Does this make me a Browncoat

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 23:59
VIEWED: 2875
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Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:51 PM


So helping my friend pack stuff for his permanent move overseas. I stumble across a little ole DVD called Firefly. My friend, knowing my grouching about no good sci-fi, anymore suggests I take it home and watch it. Which I do Over the next 3 nights, staying up far too late, the last night I end up watching the last two disks non-stop (going to bed at 6:00am).

But with a contented feel inside and jovial step I return the DVD to my friend. All is good with the world, I've discovered some real quality Sci-fi that I can get my teeth into. A show that really connects with me, perhaps because it's not about some idealistic version of humans, but a sci-fi shows that includes people, real people with all their flaws.

I plan on my way over, the nights I will have watching this and lamenting that I could be so blinded never to have heard of this before. I plan to drop by my regular DVD supplier and buy all the Series I can find and spend my upcoming holidays immersed in what has to be the best sci-fi I have ever watched.

I suddenly have the song from Jaynestown coursing through my mind as I pull into my friends driveway. And then the Verse played a cruel cruel joke.

"No more episodes" he says. My stunned non-verbal responses obviously belied my thoughts, "Serious" he says, "That's it". Again no response, but he moves quickly and takes the DVD out of my hand. "And NO you cant keep this, its mine".

So I'm gutted. I'm walking around on the first day of my holiday as though someone close has passed away. My plans to catch up on various tv shows shelved for lack of interest. Oh I could go through the motions, much as I read magazines while waiting at the doctors just to pass the time. But no, after Firefly why watch pale imitations.

Is this it I ask myself. After 42 years of life, and 30+ of them being a Scifi buff, after all the books, and tv and movies is this the end of my sci-fi expereince. How will anything even come close to Firefly. As I look through my collections of plastic adventures and contrived worlds, I think only of firefly.

Where do I go now. My regular online and offline DVD suppliers have sold out of Firefly, so I resolve to go hunting for a copy elsewhere. But like paying your last respects at a funeral its something I have to do rather than want to do. Not even a complete season to watch, how can the verse be so cruel.

I've never written to anybody about anything to do with entertainment. Why am I starting with Firefly. Why have I spent many nights reading fan sites and forums full of people with similar feelings. Why am I seeking out a group of people to write this.

I guess to say, Joss Whedon and others, thank you so much for what you've given us with Firefly.

BUT. Perhaps, Firefly was the result of having the right people in the right place at the right time. If it cant be done again in a series format you should put it in it's grave and give the obituary. Let us all grieve and move on.

BUT. If you think you could still make Firefly true to the original vision can you not end what appears to be a passive approach and make one more concerted effort to resurrect it. Couldnt you try pitching Firefly just one more time???


Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:04 PM


Keeping order in every verse

I, for one, will welcome you aboard and dust off the spare tan coloured mac I have hiding in my closet and officially present it to you. I trust that you have watched the Serenity BDM to further your viewing pleasure. Might make you feel a little better.And everybody here will be makin' a fuss!!!!


Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:16 PM


Peacekeeper, you beat me too it, but I guess there's at least one more virtual Browncoat left in the closet. One always appears magically when I need it.

*hands a virtual Browncoat to Totallydevastated*

Sit down and stay in the 'verse a while, have some chocolate covered strawberrys and some Mudder's milk, but not too much.

To ease your devastation, watch Serenity, the big screen treatment of the 'Verse that we know and love.

Read some of the excellent fan fic in the Blue Sun Room. Jane0904, Steamer, and others are my favorite.


Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:25 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
Peacekeeper, you beat me too it, but I guess there's at least one more virtual Browncoat left in the closet. One always appears magically when I need it.

*hands a virtual Browncoat to Totallydevastated*

Sit down and stay in the 'verse a while, have some chocolate covered strawberrys and some Mudder's milk, but not too much.

To ease your devastation, watch Serenity, the big screen treatment of the 'Verse that we know and love.

Read some of the excellent fan fic in the Blue Sun Room. Jane0904, Steamer, and others are my favorite.

NC, I didnt mean to steal your thunder. You welcomed me aboard not so long ago and I appreciated the sentiment. I hope I havent stepped on your toes. Love and all that.


Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:30 PM


You didn't step on my toes. I need all the help I can get with the closet. It gets a bit messy sometimes so it helps to have someone else clean it out a bit.

*gives Peacekeeper a set of keys to the closet that's never really locked*


Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:44 PM



Originally posted by TotallyDevastated:
So I'm gutted. I'm walking around on the first day of my holiday as though someone close has passed away. My plans to catch up on various tv shows shelved for lack of interest. Oh I could go through the motions, much as I read magazines while waiting at the doctors just to pass the time. But no, after Firefly why watch pale imitations.

Is this it I ask myself. After 42 years of life, and 30+ of them being a Scifi buff, after all the books, and tv and movies is this the end of my sci-fi expereince. How will anything even come close to Firefly. As I look through my collections of plastic adventures and contrived worlds, I think only of firefly.

Where do I go now. My regular online and offline DVD suppliers have sold out of Firefly, so I resolve to go hunting for a copy elsewhere. But like paying your last respects at a funeral its something I have to do rather than want to do. Not even a complete season to watch, how can the verse be so cruel.

I've never written to anybody about anything to do with entertainment. Why am I starting with Firefly. Why have I spent many nights reading fan sites and forums full of people with similar feelings. Why am I seeking out a group of people to write this.

*hangs head sympathetically* Wow, this sounds like an exact description of me about three months ago. Totallydevastaded, I do indeed feel your pain. Be comforted by the knowledge that you are absolutely a Browncoat and among family here.

After getting about half way through (I actually rationed my viewing on the last two disks, knowing that was all there was), I scanned my DVD shelves loaded with drama, fantasy and sci-fi, hoping for something to watch to distract me from the temptation of finishing the series too quickly. Thinking about watching any of them gave me a sour taste in my mouth, and they just seemed lifeless and trite.

Absolutely find the movie Serenity and watch it if you have not yet. It helps a little at least. If you can find it, also watch "Done the Impossible: The Fans' Tale of Firefly and Serenity"--I'm still looking forward to watching this myself for the first time, and I hear it's a spectacular documentary about Browncoats who wouldn't take cancellation for an answer.

Joss Whedon has written two graphic novels that are considered canon as well: "Those Left Behind" and "Better Days". You can also check out "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" for more Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion fun. I'll leave other suggestions to those who have lived with the limitations of the 'verse longer than I have though. :)

Joss hasn't read an obituary yet, so he may yet have some plans for the 'verse. As recently as weeks ago he has expressed his continued interest if "suits with money" approach him with funding, and the entire Firefly crew has expressed that they would sign on a project if Joss gets Firefly off the ground again (Nathan Fillion most vocally).

Oh yeah, and the bit about reading forums far into the night and finally posting here... that's my story too! So here's some fresh inter-engine wine; sit back and put your feet up.


Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:57 PM


Welcome aboard T'ly D'd. Be sure to see Serenity (Big Damn Movie starring our Big Damn Heroes). Also I have still been seeing FF DVDs at Bestbuy for $19.99 on sale recently.
You likely would also enjoy Done The Impossible DVD, a documentary.
Come Juneish we watch Serenity in Cinemas during Can't Stop The Serenity screenings.


Monday, April 13, 2009 1:33 AM


Welcome aboard TOTALLYDEVASTATED, the flight may get bumpy from time to time, but she's still the best ship in the 'verse.


Monday, April 13, 2009 1:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site TotallyDevastated and to the ranks of the browncoats! Glad to have you with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Monday, April 13, 2009 2:01 AM


Also support the crew in their latest endeavors.

Nathan Fillion is wonderful in Castle as a mystery writer that's doing "research" with a female homicide detective. Think of a happy Mal with money and the bickering between Mal and Inara.

Summer is in The Sarah Conner Chronicles, Adam is on Chuck (IMHO Maj Casey is an intelliegent ancestor of Jayne), Alan is supposed to guest star on Joss Whedon's current show Dollhouse next week and Moreana has been cast in V, for next season I thinnk.

Ron Glass does a lot of guest appearances and Gina Torres has started acting again after having a little girl with her husband, Lawrence Fishburn.

TRIVIA ALERT-Gina got married during the filming of Out of Gas, that's why you don't see much of her in that episode.

There is also a fan film in production right now called Browncoats: Redemption with original characters. Steamer posted a blog last week about working as an extra. The profits will go to several charities including Nathan's charity of choice, KidsNeedtoRead. Check out


Monday, April 13, 2009 6:29 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Welcome aboard T'ly D'd. Be sure to see Serenity (Big Damn Movie starring our Big Damn Heroes). Also I have still been seeing FF DVDs at Bestbuy for $19.99 on sale recently.
You likely would also enjoy Done The Impossible DVD, a documentary.
Come Juneish we watch Serenity in Cinemas during Can't Stop The Serenity screenings.

Being a recent convert myself (though no one ever offered me a virtual browncoat that I can remember *sniff*) I would LOVE to see Serenity on the BIG SCREEN. Where can I find a list of showings in my area?

On a quick note . . . some of you may remember my trials with getting my wife hooked on Firefly. Just this weekend she was heading off to work and asked, "Could you please hand me my brown coat?" I just smiled and chuckled as I handed it to her. I then had to explain . . . again . . . the whole Browncoat thing.

Absolutely, Nathan is fantastic in Castle. He's a riot to watch. The scene of playing laser tag with his daughter then inviting Beckett into his appartment was priceless. Adam Baldwin is great in Chuck. I don't watch TSCC, just because, and I just haven't been able to get into Dollhouse. Something's missing there.

At any rate, welcome aboard Totally!

Zoe: "Get it running again."
Mal: "Yeah"
Zoe: "So not running now"
Mal: "Not so much"
- Out of Gas


Monday, April 13, 2009 12:04 PM



Originally posted by RIPWash:

Being a recent convert myself (though no one ever offered me a virtual browncoat that I can remember *sniff*) I would LOVE to see Serenity on the BIG SCREEN. Where can I find a list of showings in my area?

Aww, no dusty, virtual browncoat...? Since I got here a little while after you, I don't know if I'm qualified to right that oversight. ;)

Here's the link to the event main site with listings in 29 locations so far:

Or here's the list:

# Albuquerque, NM US
# Arlington, VA US
# Austin, TX US
# Baltimore, MD US
# Boston, MA US
# Bristol, UK
# Charlotte, NC US
# Dallas, TX US
# Daytona Beach, FL US
# Denver, CO US
# Des Moines, IA US
# Ft. Lauderdale, FL US
# Launceston, TAS AU
# Madison, WI US
# Nashville, TN US
# New York City, NY US
# Ottawa, ON CA
# Philadelphia, PA US
# Phoenix, AZ US
# Pittsburgh, PA US
# Portland, OR US
# Raleigh, NC US
# Salt Lake City, UT US
# San Antonio, TX US
# Seattle, WA US
# St. Louis, MO US
# Toronto, ON CA
# Tuscon, AZ US
# Yellow Springs, OH US

(sorry for hijacking the thread!)


Monday, April 13, 2009 12:30 PM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by RIPWash:

Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Welcome aboard T'ly D'd. Be sure to see Serenity (Big Damn Movie starring our Big Damn Heroes). Also I have still been seeing FF DVDs at Bestbuy for $19.99 on sale recently.
You likely would also enjoy Done The Impossible DVD, a documentary.
Come Juneish we watch Serenity in Cinemas during Can't Stop The Serenity screenings.

Being a recent convert myself (though no one ever offered me a virtual browncoat that I can remember *sniff*) I would LOVE to see Serenity on the BIG SCREEN. Where can I find a list of showings in my area?

On a quick note . . . some of you may remember my trials with getting my wife hooked on Firefly. Just this weekend she was heading off to work and asked, "Could you please hand me my brown coat?" I just smiled and chuckled as I handed it to her. I then had to explain . . . again . . . the whole Browncoat thing.

Absolutely, Nathan is fantastic in Castle. He's a riot to watch. The scene of playing laser tag with his daughter then inviting Beckett into his appartment was priceless. Adam Baldwin is great in Chuck. I don't watch TSCC, just because, and I just haven't been able to get into Dollhouse. Something's missing there.

At any rate, welcome aboard Totally!

Zoe: "Get it running again."
Mal: "Yeah"
Zoe: "So not running now"
Mal: "Not so much"
- Out of Gas

Hey!! NC has given me spare keys to the closet. Please find enclosed a shiny new virtual browncoat. Enjoy!!


Monday, April 13, 2009 2:28 PM


Thanks Peacekeeper, it's sort of hard to keep up with all the new Browncoats around here. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. *throws open the doors to the closet*

RIPWash, it took me a while to get into Dollhouse, but the last 3 episodes have been pretty good, and last week's was written by Jane Eppenson, who penned Shindig, along with Jed Whedon and Marrrissa Tauncheron, his fiance and co-writer on Dr. Horrible. Alan Tudyk should be on this Friday.

And I won't miss an episode of Castle if I can help it. There's even a bit of Castle fan fic appearing on and


Monday, April 13, 2009 2:35 PM



Joss hasn't read an obituary yet, so he may yet have some plans for the 'verse. As recently as weeks ago he has expressed his continued interest if "suits with money" approach him with funding, and the entire Firefly crew has expressed that they would sign on a project if Joss gets Firefly off the ground again (Nathan Fillion most vocally).

I've read that the actors would be keen. I would hope that also applies to the Photography/Camera people, music and writers etc as well. They all see to play a role in making this show great, at least to me.

I do wish that Joss would take a more proactive approach though. I'm not sure anyone is going to walk up to him with Money on the hope of him pulling it together. On the other hand I can see them doing it in response to a exciting and creditable pitch.

And thanks to all the nice comments in this my moment of misery.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:21 PM



Originally posted by peacekeeper:

Hey!! NC has given me spare keys to the closet. Please find enclosed a shiny new virtual browncoat. Enjoy!!

Oops, I hadn't thought to ask for the keys as I've been liberally passing them out to new crew! NC must have left the closet open, that's it, yep!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:13 PM



Originally posted by TotallyDevastated:
...On the other hand I can see them doing it in response to a exciting and creditable pitch.

We've done our best over the years to convince the Powers That Be to fund a sequel or another series. Alas we have not been successful.
But we all continue to do our part in some small way to keep hope alive.
I agree with what's been suggested here -- comics, Done the Impossible, new shows with our Big Damn Heroes.
You could also check out the podcasts that are dedicated to the Firefly 'verse. There are plenty of companion books. There are ways to stay occupied while we wait for our miracle.
And other than a few hot-heads, I think you'll find this is a really friendly community.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:59 PM


Your coat is kinda brownish.

Hey "Toats McGoats"

Join the rest of us crying in our Mudder's Milk.
Totally Devastated is absolutely right, we're all in the same boat, so welcome.

As you will see when you read on, there are many who would love to have more of our BDH. So pass on the story to others less fortunate (those who haven't seen FF/Serenity) and send your thanks to Universal and Fox for giving us what little we got.

The more that get converted and hooked, the better. Meanwhile enjoy the site. Talk to you soon.








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