Inara's secret.

UPDATED: Saturday, June 6, 2009 10:50
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Monday, May 4, 2009 3:11 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Just found a video on youtube from Dragoncon '08.Morena revealed Inara's secret.Is this common knowledge or should I keep my mouth shut?


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:08 AM


Round here?

There's lots of people who don't know.

But, every time the hint about the leak comes up, people can either go watch it or enough hints get dropped within the course of the conversation that they can figure it out.

However... I think I'm sensing that you kinda sorta want to talk about it? A lot of us LOVE talking about it. Myself included. So you're not going to hear any discouragement from me.

The most you can do is label your thread well enough for spoilers that people who don't want them will be able to avoid them. Your current title does the job just fine: you're clear about the subject, but don't give it away.


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:17 AM


Keeping order in every verse

So, having updated the thread title,any theories as to what of and how long to go?My own theory;left her homeworld in order to see more of the verse til the inevitable.Wanted to find true love but too scared of the ramifications.Loves Mal but can't commit because of the same reason.Has the vial to stave off misery.On the right track?


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:55 AM


I agree that's the general gist of what's going on. She definitely wants to see the verse, I think, and that's balanced with her longing now and then for the creature comforts she's left behind. She's trying I think to strike a balance between those two wants.

Of course, now on top of that is her twisty conflicted desire to continue to be independent, stemming from her frustration with one certain freighter captain. Which is also, in my view, kind of unfortunately escalating. I think she wants to spend her free time browsing rustic markets with Kaylee, going on horse rides, seeing landmarks and natural wonders, and having adventures (like talking smack at Saffron, she completely loved that). But she needs an excuse to keep Mal away, and as they spend more time around each other, she has to work (literally) harder at it. And that's sad, because some rich man/woman's estate isn't exactly representative of the worlds she visits.

Of course, I also think there's something else besides just her secret that precipitated her leaving Sihnon, because it honestly seems like she thinks she can't go back. There's kind of a sadness or weariness there. Personally, I think it has something to do with the scene she shares in Out of Gas with Simon. The commentary says that the two of them knew each other before Serenity. That could just be in the sense of him being a doctor, but I think there's more to it than that. He's a trauma surgeon from Osirius, why would she be familiar with him? And I also think that during the course of her time with House Madrassa, she may have met some civil, respectable, and yet completely unsavoury clients.

Also, from Joss himself, that vial was supposed to kill anyone she had sex with. But... It's possible, considering her secret, and the fact they seemed to decide just what it was in Better Days, that the purpose of the vial has been retconned.


Monday, May 4, 2009 5:56 AM


On the right track, peacekeeper, although since Inara knows she has no future as far as love and family it is more likely that she was intent on seeing the verse without the complications of love, hence that's why she left Serenity and what she tells Mal at the end of HoG is the complete truth and not a lie. Love is strong and it ties and it is not fair to falsely commit yourself to it when you know you are dying.

In the Serenity companion, Joss says Inara leaves Serenity because she loves its Captain "way too much". I never understood the depth of that statement's meaning until I found out her secret.

As far as the vial, Joss has never commented on what it is beyond what it is not, it was Tim M. who said it was a rape toxin, so I'm not sure if that is retcon or not or Tim was mislead by Joss.

As far as Simon and Inara, it is speculated that Inara may have been treated by Simon at his hospital before she left the core. He may not remember, maybe that's where she got the final news...just tell me I'm a big girl.


Monday, May 4, 2009 6:19 AM


I think if it WERE Simon being involved with the finding out, she's be a lot more hesitant at having him around, because he might give up her secret. After connecting so closely to the crew of Serenity she doesn't want ANY of them to know.

And there's also the question of just why she would need a trauma surgeon, who wouldn't be involved in the field of diagnostics so much... Sure, Simon can do diagnostics, he was able to figure out the problem with the crashing patient in Ariel right away, but I kind of think it's something else.

There's also the little clause in Inara's contract about not having relationships outside the guild's consent . I don't think she was quite ready to risk her companion license when she came aboard. What she has found on Serenity is entirely unexpected... And a bit unwelcome.


Monday, May 4, 2009 6:48 AM


I haven't seen it so could somebody please post the link for me before I read this conversation?


Monday, May 4, 2009 6:55 AM


How could Simon give up her secret? Hippocratic Oath and all, patient confidentiality is paramount to a physician.

Simon knows in Better Days, although the crew doesn't seem to know in TLB or the movie, except River of course :) and Mal, cause I think he may not know the extent of her condition, but he surmises something is amiss with her.


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:15 AM


I'm trying to find it on Youtube but I can't find it anywhere. Does anybody have it in their favourites or playlists?


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:31 AM


Okay nevermind I just found it and I've read the conversation and I have a few questions, You say Inara and Simon knew each other before they ended up on Serenity together but where does that information come from? Also you say he definitely knows in Better Days but where is that shown that he knows?


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:33 AM


Platonist: Patient Confidentiality is true... Except this is Simon, who can't lie to save his life, who Kaylee has a crush on, etc. etc.

There's just an awful lot of ways for a secret to get out on a ship so small. Before, Inara was the only one who knew, then if Simon knows and shows up... well. I'm just saying, I don't think Simon knew when he first arrived. I think she confided in him later.

However, I do think they had something to bond over before he got on Serenity. Something that made Simon friendly enough to go to Inara's shuttle and ask to borrow some supplies for the infirmary, possibly have a discussion about something... And forgive Inara when and she aired out some of the dirty laundry between herself and the captain, with poor him stuck in the middle.

I'll come out and say what I think it is if anyone wants me to, but I was kind of hoping to use the idea. You know. <_<


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:37 AM


Malsnara: Simon and Inara having met or at least having been distant acquaintances before Simon got on Serenity is stated in the commentary of the episode Out of Gas.

Simon likely knows about Inara's secret in Better Days because he secretly visit's Inara's shuttle in a doctor's capacity... And Mal sees him. Mal pretends like he thinks Simon and Inara are together, but he actually asks Inara a few insightful questions at the end of the comic book that suggests he suspects what's really going on.


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:42 AM


Thanks so much, I'm actually re-reading Better Days right now but thanks for replying so quickly :)


Monday, May 4, 2009 7:44 AM


I actually was just about to PM you the link for Morena's Q+A session, but you found it first. No problem, and tell us about your interpretation of Better Days. :)

Platonist is the one who first pointed out to me that Mal might know too, and after I reread that conversation I had to agree. It adds a whole 'nother layer of tragedy to everything.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:06 AM


Oh yeah I see it now, I don't think it ever really clicked for me before what that bit meant. But yeah I reckon Mal know's theres something up but I don't think he think's it's anything serious. If he did then there's no way he would have let up that easily, he would have pestered her or Simon until they gave in. Though I think that Simon takes his Hippocratic Oath very seriously and wouldn't tell people if Inara didn't want him to.

Sometimes you just really, really wanna hate Joss but he's just too gorram shiny for it to ever really stick. How can he do that?!

Is there going to be another set of comics? If there is then there may be something in those to suggest what happened after.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:15 AM


Back in '04 I proposed all the facts of Inara's vial and what it meant to the board and was told I was foolish for making such a call. Now I'm proven true. Alas those folks probably don't even come here anymore for me to feel better about being right.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:17 AM


Then well done on being right but how did you figure it out and what exactly did you say about the vial?


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:19 AM


Well, the next comic books are called "A Shepherd's Tale," so while they'll be interesting, I don't think they'll quite answer any of these questions.

As for Mal and why he didn't dig more? I think he had a bad feeling just what he'd find out. Or maybe he didn't know what to do with the information. Or both. Inara wasn't going to open up, and she was leaving anyway (and he was still mad about that). So he just dropped it, I guess.

It's a good point you make, though. I don't know if my above explanation is sufficient... I still just like the idea of him suspecting and worrying the whole time. :)


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:28 AM


I've gone back and read older threads, and I am amazed that a few fans fiqured this out, so kudos to you, bscm. Those clues never made a lick of sense to me, but now her character makes sense.

Morena said her secret was a biggy; horrible and bad, I think we've all been in a little denial;)


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:32 AM


Jeez, if she said THAT... Someone needs to put Joss on some antidepressants or something, seriously, it's getting ridiculous.

I know I was in denial. When I first heard the rumour I thought "That makes so much sense because this and this and this, but NO, HE CAN'T DO THAT!"

I've come around though. And actually, I kind of love the story potential for that plotline... So long as he doesn't ACTUALLY... grrr.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:33 AM


Well if we aren't going to get more on Inara's secret at least we'll find out some more about Book's. Do you know when they're going to be coming out by any chance?
I think you're right, it probably was the fact that he was annoyed that she was leaving that stopped him from digging further because he doesn't usually stop if he wants to know something.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:36 AM


I'd have to dig around the old threads, my old login was thiefjehat then.

The one thing that had struck me was when I realized that the crew members were looking to River in Objects in Space and not relating their thoughts of the moment, but rather secrets they had. Think Jayne: "I got stupid the money was too good" = shame for trying to sell out River/Simon. So I then thought about what Inara said: "I'm a big girl, just tell me" and that's when I realized she was relating to River a time on Sihnon when she was learning something very very bad. After that I started finding all the fragments, the vial in the pilot, the statement to Simon in Out of Gas, the artistic "Look Away" Joss shoots when Inara tells the Client how wonderful Sihnon is and he says "I can't imagine ever leaving": We "hear" the clients words but "see" Inara look downwards in sadness.

The elements fell into place and I brought it up here only to be rebuked by folks that no longer come around.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:36 AM


Well, always look on the bright side, B. Joss wouldn't have to kill her like he does everyone else, cause she's already..


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:37 AM


Is there a new commentary for Out of Gas on the blu-ray edition or something? I don't remember anything about Simon and Inara knowing each other before meeting on Serenity.

I'm also not entirely sure I believe that Simon was treating Inara in Better Days. I could easily see Simon being someone who was used to hiring companions. He could have hired Inara as a way to escape his new life and feel like his old self if only for a while.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:39 AM


@ Malsnara on next comic books: Let's see. Delay on account of Dollhouse... Dollhouse unfortunately at this point is probably going to be canceled, so we have to factor in an obligatory three to six month writer's break period while Joss recovers from the loss...

I'd say maybe six to nine months after Fox makes the announcement.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:48 AM


Inara doesn't service crew, she's too professional to dishonor that, and Simon has his sleeves rolled up like he's been working when Mal sees him.

Inara uses "friend" and "doctor" to describe their relationship and not "client", so no I don't see him seeking companionship from Inara, he has River and cute little Kaylee for that:)


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:48 AM


Zeek: It's in the old one. It's just like a sentence or so during the scene Inara has with Simon, where Simon talks about how unfair it is to die on his birthday. Might even be just speculation, like Alan's comments about how he thinks Wash flew two missions in the war before being shot down and spending time in a POW camp doing shadow puppet performances. But it's there.

Hmm. Simon hiring Inara? She doesn't service crew. And that's not "well, I'll break that rule if someone ever gets enough money to pay for my services," that's ever. She wants to keep her business and private life separate, and imagine the friction that her servicing Simon could cause between herself and Mal, and between Simon and Kaylee! It'd be a very cruel, unthinking thing for her to do.

EDIT: Platonist got there first. And, apparently, is PURE EVIL. These are tears.

Joss better not do it...


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:11 AM


Rest assured B, Joss won't kill her in the sequel, there are too many other evil things he can do to her in order to cause Mal pain and grief;)


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:11 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Is there a new commentary for Out of Gas on the blu-ray edition or something? I don't remember anything about Simon and Inara knowing each other before meeting on Serenity.

I'm with Zeek on this one. I've watched Firefly hundreds of times at this point and have sat through all the commentaries. The OOG commentary simply states in that scene that "This is a scene when we will learn a little something about Inara" that's all. And that "Little Something" stems from her comment "I don't want to die at all"

The proposal that Simon knows about Inara goes beyond the commentary. I shall however, watch it again tonight to be 100% certain.


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:12 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Hmm. Simon hiring Inara? She doesn't service crew. And that's not "well, I'll break that rule if someone ever gets enough money to pay for my services," that's ever. She wants to keep her business and private life separate, and imagine the friction that her servicing Simon could cause between herself and Mal, and between Simon and Kaylee! It'd be a very cruel, unthinking thing for her to do.

Simon, Book and River seem like pretty big exceptions to the "crew" list to me. Actually I found that scene in Out Of Gas to be showing us how far she's come from the woman who first rented the shuttle. Most of her rules have been broken already. Why not the rest?

I really doubt Simon or Inara would go around telling everyone he was a client if he did take up her services. I just think it would be a very Joss style twist. It makes perfect sense for Inara and Simon. It just isn't the idle romanticized situation we'd all like to see.


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:27 AM


hmm...Simon IS crew, Mal refers to him as crew without even mentioning his name in his inquiry, Inara KNOWS who he is referring to, as Simon, the crew member.

Simon and Inara do make a lot more sense on many levels, but Simon doesn't seem that interested in sex and he already has her friendship, why would he spend his money on her companionship when he has River to worry about?


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:30 AM


Seeing as Simon clearly does like Kaylee and his excuse for not being with her is that he was too busy watching out for River I doubt he would have hired Inara. I also don't think that Inara would agree because, not only does she not service crew (and River and Simon are crew - that much is clear from Safe) she cares about Kaylee and knows how much it would hurt her if she did accept Simon as a client. Also where did he get the money from? I don't think the first thing he would do with the money he got from the job they just pulled would be to hire Inara. He's much too responsible to just put what he wants ahead of everything else.
I do agree though that he would need something to make him feel like he was back in his old life now and again though I think he may get that from his friendship with Inara, also everybody else is at the swanky hotel - wouldn't that be enough like his old life for him not to have to hire Inara?


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:37 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:
I've gone back and read older threads, and I am amazed that a few fans fiqured this out, so kudos to you, bscm.

Bingo. Found it.

I had posted my opinions in 2004 to be rebuked by some folks. Then on Feb 4 2005, under my previous alias thiefjehat, I started this thread that got 8 replies:

Yup. Threw a bullseye I did.


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:43 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Well, the next comic books are called "A Shepherd's Tale," so while they'll be interesting, I don't think they'll quite answer any of these questions.

My guess is that A Shepherd's Tale will unveil the other big secret, that Book was an operative during the Unification War. My guess is that he will deliver the line "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not" from Objects in Space somewhere in the graphic novel.

Wheras Joss told Morena about Inara, my sense from seeing Ron at many conventions is that Joss never broached any Book-centric secrets to him. This is why Ron has never "spilled the beans", like Morena.


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:51 AM


Thanks, didn't know that was you, and sh*t, I should have known this, when all else fails, apply, Occam's Razor.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:02 AM


BSCM: Well, we don't know yet just what that vial was, but it seems funny to have it be unrelated to her secret, doesn't it?

Anyway, nice detective work. :)


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:07 AM


Poor Morena! That question was a little unfair, how else was she supposed to answer? "My best friend's sister's in law's cousin's girlfriend says Joss told her that Inara..." Man! At least Morena tried to throw some speculation on whether Joss leaked it at all with her "well, if Joss says it's true..." but then Joss confirmed it.

Poor Morena, catching all this flak. It really wasn't anyone's fault, just someone "threw a bullseye" to use BSCM's phrase.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:13 AM


We'll learn the specifics of the vial one day.

Evidence also points to a proposition that Inara is older than she lets on. Nandi relates that she knew Inara on Sihnon and also says to her in Heart of Gold "You look exactly like you did the day I left". While Nandi is certainly middle aged, Inara appears at least 10 years younger. For a time I reached a possible conclusion that Inara had been taking anti-aging meds and that her secret was an unfortunate and unintended consequence of those choices. As to if that was the stuff in the vial? Doubtful. Joss's best stories contain many twists along the way and I eventually supposed the vial was something else entirely.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:23 AM


I've never really been a big fan of the anti-aging theory... The only basis is what she says to Nandi and it seems more likely to me that Nandi was just an older student in a different year at the Academy and the Guild (whichever one it is, Inara suggests in OMR that at least some Companions train at an/the Academy). It seems to me that people are assuming that Nandi and Inara were in training at the same time, and therefore were about the same age.

Could be Nandi was just finishing up training when she destroyed the dulcimer, and Inara was just beginning. Or maybe Nandi was something like the stand-in professor or teacher's aide for classes Inara was attending. Or Inara was her apprentice. Or maybe Nandi was even a fully fledged companion who just lost her temper, decided she'd had it with the lifestyle, and left? I think one of those is more likely.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:31 AM


The anti aging theory always made less sense to me than the dying theory and I always thought that Nandi's line not only compensated for the difference in ages of the actresses, but reminded the viewers how incredibly beautiful Inara is, a real Cherry Blossom, like Mal says.
In China, the Cherry Blossom is a symbol of "life's fleeting beauty”, how appropriate for her, if Mal only knew.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:34 AM


Japan is actually the culture that assigns the transient meaning to the cherry blossom, that's why manga books are constantly covered in veritable swarms of falling cherry blossoms.

But the Chinese consider the cherry blossom a symbol of feminine sexuality, strength, and beauty, as well as love, which is also fitting.


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:41 AM


OK, true. There is no direct statement that Nandi and Inara were apprentices together. I will submit however, that Nandi was not a full fledged companion when she left. In the world of trade union speak: I'd say that she had completed her "apprenticeship" but had failed to complete her training to become a full "Journeyman", choosing rather to smash her dulcimer and jump ship to a rim world.

But we know that some measure of years have passed, otherwise there would be no wonder in the statement "You haven't aged" in a manner similar to Galdalf marveling at Bilbo at the outset of Fellowship of the Ring.

Nandi tells Mal as they drink Rice Wine that Inara could have been "House Priestess" had she stayed on Sihnon, a comment that relates to Inara aspiring to the level of what I would call "Master Craftsman" in my previous tradesman language analogy. There is simply no reason for her to leave that. And when you add the artistic "look-away" in the pilot episode when she concludes her time with her client, I'd reckon she didn't want to. And I guess there is also some merit in supposing that Inara and Nandi weren't direct classmates as you say. So therefore if Nandi never quite became a "Journeyman" while seeing Inara at that level herself aspiring to "Master Craftsman" (Priestess), then that makes Inara older by some amount or another. if Nandi was "younger" than Inara when they previously knew each other, and now appears about 10 to 15 years "older", exactly how old IS Inara?

That is certainly something to mull over.


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:01 AM


Re the Cherry Blossom, yes it is often associated with the Buddhist metaphor of life.

Buddhism is from China via India, though, introduced to Japan in the first century.

The Sino Alliance is China and the West, Mandarin is spoken, Inara practices Buddhism.

And no offence to Japanese culture, but it is highly influenced by Chinese’s culture. We here in the West have been exposed to Japan's culture as they are an Imperial Democracy, but if you teach and travel in China you realize the magnitude of not only its age, but its vast contribution to Eastern philosophy and culture.


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:08 AM


Nandi ALSO says that Inara would have been the youngest house priestess in the history of House Madrassa, and says that was long after she (Nandi) left. Inara left House Madrassa 2.5 years before the start of Firefly, and got on Serenity 1.5 years after she left (Bushwhacked).

I figure it's been about ten years since she and Nandi last saw each other. And if those ten years run between Inara's early twenties to thirties, Inara could plausibly not look very different enough to be complimented on it by Nandi, and could have nearly been elevated to House Priestess if she took her work as serious as she seems to in the series.

Also, you can call any girl (not just your sister) Mei Mei as a term of affection, but you do not call an older woman Mei Mei. It's a breach of social etiquette.


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:14 AM


Platonist: True enough on China's influence on Japan, but I think this is one very real difference between the two cultures in the terms of symbology.

When I was drawing my "Cherry Blossom" picture, I remembered hearing about the meaning of cherry blossoms from my Japanese classes; however, this was so long ago that I wanted to go look up the meaning just to be sure.

When I googled it, I turned up bunches and bunches of web pages discussing the differences between the two outlooks on cherry blossoms.


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:37 AM


Agree, fully, on the symbolism in both cultures. I was coming from Mal's POV which is more Chinese, as he speaks Mandarin and English, and maybe there is semantic irony in his choice of words:)


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:50 AM


I think so. :) Good thing Mal isn't very familiar with Japanese culture.


Monday, May 4, 2009 11:58 AM


I step away from the computer for a couple hours and the topic gets 40 more replies! :) It's been great reading (if frustrating/depressing) going over this topic. Keep it coming! (I wish Joss would too, grumble, grumble)


Monday, May 4, 2009 12:51 PM


Just got home from work and read the WHOLE thread.

Here's my personal take on Inara. She was on track from day one at age twelve, when she first entered the Training House, to be House Priestess. There are some people that are so focused that the object of their focus is widely known and other people can see it without any problem.

And being a Companion is a "family business", according again to Moreana. If I was a daughter of an illustrious line of Companions, I'd aim for the top too.

And something did happen to drive her from Shinon. My personal theory is that she got into the way of someone (either another Companion or a client)very powerful and even though she was the innocent party, she "volunteered" to leave until things were better on Shinon.

I can see the House Priestess phrasing it something like this. "It would be best if you were to remain quiet about this little incident. In fact, I have a very special job for you.

You're the strongest among us Companions and you've always wanted to see the 'Verse, so why don't you be our ambassador among the Rim and Border planets? There are many potential clients there and Companions have always been a "civilizing" force. You'll bring a bit of Shinon to the Border and Rim planets and you will be paving the way for your sisters to come." In a very flattering, persuading voice of course.

And I don't think that the Guild knew about Inara's secret. Companions have to be and need to be in good health and Inara acts as if no one knows about her secret but her and her doctor, whoever that is.

This is all conjecture of course, until Joss fills us in one way or another.


Monday, May 4, 2009 1:06 PM


*Stares at NCBrownCoat*

Um. Well. Are you psychic? o.o






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