Aug 9 Report from Jewel Staite

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:28
VIEWED: 8570
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Monday, August 9, 2004 6:26 PM


For those interested, Staite has posted an August 9th report - says that filming is almost done and they're talking about a wrap party.


Monday, August 9, 2004 7:18 PM


Thanks so much for posting this!


Monday, August 9, 2004 7:29 PM


Sweet I didn't even know this existed. Read all of the posts.

I'm really surprised they finished filming so fast... seems like just a few months. Hmmph hollywood.


Monday, August 9, 2004 11:10 PM


Post production for sci-fi movies always takes up most of the time... Who knows maybe they can get it done sooner, that would be great. Getting the movie further away from Ep3 can't hurt.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Thanks for posting the update. Haven't checked out that site in a month or so.

I kind of get mixed emotions about them wrapping up shooting on "Serenity". It is good they are ready to wrap because it puts us that much closer to the release of the BDM. It is also sad because it means our BDHs are going their separate ways before long. It is almost like watching a family go in different directions.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:17 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
...BDHs are going their separate ways before long. It is almost like watching a family go in different directions.

I know it's silly, but I sort of feel the same way about it. Part of the fun of Firefly/Serenity is knowing that Whedon (purposefully or by accident) created a family not only on the ship but among the cast. Since many of them are young, relatively new actors, it's sorta fun to be "in on the groundfloor" watching them (hopefully) on the brink of big success. And then there's the fine veteran actor Ron Glass, who's had a series of TV disappointments, and Serenity could be his last big thing... I actually find myself WORRYING about them. What if Serenity doesn't make it? What if it bombs? It looks like Tudyk, Baldwin, and maybe Fillion will have no paucity of work, regardless of what happens, but I still worry, like I'm some big sister.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by lightinthebrainpan:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
...BDHs are going their separate ways before long. It is almost like watching a family go in different directions.

I know it's silly, but I sort of feel the same way about it. Part of the fun of Firefly/Serenity is knowing that Whedon (purposefully or by accident) created a family not only on the ship but among the cast. Since many of them are young, relatively new actors, it's sorta fun to be "in on the groundfloor" watching them (hopefully) on the brink of big success. And then there's the fine veteran actor Ron Glass, who's had a series of TV disappointments, and Serenity could be his last big thing... I actually find myself WORRYING about them. What if Serenity doesn't make it? What if it bombs? It looks like Tudyk, Baldwin, and maybe Fillion will have no paucity of work, regardless of what happens, but I still worry, like I'm some big sister.

My sentiments exactly Lightinthebrainpan. It may sound silly, but to me our cast is part of the family, just like all the browncoats on this board and the others. I wish each of the BDHs success and the best of luck, but I still hate to see them leave Serenity to set off on their own again.

That seem right to you?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:37 AM


Filming's almost done already? Didn't it just start? *sniffle*


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:59 AM


Thanks a lot for the update!

You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:34 AM


This is my favorite quote from Jewel's blog:
"That's going to be a sad day. Bittersweet, because I get to go home to Vancouver, but really, really sad to be leaving everyone. (until next time!!!)"

I'm sad that they're going their separate ways too, but that last bit makes it a little better. I just can't imagine how I'm going to feel after the third movie. *sniff*



Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:05 AM


I looked up one of the actors that Jewel mentioned and it lead me to find that the crazy guy who stabbed Carter killed Lucy on "ER" will be in "Serenity". Don't know what I think about that.

Always a beast, never a burden.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:09 AM


Ya know,
There is a SPECIAL level of hell for those that even mention the concept that the BDM would bomb in a bad way.

If the Verse is working right, the "Family" will be back together for BDM2 and BDM3.

Keep in mind, Joss brought the Family together, but YOU ( the fans ) brouyght them back together and as such you are part of that family ( distant cousins maybe ). Now that there is the BDM1, and Firefly on DVD.. it and the family will live on as long as there is a breathing sci fi fan alive. I see that being hundreds and hundreds of years...

Bless you all

The Journey is the worthier part.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:13 AM



Ya know,
There is a SPECIAL level of hell for those that even mention the concept that the BDM would bomb in a bad way.

Yes, of course. but I don't think that any of us never thought: "but what if..."


If the Verse is working right, the "Family" will be back together for BDM2 and BDM3.

I surely hope so


Keep in mind, Joss brought the Family together, but YOU ( the fans ) brouyght them back together and as such you are part of that family ( distant cousins maybe ). Now that there is the BDM1, and Firefly on DVD.. it and the family will live on as long as there is a breathing sci fi fan alive. I see that being hundreds and hundreds of years...

Not distant cousins. Maybe long lost siblings. But still, the succes of the movie doesn't depend only on FF fans. And we have to cross our fingers and hope, especially when Star Wars 3 is coming out a week after Serenity (At least I think so).


Bless you all

Thank you. You too.

You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:44 AM


Oh dear. That SPECIAL hell. Just keep walkin', Preacher Man!

I agree, fans are one thing - box office is another.... Given current events, will this kind of movie fly (as it were)? What will the marketing campaign be like? Sometimes that can make or break a film... and depends much on what else the studio is pushing at the time, how much the studio "believes" in the film and is wiling to invest. Also, will it be a plus that it's a Whedon film--will there be a "ready-made" audience who go because they liked Buffy and Angel? Or is the Buffy connection actually more of a negative in terms of a broader audience?

And then there's timing. ... Star Wars Epi 3 is a bothersome thing. Though I've grown annoyed with George Lucas, I suppose that Serenity may still be overshadowed by it.

Also, seems to me that there's a lot of pressure in H'wood to make films that appeal to prepubescent/teenage boyz - not that there's anything wrong with said market segment, and there actually may quite a number of Firefly fans who fit that demographic, but by and large, it has NOT been my impression that boyz are all that interested in narrative and character (qv Lucas). Boyz want whizbang stuff. [not that I mind whizbang, so long as it's intelligent and has an actual story without holes that a 747 could fly through]. Should we look at the success of LOTR and assume that means big box office for something like Serenity? I really don't know. Some of you here have probably already thought about this stuff and have a more informed opinion than I do.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:29 PM


... stay crunchy...

I have to admit I have the same concerns about the movie being good/doing well and only because I have so much hope (they've been wronged before). I have absolute faith in the whole group involved - talent, karma, intentions - you name it, but still... as big and impressive as the fan base has become AFTER cancellation and being completely dissed by FOX, the ultimate thing we all want is it to be so successful that someone will pick up the series again - they all deserve it! And for that to happen the movie has to do weelllll, and for that to happen more than just those of us who have fallen in love with the series via dvd have to see it *and* like it AND for that to happen you'd almost have to air the pilot again to help the new audiences understand who everyone is....hey, wait a minute... "you'd have to air the pilot again...." Maybe FOX and Universal can work out a deal??!!
So here's one last thought to counter the first one - Imagine 6 dvd box sets of 6 seasons of Firefly... with extras.

Liou koe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:47 PM


My gut feeling is that this film's going to be a major box office hit. It's opening weekend may be a bit dissapointing but it will spread by word of mouth. People who have seen it will tell all their friends how brilliant it is. Here's hoping


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:56 PM


Blessed are the fans.

My children, it is very simple.. Universal does not launch movies and not push it before hand.. it means bucks to them.. Now.. ask yourself.. what movie ( besides Harry Potter ) ever had such a big fan base already pushing for it before the general public has been awaked? Harry Potter grew because of the fan base ( kids mostly ) spreading the good word of the Verse by word of mouth, loaning books. The Browncoats are already doing the same.. word of mouth, loaning DVD's.
I am sure many will already be giving warnings about the special levels of hell to those movie reviewers ( hmm almost typed Reavers there ) that will be reviewing and commenting on it , if they say bad things. Yep,,, priming the reviewers that it was a great series with great actors, scripts, CGI, director etc, that the movie will be even better. That will help them be in a positive mind to watch ( and know there already is a fan base ). Opening weekend? Every Browncoat will be there making lines wrap around the theater like the old days.

That covers the logic..

and the BEST reason is........

They are to damn pretty to be die.

Bless all connected and all supporting.

The Journey is the worthier part.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:13 PM


does anyone know, or has it even been established, what rating our BDM is shooting for?

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:39 PM



Originally posted by ShepherdQ:
Blessed are the fans.

My children, it is very simple.. Universal does not launch movies and not push it before hand.. it means bucks to them.. Now.. ask yourself.. what movie ( besides Harry Potter ) ever had such a big fan base already pushing for it before the general public has been awaked? Harry Potter grew because of the fan base ( kids mostly ) spreading the good word of the Verse by word of mouth, loaning books. The Browncoats are already doing the same.. word of mouth, loaning DVD's.
I am sure many will already be giving warnings about the special levels of hell to those movie reviewers ( hmm almost typed Reavers there ) that will be reviewing and commenting on it , if they say bad things. Yep,,, priming the reviewers that it was a great series with great actors, scripts, CGI, director etc, that the movie will be even better. That will help them be in a positive mind to watch ( and know there already is a fan base ). Opening weekend? Every Browncoat will be there making lines wrap around the theater like the old days.

That covers the logic..

and the BEST reason is........

They are to damn pretty to be die.

Bless all connected and all supporting.

The Journey is the worthier part.

There is something to your reasoning, SheperdQ, in that pre-sold fans can be critical to a film's success. I have to point out, however, that, as much as we Browncoats would like to think we're a great secret fandom army, from all the evidence I've seen we're still very small in absolute numbers-- certainly a mere fraction of the Harry Potter fan base, which had several years and several intensely successful books to build on before the first movie was made. I worry that, in our devotion to a very worthy, if truncated, series, we are building expectations for Serenity's commercial and artistic success that are not at all reasonable. I'll be happy if it is a commercial success and does a good job of continuing the storyline-- if it whups Ep3's butt in the process and garners buckets of critical praise, that will be gravy.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:06 PM



Originally posted by Peace:

I'll be happy if it is a commercial success and does a good job of continuing the storyline

If Serenity received critical acclaim as an artistic venture AND at least one thumb's up from a big popular critic AND broke even (maybe a little more) at the box office---well, that would be beyond excellent.

*Heretical thought alert! Heretical thought alert!*
Firefly is a kind of cult thing. The fans have been great and, I'm sure, a huge source of encouragement for Whedon and crew, but ultimately, if the BDM is gonna be a BDM, it's gotta be a BDM. If we really love this little gem Firefly, we should hope Serenity leaves us behind somewhat. It needs to have impact beyond us. Whedon needs this to be his breakthrough.

And the actors--as much as they may like each other and Whedon and Serenity itself--probably don't want to stay stuck there forever like flies in amber. They have other things they want to do beyond those characters. So I'm thinking, yeah, for all of them, Serenity needs to be a BDM, even if it loses something (in our eyes).

Of course, it's possible Whedon will be able to pull off the truly miraculous, and preserve the Firefly within Serenity.

Long day at work, I'm sure I'm not making sense. Never mind and g'nite!


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:19 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Corncobb:
My gut feeling is that this film's going to be a major box office hit. It's opening weekend may be a bit dissapointing but it will spread by word of mouth. People who have seen it will tell all their friends how brilliant it is. Here's hoping

Inexpensive (<7 figures) films can hang around @their original (small) venue for awhile, building up audience by word of mouth. Serenity is budgeted in the $40 million range. It's going to open in some big screens. However, if the opening weekend receipts are disappointing, it will be gone from those in two weeks. Almost nobody achieves success in second run cinemas, and we won't get #2 & 3 @the movies (thought they could be made for video).

Let's do all we can to make the opening weekend big. Don't put it off 'til the crowds thin out.

Keep the Shiny Side Up

Wutzon: Little Feat, medley "Cold,Cold,Cold/Tripe Face Boogie", from "Feats Don't Fail Me Now"


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:36 AM


I guess the fans can take care of the first weekend... but if we want it to be a box office hit we need more than that. The first weekend in this case is not enough. We need the movie to last after the first weekend, so that people who didn't know about FF before (or at least haven't been fans) will go and wathc the movie.

Anyway, all we have to do is wait... and wait... and wait... And of course watch the movie as many times as we can

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:03 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by ShepherdQ:
Blessed are the fans.

My children, it is very simple.. Universal does not launch movies and not push it before hand.. it means bucks to them.. Now.. ask yourself.. what movie ( besides Harry Potter ) ever had such a big fan base already pushing for it before the general public has been awaked? Harry Potter grew because of the fan base ( kids mostly ) spreading the good word of the Verse by word of mouth, loaning books. The Browncoats are already doing the same.. word of mouth, loaning DVD's.
I am sure many will already be giving warnings about the special levels of hell to those movie reviewers ( hmm almost typed Reavers there ) that will be reviewing and commenting on it , if they say bad things. Yep,,, priming the reviewers that it was a great series with great actors, scripts, CGI, director etc, that the movie will be even better. That will help them be in a positive mind to watch ( and know there already is a fan base ). Opening weekend? Every Browncoat will be there making lines wrap around the theater like the old days.

That covers the logic..

and the BEST reason is........

They are to damn pretty to be die.

Bless all connected and all supporting.

The Journey is the worthier part.

Universal pushing Serenity? Not so much.

I have been talking to Rich who runs and who will be organizing the Browncoat table at Dragon Con next month in Atlanta. He contacted Universal about getting hand outs or cards of some type promoting the movie to hand out and they were not interested. Other than the Browncoat table, our participation in the Costume Parade, the viewing party in the Con suite that is holding, Jewel's appearance at the Con, and any word of mouth or flier promotions we do on our own, there is no promotion of Serenity at Dragon Con. This makes little sense to me.

Dragon Con is the largest sci-fi convention in the South and is only 7 months before the release date of the movie. This Con presents a great opportunity to not only market the DVD set, but to get the word out about the movie and expand the fanbase. I know that all the Browncoats attending will do all we can, but support from Universal would have been a big help.

We have some plans in place & with or without Universal's support we will get the word out.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:19 AM



Originally posted by meleaux:
does anyone know, or has it even been established, what rating our BDM is shooting for?

She understands, she doesn't comprehend

The rating seems to be one of the very last steps before distribution, but I'm thinking...PG, or PG-13 for language and violence. Of course, you have to remember that the ratings standards continue to change -- more and more is permissable [sic] with each passing year.

Always a beast, never a burden.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:58 AM


I feel i should clarify. When i said i think the opening weekend will be dissapointing I just meant it won't be huge straight away. All the fans will go to see it on the day it opens of course. I know I will be, not just to help box office records but because I simply won't be able to wait. Fan support will easily see it through the opening weekend. And then when we've all seen the movie we can tell all our friends how amazing it was. That's when the real fun starts.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:28 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Other than the Browncoat table, our participation in the Costume Parade, the viewing party in the Con suite that is holding, Jewel's appearance at the Con, and any word of mouth or flier promotions we do on our own, there is no promotion of Serenity at Dragon Con. This makes little sense to me.

Dragon Con is the largest sci-fi convention in the South and is only 7 months before the release date of the movie. This Con presents a great opportunity to not only market the DVD set, but to get the word out about the movie and expand the fanbase.

1) See that long list of stuff you raise - that's the promotion of the movie right there. Aside from teaser trailers and one sheets, few movies would start spending their advertising dollar this early - its about getting the audience in the seats in April 2005 - which means an ad campaign building up to then. The fact is, Universal don't need the SF audience - that probably brings itself. They need the general audience.

2) Save that more DVD viewers may mean a few more bums on seats, Universal have no wish to publicise a product that doesn't line their pockets, which would be the DVD sets.

"I threw up on your bed"






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