Guaranteed to get your blood boiling....

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:18
VIEWED: 12889
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Friday, June 25, 2004 11:14 AM


Just because I wanted to stir up a controversy with something other than politics, I pulled these posts from the Talkback thread attached to the Ain’t It Cool News article that announces the new Universal site.

This first one’s a doozy, and has been edited slight for language probably inappropriate for—


From: sickboy2002
Subject: GET OVER FIREFLY!!! IT S-U-C-K-E-D!!!!

Comment: Give it a break, losers. This show ******* blew...that is why it got cancelled. Poor writing, poor casting, poor premise. Whedon can always rely on his cult to support him to a point but they are never enough to put his mediocre product over the top. The Firefly movie will suck because the show sucked. I remember seeing a preview for one of the episodes where the Han Solo rip-off says some thing like, "A good man wouldn't do this", then he kicks someone who's down and says, "I guess I'm not a good man". With that, I knew I'd never watch. That was the stupidest, gayest, wannabe tough-guy dialogue I've ever seen, delivered by a hack. THE CAST SUCKED!!! The best part is, when that **** show got yanked Whedon tried to force-feed the cast to the rest of his cult! He cats that talentless black chick on Angel, where that plotline pretty much sunk the show, seeing how it didn't recover from the ratings low during that period. Then Jossy-boy shove that **** Han Solo loser into Buffy as the deranged Preacher Caleb, an utterly useless character. I watched the entire run of Buffy, but when he showed up and it was obvious that Whedon was trying to prove a point, I quit watching. In fact, I made a point not to watch the episodes with that douchebag, then tuned back in after he was killed off. Sorry Whedon, but I don't play your game. Basically, it come down to a bruised ego. Firefly sucked *** in every way. Anyone who disagrees is a blind Whedon-ite. It was SO horrible. Everything about it sucked, most of all the cast. They were HORRIBLE!!! I love when Jossy was asked about the cast for the movie and he smugly said, "Every. single. one. is. signed." or something like that, basically saying that, "I win FOX! I'll show you guys with my big movie!!! You'll see!". HAHAHA!! The movie will tank for the same reasons the show tanked! The writing, the cast and the concept are all UNLIKABLE!!!!

And if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s the cherry on top (no pun intended):


From: DamnTheTorpedoes
Subject: I still can't understand one thing about this whole "Firefly" thing...

Comment: Who in their right mind thinks Gina Torres is good looking? SHE'S FUGLY!!! My god, and she still gets roles in which she is supposed to be DESIRABLE!!! ******* Am I in the Twilight Zone? She's a beast!! That woman a BEAST!!!!

Now, my question is— are there some people who are just not living in the same reality as we are?

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:17 AM


Well you're never going to win an argument with someone like that but I for one would like to debunk the Whedonite theory. I've never seen anything else he's done. Maybe I should.


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:22 AM


what is really funny, is these people were obviously watching all the shows and learning the actors' names (LOL)

personally when I don't like a show I don't watch it, so I couldn't tell you who wrote it, or who starred in it, or what other shows they also performed in!

such idiots these small minded trolls are...


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:25 AM



With that, I knew I'd never watch. That was the stupidest, gayest, wannabe tough-guy dialogue I've ever seen, delivered by a hack.

He didn't even watch it the plonker! How can you judge a show on one line from a trailer.

Plus no-one gets away with calling the Captain a hack - actually I'm not gonna call him out because with a name like Sickboy I'm pretty terrified of what he might do. What sort of a name is Sickboy anyway?

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:33 AM


Firstly, is not known for tact or usefulness. Secondly, the rampant Talkbackers enjoy slagging each other, slagging all of the "pros", slagging anyone that shows the least amount of enthusiasm for anything, and they do so in a manner that makes conservative radio sound like a Harvard debate team. Suffice to say, trolls _aspire_ to be popular badmouthers on Talkback, as dubious an honor as that seems. They aren't worth the quadrillionth of the electrical energy to generate the pixels on your screen in order to complain about them....


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:36 AM


America loves a winner!

Y'all, we should show some pity to these folk. Hard to watch the t.v. while wearin them pointed Klan hoods ....if your eye holes aren't lined up JUST so..... hee hee.

sickboy sounds like a perpetual troll in life. Best to let him simmer in his own misery.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:39 AM



From: DamnTheTorpedoes
Subject: I still can't understand one thing about this whole "Firefly" thing...

Comment: Who in their right mind thinks Gina Torres is good looking? SHE'S FUGLY!!! My god, and she still gets roles in which she is supposed to be DESIRABLE!!! ******* Am I in the Twilight Zone? She's a beast!! That woman a BEAST!!!!

Does anyone have Laurence Fishburne's email address????

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:40 AM


Aren't these the people our mamas told us to ignore? you know, and maybe they'll go away.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:42 AM



Originally posted by Caligari:
Firstly, is not known for tact or usefulness. Secondly, the rampant Talkbackers enjoy slagging each other, slagging all of the "pros", slagging anyone that shows the least amount of enthusiasm for anything, and they do so in a manner that makes conservative radio sound like a Harvard debate team. Suffice to say, trolls _aspire_ to be popular badmouthers on Talkback, as dubious an honor as that seems. They aren't worth the quadrillionth of the electrical energy to generate the pixels on your screen in order to complain about them....

Yes, I go to AICN for two reasons-- to get early news about movies and links to trailers, etc.; and for some of the best free entertainment on the Web, i.e., reading what the fanboys are calling one another. Some, I suspect, are just being provocative; but others, I fear, are truly dim, mean trolls who think the "anonymity" of the Internet is license for slander and bad manners. Hoepfully it keeps them off the street....

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:42 AM



Plus no-one gets away with calling the Captain a hack - actually I'm not gonna call him out because with a name like Sickboy I'm pretty terrified of what he might do. What sort of a name is Sickboy anyway?

It is taken from a character in the movie Trainspotting. Nothing grinds my gears more than some idiot that bashes one of my shows without even watching!

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:00 PM



Originally posted by Peace:

Yes, I go to AICN for two reasons-- to get early news about movies and links to trailers, etc.; and for some of the best free entertainment on the Web, SNIP

I go to for all that, better layout, they post news from the trades, and no Talkback....

Love the B5 quote, BTW, had to think about where I heard it....


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:20 PM


It strikes me that there are two main reasons for going on a verbal rampage like that. One is insecurity (not knowing what you ARE, so you define yourself as something completely OTHER than what you dislike/hate) and the other is fear of being powerless and/or anonymous. Arguing with such trolls is about as effective as barking back at a dog.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:40 PM



Originally posted by DarkJester:
snip Arguing with such trolls is about as effective as barking back at a dog.

Especially if the dog is three blocks away and uses a handle like StynkiKytti128.


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:42 PM


Probably somebody that works for FOX...

And I too, had never experienced the world of Joss until Firefly. So that debunks that theory.


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:27 PM



Originally posted by JCKnife:
[I've never seen anything else he's done. Maybe I should.

You should!!

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:33 PM


O_o And the weirdest thing is they mentioned having a black slayer on Angel. Which black slayer? Gunn? He's not a slayer. He's just a vampire hunter. There's a difference. I could be wrong with the word placement, but he ain't no slayer.

Bahh I don't care what they said. People are right to have their opinions as I am to have mine. I just hope we're not ever in the same room, because they'll regret ever coming in contact with me.


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:36 PM


No, they said "that black chick" I believe, and they were talking about Gina as Jasmine on Angel.

I'd like to staple things to people like that's heads!! Gorram trolls!!!

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:37 PM


I guess we should make room for everybody in this 'verse, but sheesh! I'm sensing just a little teeny bit of hostility in this rant.

I'm trying to imagine saying these things about any show. Yeah, I hated Fastlane and everything it stood for, but I SIMPLY DIDN'T WATCH IT. I CHANGED THE CHANNEL. I didn't lurk around strange message boards after dark trying to pick a fight about it.

I like the theory this is some Fox dude. Maybe it's that WB Veep that just quit.

"Why're you arguin' what's already been decided?"
Mal to Jayne, "Jaynestown"


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 1:42 PM


hmm...thats pretty gorram mean...I dont like reference to "that black chick" and stuff i saw....just makes me mad. An like it said...if you dont like it then just dont watch...problem solved.

"...Take my love, Take my land, Take me where i cannot stand, I dont care im still free, you cant take the sky from me."


Friday, June 25, 2004 2:33 PM


Having it possibily Jasmine being referred to being a black slayer makes me a little ruffled. She's a demon goddess spawn! Or what have you.

Darn bashers. :P

If only we could get some money together and find out where those people live so we can bash them a new one.
"How many people want to kick some ass?"

I'm sorry, I just had to do a ref to Kevin's stuff. ^-^;;


Friday, June 25, 2004 2:49 PM



Originally posted by JCKnife:
Well you're never going to win an argument with someone like that but I for one would like to debunk the Whedonite theory. I've never seen anything else he's done. Maybe I should.

Here's another. I've never watched an episode of Buffy or Angel in my life, and I was completely oblivious to Firefly while it was on the air. A friend happened to lend me the DVDs, and I fell in love about three minutes into "Serenity". (Somewhere around the time Mal pulled out his crucifix and kissed it. Or maybe it was the "too pretty to die" speech.) Since then I've gotten my wife hooked too, and she's not a big fan of either SF or westerns.


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:01 PM


God I don’t know if I have some mental disorder or something but when small minded people who didn’t bother to watch a show past (what I assume was fox’s badly advertised trailer for ‘shindig’) then go on to slate a man I have admired since I was 14 and who’s work I have followed since that point in my life, immersed myself in his worlds and his characters lives cried with them, laughed with them parts of me died with them when they died, well it makes me so mad! I hate the small minded ness of these people, Gina is a freaking goddess! I was in awe when she was on Angel as Jasmine and don’t even get me started on Caleb and how much depth Nathan brought to him. I can only chalk that first guy up to him being a bitter Buffy fan, being a fan of all of joss’s shows I have observed the traits of the fans, most people assume they are all the same kind of people but that’s a misnomer. He is one of those guys who was so bitter at joss or whatever for handing reign over to Marti for season 6 they blamed firefly I bet he hasn’t even seen it. Out of all the fans of joss I have seen I have to admit none have been as passionate and dedicated as those who follow firefly. While I may not post as much as I’d like I visit the site every day and feel part of the family here, you guys rock. I have never visited the O.B. this was the first firefly site I discovered almost a year ago now when I first saw firefly on SCI-FI (uk guy!) and although what he said about me being a whedonite is true and that we’ll follow anything with his name on I can say with all honesty the crew of serenity are just as deep and immense as characters as any from Buffy and what amazed me is that joss achieved that in only 15 episodes, this guy is a fool for rejecting firefly because not only has he missed out on witnessing a show that burrows deep into your very soul but he has missed out on one hell of an amazing fan base. I feel sorry for him.

And that guy who hates Gina, he must be blind…I don’t get him. And sorry for the rantyness…pissed me off is all…


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:21 PM



Originally posted by heb:

Plus no-one gets away with calling the Captain a hack - actually I'm not gonna call him out because with a name like Sickboy I'm pretty terrified of what he might do. What sort of a name is Sickboy anyway?

It's a character from Trainspotting. One of the greatest movies ever made, IMO. But anyway...

Different strokes for different folks. We're getting our movie and they get to vent their spleens on Harry Jay Knowles's website. Guess who comes out ahead?


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:41 PM



Originally posted by athertonwing:
...although what he said about me being a whedonite is true and that we’ll follow anything with his name on I can say with all honesty the crew of serenity are just as deep and immense as characters as any from Buffy and what amazed me is that joss achieved that in only 15 episodes, this guy is a fool for rejecting firefly because not only has he missed out on witnessing a show that burrows deep into your very soul but he has missed out on one hell of an amazing fan base. I feel sorry for him.

That was so wonderfully said!!! All kinds of shiny!! I'm a proud Whedonite too!!!

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:58 PM


Honestly, I couldn't stop laughing when I read that...

I mean, does this guy think ANYONE will take that review seriously?

Thanks for the chuckle!

--Jefé The Hat

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Friday, June 25, 2004 4:07 PM


Guys, just because that guy dosen't share the same opinions as you do on a show does not mean that they are low-intelligence etc etc..

There's nothing such as a "best" show. What's "good" is only what appeals to you, and that may not appeal to everyone.


Friday, June 25, 2004 4:36 PM



Originally posted by Jerry111:
Guys, just because that guy dosen't share the same opinions as you do on a show does not mean that they are low-intelligence etc etc..
There's nothing such as a "best" show. What's "good" is only what appeals to you, and that may not appeal to everyone.

Well, I do agree with that as a general life rule, but, to me, what proves any "low-intelligence" comments is this:


That was the stupidest, gayest, wannabe tough-guy dialogue I've ever seen, delivered by a hack.

Anyone who feels the need to use any form of a the word "gay" as an insult is a complete idiot, and not worthy of my attention. It's prejudiced, plain and simple, and slurs on someone's race, sexuality, religous preference, gender or nationality is the lowest-intelligence form of insult.
Even if he hadn't been raving like a lunatic, that one word alone, in that context, would make me discount anything else he'd said.

"Well personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon."


Friday, June 25, 2004 5:12 PM


I don't believe that Sickboy hates Firefly anywhere near as much as he states. Every single thing that he said was bad about Firefly is a strength. No one can be that wrong about something and be the same species as the rest of us. He cleverly crafted an attack on our favorite show designed to make us mad as hell. It almost worked. I don't understand trolls so I just ignore them.

Nice shot. I was aimin' for his head


Friday, June 25, 2004 5:18 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Y'all, we should show some pity to these folk. Hard to watch the t.v. while wearin them pointed Klan hoods ....if your eye holes aren't lined up JUST so..... hee hee.

ROTFLMAO! Oh my ... yes, exactly. I'm sending pity-vibes now. (Is there an emoticon for that?)

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Friday, June 25, 2004 5:20 PM



Originally posted by DixieFlatline:
I fell in love about three minutes into "Serenity". (Somewhere around the time Mal pulled out his crucifix and kissed it. Or maybe it was the "too pretty to die" speech.)

Yeah, I was hooked right then, too. But it just kept getting better.


Friday, June 25, 2004 10:24 PM


clearly this person has no life and way too much time on their hands..... oh wait i guess that describes me too, but i do have a theory: perhaps this is a psychotic reject from from the firefly casting call... you know a really "good" actor. just a thought.

have a firefreakin'flytastic day


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:09 PM



Originally posted by Jerry111:
Guys, just because that guy dosen't share the same opinions as you do on a show does not mean that they are low-intelligence etc etc..

There's nothing such as a "best" show. What's "good" is only what appeals to you, and that may not appeal to everyone.

I don't think anyone is saying that he's not entitled to his opinion. But it does suggest he's a bit of a plonker to write a long rant about a show he never even watched. I have no problem with people who watch at least a little bit of firefly and don't like it, I'd be a little appalled at their taste but that's fine. But he never even watched!

Plus he called Nathan Fillion a 'Hack' and don't even get me started on his criticisms of Joss Whedon....

But I agree he is entitled to his opinion on Firefly I just wish he'd watch the show first.

Also to all you people on here that watch Firefly but haven't seen Buffy or Angel:

I'm gonna make the assumption that by being Firefly fans the majority of you are gonna be Joss fans. Joss is the connecting factor that makes all the shows so damn good. Seriously if you are a Joss fan I'm pretty sure you will love at least one of Buffy or Angel (doesn't always work that way but more often than not). I recommend starting with season 2 of Buffy (maybe season 1 but if you don't like that try 2 or 3 that's when they start to get really good). If Buffy's not your thing try Angel it's a completely different show.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Saturday, June 26, 2004 7:04 AM



Originally posted by heb:
Also to all you people on here that watch Firefly but haven't seen Buffy or Angel:
Seriously if you are a Joss fan I'm pretty sure you will love at least one of Buffy or Angel (doesn't always work that way but more often than not).

I think it's more true that if you like Buffy &/or Angel you will probably like Firefly. My brother, for example,dislikes Buffy/Angel, but I converted him to Firefly in nothing flat.
They're all three very different shows, but Buffy/Angel have a shared theme going on -- some people can't get past the horror/champions angle. Firefly is, as we all know & Joss has stated,much more about regular people doing regular things who just happen to run into bad situations. Often.

"Well personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon."


Saturday, June 26, 2004 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Peace:
Then Jossy-boy shove that **** Han Solo loser into Buffy as the deranged Preacher Caleb, an utterly useless character. I watched the entire run of Buffy, but when he showed up and it was obvious that Whedon was trying to prove a point, I quit watching. In fact, I made a point not to watch the episodes with that douchebag, then tuned back in after he was killed off.

So he tuned back in to Buffy when exactly? Nathan was there to the very last episode. Maybe he could have tuned in midway through the episode once his last scene was over.

He's obviously just making things up. I think he's a jaded fan. He knows all about the serieses. His clever little misquotes are pretty see through. He has seen every episode and wishes there were more just like the rest of us.


Sunday, June 27, 2004 11:03 PM



Originally posted by WhooDahn:

From: DamnTheTorpedoes
Subject: I still can't understand one thing about this whole "Firefly" thing...

Comment: Who in their right mind thinks Gina Torres is good looking? SHE'S FUGLY!!! My god, and she still gets roles in which she is supposed to be DESIRABLE!!! ******* Am I in the Twilight Zone? She's a beast!! That woman a BEAST!!!!

Does anyone have Laurence Fishburne's email address????

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"

Sounds like a plan to me!

MAL: "Well, look at this! Appears them boys at Fox have decided to cancel us. What does that make them?"
ZOE: "Big damn idiots, sir."
MAL: "Ain't they just."
Writing at: [url] [/url]


Monday, June 28, 2004 5:45 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is completely wrong and done without adequate thought or research.

Personally I can't help but laugh at these kind of comments. It is like that one guy at the party that doesn't get the great joke that everyone else is laughing about.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, June 28, 2004 5:55 AM


Sickboy was a character in The Crow, to answer your question.

I actually wasnt a fan of Buffy...or Angel (although Ill admit I didnt really see any, never really had an urge to) there goes the whedon cult idea.


Monday, June 28, 2004 7:30 AM


Sickboy was drugie on "Trainspoting" (His kid dies from neglet, he becomes a dealer, and in the end he loses all his money.)

I don't think I can take the word of someone who has never seen the show.


Monday, June 28, 2004 7:36 AM



Originally posted by Jerry111:
Guys, just because that guy dosen't share the same opinions as you do on a show does not mean that they are low-intelligence etc etc..

There's nothing such as a "best" show. What's "good" is only what appeals to you, and that may not appeal to everyone.

I don´t have a problem with someone who does not share my opinion, whether it be a tv show or whatever. What I do have a problem with is people who use excessive profanities, use the word 'suck' in every other sentence and generally spews negative remarks about actors and creators of a show, whatever the reason.


Monday, June 28, 2004 7:49 AM



Originally posted by heb:
Plus no-one gets away with calling the Captain a hack - actually I'm not gonna call him out because with a name like Sickboy I'm pretty terrified of what he might do. What sort of a name is Sickboy anyway?

I believe Sickboy was a member of Raven's flock in WCW. Oh my god I watched way too much wrestling back in the day.
Anyway, I think we know which hell this moron is going to

Why doesn't it ever go smooth?


Monday, June 28, 2004 7:53 AM


I don't watch Angel or Buffy much, but from the movies and shows I've seen I know Gina, Alan, Adam, Jewel, Summer, Cappy, Sean, Ron and Morrena are very talented actors and actresses. Joss is one awesome idea man too. It's fine if someone dislikes the show but don't disrespect the cast. I mean really watch the show, it may be hard to follow if you're not paying attention(or have decided not to try to understand) but you really have to see it before you can have a thought out, informed, logical oppinion of the show. I completely understand the whole wanting to rant thing. There are some very ingnorant things said about the cast, the crew and the fans. That is only thing that made me mad instead of laughing at Sickboy's post, instead of talking about how he felt about the caractors he dissed the cast. Joss is an original thinker. I am wondering though why Fox canceled Firefly? Sickboy said that fans can only take the show so far, but really if it's not the fans who is watching?


Monday, June 28, 2004 8:46 AM



Originally posted by Ankhagogo:

Originally posted by Jerry111:
Guys, just because that guy dosen't share the same opinions as you do on a show does not mean that they are low-intelligence etc etc..
There's nothing such as a "best" show. What's "good" is only what appeals to you, and that may not appeal to everyone.

Well, I do agree with that as a general life rule, but, to me, what proves any "low-intelligence" comments is this:


That was the stupidest, gayest, wannabe tough-guy dialogue I've ever seen, delivered by a hack.

Anyone who feels the need to use any form of a the word "gay" as an insult is a complete idiot, and not worthy of my attention. It's prejudiced, plain and simple, and slurs on someone's race, sexuality, religous preference, gender or nationality is the lowest-intelligence form of insult.
Even if he hadn't been raving like a lunatic, that one word alone, in that context, would make me discount anything else he'd said.

Ok. Weird. It ate my text. Anyway, I was just saying that I think we should make a distinction between "idiotic" and "ignorant." The person making these inflamatory comments may actually be quite intelligent, but he/she is still an ignorant git.


Monday, June 28, 2004 10:24 AM


Have you noticed:
1. The number of people ranting about the ranter? Obviously, many people feel strongly on this side (whether Sickboy feels strongly is not known - he may have just been ranting to provoke heated response).
2. How different these rants are from the original they are ranting about? Apparently, we are not the blind fanatics Sickboy thinks we are; the responses to his original rant have been extremely calm as well as articulate.

Guess Sickboy is gonna have to find some other (unwatched) show to lambaste! about making snide comments about Bert and Ernie being a gay couple (how anybody can believe 2 foam handpuppets are capable of anything other than sitting there and being foam handpuppets is something I just don't get - hello! They. Aren't. Real...). After all, Sickboy does seem to have something against gays...

"They've gone to *plaid*!"


Monday, June 28, 2004 11:06 AM



Originally posted by Phoenixship:
Yeah, I hated Fastlane and everything it stood for, but I SIMPLY DIDN'T WATCH IT. I CHANGED THE CHANNEL. I didn't lurk around strange message boards after dark trying to pick a fight about it.

"I didn't LURK around trying to pick a fight about it." :lol:

Re: the whole Whedon & GT rants: Honestly I don't get it. Personally, I didn't watch FF until this past May. The trailers Fox ran in 2002 made it look stupid, and I wasn't interested. I already watched Buffy and Angel religiously though.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, people. You can't take it personally. Sure, Laurence would jack up anybody who dissed his woman, but he has too much other important stuff to deal with. For as many negative reviews / disses of FF (BtVS & Angel) there are hundreds times that who LOVE it. The DVD sales don't lie. The opinion boards don't lie. Firefly is one of the shiniest shows to come around. It's different from the Star Treks - and it is totally awesome if you dig them, I only watch original ST. Maybe you don't like Mutant Enemy's projects. That's fine. What the hell DO you like? You know what? Scratch that, reverse it. Who the hell cares. Do whatcha want!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:37 AM


I just had to reply. Feel free to use my comments on these... people.

Also, I've noted that there seems to be, with certain TV professionals, an anti-Whedon streak. It really bugs me but I noticed that on genre fan sites Joss is roundly attacked (by these TV people as well as others... I guess). Why? It's not like Babylon5 could hold a candle to Firefly. SG-1? HAHA nooo, a mere adventure show for kids. Enterprise? Crap! It's pretty obvious Firefly is THE Sci-Fi show to come around in a decade.

How do I know? Well, it's so popular even after being cancelled the studio was forced to rethink thier stupidity and were forced to admite they MUST keep this going. Not because they wanted to but because WE wanted it to!

That's called success.

And now... the bashing...

Originally posted by Peace:
Just because I wanted to stir up a controversy with something other than politics, I pulled these posts from the Talkback thread attached to the Ain’t It Cool News article that announces the new Universal site.

This first one’s a doozy, and has been edited slight for language probably inappropriate for—


From: sickboy2002
Subject: GET OVER FIREFLY!!! IT S-U-C-K-E-D!!!!

Comment: Give it a break, losers. This show ******* blew...that is why it got cancelled.

Ghouly comments: - The voice of authority seems to have forgotten all the factors that contributed to the shows cancellation. He even failed to mention FOX CEO intellegence.

Poor writing,

It's the best writing on TV. That's why all the writers LOVE Joss Whedon. Wow, this poster really has no idea what he means... it's like a shot gun blast - all over the place hopeing to hit something.


poor casting,

HAHAHA. Compared to what?


poor premise.

A "space western" is a standard. This guy is really stretching.


Whedon can always rely on his cult to support him to a point but they are never enough to put his mediocre product over the top. The Firefly movie will suck because the show sucked.

See... he insults the show and the shows fans and tries to tell us that it sucks so much and we fans are so few that, er, um, they desided to make a movie.

What kind o' frelled up logic is that?


I remember seeing a preview for one of the episodes where the Han Solo rip-off says some thing like, "A good man wouldn't do this", then he kicks someone who's down and says, "I guess I'm not a good man". With that, I knew I'd never watch. That was the stupidest, gayest, wannabe tough-guy dialogue I've ever seen, delivered by a hack. THE CAST SUCKED!!!

Han Solo rip off? Both Han and Mal are similair characters in that they are disaffected anti-heros. Every bloody movie made in the USA has at least one protagonist of this ilk.


The best part is, when that **** show got yanked Whedon tried to force-feed the cast to the rest of his cult! He cats that talentless black chick on Angel, where that plotline pretty much sunk the show, seeing how it didn't recover from the ratings low during that period. Then Jossy-boy shove that **** Han Solo loser into Buffy as the deranged Preacher Caleb, an utterly useless character. I watched the entire run of Buffy, but when he showed up and it was obvious that Whedon was trying to prove a point, I quit watching.

Well, it's common practice to hire actors you've worked with before. Should the Enterprise set be destroyed for reusing actors that have worked in Trek for the last 10 years? This guy is accusing Joss of a common Hollywoodland practice. Lamest... whine... ever.


In fact, I made a point not to watch the episodes with that douchebag, then tuned back in after he was killed off. Sorry Whedon, but I don't play your game.

He's going on and on eh? Do you think maybeeee... he's lieing? Hmmm. Well, he might just be really stupid.


Basically, it come down to a bruised ego. Firefly sucked *** in every way.

This is about the 9th time he just tells us it sucked without comming up with a real reason. ANY reason other than the sillyness above.


Anyone who disagrees is a blind Whedon-ite.



It was SO horrible. Everything about it sucked, most of all the cast. They were HORRIBLE!!!

Sucked, horrible, sucked, horrible. Oh wait... that's horrible, sucked, horrible. Sorry.


I love when Jossy was asked about the cast for the movie and he smugly said, "Every. single. one. is. signed." or something like that, basically saying that, "I win FOX! I'll show you guys with my big movie!!! You'll see!". HAHAHA!!

Hmmm. A FOX producer or CEO perhaps? I wonder...


The movie will tank for the same reasons the show tanked! The writing, the cast and the concept are all UNLIKABLE!!!!

Yea, we all just hate the cast and that's why the show was cancelled... oh wait, the show tanked? No, it didn't "tank" in any sence. The show never failed.. FOX did.


And if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s the cherry on top (no pun intended):



From: DamnTheTorpedoes
Subject: I still can't understand one thing about this whole "Firefly" thing...

Comment: Who in their right mind thinks Gina Torres is good looking? SHE'S FUGLY!!! My god, and she still gets roles in which she is supposed to be DESIRABLE!!! ******* Am I in the Twilight Zone? She's a beast!! That woman a BEAST!!!!

Originally posted by Peace:
Now, my question is— are there some people who are just not living in the same reality as we are?

Ghoulman: I think so, but mainly if they work for FOX.

OK.. GINA TORRES is freaky gorgeous. Her profile is actuall perfect. PERFECT! She's goddess! Her role as that charisma Goddess in Angel could have easily fallen flat if played by any other actress. But not Gina... she really IS charismatic! SO lovely. Warrior woman. Mmm. Have you seen her legs?! I love the part where they meet. And just above where her back meets...

oh 'scuse me.

So to conclude. Firefly doesn't suck. This post is prolly by a bitter lieing FOX employee. And Gina Torres is a Goddess.

How did I do?


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:55 AM


I'm not going to read the comments, I don't need to. I just want to let people know two unrealted things.

1) I'm still here.

2) There are still morons in the world.


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:06 AM


Sorry christhecynic... but you just called yourself a moron. lol! Sorry, I just had to point that out. What? You're shocked and disappointed? I'm evil!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:18 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
Sorry christhecynic... but you just called yourself a moron. lol! Sorry, I just had to point that out. What? You're shocked and disappointed? I'm evil!

I knew someone would, but I hoped that I was wrong. We're fellow Firefly fans, the cream of the science fiction crop. We should be better than that.






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