UPDATED: Friday, May 27, 2011 11:07
VIEWED: 3814
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011 9:20 AM


Dearest Comrades,

I was there from the beginning and I remember how angry WE were when they canceled our show.I did everything asked of a brown-coat and then some. Gorilla Advertising and Campaigning became second nature to me! We rose together then we showed them whatfor.

Now some friends need our help, with a little show called SGU. Maybe we can get a TV MOVIE AT THE VERY LEAST. THEIR FANS and OUR FANS.... WE CAN WIN THIS!

SO,from one brown-coat to another!Help me raise awareness with a little show called SGU!We can help their voices be heard!


"This is the internet, and reputation control is our playground."



Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:14 AM


Why? I haven't seen it. I'm not going to go fight for something I have no attachment to.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:52 AM



Originally posted by GoddessofChaos35:

Now some friends need our help, with a little show called SGU. Maybe we can get a TV MOVIE AT THE VERY LEAST. THEIR FANS and OUR FANS.... WE CAN WIN THIS!

SO,from one brown-coat to another!Help me raise awareness with a little show called SGU!We can help their voices be heard!

Sorry but I'm not willing to help save this show.
I sat through every episode from the early BSG wannabe episodes through to the end when the show had found it's feet a little but even then at best it was only 'okay'.
My feelings are especially true because with SGU not performing well (and with the recent studio money troubles) it means we almost certainly won't get the Stargate Atlantis movie and that show deserves it far more than SGU. This was clearly evident when Mackay and Wolsey guest starred and gave us something SGU was previously lacking - a sense of fun and humour.

So until I get my SGA movie then SGU gets nothing good from me and it doesn't deserve it. It tried to do something different from the SG formula amd failed. Let it die instead of dragging the SG brand name down further.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:47 AM



I haven't seen any of the Star Gates, so forgive my interjection, but the above logic putting SGA over SGU doesn't make sense.

If one show in a franchise fails, it decreases the possibility for success of other shows in the franchise. As well as the successes of any actors, directors, or producers involved or associated with the franchise.

That's why Firefly fans hoped Dollhouse would do well, and are now hoping that Avengers will do well. It doesn't matter if we're fans of that particular series, what matters is that it's all connected and every bit of success under the belt of a franchise or creator helps.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:22 PM


Good luck with your mission Goddess. Unfortunately I can't support ressurecting SGU because it just hasn't resonated with me in the same way other shows have Like Firefly. But I commend your dedication and passion so again good luck :)

Rose S


Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:54 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

I haven't seen any of the Star Gates, so forgive my interjection, but the above logic putting SGA over SGU doesn't make sense.

If one show in a franchise fails, it decreases the possibility for success of other shows in the franchise. As well as the successes of any actors, directors, or producers involved or associated with the franchise.

That's why Firefly fans hoped Dollhouse would do well, and are now hoping that Avengers will do well. It doesn't matter if we're fans of that particular series, what matters is that it's all connected and every bit of success under the belt of a franchise or creator helps.

Okay let me give you some info as you've never watched any of the SG series. Bigger fans than me might provide more accurate info as this is fairly basic and general.

Stargate SG-1 was very popular, ran for 10 seasons and 2 TV movies. There was a planned third movie. Stargate Atlantis was popular enough to go for 5 seasons and there was a planned movie to finish/continue the story.
Stargate Universe struggled from the start and just scraped through to a second season. It didn't improve enough and was cancelled before the second half of the season had been shown.
MGM's money troubles (the ones that delayed The Hobbit and the next Bond movie) were a major part in putting the planned movies on hold but also SGU's ratings. As you say when one part fails it hurts the rest in the brand name. I imagine it's similar to what Enterprise did for the Star Trek name. If SGU was to continue then there is a likelihood that it would continue to fail and bring the SG name further down. I don't expect to see either of the movies but that doesn't mean SGU should continue either.

Using your picks of Firefly and Dollhouse then I agree that I wanted Dollhouse to succeed, partly because of the cast, partly because it was Joss's latest work. But it didn't succeed so we move on and I too now want Avengers to be a big hit. The same goes for SGU. I wanted it to succeed as a show on it's own and so that there was a higher chance of getting the other SG movies. It had it's chance, some might say a second chance with the second season, and it didn't work out. If one part of a set fails you don't keep patching it up just to keep going, you replace it with something that does work.

Let me put it to you this way. If there had been a planned continuation of Firefly at the same time Dollhouse started airing we all would have wanted Dollhouse to succeed. Then Dollhouse's first season didn't do well but it managed to get a second season. That too didn't go well and Dollhouse is cancelled. There is now a choice between backing the continuation of Firefly or backing the continuation of Dollhouse.
Which would you pick?
Using your examples as comparison that's the way it is for me with SG-1/SGA and SGU. I would sooner see a continuation of shows that worked over one that didn't. If you want something to continue you go to it's strengths, not it's weaknesses.

Firefly and Dollhouse aren't the best examples because in the eyes of the network neither succeeded. Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse would have been a better comparison to SG-1, SGA and SGU but you said in another thread you'd never seen Buffy (or Angel??) so I went with your picks.

Hope that clears up my 'logic' behind my thoughts on this. Sorry if it rambles.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:56 AM


Oops. Clicked wrong option.
Brain going fuzzy wuzzy.


Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:59 AM


Actually, the reason why Dollhouse was canceled was because it didn't have as many fans and the reason there was no campaign to revive it was because the fans felt lucky to get what they did.

Judging by the first entry into this thread, there is both sufficient quantity of fans and also sufficient quantity of feeling like SGU didn't get a chance that some want it to continue.

The argument against helping those fans comes across, to me, as more of a like vs. dislike of the show thing. I mean, we're here on a firefly fan board. Firefly during it's actual run was not very successful, so going by your logic, we shouldn't support it because it's failure is bringing down Joss. We obviously continue to support it because we like it, despite any futility inherent in that.

So your objection clearly is not so much that you think SGU's lack of success is bringing down the franchise, but that you don't LIKE is as much as the other fare from the franchise. Because if you liked it, I can only assume based on your presence here that you would support the show regardless of it's success.

And, as I have said, the problem with taking that stance is this: you want the show to be canceled in the hopes that efforts would be directed at another, better entry into the franchise. But canceling is an even bigger mark against a series/ franchise than low ratings! Worser, it may suggest to the network that popularity for the franchise might be waning. So this would damage the chances of getting new entries in the franchise.

There's always a tiny smidgen of a chance in renewed interest in Firefly from studios and networks if Joss' stuff does well, and I can't believe that the tangle or production rights and contracts couldn't be unraveled if people saw enough opportunity. When Dollhouse aired, chances improved for a Firefly renewal, contingent on the success of Dollhouse. When Dollhouse was not successful, the chance of Firefly renewal reverted to an original state. We did not get either a continuation of Dollhouse (except in comic books!) or Firefly out of that, and so the conclusion that you have to pick one or the other is faulty.


Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:28 AM


Show me Serenity flying through the stargate and you have my attention.


Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:11 PM


Not to snark fandom or anything, but we are actually at actual war, somehow saving a dying tv show running on a dying media just doesn't rank very high. The rhetoric seemed a little strong for saving a show, even if it were Firelfy.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, May 26, 2011 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Actually, the reason why Dollhouse was canceled was because it didn't have as many fans and the reason there was no campaign to revive it was because the fans felt lucky to get what they did.

I agree that that's why Dollhouse was cancelled and I don't believe I said it was another reason. The fans were lucky to get a second season.
The same applies to SGU. Not enough people watched it and from what I remember reading the ratings were always poor for SGU even on season finales and cliffhangers which usally draw bigger audiences.
IMO both SGU and Dollhouse were shows that were okay and nothing more. They were watchable (and I watched every episode of each) but nothing particularly special or even above average.


Judging by the first entry into this thread, there is both sufficient quantity of fans and also sufficient quantity of feeling like SGU didn't get a chance that some want it to continue.

Every show has it's hardcore fans from the worst piece of TV rubbish to the greatest. I can't say for definite how many fans SGU has that are willing to keep it going, probably nowhere near enough as the ratings were poor. I can certainly understand their feelings about continuation. This could mean the end to the franchise or it may not. I'm sure Trek fans felt the same way at the end of Enterprise. But I would hope, like me, they would want it to continue as a success, not just to keep the franchise going.
Another point being that SGU did gets it's chance even if fans don't think so. It was nearly cancelled after the first season but it was given a second one. I also think it got better as it went along but it wasn't a lot better, just a little bit.


The argument against helping those fans comes across, to me, as more of a like vs. dislike of the show thing. I mean, we're here on a firefly fan board. Firefly during it's actual run was not very successful, so going by your logic, we shouldn't support it because it's failure is bringing down Joss. We obviously continue to support it because we like it, despite any futility inherent in that.

So your objection clearly is not so much that you think SGU's lack of success is bringing down the franchise, but that you don't LIKE is as much as the other fare from the franchise. Because if you liked it, I can only assume based on your presence here that you would support the show regardless of it's success.

I'll freely admit that I think SGA is the best of the three shows followed closely by SG-1 and then SGU further back. But I still thought SGU was an okay show, it just wasn't great or even above average. If it was continuing I would carry on watching.
Using Firefly as an example isn't really right as it's a one off show that didn't get the chance to succeed (for various reasons). It's not part of a franchise like SGU. Firefly has the 'Joss' connection to Dollhouse and other shows but he isn't a franchise and they are completely different shows. Using your logic we should all support the original Buffy movie just because Joss wrote it. The movie is generally considered really bad and Joss has even made negative comments about it. If Firefly had gotten a second season and still hadn't worked well enough for the networks then it would be only right to have cancelled it. But it didn't get that far and that is a part of why it we keep supporting it because it never got the chance. As I keep saying SGU had it's two seasons, it had its chance.


And, as I have said, the problem with taking that stance is this: you want the show to be canceled in the hopes that efforts would be directed at another, better entry into the franchise.

No, I don't want the show to be cancelled - it has been cancelled. As I said if it had gotten a third season I would have watched it. My problem is with trying to keep it going after cancellation. To explain further: SG-1 had it's main story finished up so they had some closure. SGA didn't get this because the proposed movie has never been made. MGM has money troubles which means they can't just spend money anyhow they like. SGA has a level of success that SGU hasn't so IMO if they are going to spend money on the Stargate franchise (not saying they are) it should be on something that was successful rather than something that wasn't. The SGU fans may want their show back but so do SGA fans. They (and me) want some closure to the story. If SGU had been a better show then I would be backing it all the way but it wasn't.
Why would anyone back the horse that always came in last even if the horse is liked?
Why continue work on a failed project when there is a nearly finished, successful one on the shelf?


But canceling is an even bigger mark against a series/ franchise than low ratings! Worser, it may suggest to the network that popularity for the franchise might be waning. So this would damage the chances of getting new entries in the franchise.

Maybe, maybe not. This is one of those 'neither opinion is wrong it depends on the circumstances' points. Cancelling a show is damaging but dragging a series on with continued low ratings would cause more damage IMO, both from the network paying for a continued poor performer and the viewers wondering why the show is still being made.


When Dollhouse aired, chances improved for a Firefly renewal, contingent on the success of Dollhouse. When Dollhouse was not successful, the chance of Firefly renewal reverted to an original state. We did not get either a continuation of Dollhouse (except in comic books!) or Firefly out of that, and so the conclusion that you have to pick one or the other is faulty.

It was a hypothetical situation to illustrate a point. If (I stress the if) you had the hypothetical choice I would assume, as you are on this site, that you would pick for Firefly to continue over Dollhouse. I may be wrong on that. That's how it is for me and SGA over SGU if there was a choice. On another point would it be so wrong if the campaigning SGU fans accepted the show was over and put their efforts into getting one of the other SG movies made. As

It almost seems by your comments that you think people that watch a show/franchise should stand behind a failed show and route for it even if it may be at the expense of other, more successful shows in the franchise. That doesn't make sense to me. You stick with the ones that worked, especially if they are not finished. You don't back the loser even if it does have fans. The other shows have fans too.

I don't actually think we'll ever see either of the planned SG movies and if something does happen I expect it to be the SG-1 movie. My realistic hopes for the future would be for a new show in the franchise but we'll have to see.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Thursday, May 26, 2011 3:39 PM


Dammit. Firefox 4 doesn't retain messages like the old firefoxes do when they're lost. it's like they copied all the features of Internet Explorer, even the layout of the user interface, when IE is inferior to Firefox.

Suffice to say:

1) a bomb in a franchise can hurt the continuation of a franchise. We agree. Moving on.

2) Franchise: a) Authorization granted by a manufacturing enterprise to a distributor to market the manufacturer's products

-- Joss franchises his work out to tv and film studios for distribution. Joss is a franchise (and also a writer, whose ability to produce could be damaged by a bomb).

b) a film that is or has the potential to be part of a series and lends itself to merchandising

-- Also applicable to films that have tv series, and tv series that have films. Therefore: Firefly is a franchise.

3) "It almost seems by your comments that you think people that watch a show/franchise should stand behind a failed show and route for it even if it may be at the expense of other, more successful shows in the franchise. That doesn't make sense to me."

This, as I have said, is a logical fallacy known as a false dilemma. You don't have to choose between them, and success in either one improves success for the other.

Your arguments are very similar to Buffy/Angel fans who think Browncoats should give up because firefly was less popular and successful. I tend to disagree with THEM too.

Sidenote: Buffy/Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse have all spun off comic books as a continuation of the stories. I support all of the comic books, because the Whedonverse in general does well if all of the parts do well. Within a certain certain definitions of successful, obviously comic books will likely not sell as much as tv series or movies as it's a smaller demographic.

I do not fault Joss Whedon for working on Dollhouse, no matter what my personal feelings are about Dollhouse, nor do I fault him for working on Buffy and Angel comics over Firefly comics.


Thursday, May 26, 2011 11:38 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Dammit. Firefox 4 doesn't retain messages like the old firefoxes do when they're lost. it's like they copied all the features of Internet Explorer, even the layout of the user interface, when IE is inferior to Firefox.

Hey Byte, it's me again

Did you write a reply and click the 'Post My Response' button only to have it not post and then everything you did was lost? That sucks.
I've had that sometimes so I've got into the habit of copying my reply to the clipboard before I post it - just in case.


2) Franchise: a) Authorization granted by a manufacturing enterprise to a distributor to market the manufacturer's products

-- Joss franchises his work out to tv and film studios for distribution. Joss is a franchise.

b) a film that is or has the potential to be part of a series and lends itself to merchandising

-- Also applicable to films that have tv series, and tv series that have films. Therefore: Firefly is a franchise.

Okay, my mind was so focused on the TV series parts that I completely forgot about Serenity. Oops. This rightly does make it part of a franchise and I apologise for the stupid error. In fairness I also never mentioned the original Stargate movie either but that doesn't really alter the discussion.
The second definition is what I would accept as a franchise for film and TV shows. Ones that bear the same name (Stargate, Star Trek, Star Wars, CSI, Law & Order, Harry Potter etc) or ones that are set within the same universe, maybe using the same characters, settings etc (Firefly/Serenity, Buffy/Angel, the Marvel superheroes films leading into The Avengers).
And whilst there is nothing wrong with the first definition I still don't see Joss as the franchise. I think it may just be us looking at it from two different points of view but, to me, he would be the manufacturer who creates the franchise(s), not the actual franchise itself. The products he creates are the (potential) franchises.


3) "It almost seems by your comments that you think people that watch a show/franchise should stand behind a failed show and route for it even if it may be at the expense of other, more successful shows in the franchise. That doesn't make sense to me."

This, as I have said, is a logical fallacy known as a false dilemma. You don't have to choose between them, and success in either one improves success for the other.

I may not have made it clear enough earlier and I did use scenarios that don't actually exist at the current time. I never meant it to seem like it was a case of HAVING to choose between one or the other. There currently is no choice. The SG-1 and SGA movies are shelved and SGU has been cancelled. But, IMO, if fans are going to back anything within the SG franchise then it doesn't make sense to back the lesser entry. It seems like wasted time and effort. You say yourself that any success within the franchise helps the franchise as a whole, not just the individual product. If SGU had been more successful (and been a better show) then fair enough, I would be backing its continuation. But it wasn't, it didn't succeed. It's chances of success, if given a continuation, are very slim with it's current track record. Therefore chances are a continuation would only damage the franchise.


Your arguments are very similar to Buffy/Angel fans who think Browncoats should give up because firefly was less popular and successful. I tend to disagree with THEM too.

We agree on this part as well. I love Buffy and Angel and consider myself a big fan but I wouldn't give up on Firefly. Again it comes down to the point that Firefly wasn't given the chance to succeed (or to fail) on it's own terms. Buffy had a great seven year run and had it's main story concluded. Angel got five good years and whilst its ending was rushed it still had some kind of conclusion. Firefly didn't get anywhere near that and I'm sure I don't need to go into the reasons behind it. It's fairly common knowledge that Buffy didn't really take off (popularity and ratings) until it's second season. If its second season had been poor I would have expected it to be cancelled. I may not have liked the cancellation but that's the way it is. It would have had it's shot and missed. As it turned out it did succeeed.


Sidenote: Buffy/Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse have all spun off comic books as a continuation of the stories. I support all of the comic books, because the Whedonverse in general does well if all of the parts do well. Within a certain certain definitions of successful, obviously comic books will likely not sell as much as tv series or movies as it's a smaller demographic.

I don't read comics (or haven't for a very long while) but I too hope that they do well enough to continue as I agree that it is good for the whole Whedonverse. And obviously this success is comparable with others in the same medium, not across different ones.
But I'll try to put this again to you with another hypothetical. If the comics had been of poor quality, poor writing etc and they had poor sales, would you really want them to continue just to keep something out there with the name on it? Or would you prefer that they said something like 'Okay we tried that, it didn't work, let's try something else'.


I do not fault Joss Whedon for working on Dollhouse, no matter what my personal feelings are about Dollhouse, nor do I fault him for working on Buffy and Angel comics over Firefly comics.

I don't fault him either. Before it aired Dollhouse seemed like it could have been a really good show with a lot of potential. But for various reasons it didn't work out and this brings me back to my main point about SGU. Joss could have decided to keep plugging away at Dollhouse and try to make it work as a TV show. I don't know if the show was shopped around to other networks or not but the impression I got at the time was that it wasn't (or at least not much). It seemed to me that he'd given it a go, it didn't work so he put it behind him (took the story into comics) and moved on to other projects. That's what I would like the SGU fans to do. Move on. The show didn't work out so they shouldn't keep flogging a dead horse. Although I have to admit that whilst the show was always a poor performer the confirmed cancellation is still very recent so they probably haven't got over that fact that the show has ended.

I feel like we are just circling around the same points and probably won't agree on the major aspects brought up, even if we can agree on some of the finer details. I do get where you're coming from and agree with a lot of what you say but I don't agree on the other areas.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Friday, May 27, 2011 5:42 AM



But I'll try to put this again to you with another hypothetical. If the comics had been of poor quality, poor writing etc and they had poor sales, would you really want them to continue just to keep something out there with the name on it? Or would you prefer that they said something like 'Okay we tried that, it didn't work, let's try something else'.

There are a number who think this IS the case for the comics. They refuse to support any of the comics because they believe it distracts Joss from working on getting Firefly back on air, or because comics just can't capture the feel of the tv series and the tv series is much better. A number of people would prefer there to be no comics.

They are in direct conflict with the people who like the comics despite their limitations. I believe something is better than nothing. And even if I didn't like the comics (and I have found some of them disappointing, and I'm not really a buyer of Buffy/Angel or the Dollhouse comics), I would still support their existence for the fans that DO like them, by decrying their cancellation should it happen.


I feel like we are just circling around the same points and probably won't agree on the major aspects brought up, even if we can agree on some of the finer details. I do get where you're coming from and agree with a lot of what you say but I don't agree on the other areas.

Sure. We can drop it if you like.


Friday, May 27, 2011 10:58 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Sure. We can drop it if you like.

Hahaha. That's not what I meant, I was just pointing out that our posts were going over the same areas without really going anywhere. I'm enjoying this and it's nice to have this discussion without it descending into a flame war or an insult match that you get in RWED or other forums.
To me, we started out on completely opposite sides, then we found common ground on some of the points brought up and now we are left with the opposing issue of supporting or moving on from a show. I'm sure neither of us is wrong in our disagreement, it's just two different viewpoints. I do have to say that I applaud you for defending a show you've never seen. Or at least defend the right to try to continue it. I noticed that the OP hasn't been back so I checked their profile and found that they joined that day, made the original post and that's it. I can't say whether they are truly a Browncoat or just used it to try and get support but, personally, I have my doubts about the browness of their coat.


There are a number who think this IS the case for the comics. They refuse to support any of the comics because they believe it distracts Joss from working on getting Firefly back on air, or because comics just can't capture the feel of the tv series and the tv series is much better. A number of people would prefer there to be no comics.

They are in direct conflict with the people who like the comics despite their limitations. I believe something is better than nothing. And even if I didn't like the comics (and I have found some of them disappointing, and I'm not really a buyer of Buffy/Angel or the Dollhouse comics), I would still support their existence for the fans that DO like them, by decrying their cancellation should it happen.

See, I can agree with you completely about the comics. As I said I don't buy/read them because they just don't interest me anymore as a format. There's nothing wrong with them, they're just not for me anymore. But I can appreciate that they have their fans and want them to continue for that reason. I'd be all for the SG series continuing in comic form (maybe they do?) even though it's not something I will get. Maybe it's a way for the SGU story to continue?
And this brings me back to my point about SGU and trying to keep it going. I don't even know ball park figures but I'm sure creating a TV show or TV movie is far more expensive than a series of comics. And this is what it boils down to for me. MGM currently have limited money so if they chose to spend some of it on the SG franchise I would prefer it to be on an established, successful product, or something new, that would hopefully continue the success and boost MGM which would in turn boost the SG franchise. Putting more money into something that isn't working rarely, if ever, works. SGU can continue (in another format), I just don't want it to be as an expensive show or movie that would potentially only damage the franchise.
Does that make more sense? Can you see my point even if you don't agree?

Anyone that thinks the comics distract Joss from Firefly related projects is living in another world. I don't know exactly how 'hands on' he is with them but I don't imagine it to be too much, he's always too busy from what I read. I'd be fairly sure in saying that he doesn't write every story (much like the TV shows). I imagine it's more of a supervisory role who okays things and makes notes or changes to other peoples work and occasionally he'll write some.
As much as I love Firefly and would love to see more it isn't currently a practical reality. In the future, who knows? Joss has to continue working in the meantime, which he has done and, as you say, the higher his profile gets in the non-Firefly world, the higher the chance of Firefly returning. Hopefully The Avengers will be a big hit and good things will roll in from then on.

If you reply to this Byte (hope you do), I just thought I'd let you know that a further reply from me will be delayed as I'm at Collectormania all day on Saturday mingling with the stars so can't post until I get back. I know excuses, excuses.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Friday, May 27, 2011 11:07 AM


I have some chores myself that need doing, so that's fine if there's a delay.

You make a good point about trying to appeal to fandoms to rally up help. I guess we won't know unless the thread author sticks around. I suppose I can't blame them for it, there might very well be browncoats here who are also SGU fans, and if you're trying to get a message out you hafta do it somehow.

Hmm. I can see some of your point, though I also imagine SGU fans would rather have their tv show than comics to continue it. I also think that someone having limited money, if they were a network or production studio, then investments is how they make money. But, its also true that production has its costs.






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