Organise the revolution-for all FF fans

UPDATED: Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:26
VIEWED: 37906
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007 4:13 PM




Tuesday, May 8, 2007 4:54 PM


I 2nd that ditto. Just tell me what to do and I will do it.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 4:57 PM


HI Futuremrsfillion,
I guess I didn't make myself clear. I understand that emailing everyone is a not okay with a lot of people. I won't advocate it any more.

And I do believe that info will pass from this site to others pretty fast. But who I am wanting to reach is someone like my friend, Rosie. She was a fan from the tv series. Loves the show. When I mentioned that I was now hooked on Firefly we batted quotes and episodes back and forth. AND then, I discovered she hadn't heard of Objects in Space. She had copies of the show copied from when it had shown but didn't even know that official DVD's had come out with more episodes. And she isn't the only one completely cut off from new info.

How can we reach them is my question?

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 4:59 PM


Another rant. My apologies.

I've said many times in this thread that I want to thank the 'old' (and I say that in the best sense) vets that are contributing and encouraging. We should heed their advice.

Although many here have not held the line for as long or not at all, we should remember that what we ARE doing here is important. Dont become discouraged. Listen. Learn.

But also keep in mind that this is how things change. I've seen it before. We may see it again.

Are we romantisising our efforts? Of course. No true change happens without hope of success. Are we being quixotic? Probably.

But as trite as this sounds it also reminds me of some of the best of what inspires us about the whole Firefly and Serenity message.

A group of motley underdogs with a half baked plan, getting the shite kicked outta them now and again, even at times antagonising each other , doing something against all the odds, and making a big difference.

We love the crew and Joss because in part they represent what each of us have felt or have lived. Thats why it's no surpise to me that many of the comments we get are that things have been tried before...because we all somehow spring from the same well of inspiration.

So what do we do? We keep on trying. It's how change is affected. Again. And again.

And maybe we dont win in the end. But we didnt lose.

I like the quote on the signature of a few that have posted: "Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal

You cant stop the signal.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:15 PM



Under no circumstances (I think) is anyone saying you shouldn't try. What I am saying is LISTEN to the veterans. Those who have been part of campaign after campaign. If they tell you something won't work, HEAR it. Embrace it and think of something else. For example Sig is member number 5311, MurkyMerc is 2106 I think, TheOneTrueBix is like 10000, these people have borne withness to a lot of ideas - successfully carried out and some not so.

Redhead, as for your friend, the only way you would get to her is if the popular media talked about your campaign - for that to happen, you have to have a lot of Browncoats behind you - it would take the effort of ALL the boards in the verse, not just this one. It is a huge undertaking and is a very, very delicate process.

I guess what I am saying is be excited, we love to see that, but tread carefully and ensure that what you are planning to do doesn't bite us in the ass. I would hate to tell the world we were going to have a million man march and only 10 show up.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:29 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Under no circumstances (I think) is anyone saying you shouldn't try. What I am saying is LISTEN to the veterans. Those who have been part of campaign after campaign. If they tell you something won't work, HEAR it. Embrace it and think of something else. For example Sig is member number 5311, MurkyMerc is 2106 I think, TheOneTrueBix is like 10000, these people have borne withness to a lot of ideas - successfully carried out and some not so.

Redhead, as for your friend, the only way you would get to her is if the popular media talked about your campaign - for that to happen, you have to have a lot of Browncoats behind you - it would take the effort of ALL the boards in the verse, not just this one. It is a huge undertaking and is a very, very delicate process.

I guess what I am saying is be excited, we love to see that, but tread carefully....

I agree so much you wouldnt believe it if I told you.

I started this thread so I guess what I'm trying to say is we need to listen to the long time....but sometimes, maybe, just a hope is that someone new comes along and looks at the old attempts in a new light. And maybe both old and new need that.

Dont worry too much. We'll dance our intoxicated new dance for a bit. Maybe it's even a rite of initiation since I'm sure you've done it too. But we'll need your comments even more once we start to focus. Until then though. No harm in doin the jig for a bit.



Tuesday, May 8, 2007 6:56 PM


LOL. I'm sure there's not a dry eye in the house.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 7:58 PM



Originally posted by redhead:

How can we reach them is my question?

As an analogy, a drop in the pond.

Basically, we have no resources relatively speaking. So, word of mouth is almost our only friend. The story you told supports that this works. Sure, it's slow. But, other methods risk alienating potential fans and/or (more than just) risk getting our community a worse image.

As a side note, the only problem with word of mouth is the potential of the fundamentalist factor. Which unfortunately is what Browncoats are known for. This is something that we're going to have to try to shake. Perhaps later on, we could publish conversion etiquette guide lines.

*Not* pointing a finger at anyone. It's just the sad fact of the perception of our community.

But, I think we really need to remember that in the end (and I'm about to commit "heresy" here), FF is just a TV show and Serenity is just a movie. They are there for our entertainment and beating people over the head with them is a sure way to suck the fun out of it.

Ok, I'm getting off my soap-box now

One of the big problems with organizing a large group of people is logistics. The problem we have here is that there are several large groups of people that need to coordinate. Just solving this problem will be a significant step toward getting something done.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:19 AM



Just got on this morning and to my surprise this thread is now listed in Guerilla Marketing as opposed to the General Discusion board.

I know in my ignorance this posted both here and in General. And then a Cat takeover (which is a bit surreal) but an confusing welcome to a first post.

But how or who switched it over to here? I placed it in General because I felt that it was getting more exposure. Which I think it was.

This may be the better place or more appropriate place for it, but some explanation or justification would be nice before it's arbitrarily done by someone.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:36 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by redhead:

How can we reach them is my question?

As an analogy, a drop in the pond.

Basically, we have no resources relatively speaking. So, word of mouth is almost our only friend. The story you told supports that this works. Sure, it's slow. But, other methods risk alienating potential fans and/or (more than just) risk getting our community a worse image.

As a side note, the only problem with word of mouth is the potential of the fundamentalist factor. Which unfortunately is what Browncoats are known for. This is something that we're going to have to try to shake. Perhaps later on, we could publish conversion etiquette guide lines.

*Not* pointing a finger at anyone. It's just the sad fact of the perception of our community.

But, I think we really need to remember that in the end (and I'm about to commit "heresy" here), FF is just a TV show and Serenity is just a movie. They are there for our entertainment and beating people over the head with them is a sure way to suck the fun out of it.

Ok, I'm getting off my soap-box now

One of the big problems with organizing a large group of people is logistics. The problem we have here is that there are several large groups of people that need to coordinate. Just solving this problem will be a significant step toward getting something done.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Actually you do fine on the soapbox. And I agree with your comments way too much. Especially the last bit regarding logistics and coordinating everyone. Achieve that and that would be an accomplishment.

And that is what this post is about. Organise. Myself, I've got some take aways from this and will work with a few that have expressed or offered their time to sift through all of this and add some content or depth. Look at what's been done, get some advice from vets...then see what happens.

I thought about ending this thread and starting another...but I kinda like it as a running suggestion box/post. We'll see.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:58 AM



Here is what I propose. Everybody knows that there are numerous fan sites for Serenity/Firefly. And it would be great to coordinate them all in this effort. The only problem is that it is VERY difficult to do that across many different websites effectively. I think one of the main goals should be to setup a website all it's own dedicated to another movie/series. Come up with a name for it that is super easy to remember... "" , "" or somesuch. (this is an older site and I believe was deemed not effective)

Yall are just soo cute, I think you should visit this site
and this one
and if you have not seen this you should, especially pay attention to the timeline it very nicely details out what this fanbase has done to date.

Sure not every browncoat checks the boards religiously but I can assure you word spreads like wildfire, something you can do to help is before something big like the CantstoptheSerenity Equality Now Screenings, CALL your local newspaper, tv stations and radio stations, I can assure you you will find closet browncoats who will help you boost the signal, and if not, buy a classified ad its cheap and it boosts the signal to folks that may not be internet saavy. I too am against the mass email idea, it would efffect us negatively mass emails annoy people. The browncoats have tried VERY hard to be a polite and respectful fanbase and we work very hard to do good works in the name of Firefly, Charity causes are wonderful publicity for us here is another one of our charity groups

Also, if you have not teamed up with your local browncoats, you may want to see what they are up to,

many of the local groups are VERY active and have their own guerilla marketing projects whether its canvasing the city, or runnign a table at a convention, holding a screening etc.

Again yalls enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, I'm just trying to direct your energies in constructive directions, oh and if any of yall happen to be on the West Coast of the United States, I know the folks at AARG could use some help

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:05 AM


I believe this thread was moved to guerilla marketing because that is where it belongs.

Starting a new thread on the same topic that is getting such debate would not endear your cause to the masses on this board. Normally new threads are started when the old one becomes too slow at loading due to massive number of responses or lots of pictures, at this point this thread has neither.

Just thought I would give you a heads up on the mentality of starting a second thread on this board.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:18 AM


Its great that they put the thread here because that leaves it on the home page for much longer--the guerilla area doesn't get as much traffic. And, not everybody searches the threads that move off the front.

BTW thanks for the links. Some I had, some I didn't.

Just as a side suggestion, wouldn't it be wonderful if the home page had something like a Newbie area with all the Firefly/Serenity links posted (as well as products to buy). I've been pretty actively searching for 2 months and I'm still finding new sites.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:47 AM


Your welcome :) one good way to find cool firefly sites is to just ask, start a topic, something like, What are your favorite firefly sites and why?

I guarantee you we would both find some new and no doubt incredibly shiny sites

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:03 AM


Thanks Art! Fantastic comments and a huge help. Have heard numerous reports about yourself and was told in a couple pm's from vets to pay attention to you. Good advice!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:18 AM


I took ARTCAT's advice and posted a thread about favorite websites. Please post yours.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:27 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:
Thanks Art! Fantastic comments and a huge help. Have heard numerous reports about yourself and was told in a couple pm's from vets to pay attention to you. Good advice!

Oh my! folks are talking about me in a good way... Anduine, you just made my day. Xie xie and hugs to whoever it was that was talking glowingly of me.

Thank you Anduine, Redhead and company for being so enthusiastic and joining us here, I hope the links I sent yall help,

You guys are our reinforcements and I hope some of those links give you guys directions to fuel that enthusiasm and help us as a fanbase.

and just another little tip for future threads, when you title a thread, think of how it sounds to folks, this thread while I can see the enthusiasm that fuels it, immediately breeds resentment, "Organise the revolution-for serious FF fans only"

I think you will find we are all serious FireflyFans, that are doing everything in our power to spread the signal and keep flying. By insinuating that some fans are not, you immediately open the thread to hostility. Respect breeds respect.

Something newer folks may not know is that we occassionally get guidance, hints and nudges from the folks that gave us Firefly AND Serenity. That is why you will find some of the older members of the boards (not just this one) will defend our courses of actions vehemently.

Hold the line, eventually Joss is gonna push that button and we will all come rocketing back to the 'verse we all know and love.

Also I want to commend all of the level headedness in this thread, it could have very easily have dissolved into a nasty fight which would do nothing to help us and only splinter our numbers.

See you guys around and Keep Flying and keep that enthusiasm!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:32 AM


Artcat, as always you're full of wisdom and I for one plan to say good things about you all the time.

Thanks for jumping in here and saying what most of us are thinking and thanks to Anduine and Redhead for listening.

I've been talking to Anduine and FMF via email this morning and it's been suggested that I post the one letter I wrote back to Anduine.

So I'm gonna do it.
It's my take on this and from my heart....


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:37 AM


Good morning Anduine and FMF,

I did indeed sleep well. Thanks for sayin'.

We used YIM ( Yahoo Instant Messenger ) last year in our endeavors, but I have to tell you that any sort of online communication between group members is clunky and slow and confusing at best. You can work within those limitations, but it's difficult.

What our team was realistically able to achieve was very limited. What Kaele's group was able to achieve was a little more tangible, but I'm not sure it had lasting effects.

We have a subforum on the Browncoat Board ( ) from which my current group of guerilla marketers operate. Tim Brown/TDBrown is in charge of the group known as the Irregulars -- it's whimsical I know. :) Although I am personally involved in several other endeavors within the fandom.
You could join that group and post within that subforum and carry on semi private conversations. The subforum is open, not hidden. Tim is a stickler for openness.
But planning conversations could be carried on there and things will stay posted "on top" as it were. Unlike which is constantly changing and updating.

I have some suggestions and comments I'd like to say...

I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm or discourage you at all... I'm realistic and optimistic by nature, so I want to be square with you.

There is very little chance at this juncture that anyone who was involved with this movie from Joss down to the crew behind the cameras is as focused or caring about this show and movie as we are. Doesn't mean they don't love it, they all do. Doesn't mean they wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose to tell the story, they would. But you've got to consider from their statements lately that they are moving on. This is healthy, they are writers, actors and producers and they have to make a living. There is NO ONE asking them to make more of this story right now. Universal holds the key to this regardless of the posts you see on the board arguing about whether or not F*X or who has the rights. Uni owns the rights to Serenity, Firefly is no more and will be no more.
This is straight from Joss' mouth. You can't get any more clear than that. Whatever incarnation occurs next, be it sequel, direct to DVD movie, or low budget film or miniseries ( most highly unlikely of all ) Uni will put the money up for it and Serenity will be in the title. That's the way it is, pure and simple.

If the show were to ever return to tv, it would be similar to what has happened with BSG. Not exactly a bad thing, but certainly different than Firefly.
And it's not coming soon.

You must understand. Firefly was canceled. We and they got a movie from a show that was canceled. The movie failed at the box office. The DVD's have sold well enough for Uni to want to double dip and give us a Special Edition. We're already getting a lot and have gotten a lot. As Nathan says, it'd be unseemly to ask for more, and yet Browncoats come along every day who do.

When you hit and this fandom your burning desire to "have more" is usually overwhelming. It becomes the focus of all of your energies. I would caution you to hold up a bit and look around.

All of the cautions you're getting from Bix, ArtCat, and many others are sage advice. Please try to heed it. They are so skilled, been around for so long and are loyal and intelligent fans. They've grown beyond the first blush " I want more!" into a true and dedicated group of Browncoats who love the fandom and the people and have a great desire to do good things for the fandom and the people. Doesn't mean they wouldn't be fully supportive of a good plan to encourage more from Universal, but they've been there and done that and know how hard it is to actually do.

Now, all that being said, I will work tirelessly and endlessly in the hopes that there will be more Firefly. I will work as a Browncoat to encourage all of us to represent the fandom with respect and care. Tracy can tell you that despite the odds, I'm in and I'm working.

Here's what is happening now from my perspective:

The ongoing committment to write Sci-Fi and encourage marathons of existing eps of Firefly because it brings in fans and grows Uni's fan base available to purchase tickets and merch.

The ongoing campaign of letter writing and email writing encouraging Sci-Fi to run Firefly as a summer series with vignettes in between commercials with the actors or even Joss... a joyous celebration of Firefly as it were.

The charity screenings in June, which is the single most important thing within our fandom. We benefit others and benefit so much from these in so many ways.
All of our focus in June should be behind this activity.

July and early August are a push time for purchases of the Special Edition DVD. Any ideas not already out there to encourage this are most welcome and we'd love to hear 'em. There will be posts as the time draws closer and after the screening focus.

September is the Big Damn Anniversary of the release of the movie, there WILL be stuff planned within the fandom.

ETA: The 76th Independent Battalion will be marching at DragonCon!!!
This is the most shiny thing ever, check out their thread here:


October and November are in the planning stages.

December is the Anniversary of the release of the DVD of Serenity. There will be more plans.

Our window of opportunity for doing anything about more is now. The contracts are up in September, time is wearing on.
We can win more, or at least be battling as we lose. Those are our choices.

After this year, my involvement in pushing for more will wane... I need to get back to focusing on my family and my business. I'm committed to doing what I can this year. After that, although I'll be here, because I am a Browncoat, my involvement will scale WAY back.

Some words as a person who has worked hard within the fandom. ..

Don't work so hard that you forget to have fun.
Remember to be respectful of who has gone before you.
Defer to what is already on the table, don't assume you know best about anything til you've looked at it.
Remember in all that you do, you represent all of us, the entire fandom. You represent the way we're seen outside of the fandom. Make sure to make us all proud of what you do.

Now, one more thing. I'm not saying with any of this that you can't do your own thing separate and entire from what is already going on. I am saying don't interfere with anything that is planned already. We had some of that last year and our fandom suffered because of it. I actually won't tolerate that. Haken nor Gossi on the other board are likely to either.

I sound like an ass in this letter, Sean, but if some folks had been more forceful with new folks and new plans last year, many of us could have been spared time wasting arguments and angst. I aim to see we don't have that this time. We are all Browncoats, all committed to the same thing in total, so there's no reason we can't all kindly and wonderfully work together.

Any way that I can be of help to you I will. Anything I can do to encourage you and your ideas, I will.
My Browncoat Signal Corps stands at the ready to deliver any message fandom wide. Say the word.

Yours in the 'Verse,



Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:11 AM


Bumpin so I can find this again and avoid the furballs.

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:17 AM



Originally posted by artcat81:
Oh my! folks are talking about me in a good way...

It's your hair, Artcat. That long, beautiful hair of yours!

I've been lurky on this thread for some time, and am putting my $1.25 in now.

Anduine & Redhead( and anyone else so like minded): Have you considered joining the guerilla marketing efforts already in place with Tim (TD) and Diane (the beautiful FollowMal) (But I'm sure TD is purty, too.)? Instead of branching off, doing your own thing in small numbers, join with those who have been doing this for a long, long time, and who have a serious Browncoaty reputation!

Some of us (read: me) do our guerilla marketing very quietly. I buy copies of the dvds and give them to libraries and military bases. I also use 11th Hour's stickers and place them in copies of Serenity at video stores. But that's me.

Doesn't it make more sense for you to join up, rather than splinter off? I would think TD and FM would be thrilled to have folks as shiny as yourselves on board.

Rather than take on the world like Don Quixote, I would think you would appreciate (and I think you do) the input from such veterans as B!x, FMF, FM, Sig & Artcat.

EDIT: Forgot to agree; the title of this thread is ...a little off putting. I, for one, am quite a serious little Browncoat. There are many, many 'Coats just as serious as me, but in their own way. Be a little more inclusive next time!

***Whoa, Good letter, Diane!***



Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:38 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:

Just got on this morning and to my surprise this thread is now listed in Guerilla Marketing as opposed to the General Discusion board.

I know in my ignorance this posted both here and in General. And then a Cat takeover (which is a bit surreal) but an confusing welcome to a first post.

But how or who switched it over to here? I placed it in General because I felt that it was getting more exposure. Which I think it was.

This may be the better place or more appropriate place for it, but some explanation or justification would be nice before it's arbitrarily done by someone.

I'm the "someone". I moved this thread. Moving it wasn't "arbitrarily" done.

Why? Because:

• The thread topic is most definitely guerilla marketing, so this is the appropriate section.

• Threads listed in the General Discussions folder become one of many, in a very active section. The chances of the thread falling off the home page increase dramatically. Staying on the front page, and grouped with related topics, helps generate heat, and assists in keeping all the promotional ideas together so fans can better participate.

• The Firefly and Serenity Guerilla Marketing section was created specifically to help focus fan activities and continue to keep guerilla marketing alive.

I moved the thread to help everyone. If y'all don't want the thread to be here, then just say so. I'll move it back to General Discussions.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:16 AM


I think coordinating a digg submission would be a really good idea. A ton of people check digg all the time, and it's getting double it's normal visitors since this huge bruhaha about the HD-DVD AACS code being released ( I was on Digg when the submissions started flowing in, and if you were too, you'll understand).

The DIGG submission should link to this thread or another site which has this idea on it and say something to the tune of "Fans boycott FOX advertisers to bring back FIREFLY".

I tried the digg thing already but it didn't get enough diggs. If we coordinate the date though, I'm sure we could get it on the front page, and if we get over 1,500 we'll probably be in the top 10 (BIG DEAL).


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:17 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by Anduine:

Just got on this morning and to my surprise this thread is now listed in Guerilla Marketing as opposed to the General Discusion board.

I know in my ignorance this posted both here and in General. And then a Cat takeover (which is a bit surreal) but an confusing welcome to a first post.

But how or who switched it over to here? I placed it in General because I felt that it was getting more exposure. Which I think it was.

This may be the better place or more appropriate place for it, but some explanation or justification would be nice before it's arbitrarily done by someone.

I'm the "someone". I moved this thread. Moving it wasn't "arbitrarily" done.

Why? Because:

• The thread topic is most definitely guerilla marketing, so this is the appropriate section.

• Threads listed in the General Discussions folder become one of many, in a very active section. The chances of the thread falling off the home page increase dramatically. Staying on the front page, and grouped with related topics, helps generate heat, and assists in keeping all the promotional ideas together so fans can better participate.

• The Firefly and Serenity Guerilla Marketing section was created specifically to help focus fan activities and continue to keep guerilla marketing alive.

I moved the thread to help everyone. If y'all don't want the thread to be here, then just say so. I'll move it back to General Discussions.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:

It does make sense to me that it may be the better place. So well done. I just wish someone had given me a heads up first. Since I had a bit of a panic finding it again I thought someone else may also. As I already see from the majority of posts today a pretty sharp decrease and little to no of the new people that were posting before.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:17 AM



Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:40 AM



Originally posted by Anduine:
It does make sense to me that it may be the better place. So well done. I just wish someone had given me a heads up first. Since I had a bit of a panic finding it again I thought someone else may also. As I already see from the majority of posts today a pretty sharp decrease and little to no of the new people that were posting before.

Didn't realize it would be a problem. The thread will still appear the same way in the main upper section, depending on its activity, whether it is in either section. The main benefit of being in the guerilla marketing section is that it will stay on the front page longer because it will actually be visible in two areas instead of just one. Moving this thread has increased its visibility.

If there's a big upsurge in guerilla marketing thread activity, the thread may get knocked "out of the box" from time to time... but that would be a good thing. That would mean folks are becoming more involved. Just keep the thread active, and not with just a *bump*... keep adding new info and ideas. This goes for everyone!

As to the drop off in activity, well this is where the rubber hits the road. When a thread like this is first started it will get a lot of initial input and activity, as you saw. After many ideas are tossed around and folks have said their piece, then the next stage after the talkin', is the doin'.

Doin' is harder, takes more work and time than just postin'.

My suggestion at this point is to pull out the ideas that seem to have received the best support and create separate threads for them. Start building a base of folks who are willing to participate in making the plans happen. Coordinate with other forums too.

This thread is still very useful to welcome more ideas, which I hope will continue.

I started a guerilla marketing brainstorming thread a while back. It began well, lots of positive input, then it got trashed by one poster who choked it with negative posts that had nothing to do with guerilla marketing.

There's a lot of good folk here willing to dive in and do what they can to support the 'verse. There's also a destructive few who make the fight that much harder. Sometimes their negativity is so persistent it smothers the efforts of others.

Good luck. I'm always around to do what I can.

11th Hour

Regarding the drop off in activity, an additional thought: Part of the initial activity of this thread was due to the slightly inflammatory title. Some fans might take offense to not being included in the "serious FF fan" category if they are not part of your defined "revolution". In fact some fans did post messages to this effect in this thread. After the ruffled feathers were smoothed, the thread will equalize to reflect those who are interested in purusing the ideas you've suggested, and hopefully more forward from there. ~ 11th


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 12:23 PM


I find it weird when people call me a vet. It honestly doesn't feel that long. Guess I've been having too much fun to realize


I'm glad what I'm saying is coming off well. Hopefully, I can keep it up

Although Guerilla Marketing does have its own section on the front-page, please note that those threads also show up in the Main Discussions list as well. So, this thread still does have good exposure.

Regarding organization of groups. As have been pointed out, there are many groups out there that are quite organized and doing good work. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The good part is obvious. The bad part being that any project that someone might want to join might be lost in the shuffle or not found at all. Redhead has pointed out this difficulty.

So, here's my suggestion (hopefully I don't make ass of myself b/c I missed a link above that is doing just this). Make a site that is basically a blog for /all/ the different projects. There could be a list where each project's contact info is listed with a brief description. Each project could then blog current activities. Sure there are sites that have a section that lists groups, but not what they're doing. It actually takes (significant) effort to find out what's going on, who's doing what, etc (again, as Redhead pointed out). *A lot* of people will give up.

The nice part about a site like this is that it'd be relatively easy to setup and would be quite low maintenance. Especially if blogging responsibilities were given to the projects (?). This would leave the maintainers time to participate in any given project as well.


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:05 PM


sounds good to me Sig. You old veteran you!

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:34 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

sounds good to me Sig. You old veteran you!

To quote Grandpa Simpson:

I’m cold and there are wolves after me.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 3:57 PM


Sigmanuki Thanks!!

And I have to add that after initially ruffling some feathers some of you vets are coming in to add direction!

Much appreciated!

I've been going through the posts and there's quite a few brilliant take aways and discussions from many of the posters.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:17 PM



Originally posted by redhead:
Hey all,

I'm just new and I haven't had all the disappointments that you all have but I have worked on some decent sized fund raising campaigns. And I know that acting hostile to anyone who wants to make a change, effectively means change ain't happening. If we want to see Firefly return we can't just shoot down anybody who offers ideas on how to get it back.

You've raised some good objections and they needed to be voiced but lets take a chance and mull around some possible options.

For instance, boycotting the advertisers seems like a problem. What about a Buyday! It might work something like this. We pick an advertiser/company that was supportive of Firefly/Serenity and we set up a date say Aug 21 (which I think is the release day of the Special Ed.) and buy as many Universal products as we can afford. To be effective this would have to be a major campaign. YouTube trailers. Media release encouraging people to buy on that day, etc. We would need a lot of people willing to put their creative juices to work.

I don't necessarily think my idea is THE answer but its an idea. Do you have one?

I think you are on the right track. Any campaign we do must be positive and supportive. I have been here from the beginning and many of the newbies wouldn't be here if we did not keep spreading the word. Spreading the word. Buying Serenity Merchandise. Buying more DVDs both Firefly and Serenity is key.

I think Joss would not work with the Fox Network but the movie studio would be something else. I agree more of the series is best but I'll take anything with our cast working.

Buy Serenity and Buy Firefly.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:18 PM



Originally posted by Anduine:
Sigmanuki Thanks!!

And I have to add that after initially ruffling some feathers some of you vets are coming in to add direction!

Much appreciated!

I've been going through the posts and there's quite a few brilliant take aways and discussions from many of the posters.

takeaways? You got chinese food in here?

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 4:23 PM


Chinese? We got Chinese, Indian, Tex-Mex, you name it! We aim to please....


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:16 PM


I think SigmaNumki has a great idea that I would like to second.

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Make a site that is basically a blog for /all/ the different projects. There could be a list where each project's contact info is listed with a brief description. Each project could then blog current activities. Sure there are sites that have a section that lists groups, but not what they're doing. It actually takes (significant) effort to find out what's going on, who's doing what, etc (again, as Redhead pointed out). *A lot* of people will give up.

The nice part about a site like this is that it'd be relatively easy to setup and would be quite low maintenance. Especially if blogging responsibilities were given to the projects (?). This would leave the maintainers time to participate in any given project as well.

When I first came on, I would have loved to have a site with what was going on in all the 'verse. And it would have been nice to have something like that thread that was revived around a week ago that talked about what order to do things in if you were a browncoat.

I bumped that thread THE ORDER OF THINGS. I found it helpful. If we do a centralized blog, We need something like this to help new fans. Check it out.

To paraphrase Kaylee: Whedon's Firefly is just so lush. I want to take a bite out of it all over, you know?


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:29 PM



Originally posted by Anduine:

And I have to add that after initially ruffling some feathers some of you vets are coming in to add direction!

IMG! I just realized something... I've become management

I feel dirty

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 6:37 PM



Originally posted by redhead:

I think SigmaNumki has a great idea that I would like to second.


Originally posted by redhead:

I bumped that thread THE ORDER OF THINGS. I found it helpful. If we do a centralized blog, We need something like this to help new fans. Check it out.


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:03 PM


You should really consider changing the title, gotta say, it's insulting. I know you don't mean it to be, I've read all the posts, but just consider how part of it comes across.

~*Peter* Peter*; power *re-peater*~

*Petrelli for President. Together we can soar.*


"That Sylar, he's so hot right now."


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:39 PM


Well, if nothing else, there sure seems to be alot of enthusiasm in this thread. :)

I like the sound of the blog that was mentioned.
If I can be of assistance, let me know.

As for the naysayers:

Nill illigitimi carborundum
- Don't let the bastards get you down :)


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:03 PM


And enthusiam such as this has really been a major factor in keeping me going all these years.

Keep it up!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:26 PM


RiverRunsDeep went out and made a blog.

Now the thing is that we've been discussing making a web-site basically since this thing started. Several people have put out ideas refining what this site would do, etc. In fact, I /refined/ the idea Tues ( to be... similar to what was put in the first post on that blog Wes:


Okay I am RiverRunsDeep from (I have no affiliation; just use there site) and I made this blog so that people can brainstorm ideas and once finals dates, movements are set, browncoats can all come here to see them. This blog is not for information regarding the cast members or DVD releases (I'll be putting sites with news like that under the links section), just for coordinating "guerrilla marketing" as it is put.

Hopefully this will help the word get spread quicker. I know some people are working on putting together a webring, but for now, this.

This of course might be a coincidence. But, I'm not convinced of that one little bit. Especially since RiverRunsDeep posted in this very thread AFTER our posts.

So, to explicitly state it, I believe that our idea was somewhat "liberated". Please note that I said our idea. Because, I acknowledge that the centralized site/blog idea was not mine, but produced by brainstorming among the many people here.

Lifting others idea(s) or taking others idea(s) to its logical conclusion and claiming it solely as your own is just plain wrong.

This is NOT teamwork. This is NOT being a Browncoat.

Quite frankly, I somewhat irritated about this development.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:35 AM


eh, be glad they are doing something constructive... whether or not the idea was hijacked, its positive that its being done, be glad its already been setup and try and join in and help out.

On the other hand, i t hink you run into the same problem with blogs as you do messageboards, pertinent information can fall to the wayside, and you will again have to dig to find things, a simple website as opposed to a blog with a list of links to current projects might be more useful, I would also check in with the cortex, perhaps yall could work together, it never hurts to have more eyes looking and ears to the ground so less information falls through the cracks.

Good luck and I think a listing of all browncoat projects is a great idea!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:53 AM



Any thoughts about anything existing that your group is doing regarding ArtCats and Sigmanuki's idea?

Want to thank EVERYONE again for all of the bleedin brilliant posts. I go through these at the end of the day and take notes. Plus have been doing a massive amount of email with some of you off the thread.

I love it!


Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:33 AM



The Browncoat Signal Corps website does list the current projects as they go out posted by our crew. You can find that on the page under Pre_Written Posts.

It also has information currently up about the charities that are ongoing, although there isn't a page yet for the screenings, although there soon will be.

Our site is Corps based rather than info based, but it is there.

Our method of delivering current guerilla marketing messages to the entire fandom isn't fool proof, but it's served.

There is also the forum on for our Irregulars crew. Any and all are welcome to join and a list of TDBrown's and crews current projects + fun to be had are there.

You can find that at:

You will have to be a member of the Browncoat Board to participate, and ask for membership on the team- ( a given! ) but you can see ongoing projects without being a member of the Irregulars.

There is of course word of mouth within the fandom, there is the guerilla marketing section of this board + news sections on practically every board in the fandom. There are two podcasts, and the Cortex.

It seems like when you arrive here that we're huge, there must be thousands of us and there are, literally in numbers there are thousands of us, but the amount of people physically active on the boards and particularly active within the realm of guerilla marketing is small.

As 11th Hour said so aptly in her post above...


Doin' is harder, takes more work and time than just postin'.

If joining up with current projects or folding these ideas into current projects won't do in your opinion....there are some real good suggestions in her above post about how to proceed.

She suggests above that the really good ideas be broken down into their own threads here and then folks can volunteer to actually do them.

You'll need teams, you'll need coordination, you'll need dedication and lots of hours.
You'll need complete focus.

I'm all for anything that promotes the 'Verse as long as it's positive and not negative activity.

I know you folks feel a real need to rush, hurry, get the job done, NOW, and that enthusiasm is a wonderment and most welcome.
But be honorable and give credit where it's due and let's pool ALL our resources together. We are mighty if we're together, we're fractured and ineffective if we divide our energy.


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:04 AM


maybe we could all email someone saying how much we liked the show and would like to see any more of it. it's small but then once we know who we are sending this email to then after we sent it we could post a simply i did it responce on the forum so we can see how many people we have

but more girly then billy


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:25 AM



Originally posted by artcat81:

eh, be glad they are doing something constructive... whether or not the idea was hijacked, its positive that its being done, be glad its already been setup and try and join in and help out.

Actually, not too productive. Doing such things, as FM points out is an action that fractures our community. In all honesty, can we really trust that RiverRunsDeep won't steal other ideas? Especially since this is his/her /first/ week here.

(S)he has decided to not be part of the group and usurp ideas. That is very dangerous behaviour for the community. I really don't think that this should be taken lightly as in some circles it's called plagiarism.

It looks more like (s)he is going for personal glory and/or status in the community than actually helping out. At least that's my opinion and IMO the evidence supports it. Personally, I'm putting RiverRunsDeep on my "gone to the bad place" list.


Originally posted by artcat81:

On the other hand, i t hink you run into the same problem with blogs as you do messageboards, pertinent information can fall to the wayside, and you will again have to dig to find things, a simple website as opposed to a blog with a list of links to current projects might be more useful, I would also check in with the cortex, perhaps yall could work together, it never hurts to have more eyes looking and ears to the ground so less information falls through the cracks.

Good luck and I think a listing of all browncoat projects is a great idea!

Well, it wouldn't be just a blog. That, as you point out, would be rather limited. But, I'm going to discuss off thread with Anduine for a little bit. Once we develop something and we will get back to everyone here.

EDIT: I just re-read the last little bit here and I think it comes off rather different than intended. By bolding "we", I was just trying to get across the whole teamwork thing. NOT trying to shut anyone out like could have been inferred.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:29 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
But, I'm going to discuss off thread with Anduine for a little bit. Once we develop something and we will get back to everyone here.

Sig, if Penguin and I can be of help, please don't hesitate to ask.

Otherwise, I look forward to what you guys come up with!


Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:20 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Sig, if Penguin and I can be of help, please don't hesitate to ask.

Otherwise, I look forward to what you guys come up with!


I Just passed your offer onto our coordinator Anduine to make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:30 AM


This thread is way too long to read. Get a webpage in the first post that links to an updated explanation of your plan.

Though I don't really think some 4 day old member should be coming in here ripping on everyone who's exhausted from fighting the good fight from day one.


Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:43 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Actually, not too productive. Doing such things, as FM points out is an action that fractures our community. In all honesty, can we really trust that RiverRunsDeep won't steal other ideas? Especially since this is his/her /first/ week here.

(S)he has decided to not be part of the group and usurp ideas. That is very dangerous behaviour for the community. I really don't think that this should be taken lightly as in some circles it's called plagiarism.

It looks more like (s)he is going for personal glory and/or status in the community than actually helping out. At least that's my opinion and IMO the evidence supports it. Personally, I'm putting RiverRunsDeep on my "gone to the bad place" list.

For what it's worth (and if this is what's going on), I agree wholeheatedly.

As to the original idea, I had the impression it was meant more to be an easy to access summary rather than a blog? Perhaps a one page (cool looking) list that provides names and direct links to each group that is currently engaged in guerilla marketing, or other fan related activities.

There could be a brief description, with a dated status post to show what is currently happening with that group/activity. Then people can click on the section to go into a new page to get more detailed info if they are interested in participating.

Just some thoughts.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:


Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:04 PM


i really like the put an ad in your local paper
but i really don't know what it would say your it be like a look out for the special edition of serenity kind of thing cause thats something small that we could all do. and about a unified site would it be a site like this but maybe a site where people post there emails so if someone wants to talk to all of us they could but we could only email everyone for like rallying not talking






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