Anybody I used to know still post around here??????

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Thursday, March 15, 2012 5:28 PM



The floors!

I opened up the windows about an hour ago and checked them out again with the lights on. The only "dark spots are where definite lap marks were made between the bedrooms and the hallway. Hopefully when they're completely dry you can't see them either.



Only the first coat done now, but if things keep going this way I'll have nothing but 5 star comments for Minwax Water Based for Floors.

I can't wait to show you all pictures!

I did more research and I believe the floors just have to be Hickory, and not Ash. White Ash has a Jenka scale of 1320, which is only 90 above Northern Red Oak. After how difficult the sanding was, I believe it HAS to be Hickory, which clocks in on 1820 on the Jenka scale. (Nearly 150% tougher than the stand-by red oak hardwood floors today).

I just did a search at Lowes for hardwood prices, and if it really is Hickory, the difference is under 5 bucks a square foot for oak and nearly 15 bucks a square foot for Hickory!

Looks like my homeowners insurance is going to go up next year

And to think, I bought this house 7 months ago, smelling like 1,000 cats shit all over the place, mold covering every nook and cranny in the basement, and the 2nd floor completely carpeted.

To find I had hardwood on the stairs and the 2nd floor was a dream come true. To find out I potentially have hardwood throughout the house that costs 3 times as much as standard hardwood floors is soil my briefs without even touching down there true.

So... I can't bitch about sanding costs and everything else.

Sanding = 4 days work and over $440.00
Stain = 2 days work and $12.00
Poly = (hopefully only) 3 days work and $86.00

If it's really Hickory floors, as I'm totally believing them to be now, that's not too bad a cost for refinishing a floor that would cost nearly Six Thousand dollars to install fresh (By myself, no contractor price included). Even installed, I'd still have to buff it and stain it and put the poly down, which would put it easily above $6,500 if I were to install it new by myself not on sale.

As an aside, almost every MLB bat for decades was 100 percent hickory. Albert Bell and others (the only exception) modified the core with cork to get a few extra feet out of their swings though. What's worse? Modifying a bat, or injecting steroids and modifying your body?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Thursday, March 15, 2012 9:00 PM


rezident owtsidr

"Thats wut she sed" HA! Or:

..and we all know how painful that can be!


I'm just sayin - it's already getting touchy to scroll on this netbook. If you add a bunch more piks, it mite be impossible to line anything up with the 400 vertical pixelz left for looking at stuff.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, March 16, 2012 3:01 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
"Thats wut she sed" HA! Or:

..and we all know how painful that can be!


I'm just sayin - it's already getting touchy to scroll on this netbook. If you add a bunch more piks, it mite be impossible to line anything up with the 400 vertical pixelz left for looking at stuff.

Haha, yep. I remember Sharon Stone doing that thing to Michael Douglas when I was probably too young to be watching that kind of movie and all of the sudden I was a man and I knew what the lyrics of "Hurt So Good" meant

I read you on the netbook thing too. I'll tell ya what, I'll start a second thread and refer to this one at the top of it once I finish the second floor. There's too many before pics linked to this one now for unfinished stuff, but aside from the load of pics I plan on adding tonight I probably won't be adding anymore to this thread. :)

Truth be told, I'm getting quite bored of waiting 30 seconds for this post to load for 30 seconds every time I want to post and after I post myself too......

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Friday, March 16, 2012 3:24 PM



It's a little premature probably, since the 3rd and final coat has yet to be placed, but I'm just too stoked to wait another day to post pics.

Here's my first pic taken of the floor after the stain went down. Ain't She a beauty?

Here's a few pics that really show off the awesome character of this Hickory and/or Ash hardwood floor. There's so much more contrast between panels than your standard Red Oak hardwood, and it's at least 1.5 times more durable. I LOVE them!!!!

(Disregard my size 12 feet wanting attention in the pics. You know what they say about guys with big feet, right ladies? It's totally untrue. I'm hung like a Chinaman )

Here's a pic from the same angle as the first one in this post, only this time it has 2 coats of Water Based Poly on it now.


Just a shot of the bulk of the floor in the Master Bedroom.

Here's a shot of the small bedroom. Of all the after-poly pics, this one is probably the most accurate in terms of color as it would be seen at 7:30PM Central time this time of year. Most of the other pics came out a lot lighter and more red than the actual color.

The 2nd coat covered MUCH better than the 1st. If the 3rd coat is the charm and you really can't see any imperfections after it dries, I have nothing but great things to say about this product. It's like coating the wood floor in clear vinyl that conforms to the grain of the wood. I've never seen a hardwood floor finished like this in my life. Actually, I doubt almost anybody has. The product is so "new" that there aren't even any reviews for it on the Minwax or Sherwin Williams site. I'll be the first review for it on both sites in a couple of days after the 3rd coat has had some time to cure.


Can anybody tell me what type of spider this is and if it's dangerous to humans????

When I first bleached the basement (before I owned it, which i guess is "illegal" to do), I saw one of these monsters in my basement. I've never seen a spider close to that size inside the house afterward though. Yesterday while working in the garage and cleaning it, I found another one. When I saw this guy hanging out about a half hour ago I took a picture of it to post here. Imagine what it's sitting on is a side of a cinder block, to get an idea of the size of this beast. The "tiles" in my back yard porch are basically just the sides of cinder blocks.

I didn't kill it. I'm the guy who will capture big bugs in a cup and let them outside. I'm just wondering when they get that big am I possibly endangering myself by allowing these things to potentially make their way inside?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Friday, March 16, 2012 6:52 PM


rezident owtsidr

The floorz look great!

Remindz me uv the floorz in the Chicago apartments I lived in az a kid.

Can you imajin all the wood that went into thoze placez?

Thanks in advance for starting a new thred. I'm on cable here, so I can't see anybody with DSL or less waiting for this to show up.

Hopefully the new forum will have that incredibly advanced page feature you see in sum syfy moviez!

Thats a scary lookin spider! & I had a black widow living in my bedroon for 4 yirz - she didnt bug me, I didnt bug her. But after seeing sum uv the horrible damage a bite can do to you, I dont hav the same attitude.

I also dont kill anything thats not attacking me. I kill mosquitoz and fleaz, but everything else gets put outside, and I almost never use insecticide.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 17, 2012 2:44 PM


Thanks man!

I just finally finished the floors today. Overall the 3rd coat made it look awesome and really evened it out. I just made one tiny mistake. I washed the floors with a damp rag with Mineral Spirits and apparently didn't wait long enough for them to dry before putting the final coat on. In several spots there seems to be a texture to the finish because it was not adhering right. Overall, it's barely noticible and anywhere it shows up is 99% going to be covered with an area rug at some point anyhow. At least it evened out for the most part. When I was putting the stuff down I was freaking out about how bad it looked, but I knew I had to finish the coat because it was too late to go back. You would REALLY have to be paying attention to the floor to spot this problem though. Even without area rugs, I'm sure this would even itself out over the curing process and with regular foot traffic in no time anyhow.

I've only been in one of those oldskool Chicago apartments before. They're REALLY cool looking. Did you have a tub with 4 legs on it too???

This will be my last post here unless anyone else posts me here. :)

And yeah, that's one scary looking spider. It's body is nearly 2 inches long, not including the legs. He doesn't seem very agressive, and I've only ever seen one of them actually inside the house before I did mold removal, so I'm not really worried about it. I can't think about it when I'm laying in bed though, or anytime I get an itch I shake my blanket out thinking it's the monster spider crawling on me in the dark.

You got balls to live with a Black Widow. I wouldn't have killed it, but I sure as shit would have let that bad boy out the window or front door.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Saturday, January 26, 2019 5:19 PM


remember when everyone of FFF kinda got along?


Sunday, January 27, 2019 1:33 PM


Yeah. It was kind of nice. :)


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 27, 2019 7:31 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:

Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by SimonWho:
....actually had a look back at some discussions in RWED back when it was people debating back and forth (in a tough but reasonable way) rather than just endless posts of nonsense and insults.

Wait, there was a time when RWED was civil?
When was that?

Civil might be overstating it but it wasn't two groups of people either ignoring or insulting each other. Threads lasted for dozens of posts rather than just a handful of insults before the next soundbite topic came up.

Quite a fun way of doing nostalgia is to use the "On this day" page. For example, January 1st 2005 is:

Just change the date to see a different day. I went through a chunk of late 2005 and came over all warm and fuzzy.

Well, that function looks like fun.

Regarding 6ix, I see that he mentioned he had 16K in his IRA, rode it down to 6K in 6 months, and fully intended to ride it down as low as it could go. That explains a lot.


Sunday, January 27, 2019 9:02 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
remember when everyone of FFF kinda got along?

Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I always avoided RWED so I see this site through rose colored glasses.
That’s how I’ve managed to hang around for so long. I mostly just saw our collective love for Firefly bringing us together.

But, I don’t think this is really a Firefly fansite anymore.
There’s new comics and new books coming out, but we’ve barely even discussed them.
The tribute thread in RWED is largely ignored.
I’m wondering why Haken is still bothering to keep this place functioning.


Sunday, January 27, 2019 11:27 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Regarding 6ix, I see that he mentioned he had 16K in his IRA, rode it down to 6K in 6 months, and fully intended to ride it down as low as it could go. That explains a lot.

So.... what exactly does it explain?

I'm living rent and mortgage free in a house that I bought at around 1/3 the price the previous owners got it for, and assuming an extremely conservative estimate for a decent apartment since this thread was started of $800 per month, that means $70,400 that I didn't pay in rent during this time. We're past the point that I started breaking even in that regard, and living here now is truly free if you look at the cheap property taxes and water/trash bills as just regular cost of living expenses.

I could sell it tomorrow as-is, no questions asked, just by simply calling one of those phone numbers you see on the side of the road saying "WE BUY HOUSES" for the amount I had paid for it. If I actually put it on the real market, I'd make quite a bit of money off of what I had paid for it since I have put a lot of work into it and the housing market in my area has made a comeback since the days when everything bottomed out.

That's called equity. REAL equity. Not the "I own a house, but the bank really own's 2/3rds of it" equity.

It's been a long time, but I still remember that rush of going to the bank and getting that cashier's check to give to the realtor and seeing the looks on the faces of people working there when they realized that I was buying a house with cash. That was probably the most money I will ever hold in my hands at one time for the rest of my life.

401k's and IRA's aren't guaranteed by anything. They're not FDIC insured. There are still a LOT of people who were close to retirement who's post-work lives were virtually ruined by the DOW crash that happened a while before I made that purchase. People who thought they'd be able to retire without working and maybe go on a yearly cruise who are working as Wal-Mart greeters when they should be at home enjoying what's left of their life and hanging out with their grandkids.

I didn't waste that money. I spent $10k in about 6 months, sure, but it was sitting in a zero risk/zero reward holding for a year before I even dipped into it. I was done playing roulette with the DOW at that point. I had already won and cashed out my chips. Sure, some of that money was spent on living expenses that I wasn't supplementing by working somewhere at the time, but most of it was going into making improvements on the house which were adding value to my equity.

Now... we can go into how I foolishly squandered money later with my alcoholism and depression for a few years while not making any money if you'd like to, but I'd rather not re-hash all of that, other than to say that the excellent situation I had put myself in before that was somewhat of a blessing and a curse. Having almost zero responsibilities in my life made it very easy for me to do that and still not ruin myself financially. I probably wouldn't have been able to destroy everything else in my life including my own health, for as long as I did if I were living paycheck to paycheck like 60% of Americans do.

Really... I don't cry about the money I lost during that time. What I wish I still had but no money could ever buy is some of the prime years of my life and the relationships I either destroyed or just let slip away.

But that's all in the past. 2 years sober now, without having any need to join some 12 step program or be sponsored by anyone. Working my favorite job I've had in 20+ years which is only doable because I don't have any real responsibilities or financial obligations in life. Clean bill of health by the doctor recently and a body that I haven't had since I regularly went to the gym in my early 20's. Working on fixing the relationships I ruined when and if I can... at least the ones worth trying to save.

Life ain't half bad now.

I don't really care at all about the DOW, and I reckon that for the rest of my life I never will.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 28, 2019 3:19 AM



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
remember when everyone of FFF kinda got along?

Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I always avoided RWED so I see this site through rose colored glasses.
That’s how I’ve managed to hang around for so long. I mostly just saw our collective love for Firefly bringing us together.

But, I don’t think this is really a Firefly fansite anymore.
There’s new comics and new books coming out, but we’ve barely even discussed them.
The tribute thread in RWED is largely ignored.
I’m wondering why Haken is still bothering to keep this place functioning.

I was under the impression that fanfics were still posted, although I don't partake. I had done some travel and navigation analysis and had been told that stuff was useful to the fix writers, even though I never completed most of them. The data which I have posted mostly remain, except in threads which were deleted - a rude awakening. I've been with other forums, including mods, which have not held up. I'd been with one car forum for something like 4 years, starting in 2002. It had been paying GoDaddy to backup the site, so when the site crashed, GoDaddy admitted they had never backed up the data they had been paid to. The entire history of that site, gone. It withered soon after that.
That hasn't happened here.

I used to always check the threads here, often not getting to RWED before my time here was exhausted. So many Trolls from RWED have tried to drag RWED outside RWED, that was always a turnoff.

I still consider this a fansite for Firefly, or else I wouldn't bother coming back. Also Sci-Fi in the general - using Firefly as a filter, a standard, weeds out the riffraff.
The discussion in Cinema and Other Science Fiction Series are better than in any other site I have seen. The fans here provide more gravitas. I can honor this, as a testament to the fanhood.

You mentioned a tribute thread, so I went to look. Why is that not posted in a reasonable location, instead of in RWED? I wish all of your posts from that were in an appropriate subforum. It was started by q Troll, contributed by almost only Trolls (except Moose), housed in the Troll farm, along with all of the other useless Troll threads from him.

Everybody changing all their names all the time, and all their sockpuppets, I just never got that. I was accustomed to folk changing their names when they got a different car.

I think I don't thank HAKEN enough for all he does here. If he ends it, I will likely not bother being on the net.

This particular thread was started during a bad time for me. I know I returned in March 2012, for the 10th Anniversary, or tried to - the site was unavailable for days or weeks, and I had thought it had died.

Such detriments add up. Poor policing of Trolls, deletions of long, robust threads, cross-contamination of forums, all subtract from the whole. But I choose to enjoy what I can from it, thankful for it. The next 5 threads in my head are not for RWED.


Monday, March 21, 2022 7:03 PM


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Thursday, May 23, 2024 4:59 AM


Seems to be a few of us these days






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