UPDATED: Thursday, October 21, 2004 18:42
VIEWED: 16568
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Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:21 PM


But for those just coming in, if you view any thread at all today, make sure you scroll down VERY SLOWLY and if you see the name Troll12321 pop up DON'T SCROLL ANY FURTHER! I've done this by accident 2x, and you don't want to see what this person has a photo of.

Sig Rebel


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:34 PM


bump....and the hundan seems to be hiding behind idea he was doing it to show us what crappy security we have....actually posted words when i said i wouldn't mind site going down while Haken hopefully fixes it

The Strawberry Monkey who defends tight pants everywhere!


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:38 PM


And don't click on any images in the blue sun room. Once they finish loading, it pops up that disgusting image.

Hey hackers!



Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:40 PM


actually just about everything does. Idiot obviously has way too much time on his hands and no life as well as no respect for the time people put into their own works.

BTW, he has found a way to post the image directly to the comments in blue sun room fics so that the code guildsister has to prevent the site from popping up isn't a cure all

The Strawberry Monkey who defends tight pants everywhere!


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:42 PM


EDIT:Removed Data that was here.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:47 PM


You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)

Why would you even do this? What purpose does it serve?



Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:49 PM


I still don't understand what it is you are trying to prove by using that picture...or by doing it at all. If you felt the security needed to be upgraded wouldn't an email to the administrator of this site or a thread to that effect have been the more mature way to make your views known?

So, to me, you are still no better than someone that hacks sites with malicious intent because you chose to use the crudest, most harmful way of making your point known.

The Old Broad Monkey


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:54 PM


What is the picture of?


Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:02 PM


I just decided to do it, nothing more, nothing less.
Well I am out.
later All.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:03 PM


It involves a bodily function, and is really not something most folks want to see conseidering as this board is USED BY KIDS!

I hope this twerp gets nailed to the wall.

Does Blue Sun sponser the Blue Man Group?


Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:42 PM


You know, I never got a real good look at that picture (still don't even know what exactly it was) and I'm glad I chose to look away when I did - I don't think I want that image burned into my brain.

Thank God I didn't look at this thread earlier and that photo is gone from it now. Maybe things will get back to normal here soon.

Sig Rebel


Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:51 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:
You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)

You're my HERO!!!

Please make sure some serious hurt is done to this toad.

Scare him 'till he does what was shown in that charming picture he shared.



Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:25 PM


Just as long as he doesn't post a pic of THAT, 11thhour. . . .

I did see the image, in full detail, and I hope to goddess that doesn't get stuck in my head for too long. . . .

And as far as my thoughts on the troll, I shall express them through art:

"Ten percent of nothin', well, let's see, that's nothin' add nothin', carry the nothin'. . . ."


Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:25 PM


sorry. . . computer tried to post my beautiful tableau twice. . . .


Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:36 PM


All I can say is I picked the WRONG DAMN DAY to come back to these forums.

Jesus, I leave for two months and look what happens.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:48 PM



Originally posted by SerenitysRiver:
Just as long as he doesn't post a pic of THAT, 11thhour. . . .

Ick... ya got that right. Actually, I'd just rather see his mug shot, full front and profile... complete with sloping forehead.


I did see the image, in full detail, and I hope to goddess that doesn't get stuck in my head for too long. . . .

Yeah, it was powerful repulsive... kinda burns itself into the brain cells real fast like a corrosive acid. The trick is to look away before hysterical blindness ensues...

Just start thinking about things you really like, fill your mind with beautiful, happy images. Like lines around the block for Serenity... our shiny crew laughing and having dinner at the big table... Mal, nekkid... River dancing... Kaylee laughing... Jayne's rowdy playfulness... Mal, nekkid... Book's smooth deep voice... Inara's sultry lovliness... Mal, nekkid... Wash's hi-larious humor... Zoe's dangerous beauty... Simon's youthful handsomeness... Mal, nekkid...


And as far as my thoughts on the troll, I shall express them through art:

You have expressed yourself most eloquently.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:52 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:
You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)

If your cop friend has connections at Sprint, let us know. Haken traced the IP address and it's a Sprint dial-up account.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:55 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:
You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)


I was wonderin' when this would show up. I know it can be done and I'd like to see people do it more often :evilgrin:

Good job Haken & Co.



Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:56 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by gojiro:
You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)

You're my HERO!!! -11thHour

I agree this nasty destructive person should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This ridiculous excuse about security doesn't stand up to logic...the extremely offensive anti-social behavior should lead to fines and a police record.

I believe in freedom of speech, and I have always loved how Haken has allowed the browncoats so much latitude in posting pictures and stories, but for someone to come in here to try to damage this wonderful site and hurt this community is inexcusable, and is not a protected right, no matter how you look at it.

So I really want to thank you to Haken and everyone here who has worked hard (obviously) to clean up the board.


edited to add: BTW if you find out who David Casey is and where he lives...let us know, please, post it on the board. I think we would all like to tell his parents and teachers about his activities....


Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:32 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:

Hey hackers!

1) Hackers don't do childish things. See for the actual definition. You might note that the definition that you imply is true has been deprecated.

2) Besides posting a pic that wasn't exactly nice, what did (s)he do?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:48 PM


ASS = Aggresive Sick Spammer

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:52 PM



Originally posted by embers:
I agree this nasty destructive person should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This ridiculous excuse about security doesn't stand up to logic...the extremely offensive anti-social behavior should lead to fines and a police record.


And yes, the "security" excuse only works if one is as limited in mental capacity as that trog is.

We must make sure the bad guys don't win.


I believe in freedom of speech, and I have always loved how Haken has allowed the browncoats so much latitude in posting pictures and stories, but for someone to come in here to try to damage this wonderful site and hurt this community is inexcusable, and is not a protected right, no matter how you look at it.

Very well said.


So I really want to thank you to Haken and everyone here who has worked hard (obviously) to clean up the board.

I am so impressed by those who dove in and put in the effort to counteract the trog's redirect code. Says a lot about the integrity of the folks here.



edited to add: BTW if you find out who David Casey is and where he lives...let us know, please, post it on the board. I think we would all like to tell his parents and teachers about his activities....

Yep. A very powerful way to remedy the anti-social behavior is to shine a huge spotlight on the perpetrator. These trolls get emboldened because they are "anonymous" and feel untouchable. Beware of human behavior when they get the idea that there are no repercussions to their misdeeds.

I say, let's repercussion his ass.



Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:59 PM


so, i'm definitely glad i went to see garden state for the second time today and missed this. sounds...nasty and idiotic.

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:02 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

I say, let's repercussion his ass.

that's a HOT line:) it should be used in a cool movie or tv show or

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:10 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

I say, let's repercussion his ass.

**adds to his list of cool lines**


Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:20 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:

ASS = Aggresive Sick Spammer

Well, I definitly agree that this practice is horrible. So, banning is definitly in order if the magnitude was bad enough (which I gather it was by the posts in this thread). In fact, my not writing an email address harvester for my old work is the major reason why I was chosen to be laid off in spite of the fact that I was more senior then others when the company got in finacial trouble.

But, someone will have to tell me how this is illegal. Laws are only enforcable in the region that they exist in and laws against this practice are not universal.

Given that the internet is an anonymous media, how do we know that this person lives in a place that has these laws? How do we know that the IP in the Haken's logs weren't spoofed?

Some have mentioned "hacking". What was actually done as there are very large differences between cracking a site and just putting in some javascript redirector or some such.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:06 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Succatash:

ASS = Aggresive Sick Spammer

But, someone will have to tell me how this is illegal. Laws are only enforcable in the region that they exist in and laws against this practice are not universal.

Given that the internet is an anonymous media, how do we know that this person lives in a place that has these laws? How do we know that the IP in the Haken's logs weren't spoofed?

Some have mentioned "hacking". What was actually done as there are very large differences between cracking a site and just putting in some javascript redirector or some such.

Illegal or no, hacking or no, what he did was inappropriate, gross, and extremely annoying so it's fun to talk about him getting his butt kicked (or something even less fun) in prison and such.

No use trying to make us see reason if ya didn't get a load of that pic (in every gorram thread you looked) for yourself.

Sig Rebel


Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:44 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:
You can be prosecuted and I hope Haken will do it. I doubt your real name is David Casey, but you can be traced. I've already called a friend of mine who specializes in computer forensics, and he's going to take a look and see what he can do. (And yes, he's a cop.)

Whhooohooo!!!!...Let's nail this


Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:08 AM



Originally posted by Neroli:
So, to me, you are still no better than someone that hacks sites with malicious intent because you chose to use the crudest, most harmful way of making your point known.

PLEASE, Sis, DON'T associate ME with this Godforsaken idiot!


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Sunday, October 17, 2004 4:16 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
just putting in some javascript redirector or some such.

I don't know how the laws are written in this regard, I'm guessing pretty broadly because that is what legislators usually do when they are dealing with a new field and they want to allow law enforcement and the courts latitude.

therefore, because:
1. this board was attacked dozens, if not actually a hundred times with this excessively obsene imagine. It was impossible to go to this board without seeing it, it wasn't just fan art and fan fic that led to the redirect, most of the active threads contained it as well. It seemed obvious to me that the purpose, intent was to bring the board down, to force Haken to shut it down. This is an anti-social attack and destruction of private property. It must have used up huge amounts of bandwidith.

2. Haken did not take down the site, he gave up almost his entire Saturday afternoon and evening in order to clean the board. There were many others who put in a lot of work trying to give out information to the fan art & fan fiction writers to tell them how to protect their work from the redirect. Haken and other loyal browncoats did not deserve to have their time and energy stolen like this.

therefore I feel that at the VERY least the instigator must:
1. repay the cost of bandwidth, the cost of Haken's time, as well as punitive damages because the attack was intentional.
2. have a public record for the destructive actions because this kind of anti-social behavior will continue and grow worse if the individual thinks they can get away with it. Besides I really do think that parents, teachers, and employers should know about this destructive behavior.

The only way to accomplish this is by charging him with whatever laws are now on the books.


Sunday, October 17, 2004 4:49 AM


By all means, fry him under the various laws that cover this - there are plenty, and it's technically a felony, perhaps two depending on what provisons of certain online child protection laws apply...

But here's something else to think about, this creeper didn't consider that he was messing with rabid fans of this show...

Main Entry: ra·bid
Pronunciation: 'ra-b&d also 'rA-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin rabidus mad, from rabere
1 a : extremely violent : FURIOUS b : going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion

That's right, Rabid, with a capital R.

And for the next (checks date).. 187 days, we have nothing better to do than hunt him, hassle him, hate at him in whatever fashion our whims could dictate, and there's hundreds of hundreds of us... scary thought, innit ?

Unleash the Reavers!!



Sunday, October 17, 2004 6:39 AM


OMG..... I love this fangroup! We all know what we want!.... it's great.
I feel sorry for anyone who gets us mad again!

This is what going mad must feel like...
... No... this is what going mad must fee like!


Sunday, October 17, 2004 8:09 AM



Originally posted by Malicious:

PLEASE, Sis, DON'T associate ME with this Godforsaken idiot!


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell

My deepest apologies Sis, I was so mad I was not thinking straight.

You know I wubs you!

The Old Broad Monkey


Sunday, October 17, 2004 9:08 AM


(wipes lipstick off of cheek) That's ok. I'll forgive you. Again. As USUAL.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:06 AM


Oops, sorry about that, I thought I washed it all off last night.

And what? Am I going to have to make another Mal wallpaper to make up for the "new" Revue issues? LOL

The Old Broad Monkey


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:08 AM


Well, it wouldn't HURT.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:38 AM


Before one reads my reply here, please understand that in no way do I condon this behavour. Being someone that is knowledgable in technical matters, I'm just trying to bring some perspective.


Originally posted by embers:

I don't know how the laws are written in this regard, I'm guessing pretty broadly because that is what legislators usually do when they are dealing with a new field and they want to allow law enforcement and the courts latitude.

You miss my point. Which country is this person in and what are the laws *there*. It doesn't matter if the US (or that specific state) has laws against this if that person is in the UK. It makes the point moot.


Originally posted by embers:

therefore, because:
1. this board was attacked dozens, if not actually a hundred times with this excessively obsene imagine. It was impossible to go to this board without seeing it, it wasn't just fan art and fan fic that led to the redirect, most of the active threads contained it as well. It seemed obvious to me that the purpose, intent was to bring the board down, to force Haken to shut it down. This is an anti-social attack and destruction of private property. It must have used up huge amounts of bandwidith.

Then what constitues an "attack." To me it is someone trying to gain access to some resource that that person doesn't have access to.

If all this person did was make a post that was a redirector, then (s)he had access to post as it is availible to the public and as such no problem there. The problem was with the *content* of the post which is where banning comes in.

Since the site wasn't brought down in any way, nor anything dammaged (just acouple problematic posts) there wasn't any actual damage.

I think that you are going overboard thinking that this person's goal was to bring down the board. If it was there would've been a DDOS attack or some form of actual attempt at cracking the site. Since I see *.asp in the pages of this site, I would think that it is a windows box and as such, the attacker would have access to *many* exploits to do this. Since, by what you have written, this isn't the case, this must not have been to goal of the "attacker." Perhaps it was a kind of "hackivism" (depending on what that pic was actually of).

And speaking as someone that has (and currently) runs a site, the bandwidth used to upload a pic and some text couldn't have cost more than a few seconds on a wideband connection. So, huge amounts of bandwidth? No.

The only way that the bandwidth *may* have become a problem is if that pic was actually posted on this site (which you haven't stated is the case) and even then pics aren't that big. Since it was only a problem for the better part of *one* day I doubt that alot of bandwidth was used.

Also, I was checking this site out yesterday, and although it was slower than usual, I have had it slower than that on a non-"attacked" day.


Originally posted by embers:

2. Haken did not take down the site, he gave up almost his entire Saturday afternoon and evening in order to clean the board. There were many others who put in a lot of work trying to give out information to the fan art & fan fiction writers to tell them how to protect their work from the redirect. Haken and other loyal browncoats did not deserve to have their time and energy stolen like this.

Welcome to the reality of running a board. Is it fair? No. Is it going to happen again? Yes.

The only way for Haken to minimize the "damage" is to give the power to fix problems to others as well. Most likely by making an admin iterface and giving access to it to trusted members of the site. Quite frankly, with how long this site has been active, this should have been done already.

Another idea would be (if he is indeed running a windows variant) to switch the server OS over to an actually secure one. He could also open the code for some people to look over for a security audit (I'd volenteer to do this but I don't know asp nor any other windows specific technology).

Another problem with finding out who did this is even if Haken finds the IP of the person (and it's not spoofed), there still is the problem of who did it. Perhaps this person is at university and is behind a NAT. There could be 50 or more computers behind the NAT all with multiple users. So, how would you find the person then. Even *if* it got narrowed down to one computer, how would you know who was at the terminal?

Basically, the internet was created with the mentality that everyone would behave (which is quite naive). Everything has security flaws in them and those that don't play well with others will take advantage of them.

This is an arms race and we (the good guys) have taken an reflexive role. The only thing we can do is to react to the next threat as we don't know what it'll be.

Beyond that, consistent auditing of code and policies are the only way to minimize the chance of things happening and even then, all that is accomplished, is that we make it more difficult for that attacker to accomplish his/her goal.

The only question is, have we made it difficult enough for them to give up before they've found a way in. Because there is *always* a way in.

So, let's all suck it up and move on. Bitching about this is a waste of time and energy. Let the negative thoughts go away and let them be replaced by the previous happy ones that are Firefly. Because if this person's goal is to create a shit-storm (which is quite likely), then this thread is his/her success. Don't let him/her win.

Let Haken (because he is the only one that can) bear the responsibility to solve the problem. The only thing that we can do is tell him that we support him and thank him for the site.

So Haken, thank you and keep up the good work. We appreciate it

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yes I certainly appreciate the hard work!

But to those who responded so vehmently, IMHO the best way to deal with such posts if you are not the admin/ webmaster is to IGNORE THEM. The person who posted that pic is just trying to yank our chain, and (s)he LOVES the outrage. So, this will be my only post on the topic.


Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:22 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
Yeah, it was powerful repulsive... kinda burns itself into the brain cells real fast like a corrosive acid. The trick is to look away before hysterical blindness ensues...

I have a sneaking, horrible suspicion that this image of which you speak is called 'Tubgirl'?


Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:28 PM


It was indeed tubgirl. :shudder:

And Signym, the jerk made it impossible to ignore. It popped up no matter what you clicked -- blogs, images, posts. Otherwise, I agree with you: ignore 'em.



Sunday, October 17, 2004 2:23 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:
It was indeed tubgirl. :shudder:

And Signym, the jerk made it impossible to ignore. It popped up no matter what you clicked -- blogs, images, posts. Otherwise, I agree with you: ignore 'em.


Yeesh. I remember that one; I first found it by mistake when I clicked on a link for an anti- Harry Potter site... At first I didn't even think that it was real; I looked at it and thought that it was a blow-up doll filled with... stuff.Why would someone degrade themselves like that? I mean, the woman who's doing that to herself... well, let's just say that when parents teach their two-year-olds to NOT make a mess on themselves, they do it for a reason. Can anyone else understand the mentality involved?

Furthermore, can Haken track this guy down and permanently bar him from the site? Why is the troll doing this to us?


Sunday, October 17, 2004 3:35 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Geez, off the board for one day and all of my Browncoat friends have a troll run amok on the board.

Luckily I missed a very sick picture posted by this piece of go se from the sounds of it.

Keep flyin' Browncoats.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:10 PM


I too am glad that I missed yesterday (I'm kind of glad I had to work and got to miss this stuff).

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Haken for fixing everything and for running the site in general. You rock!!

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Sunday, October 17, 2004 5:50 PM


As another person who missed the troll yesterday I'd also like to add my thanks to Haken and all those who were working to put out the spot fires.

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Sunday, October 17, 2004 6:42 PM


I disagree.

I am on the FIFTH forum of another, unrelated topic, because of that stupid, idiotic "ignore it" and "suck it up and move on" crap...

Ignoring it encourages them to try even harder, you don't believe that, go find a forum in the midst of self-destruction that way, there's plenty, it's the primary cause of a forums destruction, period.

First - you secure your site as far as humanly possible, and ban them in any fashion possible.

Second - you contact their ISP, and if they refuse to cooperate, you file against them in court.

More often than not, the ISP itself will kick them off, and if they continue to push it, then it becomes criminal harrassment and they CAN be grilled for it - there's no excuse for this behavior, and even less for failing to stand up to it.

I've seen no less than five forums come apart at the seams because people "let it slide" - don't, it's a dire mistake and encourages recidivism.



Sunday, October 17, 2004 7:19 PM


11th.... your list of joyous imagery my heart. I was tryin' for a more articulate way of beautifyin' my speech....but it just ain't coming. I think I need sleep.....

I shall sleep with happy Firefly images to replace the....well....other unmentionable one.

"Ten percent of nothin', well, let's see, that's nothin' add nothin', carry the nothin'. . . ."


Sunday, October 17, 2004 7:24 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

First - you secure your site as far as humanly possible, and ban them in any fashion possible.

As I have mentioned.


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Second - you contact their ISP, and if they refuse to cooperate, you file against them in court.

Unfortunately you must provide proof that a person with there ISP is responsible. They will *not* kick the person for one infraction. The only thing that this would do is start a paper trail (which is nessesary to do).

But then again there are spoofed IP's, etc. Read my above posts for more problems. After all, you have to find out who there ISP is before you can do anything about it.

Even then the "attacker" could claim that you got into an argument with them, found there IP and forged a log to make it look like they were responsible. It's hard to do anything against these people as the medium in which this happens favours them.

Basically, the only thing that can be done, is your first mentioned point, which I mentioned above.

Welcome to the real virtual world.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Sunday, October 17, 2004 9:31 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Okay, so I hate trolls and trogs and all-around jerks who waste so much (time, energy, and most of all their misguided talent) as bad as the next person.

HOWEVER...there is one positive side to all this.

Not only has this community gotten to be so large (woo!) that it attracts the attention of those-who-freebase-CheezWiz, it has also proven how strong a community this is.

I am proud so many have reacted so quickly, dilligently, and with self-sacrifice (Go Haken!) to prove to this piece of go se, its kind will not be tolerated here, irregardless of where its withering sorry hide calls home.

This is our "Serenity" and we ain't leavin'.


Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed by me!)
T-shirts and posters for sale


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:53 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I've seen no less than five forums come apart at the seams because people "let it slide" - don't, it's a dire mistake and encourages recidivism.


I agree.

Whatever is in our power to take action against this individual, we should pursue it.

That trog intentionally caused the normal use of this site to cease. "It" inserted code that caused an aggressively gross image to pop up, without warning, which was HIGHLY disturbing and obscene.

People need to do whatever can be done to find these kinds of perpetrators... those angry, loser, cowardly trogs who can't generate enough cognitive energy to use their keystrokes for something useful. To just put up one's hands and exclaim, "Well there's nothing you can do... that's the way it is... " IS passively assisting the anti-social behavior.

Tighten up the site security, fine... but also do what can be done to track that trog down. What "it" did was inexcusable and caused a great deal of upset to the folks here. In fact, it even upset people from other sites because I had posted a link to one of my wallpapers on another board. Some really nice friends of mine were assaulted with that perverted image.

That's the kind of thing you don't just let slide.



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:58 PM



Originally posted by SerenitysRiver:
11th.... your list of joyous imagery my heart. I was tryin' for a more articulate way of beautifyin' my speech....but it just ain't coming. I think I need sleep.....

I shall sleep with happy Firefly images to replace the....well....other unmentionable one.

Glad the new imagery helped.

I'm working on my own "redirect code". Anytime the other "unmentionable one" pops into my brain, I have backup "wallpaper" that appears and wipes the other away.

Gonna "refresh" to some shiny Serenity imagery... mmmmm...



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."






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Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts