Organise the revolution-NEW THREAD

UPDATED: Thursday, May 31, 2007 17:02
VIEWED: 24517
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:32 AM



Dont listen to FMF....she's impatiently patient.

Everyone who responded should have gotten an email today outlining the initial chat discussion. IF I'VE MISSED ANYONE that is interested in joining in just email me or PM me and I will include.

Thanks and keep on adding to the thread with your ideas!


Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:29 PM


We have sent out invites to the official chat tomorrow night CDT.

I've also sent out a bit of what other groups are presently doing.

Want to apologise for some of the typo's in my last email. ;) Too tired to remember spellcheck.

We've had overwhelming response to organising a revolution. NOW comes the time for doin. I see a real chance of everyone joining efforts that can focus and unify the Browncoat community and bring in several new Browncoats. It is our unified efforts and numbers that will make the difference to eventually see what we ALL want to see.

Thanks everyone!



Friday, May 18, 2007 8:26 AM


Ok, sorry I'm late. I went away for a bit and lost the thread.

You guys have been busy.

Just before the chat (which is scheduled for me at 5:30 in the morning!!!! no worries, I'll drag my sad, tired bones to the office and the computer) I just wanted to put something out there.

Seems to me that there is quite a few projects going out there now.

There is almost just as many websites. Each one doing there own thing, and trying to spread the word to as much people as possible. But not always succeeding.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for one group to spread the word to everybody else. There is a number of cross posting, but that doesn't always reach everybody.

What I suggest is, instead of forming a centralised website, that we rather set up an organised network.

Now this would work much better if I could draw a picture.

Wait, I hope this helps.

The principle of the idea is to facilitate the transfer of information.

We form a core group (Lets call it the Cortex group. Just because this explanation is very long and it'll get confusin')

We get a list of ALL the Browncoat websites, and ALL the Browncoat yahoo groups and forums and myspace groups.

We divide them between the members of the Cortex Group. Every Cortex group member contact the forums/groups/boards on their list (he will be know as the forum/group/board's "Handler" and inform them of the formation of the group, and invite them to assign one contact person per forum/group/board to liase with the Cortex group.

Once that is established, every forum/group/board can make a list of projects/plans they are busy with, and give it through to their representative. That representative can then contact his Handler, and then convey the list of projects to that Handler.

The Handler will then convey that info back to the Cortex Group.

In the Group, all the different forum/group/board's plans will then be added together on one "master list".

Each Handler then takes a copy of that Master list back to the forum/group/board representative, who can then post it or share with his members.

Pretty soon, people will see that they are duplicating efforts and they can then contact other groups, doing the same as them and strenghten their efforts. Or attracth interested members.

It will also be a quick and efficient way of spreading once piece of information.

Lets say, somewhere in the future, we all want to send one of the BDH's a Happy Birthday, or we want to send a specific letter to a specific unnamed TV network en masse The word is sent out over the network. People will then have the option to take part or not.

It's not a chainletter. It's a mega post.

Just my two cents worth.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Friday, May 18, 2007 9:52 AM


Hear, Hear!!

Good idea. I would like to see us have all those links posted on one page on the net so fans could find all the sites.

Also I still worry about us preaching to the converted. I would love more ways of reaching out to the uninitiated. Yes, sharing with friends and family works but it is a sloooow process.

Ideas (so far) with the most chance of reaching the Firefly-deficient are:

1)Getting the Collector's Edition to the top of Amazon's ranking by purchasing in a concerted effort. (I think this would best be served by purchasing over the course of a two week period and attempting to keep Serenity in the top 5 the whole time)

2)Topping a poll that has a large mainstream audience ie BBC in order to pique people's interest. (This requires that the Poll be reported on in the mainstream press, however.)

3)Press coverage of charity screenings of Serenity.

4)Press coverage of Serenity/Firefly in space.

In other words, IMO, it all boils down to press coverage. What the "cortex group," blogs, newsletters, web sites would allow is for us fans to make concerted efforts in these areas.

Thus, we need to get all the disparate areas working efficiently together as soon as possible in order to support those efforts already ongoing and get up and running any other efforts deemed important as quickly as possible.

Wow, I just reread this post. Boooring! I need to reread King Harry's St. Crispin Day's Speech.

For he to-day that spends his money with me
Shall be my brother;...

And those uninitiated now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon great Firely's part


Friday, May 18, 2007 10:02 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
Ok, sorry I'm late. I went away for a bit and lost the thread.

You guys have been busy.

Just before the chat (which is scheduled for me at 5:30 in the morning!!!! no worries, I'll drag my sad, tired bones to the office and the computer) I just wanted to put something out there.

Seems to me that there is quite a few projects going out there now.

There is almost just as many websites. Each one doing there own thing, and trying to spread the word to as much people as possible. But not always succeeding.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for one group to spread the word to everybody else. There is a number of cross posting, but that doesn't always reach everybody.

What I suggest is, instead of forming a centralised website, that we rather set up an organised network.

Now this would work much better if I could draw a picture.

Wait, I hope this helps.


The principle of the idea is to facilitate the transfer of information.

We form a core group (Lets call it the Cortex group. Just because this explanation is very long and it'll get confusin')

We get a list of ALL the Browncoat websites, and ALL the Browncoat yahoo groups and forums and myspace groups.

We divide them between the members of the Cortex Group. Every Cortex group member contact the forums/groups/boards on their list (he will be know as the forum/group/board's "Handler" and inform them of the formation of the group, and invite them to assign one contact person per forum/group/board to liase with the Cortex group.

Once that is established, every forum/group/board can make a list of projects/plans they are busy with, and give it through to their representative. That representative can then contact his Handler, and then convey the list of projects to that Handler.

The Handler will then convey that info back to the Cortex Group.

In the Group, all the different forum/group/board's plans will then be added together on one "master list".

Each Handler then takes a copy of that Master list back to the forum/group/board representative, who can then post it or share with his members.

Pretty soon, people will see that they are duplicating efforts and they can then contact other groups, doing the same as them and strenghten their efforts. Or attracth interested members.

It will also be a quick and efficient way of spreading once piece of information.

Lets say, somewhere in the future, we all want to send one of the BDH's a Happy Birthday, or we want to send a specific letter to a specific unnamed TV network en masse The word is sent out over the network. People will then have the option to take part or not.

It's not a chainletter. It's a mega post.

Just my two cents worth.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Originally posted by RedHead:
Hear, Hear!!

Good idea. I would like to see us have all those links posted on one page on the net so fans could find all the sites.

Also I still worry about us preaching to the converted. I would love more ways of reaching out to the uninitiated. Yes, sharing with friends and family works but it is a sloooow process.

Ideas (so far) with the most chance of reaching the Firefly-deficient are:

1)Getting the Collector's Edition to the top of Amazon's ranking by purchasing in a concerted effort. (I think this would best be served by purchasing over the course of a two week period and attempting to keep Serenity in the top 5 the whole time)

2)Topping a poll that has a large mainstream audience ie BBC in order to pique people's interest. (This requires that the Poll be reported on in the mainstream press, however.)

3)Press coverage of charity screenings of Serenity.

4)Press coverage of Serenity/Firefly in space.

In other words, IMO, it all boils down to press coverage. What the "cortex group," blogs, newsletters, web sites would allow is for us fans to make concerted efforts in these areas.

Thus, we need to get all the disparate areas working efficiently together as soon as possible in order to support those efforts already ongoing and get up and running any other efforts deemed important as quickly as possible.

Wow, I just reread this post. Boooring! I need to reread King Harry's St. Crispin Day's Speech.

The "Cortex Group" already exists kids in the form of the Browncoat Signal Corps which has been in operation since last Summer of Serenity.

Please visit this website to learn more about it and to perhaps join?

We currently have every website and every yahoo group that wishes to be contacted with news covered by the good Browncoats who have volunteered for this mission and have been carrying out their mission for over a year.

ETA: Many of the volunteers who work a specific blog, website, group or organization are also members of that particular group and information thus flows between volunteers, groups and the centrally located BSC leaders. It's not a perfect system, but it does work just fine.

To join us go here:


Friday, May 18, 2007 10:21 AM


You're Handler idea is a good one

But, that list is going to be long. It takes time for a compare of everything. Time I'm not sure people are willing to spend. This idea also seems to spend a fair bit of resources just coordinating things.

A central news/blog type site would do this as a side effect (as long as it's used ). I've sent an idea (built on others) for such a site to Anduine that will probably be re-sent to those that will be in the chat for consideration.

We'll see how it's received.

p.s. With images, just post the url. It'll automagically be converted to either a link or the image will appear.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, May 18, 2007 9:11 PM



Well we had our first official chat and I have to say it was more productive than I even hoped for.

We've split everyone who volunteered according to their interests into two groups. Mainly website/blog and newsletter projects.

These two groups have chosen project leaders and will begin to layout a plan and proposal that will encompass some of these goals.

(1) Mission statement
(2) Definition of project
(3) Pros vs cons
(4) Resources
(5) Similar projects that forces and resources can be joined vs doing our own thing
(6) Proposed implementation

Each team will work throughout this week developing the 6 points above and additional information.

In roughly a weeks time we will reassemble and review and refine each teams proposal with the entire group and determine next steps.

I want to thank EVERYONE for their posts and comments. From what I've seen and heard from some of the vets, we have a very high caliber group assembled. Plus some very impressive vets both participating and offering guidance.


Monday, May 21, 2007 2:21 PM


Sorry that I could not be available for the chat..Please keep us informed as soon as you have new information...


Monday, May 21, 2007 2:57 PM


Sorry that I couldn't be there either. As FollowMal told you, there'll be a new project starting up on the Slightly Irregular BC forum soon. I'll get an e-mail off to you with the rough draft sometime this evening, Anduine... as soon as I relocate your e-mail address!

TD/Tim Brown

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 6:06 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

The "Cortex Group" already exists kids in the form of the Browncoat Signal Corps which has been in operation since last Summer of Serenity.

Please visit this website to learn more about it and to perhaps join?

We currently have every website and every yahoo group that wishes to be contacted with news covered by the good Browncoats who have volunteered for this mission and have been carrying out their mission for over a year.

ETA: Many of the volunteers who work a specific blog, website, group or organization are also members of that particular group and information thus flows between volunteers, groups and the centrally located BSC leaders. It's not a perfect system, but it does work just fine.

See, I knew it was a good idea. I just didn't know someone else had tried it already .

I tried to join on the website but they're referring to a form containing groups and there's no form there.

There's also an e-mail address which links to a yahoo page saying the page I'm looking for doesn't exist.

I'd like to get involved with this.

(In addition to the "Regulators" of course

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8:09 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
See, I knew it was a good idea. I just didn't know someone else had tried it already .

I tried to join on the website but they're referring to a form containing groups and there's no form there.

There's also an e-mail address which links to a yahoo page saying the page I'm looking for doesn't exist.

I'd like to get involved with this.

(In addition to the "Regulators" of course

It was indeed a good idea, Canter.
We can all thank Kaele for having it last year and thank Zisker for implementing it for the Serenity Day crew then turning it over to me and Silence after they were done with their campaign. We added crews and sites and expanded it, but we'd not have what we have without those two phenomenal ladies.

I went to the site and looked to be sure that our join page is working properly. The form is there, you just have to scroll down. When you push submit, it prompts your default mail to send it as an email to the address. I'll answer if I see it come thru.

Here's the join page:
Just scroll down and you'll see it.

Our email address looks as if it's not working... Redhead wrote me a letter to inform me that it wasn't but when I submitted a test email, it DID go thru, it just brings up an error page at yahoo.
I have informed our webmaster and also written yahoo in case it's a glitch.

I'll receive anything you send me, I've tested it several times. So please try again.

To join us go here:


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:01 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

It was indeed a good idea, Canter.
We can all thank Kaele for having it last year and thank Zisker for implementing it for the Serenity Day crew then turning it over to me and Silence after they were done with their campaign. We added crews and sites and expanded it, but we'd not have what we have without those two phenomenal ladies.

I went to the site and looked to be sure that our join page is working properly. The form is there, you just have to scroll down. When you push submit, it prompts your default mail to send it as an email to the address. I'll answer if I see it come thru.

Here's the join page:
Just scroll down and you'll see it.

Our email address looks as if it's not working... Redhead wrote me a letter to inform me that it wasn't but when I submitted a test email, it DID go thru, it just brings up an error page at yahoo.
I have informed our webmaster and also written yahoo in case it's a glitch.

I'll receive anything you send me, I've tested it several times. So please try again.

I don't know what to tell you, FM.
When I go on that site there's no list of yahoogroups, alphabetical or otherwise. So where do I cut and paste the groups I'm interested in adopting? Does this mean that there are no groups available?

(I made screenshots of what it looks like to me, but can't seem to link it to this today.
I'll try to send it through e-mail to the listed e-mail address)

I did submit a form, though It just won't contain anything much.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:49 AM


I'm so sorry, Canter, I misunderstood what you said.

There are indeed no groups listed because there aren't any available at this time or on the site.

Really ( they're just not up there yet ) there may indeed be some available as we're getting ready to make sure our teams have everyone covered and there isn't anyone wishing to quit being a volunteer.

If there are any folks needing to quit, we'll have a list for you.

Is there a group you belong to or know of that you'd like to see if you could be the team member for?

To join us go here:


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:11 AM


Only place I'm regular at is the 76th and fff.

BTW, can you guys send out an s.o.s. for the voting campaign?

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:25 AM


Yes, we can.

And we'd be happy to.

Would you like to write it?

To join us go here:


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:35 AM


Thank you, yes.

Should I e-mail it to you?

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:30 AM



Friday, May 25, 2007 4:17 PM


Hello! I am new to the board, but not the 'verse:), please be gentle w/ me! I just got and watched "Done The Impossible", and am COMMITTED to doing what I can to bring another Serenity to the, I am available to whoever needs support.

That being said, I can appreciate that so many people have given so much to keep this cause in the air, and I would just like to offer a little seems like there are SO MANY sites/threads...I know it's been mentioned, but I thought someone up-thread mentioned a BRAND NEW site, just for this project. I think that's a great idea, to be tied in with the release of the new DVD Set. Everything distributed (and all media communications) should have that one web-
site as the contact point.
I don't know if anyone has seen the massive fan campaign for (cancelled) Jericho, but the fans are mailing tins of nuts to the studio....I propose a letter writing campaign, but of a very short duration, that has ALL the letters/cards arriving @ Universal on the days surrounding the DVD release date.
I think a massive media hit/fan outcry, coupled with huge DVD sales may get their attention!
Also, I read somewhere that the deadline for a greenlight on SERENITY II was in September '07....would the proximity to the August DVD release be helpful, or not leave enough time? Thanks for listening. Feedback?


Friday, May 25, 2007 9:49 PM


Here's something that was done quite well in 2002 from a group called SOS (Save our Sentinel) when it was canceled on SciFi channel. I've copied it here for everyones FYI.

But just to let people know, miracles can happen. EVERYONE NEEDS to get behind the letter writing campaigns that are out there.

September 20, 2002
One of us subscribes to an online newsletter called The Sci Fi Guys( They ask a
question each issue that they want folks to write in about and they publish some answers in the next issue.

The current question: "What cancelled series would you like to see brought back?"

AND the Tribe made its voice known big time!! "The Sentinel" is one of only two such series featured in their latest newsletter, and the letter chosen to represent the fandom's voice was from one of your very own SOS sibs - ta dah!

EDITOR: All I can say is, "Holy Cow!" Our question found its way to a Sentinel fan list and we got flooded. Again, many sent in excellent letters and it was hard to pick the one to carry the banner

There you have it, sibs. SOS will forward the news-letter to Bonnie Hammer with a "Heads up, Sci Fi Channel! Demand for 'The Sentinel' is still out there, and we want our show back!" And...this MIGHT just be a good time for such a push.

Back in July, Chris Regina, Sci-Fi's Programming Director told SOS that there were "no current plans" to put TS back on the schedule. Yet barely a month later, he was quoted on's Bulletin Board as saying yes, TS would be back in the fall or in January. SOS called Regina and confirmed the quote. He further stated that it "would most likely be back in January". Yeah, we've heard this before - but this IS a change from Chris's July's comments! Hopeful? Maybe - and we say, jump on it! Take the man at his word and send a couple of emails to the Sci-Fi Channel at:


Remember, too, that hard-copy has as much, if not more impact than e-mail. Splurge on a stamp and send a postcard or letter to Chris Regina, and/or President

Bonnie Hammer at:

The Sci Fi Channel
1230 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10020-1513

Call Sci Fi at 212-413-5000, ask for the Comments Hotline, and give 'em some comments! ASK if it's true TS will be back in Jan. TELL them we want it back!!

May we suggest that, once you've written to /emailed /phoned the Sci Fi Channel to agitate for the return of "The Sentinel" then zip over to our most excellent sib Sandy's (z3magic) Web Count site? She's set this up to keep a running total of correspondence to Sci Fi, and we'd love for her to track your input.

All these URL's should work:

Let's see those numbers jump!!


Friday, May 25, 2007 9:52 PM



Thanks for posting. Great idea's!


Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:18 AM


Two months ago when I first started visiting Firefly fansites, I was ashamed by my secret addiction. I thought people who were fans and had time to post must not have a REAL LIFE. Now I'm still addicted but not ashamed. Firefly fans not only have real lives, they lead some pretty interesting lives. And they don’t just talk about doing things—They DO them. (In fact, as I learned from my years as a fundraiser—if you want something done, ask someone who is busy already because that person is an achiever!) Here is some of what we doers have accomplished just from a conversation started on this thread.

We decided on 2 projects to focus on. The first is a blog which we have named News of the ‘Verse. It should be out in the next few days. The purpose of this blog is to support ongoing efforts in the fandom to promote the series and the movie. The idea is this website will feature ONLY projects, events, and news about BDS and BDM. We encourage fans to bring information on Firefly related items and submit them to one place. Then fans who either don’t frequent any sites or only frequent one site can access them through our RSS feed easily. The more fans that submit happenings to our site, the more fans will frequent our site which will make it a better site to get information throughout the ‘verse.

The 2nd project that is still in the works is a newsletter/magazine that will serve to promote the ‘verse not only to established fans but, hopefully, to people who have yet to become fans. This ‘zine will not only be online but will be published in print to allow for distribution at conventions, at video stores, to friends, etc.

We have an amazing group of people working on these two projects but if you would like to join us we would love to have you. Feel free to either PM me or post here.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:09 AM



Let us know how to get a hold of the blog & the magazine/ newsletter.

I stared showing more of my love for the 'verse and it surprised me who were Browncoats my area. I can tell you that I know A LOT of Browncoats who don't visit the boards. One being that they work longs days & on the computer a lot already.

Keep Flying'


Thursday, May 31, 2007 5:02 PM


SigmaNuki and Xardoz have been working hard to get the blog up. The rest of us have been just giving them feedback as they are the talented computer people.

We're hoping that all you fans will be able to access the blog in the next day or two. We want it out there in time to help boost the Can's Stop the Serenity Screenings. I'll throw up threads here and in as many other fan sites as I can find when we're done. I would appreciate it if people would pass the info on to any sites they go to also.

Mycroft and Anduine have been working with a group of us on the newszine. We're pretty excited about what we have planned.

We've been lucky and had some advisers that have kept us moving in the right direction. Thank you to FollowMal, TDBrown, and Penquin.

We welcome any of you busy folks out there if you're interested and we hope you all enjoy the finished products.






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