Organise the revolution-for all FF fans

UPDATED: Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:26
VIEWED: 39150
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Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:59 PM


Well, there has certainly been alot of activity over the last couple of days here.
Being a fresh face there are a few things I would like to say... and I mean every word of it in a helpful and respectful tone to EVERYONE on this site, new and old alike.
There is obviously, and logically, a need to respect those that have been at this for a long time. And by that I reffer to marketing strategies... not simply the aspect of someone being a fan. I'm sure you, meaning the vet crew, have great insight on what does and does not work. And I know there should be an unwritten rule so to speak, that we respect what has already been done. And I do!
I will say though, that the fanbase for serenity/ff is definately a unique one. I have long been a fan of other "worlds", ghosbusters/starwars/startrek etc... and there seems to be a different sort of vibe going on in here. I'm not saying it's a bad one, just saying that it has it's differences. And with so many different boards and sites out there for serenity/ff, I think it could be a little confusing to someone new, such as myself.
Again, I stick by the idea of having a centralized website for the efforts of more serenity. And I want to make some additions to my previous statement.
I think it would be great for such a site to have a "history" section. Outlining some of the bigger names in this corner of the 'verse. Starting from the beginning and working up to today detailing the efforts of all those who came before. That way, when a noobie, again... like myself, hears someones name, they know the score. They know that person has put in the time and probably has some good ideas or suggestions. You could also include guidelines for getting into serenity/ff fandom. A list of P's and Q's if you will. Maybe that might cut down on some of the noob mistakes I've heard you guys talk about.
Then from there you could also have a list of the groups that are active and what they are up to, and how to join them. I know I've seen someone else make that suggestion and it sounds pretty good.
I also agree that having a new site with an option to be on an email list is a GREAT idea!
I'm not saying it would be something to take away from any of these other sites that have obviously been here for quite some time. It would just be a good starting point for all of us I think. This way, instead of explaining the history and everything to every single person that joins up, you can just point them to that website.

Again, I am so glad I found this great site to feed my serenity addiction. And I'm down for helping in any way that I can! I just think the centralized site is such a good idea for the community in the fact that it will make it easier to understand what I should do and how I should do it. Plus, some people might not be that perservierant(is that a word?) in their quest to become a part of this. And I think having something that can easily outline the whole 'verse so to speak would be instrumental in keeping more people active in this.
I guess I rambled again but I just want to be a part of something so great! Can you blame me?


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:08 PM



Thanks for the comments

My current idea is that but different. But, we'll see if it gets a pass by others. Will let people know once things get more defined.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:30 PM


I love the idea of there being a place where the fan history is detailed.

Of course, I've seen Done the Impossible but there is more that has been done. And, I learn better by reading something than by hearing it talked about like on the video (although, there is a great interactive timeline on the vid that I recommend to any who are interested in the bigger story.

Still, whatever ends up happening it would be very interesting to have a history of the fan effort. Every once in a while people refer to some past event that I'm clueless on (ie Universal's cease and desist) and I know I would be a better help to the cause if I had the back story.


Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:50 PM


The wife wants to watch some TV together now and I haven't necessarily properly edited this post. So, please take what's in here with the kindest regard. It is meant that way


Originally posted by prototype7:

I think it would be great for such a site to have a "history" section. Outlining some of the bigger names in this corner of the 'verse. Starting from the beginning and working up to today detailing the efforts of all those who came before. That way, when a noobie, again... like myself, hears someones name, they know the score. They know that person has put in the time and probably has some good ideas or suggestions.

You are correct that the FF/S community is very different than others. I know from experience that it is VERY different than the Wing Commander people. As in, people are actually friendly and respectful here. Over there ( not so much. At least, last time I was there. After I left those guys, it was a breath of fresh air coming here. So many wonderful people.

But, the culture here is not hierarchical. People's ideas are taken on merit of the ideas, /not/ on who said it. It truly is a community.

I've seen where the type of thinking that your idea breeds leads. It's that way in the WC community and it's not a pleasant place there.

Here for example, Anduine registered on Sunday and I've been here over 3 years and been a fan since FF originally aired. But, I'm differing to Anduine for coordination, etc because that is the role that he fell into naturally. I don't even consider length of membership nor duration of fan-ship. Only the ability to lead: to consider ideas, to consider past failures when made aware of them, etc.

Basically, if we start keeping score, we end up with "noobs" ideas being tossed to the wayside in favour of vets ideas. We end up with people having pissing contests about who did what and how great they are (e.g. after the BDM was released we got a fair number of people having "who's the best Browncoat" contests).

In other words, we can really hurt ourselves by doing this. Not to mention that the community feel would certainly change. And I for find it just great the way it is.


Originally posted by prototype7:

You could also include guidelines for getting into serenity/ff fandom. A list of P's and Q's if you will. Maybe that might cut down on some of the noob mistakes I've heard you guys talk about.
Then from there you could also have a list of the groups that are active and what they are up to, and how to join them. I know I've seen someone else make that suggestion and it sounds pretty good.

This is on the list. Though some stuff might get axed due to wanting things not to be confusing. We'll see what comes out though.


Originally posted by prototype7:

I'm not saying it would be something to take away from any of these other sites that have obviously been here for quite some time. It would just be a good starting point for all of us I think. This way, instead of explaining the history and everything to every single person that joins up, you can just point them to that website.

Done the Impossible (linked/mentioned above) is a great resource. Check it out


Originally posted by prototype7:

I guess I rambled again but I just want to be a part of something so great! Can you blame me?

Your enthusiasm is wonderful! Just a little patience. Things are being hammered out. After that there'll be a need for writers, "ambassadors", etc. Lots of work to go around.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:40 PM



I pretty much agree with your post. It's not really our way to elevate one Browncoat over others.

It would be interesting to have the campaigns that have been run written up though. That would acknowledge the work that has been done and would give ideas for new campaigns.

"The Alliance said they were just gonna waltz through Serenity Valley, and we choked them with those words. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty."


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Mycroft2:

It would be interesting to have the campaigns that have been run written up though. That would acknowledge the work that has been done and would give ideas for new campaigns.

Agreed. But, it is also a slippery slope. If this was to be undertaken, we'd have to be really careful about how it was presented. It's not that I'm saying we shouldn't state who was involved. It's just that with that comes to risk of creating a hierarchy which tends to lead to a bad place. So, I don't think that names should be at the forefront.

Perhaps instead of writing up a campaign, ask the people involved to write up more of a postmortem. It'd have most (if not all) of the benefits with less risk of the bad place.

Thoughts? Comments?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:17 PM


All I can say is what the **** are you 2 doin up still. LOL

Been going through the posts today and doing my research...answering emails, smoking, unshaven, and dare I say unwashed...a couple of 12 packs of Diet Coke later and I am amazed.

I started this post late last Sunday night. I had no idea it would get this response. Humbled I guess.

People like yourselfs. Whew! Browncoats are amazing! More than that actually. I've been about a bit and can say I've not met a group yet that shows such 'hang on no matter' attitude.

I've gotten a bit of education the last week to be sure. A lot of messages and emails off the thread. Rereading the comments, the encouragement to each other on this thread...and actually over the site. Overwhelming is only close to what I feel.

SO MANY brilliant ideas and comments. Will do my best to start doin instead of talkin. Starting to see seeds of change though. A lot of talented people have expressed interest and offered services. With a crew like that how can we miss.

Fantastic! All of you.


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:31 PM


OH, Gawd, not unwashed!


Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:08 PM


Oh, Redhead just posted. Make that 3! Tee hee

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:47 PM


Actually....did just take a shower. LOL So will shave later.

Just so everyone knows I've been off work for the week anyway so it's not like I sit here all the time unshaven and unwashed....well....I mean just like this last week is all.


Friday, May 11, 2007 1:27 AM


FYI. Been meaning to do this for a couple days...especially for the new people like myself. But check out the link below and read some of the threads. ESPECIALLY 11th hours first post. What's said in regards to getting a sequel makes so much sense.

We have to keep in mind that ALL of our efforts eventually are towards that goal!!


Friday, May 11, 2007 5:09 AM


While I consider myself a serious fan of Firefly and Serenity, I do try to do my best in promoting the show. I cannot get everything done that I'd like to owing to financial or time constraints, but I do my best.

I had a wonderful chance to bounce some ideas off of FollowMal this morning and hopefully I can put this in a comprehensive form.

The internet is a HUGE place and while I think a central place for Browncoats to visit would be shiny, I sort of feel that it is already in place. The Browncoat Board and here seem to be the two places where alot of things DO take place. Neither are perfect, but they serve us very well. We've got paying members of both boards and hopefully those generous folk will keep the boards serving us for a very long time.

A disadvantage to having SO MANY Browncoat websites is that there is so much information, it overwhelms new fans. So I propose a little bit of consolidation. Thinking in terms of a military maneuver, it is a strengthening of our position rather than attacks. We are getting so widespread, it makes me wonder if what is already in place is not getting the support it deserves.

CSTS screenings, DVD buying drives on significant days (SE release!), DVD donation efforts to libraries, Browncoat Ball, the Ariel Ambulance and the 76th Battalion just to name a FEW. All of these are organized by the fans not by any conglomerate or business that is just looking at us fans as nice fat moneybags. These groups need all the help they can get and some need much more than others. It is the screenings that will bring in new fans, the donated DVDs that convert them, the appearances at conventions by the ambulance and organized, costumed Browncoats that will get us noticed by other fandoms and make them wonder what it is about our show and movie that makes it so special.

It is our organization and solidarity that makes us a force to be reckoned with in SciFi fandom. I'd hate to see that fractured even more at a time when we're expecting a big DVD release.

It is my belief that we need to concentrate on what's out there already, making it as strong as it can possibly be. Going around to Browncoat websites and helping their webmasters make the best of their sites. Keeping comprehensive lists of Browncoat related websites for newbies to visit, showing where they need to go to find a local Browncoat group to get involved.



Friday, May 11, 2007 7:18 AM



I think that I have enough info to comment on the web site thingy.

Consolidation is actually one of the things that we discussed. The centralized website turned into mostly a blog that will basically be used to advertise what's going on.

It would also hold some other info that new fans should know. But, to what degree is up for debate. Don't want to make it so that people have to sift through lots of stuff.

At least that's its current incarnation. I can't really see this detracting from what's already going on since it would be low enough maintenance that participants would certainly have time to participate in another project. We just have to watch feature creep so we don't start duplicating/wasting effort.

And as you say, we're pretty spread out. So, IMO it'd be good to have a place where one can get the current goings on easily instead of having to keep track of dozens of sites or relying on redistribution or having to go to a forum (like here) daily. Things can get buried quite quickly.

At any rate, hope that clears things up. Gotta run.

*** I did say my idea but really it is the product of lots of discussion. So, I can't really take full credit for it. It really was a group effort.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, May 11, 2007 7:54 AM


Have started a new thread. It was brought to my attention that for some dial-up users this was getting too long to download.

Here's the new link:

I fully expect all of you to continue to contribute since there's been so much excellent discussion and good solid idea's here. I've made a list and if contribution slows way down I will personally post threads about you (you know who you are!).

all the best,
Anduine (Sean)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:26 PM


I would be more than happy to start the blog. I have the time to co - mod with a team. I like being in a team...

"Fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountian"






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