Nightmares About Serenity

UPDATED: Saturday, November 13, 2010 19:35
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:30 AM


Ever since I saw the BDM 2 years ago, I've experienced wierd nightmares that had to do with Serenity.

1. This isn't so much as a nightmare, but more of just a sad dream. It hit me the night when I first saw the BDM. After Wash was impaled by the Reaver spike and his crew had left, his soul had risen up from his body.It floated to Boros where it talked to people, drunk alcohol, gambled sung songs and rejoiced. After it was done, it floated back to Miranda, and lay back in Wash's body.

2. The First nightmare I had happened a year later,and this one felt all too real.It was the day before Serenity The Sequel was opening in theaters and I was the #1 ticket holder.Instead of placing the ticket in my wallet, (like a smart person would of done) I carried it around in my hand all day. I was taking care of my usual chores and responsibilities in order to kill time.The day was winding down until it was an hour before the movie was going to open and I decided to use the restroom in a department store. When I left the restroom I noticed that the ticket in my hand was gone.I couldn't find it anywhere. So I realized I had to go back to the bathroom to search for it. When I went back , the bathroom was dirtier then when I left it. There was crud all over the floor, toilet paper strung all over the place, cockroaches and people standing around. So I had to search this entire place to find it.But before you know it, it was too late, the movie had already started and had ended. Some of the people who had saw it, came into that very restroom and gave me spoilers to the film. And that's when I woke up screaming.

3.My second nightmare came several months after. It was the Serenity The Sequel was released. It went straight to DVD instead of to theaters. Either though I was a little disappointed, I was still happy to go to the nearest video store to rent it. When I did and brought it home, my brother popped it in to check it out and it was horrific.
What I'm about to say to you is 100% true and not made up:
First off , most of the original cast and crew were not in there original roles. Mark Shepard was cast as Malcom Reynolds, Alan Tudyk was cast as Inara and Jewel Staite played as a gangster(She had cornrolls, gold teeth and she kept flippin' up gang signs when she talked). Second, there was no CG in the movie. So in other words , no firefly class ship. Instead, they drove around in a blue mini van solving crimes (sort of like Scooby Doo).I forgot the middle part of the dream, but when the time came to unmask the perp, it turned out to be Joss Whedon. And that's when I woke up screaming.

4. Some one had told me that when you have a nightmare about being chased by the police, usually that meant you were running from a major change in your life. In my dreams I was being chased by Alliance FEDs and instead of using guns, they would use those Sonic Air Rifles. When they finally caught up to me, they brought me onto this Alliance Cruiser and threw me into a jail cell. I noticed that there was one other person in the cell with me, and either though his face was mostly hidden in shadow, I could tell it was Joss Whedon. Who started singing Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. And that's when I woke up Screaming.

So dd any of you have any dreams/nightmares you would like to share? At least ones that were as weird as mine?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 7:17 AM



Originally posted by CortexOverride:
Ever since I saw the BDM 2...

I missed the sequel!?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:01 AM


Ouch. Nightmares not good.

But on the bright side, dream Joss Whedon is inspired by your horrified despair and cackles at his role in it. You may yet inspire a dream television series or movie.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:46 AM


I had similar nightmares to that except, I was usually chased by reavers instead of Alliance FEDs (and minus Joss whedon).

The most memorable one I can think of happened to me about a year and a half ago when I was still in Chicago. I worked for this standard office with the cubicles and white walls, you name it. Well anyway , my nightmare took place there. So it started off just how my job routinely starts, that's until lunch break came around.As soon as the clock hit 2:30, everyone slowly got out of their seats, layed down on the ground and started to dissinergrate. I did the exact same thing and as I was laying on my stomach, head facing the white wall, thats when my breathing started to slow down. Soon enough I was suffocating.
When I woke up,I didn't necessarily scream, more of gasping for air. After I was done doing that , I picked up the phone , called my boss and told him I quit. And that was the last time I had that nightmare.

BTW, Savage Garden,Really?

"There's no hell for things like this, Captain" ~ Shepard Book, Better Days


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:33 PM


I have sadly never had a single dream about Firefly or Serenity. however I do have a recurring bad dream that still makes me wake up freaked out though I don't know why. Basically in the dream I'm back at high school and I haven't handed in major History and English assignments so I basically fail year 12. I don't know why I wake up soaked in sweat from this one, as I handed in all my assignments, and year 12 was more than 20 years ago. I think it relates to my fear of disappointing myself and others.
Another recurring dream is that I am 2 hours late for work coordinating at afterschool care...which is a 3.5 hour shift. the freaky thing about this is a) I haven't coordinated or directed a program for 6 years, and in the dream it's an afterschool care I ran in 1998, b) I've only once been late for work and that was because I had to get a spider bite taken care of, so I arranged for someone to cover me till I made it to work. I keep having these dreams and they are not usually connected to stressful periods like exam times or dates when I have assessments due.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:32 PM


I have a nightmare similar to yours. I'm in high school (I left it over 30 years ago) and I can't get my locker open to get my books for the next class. And I end up climbing this endless stairway with all sorts of gaps or I miss the class entirely.

Sometimes though I'm back in college and I'm getting a second degree and I miss class because I can't get there despite trying very hard.

Any one around here a dream interpreter or a psychologist?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 7:40 PM



Originally posted by CortexOverride:
So dd any of you have any dreams/nightmares you would like to share? At least ones that were as weird as mine?

I got one for ya. Back in the day, I had to finish this Ethnographry power point presentation for my College Anthropology class. It was towards the end of the semester and I was doing so-so. I needed this powerpoint presentation to save me. I had gotten the project done and informed my group members. After wards, I decided to go to sleep and this is what my dream entails:

I was sitting in the back of my Anthropology class,but I noticed a couple of differences made to it. First off, everyone was there. Not only my original classmates, but even classmates from my high school were in there. Second, everyone was facing the room in a quiet manner which is unusual for my class. When my eye followed their heads to the front of the room, I saw well fit blond man who was wearing a blue uniform. That isn't my Anthro teacher, that's Commander Harken! Even though his back was turned to me, I knew it was him. Then that's when the entire class turned in their chairs to look back at me. I realized that it was my turn to present my presentation. I got up , looked down at my feet and saw that I was only wearing my cleanest pair of white briefs. When I looked back up I started to feel anxious. My feet floated me off the ground and towards the front of room where I stood in front of the entire class and Harken. I remember someone switching off the lights. I faced the classroom and Harken stood in front of me with his arms crossed. His face mostly covered in shadow except his eyes which peered through in a fierce stare. When he uttered, 'Begin', That's when I woke up screaming.

What do y'all gotta say about that?


Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:41 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
But on the bright side, dream Joss Whedon is inspired by your horrified despair and cackles at his role in it. You may yet inspire a dream television series or movie.


BTW, I do have a faint remembrance of a dream featuring Gina Torres, but might as well keep it to my lonesome. They're probably little ones patrolling this site.


Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:05 AM


I'm of the notion that first dream interpretation is all guesswork with nothing hard fact behind it, and second that dreams don't MEAN anything. Evolutionarily they might have evolved to let animals "practice" for events that might happen to them. With the invention of civilization, we therefore have nightmares about failure and social mistakes, in addition to the usual chasing stuff/being chased/sex dreams that come from the more primitive instinct stuff.

They sure are fun to talk about though.

My dreams are normally just weird or inexplicable. Usually I'm not anywhere in them, they're about random nonexistent people. Sometimes it's just colours or unreadable text on paper. Generally people don't have faces, or if they do, they don't look like whoever my brain has labeled them as, but this is never alarming or important to the dream. Mostly I just think my brain is lazy and doesn't fully realize an imaginary world while I'm asleep. Or maybe I'm unusually observant when asleep and notice inconsistencies.

I did dream about Firefly/Serenity like maybe two days ago. It's not often, and usually in the sense of "I need to remember that for my story!" and then I never do. I wasn't present in the dream, like usual, it was something about the companion guild standards and regulations. And it was a really good idea. :(

If I do happen to be in my dreams, it's usually it's obvious it's a dream so it's more like it's me playing an avatar me in a video game. It's never from a first-person perspective, always from the viewpoint of a camera. I'm usually in complete control, and if something goes wrong, I start over until I get it right.

I've had maybe four nightmares in my life (at least that I'm aware of). One involved me using a blender on some vampires, and the disturbing amount of violence and blood is more what made it a nightmare than me being scared inside the dream. The other three I think were the result of sleep paralysis.

Has anyone ever dreamed that they died? Not like you suddenly wake up all startled from a long fall or from something that would have killed you, but the dream slowly fades to black, and your breathing becomes shallow and stops, and you are for all intents and purposes unconscious? And then you wake up later, and remember the whole thing, and you're lying in bed all terrified because you realize that you were LUCKY to wake up?


Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:56 PM


Some of you people need counselling, Most of you should just stay off the drugs.

I love it, it's like wiping your ass with silk.


Friday, January 29, 2010 3:49 AM



Originally posted by KillaOfVanilla:

When my eye followed their heads to the front of the room, I saw well fit blond man who was wearing a blue uniform. That isn't my Anthro teacher, that's Commander Harken!

What do y'all gotta say about that?

Seriously, I'll take Harken over Joss any day. At least he doesn't sing stupid songs to you.


Originally posted by meatpuppet42:
Some of you people need counselling, Most of you should just stay off the drugs.

And yes. I am seriously considering psychoanalysis or therapy.

BTW, U said use to have nightmares about reavers?


Friday, January 29, 2010 7:32 AM



Originally posted by CortexOverride:

BTW, U said use to have nightmares about reavers?

Dude, I have some f***ed up ones, but they also tend to foretell my future.

This one started on the Blue Line train. It was my ex-girlfriend and I and a couple other people there.
What I can remember is that while the train was in motion, I was facing one of the windows and focusing on the buildings that past by. I also started to noticed that it started to pick up speed.
My ex was standing right beside me and kept talking, and talking, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I think she was speaking in a foreign language or something. It wasn't until I saw this black spec in the blue sky get bigger and bigger. It kinda looked like a pack of crows. It caught my attention as well as one other passenger who by the way, looked a lot like my late grandmother. She cried out "Reavers!" These guys did not look like the reavers from the BDM, they looked more like those 'flying monkeys' from the Wizard Of Oz. The other passengers ,including my late grandma, just sat in their seats as if they were waiting to be devoured by them. But anyway, I grabbed my ex's hand and tried to pull her towards the next cart, but she kept saying "No..No.. No". Her eyes were white and she became completely docile sort of like River does some times. So I tried to let her go , but she was still clamped onto my hand. So pulling her through the train cars and escaping the reavers at the same time was taking a toll. The more force I used to pull her , the heavier she got. I think she started murmuring something in a foreign language again. After a couple of more pulls, my knees buckled underneath me and I fell flat on the floor. As I lay face forward on the ground, I could hear the reavers getting closer. For some reason they were cawing like crows. It kept getting louder and louder. That's when I woke up.
A couple of days later, my girl and I split up.
No worries, its for the best.

"There's no hell for things like this, Captain" ~ Shepard Book, Better Days


Friday, January 29, 2010 7:44 AM


My nightmare occured in the real world, when I learned in 2004 that the TV show would never come back, but we would be given a film in it's place.

Seven seasons of firefly replaced by a 2 hour film.



Friday, January 29, 2010 10:11 AM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
My nightmare occured in the real world, when I learned in 2004 that the TV show would never come back, but we would be given a film in it's place.

Seven seasons of firefly replaced by a 2 hour film.


I hear ya.

Although cramming all that story in 2 hours, and still retaining(although minor)some of the charm of the series is quite an achievement.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:19 AM


I just had one of those dreams that sort of starts off good, but thaen ends as a nightmare.
This one started I think in the companion training house, but it looked different. All the lights were out and nobody was around except me and Inara. As I was laying naked underneath the covers, she was setting up the mood by lighting candles and incence. She wouldn't look at me though, almost like she was avoiding my gaze or something. Thats when this loud knocking happens at the door. Inara opens it, and its Joss Whedon in the 'operative outfit'. He doesn't say anything, he just stands there, staring at me with a 'stiff upper lip'. he looks over to Inara who backs into a corner. Joss then reaches back, grabs his sword, and CASTRATAES ME. Then I woke up screaming my ass off! After I was done screaming my ass off, I slowly checked to see if my 'Johnny-Hoo' was alright, and then I finally relaxed.

"There's no hell for things like this, Captain" ~ Shepard Book, Better Days


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:01 AM


I've had a dying nightmare about Serenity before. It felt incredibly real too, it was entirely in the first person, though I'm not sure if I was myself or a member of the crew or what. Anyway, Serenity was behind me and we were trying to evacuate people from this planet when an operative (Not the operative, but somehow I knew it was an operative) drew his sword and started cutting down all the people fleeing towards our ship. I picked up a sword lying near a dead soldier and tried to stop him. The operative knocked my blade aside and sliced my forearm, causing me to drop the sword. Then he waited for me to pick it up again, which I had to do with my offhand cause I couldn't get my right hand to work. I drew the sword once more, and basically got my butt kicked and as I lie bleeding to death on the ground I saw Serenity take off, escaping with all of the refugees, and I smiled. Then I woke up. I've had five of these martyr hero type dreams, but this one was the only one related to Serenity.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:23 AM


Nightmares are funny things. We all get them, but I've only ever had one recurring nightmare that has haunted me off and on for decades......and it really is such a silly thing I hesitate to tell, but here goes. About 30 years ago I saw the movie Drums Along The Mohawk for the first time. Pretty good movie starring Henry Fonda and Claudette Colbert. During the movie there are attacks on colonial settlers by Mohawk Indians. For some reason that image, one of a crazed Mohawk with his hatchet raised to strike is something I could never get over. I have dreams of walking in a park, or walking in the woods, and then...wham!...out comes a blood-curdling scream of a Mohawk about to do me in. I usually wake up at that moment in a pool of sweat, or sometimes I can actually feel the blow to my head, and then I wake up terrified. Very weird!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 8:56 AM


EDIT: Oh, I already talked about that. Oops.

So... But no one has dreams like that, with the dying? That's too bad. They're fun.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 11:10 AM


I figured mine counted as a dying dream, though I guess I woke up before I bled out. Perhaps if the dream continued I would have woken up in the infirmary... somehow... even though the ship left. Nah, probably would have been captured and then I would meet the also assumed to be dead Wash and we'd steal a shuttle and escape. Yeah, that sounds good enough for fanfiction!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 11:58 AM


I suppose it does, but I was specifically asking about the kind of dreams where you don't wake up before you actually "die," as in lights out show's over.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 5:00 PM


I've had 3 FIREFLY-related dreams. All of them have been essentially the same: the show was either back on the air or had never been cancelled. Nightmares? No, but they were all so vivid that when I woke up to discover they were false, it was very disappointing. :(

First dream, the show wasn't cancelled. I was watching an episode in which Mal was trying to pull a scam on some slavers on a forest planet. As part of the job, Inara wound up as a slave, and when things went wrong (as the inevitably do), Mal was forced to leave her behind to save the rest of the crew. The episode ended with Serenity sailing off and Mal looking very upset. It was a two-parter and I never learned what happened next!

The second one was less specific. I was waiting for the episode to come on (I think it was the SciFi Channel airing the series). Unfortunately, I woke up before I got to see anything. :(

In the last dream, the series had been cancelled, but a cable channel (again, probably SciFi) had the rough cuts for four episodes that were in production when the show was cut. They were choppy, and a lot of the SFX was incomplete (some episodes had blue or green screen backgrounds, for example). In one episode, Jayne was fighting in a big arena (probably as part of a job), and in another, Book and Mal hit a bar to talk philosophy and direction. There was another one that had Kaylee aboard an abandoned space station, trying to revive it as part of a job. Pretty awesome stuff... until I woke up! "Here's how it might have been..."


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 5:51 PM


This dream occured to me a couple nights ago. Basically, it starts off with me on a rusty rinky dink bus and I was looking through this 'digital magazine', similar to the 'digital paper' that Badger had in the 2hr pilot. I kept reading through it until I reached a blank white page that had a blue rectangle in the middle. In that rectangle said "Serenity The Sequel". I pressed the digital button and the movie started to play in the magazine. And as the movie played, the screen kept getting bigger and bigger until all I knew is that I was LITERALLY IN THE MOVIE. But I wasn't on the Firefly with the BDH, I was working in the Blue Sun Corporation. I couldn't remember what my job was exactly , but I do remember that my boss was one of the Blue Hand Guys. When I sat at my desk, he walked up to me and said. "Im sorry, but we're going to have to let you go." He reached deep inside his jackpocket to pull something out and I put my hands up to protect myself. It wasn't until he placed the item on my desk that I realized it was a 'Fruity Oaty Bar'. He placed it on my desk and walked away. As soon as I reached for the bar, I woke up. And for that hold day, I only had an appetite for candy bars.



Friday, November 12, 2010 11:23 AM


I just had a dream this morning of me and Summer Glau rolling around in this prairie some where. She was wearing this outfit that made her look like Padme and I was wearing a Jedi outfit. We were laughing and rolling around. It felt so real, but euphoric, that I didn't want it to end. Afterwards, We stopped and just layed there and just looked at eachother. As soon as I leaned in to kiss those beautiful pink lucious lips, She then said in a manly deep gravely voice, "Dude, we're out of Toilet Paper." I just looked at her and say "Swah?" Then she repeats "Dude, Wake Up. Were out of TOILET PAPER!!" Then she she smacks me in the head. I then literly wake from my damp pillow, turn my head around and it's my STUPID ROOMMATE. His paints are unbuckled and the entire house smells like BUTT!! Even when I told him what he woke me up from, he didn't even apoplogize nor showed any empathy. He just laughed at me and said "Of course She was in your Dreams, 'cause in real life, shes out of your league".

You can't beleive how PISSED and depressed I am. It felt like Christmas was taken away from me.

I just needed to vent how crappy my morning was. Thanx for reading.


Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:35 PM



Originally posted by KillaOfVanilla:
You can't beleive how PISSED and depressed I am. It felt like Christmas was taken away from me.

I just needed to vent how crappy my morning was. Thanx for reading.

Jeez. Sounds ruff. Your roomate is a real nerf herder.







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