Guerilla Marketing Brainstorming Thread!

UPDATED: Thursday, March 15, 2007 07:38
VIEWED: 25059
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Monday, September 18, 2006 10:50 AM


You wouldn't have to be female to participate if you wanted to. If you've been attending 'Cons for a while and following SF for a while, then you are aware of the shift in the male/female ratio (in particular for Firefly)and another voice would be gratefully appreciated. Lead time for print work is woefully long and will miss the major anniversary dates but is still something I'm going to explore. It is too good an idea for me to dismiss, if, and this is a big if, I can get enough people to interview

"It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable." The Postman


Monday, September 18, 2006 8:16 PM


Variety magazine is a movie industry magazine...


Monday, September 18, 2006 8:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I appears our guerilla marketing paid off today, with the Firefly Marathon on SciFi. Not all episodes, with censorship of such bad words as "crotch". I'd didn't check to see if the nudity was included in the 8am-6pm EST broadcast. Who watches at that time of day, retirees in old folks homes?


Originally posted by bad2verse:

Originally posted by piratenews:

Do you happen to know Paul Topete With PokerFace (, or for their political site)?

I've not met him yet,, but we correspond by email and snail mail. I'm working on a video feature presentation using his music, starting with "Freedom". The holdup is my video camerawork on this particular project, which requires EXTREME skill riding a motorcycle as the cameras mount and target for a second bike with 3 cameras. Since I'm disabled, it's very hard for me to ride a bike at that level of endurance, even tho I've ridden for 35 years, and drove race cars in Europe against the top-paid superstar racers on TV today.

Otherwise, I'll just do the usualy music videos for Poker Face, about the Illuminati, NWO, etc. I'm currently broadcasting 24 episodes from the American Scholars Symposium, where I'll use some Poker Face music videos.

Have you seen them in concert? I'd like to get some video of that.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:17 PM


Looking for an assist from anyone on this. It seems that one of the things that separates Browncoats from other groups is the emphasis on charitable doings. It has been pointed out on another Firefly board that this is common in other SF fan groups but I can't find it. Urgh!!!!
Does anyone else know where I can find this?

"It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable." The Postman


Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:34 AM


well i just googled charity and fandom (and charity and star trek) and found someexamples.

check this page out§ion=intro

These are all examples of charity work. In terms of actual news articles well thats a bit more difficult. I know in the movie trekkies, they talked about how people do charity drives(even the klingons!). One of the organizers of the serenity screening in mtl, also helped organized charity screenings for Star wars (and Lord of the rings too I think) with proceeds going to charity.

As much as people make fun of Sci Fi geeks, we do participate in alot of good work too, browncoats and others.

I think what may be unique to the browncoats is the unified charity effort for the Can't Stop The Serenity Screenings around June 23rd, where fans in 47 cities held screenings. This was months after the release in theatres of the movie, and months after the DVD release, and yet as a collective we were able to donate a good amount to Equality Now. And this is not including any persoal donations made by fans to the organization and by the advertising raising awareness of the organization. You can go to and do search for equality now for posts by Joss etc about how much that organization means to him).



Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:18 AM


thank you so very much. This helps enormously. Maybe a second article on SF fans and charity? I'd still like the first article to focus on Browncoats but that is just me - and hopefully everyone else on this board, but a second article on fans and charitable doings looks like another piece down the road.

"It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable." The Postman


Sunday, November 26, 2006 3:02 AM


After reading this thread (yes, I read all of it, and yes, it took a while but it was worth it ), I just had to add my two cents.

1 Cent: For any who wonder if the occasional FF re-run marathons on SciFi actually manage to reach anyone despite them starting at an un-godly 6:00am, they do. They reached me and my roommate and hooked us both into buying FF. And Serenity. And the FF Companion. And the comic books... 'Nuff said? Thought all you tried and true Browncoats might like to know you are succeeding, one night-owl at a time - or in this case a pair of night-owls.

2 Cents: Now that I've been officially hooked and buying as much merchandise/CDs/DVDs/etc., as I can get, I've also been doing my part to attract new followers in my own little way. Believe it or not, I've found that having an FF or Serenity themed background on my computer at the office is a great ice-breaker (Client: "Wow! Who is that??? - Me: "That's Inara Serra. My newest obsession from this gem of a TV show I discovered. Firefly." - Client: "Firefly? I don't think I've heard of it. Is it any good" Me: =Insert babbling ecstasy here=). Of course, not everyone can have their own personalized backgrounds at work, but I can and I've been able to spread the signal more than once that way. Subtle, true, but I imagine every little bit counts. I'm also using my car as a mobile advertisement for the show. Again, subtle, but again, it does work to get people talking, which gets them to renting, which (hopefully) gets them to buying...etc.

There, my two cents. I'll go back to my hiding place now.

"If I choose a woman, she tends to be extraordinary in some way."


Sunday, November 26, 2006 5:52 AM



We all bring different skills to our interest to our love of Firefly and what I'd like to try is a spec article on the show, the fanbase, for a woman's general service magazine.
This would involve interviews with fans, creators, my personal experience, and more to the point, the outcome of the involvement with the series. Many science fiction stories appeal enough to fans to have them show up in costume at 'Cons. What is unique about the fan base for Firefly is the outgrowth of initial interest in the series as a jumping off point for additional creative acts that include almost equal male and female participation. This is a far cry from my first Star Trek 'Con experience where I was the oddity, a woman (girl at the time) interested in science fiction.
Rather than wallow in a cancelled show, Firefly has provided people (of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sex, etc) a jumping off place to create and seek additional information. Which one of us hasn't made a costume, learned some Mandarin, create fan fiction, become involved in charity, design websites, create Done the Impossible DVD, and clubs?
Firefly was more than an interesting concept that included great writing and pretty actors. growth of the characters. What other series could include a mercenary like Jayne - dangerous to all, casually without comment, brushing the hair of one of the working girls in HoG without any diminishment of his 'bad to the bone' persona?
I cannot guarantee that I can get it published in a wide circulation publication but it certainly seems worth the effort.
Can I stir any interest here, with possible interviews and use of pictures?

How's this coming? Remember, I said I'd like to participate in the article!

email me at sregonin at (regular mail is a little wonky right now) for updates.


"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:29 AM



Originally posted by BrowncoatCompanion:
After reading this thread (yes, I read all of it, and yes, it took a while but it was worth it ), I just had to add my two cents.

1 Cent: For any who wonder if the occasional FF re-run marathons on SciFi actually manage to reach anyone despite them starting at an un-godly 6:00am, they do. They reached me and my roommate and hooked us both into buying FF. And Serenity. And the FF Companion. And the comic books... 'Nuff said? Thought all you tried and true Browncoats might like to know you are succeeding, one night-owl at a time - or in this case a pair of night-owls.

Thanks so much for posting and letting us know that those Firefly electrons beaming around in the small hours of the morn reached out and touched you and your roommate.

We loves us our Firefly marathons, but showing them during the graveyard shift? Not so much.... Ah well, it's still good to have Firefly on the air, whenever. And each new fan is another voice added to help spread the word.


2 Cents: Now that I've been officially hooked and buying as much merchandise/CDs/DVDs/etc., as I can get, I've also been doing my part to attract new followers in my own little way. Believe it or not, I've found that having an FF or Serenity themed background on my computer at the office is a great ice-breaker (Client: "Wow! Who is that??? - Me: "That's Inara Serra. My newest obsession from this gem of a TV show I discovered. Firefly." - Client: "Firefly? I don't think I've heard of it. Is it any good" Me: =Insert babbling ecstasy here=). Of course, not everyone can have their own personalized backgrounds at work, but I can and I've been able to spread the signal more than once that way. Subtle, true, but I imagine every little bit counts. I'm also using my car as a mobile advertisement for the show. Again, subtle, but again, it does work to get people talking, which gets them to renting, which (hopefully) gets them to buying...etc.

Glad to see that you're diving right into the guerilla marketing thing so quickly. If you're interested, there's a whole collection of posters/flyers/mini-posters you can use to help promote Firefly/Serenity on my website (link in my signature line).

And since you've already demonstrated outstanding tenacity and nerve by reading through this particular thread, which took some highly surreal turns a few times, then reading all the guerilla marketing ideas on my site will be a piece of molded protein based cake.


There, my two cents. I'll go back to my hiding place now.

Now... now... we'll hear none of that hiding stuff now. Lurking is fine sometimes, but by all means jump into some threads and get to know the folks, and let them get to know you. Discuss things about Firefly, and don't feel shy cuz you're new. Folks who've been around a while enjoy reliving the fun and excitement of discovering Firefly. You can get lots of different perspectives from fans who have been around for different amounts of time. There are also other cool message boards around, so have a looksee. There's some links at the base of my guerilla marketing website. Explore!


11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:


Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:19 PM


Hey Sue:

I tried emailing you with no success so I'll just post here.

After a bunch of changes in focus on the article I finally sent it off and I'm currently waiting on a response.

How'd the survey go?


"It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable." The Postman


Monday, November 27, 2006 3:10 AM


My husband and I are hooked!

Someone lent us the series, we bought our own copy, and now lend it out to friends to get them into Firefly.

So we are trying to do our part - although in a small way!

Why with all the other crap that is on television today, did this quality series get the can???????


Monday, November 27, 2006 4:08 AM


glad to have you on board!!!!!
Have y'all seen the movie Serenity yet?
I've a spare copy I can lend to you if you

Life gets weird when you become a 'Browncoat' and you find yourself doing stuff like this.

Just let me know...

"It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable." The Postman


Monday, November 27, 2006 7:53 AM


Thanks, but I forgot to mention we have Serenity as well. We like everyone to get hooked on the series first, then the movie makes more sense.


Monday, November 27, 2006 5:16 PM


This is my first time to the FFF and I have been spending some time reading around on the forums and trying to brainstorm myself. I haven't seen this idea so i'm sorry if its been said already. But it hit me while just searching some of the features of the site.
While looking at the poll, how much would you pay every year to keep Firefly showing. A majority said $100 or more. So why don't we live that. Start now. A company needs to see that Firefly is a success.

What if People went out and bought, the movie or the series in the amount they said they would spend in a year to help, and give it as a gift/gifts to friends. If it would take one copy then so be it, if it would be 10 then so be it.

1.) you boost revenues of the show/movie
2.) Give people a great gift
3.) Potentially expand the fan base.

It doesn't have to be all at once, it doesn't have to be the full amount. As much as word of mouth works, why not give people no excuse not to see it.


Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:37 PM


Huh. I didn't see a thing from you at all, Christine!

The survey went pretty well, at least I know what needs to be changed to make it work better for me in the future, but, yeah, got some good initial data, hoping to add to it at Flan (or what ever we'll be doing out there), and do some interviews as well. I got the go ahead on a chapter about Browncoat fandom I'm writing for a Whedonverse fandom reader, so I want to talk to LOTS of people soon!

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:36 PM


I tried posting this thru the comment section but for some reason it didnt look like it went thru, so here it is on the open board...

Hello Bad 2 Verse

Just caught this post
"Do you happen to know Paul Topete With PokerFace (, or for their political site)?"

Lately we have just been really busy buying our own studio gear, learning how to make it all work well together. In theory everything works nice, but the reality is something different. We are also tracking 24 new tunes. The first 12 will be called PEACE OR WAR and should be out this summer 07. The next 12 will come out shortly there after as #6 TBA.

You can always reach us at
MainMusic site:
Political Forum Board
and our MySpace page:

best way to keep in touch with us is thru email. We do not come here often to this site. Also if you want to be on our 0-4 emails a month PF newsletter, shoot me an email address to be added to it.
paul from poker face


Originally posted by bad2verse:

Originally posted by piratenews:

I get up to 16,000 vistors per day on my 40+ websites. Plus my TV show reaches 110,000 TV sets. Plus my videos are broadcast on internet to untold 100,000s by Google, Indymedia, MySpace and

Do you happen to know Paul Topete With PokerFace (, or for their political site)?

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?

poker face - writing the sound track to Americas 2nd American Revolution we all know is coming because of the criminality coming out of DC


Friday, February 16, 2007 11:09 AM


Ok so we find someone indescrete and get them to apply for a job a scifi or anyother channel that might air firefly - then they give us all the computer access codes and bingo were in.

but seriously

I was just wondering - have any of the stars from firefly and serenity made calls to scifi or other television channels regarding picking up firefly - i have been trying to find out but have had no luck. I know most if not all of the stars want firefly back. I would think that a television star's opinion would get more nocticed more than 10 000 anonymous dedicated fans. And the press love it when a celebrity begins to take action.

Of coarse i could just be crazyer than usual. I have been trying to find contanct information for the actors/actreses that were involved to ask but they try preety hard for their info to stay hid (i dont blame them). Anyway this is just my idea - it might not be very good but i'm trying.


Friday, February 16, 2007 11:34 AM


Not a bad idea at all Ghoulfish! All ideas are welcome and appreciated.

I just wish it were possible. *sigh*

When Firefly ended Joss himself shopped the show all over Hollywood to all the tv networks including Sci-Fi I'd wager and he didn't have any luck. Not sure if they didn't listen to Joss, that they'd listen to Nathan or Summer better...
'Bout the most the stars of the show can do is work and become more well known.

What we can do is make more Browncoats... recruit and convert in any way that you can. Check out all the threads here on the guerilla marketing forum and join in some of the ideas. Join a local Browncoat group and help sponsor a charity screening on June 23rd. That'll draw public interest in what BC's are doing. Plus it's doing good at the same time.

Join the 76th and March at DragonCon.. the more BC's that march the more attention we'll get. More attention we get and the more there are of us, the more Universal will think there's an audience to sell more FF/S to.

Buy FF/S swag. Shirts, and action figures and books and DVD's....the more they see sell, the more they will see a continuing market in us.
Might just make a movie to sell to us too.

It's all about numbers. The number of us and the number of dollars they can see in us. That's our ticket to more.

Go to for more info!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan crew!

When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at Someone think of a name and we'll start a crew over there!


Friday, February 16, 2007 11:57 AM


I wish i could come march at DragonCons and other conventions but up in Canada they dont have quite as many (as in almost none)conventions where we can show our support for firefly. I guess all my efforts will be done in front of the computer screen.

Cant stop the signal


Friday, February 16, 2007 11:57 AM


Double post


Friday, February 16, 2007 6:06 PM



Thank You 11th hour for all of your hard work!!


Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:06 AM


Ive got a new idea to create a bit more interest in firefly. Firefly bookmarks, if you go to the 11th hour site with those shiny black and whith posters there are strips of previews for them. If you print a couple off you can easily slip them into scifi library books. Maybe even write visit for more details on the back.

The book marks look preety shiny too


Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:38 AM


Look, I sign the petitions, email the networks, vote, vote, vote, buy i-tunes (don't even have an i-pod), buy the dvd's. Screw it. Let's tell Josh to set up a gorram non profit and I'll donate $15 month (or more) for the first year. Nothing gets up then fine , give the money to homeless weasels.

What the f---- is his email.

Sign the petition or fadehttp:// Captain B






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