How Do YOU Plan To Help Spread The Word About Serenity?

UPDATED: Friday, August 6, 2004 06:56
VIEWED: 4007
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Thursday, August 5, 2004 3:33 AM


I'm already compiling a list. I'm going to make some signs with the URL for the movie site and hang them in the side windows of my car. I'm considering putting the URL across the back of my boot with sticky letters so that cars driving behind me can see it.

I plan to make fliers that will adorn the windows of some local businesses where I am friendly with the owners. I will also hang them on bulletin boards all over the University campus.

When it comes down to crunch time, I may walk around town with a picket sign or a sandwich sign board (the kind you wear) advertising the movie. Living in a city this size, if I did it for more than three days the local paper would surely pick it up as a human interest story, which would be even more free publicity. Since the local paper and television media both have news hotlines, I might actually have some friends "report" the incidents in order to make sure to get that free publicity. ;)

I come up with both my best and my weirdest ideas in the middle of the night. I am unsure at this time as to which category these ideas fall into.



Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:23 AM


Which category ... I'm going with obsessed fanboy :)

I'm busy buying copies of the DVDs to give to everyone I know. We're hoping to book a local 'artsy' theatre for a premier shindig.

I'm going to put up signs in all the science fiction and comic oriented bookstores. We've got tons, including the world famous, "Uncle Hugo's".

I'm also to do some guerilla marketing by sticking up some signs in the video stores at the science fiction and western sections.

:) How's that?

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:37 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

:) How's that?

You are doing a great job Knibblet!

I have bought 8 copies of the Firefly DVD and have given them to friends & family who are hooked on them and will share their copies with other friends...
and I will continue to buy more and more and more

By Christmas ALL of my friends and family will have seen Firefly

and in April I will insist that everyone I know go to the opening of Serenity with me, early, so we can stand in line!


Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:37 AM


Introducing friends to the show seems to be working well. They like it, introduce their friends. It begins to spread like a foul plague, only less foul... spreads like a shiney plague.

That and I'm taking hostages (wife and family).


Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:50 AM



Originally posted by Kiquoa:
Introducing friends to the show seems to be working well. They like it, introduce their friends. It begins to spread like a foul plague, only less foul... spreads like a shiney plague.

That and I'm taking hostages (wife and family).

Introducing friends does work well. I self-discovered the show this week while off work with pneumonia, since I had some spare time on my hands and had never gotten around to checking it out. Since discovering it, I have already hooked two friends and their daughter. I will hook their son when he comes over this weekend.



Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:18 AM


I work in a store that sells DVD's...
"Looking for a particular title? No? Well lookl at this one, but only watch it the night before your days off.. you will stay up watching it all."
Yep, I get people come back and say I was right..
I also have a VHS tape I made I loan out ... The full pilot and it ends 3/4 of the way through the third episode... heh heh heh, yep, they buy it fast..

The Journey is the worthier part.


Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:40 AM



Originally posted by ShepherdQ:
I work in a store that sells DVD's...
"Looking for a particular title? No? Well lookl at this one, but only watch it the night before your days off.. you will stay up watching it all."
Yep, I get people come back and say I was right..
I also have a VHS tape I made I loan out ... The full pilot and it ends 3/4 of the way through the third episode... heh heh heh, yep, they buy it fast..

The Journey is the worthier part.

Very cool, ShepherdQ. I worked at a BlockBuster Video in Seattle for a time, and the best part of the job was learning what types of things the customers liked, and being able to make recommendations accordingly. Then we got new management that didn't want us being chummy with the customers, and everyone but one person wound up getting fired or quitting. Most of the customer base took their business elsewhere.



Thursday, August 5, 2004 6:02 AM


I was on the message board for Serenity and someone informed the peoples that he found a dollar bill with the serenity message board address with it on it. Thought it was weird o he checked it out. (Weird = the dollar bill, not Serenity)

It's a small way, but easy and makes people smile. I guess. I always like finding stuff written on dollar bills. They're like special messages by chance. Well, they *are* special message by chance, aren't they?


I'll be in my bunk.

"Mine is an evil laugh."


Thursday, August 5, 2004 6:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Some good ideas flying around. Here are some of my own methods for spreading the word on Firefly, the DVD set & the BDM:

1) Firefly viewing parties. I have had several of these, inviting friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. I have made more than a dozen converts so far, and many are interested in seeing more.

2) Loaner set. Many Browncoats have purchased one or more extra sets of the DVD to use as loaners to those that are willing to give the series a look see. Many have had a good deal of success w/ this technique. Many of the new converts wind up buying a DVD set of their own.

3) Posters, fliers & banners. Check out this site by our very own 11th Hour:

Here you will find posters, bumper stickers & fliers that you can download and print off. I have made a dozens of fliers and a couple of posters to hang in local bookstores and game shops. You can also hand out fliers at Cons or other events. I even keep a couple in my back pocket for anyone I see looking over the sci fi sections at bookstores & movie places.

4) T-shirts. I wear my Blue Sun t-shirts and "Serenity: Coming 2005" shirts all of the time. I get asked all the time what Blue Sun or Serenity is, this is when I whip out one of those handy 11th Hour fliers and tell them about the show, the DVD set & the BDM.

5) Articles & reviews. I have printed off every review and article about Firefly that I have been able to find on the net. I keep copies of these at home, at work, and some in the car. These come in very handy when people want to know more about the show and why it was cancelled. People have the misconception that any show that was cancelled must be bad, and I am only too happy to prove them wrong.

I also have Firefly stuff all over my office: posters, a copy of the DVD set, a screencap of Serenity on my desk, Firefly wallpaper & screensaver on my computer, as well as the shiny Ballad of Serenity Windows start up & shut down program. These get all kinds of comments, which gets me talking about the show, which gets people interested.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:09 AM


Another tactic is to "reorganize" shelves at stores that sell the DVDs so shows like The Simple Life and Friends are covered up by Firefly DVD boxes. This also makes Firefly a little more noticable; I guess people are attracted to plurality.


Friday, August 6, 2004 3:34 AM


I've got some stickers on order which will be adorning toilets nationwide!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!



Friday, August 6, 2004 6:18 AM


Ok, this may sound silly, but I was thinking about e-mailing DJ's of some of the radio stations in my area to talk up Firefly, maybe get someone interested enough to watch the DVD's. They all do movie reviews, so if we can convert even one person, that's one person with much more access to a lot more people than I've got. I figure, hey, what have I got to lose? Right?

My days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle.


Friday, August 6, 2004 6:56 AM


All great ideas! I have compiled a list of many of these and more at the Guerilla Marketing section at my site:

In fact I just updated the site with a bunch of new ideas yesterday.

Now let's all get busy!







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