UPDATED: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:14
VIEWED: 9421
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Saturday, June 20, 2009 1:21 AM


From my forum, where I'm about to post this, though it's an old discussion among us:

You May Be A Gun Nut If

You can identify every firearm used in Firefly.

If you own all of them.

If you've figured out every mod they did to the Saiga to make Vera

If you've considered doing it yourself.

Bonus: If you can identify all the swords and knives, too.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Saturday, June 20, 2009 1:39 PM


I have owned a few of them.BTW;I appreciate Micheal Z. Williamsons stuff a lot!.
These days;my firearms/edged implement cache is a bit smaller than a few years back ( had some rough times for a couple of years).For some reason I tend to favor the utilitarian type stuff(SKS's,AK variants,Glocks&CZ's).
I would not mind getting a decent AK build,maybe even get into the 5.45(one of the few sub-.30 intermediate calibers I actually like AND can afford to buy in bulk).
There seems to be good deals to be had RE Romanian &Serb copies of the TT33 ot there as well(always DID like the 7.62x25 round).Methinks the Mosin-Nagant bolt actions can still be had for a reasonable outlay of cash(but the M44 carbines have gotten a bit scarcer in recent months).
You handload?


Saturday, June 20, 2009 4:46 PM


Well, thanks, and I'm glad you like my stuff.

If you think Jayne's got a pretty good start on a decent armory, you may be a gun nut.

If you've ever had opportunity to quote Jayne on, "Sure would be nice if we had a few grenades!" you may be a gun nut, and/or a veteran.

If you think Wash needs an M44, YMBAGN

Hmm..91/30s and M44s are both still well under $200, sometimes as cheap as $125 retail. Finnish M28s are running $200-$500.

I have several of each, of course, and a crate of ammo.

Haven't started handloading yet, but I did buy a press.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:45 PM


You've seriously considered what it would take to manufacture a working semi-auto like Mal's.

You've tried to attach an accessory rail to a Le Mat.

You've successfully built a water-cooled bullpup rifle that uses AK mags.

You've put a brass-encased red dot scope on a Mare's Leg.

Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Guess I'm just a good man.
Well, I'm alright.


Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:54 PM



I haven't seen one of these yet:


But Jayne DOES have a good start.

To make a semiauto like Mal's, I'd use a Mateba

I'm not sure on why a water cooled AK bullpup would be useful, but it would look cool.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:09 AM


BTW,Mike;what is/was your MOS?


Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:25 AM


USAF, 3E171, Mechanical Systems Section Chief, in airbase engineer units. This also includes a lot of runway repair, heavy construction and occasional demolition, or disposal of excess munitions.

Army, 52C30, Utilities Systems Repairer (same job), generally in forward support or brigade support HQ, managing TO&E for an entire brigade...sort of...whenever they actually knew what their TO&E was. Otherwise I fixed a lot of machine guns, or overhauled truck engines or generators with the rest of the maintenance platoon or the motor platoon.

And a lot of OPFOR/Aggressor in the 80s and 90s.

I've actually said, "Sure would be nice if we had a few ____!" after being told not to bring them.

And I sympathize with Kaylee, duct taping an old unit with "character" back together.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:28 AM


Army,11B10,19D10...somehow I always wound up doing the whole light weapons&recon thing.
About the extent o fmy "duct tape repair work" seeme d to center around breaking track on 113's &Bradleys when I was with mech or cav.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:18 AM


Driven a 113, never had to crack track. Heck of a useful little vehicle, though.

Just watched "Ariel" (I'm just now seeing the series. I've been busy the last 5 years). Was showing my son all the fighting techniques for handcuffs. Jayne should have just gone for a choke hold, not tried to cover the guy's mouth. Chain over the trachea, fingers behind and crunch.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I would not mind getting a decent AK build,maybe even get into the 5.45(one of the few sub-.30 intermediate calibers I actually like AND can afford to buy in bulk).

Keep an eye on the Izhmash Saiga series. Word is the 5.45x39 is in customs and will be available for sale soon. Prices are expected to start around $349. FINALLY prices on guns and ammo are starting to come back down a bit. I'm trying to load up on anything I feel I may want or need.

I was at the gun show yesterday, and there were Saiga12 shotties for $499, and Saiga 7.62x39 at $349. I finally got to handle a Saiga .308 - bugger's big and heavy! Makes me appreciate my 7.62 that much more. I've had it a few years, put more than a couple thousand rounds through her, and never had a problem.

Meanwhile, I'm working on getting one of the Saiga12 shotguns for home protection, and a little Ruger 22/45 for practice, since it's one of the few calibers that really ARE still cheap ($26.95/500 rounds of .22LR, versus $180/500 on the 7.62x39, or $100/500 on the 9mm, and more for .45ACP).

Look around for the Mosin-Nagants. I got my M44 for $79 a little over a year ago. It's a mean bitch - put 5 rounds through it, and you WILL have a bruised shoulder. I'm waiting for prices to come down a bit more before I pick up a Romak PSL-54C to share its 7.62x54r ammo with. The semi-auto gas system should eat the vast majority of the recoil.

And yeah, I think Jayne had a good start - better than my miniscule armory, anyway. And the Mateba came up recently in a discussion of Mal's gun (I believe the thread was called "Mal's Gun"). The Mateba looks like an interesting piece. Not sure how useful a semi-auto revolver is, but I like the idea of putting the barrel down closer to the index finger for a more natural pointing action.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:14 PM


You think there will be another Arsenal/Legion Saiga collaboration ; like the SGL20;but in 5.45?
Or better yet;an RPK sized one in .308,7.62x39/5.45x39?Hell,throw in the 8mm for a "Screw Zastava"wildcard...


Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:25 PM


The 113 HAS a lower profile/silohuette than say;a Bradley...OTOH;it IS flat sided ,aluminum(burns pretty) armor-not impossible to defeat it with even heavier than intermediate rifle caliber(bullet construction/type IS a factor of course).Another drawback is the LACK of protection for the TC/M2 gunner.
Of course the ramp&cargo hatch make for "get out NOW!!" a little more "doable" under stress.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:56 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by gripper:
You think there will be another Arsenal/Legion Saiga collaboration ; like the SGL20;but in 5.45?
Or better yet;an RPK sized one in .308,7.62x39/5.45x39?Hell,throw in the 8mm for a "Screw Zastava"wildcard...

I don't know - by all accounts, the Arsenal Saigas are very sweet, and seem well-respected by AK people AND by Saiga people, so that's saying something right there.

Far as I've heard, though, it's just the regular ol' Saiga sporters that are coming to the USA in the 5.45 caliber. They'll join the current lineup of 7.62x39, .223, and .308, along with 410-, 20-, and 12-gauge shotguns.

There's been rumor for quite a while of Saiga WANTING to import a 7.62x54r caliber, since they already apparently make them for other markets, but it's never seemed to go beyond the rumor stage so far.

But it definitely looks like the 5.45 is coming. If Arsenal is smart (and they seem to be), they'll be working up their own conversion version.

And if it comes, I'll likely grab the hell out of one while prices are cheap. I got my Saiga 7.62x39 for $179 way back in '02, when everyone thought it was just a cheapie li'l throwaway AK with an ugly sporter stock thrown on it. Hell, I thought that, too - and then I ran a thousand rounds through it and realized I had a damned good, solid, reliable little rifle on my hands. Decently accurate, but not a sniper by any means.

I liked it enough that when I found a Norinco MAK-90 in a local pawn shop for $400, I grabbed it as well, figuring it's never a bad idea to have two weapons of the same caliber, just in case. That MAK is, if anything, better-made and more accurate than the Saiga - but the Saiga is still my go-to when I'm going to the range.

I'll grab a 5.45 just to save money on the ammo. Hell, at current prices, within a couple thousand rounds, I'd have saved enough on the ammo to pay for the rifle! Hard to argue with that kind of logic (not that my wife doesn't TRY to argue about it!)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:10 PM


Kwicko,you probably already know this;but when feeding a Cugir PSL;stick with the light ball-although I have never seen one "break" from the 182 grain stuff it WAS made fort the 7n1 type loadings(149-154 grain weight).Nice thing about a full sized MN bolty-they work with everything.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by gripper:
Kwicko,you probably already know this;but when feeding a Cugir PSL;stick with the light ball-although I have never seen one "break" from the 182 grain stuff it WAS made fort the 7n1 type loadings(149-154 grain weight).Nice thing about a full sized MN bolty-they work with everything.

Thanks for the tip - yeah, I've heard that firsthand from a guy whose PSL DID blow out the rear trunion from running 187-grain surplus through it. When I bought the Mosin, I picked up a couple of the 440-round "spam cans" of the light ball 147gr stuff, just in case a PSL follows me home one day. :) The best part is, that ammo is still fairly cheap!

I like the PSL, and by most accounts they're a really accurate rifle out to 200-300 yards, but they tend to get lumped as a "sniper" rifle when that's not what they were intended as. They're supposed to be a designated marksman's rifle - good for helping lay down some accurate suppressing fire at a distance, but still handy enough to use closer in like a regular assault weapon. Thing is, when I actually handle one of them, they just feel remarkably... cheap. I've never been able to justify laying out the $800-850 that most of the gun-show people tend to want for them. But at around $700 now, they're starting to look sexy again!

And as I said before, there's just something "right" about the idea of having more than one weapon of the same caliber to me. There's a symmetry to it. I've got a couple AK clones now, and a couple 9mm handguns, but only the one x54r. Of course, if I pick up a .22 and a .44 or .45, then I'm only opening myself up to having to buy at least one more of each of them to keep the symmetry going! But there's nothing wrong with that, right? I just get excitable as to choice, is all...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:49 PM


All I have these days is a plain vanilla Glock17(old model,no rail),a Tula 1950 SKS,and a frankenSKS I did up a lot of years back(Chicom and other parts)..A lot of other stuff went out the door when I had some interesting legal situations(had to raise cash most quickly)..I got a couple of shots at other opportunities-if they fall into place a re-stocking of the 'hard assets" is ONE of the priorities(the others include a better place to live,get some dogs around again,etc).


Sunday, June 21, 2009 2:55 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Gripper: Understood. Been there, done that, got the legal bills. :)

The wife and I got into a better place (we spent the last 15 years living in a VERY bad area because it was dirt cheap) in February of this year, and I've got one dog at the moment, and she's quite happy being an only child...

A couple years ago, I'd never even heard of an SKS; now I wish I'd bought when they were cheap. Cheapest ones I've seen recently have started at $259 - and it has me wondering if I shouldn't grab one at that price.

I'm not really a "gun nut", but I *DO* enjoy them. And they're for the most part cheaper than racing cars, and generally a better investment. Racing is a really fast way to turn a pile of money into a pile of broken parts and worn out tires, as I've found out from experience. Plus, as a bonus, when I have to clean the guns and work on them, I get to do it inside, in the air conditioning! :)

Good luck on rebuilding your supply. If I see any great deals, I'll send 'em your way. Browncoats looking out for Browncoats, as it were. :)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:09 PM


If someone can update this:

The one Niska's sniper uses is an Ultramag or Ultralite .50 (both built on the same frame). I recognized the muzzle brake.

Here's my Ultramag .50

I have to drive 2 hours north to find a range with a big enough backstop, and they only go to 750 yards. I'm hoping to get into a 1500 yard match next year. Theoretically it will engage direct aimed fire to 2300 yards, and indirect support fire to 7000 with the right ammo.

Oh, yeah--you might not want to loot in my neighborhood.

The M113 isn't all that tough, but it's as tough as a Stryker, more reliable, has better footprint to mass ratio with tracks instead of wheels, and you can get 5 of them for the price of one Stryker.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:18 PM


The .50 looks like it could be fun..what loads are you running thru it?


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:23 PM


Standard NATO milsurp for fun and practice, and I have about 300 rounds of APIT (because it's actually cheaper--no on uses it) for either Knob Creek or for SHTF.

I'll probably handload some at some point.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:27 PM


Oh,and BTW;the legal hassle is all squared away.I go tlocked up on false charges in 2002,got released and found not guilty in 2003.I hadd a few rough years( Masssachusetts CLEO's are an "interesting" species at times);had to move to chase a few better job opportunities-and to get my LTC reinstated(under Ma. law-the CLEO has a broad range of discretionary authority to revoke/deny renewals for LTC's.Cost me some work and property;but getting back on my feet.)
Priorities-better work,better digs;another dog or three;and THEN add to the "bare bones" of my arms room.I was able to hang on to what I still posess because it was not known that I still had access during my legal troubles (gotta love your friends!)-I had to generate FA10's (Ma firearms transfer sheets) RE everything the CLEO KNEW I had(4473's can get you sometimes)-those went out the door for reasonable ammounts of much needed hard currency-the rest got cached...anothe rerason to like the Simonov design.Not even close to "modern" or refined;but will last forever and can take some "unusual" storage conditions(within reason).


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:30 PM


Didn't Mitchells Mausers have some .50 stuff available a while back? I seem to recall them also moving newly loaded Ss 7.92x57 ammo to go with their K98k's and m48's.A bit pricy;but some of their stuff struck me as a good buy.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:36 PM


Glad things worked out. MA is nasty about such things. It's much more civilized out this way.

I don't know about ammo, but considering Mitchell's Mausers Mausers are hacked together, part-built, force-matched leftovers, I'm not likely to try anything of theirs. I consider the source.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:49 PM


I guess that means that the 91-30 snipers they had are NOT original PE/PU scopes then...I only am going by what was in the DAV magazine( they run some ads in there).
It may be heresy to say this;but I actually PREFER a decent MN91-30 ( or a Finn M39)to most of the K98k or M48's..triggers not as good ;but for some reason the iron sights work better for me( a little wider rear notch on the rear sight,go figure).
You ever see that "Mosin Nagant humor" page hat has been posted on a few boards?I had a few chuckles at some of it....


Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:08 PM


The Nagant is tougher and ofttimes more accurate. I have about 30 Mausers and 6? MNs. The Finns are the Swiss Watch of MNs.

You mean like "with a Mosin Nagant it's hard to decide which is further: point blank range or the tip of the bayonet" type jokes?

And the MN can always substitute for a club or a pointy stick, too.

ETA: one of my rants on the 10 manliest guns can be found here:

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:25 PM


"With a 91-30 bayonet mounted ,you can bayonet your ppponent without actuall leaving the comfort of your fighting hole""The AK bayonet makes a useful tool and fighting knife".."The M16 bayonet,when mounte dmakes your enemy laugh at you ".
"M16 has minimal recoil"..."AK has a "manly recoil"..."MN recoil is often used to RELOCATE shoulders dislocated by preceding shot".
"AK can penetrate 10 incheds of oak-if you can hit it" "M16 is capabl eof very smal groups on paper-an dof being stopped by a few more sheet sof same" "Mosin Nagant can hit broad side of barn-from across the state".
AK:"safety makes positive lock,impossible to miss"...M16"safety is quiet,and ergonomically place" MN"What safety?"....its out on the net somewhere.


Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:18 PM


Yup. That sounds like it. I mentioned the safety in my rant.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


AK: You can put a .30" hole through 12" of oak, if you can hit it. AR: You can put 30 rounds through the same hole at 100 meters.
MN: You can knock down everyone else's target with the shock wave of your bullet going downrange.

Here ya go:

Also hilarious is this list of Ten Manliest Firearms:


The muzzle blast will vaporize green growth within a few feet of the muzzle, and even if you miss, the enemy will be reduced to shouting "WHAT?" to communicate.


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Monday, June 22, 2009 7:17 AM


So, what kind of points do I get if I dress a Saiga 12 up to look like Vera?

Don't worry, my local range is used to me.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 7:19 AM


Kwicko: The author of the Ten Manliest Firearms is...


Come on over to the Hall. Just bear in mind that abuse and trolling are not prohibited...they're GRADED.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 7:31 AM


Pilot episode, that sniper rifle Jayne takes over is a Blaser .338.

You know, for a show on a budget, they sure rented some expensive hardware.

I've provided props for several small productions, and I boast I can outfit a squad for any major power from the Franco-Prussian War to the present, and _I'D_ have trouble keeping up with all the mishmash of stuff I've seen on this show.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 11:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by MikeWilliamson:
Kwicko: The author of the Ten Manliest Firearms is...


Come on over to the Hall. Just bear in mind that abuse and trolling are not prohibited...they're GRADED.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books

Then my hat's off to ya! That's some damned funny stuff - the whole list had me cracking up!

Fremdfirma has me scrolling around over at Baen Books. I'm impressed with it. I've been a big Larry Niven fan for some years, and I'm glad to see his stuff is there.

I'm looking forward to checking out some more of your work, too!

And welcome aboard!


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Monday, June 22, 2009 11:54 AM


You can read my first one for free.

Just think of me as a book pusher

Or you can go to the store and buy one. Either way is good.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 1:36 PM


BTW;I was always liking the fact that on "Frefly"-a show set 500 or so years down the road;you could run across anything from an Astra400,an MP38/40,an M203,a cut down lever action all the way up to and including a direct energy/laser type weapon...during an assualt on a brothel!
Mike;I have gOT to read more of your books-I reasd "Freehold" and "Weapon";I have yet to run down "Better to ask Forgiveness",and the "Contact with Chaos" bits.
You think you will do more work with J.Ringo,or somethng with Tom Kratman?
I really liked the Kratman stuff;and have not seen too much Ringo that was less than great.


Monday, June 22, 2009 1:56 PM



Originally posted by gripper:
BTW;I was always liking the fact that on "Frefly"-a show set 500 or so years down the road;you could run across anything from an Astra400,an MP38/40,an M203,a cut down lever action all the way up to and including a direct energy/laser type weapon...during an assualt on a brothel!
Mike;I have gOT to read more of your books-I reasd "Freehold" and "Weapon";I have yet to run down "Better to ask Forgiveness",and the "Contact with Chaos" bits.
You think you will do more work with J.Ringo,or somethng with Tom Kratman?
I really liked the Kratman stuff;and have not seen too much Ringo that was less than great.

I like Tom. That's possible. Baen has an option for sequels to The Hero, but it didn't sell tremendously. It still payed my mortgage for a couple of years, though. Same as with Firefly--if enough copies sell, they're interested. The trick is doping John's coffee so he stops churning out other stuff long enough to plot something for me to write.

I'd like to know what you think of BtBF, and I'm working on two sequels to that right now.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 1:58 PM


Lever actions still work well enough. I think the justification is that mechanical actions can work with black powder or various other deflagrants/explosives, whereas auto actions require precise pressure curves and spring tensions to function.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 3:03 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Just started "Freehold". I'm only a couple chapters in, but I'm digging it.


Monday, June 22, 2009 3:16 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Just started "Freehold". I'm only a couple chapters in, but I'm digging it.

In my universe, the Browncoat types win.

Well, not exactly win. More like, "Stomp the Feds into the weeds and kick their teeth in."

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:08 AM


Is there ANYONE who does not like to see @ssholes with badges and gov't backing get it broken off in their neck&left here??
"Freehold" was definitely a helluva great bit of writing-no "happlily ever after"crap;but a good take on a long fight on asymetrical lines.
Hey,you think Tom will retire to Panama???I had fun&grunt work there;but man that guy LOVES the place.He even managed to bring a litle bit of it to his "desert called Peace" &"Carnifex" work.I can definitely see him with a little hillside villa staffed by trusted friends&family if they ever get the whole securebanking ting back up&running-and assuming the Chicoms don't run away with the place.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:18 AM



Originally posted by gripper:
Hey,you think Tom will retire to Panama???I had fun&grunt work there;but man that guy LOVES the place.

His wife is Panamanian, and his dream is to run his own merc company, so if he moves to Panama, watch out.

I actually get a fair amount of hate mail from world government statists who wonder what I have against the UN.

Well, other than destroying most of the aspiring African democracies, cheating in the Middle East, allowing 2nd tin-plated 3rd world dictators to pretend their opinion matters, setting up the Dutch East Indies to become Indonesia, with now 70 years of civil war, never reigning in the USSR, promoting petty Latin American communism, and failing to recognize Taiwan in case it pissed off the mainland Chicoms...well, I could think of a few other things.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:31 AM


Well,if he's hiring....I could always regain my Spanish fluency.I think I'll title the cover letter on the resume/application packet 'Mostly Harmless".
RE the UN-I cannot think of ANYONE with greater potential to completely screw up a good situation,take a bad situation and make it worse or generally pick up the baton of the Leviathan State that the (former) Soviets dropped.
For all their phony talk about "for the children";do you recall that cholera outbreak in Peru back around 1991 or so?They withheld a prophylactic /therapeutic oral vaccine because ,in their words;Fujimiori has not yet made the infrastructural changes we woul dlike to see"....Fujimori was no saint,but I don't think he ever tried tp pass himself off as the answere to the world's pain ,either.
Or for that matter,the Balkans-gotta love the UN-they single handedly provide an example of what NOT to do.
Of course,I am afraid that if they ever get a "military/peacekeeping"type footprint here;they will suddenly get awful efficient when it comes to hunting down those not down with the program.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:43 AM


I'm thinking of how they didn't like the majority white government in Rhodesia, and backed Mugabe therefore, and look at Zimbabwe now.

They also, in a well-intentioned fit of stupidity, try to saddle every developing nation with the crushing infrastructure and bureaucracy that Europe has. I'm not crazy about it for Europe, and it DOESN'T WORK for a country with a GDP of say, $300 per person and a few million people tops.

Incidentally, when Rhodesia collapsed, the Selous Scouts stayed clandestinely behind to smuggle out "enemies of the state" and other troops and their families, and then defected as a unit to South Africa. They told APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA that the only way they'd come was if they kept their black NCOs and officers, and South Africa accepted the deal without hesitation.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:14 AM


Yeah,I remember that...Carter at his "best".
I see that the failed peanut farmer is STILL trying to shortcircuit anything good wordlwide...freaking not-so -closeted raving anti-Semite&anti-American(expletive delted-lets use Kratman's "Tranzy" to describe the bastard).
Seriously;I don't think his drunken slacker of a brother Billy could have done any worse.
Now we get the intent of Carter married off to an improved intellect and gift of the gab.
Like anyone else,I prefer to have incompetent enemies.






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