It's called the Firefly sickness

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 04:49
VIEWED: 12713
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Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:00 AM


You might be a firefly fanatic if:

At school all you can think about is how many days to go before Friday rolls around.

While your at work your rushing around to get things done to go home and watch any episode of Firefly.

You come here everyday!

You can't stop telling your friends to watch the show to get them hooked so you can talk to them about it.

Your writing this post during school because you can't concentrate on work and can only think about tommorows episode of Firefly.

Your forcing your friends to come over so they can watch firefly.

Ok enough of that.. Sorry I just wanted you guys to tell me that I'm not crazy... Thanx alot


"I ain't looking for trouble.. Seems to find me."


Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:35 AM


You are *N O T* crazy.

And not alone




Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:12 PM


oo! how bout.. you bring the tape INTO school and sit in the chorus room watching it because you can't make it a day without

Or.. .you get all spazzy and fall out of your chair just thinking about it.

Or... for Melee.. you name your shoes after Zoe and Wash

You take up saying "shiny" to people who have no idea what Firefly is

You want to juggle geese.

You already know that you want to go as a Firefly character for Halloween next year

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:54 PM


Well, I'm not that bad...

Although admittedly my current schedule on Saturdays after waking up is feverishly search for the ratings, and then either cheer or moan depending on how it's done.


Thursday, October 31, 2002 6:08 PM


I am 50 years old and sneak looks at all of the posts by you young people, while at work. Since I don't take breaks or lunch, I don't feel too guilty.



Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:21 PM



Originally posted by Evans:
I am 50 years old and sneak looks at all of the posts by you young people, while at work. Since I don't take breaks or lunch, I don't feel too guilty.


I guess that's something else very special about Firefly.
It doesn't matter how old we are, we are drawn to this thing like moths to the light.
One is in school.
Another- myself- 33 years old.
A third 50.

A shiny (*cough*) bridge to span what they call the generations gap.


Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:22 PM


When you're preflighting your airplane, you find yourself singing--out loud--"I don't care / I'm still free. / You can't take the sky from meeeee!"

When your friends know better than to ask you what your plans are for friday night.

You've named your new car Serenity, and your new daughter Kaylee.

People keep asking you what's with all the blue suns you've been painting on everything.

You work at an airport, and you constantly have to fight the urge to kick the local bully into a nearby jet engine.

You've named your hot glue gun Vera.

This Halloween, you wore a stunning satin dress, and primped your hair. When people ask what you're supposed to be, you reply: "Space hooker."

You are here, reading this post.

You begin to suspect that the person that oringially creeped you out might end up your future spouse.

You think you're taking notes on your Economics lecture, but look down and discover you've actually been doodleing the lyrics to "Jayne's Song."

When an inordinately pretty girl wants to have sex with you, after you ask if she's a praying mantis, you double check that she's not going to hand you over to space pirates.

When people notice your numerous framed pictures of Mal/Jayne/Joss Whedon and ask if he is your husband, you sigh and breathe, "If only..."

You rig your VCR with a security device so that if anyone tries to tamper with it when it is set to record on Friday night, they are electrocuted.

You've noticed a sharp increase in your use of the words "ain't" and "reckin'"

The number of coats you own that are brown has noticably increased over the past couple months.

You force your boyfriend/husband to wear tight pants and suspenders, 'cause of the sexy.

You closed down your lemonade stand in favor of standing on the street and offering to "fix" people's bibles for a reasonable price.


You know, I think the thrall has really gone out of our relationship.


Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:54 PM


Okay ... it's 7 in the morning, I'm not even remotely awake but still I just laughed my butt off.

That was some brilliant stuff

Keep it coming, guys.

"You had the law on you, criminals and savages... half the people on the ship have been shot or wounded including yourself, and you're harboring known fugitives."

"We're still flying."

"That's not much."

"It's enough."


Friday, November 1, 2002 6:02 AM


You walk around with a bible hung over the cast on your arm, and when people ask about it, you explain that your waiting for faith to fix you.

You've replaced "goodbye" with "have good sex!" as your standard saying when someone leaves.

You're taking Chinese 101 as an elective next semester. You have a feeling you'll need it in the future.

You and one of your best friends aren't talking right now because you reciently got into an arguement over which is the better show: Star Trek or Firefly. You're convinced that he's just mad that Trek lost.

When your friend tells you he bought his cat so that he would have a friend and companion, you nearly snort your drink out your nose.


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Friday, November 1, 2002 6:42 AM


hehehe... this is FUN!

-You name your shoes Zoe and Wash

-You start kicking your feet together, and when someone asks what you're doing, you explain to them that your shoes are married, and they're just having a bit of a tiff.

-You're friends who don't watch Firefly know most details of the episodes and can quote it... just from being around you.

-Your firends who don't watch Firefly have actually picked fights with your shoes named Wash and Zoe (Wash still hates you BTW, Dan :D)

-On Halloween while trick or treating you randomly started running about singing the Jayne song, followed by the Firefly theme.

-You've started dropping your g's.

-When your VCR screwed up and didn't tape Firefly, you had serious trouble sleeping until you could borrow a tape from a friend.

-You've ever dressed up like a Firefly character for no reason other than you just felt like it.

-If Firefly gets canceled, you truly believe you'll cry for weeks

-You go through withdrawl just waiting for the next episode.

Eh, I'll think of some more after school... :P


Friday, November 1, 2002 8:40 AM



Originally posted by SaintofCheese:
oo! how bout.. you bring the tape INTO school and sit in the chorus room watching it because you can't make it a day without

Or.. .you get all spazzy and fall out of your chair just thinking about it.

Or... for Melee.. you name your shoes after Zoe and Wash

You take up saying "shiny" to people who have no idea what Firefly is

You want to juggle geese.

You already know that you want to go as a Firefly character for Halloween next year

~*Saint of Cheese*~

Forget next year -- I saw a Captian Mal at school.

All the sounds on your computer have been replaced by Firefly quotes.

You skip lunch to go on the web and find stuff about Firefly.

You spend what you would have on lunch on Firefly merchandise.

You force family mambers to watch Firefly.

You say random things in Chinese.

Your friends understand your random, toneless Chinese.

Your Saturday AD&D/RPG group watches Firefly so they know what will happen to tehm the next day.

You mamge to get someone hooked on Firefly with that method!

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Curel is love when all is hell


Friday, November 1, 2002 8:58 AM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
You've replaced "goodbye" with "have good sex!" as your standard saying when someone leaves.

Heh. Now there's a way to get people to watch the show. And get some priceless looks at the same time.

My couple of additions, just because I'm lame:

- The words "rutting" or "gorram" have become part of your vocabulary.
- You find yourself wondering, "What would Mal say?"


Friday, November 1, 2002 10:28 AM


Your boss overhears you talking about Mal, Jayne, Walsh, and Zoe so much that he thinks those are the names of your children.

You've legally changed it so that those ARE the names of your children.

You've accidentially started caling your priest "Shepard" instead of "Father."

Your friend is devistated that her VCR did not record Firefly last week, so to cheer her up, you reenact it with sock puppets.

You're thinking up firefly sickness jokes instead of taking Economics notes.

You've started labeling everything in both English and Chinese.

You scan in all your Playboy pinups, modify them on your computer, and print them out again because--as you reciently discovered--women are sexier when they are covered in in engine grease.

You find yourself doodling "(Mal & Inara / Zoe & Wash / Buffy & Angel) Forever!" on the back of all your notebooks. Then you draw hearts around them.

You've built a small shrine to Whedon in your home where you burn incense and regularly make small sacrifices.

You also have a voodoo doll with personal objects of Fox CEOs attatched--just in case.

Your kids want a bedtime story, so you tell them an edited version of last weeks firefly. When they ask you if you made that story up yourself, you reply, "Of course!" is your homepage.

You're doomed. You've seen Jayne / Mal topless, and will never be satisfied with another man.


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Friday, November 1, 2002 11:21 AM


:) You guys are hysterical. :) I love it!

Haven't found a good spot yet for firefly quotes... and I can never remember to write them down while watching the show.... So... (Insert witty firefly quote here)


Friday, November 1, 2002 6:55 PM


Melee took some of my new ones! But that's prolly because she was with me, singin' (see, no g!) the theme song. We were Halloween carolling... what else? hehe. All of mine are things I've actually done, usually in school.

You have a quote of the day... and you write it on large chalk boards in classrooms

When your calculus teacher shows you how to do math you respond "oh... shiny" and then smack yourself when you realize teachers don't understand such talk

You ask random people to translate the chinese for you, hoping that one will.

In drama, when asked to look lustfully at a character, a friend suggests that you "pretend he's Wash"

You decide that you, somehow can look like Gina Torres.. heh.. TRY anyway..

You get mad when people don't realize that you're dressed like Zoe.

People have started to realize that references to cleaning cannot include the word "Wash" or you'll have a psycho-hyper fit.

You can't concentrate on writing your college essays, because you realize that all that you can focus on is firefly..

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Friday, November 1, 2002 7:04 PM


He he...

That post closely resembles what I was like in high school with Buffy. Nice to know the tradition continues...


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Saturday, November 2, 2002 7:17 AM


Somehow I don't think this will stop after high school! I was this bad with Andromeda sophomore year, too. Actually, this is a little worse. I love it.

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Saturday, November 2, 2002 8:56 AM


Yeah. I kind of went through phases with other stuff before Whedon, but I got hooked on BTVS Freshmen year, and it really hasn't stopped.


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Saturday, November 2, 2002 1:43 PM


I got a lot of odd looks from people walking past me in brown coats yesterday as I yelled "Go Independents!" and, "Do you know a Malcolm? You know, Mal? Inara, Kaylee, Jayne, Zoe, Wash, Simon, Book, River? A Serenity?!"

Captain Tight Pants


Monday, November 4, 2002 2:37 AM



Originally posted by Sensou:

You spend what you would have on lunch on Firefly merchandise.

Merchandise? What?? Where?!

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


Monday, November 4, 2002 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Quill:

Originally posted by Sensou:

You spend what you would have on lunch on Firefly merchandise.

Merchandise? What?? Where?!

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher

Regretfully, I have not yet actually seen any. Can't wait for the action figures to come out, though. Just imagine carrying around the crew of Serenity!

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Curel is love when all is hell


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 3:11 AM


Lego Serenity!

Well, I can dream, can't I?

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 6:06 AM


I just had an idea. Not a product that I would necessarily buy, but it'd be perfect for Jayne'sGirlfriend and JaneLover, ect. A Jayne plush toy. And when you tickled his belly, he sings Jayne's Song.

Personally, I'd like a model Serenity to hang from the ceiling. It'd match the Whedon Freak theme of the room.

But I think my ultimate Whedon Wish List Product--apart from every episode of everything on DVD--would be Tales of the Slayers action figures. I would kill for a Nikki and Fray to put next to Buffy and Faith. Thereby securing myself a special place in the geek hall of fame.

Oh, and now that I think about it, here's my dream BTVS DVD special feature: The screen tests for the actors. Think about it. The Episode one DVD had Wussie Kid's tryouts for Anikin. (Lucas was sooooooooo close to picking someone--anyone with potential tallent. You have no idea.) X-Men had that wonderful screen test with Logan and Rogue. If they did that with BTVS think of all the goodies we would get:

Gellar trying out for Cordelia
Danny Strong Trying out for Xander
Julie Benz as Buffy
Nathan Fillion for Angel
Armin Shimerman as Principal Flutie
And people that actually got the parts they originally tried out for. Cool!

At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 7:28 AM


Woohoo! Here's some more! (all of which apply to me, sadly )

-You do a silly little doesn't-actually-count-for-anything voting ballot in your class on election day, and rather than checking off any canidates, you do write ins electing Joss Whendon for senators and Firefly characters for all the other positions

-You're risking your life typing this during history class

-You've ever called yourself a Browncoat

-You finally saw your almost finished set for drama for the first time, and your response was "Oh! Shiny!"

-You have at least one person ready to kill you to get you to stop talking about Firefly

-You're currently building a rather large website for the show

-You've started saying "Dong ma" insead of "alright" or "got it"

-You've ever said "Gorram Alliance" when refering to your school board or some other horribly oppresive organization

Thassit for now! I'll put even more down when I don't have to keep hiding the page from my history teacher... hehe


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 10:35 AM


Here's my two cents:

- You're out on a date on Friday and suggest that you "go back to your place"... not to get some lovin, but so you won't miss Firefly.

- Date suggests going back to her place, and all you can think is "she doesn't have cable and her rabbit ears won't pick up fox..."

- You cut your date short so you can get home to watch Firefly.

I was struggling with these options this last Friday...

That’s what I’ve been saying, only with better grammar.


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 11:32 AM


I had a scary moment today. I realized that I was getting more e-mails from than from spammers. Which is saying alot. Definately a Firefly Sickness moment.


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 12:02 PM


While stuffung Christmas cards into envelopes at work, you're dreaming up a FF merchandise wish list.

(Yeah, I had the plush Jayne idea too. Vera, Binky & Boomer, and the rest of the arsenal sold separately. And a Blue Sun muscle shirt (hehe, me in a muscle shirt!) and a long coat just like Zoe's, and Wash's dinosaurs...)


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 5:41 PM


Ooo!! Mad fest!! Melee and I get to be in a music festival together, and we're going to drive people INSANE! We're already planning on wearing browncoats.. but the great new development: the location of the event includes the word "alliance."

ooo.. wer'e going to be annoying.

The girl i've sat next to in rehearsal for years is refusing to sit near me, because she's afraid i'll "be weird."

oh, she has no idea!

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Thursday, November 7, 2002 9:31 AM


Okay, y'all be good and don't scare the nice people! Be just weird enough to make people curious, and when they start to ask questions...

Another sign of the sickness...

You're horrified to discover you've addressed at least a dozen Christmas cards to Jayne Cobb, The Hero of Canton!


Thursday, November 7, 2002 1:11 PM


So I am realizing that I have season tickets to the Paramount Theatre here in Seattle, and every single show we are seeing the Friday night show! I am now struggling: Suessical the Musical? or Firefly? I'm going to have to record Firefly... but.... AAAAAaaaaahhhhh.... the anguish of not seeing it first run! (at least this way I can fast forward through commercials!)

Aw, come on, I'm holding your head!


Thursday, November 7, 2002 1:14 PM



Originally posted by ilovejayne:
Okay, y'all be good and don't scare the nice people! Be just weird enough to make people curious, and when they start to ask questions...

aw! but it's fun to be obnoxiously weird! hehe.. the girl who wont sit next to me gave me a look when i told her my college essay is a little unusual. I meant that it was interesting and unique.. i think she though it was a rant about spoons or a book about sci-fi

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Thursday, November 7, 2002 2:26 PM


OMG you guys are to funny..keep up the good work.


Thursday, November 14, 2002 10:27 PM


You know you've got it bad when, after seeing three episodes, you've already got a fanfiction SERIES running around in your head screaming to be written, and you write random scenes for it at 1 in the morning instead of writing the paper for Renaissance Literature you're supposed to be working on.

Folders in important places on your computer (internet favorites, pictures, writing folders...) suddenly sprout new categories labeled "Firefly"

You agonize over going to Harry Potter on opening night because it's the same night as Firefly, and only decide to go because your friends will kill you if you don't.


Friday, November 15, 2002 9:38 AM


hehehe. We all decided to do Harry Potter on Sunday for this reason. :)

Edit: "We all" meaning me and my firefly/harry potter geek friends.
Wow. That was... really over-dramatically stated


Friday, November 15, 2002 10:13 AM


I actually said "gorram" today. Couldn't fix somthing and it just popped out.

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell


Friday, November 15, 2002 11:32 AM


I know what you mean, I've started using "Shiny" without even thinking about it.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May you be in heaven an hour before
The Devil knows you’re dead.


Friday, November 15, 2002 4:52 PM


oh c'mon! the language thing hasn't hit you too hard yet! I say shiny constantly! I said it to my calc teacher a while ago... he was a little confused. I also wrote gorramn next to my wrong answer in theory today. AND I said "i reckon" while talking on the phone to my father. That's not even to mentioning how often I drop the gs on the ends of words now.

A couple other fun ones:

When asked questions about things you like in French class you write answers about Alan Tudyk.

People say the word "wash" and you get all giggly and smily and have to say it over and over.

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Friday, November 15, 2002 11:50 PM


It's Friday night. Are you out with friends? No. Got a date? Not tonight. What are you doing? Getting Firefly quotes. Yup... I officially have the firefly sickness.

River: Your toes are in the sand.
Jayne: And your head is up your...


Saturday, November 16, 2002 1:09 AM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
I just had an idea. Not a product that I would necessarily buy, but it'd be perfect for Jayne'sGirlfriend and JaneLover, ect. A Jayne plush toy. And when you tickled his belly, he sings Jayne's Song.

Sweetie, they make a Jayne doll and I'm gonna do a hell of alot more than tickle his belly.

That didn't sound quite that sick in my head, by the way. So here's one...

You know you've got the sickness when you abandon the internet name you've been using for five years just so you can proclaim yourself JaynesGirlfriend.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Friday, September 5, 2003 11:31 AM


Got a new one:

You're still here.

Actually, not more than five minutes ago I just gave one of my roommates a disk I burned with some FF on it. Converting more to the cause one person at a time....


BUFFY: This is Andrew. He's our... actually, he's our hostage.
ANDREW: I like to think of myself more as a "Guest-age."


Friday, September 5, 2003 12:13 PM


You name your kitten Kaylee.

You use "shiny" and all other Firefly lingo, and people no longer have to ask "What's that from?"

You are here daily.

People don't even have to ask what you want for Christmas.

You have given marriage advice by quoting Firefly.

You have used the statement "You don't fix faith it fixes you." giving proper credit, from a pulpit in a youth service.

You hear a song and wonder what "video clips" would go well with it.

Every time you go to E-bay the first thing you type is Firefly Memerobilia.

You suddenly have a greater love for the brown coat you never used to wear.

You don't know any Chinese but when you get mad you let loose with a bunch of nonsense sounds, and people realize what you're doing.

You read fanfic to keep your fix.

You write fanfic to keep your fix.

You see those civil war figures by GI Joe and say, "Ya know with a little modification...."

You get a bigger harddrive just so you can fit all the epps on the computer.

Don't even start me on the wav files & wallpapers.

You can't eat any fruit without wishing Kaylee was there to share.

You think to yourself, "If we lived in an Alternate Verse, Saffron would be a good person, but she would still do all that bad stuff, but I'm good so then I would be bad cause there is an Alternate Verse and we could share a Special Hell together, or would it be heaven and not so much special, Or would I still be stuck being bad, because I used to be good. Goramm it there has to be a way to make it work!!!!!

Work was over 10 minutes ago and you're still here typing these, just because they give you some type of closer bond with people who are just as off their nut over this show as you are. And that's OK. in fact it's Shiny.


Friday, September 5, 2003 1:20 PM



Originally posted by stillshiny:
Work was over 10 minutes ago and you're still here typing these, just because they give you some type of closer bond with people who are just as off their nut over this show as you are. And that's OK. in fact it's Shiny.

Awwwwwwww.... Feelin' da loooooove!

I got another one:

In self-defense/Karate class, you employ this useful a bit of sports psychology: You visualize your kick connecting with your opponent's body, and him flying through the air, right into the jet engine. Goal!


Once in flight school, I was laconic.


Friday, September 5, 2003 3:28 PM



Posted by Stillshiny:
You name your kitten Kaylee.

I just argued for almost an hour this morning with my boss because I wanted him to let us name our new company kitten River. It would fit her perfectly too. She has dark hair, big eyes, and we found her nearly frozen in a box outside.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Friday, September 5, 2003 5:01 PM


^Does she spout oddly appropriate "meows" at opportune moments?


--When you spend most of your time on The Trek BBS, but you're not talking about Star Trek, but about something far shinier.

--When those basher fools on AICN make you tremble with suppressed rage.

--When you've begun slow but steady work on a Firefly game, because living out the life of Malcolm Reynolds is your lifelong dream.


Sunday, September 7, 2003 11:11 AM


When you can relate anything, and I mean anything, back to Firefly.

When this ability to relate anything back to Firefly is not something you need to consciously activate, but just happens because your brain has been hijacked.

When you can answer 95% of all questions posed to you with quotes or paraphrases from Firefly. (Extra points if you can acheive this with quotes or paraphrases from one character.)

When you not only understand every single thing River says but can see the deeper philisophical meanings in it and apply it to your life. (i.e. Looking at the pile of clothing on the floor in your room that your mother has insisted that you clean and calmy telling her: "They're just objects, they don't mean what you think.")

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Tuesday, October 7, 2003 10:27 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by stillshiny:
You name your kitten Kaylee.

Or Simon. Mainly because he decided to come home with me and didn't know what the hell he was getting himself into. Not to mention he's EXTREMELY shuai


Tuesday, October 7, 2003 10:35 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by stillshiny:
You name your kitten Kaylee.

Or Simon. Mainly because he decided to come home with me and didn't know what the hell he was getting himself into.

Now that's what I call Shiny. Was at the fair this wekend had a custom Lic Plate frame made it says, "I'D RATHER BE WATCHING FIREFLY" My wife just rolled her eyes. I then went to a poster vendor and asked if he had any Firefly stuff. He said no, we only carry stuff from the big name shows like Star Wars & Star Trek. I couldn't help but think "just you wait & see." Enough said for now.

Mal: “See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown!”


Wednesday, October 8, 2003 5:21 PM


If I could find a way to make my own bumper stickers, I'd stick that on my car!

I'm joining this discussion late, but here are more. (All true.)

You plan to buy as many copies of the Firefly DVD as you can afford to pass out as Christmas presents.

Your 3 year old daughter knows the words to the Firefly theme song because you watch the show so gorram much.

She says Firefly is her favorite song.

You spend all your free time making a Firefly quotation database to send out quotations with your emails.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, October 9, 2003 3:56 AM


I love "us" *hug*


Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:18 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

I've decided to keep this one going, because I think this is what it's turned into...

On the radio this morning, the song "True Companion" by Marc Cohn. The introduction pulled me in, because it has a bluesy folk style to it, then the lyrics started twisting into a ridiculously romantic music video featuring Mal and Inara.

This is why I have deemed myself under the influence of a henious disease. Do I want a cure? No, not particularly.

from "True Companion" by Marc Cohn
Baby I've been searching like everybody else
Can't say nothing different about myself
Sometimes I'm an angel, and sometimes I'm cruel
And when it comes to love, I'm just another fool

Firefly Artwork Series






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