Put even more pressure on Sci-fi to bring back Firefly!

UPDATED: Friday, May 9, 2008 16:44
VIEWED: 10261
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Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:06 PM


Hey everyone sorry for starting another thread so soon but I realized something while watching tonight’s Battlestar Galactica. The Sci-fi channel is going through a transitional phase right now. SG-1, the channels traditional standby is not going to be continued for another season, but more importantly it looks like Battle Star Galactica is in trouble.

I base this on three facts; one that the show was moved from the Friday night lineup to Sunday. History tells us that whenever a show makes a leap from one day to another, it loses a significant proportion of its audience. Secondly, the show’s ratings, while strong, are not what they used to be. The last piece of evidence I have is highly speculative, the show is displaying many signs that it is nearing the end of its lifespan, specifically the death of one of the main characters (Starbuck), and news of a planned prequel spin-off called “Caprica.” Many people might argue that a spin-off means that a show is doing well, but upon closer examination we find that is not the case with Galactica. A successful show often gets a spin-off when a supporting character becomes strong enough to carry their own show (Angel from Buffy, Frasier from Cheers, Maude from All in the Family). But with a few rare exceptions, spin-offs are the networks last attempt to squeeze money out of a franchise that still has some life in it, but is fadeing fast.

The vacuum created by the loss of two of its most popular programs would put greater urgency on the success of the new programs, as if they fail sci-fi is drifting in network space without a catalyzer. As we brown coats know all to well, the riskiest time for a new series is when it is first starting out, odds are that at least one of the new shows produced will not gather a large enough fan base to be successful. This is where Firefly comes in. The Firefly franchise has one undeniable asset, us. Long before I new about Firefly the brown coats raised enough of a holler to get a major motion picture made, unheard of for a show that was canceled after less then a full season. If someone were to start making another season of Firefly not only would it have an instant core audience, it would receive the tons of word of mouth publicity that accompanies a shows triumphant return after a FOX imposed hiatus (thinking of you Family Guy).

Now I know that there are many people out there who are quick to point out that Fox still owns the rights to Firefly, but I would like to point out that Universal Pictures produced Serenity, and that the Sci-fi channel is a subsidiary of NBC-Universal. While they might not have acquired all of the rights to produce another season of Firefly, they are much closer to being able to do that then they were when the show was first canceled back in 2002.

While I’m sure many people have done something like this in the past I think we stand a better shot now then we did a year ago. Here’s the link to the Sci-fi channel feedback area, just give them a shout to remind them that we’re still here.

I was on the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:49 PM


It would not hurt to come up with a bring back
Firefly postcard, and mail out multiple copies
from different PO's all on the same day.. mail
them to your relatives and friends far away and
have them remail it! For a mail in campaign to
work at a network as far as it even being noticed
by execs. it has to be almost obscene in numbers.


Friday, March 30, 2007 3:21 PM


While I for one would like to see firefly back on TV (didn't watch it the first time, but I have the DVD set). I don't think your argument holds too much water. BSG, has been renewed for a 4th full season due out in 2008. Plus a telemovie this fall. The loss of one of the main characters is a plot point, not a sign that actors want to leave or anything like that.

I would also hardly call the Sunday lineup as a bad thing. It's Stargate Atlantis, Dresden Files and Battlestar in that order. Space, the canadian version of Sci-Fi channel traditionally only has horror movies on friday night. BSG was shown on a saturday earlier this year, but it moved to sunday for reasons unknown (maybe didn't want it against hockey?). Not sure what took its place on saturday, I only watch 1 hour of TV a week (BSG).

Stargate, while the first show is done or going to be done, Atlantis I don't think is any less popular. I've also heard of a possible 3rd SG show coming out. The first series is done because really, 10 seasons is enough. Especially as the last 4 or so were re-hashes of the others as far as I've heard. Not that I've seen much of this show to begin with.

So yeah, if Firefly came back it would kick a**. Some very good characters on there and I didn't the western slant was quite good. I've never watched Buffy or Angel, but Firefly's a winner.

BTW - the BSG prequel "news" is old news. I heard that before I even started watching the show, as originally I didn't have cable. There's rumours that BSG's 4th season may be it's last, but it's fourth is due out next year and is 22 episodes long so whether there's space for firefly after that, we'lll have to see.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:31 PM


Even after 6 years people keep trying. It's a nice dream but the fact remains when Joss was lookin round for other stations to run the show one of the first places he went to was Sci Fi. They flatly refused because of the costs. Each episode went to 1 to 2 million each, Sci Fi doesn't have that kind of budget. Besides the actors are all off doing their own things now. The best you can hope for are 2 sequels. And I don't know if I'd want the show now that two of my faves are dead.

This won't be the last time this is brought up as newer people find out about Firefly, but the results are going to be the same.

"We can be Heroes.... if just for one day."[/]

~*Peter* Peter*; power *re-peater*~

What do you mean I have to wait
3 fricken weeks for Heroes?


Monday, April 2, 2007 3:09 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Even after 6 years people keep trying. It's a nice dream but the fact remains when Joss was lookin round for other stations to run the show one of the first places he went to was Sci Fi. They flatly refused because of the costs. Each episode went to 1 to 2 million each, Sci Fi doesn't have that kind of budget. Besides the actors are all off doing their own things now. The best you can hope for are 2 sequels. And I don't know if I'd want the show now that two of my faves are dead.
This won't be the last time this is brought up as newer people find out about Firefly, but the results are going to be the same.

Man oh man..that's a harsh dose of reality for a Monday morning. no Sci Fi Channel new episodes; why won't HBO TV produce it? Is it still too expensive even for them? They are losing Sopranos in June, why not Firefly? I'd bet it would get better ratings than Big Love or Rome....maybe get a new Firefly ready for
October? If nothing, then I'd be quite thrilled with a movie sequel....think that has a decent chance?


Monday, April 2, 2007 5:52 PM


Haha, see the problem with Firefly, with any sci-fi for that matter is that most North Americans don't give it a second thought. It doesn't matter how good a show is, the fact that there's spaceships and the like will turn people off from watching it. Same way that if you try to show someone some adult-orientated (not porn) japanimation, they won't watch it either "It's a cartoon, it's for kids".

They'd rather watch foul-mouthed mobsters, or a bunch of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame on Survivor 38.

Certainly a lot of people like sci-fi, but it's not mainstream I'd venture. Right along with Fantasy and any Animation (beyond of course comedy shows like Simpsons, Futurama, etcetera)


Monday, April 2, 2007 6:28 PM



Originally posted by PaulBrown:
japanimation, they won't watch it either "It's a cartoon, it's for kids".

A lot of anime is better written than most of the drivel on network T.V. now.

And HBO generally only does shows that contain gratuitous violence and/or sex.


Monday, April 2, 2007 9:45 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Even after 6 years people keep trying. It's a nice dream but the fact remains when Joss was lookin round for other stations to run the show one of the first places he went to was Sci Fi. They flatly refused because of the costs. Each episode went to 1 to 2 million each, Sci Fi doesn't have that kind of budget. Besides the actors are all off doing their own things now. The best you can hope for are 2 sequels. And I don't know if I'd want the show now that two of my faves are dead.

This won't be the last time this is brought up as newer people find out about Firefly, but the results are going to be the same.

You're probably right, Misstressahara. Sci-Fi nor any other tv network is going to make new eps of Firefly right now, or for the foreseeable future.
Joss said that Firefly was over... not to be anymore. Serenity ( movies ) is our only hope.
I get why that is and some of the reasons have been mentioned here. Cost of the eps, lack of interest in the American mainstream viewers in anything besides reality drivel, the actors have moved on and so has Joss.

But there's something that Sci-Fi can be approached about and that's re-showing Firefly eps. Making it a part of their rotation of classic sci-fi shows that they run all the time. Giving us more marathons in connection to the SE release. I saw Firefly on the SciFi channel and became an instant fan, an instant guerrilla marketer, and more importantly, an instant Browncoat. There would be others that would have the same thing happen to them. Showing Firefly and therefore giving us new #'s of people is the greatest thing that Sci-Fi could do for us. And it's well within our ability to influence them to do so. We do have enough #'s for that.


Originally posted by ShinyEd:
If nothing, then I'd be quite thrilled with a movie sequel....think that has a decent chance?

At this point I'd say there's not enough of us to market more Serenity to. And they know it. It was obvious in the poor showing at the box office that they didn't get numbers. Universal hasn't even gotten their money back yet, even with DVD sales.
Perhaps the SE will net them enough money to think about it... but at this point looking at our quiet little fandom, I'd say not. I'm not being doom and gloom, I'm being realistic. We need new folks, and new folks in large numbers. The kind of fans who loudly ask for more and are willing to put their money where their mouths are. We need to be active again and I look around here and don't see it much.

They'd have to see HUGE numbers in sales of the Serenity SE DVD to even glance our fandom's way again, I'd wager.

A caveat to my above statements, lest I get myself in trouble, which I'm likely to do...

I think there are two things that might influence a sequel without us being a huge rabid fanbase clamoring for more and spending money til hell won't have it...

1. Nathan or any of the other BDH's become an A list star and can do what they'd like to do after a while and they request or make it known they'd like to do a sequel.

2. Joss gets a major hit movie in theaters and they can't tell him no and neither can movie goers. So he starts Serenity II.

I plan to work as hard as I can to let as many people as I can know about Firefly/Serenity until one of these things comes about. I can't do anything else. I have to hold.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!


Monday, August 6, 2007 3:26 PM


Come on people!!!
6 years have passed and there are still new people joining this cause (including me)!!! And you are telling me that its hopeless, that there will not be a sequel??
Some of you, veterans, may be tired of this fight but there are new fans coming into this and we are a mean bunch of mo*********s, and we bring reinforcements!! :) There are A LOT of folks who don't participate in fan forums, but are fans of Firefly!!! I know a dozen of them!!!!

Have some faith people!! Believe in Firefly, the Greatest show ever! :)

Sorry for my bad English ;)


Friday, May 9, 2008 4:44 PM


YAY! I'm a vet fan & I still think we can atleast get movie sequal. So buck the hell up troops this is a war not a tea party!



Friday, May 9, 2008 4:44 PM


YAY! I'm a vet fan & I still think we can atleast get movie sequal. So buck the hell up troops this is a war not a tea party!







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