No fairy tale for 'Briar Rose'. Dollhouse drops to new low at 1.1 shares.

UPDATED: Monday, May 4, 2009 20:54
VIEWED: 8234
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Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:37 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Last night's episode, 'Briar Rose,' in which we see the the return of Alan Tudyk to a Joss Whedon series, while met with great fan enthusiasm when it was first rumored, fizzled where it mattered most.

According to James Hibberd's Live Feed, 'Briar Rose' earned only a 1.1 adults share and 3.1 million viewers, making it a new low for 'Dollhouse' in the viewer demo that mattered most to advertisers.

On the upside, 'Briar Rose' did better than 'Haunted' in terms of total viewership, not by much to matter, especially in light of the drop in the demo, but at least some were curious about Alan Tudyk's appearance.

Had 'Dollhouse' had more time, it might have even marked the beginning of an upward trend. However, with only a single episode left to go before FOX decides whether to foreclose the 'Dollhouse,' things aren't looking too good for the Actives in the coming weeks.

Here is a rundown of the ratings for the series this season.

Ghost - 4.7 million (2.0)
The Target - 4.22 million (1.7)
Stage Fright - 4.13 million (1.6)
Gray Hour - 3.5 million (1.5)
True Believer - 4.33 million (1.6)
Man on the Street - 4.13 million (1.5)
Echoes - 3.87 million (1.4)
Needs - 3.49 million (1.5)
Spy in the House of Love - 3.56 million (1.4)
Haunted - 2.99 million (1.2)
Briar Rose - 3.1 million viewers (1.1)



Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:36 PM


Thank you HAKEN, I did'nt have the balls to post the ratings any more, sorry.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:38 PM




Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:55 PM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.

Not to be unreasonably optimistic (course, that comes natural as a browncoat) but the actual number of people watching was up from last week and I think the last thing fox wants is another Firefly on their hands. They might just give it another shot.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer:


Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:57 PM


Hey Joss even said that the numbers aren't the whole of the equation for whether it'll be cancelled. They are also factoring in the DVR numbers and that may spring things back... ( yes that's some real lunatic optimism, but hey it could happen)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 1:31 PM


Oh, so true, MsA! Plus, I'm about ready to get rid of cable boxes and satellites altogether since so many shows are now being streamed online.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 4:38 PM



DMI wrote:
Saturday, May 02, 2009 12:55
Not to be unreasonably optimistic (course, that comes natural as a browncoat) but the actual number of people watching was up from last week and I think the last thing fox wants is another Firefly on their hands.

I love Joss as much as the next man/woman but I have to say I think the numbers we are seeing are generous.. Dollhouse could not possible compare to Firefly in any way shape or form. I'll watch anything Joss but I won't be involved in any campaign to save the Dollhouse, it's just not doing it for me.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 6:23 PM


You understand there was a big push for dollhouse fans to NOT watch the live broadcast and just watch Hulu, and other downloaded broadcasts, just this past week or two?


Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:36 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Nobodey:
You understand there was a big push for dollhouse fans to NOT watch the live broadcast and just watch Hulu, and other downloaded broadcasts, just this past week or two?

Sorry, I missed that bit of news. Though, I must admit, I don't quite understand the reasoning behind it since watching the broadcast only on Hulu and through other online means will lessen FOX's direct advertising revenue for the series, which will actually do more harm than good. This is especially true if all the other networks are using the same metric and FOX doesn't when vying for advertising dollars.

Anyway, seems counterproductive to me. Would have been more prudent to convince everyone and their friends and families to watch than to boycott the show on TV.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:48 PM



Originally posted by Nobodey:
You understand there was a big push for dollhouse fans to NOT watch the live broadcast and just watch Hulu, and other downloaded broadcasts, just this past week or two?

Can't a person do both...? I agree with Haken, Nielsen box or not, it doesn't make sense to "boycott" the show on TV and instead only watch it online. I think watching it on both has to be a better option.


Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:21 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Briar Rose went toe-to-toe with Star Wars Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. So millions of scifi fans were stolen.

The previous 2 epps had a deficit of Joss Humor TM. Drives away the Feel Good Crowd, leaving only hardcore Joss Fans. Not a good marketing move, IMO. Probably trying to recruit the depressed COPS Crowd.

Why Fox don't offer all shows free online WITH the original ads is just insane.

Dollhouse does get top billiing today on plus the official forum:

No visitor count on the forum. Only 1,600 members. Not enuff hype on Fox.

No way to hotlink the banners to this forum. Not too smart. HTML only.

"Hahaha, mine is an evil laugh."
-Alpha, Dollhouse (deleted scene)


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:59 AM


Even if the numbers were up slightly from last week they're still pretty low. Joss was saying a spike in ratings might save the show. It's been more of a canyon these past couple weeks. I think the show is done for.

Next Joss project please.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:37 AM


How exactly is going from a 1.2 share last week, to a 1.1 this week, considered going UP? I mean, how do more viewers account for a lower share?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, May 4, 2009 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
How exactly is going from a 1.2 share last week, to a 1.1 this week, considered going UP? I mean, how do more viewers account for a lower share?

They're talking about a share of the adults from like 18-38 or whatever it is. That's the market that they usually target ads for and that's why it's important. Apparently the overall viewers went up but was full of kids or older adults. Darn ageist advertisers.


Monday, May 4, 2009 1:20 PM


Keep in mind that Dollhouse was competing with the opening of the X-Men movie. In light of that, any increase in viewership is good news.


Monday, May 4, 2009 8:54 PM


From a handful of articles I've read regarding DH and Fox suits, the indication has been that they are watching the online numbers as much as the "over-the-air" numbers or Nielsen numbers.

That and a quarter will get you a greasy bag o' chips, but there you have it. If the Fox suits decide to give DH a shot this coming fall, they will be playing Hangman. With each ep they will closely monitor the numbers with each week adding or subtracting from the noose. DH will probably start in Sept/October and have probably 6 to 8 weeks to establish solid numbers (whatever the magic number is for Fox).

BTW Hulu does have advertising and Fox does track the numbers there (as mentioned above). I suspect that if DH continues to do well there then Fox may reconsider axing the show and give it a chance to gain an audience outside of the show's devoted fanbase (namely Whedonites and Browncoats). One thing that the Fox suits have learned from FF is that we are generally loyal viewers, and that we support Joss come hell or highwater (if he tells a good story).

Some observations:

Supposedly there is a new regime inside the Fox-hole in regards to the suits; and these suits still like cashy-money. They are well aware that we will go out and buy the DVDs.

Having said that, Fox has decided to hold one ep to offer it up in the DVD of Season 1. Very cagey of them. Well, I don't think I'll make that move unless I know that we will have a Season 2 coming and in production before purchasing. Thats just me. Fox is not getting another dime out of me unless they commit to DH or, perhaps, a mini-series of our beloved FF (I know, the chances are slim and none; and slim is at the door).

I'm just saying.

BTW last week (5/1) DH went up against basketball playoffs and Wolverine (which made $87M at the Box Office over the weekend). Stiff competition indeed. So, does Fox feel that 3.1 million viewers on a Friday is a bad number?

In 11 eps DH has averaged approx. 3.8 million viewers per week, on Friday, with crappy lead-in
shows. The Terminator and Prison Break lead-ins did little, and IMO, probably detracted from DH overall numbers. For a freshman show; unknown and underpromoted, this isn't so bad. But to hell with the numbers, this show has potential.

Do you like it? Yes, I do. It needs some tweaking, but overall I really like the story. It's no FF, but then again what is.

What I would like to see is Fox give Joss a chance to develop the story, move it to a decent night and give it a decent lead-in. I say move it to Tuesdays behind Fringe or move it to Wednesdays behind Lie to Me. If the numbers still don't make Fox smile then I say kill it.

Here is someone with a similar take on how DH can gain "live" viewership and kick butt in the numbers dept.

From Dollsactive blogger site:

Sadly, due to lack of promotion and a dreary spot on the death trap that is Friday nights, FOX has every opportunity to cancel this show. We have seen it done time and time again, spectacular shows getting axed before they really have a chance to develop, because as we all know if you are not a hit during the first season, chances are you won't see a second. While I understand FOX is going about this from a financial standpoint, they need to realize this show has a loyal, strong fan base which will not let this turn into another "Firefly." All FOX needs to do is throw a little time and effort into promoting the show. Although Eliza Dushku has spent much of her own time hitting the talk show circuit and trying to raise awareness, the actual company has done very little. The show has proven to be a huge hit with DVR and online viewers, with a little assistance this could be turned into live viewership. All that needs to be done is this:

1) Give Dollhouse a shot airing in a different time slot. Get away from Fridays and give the show a lead in from 24 or Fringe. Create a new night of scifi, instead of placing Dollhouse next to another failing show. This could immediately turn those DVR viewers to live if it were placed on a Monday or Tuesday night.
2) Promote the show. It's that simple. Place adds for the show on other stations and not just the night is airs. Send all cast members out to various talk shows, although there has been a ton of press online, general viewers are relatively unaware the show actually exists.

3) Let Joss helm the show he wants to create. Obviously the biggest problem from a critical stand point was the heavy hand of FOX in the original five episodes. Although they were entertaining and still had "Whedon" moments, the studio's efforts to create stand alone vs serialized really hurt the shows chances of survival.

So these are just a few of my ideas for FOX, please post any other ideas you have for the show and ways we can help SAVE DOLLHOUSE. In my next post I will share what information I have gathered so far to let people know what they can do to help.

(Posted by Blogger Justin Marchant - April 19, 2009)

Fox, are you listening?








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