I cannot believe I just SAW that!

UPDATED: Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:00
VIEWED: 13060
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:16 AM


Ok, bear with me here, non gamers might have a hard time following this.

One of the things I loved about Firefly was it's resemblance initially to Wing Commander: Privateer.

As of late, I've been looking for a game like that, but outside the scope of MMOs where like 4% of the server population (greifers, exploiters, general scum) tend to ruin the whole durn game experience for EVERYONE - it's no fun to spend hours on something only to have it all blown away in an instant by some giggling 15yr old in mommys basement getting his rocks off by ruining your fun, yes ?

So someone suggested Freelancer, but the single player was so horribly limited, and multiplayer options thoroughly dissappointing, not to mention being sunset in April 08 anyhow.

So I start downloading mods for it, finally ending up with "discovery freelancer ver 4.83"

I could not get 4.84 to work, vista refuses to acknowledge it as a compressed archive, and I swear vista is built off the HAL9000 engine.
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that.. dave."
Pyschotic control freak OpSys.. but I digress.

So I get DL 4.83 to work, right ?

And it has an "OpenSP" option allowing you to not have to log into someones multiplayer server with the griefers, scum and other annoyances... and just play around in your own little pocket universe, muchlike Privateer did.

Having a lot of fun with that, BTW... and so here I am, be-bopping along in my Rhineland Humpback Transport, chuggin me a load of cargo lookin for the phat payoff, and as I come to an intersection of jump gates and am pondering where to go from here... what crosses my path ?


My controller and my jaw hit the floor about simultaneously and all I could do for a minute was mutter something what sounded like "ugh gah ga bah?" as my brain just kinda temporarily exploded for a sec there.

By which time I'd lost it, cause I was gonna follow it to maybe find out where one can be had!
(I hope it's not NPC specific!)

I got to get me one of those!

And no, don't go askin me to play MMO on your server, please, I *like* being able to retreat to my pocket universe AWAY from other people, that's why I do it, lol.

Any idea where in DL4.83 I can find one for sale ?
Or steal one even ?



Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:33 AM


Somehow I had never heard of Freelancer. I've been interested in a game experience even a little like Firefly for a few years but never really looked too hard since I figured it didn't exist. I'm sorry I can't help you but I have to say thanks for the heads up. Where do I get this mod your talking about and do you recommend the game to just anyone?

It's also nice to know I'm not the only one who prefers playing in their own little world. MMORPGs are horrible and a complete waste of money.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:52 AM


You could try the X series as well, none too shabby.

I'm surprised to hear of you using Vista though, I hope you didn't pay for it...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 1:20 PM


Well, freelancer isn't for everyone, I had a hard time getting past the no joystick thing myself, and it's fairly slow paced... space is big.

And the single player part of the unmodded game totally sucks bollocks, it lends pretense to open environ, but you cannot buy or equip anything worthwhile cause you are level-limited till you complete the missions, with of course, totally inferior weapons and ships which are not available (due to level limits) till AFTER you need them, by which time you need something heavier, which.. guess what, you can't get cause of... level limits!

I despise that crap (and how it makes the storyline fights ludicrously difficult) as much as I hate AI race opponents who can suddently do 300mph and make 90 degree turns without slowing down the moment they get behind you (called rubberbanding, that).

No sense getting it if yer not gonna mod it, imop

First thing you will need, copy of the game, cheap, easy to get just about anywhere.

Then you will need FLMM 1.44 which you get HERE

DL Freelancer 4.83/4.84 are here.

Download install FLMM.
Download 4.83 - unzip to it's own directory in the mods directory of FLMM.

Run FLMM, and activate 4.83 and make sure to enable OpenSP... and there you go.

And no, I didn't pay for Vista, my old PC blew the mainboard (STILL on backorder) and the crummy laptop I was on started to die and so we went to the store only to find out it was the day of the Vista rollout, and they *REFUSED* to sell me an XP machine (they were putting them in the compactor to destroy them! MS pays them to do this ??!) even when I offered a $250.00 USD bribe over the cost if they would.

We went everywhere and were met with flat refusal cause MS would shit a brick and apparently do something unpleasant if they bowed to the customer peon instead of the corporate lord...

And yes, of course I immediately violated the EULA and started hacking the OS so that it does what I TELL IT TO DO (mostly) instead of telling me WHAT IT WILL DO and that's just too bad if I don't like it.

It's MY computer, in MY house, running on MY power, under MY control, I will do what I please with it, and if the operating system has a *problem* with the user not being it's slave, it DESERVES to be hacked... damn skynet wannabe.

*I* am the USER, the boss, the master, as far as this thing is concerned I am GOD (ever seen Tron?) and it WILL obey me, or else.

They day some piece of software I purchase to do something, refuses to do what I bought it for, and starts giving ME orders... and expecting me to TAKE them... is the day some OpSys gets it's butt kicked by some old-skool command line restructuring or source-code chop.

It's my program, I bought it, and IT WILL DO WHAT I TELL IT TO DO, not vice versa, or vice vista, to turn a pun, and I am NOT this machines bitch, as much as mister gates would like it that way.

Whew, sorry for the rant... but having fought a virtual brawl with this stupid operating system for months now over the right and ability to use my own hardware for my own intents and purposes without it's interference and thinking it knows better or it's own wants are more important has enraged me to the point of actual hatred.



Tuesday, December 18, 2007 1:32 PM


See that makes me happy I run an older pc with XP. I will never upgrade it and will probably not buy another PC for as long as I live. I think I could live without a computer sooner than I'd let one tell me what to do or fight one until it does what I want.

Anyway freelancer sounds interesting, thanks for the tips. Sounds like a pain in the arse to play it unmodded but I don't usually play PC games without mods.

Ok hopefully someone here can help you.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 1:51 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
And no, I didn't pay for Vista, my old PC blew the mainboard (STILL on backorder) and the crummy laptop I was on started to die and so we went to the store only to find out it was the day of the Vista rollout, and they *REFUSED* to sell me an XP machine (they were putting them in the compactor to destroy them! MS pays them to do this ??!) even when I offered a $250.00 USD bribe over the cost if they would.

We went everywhere and were met with flat refusal cause MS would shit a brick and apparently do something unpleasant if they bowed to the customer peon instead of the corporate lord...

And yes, of course I immediately violated the EULA and started hacking the OS so that it does what I TELL IT TO DO (mostly) instead of telling me WHAT IT WILL DO and that's just too bad if I don't like it.

It's MY computer, in MY house, running on MY power, under MY control, I will do what I please with it, and if the operating system has a *problem* with the user not being it's slave, it DESERVES to be hacked... damn skynet wannabe.

*I* am the USER, the boss, the master, as far as this thing is concerned I am GOD (ever seen Tron?) and it WILL obey me, or else.

They day some piece of software I purchase to do something, refuses to do what I bought it for, and starts giving ME orders... and expecting me to TAKE them... is the day some OpSys gets it's butt kicked by some old-skool command line restructuring or source-code chop.

It's my program, I bought it, and IT WILL DO WHAT I TELL IT TO DO, not vice versa, or vice vista, to turn a pun, and I am NOT this machines bitch, as much as mister gates would like it that way.

Whew, sorry for the rant... but having fought a virtual brawl with this stupid operating system for months now over the right and ability to use my own hardware for my own intents and purposes without it's interference and thinking it knows better or it's own wants are more important has enraged me to the point of actual hatred.

Not to mention all the back doors to the NSA and MS through the atapi.dll encryption. Use third party HDD encryption .

I've got Vista installed, because I got it free and I play the latest games that require DirectX 10. I've also just built a new machine with 8 cores and more memory than you can shake a 32bit OS at, and it's the only Windows system that will take full advantage of it. That and most of my software requires Windows.

I'm going to dual boot it with Linux though, probably elive, or ubuntu if that doesn't work. But I'll be waiting untill I get my second RAID array set up for that.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 8:53 PM


Siounds like a neat game, might try that if I go to gaming.
Why didn't you follow the Firefly - not like you'll lose anything?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:00 AM


heh... everybody pays for vista... one way or the other...

freelancer is a brilliantly fun game tho (when modded) and theres a starwars version for all the starwars fans out there too...


Saturday, May 1, 2010 8:20 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Hey Fremd, I just got Freelancer. So far, can't disagree with any of the points above. (as if I ever disagree with you)

Battles outside the New York system totally kick my ass. How the hell am I supposed to win against ten Outcasts with my POS ship? Especially, when they tag me with Wasp missiles, so I can't even run the hell away!

Some noober questions about mods:

1. Have you upgraded to Discovery 4.85, and if you have, does it include everything from the previous versions?

2. Can Discovery combine with any Star Wars mods? (Ooo, Y-wing!)

3. Do you know of any mods that pretty up the game? I know it's space and metal is grey and everything, but the textures just look so...bland.

4. And the long shot: Do know of any mods that let me build my own ship? The ship designs in the game are kinda hit and miss. Take for example - those Rhineland fighters that blockaded and attacked *gasp!* not far into the game. They looked fairly decent, like F4 Phantoms with the wings angled down a bit, except they had a big circle thing behind the tail! What the EWW??! Sometimes less is more.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Saturday, May 1, 2010 8:31 PM


My fave pcs run 95 and 3.1

Mostly I use WP 5.2

I oft have blamed gamers for the onslaught of micro$haft.


Saturday, May 1, 2010 10:06 PM



citizen wrote:
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 13:51

I've also just built a new machine with 8 cores and more memory than you can shake a 32bit OS at, and it's the only Windows system that will take full advantage of it. That and most of my software requires Windows.

I just built a new kick-ass system as well. I built an i7 860 quad core(or 8 core if you count logical cores)overclocked to 3.5Ghz with 8GB superfast dominator ram, 1GB 5870 radeon card(capable of 3 thousand billion floating point calculations per second) and a 128GB G-Skill Falcon SSD for the windows 7 64bit OS, as well as 4 terabytes of drives for my media centre.

Why would you install Vista over Windows 7?


Saturday, May 1, 2010 10:45 PM


Agreed, Single player campaign sucks balls, wookie balls.

SO much fun to come back in openSP with a freakin heavy cruiser and show those bitches what's what... or worse (and I do know where to get one) a freakin Battlestar, hell yes.

1. Have you upgraded to Discovery 4.85, and if you have, does it include everything from the previous versions?

Actually I rebuilt the machine with WinXP (found a compatible mainboard) and dumped the vista craptop to backup duty - I am running 4.84 at the moment, but generally each upgrade keeps all the old stuff, yes.

Not sure if I wanna upgrade though, 4.85 looks more set up for the MMO folks and unbalanced in favor of certain factions, which is kind of a common thing when you have players as Devs.

One thing that's kind of annoying is that some of the ships can get hung up docking/undocking - if you have a really big ship, don't try docking with a station or outpost unless you really have to, and keep an extra save spot in case that happens, bleh.

My current ride is indeed a Firefly class transport, has a nice chunky cargo bay on it, and *mine* has Level 3 transport guns, eight of them, with advanced thruster unit and a seriously overpowered shield - I will seriously mess someone up if they try to jack me, cause one pass of THOSE will reduce anything smaller than a gunboat to a vapor cloud prettymuch instantly.

If I recall correctly, I bought it somewhere in the Cambridge system.

2. Can Discovery combine with any Star Wars mods? (Ooo, Y-wing!)

I am not sure, but I have seen mods with Vipers, Tie Fighters, etc - so maybe they can be swapped in, you could try asking around on the site and forums.

3. Do you know of any mods that pretty up the game? I know it's space and metal is grey and everything, but the textures just look so...bland.

No idea, I kinda like it the way it is - even the ambience of the comm traffic which some folks find annoying.

Couple hints for ya, if you wanna start off small and work your way up.
The Silverton asteroid field in the Colorado system is a good way to make a quick buck without getting to far from your start point, shoot the roids and tractor in the silver for easy money - good practice for intersystem navigation as well.

If you want the big bucks though, there's a refinery way the hell out in Leeds, and if you know of certain wormholes, you can do a minimum distance run back and forth from New York to it and back for some serious chunky change - I forget what the exact commodities are, but the route is kinda fun and challenging too, since it involves a run through the badlands down by the science facility in new york to a wormhole, which dumps you into the magellen system, and a run straight past the pirate base there to a second wormhole which dumps you out in the boonies of leeds, even with the long haul to a lane it's still a pretty quick run...

The exciting part comes from trying to not pile up your ship while keeping the pirates off your back, they don't like visitors so much, and no matter how friendly you are to em, sooner or later they get greedy and try something - I don't even try, I just run through there with the course pre-set (autopilot will dodge rocks, and pretty well) and in turret view mode - anyone starts some crap, it tends to END really quick like.

4. And the long shot: Do know of any mods that let me build my own ship? The ship designs in the game are kinda hit and miss. Take for example - those Rhineland fighters that blockaded and attacked *gasp!* not far into the game. They looked fairly decent, like F4 Phantoms with the wings angled down a bit, except they had a big circle thing behind the tail! What the EWW??!

Mods ? not that I know of, but if you wish to import your own ship designs, I am sure you can find info on that via the FLdiscovery site, and prolly a few pre-built designs folk would be happy to share.

Good luck, and try not to get your butt shot off!



Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:53 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Oh, by the Celtic Gods, that race sucked ass!!!*
Let me count the ways....

-How is it a race when all ships top speeds are exactly the same?

-Lose twice and it's game over? WTF?! I should at least get the chance to blow all the parties who made me suffer through that race, out the air!!!

-I had to sell my relatively nice freighter for some piece of crap light fighter, just to win the damn race. I know I lost money on that deal (had a full hold of.... whatever).

-As shitty as the race was, the unskippable cutscene, with SLOW AS HELL countdown, was tortureous!!!

There's a battle later on where you group up with a small fleet of Blood Dragon fighters to take out the Japanese(?) leader at base (with the St. Louis Arch). You have to fight through two waves of fighters, plus a gunboat and a battleship. I CANNOT get past the second wave.

That's when I actually started playing Discovery. It's like a big, deep breath. Reputation changes happen more slowly. And when allies blow up a ship, they drop stuff now; instead of only dropping on the player's kills.

I've found some good early missions are working for the Junkers fighting Xenos. Nobody really likes the Xenos, so no major base get locked up.

So far so... ok, I have a problem. How do you keep your tractor beam when you swap ships? I buy a new ship, and it's gone. Someone, somewhere, said make sure there's room in the hold for beaming stuff. I did an experiment: I went in space, parked it, threw a weapon (there's always room for weapons) out the airlock. Nothing.

(Please, be as detailed as you can with your answer. I've Googled this issue, but I didn't understand the answers I found.)

Also, do you need a powerful scanner to identify items with the "IDS?"? You'd think all the stuff in the stores would be identified. In theory, wouldn't Trent just ask the guy, "what the hell is that"?

*Hey, I like a good race. Need For Speed: High Stakes, in Hometown, with McLarens gets old very slowly

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, May 14, 2010 12:31 AM



Oh, by the Celtic Gods, that race sucked ass!!!

It did, it unbelievably did.

Strangely enough, I BEAT that damn thing, in the fekkin Dromedary, but it took some doing, oh yes it did.

That's one of the main places folks tend to bail out on the single player game, for the same reasons you just mentioned.

The other thing that kills (original) single player is that no matter how much money you have, you're level-locked into DRASTICALLY inferior ships and equipment, going up against enemies with a serious hardon for you and no mercy whatever, and assisted by wingmen who cannot shoot worth a damn, and aren't even good bait cause every single opponent homes straight in on YOU.

If they could shoot, you could get by with via evading and waiting for your wingmen to take them out, but since they seem to be blind as a bat it's right painful to even try.

I had something of an edge due to my long habit of playing games like this, and using unguided weapons for bigger booms, like in Wing Commander or Descent: Freespace - generally you can carry more of em, and while unguided, they tend to pack one hell of a punch, just the thing for some pain in the ass like a Jalkehi fighter who's shields and armor are LAUGHING at your Raptors puny cannons...

And then Wing Commander: Privateer gave us the glory of torpedos, you score one of those on, and that fighter is GONE - with a pair of launchers even Corvettes were no longer a threat, and boy-howdy did them confeds get pissed about it, look, that bounty hunter tried to kill me, keepin him for ransom was only fair, or would you rather that I spaced his ass ?
(Stupid confeds scanned me and considered him slaves/contraband, and then opened up on me from two broadswords, an interceptor and a corvette, so I blew them to scrap, spaced the ejected pilots with my T-guns for good measure, and went on my merry...)

Anyhow, well... Freelancer has torpedos, and they *will* make mincemeat of a fighter, provided you can hit it, that's a tricky shot I will admit, but you can start with blasting gunships and work your way up, bonus to this is the practice does wonders for your gunnery abilites as well.

So far so... ok, I have a problem. How do you keep your tractor beam when you swap ships? I buy a new ship, and it's gone. Someone, somewhere, said make sure there's room in the hold for beaming stuff. I did an experiment: I went in space, parked it, threw a weapon (there's always room for weapons) out the airlock. Nothing.

When they initially programmed Discovery, they needed a way to create a unique ID for each ship so the server admin and software can keep track of the humans and whatnot, and they decided to change the tractor beam "item" so that it's also the universal ID - they figured that would encourage folks to keep it, since it's something you *need*, and since it comes in only one style it was the easiest item to alter.

So the ID actually *is* your tractor beam, the item-type has just been modified to also serve as an identifier, I think what you mean is when you sold your first ship, you were like "where's my tractor beam, WTF?".

Hint: Buy a civilian ID and then try it, you'll notice suddenly your tractor beam works - although, I have had some issues with trying to transfer the ID to a new ship as well, but I don't recall off the top of my head whether that was my fault or a software issue, still, civvie IDs are cheap, and if you're not logged onto someones actual game server, can be used in any circumstance.
(Various servers have different rules about that sorta thing, but since I play such things to get *AWAY* from other humans, I wouldn't know much of that end)

The shipping route, now, this is tricky...

Load up on BORON in New York, Planet Manhattan
Set course past West Point south down that lane which ends at D-7
JUST south of there, 3-4 squares on the zoomed map, is a hidden jumpgate to the Magellan system, take it, that will drop you in D-4 of the Magellan system, be careful down there though, thems the badlands, fulla pirates and rocks.

In the lower right corner of Magellan C-3, there's a hidden jumpgate to the Leeds system - problem with this is you brush right past Mactan base, and those fools *will* eventually get greedy and try jacking you, no matter what your standing is, so I just fly on through and give em a taste of the big guns every time they try, if they REALLY piss me off, I go shoot the turrets off their base just to be an ass about it.

Now, the jumpgate dumps you in Leeds, but out in the ass end of nowhere on the other side of Leeds - so just head for the planet and pick up a lane when you can, heading for LD-14, a mining station up in the northeast corner of the map.

Dock with LD-14, drool over the profit margin as you sell the BORON, load up on MOX (which is perishable, so be quick about this next part) and hightail it just down the street to the Stokes Refinery and dock there for a small, but quick profit on the MOX.

Now head for Leeds, and land there, drool over the Heavy Lifter, which you should buy once you can afford - you'll love it, very roomy, BIG guns, HEAVY shields, alas, it maneuvers like a brick, but you can't have it all, can you ?

Load up on PRISONERS, which, apparently are desired far more in the New York system (prolly as political interns) and reverse the course you took, skim round the planet and go back to New York, Manhattan system by the same route.

Lather, rinse, repeat - you can score BIG profit this way using anything with substantial cargo space.

If you wanna go exploring, but don't want to give up cargo room, there's a ship called the X-Shuttle to be had somewhere in the New Tokyo system, and it has strong shields, respectable guns, and a roomy cargo bay, yet the maneuverability of a heavy fighter, I think it goes for around half a mil, though.

Hope alla that is useful, have fun!



Friday, May 14, 2010 8:08 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
So the ID actually *is* your tractor beam, the item-type has just been modified to also serve as an identifier, I think what you mean is when you sold your first ship, you were like "where's my tractor beam, WTF?".

Hint: Buy a civilian ID and then try it, you'll notice suddenly your tractor beam works - although, I have had some issues with trying to transfer the ID to a new ship as well, but I don't recall off the top of my head whether that was my fault or a software issue, still, civvie IDs are cheap, and if you're not logged onto someones actual game server, can be used in any circumstance.
(Various servers have different rules about that sorta thing, but since I play such things to get *AWAY* from other humans, I wouldn't know much of that end)

It's this, right here, that throws me. None of the "IDS" stuff is labeled or has a description. (Sometimes not even a pic)

Maybe describe the pic of what a tractor beam or civvie ID looks like.

If it helps, I'm only interested in the OpenSP stuff.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, May 14, 2010 8:49 AM


Apologies, this is gonna stretch the thread.
No other way to do it without it being unreadable.

Also, what version are you using ?
This is from 4.84

You can see the civilian ID on the left,
locked in place as equipment, and three
available types on the right.

If you're using 4.85 you might ponder backing
up to 4.84 cause it DOES have pics & descriptions.



Friday, May 14, 2010 9:46 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

*does face plant into keyboard*

Just reinstalled FL, FLMM 1.31 (Think 1.4 would make a difference? I heard it has some problems running certain mods.), and Discovery 4.84. Same damn thing. No descripts.

ETA: I still see the pics though.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, May 14, 2010 11:20 AM


I am using FLMM 1.4 Beta and Discovery 4.84 - no problems

Looked around for a similar problem/solution, seems 4.85 is particularly buggy in that aspect, so I'd stay away.

I can't seem to find an exact match for the problem, but you could try bitchin here.

One issue might be a corruption via the save file if you played single player than switches - I'd try a removal and clean install of the game itself at this point just to be safe.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 12:19 AM


To hell with the PC the last time my PC crashed it was from being thrown from a 7th story building.
Take me out to the black with a MAC tell them im not comin back.

I love it. It's like wiping your ass with silk.


Saturday, May 22, 2010 8:10 AM


I managed to find this little bit of info and for 39 mil not a bad purchase.


Saturday, May 22, 2010 8:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by meatpuppet42:
To hell with the PC the last time my PC crashed it was from being thrown from a 7th story building.
Take me out to the black with a MAC tell them im not comin back.

I love it. It's like wiping your ass with silk.


What he (or she) said!

I have never owned a PC. And if I have my way, I never will. I'm forced to use the cursed things at work, and it always takes about seven times longer to do things than it should. My Macs, I turn 'em on, and they just work.


Saturday, May 22, 2010 10:32 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

So far, I'm up to an Armored Transport (that thing with the cow catcher on the front) and a personal worth of about 5.5 mil. I should be able to buy a Firefly in a week or two. Right now, I'm trying to kill me a load (500+) of Xenos (weak enemies), to sell somewhere up "north", for $4000 a piece.

I was wanting to haul VIPs from Cambridge to, again, somewhere up "north" (buyin at 4000ish then selling for $10,000ish each = $6000 per!). But it turned out, 1 VIP took 5 units of cargo space. So what should be a 3 mil load, is only 600k. Darn.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Sunday, May 30, 2010 6:45 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

WeeeeEEEE!!!! I have a Firefly!

Not the greatest texture job in the 'verse (kinda blurry), but the 3D form is just right. I can't stay out of turret view for very long, I'm constantly looking at it.

Here's how I earned it:

Boron from Ft. Bush (188) to LD-14 (1440).

Prisoners from Luxury Liner Shetland (750ish) to Planet N. Berlin (2500).

Gun Turrets from Planet Stuttgart (602) to Battleship Myoko (2345).

Carradine from Planet Malta (300) to Manhattan (2599).

Traded up from one of those Rhineland freighters; halfway between a Humpback and battleship.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:26 PM



Now get some transport guns on that puppy, Lv3 or 4, and a heavy molecular shield, and you'll be set up nice n pretty.



Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:06 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

I found these HUGE ASS (they take *actual* space in the hold) Lvl 7 turrets from some wreak somewhere. Slow as hell, but they hit about 900 hull damage each. Got them when I still had that Armored Transport, and they were way too big, it looked kind of awkward. Think R2-D2 with multiple domes. They fit the Firefly just right though.

And for the shield, I bought one with about 100,000 units, and a fast regen rate. Just about every time I get a new shield, I take a run through the Zone 21 minefield, to see how close to the jump gate I can get before the ship disintegrates. I think so far I'm down to 15k.

I wonder if this is what the Kessel Run is like.

It's fun to go from lasting only a couple seconds in a fight with high level pirates (Damn Nomads!) to, well, like Buffy in "Restless" when the first slayer is stabbing her.

Buffy: "Are you quite finished. It's over, okay? I'm going to ignore you, and you're going to go away. You're really going to have to get over the whole primal power thing. You're not the source of me. Also, in terms of hair care, you really want to say, what kind of impression am I making in the workplace? 'Cause..."

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Tuesday, June 8, 2010 9:52 AM


I just started to play with discovery 4.84, in single player mode it starts me in Omicron Lost.. I know it makes me sound like a total noob but where exactly am I supposed to go to start the missions.. tried going to manhattan, tried looking for the republican shipping dude on Kruile.. I'm totally lost.. Please point me in the right direction..



Tuesday, June 8, 2010 11:27 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


When you first switched on the mod (with FLMM), there should have been an options config thing. Did you do that? Some of the options are: starting location, starting money, *enable spinning planets, etc.

Did you enable OpenSP?

Did you mean "Omicron Lost" or "....Omicron. Lost..."? There's a few Omicrons, usually out in the middle of nowhere.

Where is Kruile?

Are you talking story missions? If you have OpenSP enabled there is no story. You have to take jobs from bars or trade commodities to earn money

*(I recommend NOT enabling spinning planets. When I enter the New Tokyo System, Planet Fuji starts spinning and constantly accelerates until its a damn blur! It kinda frightens me, and I get a little sick looking at it. I feel sorry for anyone living on it. Luckly, it's uninhabited.)

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Tuesday, June 8, 2010 2:16 PM


Problem with that is they eat power like mad, and in a sustained firefight that's troublesome, especially since my shield eats so much juice.

You sure about that 100k ?
Cause unless I am lookin at the wrong numbers, I gotta Molecular on mine with about 600k backin it - it's not even technically the right kinda shield, but hey, if it fits, right ?
"Yo Kaylee, wire this up for me!"
I can just see that, hehehe

Omicron Lost is dead center Nomad turf, you don't wanna be there, unless you're lookin to buy a Battlestar Advanced, cause I think there's one for sale out there, good luck affording it though - no fighters either, which is kinda meh, since a Battlestar is a carrier primarily.

Remember my advisement about backup saves and docking, as well - getting permanently hung up and having to start over is a nightmare.



Tuesday, June 8, 2010 3:31 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

100k is the biggest one I've found so far. I've certainly got enough cashy money to buy another.

Only troubles I've had with stations are the smaller astroid bases. When taking off, my ship gets stuck in TWO hangers. ARRGH!

So Omicron Lost is an actual place? Ohhhh. I'd better explore some more. Carefully.

Altogether now: "Damn Nomads!"

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Tuesday, June 8, 2010 5:30 PM



Originally posted by RahlMaclaren:
Altogether now: "Damn Nomads!"


Although here's a tip, occasionally you can jack one of them guns they use, left over when you blow em to flinders - as you're well aware, nasty, and they use no power to fire.
(Correction, in FL Discovery they do, but not much)



Wednesday, June 9, 2010 11:46 AM


No, No. I was trying to find out how to get the story missions started, I did not enable open sp, and it starts you off in Omicron Lost with a Starflyer and a couple liberty justice guns.. I don't know what to do.. I can go to liberty space, but only via alaska.. and thats the only way back out too. because of that I know its in story mode.. I just don't know how to get the story started..



Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:06 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Things I've done lately in the Sirius neighborhood:

I had bought one of those red transports from the Star Wars 'verse. (Not from the movies, but there were 3 of them in the X-Wing Alliance demo.) Cool, 12 turret slots! Decided to try my luck at the Nomads again. Turns out, I can handle them pretty well (in Omnicron Alpha and THAT *system through the jump hole in the cloud, in the middle of the Outcast graveyard).

My second trip into THAT system, I ran smack into a frakkin' Nomad battleship (with gunship and fighter escorts)! Holy SHIT! Well, that fight didn't last long. (Not really a fight, mostly me running the hell away!) Damn thing looked like a GIANT, transparent, blue whale, with squid friends. I've learned to avoid them now.

As scary as that battleship was (it's just a game), jumping into Omnicron Major was worse. The part that freaked me out the most --besides the dozens of fighters wanting to divvy up my body parts-- was how detailed and close the system backgound looked. It felt as if I space-jumped into a pocket dimension or the inside of a really big space station (with it's own sun?). It was probably just a bit clausterphobia (even though I'm not clausterphobic), being used to open space and then feeling suddenly crowded.

Wow, them Nomads make for good eatin' though, at 28k each. Managed to kill 1009 of 'em, plus 9 gunships, before getting bored of it. (Lots of trips to Malta and back.) If I'd kept going and filled up my whole hull, it would have been worth over 100mil.

Umm, well, I guess I peaked.

I'm almost up to 200mil self worth. I've had an Advanced Train for a good while now. Been looking everywhere for a replacement ship, and none of the liners and crusiers have more cargo space than me. Seriously? 5000? Read in the Readme, that's as high as it goes. I figured the higher the cost, the more payload. Oh well.

I tried 4.85 just for the hell of it. Pros & cons.

-More ships.
-More Systems.
-New colorful commodity icons.
-Some new turret styles.

-Increased time of disrupted trade lanes. (Grrr.)
-Removed New York - Magellan shortcut. (DAMN!)
-Moved the Sigma 13 jump hole in Berlin, from right by a trade lane in the middle of the system to the corner of No and Where!
-All the commodity locations have been completely mixed about! Very few of my bread and butter routes remained.
-One of the trade lane rings between P. Leeds and Stokes Smelter is in ruins, shortening the lane. It ain't much, but it's an intentional annoyance.

Verdict: Yeah....I'll stick with 4.84.

*(Again, all of the new peoples, places, and objects in my Discovery install are blank. No names, no descripts. Weird. Wasn't much better with 4.85.)

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, June 18, 2010 4:29 AM


Could you maybe be missing a required Font ?
Or video driver incompatible with the font being used ?

Just stuff I thought about, on that.

And yeah, I didn't mention the Trains cause I liked the Firefly, it's WAY more maneuverable and handy, less likely to get hung up on docking, and 3800 cargo is nothin to sneaze at.

But if you like pushin the heavy iron, which I do, have ever since the army let me drive an M35 Deuce, and don't care that it handles like a quaalude-addled whale, the Train is your bread and butter for volume runs, besides, you got ENOUGH guns on it you can just put it on auto, switch to turret view and see them off without too much trouble - only thing missing is a big confederate flag on the back (and you could prolly edit one in if ya really wanted to), a can of miller lite in a window hook cupholder, and bad country music blaring out overtop the CB radio....

Space Truckin, at it's finest.

"Durned Nomads, bad enuff dey gets in the way, but stickin to da windshiel an ruinin mah wipers jest pisses me off!"



Friday, June 18, 2010 6:29 AM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

*looks in the Discovery folder, in the FLMM mod folder*

I'm seeing four XML files called: goods, items, rogue, and script. Should those files be in another folder or are they OK?

Maybe it'd work like it's supposed to if I had a computer less than a decade old. :-(

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, June 18, 2010 11:41 AM


I believe I have figured it out, Rahl.

Try this.

Seems to have something to do with font files over 3k and where they're located, but whatever, it's at least worth a shot.

I think it's definately a font problem, though.



Friday, June 18, 2010 1:06 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Microsoft must hate me for using their product.

I tried four times to load that link, and each time "Not Responding".

So close, yet so far away.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Friday, June 18, 2010 3:39 PM



To resolve this problem, copy the following fonts from the Freelancer CD to the Fonts folder in Microsoft Windows:


To do this, follow these steps:

1. Insert the Freelancer CD into the CD drive.
2. Right-click My Computer, and then click Explore.
3. In the Folders pane on the left, locate and then click the CD drive\Fonts folder.
4. While you press and hold down the CTRL key, click the following three files that are listed in the pane on the right:
5. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
6. Locate and then double-click the C:\Windows\Fonts folder to open it.
7. On the Edit menu, click Paste.
8. Restart the computer.

Yes, Microsoft sucks - but then, they didn't actually make the game, just slapped their name on it and took all the money and credit (regardless of what the contract said) - and that's why most game companies with any sense won't make games for em, just ask the folks who made Oddworld...



Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:00 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Well, it was a good effort. My computer already had those fonts. I even replaced them, just in case. No changes as far as I can tell. That's one less thing to try.

Yes, I know the difference between a developer and a publisher. I was actually refering to my MS Win98, using MS IE6, to view an MS website. How silly of me to expect that to work.

As for the whole space truckin' thing: Never been much for the Cornfeddie flag. I'll just stick with the Independent/Browncoat flag. Or possibly a Rebel Alliance one. Plus the mandatory dustflap girls (not too much mud in freezing outer space). Instead of beer (I CAN drink, I just don't want to) I'll have Dr. Pepper, for nostalgia purposes (the first time I played Baldur's Gate 2, I drank DR. P). And you can't go space truckin' properly without Deep Purple.

[rant]Ugh, hate country music. If it's from the 70's, rockibilly type stuff (Or Taylor Swift. She's so damn cute!) it's OK. I have a special loathing for Alan Jackson. I just hate songs that promote/perpetuate mediocrity.[/rant]

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay






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