Only just discovered Firefly.. whats the deal..

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 04:40
VIEWED: 4034
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:06 AM


Hey there.

I gotta admit I'm a complete firefly noobie. Never even heard of as I don't think it's ever been aired in the UK.

Spotted the DVD on a special offer and thought I'd give it a try, damn I'm glad I did. Must admit it took me a couple of episodes to get into it but the characters are all so strong and the stories compelling.

My question is really whats the deal with Firefly was it just a quick series commisioned by fox to get the most out of the buffy guy while he was still under contract with no real plans for any continuation? I will be mortified if we aren't going to get any more episodes..

I had pretty much given up on TV sci-fi as most of it is completly brain dead junk, Firefly has given me new hope (unless of course it is terminally cancelled then all fox execs deserve to spend a few days with that russian fella on his space station...)

Sorry for asking dumb questions..




Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:24 AM


To answer your question Dave, uh, it's kind of a long story. First Fox gave Firefly very little advertising. Then they kept preempting it for baseball. Then they didn't allow the two hour pilot to be played first, it came last! They only showed ten episodes out of the thirteen that were made and then they cancelled it. Thanks to Firefly fans and Joss Whedon, the writer and director, Firefly is going to be a movie, called "Serenity" coming out in 2005. Firefly has been shown in the UK by the way, got lots of UK fans on the websites. This all dates back to September, 2002 (If I recall correctly). We fans called Browncoats have stuck by Firefly all the way. We are "Fan"atics about Firefly. So you have missed about one and one-half years of Firefly history so far. Maybe some of the others will fill you in on subjects I missed. Welcome to the boards. Regards, B

"And I'm thinkin' you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling" Mal - Train Job


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:33 AM


Firefly has screened recently on UK's SciFi channel (correct me if I'm wrong)


Ok to condense the DRAMA that was FF short lived experience on TV - It was meant to be (like every other show I guess) an on going series on FOX in the US however from what I can gather FOX were not that impressed or at least not happy with what Whedon and his team turned out - not quite the fast-gun-happy-shoot-em-up SciFi show they were expecting - 'cause basically it was INTELLEGENT. Anyway it seems FOX just didn't really commit to it as much as you have to be to push a brand new show.

They (didn't) commit by holding the 2 hr Pilot - you know the episode that actually introduces and explains the characters and situation of this new world, and started straight out with what is technically Episode 2 - 'Train Job', then I'm not sure on the specifics but FOX managed to butcher the momentum by stopping it after a few episodes to make way for other 'specials' and then continued it later on and managed to cut out several episodes along the way before deciding that it was not getting the traffic they felt it needed to offset the enormous $$$ to make it. And then they CANCELLED it. -A******

But they didn't count on the fanbase (that they failed to realize existed) was very prepared and vigilant with it's campaigning - and after the ongoing outcry FOX had to swallow their dumbass stupidity to allow it's release on DVD. And the push also helped in cementing FF the movie 'Serenity' to take shape and get greenlit.

That's a very broad summary of what happened.

Good bless us Browncoats for persisting, I would be seriously sad if it all ended when it did - I mean I hate watching TV because there really is too much brainless crap on there and when something special comes along, it just seems to dissapear like that. But FF is that light at the end of the tunnel that sometime GREAT shows really do win.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:40 AM


To expand on the last few points. It's not going to be Fox making the movie but Universal. The DVDs sold extra-ordinarily well (especially considering the fact that it was a show that got cancelled so early) and they are still selling as word of mouth gets around. Anyways, these sales helped cement the deal with Universal. So again, this really has been a fan-based effort. I used to watch the show, only caught like 7 episodes on the original run because of Fox's shell game concerning what to put on friday nights.

Anyways yeah. Fox killed it. Browncoats finally convinced them to release the DVD set. The DVD set sold really well. Universal goes WOW, picks up Firefly, production(or filming?) starts in June for the move titled Serenity, and Fox looks like an ASS.

Ain't. We. Just.






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