Organise the revolution-for all FF fans

UPDATED: Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:26
VIEWED: 39130
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Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:25 PM


I've read quite a few posts about the futility of trying to get Fox or another network to resurrect the series. All I can say is sad.

While there have been many serious and praiseworthy attempts at this, nothing has met with any success to date. Too many of us are content to piss and moan in our apathy and settle for another defeat from 'the man' or coporate imbeciles who feel qualified to make choices for us.

I think (and maybe in my ignorance) that what's needed here is a catalyst of some nature to organise a credible and effective campaign.

Underdogs that we are, seriously, so what if we meet with defeat. Again and again. It's far better than wallowing in self pity.

Ireland didn't win it's freedom (and still hasnt totally) in one battle.

It took years of efforts by the fans of Star Trek until we saw vindication.

For starters networks dont listen to fans...they listen to advertisers. Money talks.

If there are enough people interested here and over at other forums then... I wonder how serious Fox would be after hearing from several of it's large advertisers that there are thousands of fans willing to boycott Fox's advertisers to get our point across.

And if fans are organised enough. What would happen if in guerilla type fashion a one month period was used to not buy any product from said advertisers? How quickly do you think they would let the network know? I've worked in communications for a fortune 100 company and I can tell you from personal experience how sensitive those companies are to public opinion.

The keyword here is to organise. And one place it can start is right here. So the real question is how do we start? It will take time. It will take logistics. It will take building a group of people from all talents, which should be here and readily available, unless cynicism has prevailed. If the show is worth it, than it's worth winning, but it's also worth defeat. But at least we can make a noise that will cause a few to tremble.

I have some thoughts, but more importantly I also have some ammunition. As in the contact info for all the major advertisers on Fox. If this post get's enough of a reply or comment...then...let's take the next step and initially figure out a way to use what we have and logically plan out the attack.

Or. We can always sit around and complain.
thanks for listening,

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:31 PM


You want to boycott FOX's advertisers in order to convince FOX to bring Firefly back when Joss once said he would not work with FOX again?


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:35 PM



Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:41 PM


Why not for starters. He said he'd never work with them again. So have a few hundred others. Anything is negotiable. But you miss the point.

Networks do not listen to fans as much as they listen to advertisers.

If not Fox then contribute a better idea for a network. You contact let's say SciFi network...but you also start working the advertisers on that network to add weight to your request.

My point is if there are enough fans out there then there needs to be a focused and intelligent plan. I maybe quixotic but I think this is as good a place to start as any. Rather than sitting around writing posts about how futlie it is or why it cant be done.

So you make a good point. But make another good one. If not Fox than who?

thanks for reading and your comment.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:48 PM


Its not so much a matter of who will do it, wether Sci-fi or FOX. However, what will matter is how vocal we are with our opinions. Im talking internet news coverage and other media interference. Our boycott against FOX wont mean jack if they don't hear about it.

Heck, if we raise enough stink (not riots mind you) we may inform many people to watch the show that they previously never heard about.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:48 PM


So you want to begin the conversation/campaign by picking a hapless network uninvolved in Firefly's cancellation (SciFi) and punishing them by boycotting its advertisers.

Granted, networks listen to their advertisers, but do you think that by STARTING OFF acting in an adversarial way, doing harm to a network that's done us no harm, is going to make a network like SciFi anything other than pissed off at us?


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:59 PM



Originally posted by theonetruebix:
So you want to begin the conversation/campaign by picking a hapless network uninvolved in Firefly's cancellation (SciFi) and punishing them by boycotting its advertisers.

Granted, networks listen to their advertisers, but do you think that by STARTING OFF acting in an adversarial way, doing harm to a network that's done us no harm, is going to make a network like SciFi anything other than pissed off at us?

In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative

Not at all. You don't have to be adversarial with any new network. This is an initial discussion. Right? Not the plan. I was offering another option to the Fox comment you raised.

Personally I think it would be better to get Joss and Fox talking too. But you may have a better idea?


Sunday, May 6, 2007 6:02 PM


Hey all,

I'm just new and I haven't had all the disappointments that you all have but I have worked on some decent sized fund raising campaigns. And I know that acting hostile to anyone who wants to make a change, effectively means change ain't happening. If we want to see Firefly return we can't just shoot down anybody who offers ideas on how to get it back.

You've raised some good objections and they needed to be voiced but lets take a chance and mull around some possible options.

For instance, boycotting the advertisers seems like a problem. What about a Buyday! It might work something like this. We pick an advertiser/company that was supportive of Firefly/Serenity and we set up a date say Aug 21 (which I think is the release day of the Special Ed.) and buy as many Universal products as we can afford. To be effective this would have to be a major campaign. YouTube trailers. Media release encouraging people to buy on that day, etc. We would need a lot of people willing to put their creative juices to work.

I don't necessarily think my idea is THE answer but its an idea. Do you have one?

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Sunday, May 6, 2007 6:09 PM


Brilliant Redhead!

I think mulling around some idea's and getting people involved is exactly what's needed. The whole point is that instead of petioning the networks ONLY, we need to bring the weight of the people they respond to on the line.

I'm just trying to find out if there are enough people willing to try here...then let's mull about together and come up with a credible plan.



Sunday, May 6, 2007 9:06 PM


I'd be more inclined to support a "buy" campaign rather than a "boycott", the advertisers aren't the ones who burned us. Heck, they made it possible and should get something out of it.

There was a Variety add the original Browncoats brought out to thank those involved with the show. I'd imagine the major advertisers would be listed on it.

Some suggestions:
1. Determine the purpose of the campaign. What do we *realistically* expect for an outcome ?
2. We need LOTS of people to participate, not just Browncoats. Package it to appeal to Sci-fi people who want quality shows on TV ?
3. Ask those who've done it before (eg Star Trek, BSG) how they made it happen. A good way to be successful is to copy success.
4. A slogan / music / tune / logo that will be widely accepted - they work in advertising & we'll need to advertise far & wide.
5. Possibly create a website for the campaign.
6. Someone to act as a patron - we'd need a name / face. An astronaut would be shiny.

More later.

Browncoats, are you content to see Firefly in 2nd place or would you rather see it at #1. It won't happen unless you vote.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 10:20 PM


Love It!


Monday, May 7, 2007 12:33 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Some great ideas bouncing around.

Personally I like the idea of a support the advertisers day to start such a campaign then boycotting anyone. A boycott shouldn't be considered as a tool to get something you want as it is seen as aggressive and not in the spirit of cooperation.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Monday, May 7, 2007 12:52 AM


Ireland didn't win it's freedom (and still hasnt totally) in one battle.

And people got murdered for decades. Even without the politics, this is tasteless.


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:07 AM


I love Roy's ideas. Especially #2

Package it to appeal to Sci-fi people who want quality shows on TV ?

Can we get a list of a bunch of websites devoted to Sci-Fi and approach people there? I'm willing to write up some kind of "news release" if there are betas willing to read and make suggestions.

Would other Sci-Fi fans want to support Universal? Is there another company, another day that has significance to the sci-fi fans as a whole?

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:01 AM



Originally posted by PeterG:
Ireland didn't win it's freedom (and still hasnt totally) in one battle.

And people got murdered for decades. Even without the politics, this is tasteless.

Sorry if I offended PeterG. I grew up in Belfast Ireland and next time I go back for a visit I'll try and convey how tasteless it is for them to participate in the politics of struggle.

Don't want to turn this into a general discussion of my offhanded remarks (is there anyone out there that wants to take issue with my grammer or spelling as well?)But I just HAD to respond to that. THAT being said. I think there's alot of good responses here. I've noticed that there are other forums on other sites that are having the same types of discussions.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get everyone on the same page or 'thread' as that may be?


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:27 AM


Just a thought (and I'm getting gun shy about even saying anything without getting shot down here), but there are a few people over at the SciFi forum initially discussing trying to get SciFi network to pick up the show.

Maybe a good place to start is in trying to get a response from some network, either SciFi or USA or such, to see what it would take, and what the hurdles are. I know there was a pretty good campaign that the fans of The Sentinel undertook in 2002. They had gotten favourable response from Chris Regina (SciFi programming director) who went from 'they weren't picking it up' to one month later saying they would after these people kept contacting Regina.

I'm guessing in my tasteless and ignorant fashion (ya, it stings), that if there was anything resembling a poisitve response from some network it may act as a catalyst to get the masses going.

So I guess what I'm asking is how does the majority here feel about contacting SciFi in something resembling force to see if we can get a response? If you're interested I can get the contact info. Maybe Redhead can write the letter that we could get everyone to use?


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:43 AM


I'm in!

Now, What did the Sentinel fans do? Letter writing, Phone calls, Ads????
Can we come up with something innovative?

What I worry about is that I don't think Fox will just let the Firefly contract go. Some of the long term fans probably know about that. Could one of you fill us in?

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Monday, May 7, 2007 7:15 AM


My two cents...

Joss has said that Firefly is gone, that even if there is another series, it won't be Firefly, and I agree. Especially after the movie, you just can't get that feel back. That being said, I don't think that we need to aim for getting the rights to the tv show (even if Fox TV does have them - anybody know for 100% sure with a credible source?). I say either aim for a sequel (which is actually preferred by the man and cast themselves) or a show that isn't Firefly, but is in the Firefly 'verse - just getting a network (preferably Sci-Fi, but only if they did it Joss's way. I've seen way too many Sci-Fi originals to want to see their take on Firefly. Sure, BSG was great, but that was one out of how many? But I doubt we'd have to worry about that, especially with how picky Joss is) to approach Mr. Whedon about any tv show in the 'verse would be a great first step.

Also, while I know that BSG came back, it came back with a different cast and crew, and I think there was a lot of money involved. Our bunch doesn't have a lot of money. So I think it's a great idea to get some advice from Star Trek fans who apparently did the same thing? I don't know this story.


I believe that Redhead asked for beta readers for the letter? I'm somethin' of a grammar and spelling nazi myself (forum posts do not count as evidence!), so if you want me to proofread a letter, let me know.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Monday, May 7, 2007 7:45 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by shameless:
(even if Fox TV does have them - anybody know for 100% sure with a credible source?)

On the 'Done the Impossible' DVD the man himself tells the story of going to Fox Broadcasting when the show was cancelled and asking for the rights back so he could shop them elsewhere.
"They said yes. And I think that's the last time I ever talked to them."
I don't know who has them now. Maybe no one does. My theory (which those who know more about media are free to dispute) is that when the movie rights were optioned by Universal, there was a clause saying that the same 'verse could not appear on the small screen. Contracts have been signed for three movies, and those contracts (according to an interview with Sean Maher on do not run out until September of this year. And those could just be the actors' contracts; there might be longer-term holding of the story itself, which would make a return to the small screen litterally impossible. Yes, Universal owns the Sci-Fi channel, technically, but they are still separate broadcast entities. If the movie contracts state something to the effect of "This story, this universe, and these characters will not appear in any media besides Universal motion picture for ____ years or three movies" then that's not going to change. I don't know if it said that, but I know I heard something about the small screen rights being tied up. Fox Broadcasting don't own them, so I suspect it was a clause in the movie contract.
In short, the push should be to convince Universal that a movie sequel is worth their time.
And implying that no one here has been doing just that since Serenity came out is kind of insulting. I have been a member of this board for about a year, and have talked to very few people here who have not done something to spread the signal. Flyers, bookmarks, aggresive loaning out of the movie and boxset, charity screenings, e-mail and letter campaigns, stuffing every poll we could find, all to get the word out to sci-fi fans that this 'verse exists, and getting the word out to sci-fi producers that we exist. We don't sit in apathy, we have not admitted defeat, and we do not drop our weapons to eat beans.

The reason I stayed away from this thread at first was that I didn't want to snarl at a new and enthusiastic Browncoat; that's self-defeating. However, you're not the only one who is enthusiastic, and I think you should do some research/thinking before you come in and tell us that we're not doing enough when we are and have been doing everything we can, and the army grows every day as the signal spreads.

Dong ma?

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Monday, May 7, 2007 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:
Just a thought (and I'm getting gun shy about even saying anything without getting shot down here)

Don't worry about getting shot down. There's always somebody who'll do that no matter how good your idea is. There's tons of reasons to not even bother with this. You'll hear them all. But, if you have the time and the desire, go for it. It can't hurt. There's nothing to lose. We've already lost it. Everything to gain. Drive on.

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Monday, May 7, 2007 7:54 AM


Hey PhoenixRose, I'm sorry if in our enthusiasm we stepped on toes (apparently hard, too, ouch! Very bad manners on our part and not intended on mine. So very humble bows and much appreciation for your keeping the flame alive. It took a friend 2 years to convince me to watch the shows... So I have an inkling of how much work you all put in to this.)

Having said that, we need your help to point our passion in the right directions. We need to know what can't work (ie maybe no more TV {I have to stop and clear the lump in my throat}) And What can work (ie getting a second movie).

Please understand we just love Firefly so much that we just can't not try...

Help, please.


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:03 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by shameless:
(even if Fox TV does have them - anybody know for 100% sure with a credible source?)

On the 'Done the Impossible' DVD the man himself tells the story of going to Fox Broadcasting when the show was cancelled and asking for the rights back so he could shop them elsewhere.
"They said yes. And I think that's the last time I ever talked to them."
I don't know who has them now. Maybe no one does. My theory (which those who know more about media are free to dispute) is that when the movie rights were optioned by Universal, there was a clause saying that the same 'verse could not appear on the small screen. Contracts have been signed for three movies, and those contracts (according to an interview with Sean Maher on do not run out until September of this year. And those could just be the actors' contracts; there might be longer-term holding of the story itself, which would make a return to the small screen litterally impossible. Yes, Universal owns the Sci-Fi channel, technically, but they are still separate broadcast entities. If the movie contracts state something to the effect of "This story, this universe, and these characters will not appear in any media besides Universal motion picture for ____ years or three movies" then that's not going to change. I don't know if it said that, but I know I heard something about the small screen rights being tied up. Fox Broadcasting don't own them, so I suspect it was a clause in the movie contract.
In short, the push should be to convince Universal that a movie sequel is worth their time.
And implying that no one here has been doing just that since Serenity came out is kind of insulting. I have been a member of this board for about a year, and have talked to very few people here who have not done something to spread the signal. Flyers, bookmarks, aggresive loaning out of the movie and boxset, charity screenings, e-mail and letter campaigns, stuffing every poll we could find, all to get the word out to sci-fi fans that this 'verse exists, and getting the word out to sci-fi producers that we exist. We don't sit in apathy, we have not admitted defeat, and we do not drop our weapons to eat beans.

The reason I stayed away from this thread at first was that I didn't want to snarl at a new and enthusiastic Browncoat; that's self-defeating. However, you're not the only one who is enthusiastic, and I think you should do some research/thinking before you come in and tell us that we're not doing enough when we are and have been doing everything we can, and the army grows every day as the signal spreads.

Dong ma?

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

Phoenix Rose!

I apologise. Seriously. If that's how my initial rant came across it was not intended. I was frustrated with alot of the posts I had read regarding how futile any attempt would be. I neglected to fully praise the work that HAS been done. If it weren't for those efforts we wouldnt even have this forum let alone the experience of longstanding fans.

But we CAN use your input. Thanks for the bit of technical history regarding the rights, etc. I understand that Universal did the movie under Serenity because Fox had rights or there was some legality regrding the use of Firefly? Do you know if that's correct? And do you have any idea's of where we could find a credible source to confirm/deny any of the potential conflict issues?

Thanks! And once again I am sorry to any of the fans I may have offended in my frustration. Without your long standing fight and dedication we wouldn't even be having this discussion.


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:14 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

No no, please understand that your enthusiasm is welcome, appreciated, embraced, snuggled, and any manner of warm fuzzy things. The only thing I resent at all is the implications that older (I don't consider myself a veteran) members of the community are just sitting on their thumbs, like we don't love it, too, like we don't want it back just as badly as you, that we are not working hard enough, that if we would just try harder there would be no question about more Firefly/Serenity/the 'verse. There's a lot of politics to it, there are a lot of reasons not to go forth and make ourselve as obnoxious as possible, which I hope you would see.
So please, be enthusiastic! Just know that you're not the only one, that you are joining a legion of enthusiasm, who will welcome your ideas and tell you which can work and which need to be kept away from. You don't have to rally the troops, we're all rallied, but some new brains in the storming never hurt a thing.
Kay, I hope I made that all clear. Onwards.

Our best opportunity right now comes in the form of the special edition Serenity DVD. That they're putting one out is a hopeful sign, and it gives us some new shiny to buy that will put money in the pockets of the right people. So buy the movie. Tell your friends to buy the movie. If they don't, buy it for them. Put up flyers, slip boomarks into books at the library, donate your old copy of Serenity to the local library, where it will be checked out by hundreds of potential Browncoats, arrange screenings or find one near you and buy a ticket. Say 'shiny' and 'gorramn' until someone asks you what the hell you're on about. Get those DVDs off the shelves! This is the most effective tool we have at our disposal. Money talks.


Originally posted by Anduine:
I understand that Universal did the movie under Serenity because Fox had rights or there was some legality regrding the use of Firefly? Do you know if that's correct? And do you have any idea's of where we could find a credible source to confirm/deny any of the potential conflict issues?

That one I don't know anything about. It's concievable that Fox owns the name Firefly (as well as owning the episodes that were shot under their contract) but I can't confirm or deny that one because I haven't come across anyone official saying there were any conflicts with the name or why. There could be many, many reasons that the name Firefly wasn't used, including something as simple as not wanting to use the same name from different mediums, or something as complicated as a legal snarl. I just don't know. I keep my eyes and ears out for any backstory I can get, so I'll let y'all know if I hear anything about the name issues.
No worries about the frustration. I understand, really. I get frustrated when people say it's all over and there's no point, but really that's quite rare. More often it's a "This is a futile course of action" statement and when that lacks an explination of why, it can rankle too, but it's not saying that any effort is pointless. We definitely have until September to convince them to greenlight Serenity 2, and we might potentially have more than that, so hope is far from lost.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:20 AM


Ok. So. Going for a sequel, then. And honestly, if it's only the actors' contracts that run out and not Universal's rights to the 'verse, that gives me so much more hope.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:25 AM


Phoenixrose and any other long time fans,
Have you checked out the "Open letter... hoping to make a difference somehow." thread. What do you think of the ideas there?
1. chat room Sunday for more ideas
2. posts to Sci-fi mags
3. Bye-buy Day (Goodbye to reality shows, Hello to good stories) exhort fans to purchase 1 company's products on 1 day to show what we can do.

I'm doing most of what you suggest already. I have 1 firefly ready to wrap for a gift and two out on loan and I bring the subject up whenever it wont turn people off.

I just want to do more.

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:40 AM


Thanks for the positive enthusiasm everyone. And thanks Phoenix! Brilliant input and comments.

I've been following and contributing to a thread over at SciFi forum. There's a effort to get a letter writing campaign to Chris Regina Exec Vp of SciFi network. The aim of the idea is to get a FF marathon on the channel this summer, maybe have each episode introduced by a cast member, etc.

The objective is manifold. Firstly getting a marathon. If SciFi does that then use that as a catalyst to get masses watching and responding. If the numbers are good then to keep the push to get SciFi to pick up the series.

If we set up a chat meeting I'll invite some of the serious from there to join in.

I like the idea of getting everyone to buy the new release. Makes perfect sense and is an event to generate more momentum.


Monday, May 7, 2007 9:05 AM



Kind of an interesting thread from last month. But looks like some good people to include.

Also check out this thread over at SciFi's forum. Some of the comments are unrealistic in my mind but some good thoughts.


Monday, May 7, 2007 9:45 AM


I'm always in favour of anything that would help get us a sequel. (I understand a revival of the series in its current form is unlikely).

(Please excuse the lenght of this post)

I would first like to know what our actual resources, and therefore influencing power (meaning fan numbers) might be.
I think the first thing that we have to consider is the reality of how to contact as many as possible firefly fans with whatever strategim is devised. It is not of much use if we devise a plan which involves mass-action if we cannot be sure we can invoke mass-action.

Although it is true that there are a few thousand registered members on this site, I would hazard a guess that only about 100 members are really active. I don't know how many active members can be reached on the sci-fi board, as I haven't spent a lot of time there.

On the 76th Battalion board there are (I think) 120 registered members, (who can be reached via our e-mailed newsletter). A fair number of them are active on this board, so you would probable get some duplication.

When we devised the Vote day back in December 2006, to get support for an organised voting push on the TV vote site, a number of us tried to reach as many as possible firefly fans by posting on different sites, boards, bulletins. We also posted messages on myspace and contacted a few yahoo groups.

We managed to get about 3000 votes (if I'm not mistaken)for the day. That would probably relate to about 600 fans.

These are therefore the number of fans that can easily be included in any strategy devised, as they would most probably be the ones that we could contact.

Would this be enough? I don't know at what volumes any network or advertiser would start sitting up and taking note. I would therefore suggest that we attempt first to create a system whereby we can reach as many as possible fans.

What are the possibilities of asking Haken to make available the e-mail addresses of the thousands of members registered here for a once-off e-mail, calling them to arms? (in a manner of speaking) Would such an e-mail be considered an invasion of privacy and in contravention of the terms of use of this board?

If this is not possible, can we then not start an e-mailing list, building it up for the next few months until we can be sure to reach our thousands of co-fans with our plan. I'm talking now of course of centralising *all* firefly fans into one database. I know that the fans of the show Xena-warrior princess, has an official fan-club of thousands, all reachable via an e-mail newsletter. I have no idea how this is organised, since I'm barely computer literate, and this might even be an impossible, please be gentle

I think that with September looming closer, the time is now ripe for us to harness the power of frustration of every single person who has ever fell in love with the 'verse, and use that power to bring about change. But we need to organise.


Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:06 AM



All I can say is...bleedin brilliant!
That of course seems to be a foundation strategy. Let's see if we can get any answers.

How does one centralise the fans?

For all I know there may not be a way. If there isn't I know from experience that what's needed is an event or focus that can light the fuse.

Say we get only 100 dedicated fans or lets say even only 25. I'm gonna quote some stats from another site:

'Serenity, the movie, received generally positive reviews and opened at number two, taking in $10.1 million its first weekend, spending two weeks in the top ten, and totaling a domestic box office gross of $25.5 million and a foreign box office gross of $13.3 million.[2] Serenity won film of the year awards from Film 2005[3] and FilmFocus.[4] It also won IGN Film's Best Sci-Fi, Best Story and Best Trailer awards and was runner up for the Overall Best Movie.[5] It also won the Nebula Award for Best Script for 2005, the 7th annual 'User Tomato Awards' for best Sci-Fi movie of 2005 at Rotten Tomatoes, the 2006 viewers choice Spacey Award for favorite movie, the 2006 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form[6] and the 2006 Prometheus Special Award.'

So there are millions of unorganised fans out there.

But that doesn't answer your or my question. How do you get them all on the same page?


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:20 AM


Alright, I agree we need to mobilize the fan base.

How do we reach them?

I wish we could do something like buy the email addresses of anybody who purchased firefly/serenity from Amazon. Probably not viable. Does anybody know?

The other ideas I have are Billboards and ads but where and that would entail Money.

How bout the sales list of DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE. The buyers of that would be hardcore fans and the makers should be sympathetic to the cause.

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:22 AM


Here's a scenerio for what it's worth.

Say you have 50 or 100 people flood with email, phone and hardcopy mail, SciFi or someone related to the production (I know Joss doesn't have a fan email) that's high profile.

So you flood them with 100 letters, emails, etc. by asking something SIMPLE. For instance one big question is what are the hurdles to get the series picked up, or another sequel, etc. Not even begin to push towards the final goal. Just something simple that doesnt cost SciFi or Joss Whedon anything to answer.

Now you have a bit of a fuse. I think that a thread that boasted say a letter or contribution by a SciFi VP or Joss or one of the assistant producers may get noticed on fan sites.

Now you got the fuse lit. So say that explosion now reaches only 500 or so (man 600 dedicated fans could do havoc), now your getting numbers to lite bigger fuses.

As it's been pointed out and I've seen there has been a lot of success already with fans from this site and others. We just need another drive to if nothing else keep the fire going.

So we take the 500 and then move on to bigger things keeping the focus. Build as we go. ANd hopefully there may already be an eager infrastructure out there that we will learn to tap in to. This is the simple version of course. It's worked before here and a million other places. It just needs to be done again. And again....


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:37 AM


I found it.. thank god!!! I am here to give my all to the cause.... let me know what to do.

"Fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountian"


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:58 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:
But that doesn't answer your or my question. How do you get them all on the same page?

Anduine, welcome to the 'Verse.

I started a reply to your other thread but ya'll are busy. So I decided to drop in here and post this really quickly and then I'll talk a bit in the other one.

Last year after the movie failed at the box office and before the June 23 Can't Stop the Serenity screenings and before the release of the BDM on DVD and before the anniversary of the BDM's release in theaters, not necessarily in that order, lol... we (meaning 11th Hour, me and a couple of other BC's ) headed up a bunch of folks who did some shiny things to promote the 'Verse.

We laid in place some constants that you're not aware of because frankly right now we're in flux... we're in the middle of a bunch of stuff.

There is in place a group of BC's who belong to the Browncoat Signal Corps , see this website:

who routinely spread the word throughout the 'Verse about what guerilla marketing stuff is being done and also any news of the 'Verse.

So that is already done.

Also, there are plans in place, not implemented yet, for a Big Buy of the BDSE when it comes out.
There are plans in place to be supportive of the Serenity screenings for charity which allows us to do so much good, have so much fun and also get real press for our movie and cause.

There are plans in place to communicate with SciFi regarding Firefly and Serenity.

We've just not begun yet.

As PhoenixRose has intimated above, we're busy, you just caught us in between.


Monday, May 7, 2007 11:19 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:
Do you know if that's correct? And do you have any idea's of where we could find a credible source to confirm/deny any of the potential conflict issues?

I don't believe there is any way for us to know this fact truly, unless one of us here is a studio exec at Universal. They've not spoken up the entire time I've been here so I don't believe so.


Thanks! And once again I am sorry to any of the fans I may have offended in my frustration. Without your long standing fight and dedication we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Actually it's the veteran BC's whom I'm grateful to. They were here and on the OB and they held and were active enough to make a viable audience obvious to Universal.

Those of us who did in any small way anything to promote the 'Verse afterwards are still struggling.

Look under the Guerilla Marketing forum down below the General Discussion forum... peruse back in time some and check out what's been done to see what won't work, what's been done and to see what might still be possible.


Monday, May 7, 2007 12:52 PM



Thanks!!! Have heard about your legendery exploits and am grateful you came with info.

Went to the website and plan on joining the rebellion so to speak.

Give us some more info on future plans. There are obviously a few of us new to the site. For myself I'm thinking or asking what your plans are for SciFi campaign.

I'm guessing that there are enough new volunteers here to help make an impact.

And Wolf. What about the specifics on hosting a general chat this Sunday!


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:09 PM


Some of these ideas are pretty nice - just had one of my own (might not be feasable but what the hell)

I think that the main way to get a fan based mobilized is via star power. Many of the actors/actresses on firefly are still dedicated to it. If we were able to communicate our plan to someone like Nathan maybe we could get them on board.
Not strictly bring to back firefly but maybe a type of firefly day - support the sponsors who made it happen etc. A youtube movie of Nathan or some of the other actors talking about it might be able to access a large amount of fans.

Well just my two cents worth
good luck


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Anduine:
Give us some more info on future plans. There are obviously a few of us new to the site. For myself I'm thinking or asking what your plans are for SciFi campaign.

Anduine, I'll be happy to. I need to consult with TDBrown, as he's the master of ceremonies coughinchargecough and I'd have to get it from him and lay it out for you. I am but a humble soldier in this.

There are some things I am aware of that the entire fandom is doing and I'll start a post this evening in the Guerilla Marketing forum and lay those out.

Then I'll be back tomorrow and lay out what is planned in the lead up to the BDSE release day and with SciFi.

Please understand... I don't believe there's any way that Firefly can come back. Serenity now, that's another story. I don't mean to dampen your love or enthusiasm, but part of doing a job means looking at how to do it practically. Practically, Firefly is dead. If they ever do make another series, it'll be one with other people on another ship in the same 'Verse. Joss isn't ready to go there by his own admission, so that's not happening. That leaves us with Uni and Serenity.

The way it is, is the way it is as Mal would say.
To make a difference, we need to know what job we're doing and get it done.

All the new fans ( you! ) and all the enthusiasm is so very shiny! And please, just because I'm talking about our ideas doesn't mean we don't welcome nor support new ideas and new folks doing things. There are just some guidelines as fans we'd like to see followed. It's not an enforcement of those guidelines, understand... it's a request.

We are a group of folks grounded in some pretty awesome predecessors. To live up to what they've done, it takes work, character and dedication. And rules.


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:20 PM



Originally posted by Ghoulfish:
Some of these ideas are pretty nice - just had one of my own (might not be feasable but what the hell)

I think that the main way to get a fan based mobilized is via star power. Many of the actors/actresses on firefly are still dedicated to it. If we were able to communicate our plan to someone like Nathan maybe we could get them on board.
Not strictly bring to back firefly but maybe a type of firefly day - support the sponsors who made it happen etc. A youtube movie of Nathan or some of the other actors talking about it might be able to access a large amount of fans.

Well just my two cents worth
good luck

Ghoulfish, we already have something very like this. It's a great idea, albeit already in action.

The Can't Stop the Serenity screenings that will occur in June for Joss' birthday are a fandom wide event. Joss and some of the BDH's will likely appear at a screening somewhere. There are some veteran Browncoats who will be outspoken about this. It WILL appear in the regular press and in the Equality Now yearly report which will receive regular press.

This is the shiniest moment in our fandom. We give instead of asking for something, we give to folks outside our fandom, we gather together and enjoy ourselves and are good to each other, and we get good press too. It's a huge win/win situation and deserves all of our attention and mobilization.

Asking any of the BDH's or Joss to support a fan started buying spree or a writing campaign is not an option IMHO. That stuff is up to us.


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:31 PM



Originally posted by Anduine:
I've read quite a few posts about the futility of trying to get Fox or another network to resurrect the series. All I can say is sad...

I think (and maybe in my ignorance) that what's needed here is a catalyst of some nature to organise a credible and effective campaign.

Underdogs that we are, seriously, so what if we meet with defeat. Again and again. It's far better than wallowing in self pity.

Ireland didn't win it's freedom (and still hasnt totally) in one battle.

It took years of efforts by the fans of Star Trek until we saw vindication...

The keyword here is to organise. And one place it can start is right here. So the real question is how do we start? It will take time. It will take logistics. It will take building a group of people from all talents, which should be here and readily available, unless cynicism has prevailed. If the show is worth it, than it's worth winning, but it's also worth defeat. But at least we can make a noise that will cause a few to tremble.

I have some thoughts, but more importantly I also have some ammunition. As in the contact info for all the major advertisers on Fox. If this post get's enough of a reply or comment...then...let's take the next step and initially figure out a way to use what we have and logically plan out the attack.

Or. We can always sit around and complain.
thanks for listening,

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

(edited for brevity)

Anduine , we DO get the occasional hand-wringers and pants-pissers here who have only a negative outlook about the future of OUR FRANCHISE !

And , Folks , Truly it is OURS ! We OWN IT ! We WON it in battle , fair and square ! Well , maybe not so fair , but the point is , Browncoats got it done !

Good thread , Anduine !

Lots of interesting comments from folk...



AUSTIN WINTORY has committed to produce new

music for Browncoats ! We are in for a TREAT !

FOLK , support his work every possible way !

Check out some of his Music !



" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Monday, May 7, 2007 2:05 PM


Thanks for all the positive comments! It's great to see this thread picking up and the wealth of experience and idea's.

I agree on the outlook of Serenity possible vs. FF not. But I'm gonna hold to my dream and push for both.

Realising that Joss and crew may have their minds made up, I've seen minds change with support.

After all the man himself stated in the DVD that there shouldnt have even been a movie.

We gotta a bit of brilliant support here and we just need to keep the river running.

I'm keepin a list and checkin it twice. Looking forward to the Sunday chat with all.


Monday, May 7, 2007 2:07 PM


Just a random thought. With STS 117 going to the ISS in June carrying copies of Firefly and Serenity on DVD, does anyone think we can get a news service to pick up that is happening and tie into the SE release?

We know from the SciFi poll a little while back that any news coverage of the BDM will effect sales, so if we can find someone to pick that up and spread the word.

I'm sure FollowMal and the Signal Corp already have it in their schedule, but I thought I would mention it.



Monday, May 7, 2007 2:13 PM


Oh. STS 117. Other than the OB thread, does anyone have the URL for a site about that? Like, the sort of thing press people can use, rather than a meandering discussion board?


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Monday, May 7, 2007 2:38 PM


Like maybe..... the STS117 home page with integrated Press Kit PDF?



Monday, May 7, 2007 2:40 PM


No, I mean about the getting the DVDs sent up.


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Monday, May 7, 2007 2:51 PM


I've got a couple of thoughts about this:

Well it's obviously important for the SE DVD to sell very well. I only wish we knew how much more Universal wants out of Serenity before they decide to make a sequel. That would make things a lot easier than this shot in the dark we've been dealing with.

Can we maybe do another ad to get us in the spotlight again? Maybe a thanks to Universal for making the SE DVD?

It would be so nice if we (that would include someone big like Joss) could set up a group and fund a sequel with Universal. Studios often partner with another to fund a movie. I think the DTV Stargate movie is being co-financed by MGM and 20th Century FOX. I know there are a ton of legal issues with that, but it would be nice.

And isn't Joss' problem with FOX and not 20th Century FOX? 20th C wanted the show to be picked up since it's their property, it's just that FOX bought the show. 20th C is the one who makes money off of it through DVDs and having a channel pay for it.

I'm not too concerned about actor's contracts because they all love these roles so much, I think they'd come back in a heart beat.


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:16 PM



I followed Anduine over here from the SciFi forums, and it's time to put my mark on the line. While I'm probably not the most advanced technically, I work web design in my day job and run a couple of blogs, so I hereby volunteer to help with whatever pixels need pushin'.

I'll send links to my stuff if anyone wants, but I don't want to give the impression of spamming in my first post here.

Big Damn Thanks to everyone here who fought for the BDM - your work brought me into the 'Verse and convinced me to give Firefly a chance.


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:16 PM


Well more power to you all. I went through the "We can bring it back" phase too. If I may speak a little blasphemy, I think the luke warm, if not cold response to Serenity pretty much killed that chance for a sequel or a continuation of the series.

We are a great group, and we are a vocal group, but by network standards, we are a small group. Networks and studios don't want to just make their money back. Opportunity cost rears it ugly head and makes them want to make 2x 3x 10x their money back.

I will always be grateful for Joss, because if nothing else, Serenity wrapped up enough for us to be able to say "...and they lived happily ever after..." and place a period on it all. Good luck to you all in your endeavors…I hope you prove me wrong.


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:42 PM


Maybe we can't bring it back. Maybe we can't move it forward to whatever the next incarnation may be. Maybe the cast and crew have moved on and wish we'd shut our big damn mouths about it.

But Joss and Tim are still alive. For me, their writing and direction were the soul of the 'Verse, and until they are pushing up daisies, I'll hold out hope.

This is not to disparage those who came before me and may have tired of the fight. I'm just here to help hold the line.

And if the battle's already lost, well, you'll get to say "I told you so" and too damn bad for me.

- xardoz
half a goon and half a god


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:48 PM


Welcome Zardoz!

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:22 PM


All I can say is I'm impressed. Well more than that actually but I'm a bit awed by the experience and dedication I've seen in this thread. Both from the Vets here and the new fans.

Maybe this is just another rant on my part...but from personal experience I've seen a small dedicated group of people achieve things the majority thought impossible....and that gives me hope.

I guess now that, if nothing else, we've energised a few new 'Browncoats', and possibly pissed off a few vets (hey! it was unintentional) and brought some in to give a bit of direction...maybe we/I should start to define some focus so we can keep the fire going.

I think a good place to start is with Wolfs willingness to host a chat. Once we get the logistics down we can pass that on.

Here's my 2 cents for topics.
1. Discuss taking this energy over to a existing forum...looks like a few out there so maybe it makes more sense rather than duplicating any efforts. Maybe not?

2. Look at first steps. Start with something small like contacting Chris Regina at SciFi to see what hurdles exist to pick up the series. That way we get more info from a credible source.

3. See what other groups like FollowMals or the SciFi forum is already doing.

4. Discussion of future strategies.

5. See what other PR events are out there that we can contribute to such as voting etc. I know there are already posts on the subject but in a large forum it works really well to break it into small groups. It keeps morale high and info processing smooth.

6. Pick a moderator for the chat. I'd suggest maybe Redhead, or Wolf, or FollowMal. I'd volunteer but would rather contribute than ride herd on everyone.

Thanks again everyone! I've gotten quite a few messages on the side from some of the 'vets' here and they're impressed with the enthusiasm and many of you who contributed. Brilliant crew everyone!






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