Get to know your fellow Browncoats!!

UPDATED: Sunday, October 3, 2004 05:19
VIEWED: 20215
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:56 PM


I just love polls, so I thought I'd make one for us Firefly fans.

How old are you? 21

Male or female? F

Single or taken? VERY taken

Location? Sydney, Australia

When did you start watching Firefly? Maybe a month ago, the DVDs haven't been out here in Australia very long.

Who are two of your favorite characters? I really like Zoe, Wash, Mal, Kaylee, and River so that's tough. Probably Zoe and River (best crazy chick ever).

What are two of your favorite episodes? My all time favorite is War Stories. I could pick many #2's but off the top of my head I choose Objects in Space.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? ZOE AND WASH BABY!!

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Hell yes, both of them

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? It might be because I've still got that 'new fan' high but right now I could probably say Firefly is better...get back to me when I've been a fan a few months though, like I have been with Buffy and Angel.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Probably a movie and some more seasons because if it was on long enough that would add up to be a lot more Firefly.

-Sig Rebel-


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:17 PM


Oops, I was looking through some old threads and something veeeery similar to this was posted back in June. Ahh, well, I'm new.

-Sig Rebel-


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:17 PM


Sorry for the triple post! I suck! LOL I tried to delete this one but couldn't.

-Sig Rebel-


Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

How old are you? 34

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Married

Location? Richmond, VA U.S.A.

When did you start watching Firefly? I have been watching since the show premiered on Fox.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal is by far my favorite. I seem to identify w/ him the most. Jayne is my 2nd favorite character as he seems to have quite a bit of potential for character growth, not to mention his comic relief is shiny.

What are two of your favorite episodes? My favorite is Out of Gas. War Stories comes in a close second.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal & Inara. The tension between them is thick enough to cut w/ a knife, but it provides some very interesting one liners and potential for future plots.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I watched Buffy from episode one to the end. I have all the seasons on DVD as well. I have watched all but the last season of Angel on television, but never really found the need to purchase the episodes on DVD.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Without a doubt, Firefly surpasses Joss's previous work in Buffy & Angel. Firefly seems to be the story Joss was meant to tell. I was skeptical at first when the ads ran on Fox, but everything about the show, from the concept to the scripts are all perfect. Firefly is by far my favorite sci fi series.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Definitely a movie and then more seasons on TV. A movie would help to generate interest in the uninitiated and fire up the existing fanbase. When it is successful a return to TV would be a hit. Movies are great, but honestly I would love to have one hour installments weekly.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:28 AM


How old are you? 23

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single

Location? Orlando, Florida

When did you start watching Firefly? About 2 months ago. Rented the series from Netflix because it had Alan Tudyk in it, ended up loving the show.

Who are two of your favorite characters? That would have to be Wash (of course) and Jayne. They just seem to have the best lines, very funny.

What are two of your favorite episodes? My two favorite episodes are Our Mrs. Reynolds and Jaynestown, they are the best if you want a good laugh.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I like the relationship between Mal and Inara. I can't wait to see what they do wiith it in the movie.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I have seen some episodes of Buffy.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? From what I have seen of Buffy I would have to say that Firefly is way better. There's more that can be done with the story line and the characters are better.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would prefer a movie and more seasons. With three movies it's over after 3 movies. More questions would be able to be answered in a new season, plus there would be more to watch as opposed to a few extra hours on the big screen.


"You wanna go little man?" - Jayne
"Only if there's candlelight." - Wash


Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:29 PM


Well since someone responded I gotta do this....BUUUUUUMP More answers please!

-Sig Rebel-


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:57 PM


How old are you? 19, nearing 20.

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single.

Location? Depends on the time of year. At the moment, New York.

When did you start watching Firefly? December '03. My dad and brother had been big fans when it was first broadcast, but I was never around to see them-- then the DVDs came out. What a beautiful thing. Now I'm hooked

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Wash, without a doubt-- I have a soft spot for the funny guys-- and... hmmm. It's so hard to pick and choose. It's like telling a mother to pick a favorite of her children. I guess Mal-- he's both a classic hero and a very unconventional hero, and I love that he's got both types of hero going on for him.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Can I pick three? War Stories, Ariel, and The Message.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Simon and River. I gotta tell ya, at the beginning of the series, Simon really bugged me-- until I saw how he was with his sister, and how she was with him. One of the most interesting relationships on the show. Full of depth. Watching the two of them interact... it just gets under your skin.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
I'm a big Buffy fan. Not so much with Angel-- frankly, he was a little too broody for my taste-- but I watched the first and last seasons of it. Buffy, though, I followed all the way from the very beginning to the bitter end.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Well, they're all different... I think Buffy and Firefly are both better than Angel, though.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Movie and more seasons. It just worked so well in episodic format. And hey, then there would be something to look forward to in the otherwise fairly vacant world of television each week!

All right. Over and out.

“I loath bus stations. Terrible places. Full of lost luggage and lost souls.”


Thursday, September 9, 2004 5:12 PM


How old are you? 26

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single

Location? Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Earth, 'Verse

When did you start watching Firefly? From the
very first episode airing on Fox. Thought the show was only decent to good that first time, but by the time Our Mrs. Reynolds aired, I knew I loved it.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
I'm sorry, I refuse to answer that on the grounds that my brain may explode if I try.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
My favorite episode is Objects in Space. Next to that is Ariel. (And coming in third is Our Mrs. Reynolds)

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Probably Simon and River, just because the devoted sibling relationship is pretty interesting.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Yeah, I've seen every episode of both of them. Don't own any DVDs though.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
Hrm.. it's a bit of a tough call. If you compare the first 13 episodes of Buffy or Angel to the first 13 episodes of Firefly, Firefly wins. Firefly's also got the most consistant quality (which isn't hard to do with 13 eps vs 100). However, I still don't think the best of Firefly beats the best of Buffy/Angel. Close maybe, and had it survived I'm certain it would have gotten
there, but not quite.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

I'd prefer a movie and more seasons on TV. Hell, I'd prefer a movie and several made for TV miniseries.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Thursday, September 9, 2004 5:50 PM



Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
If you compare the first 13 episodes of Buffy or Angel to the first 13 episodes of Firefly, Firefly wins. Firefly's also got the most consistant quality (which isn't hard to do with 13 eps vs 100).

I noticed this too. While Buffy and Angel's first episodes were a bit bumpy...with some good and some, well, not so good (The Puppet Show anyone? Ugh.), Firefly was very consistant with it's episodes. There wasn't a stinker in the lot of 'em, though one in particular bugged me the first time I watched it.
But after a few seasons, who knows? At the moment I've got my rose colored NEW FAN glasses on, so I can't imagine it ever going down in quality...but some would have thought the same about Buffy and then we got season 7.

-Sig Rebel-


Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:24 PM


How old are you? 24

Male or female? F

Single or taken? single

Location? San Francisco, CA at the moment, but I was born and raised in CT

When did you start watching Firefly? I saw a few episodes on tv...liked it, but didn't get hooked. About two months ago I rented the dvds from netflix and was amazed.

Who are two of your favorite characters? I can only pick two? Kaylee is by far my can you not love her. She just makes me smile.
As for a second one, it changes depending on my mood. I love Simon, he's smart and awkward, and his dedication to his sister is beautiful. Mal also ranks pretty high. I think its his sense of honor that attracts me. Oh and Zoe just plain rocks! I could go on, but...

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas is great. It all just fits together so well. And Objects in Space is amazing. I especially love the beginning, seeing the crew just relaxing, it just feels so intimate. I find something new I like in each episode every time I watch them.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I love the awkward and adorableness of the Kaylee and Simon relationship. But Simon and River is growing on me, there is so much at stake there. It's captivating.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I loved Buffy, but didn't really get into Angel until my old roommate got me watching. Haven't gotten quite hooked though. The dvds are on my list at netflix.(god I love netflix.)

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Firefly is amazing. It's in a whole other 'verse. 'nuff said.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would love to see more tv show episodes. I'm a tv junkie. But I have my doubts that it will happen...A trilogy would make me happy...hell why stop there, who says there can't be more than 3?

Well I guess that's it for now. It's nice to meet you all.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:23 PM


How old are you? 20

Male or female? Female

Single or taken? single

Location? St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada

When did you start watching Firefly? From the very first episode that aired. I'm a HUGE Whedon fan, so I tuned in, and was hooked faster than you can say "No power in the 'verse can stop me."

Who are two of your favorite characters? My ultimate favourite would be Kaylee, she has such a big heart...and Jayne of course because he's just hi-larious.

What are two of your favorite episodes? OMR and Shindig.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I love the tension between Inara and Mal, as someone said before, you could cut it with a knife. But I have to say that I'm a big Kaylee/Simon fan too.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Of course!! Like I said before, I'm a Whedonite through and through, so I've watched every single episode of both, from start to finish. (I miss the good ol' days when we had Whedon shows to watch every week )

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Like stated before, if you look at the first bunch of episodes from all three series, Firefly wins, but as a whole, I'm still loyal to my Buffy.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Well of course I'd like it to return to TV, so we'd all get more Firefly, but I'll settle for 3 amazing movies.

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:55 PM


How old are you? 24

Male or female? F

Single or taken? single

Location? Los Angeles CA

When did you start watching Firefly? Since the beginning.. I always got Ethiopian Take out and would settle in to watch Firefly on Fridays

Who are two of your favorite characters? Of the main cast its Kaylee and Wash ( I heart Alan Tudyk!) But Jubal Early was a pretty genius character

What are two of your favorite episodes? Objects in space and out of gas... I love the scene where we meet Kaylee...

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I'd have to sey Wash and Zoey, or Jayne and Book.. both relationships are so fun to watch the interactions.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Buffy, the 1st 4 seasons.. Angel, now and again when it was on

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Yes. No doubt.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? It doesnt matter as long as shee's flyin'!

"Where was I during the war?" ~Alan Tudyk in commentary for "The Train Job"


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:14 PM


How old are you? 28

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Almost

Location? Malaysia

When did you start watching Firefly? 6th September 2004

Who are two of your favorite characters?
I love kaylee and Wash. Yet the truth is I love everyone of them.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Trash and Message. I get to see the captain n'ked. :)

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Wash and Zoey, Simon and Kaylee.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I like Angel but am a little slow with buffy.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
As I told my friends, I like angel and buffy, but I am in love with Firefly.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I have dare not ask for anything than to see serenity keep flying.

"Ain't it shiny?"


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:39 PM


How old are you? 21

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single

Location? Ontario, Canada

When did you start watching Firefly? October 2003. I missed the first couple of episodes but after seeing part of Our Mrs Reynolds I started watching. After Out of Gas I was hooked.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal and Simon (and Kaylee and Jayne and River and Inara and Zoe and Wash and Book ).

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas (I loved it the first time I saw it even though I didn't even know the names of the characters) and Shindig.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Simon and Kaylee.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yup, both.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? It's hard to judge since there is less of Firefly. But Firefly was able to hook me in a way that Buffy and Angel couldn't.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Is it wrong to say a trilogy and more seasons? Honestly, it doesn't matter to me, so long as the story gets told!!!

Good questions btw .

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Friday, September 10, 2004 9:44 PM


How old are you? 25

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single.

Location? Strasbourg, France

When did you start watching Firefly? March 15th, 2004. I don't why, but all of a sudden I decided to buy the DVDs. Firefly has never been broadcasted over here so I had only heard about it by ppl's messages on a buffy/angel forum - messages that I never really bothered to read as I didn't wanna be spoiled, in case we got it here too... It was a used region1 DVD box and it was not enough so I bought a new region2 DVD box :-) Never done that before!

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Mal and Wash

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Can I pick three? Out of Gas, War Stories

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Mal and Inara... or Book and Jayne? :-)

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Yep... though since I've discovered Firefly I don't have the same interest in them.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Yes... and no... This show seems more mature than the other ones, in terms of writing, relationships and themes. But Buffy and Angel are *different*, with the monsters and the present time. So I'm not sure about being able to do a comparison

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show? I don't know. Of course a few more seasons would be great but i love movies and i think a trilogy would be even greater. then we can wait for a decade to see tv producers have a brilliant idea for a new show: firefly 2.0 and we'll all discuss about good ol' times :-)


Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:03 PM


How old are you? 25

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single

Location? Charleston, SC

When did you start watching Firefly? End of August/beginning of Sept. 2004 (DVDs) -- thought I'd hate it, so I didn't watch it when it first premiered on TV... stupid move. I've found that I ignored most of my now-favourite shows when they first aired only to have to play catch up later on when I realized how good they were ;) You'd think I would learn!!

Who are two of your favorite characters? Kaylee and Mal -- no questions. I absolutely adore all of the characters, but these two have just grabbed onto me and I can't seem to shake them. Kaylee is such a real person - open, honest, trusting, yet so vulnerable at times. You can't help but feel everything right along with her. ..As for Mal, well, I suffer from a severe form of hero-worship - not to mention the fact that he's got a real sweet side behind that rough exterior!

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas is absolute genious. Period. ...Serenity comes in at a close second. Fox was damn stupid not to air this one first. It was slow - but it was deep enough to draw you in and an excellent introduction to the concept of the show and it's characters.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal and Kaylee. They have, by far, the most touching relationship out of all of them. It's wonderful how even when things are going horribly wrong, Mal can still manage to be patient and calm for Kaylee's sake. He's very protective of her and they have this wonderful way of flirting that seems like the most natural thing in the world to them.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I've seen every episode of Buffy and own Seasons 1&2 on DVD. As for Angel - I've seen every season except for #3 (again with the catching on late and having to catch up) and I own Season 1 on DVD.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Honestly, I never thought that anything could surpass my love for those two shows - but Firefly is approaching that line very quickly. I don't think I've ever fallen into a fandom so quickly and wholeheartedly as I have with Firefly. Joss had done some amazing and beautiful work with this show. I don't have to look very hard to see that this was his baby.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I'd say one movie and a few more seasons, but I heard that after this movie they'd have to wait 5-10 years to get it back on tv. If that really is the case, then give me the trilogy -- instant gratification... shiny!

~*~ Calliope Lang
(a.k.a. Cheryl)


Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:48 PM


How old are you? 30

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Taken

Location? Atlanta, GA

When did you start watching Firefly? When they aired on Fox From the beginning

Who are two of your favorite characters? First, Mal, because he shoots first... in the face. and second Book, because Ron Glass has one of the greatest laughs around, and his back story, or lack there of, intrigues me.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Serenity, two hours of genius that would have gathered a following like no other fox show, and Objects in Space for the acting.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Blue Sun/Alliance and River. I really wish the show had been on long enough to hash this out, hope the movie doesn't give too much away so that the impending series has something to build from.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Own and watched every episode of both. many of the actors in both shows looked like the rolls had been played out by the end.

Do you think Firefly is as good as or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Firefly and Buffy were both built from something Joss wanted to do. I will answer this way, Firefly overall showed a much more mature Mr. Whedon, and as such is a much better show. That maturity got in the way of Buffy and her adolescent charm. Firefly is what Joss was meant to do.

Side note: Hush is probably one of the greatest hour long (non-season finale) episodes of any television series to date.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Can I choose the best of both worlds? Trilogy and then more TV? The rights are tied up in some mess with the networks so the movies are more likely for now.

-I'll be in my bunk.


Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:23 PM


How old are you?

Male or female?

Single or taken?

Home: New Rochelle, NY
College: SUNY Binghamton - Binghamton, NY

When did you start watching Firefly?
About a week ago, though I've been watching Buffy & Angel for about a year.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Hmm... Hard choice. But since my mom always told people that she liked Ringo... I'll be a bit different and go with Simon and Kaylee. I enjoy Simon as a character because I can relate to him a bit. He seems a bit out of place, but has great inner strength to get through it. He has given up so much and people (in the Firefly universe, not in RL) can't really seem to understand what that means. Why I like Kaylee? Just 'cause. But really, I likeall of them and all kidding aside, if I answered this poll another day i'd probably pick Mal and Inara. So go figure...

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Out of Gas - It's as close to Storytelling gold as you can get.
Objects in Space - Joss was saying something with this episode, and yet he was saying nothing. I look at things differently sometimes because of this ep. Example: I was drying myself with a towel after a shower and I looked at the towel. I said to myself that it's just a piece of cloth, but in using it, I give it meaning - It's a towel. There are more examples, but that just came to my mind first.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Mal & Inara - there's just so much going on there. Inara's secret past, Mal's denial, etc.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Yup in the year since a friend told me about them I have watched all of Buffy multiple times (on DVD - Once More With Feeling about 7 times now), and have watched seasons 1 - 2 and most of season 3 of Angel. Oh, and the end of season 5.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
Joss has grown so much as a storyteller since his first days with buffy. He has experimented (Hush, OMWF, Objects in Space) and shown storytelling perfection over and over again. Firefly was, in it's 14 episodes, much more consistent than nearly any 14 episodes of either Angel or Buffy (although I'm sure there are exceptions - note the use of "nearly"), expecially if you only compare first seasons. But I will withold judgement for now. It's just like said by someone else, it's a much more mature show, dealing with adult themes. And in that regard, I like it much more. (Plus I haven't watched my Buffy or Angel DVDs in a few months).

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Hard to say. I just want Joss to be able to tell all the stories he says he has left to tell in this universe. But from what I hear, it looks like a trilogy of Firefly movies is all we're going to get, so we better deal with it. But, whenever Joss gets back to TV, in whatever form, it will be a very, very good day.

Inara: What did I say to you about barging in to my shuttle?
Mal: That it was manly and impulsive?
Inara: Yes, precisely, only the exact phrase I used was "don't."


Saturday, September 11, 2004 7:26 PM


How old are you? 21

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Single

Location? Seabrook, TX

When did you start watching Firefly?
Since Commercial #1.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
It's like asking an alcoholic what his favorite alcohol is. Out of the nine, I guess I'm gonna have to say Mal and Jayne.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Gonna have to go with Out of Gas as my #1 and Our Mrs. Reynolds as my #2.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Simon and Kaylee - you know they're gonna end up together...or are they?

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Both since season 1

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
Not so much better, but just great in a different genre. Buffy was great in it's own way as was Angel.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Definitely have to go with movie and t.v. Johnny is a Firefly junkie and he needs his fix.

Johnny H.-
"How'd you like a bite outta this green apple, America?"


Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:28 PM


How old are you? 29

Male or female? F

Single or taken? single and love'n it

Location? California

When did you start watching Firefly? since it aired on Fox

Who are two of your favorite characters?
River and Simon of course...(heehee)

What are two of your favorite episodes? My all time favorite is Objects and space. and safe with Ariel coming in a very close second .

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Simon and River because they are so damn fascinating

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
I didn't really care for Buffy I never could get into that show although the few times I did watch it I enjoyed the Spike charactor ...I did watch and Like Angel but I lost interest in it the last two in a half seasons I felt that Joss teased and cheated ...he made a big whippty do about Angel and his son..I thought Angel was going to have to kill his son and the whole storyline just fizzled ..and he teased at a romance between Angel and Cordy and left it hanging..I was very dissapointed so I just stopped watching

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?

Firefly is so much better...I loved it from the beginning..not many T.V shows are strong in story telling.... Firefly was not only entertaining but intelligent...

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

a movie and more T.V shows...defintely!!!

Its not far to Never Never land, reason to pretend. And if the wind is right you can find some joy, and be a kid again. Sailing takes me away to where I'm going, Could it? Just the wind and a dream to carry me, soon I will be free!!

Fantasy, it gets the best of me when I'm Sailing, all caught up in a reverie, every word is a symphony want you believe in me? Sailing takes me away to where I'm going could it?

..Just the wind and a dream to carry me, soon I will be free. Its not far back to sanity, at least its not for me!! and if the wind is right you can sail away and find Serenity

~~~~ Christopher Cross


Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:56 AM


How old are you?

Male or female?

Single or taken?
Single. Have been forever. Will be forever.

Basingstoke UK

When did you start watching Firefly?
Started downloading eps as soon as it started showing in the States.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Mal and Jayne

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Serenity and Objects in Space

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Mal and Serenity

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
Better. No episode of Firefly touches the heights of the likes of Hush or The Body - however, it was a far far better 15 first episodes which boded very well for the future!

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Both! To be honest I think it would have been better staying on TV.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:03 AM


How old are you? 17 - I'm a forum baby, apparently.

Male or female?
Female and damn proud

Single or taken?
Very single

Stoke, England

When did you start watching Firefly?
To be very exact, May 2nd 2004. The day I got back from seeing Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, and Summer Glau at the Blackpool Starfury: Serenity convention, I went out, bought the DVD set, and although I'm only a recent fan, I gotta say I've made up for it in the dedication I have to the genius!!!!

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Tough question! Kaylee is my number one. Second.... River, maybe. Though I also love Mal, Simon and Jayne LOL.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
The episode I love above all that is Jaynestown. Its hilarious, adnd there's Kaymon!

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Kaylee/Simon! Without hesitation

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Religiously! The Joss-verse IS my religion.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
I've been watching Buffy and Angel for the last eight years, and absolutely worship them. But after a quarter of a year of Firefly-ness, I gotta say, I like Firefly better. Firefly really can do no wrong.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

You're pretty.... pretty.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:46 AM


Afternoon Browncoats - thought I'd post here by way of an introduction...

How old are you? 20 years and three days

Male or female? M

Single or taken? happily taken

Location? London, England

When did you start watching Firefly? Three weeks ago.... can't believe I didn't hear about it before. I feel almost guilty...

Who are two of your favorite characters? Wash and Jayne, I'd say. Between them, they manage to generally convey what my reaction would be to any given situation.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of gas is pretty classic, but I have a soft spot for shindig, and the original pilot, serenity. I mean, I must have seen serenity ten times by now while converting new browncoats, and it still ain't getting old.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? probably Zoe and Wash, although there's a good dynamic between Jayne and Mal, especially after Ariel.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Used to watch a little buffy, once upon a time... never really sparked my interest. Good show, though - and damn well made.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I'd say so, yes.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? It has to be more episodes, for me. think what those guys could do with a couple dozen more hours of airtime.... :)


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:57 AM


How old are you?

Male or female?

Single or taken?


When did you start watching Firefly?
About a year ago - when it made it's debut on Sci-fi channel

Who are two of your favorite characters?

Jayne - It's so much fun watching a man who's self centred values conflict with all the other crew members, and the social conundrums he finds himself in.

River - I just love all her abstract rantings and "The Riddler" style speak.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Probably the Pilot episode and Objects in space. But they're all very strong.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?

Jayne and Book....
Jayne and Kaylee.. If the show had continued I'd have loved it if Jayne were to fall for Kaylee in a really noble way and then have Kaylee fall in love with Simon and Jayne have his heart broken...

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Of course. Big fan of both, with Angel coming out stronger for its profound storylines.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
It's superior in my eyes - but it's probably because it's a more mature show.

I wonder if they were released at the same time, which I would have related to more.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

As much as I love a good trilogy I think the format of TV is better for Firefly so I would possibly go with one movie and then six to seven seasons of Firefly. Yeah seven seasons of Firefly,,,, Cool



Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:36 AM


How old are you?


Male or female?


Single or taken?

Can't single people get taken in this day and age? Just a little...


Manchester, UK

When did you start watching Firefly?

December 2003 - picked up the DVD when on holiday in the States.

Who are two of your favorite characters?

Kaylee and Wash

What are two of your favorite episodes?

Objects in Space - fantastic writing

Out of Gas - ditto

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?

Zoe and Mal - its a twist on the usual war buddies.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?

Yes - and today I apologise for saying Chosen was a bad end to Buffy. Watched it again tonight, and whilst I still think the final shots are a big misstep (Xander quipping wise seconds after finding out, well you know what).

Haven't seen the final season of Angel yet - just about resisting the videos that just came out, but probably not for much longer.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?

Unfair to compare - as others said, start for start, Firefly is way better, but who knows how it would have compared over 100 episodes.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

I'll take what I can get. I'm just hoping the movie springboards the careers of all involved (and so if Joss comes back to TV he can so something without being messed around).

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:01 PM


How old are you? 33

Male or female? m

Single or taken? VERY single

Location? Charlotte, NC

When did you start watching Firefly? Day 1, first episode "Train Job". stupid out of order showing FOX.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal (like Nathan said of Mal, He has lost a lot and surrounded himself with people who have the qualities that he at least feels he has lost.)and Book.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas and Shindig.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal and Book (they're almost mirror images of each other in a twisted way.)

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? yes, both of them

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I loved both of those shows and would love to see more from them, Firefly is still better!

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Reality says we're getting three movies, I'd love to see more series after that though. should be past the 10 years by then.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:27 PM


America loves a winner!

How old are you? 39

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single

Location? Atlanta,GA

When did you start watching Firefly? Watched it since the beginning. Might have missed an ep or 2 before I really was hooked. I mean, it did come on Fri night....

Who are two of your favorite characters? Clearly Mal, no question. Lots of things I can identify w/ the Capt.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Gee, this is a tough one.... OoG and..... So many great moments are found in each episode though. Our Mrs Reynolds or OiS tie for the other fav.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Didn't catch them the first few seasons, but tried to catch every ep as they wound down, especially Angel.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I like the character development in Angel. I'm real behind on getting to know the Buffy crowd, that I can hardly comment. Firefly , to me, is a whole different animal. I like the aspect that it deals w/ real life problems ( Mal trying to make a living, Zoe and Wash trying to keep a marriage together, etc )

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? It's kinda a moot point now. FOX has sold the rights to 'versal, on the stipulation that there be no more t.v. shows. A trilogy ( and possibly an animated film ) is the best we can hope for.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:15 PM


How old are you? 22

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single unfortunately

Location? Melbourne VIC Australia

When did you start watching Firefly? As soon as the DVD boxset came out here, watched all 14 in a couple of days. But have known about the show since it was first aired.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Hmmmmmm... It's difficult to seperate each character because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and unlike Buffy I don't dislike any character. I guess I like the intrigue surrounding Book, and Inara cos she's a hottie!

What are two of your favorite episodes? Again hard to seperate. I don't have favourites but Jaynestown was the funniest, I liked the history of Out Of Gas, War Stories was cool cos of River, as was Objects in Space, and I liked both Saffron eps.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I liked Book and Rivers relationship best because I think it had a lot of potential and it was quite subtle, but I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Simon and Kaylee to get it on.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Watched them both from the beginning but missed a lot of Buffy while I was overseas so had to buy all the videos/DVDs. Liked Angel more to be honest.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Both Buffy and Angel didn't really get started until mid-second season. I thought Angel has been the best so far, but Firefly didn't go for long enough for all of the characters to get explored. We only got background episodes for a few of them!

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Who cares as long as we get some of that Joss Whedony goodness!


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:40 PM


I can't participate in this, lovely as it is, cause everyone else is younger than me!


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:18 PM


Awww you dont have to disclose age... we just wanna know more about the people on this here site!

"Where was I during the war?" ~Alan Tudyk in commentary for "The Train Job"


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:18 PM


Awww you dont have to disclose age... we just wanna know more about the people on this here site!

"Where was I during the war?" ~Alan Tudyk in commentary for "The Train Job"


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:10 PM


How old are you?

Male or female?

Single or taken?

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

When did you start watching Firefly?
August 4th, 2004 - The day the boxset was released here in Aus. But I knew about it from the "Dark Angel" cancellation debacle.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
As much as I love them all in their own special way, if I have to narrow it down I'd go for Cap'n Mal and Wash. I love the way they play off each other.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Talk about pulling teeth! Probably "War Stories", followed by "Out of Gas". "Serenity" Pts 1 and 2 are very close, though...

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
As much as I love Wash and Zoe's married dynamic, I think I'd have to go with Simon and Kaylee's budding romance.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Didn't watch either to start, but saw the last couple of seasons of both. I'm now working my way backward and filling in the gaps.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
As short as Firefly is, and as little information we have about each of the characters, I have to admit I enjoy the almost conspiracy-esque aspect of the Alliance, and the amazing character interaction between the whole ensemble. It gives the show a great-epic-plan feeling that I didn't feel so much in the latter seasons of Buffy and Angel - sure, they had seasonal arcs, but Firefly felt like it had this whole-series arc planned.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I could just agree with NewMelbourneFan:

Who cares as long as we get some of that Joss Whedony goodness!
but if I had to choose, I'd probably go with a few more seasons on television - more character development, more Firefly overall, more "Whedony goodness"... and less pressure to organize a massive campaign for more quality sci-fi tv/film... :D

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, September 12, 2004 10:04 PM


But I'm pretty sure we need wiser (sligthly) older people around here...
You may leave the "age" line blank but then we'll have to guess: 100? 110? 432?

ETA: Ack! I hit the "reply with quote" link and the quote is gone!
This was a reply to Elwoodmom of course.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:26 PM


Hey, no worries about your age, people! At there was a fan that was well over 50 (can't remember the exact age - 60s or 70s maybe) and everyone thought that person was really cool for liking Buffy when most people that age would probably hate it. What's so great about the forums are you can meet people of all ages and backgrounds and talk about something you all really enjoy. It brings people together!

Now come on hug!


Monday, September 13, 2004 2:22 AM


How old are you? 24

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Taken

Location? Brisbane, Australia

When did you start watching Firefly? About three weeks ago after buying the DVD's,

Who are two of your favorite characters? It's gotsta be Jayne and Kaylee.

What are two of your favorite episodes? I would have to run with Objects In Space as my favourite. It has the perfect balance of comedy, drama, suspense, it really covers all bases. After that, possibly Jaynestown.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Either Mal and Kaylee's, I love the fact that nothing is ever said between them, but you know how close they are. Other than that I quite like Mal and Inara's also.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Bodering on obssessive for both shows.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Equally as good, I already place it in the same league after only seeing the episodes once. I think that somehow the characters on Firefly are just more engaging. I found I loved all of them almost instantly, whereas with the B+A you kinda grew to love the characters. The fact that can happen in 12 epsiodes says a whole lot about both the series and Joss' ability to create amazing characters.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Definetly would prefer to see Serenity and then continue on to more series. A few more series will allow much more character development and lets face it, 3 movies equals maybe maximum 7-8 hours worth of Firefly action, even two more series, even if they are only 12 episodes = about 20 hours of Firefly action, and I know what I would prefer.

Kinda got a bit carried away there. It be mighty good to meet y'all.


Monday, September 13, 2004 3:08 AM


How old are you? 20

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single

Location? The Netherlands (better known as Holland though that only counts for 2 of the 12 provinces).

When did you start watching Firefly? A couple of months ago thanks to the website where you can download them in Realmedia formats lol. I first didn't get the show but once I knew all the characters, their relations and of course the tension and context wich goes with knowing that I was hooked. The episodes wich didnt seem so special at first now are incredible once you know the context.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal and Wash, I love every character but those two are my faves.

What are two of your favorite episodes? My all time favourite is Out of Gas, the other would be The Message.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Zoe and Wash :).

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yes, at first I didnt get Firefly and only began watching it after both of Buffy and Angel were finished and I got no other Joss show (only to find out that Firefly is better then both Buffy and Angel).

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Yeah, much better. Though a similair high I experienced with season 2 and 3 of Buffy and season 5 of Angel, but this does feel different and more involving.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I want it to be a tv show most of all. My favourite episode is Out of Gas wich I find brilliant wich works extremly well as a episode in a tv series, but it could never work as a stand-alone movie. Also following the characters over a number of years seeying them grow is a experience I still havent found a match of in any of the movies ive seen.


Monday, September 13, 2004 4:01 AM


How old are you? 22

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Single

Location? Finland

When did you start watching Firefly?
They showed it here last winter/spring, started watching it from the middle. After the first 10-20 minutes, loved it. It had all the things i've wanted to see in a scifi serie... and 100 times more things i didnt know i wanted to see, before i saw them. Well anyway after that, watched the rest of the episodes and after that bought the DVD set. Though i'll probably have to buy another one from UK, so i can convert my brother and sisters, as they dont have region free dvd players.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Kaylee and River

What are two of your favorite episodes?
At the moment Serenity and Ariel. Objects in Space is also very good and is usually my favourite.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Simon - River.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Used to watch them, but now they show them here so early when i dont watch TV.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
There isnt any show that is as good or better then Firefly

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Both, the best would be a serie and in the summer brakes there would be a movie.
But any Firefly, is good Firefly :)


Monday, September 13, 2004 6:52 AM


Thanks, SpacePirate!


Monday, September 13, 2004 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Grimma:
But I'm pretty sure we need wiser (sligthly) older people around here...
You may leave the "age" line blank but then we'll have to guess: 100? 110? 432?

ETA: Ack! I hit the "reply with quote" link and the quote is gone!
This was a reply to Elwoodmom of course.



Monday, September 13, 2004 6:55 AM



Originally posted by JenDandy:
Hey, no worries about your age, people! At there was a fan that was well over 50 (can't remember the exact age - 60s or 70s maybe) and everyone thought that person was really cool for liking Buffy when most people that age would probably hate it. What's so great about the forums are you can meet people of all ages and backgrounds and talk about something you all really enjoy. It brings people together!

Now come on hug!

Thanks for the hugs! Okay, you talked me into it!


Monday, September 13, 2004 7:02 AM


How old are you? 40, Gorrammit!

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Married almost 15 years!

Location? California

When did you start watching Firefly? While it was aired on Fox.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Jayne, because I've been a fan of Adam Baldwin's since the early 80's. I actually like all the characters, but I REALLY like how Zoe can kick arse!

What are two of your favorite episodes? Ariel and War Stories.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Hmmm...hard to choose. I think Kaylee should grab Simon by the ears and plant him a big, fat kiss! But I really admire the loyal bond that Mal and Zoe have.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Nah, I have 2 young kids. We mostly watch Nick Jr!

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I wouldn't know about that, since I haven't seen either Buffy nor Angel.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Probably a movie and a few more seasons on the telly. This way I get the major motion picture fix as well as a weekly series fix!

This is fun, thanks for running it!


Monday, September 13, 2004 8:56 AM


How old are you? 23

Male or female? F

Single or taken? single

Location? Wirral, UK

When did you start watching Firefly? bought the DVD last month

Who are two of your favorite characters? mal and jayne

What are two of your favorite episodes? objects in space and trash

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? mal and inara after a lot of thought

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yes both of them

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Better certainly and i never thought i'd say that

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? movie an more seasons. I couldn't cope with that small a fix


Monday, September 13, 2004 5:36 PM


Thanks for replying after all ELWOODMOM. And don't worry, ya got a good 20 years ahead of you before you're 'old' anyway.

-Sig Rebel-


Monday, September 13, 2004 10:50 PM


Hello, all. Long time lurker, first time...etc.

How old are you? 33

Male or female? Female

Single or taken? Single as a snowflake

Location? Los Angeles, California

When did you start watching Firefly? On the first evening of the first US broadcast.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal and River. Mmm, angst...tasty.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Classified by how much I re-watch 'em, not how much I love 'em (eg I love Out of Gas, but I can't watch it much because I prefer to laugh, not cry): Serenity and Our Mrs. Reynolds

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal and Zoe. I'm fascinated by military relationships -- the clash of emotion vs. duty and the way it shapes personalities.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Repeatedly!

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? At first, I didn't think so, but then I realized that I could re-watch Firefly episodes and see something new every time, and that's not true of most of Buffy and Angel. So, better.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I prefer Joss to write what he wants and to get the funding he needs. Beyond that I'm not picky.

"When they shall paint our sockets gray
And light us like a stinking fuse,
Remember that we once could say,
Yesterday we had a world to lose."
--Stanley Kunitz, former U.S. Poet Laureate:


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:59 AM


How old are you ?:25

male or female ?: male

single or taken ?: single.

Location ? : Wirral,merseyside,UK.

when did you start watching firefly ?: The day it got its uk region 2 dvd release which was april 19th,2004.

who are your two fave characters ?: Has to be Mal and River.

what are your two fave episodes ? : Ariel and War stories.

whats your fave relationship in the series romantic or otherwise ? : For me its got to be the way the crew interact with each other and there whole relationship in everything they do.

Do you watch angel and buffy as well ? : yep,both.

Do you think firefly is as good or better than joss's previous works ? : Better,its more compelling and brings you into there world and makes you care for these charcters.

Would you prefer a trilogy of firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the tv show ? : i would have to say a trilogy of movies followed by in a few years a mini series to wrap things up.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:07 AM


How old are you? 28 nearly 29

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single

Location? Blackburn UK

When did you start watching Firefly? since it first aired on the sci fi channel in the UK.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
I like all the characters but my favourites are Mal (Captain Tightpants), for obvious reasons and Wash

What are two of your favorite episodes? My favorites are War Stories and Shindig especially the banter between Mal and Wash.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? ZOE AND WASH BABY!!

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? DEFINATELY

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
They are all on a par with each other, but i think Firefly has a slight edge.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:24 AM


How old are you? 35

Male or female? M

Single or taken? VERY taken

Location? Alto, Georgia

When did you start watching Firefly? Missed the first broadcast of the Train Job, but saw every one after.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal and River.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas and War Stories.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Zoe and Wash.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Not really. I prefer westerns.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Definitely. But Toy Story also was great.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I'll take anything.

"Art is Ego. Art is, "I think this is good, therefore I'm going to present it to you.' That is Ego. That is the Id. If I don't walk out on stage like I'm the baddest motherfucker of all time, then I'm a charlatan. And it doesn't matter if you think I am, or he thinks I am, or she thinks I am—fuck you all man. I don't give a fuck what you think. You're either in or you're out, and I'm playing to the in."—Greg Dulli, lead singer of The Twilight Singers.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:30 AM


How old are you? 30

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Single

Location? Birmingham, AL

When did you start watching Firefly? Since the first ep on Fox.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Like most of you, I love them all, but I guess my favorites would have to be Mal, Wash, and Kaylee.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Loved them all, but favorites would be Serenity, Objects In Space, War Stories, Out of Gas, Bushwacked.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal & Inara; Simon & Kaylee

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Hell yes, both of them.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I think it is unfair to compare since Firefly only had 13 eps, but if you compare the first seasons of all three series then Firefly is hands down the winner. If Firefly had been given the chance to go on, I think it could have been the best series ever.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would love to see the show come back to TV some day, but that is not likely to happen, so give me the trilogy of movies. Ah hell, I'm greedy, give me the trilogy and the series.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:59 AM


How old are you? 35

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Married

Location? San Francisco, CA

When did you start watching Firefly? Maybe four months ago when I finished Angel on DVD

Who are two of your favorite characters? My favorites characters are without a doubt Jayne and Mal. Jayne is just perfect and shiny in a gritty, nasty, but kind of naive way. Mal is the most complex and interesting character to me.

What are two of your favorite episodes? I find myself re-watching Serenity the most out of all the epsiodes, so it must be my favorite. The epsiode that made me cry was The Message (and I really like the actor that guested - is he the only one to be in BTVS, ANGEL, and FIREFLY?)

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal and Serenity. Just thinking about what it stands for gets me right in the gut.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Not until last September. Now, I am a huge fan.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Yeah, although certain episodes of each series were incredible and as good as Firefly.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? One movie plus new seasons on DVD! I personally don't watch, don't like TV, but I LOVE to watch DVDs of television series. Kind of reminds of Doctor Who marathons on PBS when I was a kid. Many, many seasons of Firefly straight to DVD!

Fully loaded, safety off. This
here's a recipe for unpleasantness.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:43 AM


I'm both shocked and surprised that Mal and Serenity didn't come up more for favourite relationship! That is, after all the central relationship in the show and what it's essentially about. The whole show is about the ship - nothing in it is as important - the TV show was named after her class and the film after her name!

In OoG when those guys try to steal her - I just find myself thinking that whatever you try and do to Mal - you don't mess with his ship! And he's able to conjure up superhuman strength to see them off because of it - I don't know if he would have found those reserves if it was Inara they were messing with.

I love the moment when he first sees her in OoG. You can tell he's fallen in love with her straight away. It's definitely the relationship I'd like to have found out more about.






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