying merchandise, lamenting the all-too short life of the series, trying to convert people, signing up for and posting on message boards... Yep! You're a Browncoat through and through! Make yourself at home; you're among family here."

So here's your honorary Browncoat, if no one's brought one from the welcoming committee yet. *passes sturdy brown leather coat to Jared, along with a mug of mudder's milk* It's seen some travel, but I think they're best that way. Glad you posted the heartfelt thoughts and I hope we'll be hearing more from you in the future! Got us a few rough folk 'round these parts, but they mean well, just as the proper ones do.

By the way: for converting people, the best strategy for me so far is to go to friends or family with DVD in hand and say, "Hey, let's check out while I'm here. I'll bring the snacks! I think you might like it." By having the product in hand and being there to fill in questions or comments (if they're the type of people who like that), it's a more personal connection and more likely to draw people in. I tried suggesting it to a friend without the DVDs in hand once and I got, "Um... I think I've heard of that. Yeah maybe sometime... yeah. Didn't it have like cowboys and stuff? I don't think I liked that movie much but I kinda forget." >.< Doh! I've heard people suggest buying one DVD set for yourself to keep safe, and one as a loaner set! Then they don't even have to pay a rental fee or use up Netflix exchange time, or download anything from Hulu/other storage site! :D


Thursday, March 12, 2009 4:48 PM


I have to say, thank you to all fellow Browncoats for such quick and personal responses...

It truly has beena few years fefore I actually decided to join, but after careful examination of the episodes, the movie... the plot and character writing, flow, etc.. it just is so incredibly well done... I hate to use the wor d"was" because it still IS wonderfully done.

And I'm suddenly finding, though not in this city yet, that the people online and in this group are truly embracing and welcoming as I have heard it to be.

My only regret, I reckon, is not searching you all out sooner.


Oh yeah, and by the by, Done The Impossible is a nicely edited, compiled, and dvd-post-programmed piece of work. Minus 2 small glitches, the interactive timeline is quite an informative piece to behold all on its own.

Jared Tobin


Thursday, March 12, 2009 5:37 PM


Welcome aboard Jared.

It's always fun meeting a new browncoat. My name is Rosie. I'm the Rosie from Done The Impossible.

We're all still here becausevwe found something special and we continue to spread the word about Firefly.

Meeting Browncoats is my favorite part.

Keep Flyin'!


Friday, March 13, 2009 6:38 AM


I hear ya, Jared. I'm relatively new to the series and movie myself. Probably about two months. I'm certainly hooked. I've got a "Firefly" theme on my cell phone, fer cryin' out loud, and I bring it up all the time to family and friends. Such an incredibly well-done show that simply wasn't given a chance or the right treatment from the network. *sigh* I LOVED the movie even though I was crushed, like so many others, when Wash was killed by those ruttin' Reavers. There's something to be said of a show that touches so many people on so many levels. Some liken themselves to Mal in how he feels and acts. Some find a friend in Wash or Kaylee. Others amused by Jayne, infatuated with Inara, concerned for Simon and River. Wow. What other storyline can you really say has or had that much effect on people? A storyline that only has 14 episodes and one movie? It's amazing. And a storyline in which the actors even admittedly found themselves lost in and were heartbroken when it had to end? Incredible. I saw an interview with Nathan Fillion in which he said he hopes people never stop coming up to him and talking to him about Firefly.

Well . . . I've said enough. Keep flyin' everyone and keep it shiney.

By the way . . . if there are any Browncoats in Northcentral Ohio, lemme know.

Zoe: "Get it running again."
Mal: "Yeah"
Zoe: "So not running now"
Mal: "Not so much"
- Out of Gas


Friday, March 13, 2009 9:27 AM


Don't worry about bein' late-- ya know the old Scottish expression, " The party don't start 'till The MacGregor gets there"? ain't quite as imposing with " the JaredTobin", but it's true anyway. I got the fresh Bao, and there's folks over there with a jug of inter-engine brew.

Ya got here, and we're " pleased ta meetcha."


Friday, March 13, 2009 2:58 PM


Welcome to the party! I have to admit, I came to Firefly late myself. Somehow, I never heard of it when it was on TV, not even one little whisper of it. How that happened is still beyond me, but then again, I don't usually sit around watching TV. However, as a Netflix subscriber, I was introduced to the show when "Serenity" showed up on my Recommendations list. Once I saw the movie, then I was itching for more, as Mal, in my opinion, is one of the most compelling characters in modern fiction....a mass of conflicting emotions in a thoroughly engaging package. Next thing I knew, I was watching and re-watching Firefly until I could quote it verbatim. And then, a strange and highly enjoyable thing happened. In my hunger for the story to continue, I could not seem to resist the urge to continue it myself. Hence, a storyline that spanned a couple of years and upwards of 700,000 words by the time it was done was born and posted in the BSR. Mind you, I had not written anything creatively in twenty years when I started the tale, having only written office memos and business correspondence for most of my adult life. But, the show would not let me go, as I'm sure you're finding to be so in your own case. And though the storyline I wrote has come to its end, Mal's voice still rattles around in my head addictively. And once in awhile, another story pops out, despite the fact that I am currently trying to concentrate on working on an original piece of fiction in an effort to get it published professionally. If I am successful in that endeavor, it will be in large part to the inspiration Firefly provided for me to get my creative juices flowing again, and the wonderfully kind reviews my storyline generated on this and a few other sites. So, my Firefly friend, all I can say to you is that there is a progression of events that occurs with many fellow Browncoats. First, you watch. Then, you re-watch again and again. Then, you start talking about the ideas of the show with random folks on the street as well as fellow fans. Then, before you can quite stop yourself, you venture into the world of fanfic as a reader. And lastly (and here's the warning in my message), the story takes on a life of its own in your head and you find yourself sitting in front of a keyboard, your fingers tapping out a tale of your own. And you know what? We'll be right here eagerly waiting to read it when that happens! :)


Sunday, March 15, 2009 10:45 PM


"It's always fun meeting a new browncoat. My name is Rosie. I'm the Rosie from Done The Impossible."

I sent you a personal mail, but I suspect you're the Rosie I remember from Done The Impossible stating "When you go to a Shindig, it's like going to a family gathering of people you haven't met yet..." please let me know if I'm right....

And if anyone is in the Philadelphia area, let me know.. I'm on foot, without a spaceship [smirk] so I'm kinda stuck in this big city... and yet everyone I've "non-personally met" has been through the television screen as usual....

One day I hope to meet you all..

Jared Tobin (the man behind Jared Tobin)


Sunday, March 15, 2009 10:59 PM


Hey there Slumming...

I had to reply publicly on this one, though I've made attempts to reply privately to all for keeping me envigorated with life and newness with something I felt i was personally running into the ground (one can only watch those episodes and the movie alone too many times without some repercussions, I'm sure... and reply back perosnally if my replies didn't get back to you) but you said:

"First, you watch. Then, you re-watch again and again. Then, you start talking about the ideas of the show with random folks on the street as well as fellow fans. Then, before you can quite stop yourself, you venture into the world of fanfic as a reader. And lastly (and here's the warning in my message), the story takes on a life of its own in your head and you find yourself sitting in front of a keyboard, your fingers tapping out a tale of your own. And you know what? We'll be right here eagerly waiting to read it when that happens!"

So I assume you've taken the route of continuing where things had left off, in terms or writing script-wise? Mighty intensive a task you'd be taking on, but if so, I'm curious (since I'm new still) how others have incorporated their own interpretations into fiction (which I'm assuming you meant)...

And how do the writers of Firefly and Serenity feel.. especially (crossing fingers.. I can't be the only only one) hoping there may be a unqiue sequel within the next decade of this century.....?

Jared Tobin


Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:09 PM


And my reply to Cellardoor, I have to say:

"Thank you for my honorary, yet beat up round the 'verse browncoat.. might shiny of you, if I do say so myself! I wouldn't mind having a browncoat like that someday..."

I will admit, I'm not much of a "western" fan.... and yet I bet there are just as many "western" fans out there who might say "ya know, I never thought I'd be much into a sci-fi" show.. and yet here we are... a nice combination...

Intellectionally.. there is enough to satisfy both, in every episode, I've seemed to have found. Everything from the holographic pooltable and windows, to the most unique moment of "Ariel" with the brain scan.. and yet still boiling down to "low down dirty rotten greed"... with a "perfect" ending to that episode if I do say so myself...

Thank you all for such good support and reponse.. It has kept my week a float during turbulent times as of late...


Jared Tobin


Monday, March 16, 2009 2:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Jared! Glad to have you here w/ us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:41 PM



Originally posted by JaredTobin:
"It's always fun meeting a new browncoat. My name is Rosie. I'm the Rosie from Done The Impossible."

I sent you a personal mail, but I suspect you're the Rosie I remember from Done The Impossible stating "When you go to a Shindig, it's like going to a family gathering of people you haven't met yet..." please let me know if I'm right....

That's right! It's still true. I highly recommend going to a Con, my favorite is DragonCon in Atlanta.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:09 PM


So shindigs of sorts are still happening? Shiny! I've *gotta* watch Done the Impossible! Since I haven't actually seen the BDM yet (I wanted to finish the series first), should I wait until after I've seen that to watch Done the Impossible?

I would love to go to a Con... but large crowds kinda intimidate me. Plus, Cons sound 'spensive. DragonCon is the closest to me geographically though, so it's cool to hear it's a highly praised one.

Think other BDHs in addition to Ron Glass will attend it this year? I mean, I hear he's funny enough on his own, but that's a big investment...! Of course, I could visit other tracks as well I suppose. After all, I've invested in plenty of other fandoms over the years. :P


Thursday, March 19, 2009 3:50 AM


Welcome aboard Jared and Cellardoor. I hope your journeyswith us are clear and smooth.


Thursday, March 19, 2009 7:29 AM


There are shindigs a plenty.


It's a directory for all things Firefly including communities such as yahoogroups or meetups.

The southeast browncoats run the fan booth for Dragon Con. Usually there are 2 BDHs. Won't know who until last minute. But I go for the chance to meet east coast Browncoats.

I do recommend watching Serenity before Done the Impossible due to spoilers.

Welcome aboard, the Serenity trip continues.



Monday, March 23, 2009 10:59 AM


Ya know, I have notifications from this site to my phone, and I have to say, it's nice to suddenly see another response or personal message (though haven't figured out if you can excahnge private mail here or not) but it actually brings a smile to my face, sitting some random bar or cafe and suddenly... there's a message.

It's a refreshing "ah, I'm not alone in the 'verse" sort of feeling.

I suppose one could say, it makes me feel shiny.

Sadly, on the note of the cons, I'm low on cash (I sound like a member on the crew of Serenity.. heh heh) so flying to cons etc are somewhat difficult I reckon during these "blissfully" troubling money times... I am beginning to wonder if there are other browncoats around the Philadelphian area. I have run into some dead ends on the ol' Cortex... but maybe my message will continue on to others nearby.

And my advise is also: Watch Serenity before Done The Impossible. Even the wonderfully customized "warning" at the beginning of the DVD kinda says it all... [laughing]

Jared Tobin


Monday, March 23, 2009 1:47 PM


LOL I know the feeling. I was just getting off work when I read your notification. :)

You are definitely not alone. Have you tried the mid-atlantic browncoats yahoo group?

Keep Flyin'






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