Get to know your fellow Browncoats!!

UPDATED: Sunday, October 3, 2004 05:19
VIEWED: 19507
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:30 AM


How old are you? 26

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Spoken for

Location? Sydney, Australia

When did you start watching Firefly? Around June-July 2004 with downloaded divx's. Bought the box set when it came out here and been busy converting people since.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Jayne & Mal

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas, Jaynestown

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Jayne & Mal - confrontation at the end of Ariel was just brilliant.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Nup, neither. Just couldn't get into it. Watched a bit of Angel, but stopped after Gun and Fred got it on, which I just thought was wrong. Saw only 2 episodes of Buffy, one of which was something about her getting a haircut and going invisible. Didn't watch after that.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Better. Much, much, much better (from what I've seen of the other two shows). Not as contrived, feels more real.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? The latter. Definitely the latter. You can do so much more with a serial than a movie with large gaps of nothing in between. The depth, humour, relationships, it can only come about through intricate plot weaving over a good period of time. Usually the best thing about movies is that it's good bigger, better effects, but the effects in Firefly are just top notch anyway.


Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:38 AM



I love the moment when he first sees her in OoG. You can tell he's fallen in love with her straight away.

If you put your hand in something wet and sticky, you'd better hope it's grease!

-- H


Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Littlemanlovesfire:
I'm both shocked and surprised that Mal and Serenity didn't come up more for favourite relationship! That is, after all the central relationship in the show and what it's essentially about. The whole show is about the ship - nothing in it is as important - the TV show was named after her class and the film after her name!

In OoG when those guys try to steal her - I just find myself thinking that whatever you try and do to Mal - you don't mess with his ship! And he's able to conjure up superhuman strength to see them off because of it - I don't know if he would have found those reserves if it was Inara they were messing with.

I love the moment when he first sees her in OoG. You can tell he's fallen in love with her straight away. It's definitely the relationship I'd like to have found out more about.

I couldn't agree more. I love all of the Mal/Serenity moments that appear throughout the series. It's an amazing cipher for what's going with Mal as a person. One of the deleted scenes on the DVD (where Zoe and Simon are talking) highlights the redemptive aspect that relationship. Zoe says something like, "Once you've been to Serenity, you never leave her" and the fact that Mal's relationship to Serenity as the watershed moment of his life, where he lost everything except Zoe, is being changed by the introduction of a family dynamic in ways that he never expected never ceases to be astound me.

Fully loaded, safety off. This here's a recipe for unpleasantness.


Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:52 AM


How old are you? 27, till december

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Too single

Location? Skofja Loka, Slovenia, EU

When did you start watching Firefly? Since the Serenity pilot was available on the internet. Before Train job even aired. Immediately addicted and later upgraded to obsessed.

Who are two of your favorite characters? River and Simon. The great relationship between them and their opposite personalities...Simon's elegance and River's...well River is River.

What are two of your favorite episodes? The message for its ending and Serenity for getting me addicted in the first place.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? See above (two favourite characters)

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? YES and YES. How could I not?

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I liked Buffy, loved Angel and Firefly is beyond anything else. It is absolutely the best show I have ever seen...EVER! And I've seen a lot of them, believe me.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? This one's a no brainer, of course a TV show. Whatever provides more Firefly time. Plus you don't have to wait two years for a new episode.

Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't coming back


Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:09 AM



. FOX has sold the rights to 'versal, on the stipulation that there be no more t.v. shows.

See I don't understand this ...if Fox has no intrest in making anymore T.V shows and if they sold the rights to universal..why should they care one way or the other if another studio wants to make T.v shows

are they just being spitful can someone please explain this to me!!


Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:53 AM


How old are you? 27

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single

Location? Sydney, UK

When did you start watching Firefly? As soon as I could get my grubby little hands on it, on one of our network channels, and then ordered the DVD from USA months before it came out over here.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal and Book. Probably because I still think there is a lot to discover about both of them even though I absolutely love all of the main characters.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Very tough choice, but had to go with The Message and War Games.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal and Inara. Has to be. The air crackles when they get together on screen with tension.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yes.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Better. Everything he learnt from those two shows he put into this one, so it hit the mark from first moment, and didnt need time to find its feet, it was there from day one.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak, so i'd go for more TV, but reality tells me it will only be movies from here out.


Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:05 PM


How old are you? 19 for now.

M/F? Male.

Single or taken? Single.

Location? Allithwaite, Cumbria, England.

When did you start watching firefly? About right now last year, can't remember the exact date. But it stayed with me 15 weeks 'fore I could watch it again. No Sci-Fi without Sky TV and I didn't even have a TV while at Uni.

Who are two of your favourite characters? River for being all manner of weird and the last surviving petty, London crook, Badger.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Ariel and War Stories.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Book and Jayne, who'd think a preacher and a merc would get along so well. But then Book ain't no preacher is he.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Buffy not so much, Angel ditto (though I would watch it if only it wasn't on after midnight).

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Better by a huge margin. the characters are tougher and deal with a more believable world. Demons and Vampires just got old fast. Like aliens.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? At this point I will take whatever I can get, but another (this time long-running) series would make me much happier.

"Be bloody, bold and resolute..." from Macbeth by Shakespeare.
Some have said it sums me up.


Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:19 PM


How old are you?
Closing in on 43. Am I the oldest one here?

Male or female?
I'm a woman. I'm a person. Lab rats are male or female.

Single or taken?
I never married.

The snorgling state of Missouri.

When did you start watching Firefly?
The first day it lifted off.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
I find all the characters well written, and well portrayed, but the one character I find more intriguing than the rest is Shepard Book. Why? Because he's somewhat of a mystery. I'm not saying I'm a mystery, but he reminds me of myself. I am an ordained minister who was also an MP (Military Police) in the US Army. I am an expert marksman, and expert grenadier, and know how to make all sorts of explosives.

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Although there is not a single episode which is lacking, at the top of my list is Out of Gas. This is excellent storytelling. Number two would be a toss up betwix Jaynestown and The Message.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
That would have to be Simon and River. This is love. This is family.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
Watched them both.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
Yes. It is as good, or better. Actually I'm not sure which aspects you wish to compare, (concept, production, acting, writing, directing, etc.). Personally I find the entire concept (a western combined with a space opera) very appealing.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Why stop at three? How many Star Trek movies are there? I would also like to see it return to the small screen, unfortunately the snorgling execs at Fox will likely never allow that. So I say, produce the series and release it directly to the home viewers via tape or disc. I would gladly journey into town once a month and purchase the newest episode.

"If the snow on the roof is too heavy then the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Thursday, September 16, 2004 3:55 PM


How old are you? 19.

Male or female? Female.

Single or taken? Taken...sort of.

Location? London, On, Canada.

When did you start watching Firefly? I missed the beginning episodes... and later buy the DVDs when they first came out.

Favorite characters? Zoe, Mal and Book, its hard to say, I love them all.

Favorite episodes? War Stories, Trash and Ariel.

Favorite relationship in the series? Mal, Zoe and Wash. (between Mal and Zoe, Zoe and Wash, and Wash and Mal -the way they react with each other)

Do you watch Buffy or Angel? I saw the beginning and end of Angel and some episodes of Buffy.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Angel/Buffy)? Cause I never really watched Buffy or Angel, I find Firefly better.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would prefer movies of Firefly and more seasons.


Friday, September 17, 2004 12:51 AM


How old are you?

Male or female?

Single or taken?
VERY single

Columbus, Ohio, USA

When did you start watching Firefly?
09/20/2002, the night serenity first lifted off here in the states.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Mal, and Kaylee

What are two of your favorite episodes?
OoG, and War Stories

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
it's a tie between Mal and Serenity, and jayne and his brain (there almost seems to be a homer simpson-esqe separation between the two)

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
only in a rabidly obessive,quote them randomly kinda way.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
it's very rare to make television of this quality in the first 13 eps.
(PHOX does have a tendancy to find these kind of shows.[ FF, Greg the Bunny, etc.] they find them make them and after the first couple eps air they start hitting them with the largest sticks they can find.)

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? can't we have both?

( from an issue of TOY FARE magazine):
SPIKE: More like the vampire layer...
Angel: that's what i'm saying!

anybody else think David Boreanas(sp?) would make a good Bruce Wayne? maybe not Batman, but Bruce Wayne? I mean He Certainly has the Brooding down...


Friday, September 17, 2004 11:10 AM


Already posted this for benefit of Penna Shindig folks but decided, hey, in solidarity with other grownups I should weigh in

How old are you?
Early 40s, and still haven't outgrown my intrinsic geekiness :)

Male or female?

Single or taken?
Married, nineteen years

Toms River, NJ

When did you start watching Firefly?
Early this summer - a friend gave me the DVD set for Christmas and told me I'd love it, but it took me awhile to find a block of time to really check it out! Now I'm obsessed.

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Mal and Kaylee

What are two of your favorite episodes?
Changes everytime I watch! Um, Out of Gas and Jaynestown?

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Book and River...they should take their act on the road

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?
No...but I'm going to start.
I have the first Buffy season coming from Netflix

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
I couldn't say, but I have a hard time believing those shows could top Firefly.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? One movie and then more seasons...I don't like waiting forever while movies are made!

"Great. I hope you have hundreds of fat children"


Friday, September 17, 2004 2:03 PM


How old are you? 22

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Single

Location? San Pablo, Ca (near San Francisco)

When did you start watching Firefly? Actually, just a few weeks agao. My best friend got the set for me for my birthday, and well I was a gonner after that! LOL!

Who are two of your favorite characters? I love them all, but if forced to chose I'd say... River (cause she's just CRAZY!) and Mal (cause he just kicks ass!)

What are two of your favorite episodes? Ariel (I'm a nursing student so this one is close to my heart) and Out Of Gas (I love the history of how they all came together)

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I'd have to say... Simon and Kaylee

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yup

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I think its as good, if not better. If I had to list them I'd but Firefly as number one.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? One movie and more seasons for sure, cause that means more firefly in hours and more story lines, with more answers to my ever growing list of questions.

This is a great little Q/A. Thanks a bunch.


Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:28 PM


How old are you? 29

Male or female? Female

Single or taken? Single

Location? Los Angeles, CA

When did you start watching Firefly? This summer. I was in Best Buy and had Forever Knight, Part I in my hands and was trying to decide if I would buy it despite the outrageous price that they were charging for it. Then, I decided to try Firefly because it was $60 cheaper than Forever Knight. Boy, was it the right decision!

Who are two of your favorite characters? Simon and Gabriel. There is a lot to flesh out there. I would like to know what Gabriel did after Simon left. Did he really abandon his children? Sometimes, parents say things when they are upset and don't follow through on them.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Ariel and Shindig.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? The Tams and Blue Sun. I would like to know more about that relationship and see how it plays out.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? I watched both religiously and have bought most of the seasons of both of them.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? That's a hard question. I think that Buffy is better than Angel but I can't decide if Buffy is better than Firefly.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would prefer a movie and a few more seasons because you get more hours of Firefly out of a season than in three 90 minute movies and I want to explore this story in more depth than three movies would allow.


Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:57 PM


How old are you? 16

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Quite Single

Location? Willamina, Oregon, U.S.

Every episode of firefly is better than most of the movies I see for my profession, and that makes it special.


Sunday, September 19, 2004 7:01 PM


How old are you? 21

Male or female? M

Single or taken? single

Location? Clearwater, FL

When did you start watching Firefly? About a week ago. It got me that friggin quick.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Wash and Kaylee, figure they really keep the the show grounded more than anyone else

What are two of your favorite episodes? Serenity and Objects in Space

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? River and everyone on the ship. Everyone has a unique look at River, and you never know how River will react to anything. By far the most interesting, because you'll never know what'll happen next

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Both, since the first year of Buffy

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Now the problem I have here is that Joss is a master story teller who just excels as things move along. Angel is the best work in character development of all of them. But Firefly didn't get its fair go in length. Until we get more, Firefly will be great, but not quite there yet. There's just too much left to tell.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? Why not both? But if I had to choose... I want a series to follow up the BDM, it gives so much more room and time to explore these characters.

Just that gorram shiny


Sunday, September 19, 2004 7:01 PM


Sorry didn't see these.

When did you start watching Firefly? When it started. I watched it right from the first second episode.

Who are two of your favorite characters? I's say Jayne for comedey, and Mal because he's such a great guy. I wish I could be more like him.

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of Gas, and Objects in Space

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? I enjoy all three of the romantic-esq relationships.

Every episode of firefly is better than most of the movies I see for my profession, and that makes it special.


Sunday, September 19, 2004 7:14 PM


How old are you? 25

Male or female? M

Single or taken? Single, unfortunately

Location? Atlanta, Georgia

When did you start watching Firefly?

When it aired, but my addiction happened when I found the fan-based websites

Who are two of your favorite characters?

Jayne, and Book

What are two of your favorite episodes? Out of gas, and Ariel. These speak to character in everyone in show

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?

Simon and River. Mal and Book.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Not at all. J

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?

I dont know. But, I respect his work, and I imagine that he knows what he is doing.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?

I will be at the first movie the day it opens. I will also give my support to any further projects. However, I dont think anyone will sound off on anyone creating shows for the sake of just creating shows. Give me the backing of the cast, crew, and its creator...and I will sound off on the creation of a firefly channel.

They didnt call it the dark ages because it was dark.


Monday, September 20, 2004 5:16 AM



Location? Clearwater, FL

Whubba-what??? Howdy, brother!!! Welcome to our little site of wacky fun! I'm also from your city...keep up on the FL happenings on this board as well as and the OB: Premiere shindig in Orlando in April and a planned Browncoat Ball for October 2005 (and don't miss Dragon*Con in Atlanta next year!)

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Monday, September 20, 2004 5:26 AM


How old are you? 43 next month

Male or female? F

Single or taken? Married

Location? Clearwater, FL

When did you start watching Firefly?
after Astriana and her hubby bought us the DVDs this spring as an anniversary present...HAD to watch it then ...won us over immediately!

Who are two of your favorite characters?
Jayne, and Book

What are two of your favorite episodes? Jaynestown and Ariel

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?
Mal & Inara, Book & everyone else on the ship....he's a slightly different person to each of them. I think that shows his varied and mysterious past in how he changes, almost chameleon-like, to the person and situation.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? In fairness to the Mighty Whedon, I've been attempting to catch some eps lately...I think I need to go back to the beginning on DVD and watch them to have any clue as to what's going on and why...I seem to catch them late in the series, and I'm a bit lost. (although I did catch the ep where Buffy goes off to college the other day, and that was kinda cool).

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?
I haven't seen much B & A, but Firefly seems more mature and hard edged, which works for me.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
We gotta choose???

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Monday, September 20, 2004 6:24 AM


Male or female?: Male

Single or taken?: Single

Location?: Scotland

When did you start watching Firefly?:
This month. Curiousity got the better of me. I thought that Sci-fi/fantasy's dying a slow, reality tv induced death until i saw this show. There's nothing like it.

Who are two of your favorite characters?:
Jayne and Kaylee.

What are two of your favorite episodes?:
Jaynestown & Out of Gas.

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?:
Simon & River. It's an interesting relationship. Although I like Book's relationship with the crew. He's a mysterious guy.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?: Yes. Both.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?:
It's as good as Buffy and Angel. Although it has an unusual (but good) quality that makes it stand out more from those shows.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Do I have to choose? Can I choose a trilogy of Firefly movies and a few more seasons of the show on tv??


Saturday, October 2, 2004 12:29 PM


Okay, I know I'm a little late on this thread, but I wanted to participate.

Male or female?: female

Single or taken?: Single

Location?: Upstate New York

When did you start watching Firefly?:
May 2004. I watched the "Train Job" when it aired on fox, but after that I was unable to catch any of the other episodes. So in may, when I was stuck on compus by myself after finals week, I bought the DVDs so I could see what I missed. I was instantly attached.

Who are two of your favorite characters?:
I have to pick? Kaylee and River

What are two of your favorite episodes?:
Objects in Space and Jaynestown

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise?:
Simon and Kaylee. Seeing the two of them try to make a go of it, it makes me want to cry.

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well?: Yessir

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)?:
It's different. It's better than Angel, I think, because a lot of the time, I think, Angel was lacking something . . . Buffy was an amazing show, too. Firefly is just . . . different. Just as good, in no way inferior to Buffy. I love them both.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV?
Rar! I would prefer a movie and then a few seasons of the show. You can do so much more in a tv series format, focussing on different people each week, instead of highlighting one or two people and letting others fall to the wayside in a movie. (Kaylee and Simon had better kiss in this movie!!!)


Saturday, October 2, 2004 8:22 PM


How old are you? 24

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Single

Location? Seattle, WA

When did you start watching Firefly? I saw about half the episodes when they aired on tv and bought the dvds as soon as they were released.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Kaylee & Zoe

What are two of your favorite episodes? "Out of Gas" and "Objects In Space."

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal & Serenity

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yes, indeed.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? I think it's better, though I think the fact that Buffy and Angel were on the air for so much longer (thereby having more chances to make mistakes) contributes somewhat to that.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? I would definitely prefer one movie and more seasons of the show, though I doubt that will happen.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:19 AM


How old are you? 37

Male or female? Male

Single or taken? Married, with child
Location? So Cal

When did you start watching Firefly? A few months ago, I didn't get a chance to watch it when it aired, but recently downloaded the episodes.

Who are two of your favorite characters? Mal & River

What are two of your favorite episodes? Ariel & War Stories

What's your favorite relationship in the series, romantic or otherwise? Mal & Zoe

Do you watch Angel or Buffy as well? Yes.

Do you think Firefly is as good or better than Joss's previous works (Buffy and Angel)? Initially Firefly is better, but if it had a longer run, who knows.

Would you prefer a trilogy of Firefly movies or one movie and a few more seasons of the show on TV? The one movie, and go back to a series. More can be told in a series than a movie. Plus you don't have to wait as long to see a new episode.






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