Firefly: Immediate Assistance (Press Release)

UPDATED: Friday, November 1, 2002 18:23
VIEWED: 5223
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Tuesday, October 29, 2002 7:16 AM



Kimberly Hirsh

DATE: October 29, 2002
HEADLINE: . Firefly: Immediate Assistance campaign announces new website at

The Firefly: Immediate Assistance campaign announced its new website at The campaign was formed on October 25, 2002 to show appreciations and support for the FOX Network show Firefly created by Joss Whedon. Fans were so excited by the news that FOX had requested an additional three scripts that they wanted to find ways to show their appreciation to both FOX and the sponsors. Kimberly Hirsh, owner and manager of and, organized the campaign to coordinate the voices of Firefly supporters.

The Immediate Assistance campaign consists of three phases. The first involves sending postcards thanking Fox Executives for giving Firefly a home. The second phase is a similar postcard campaign directed at the show’s advertisers thanking them for their support. The third is a fundraising endeavor directed at purchasing a half page ad in The Hollywood Reporter.

Supporters of Firefly can find a variety of information at including progress reports on the campaign, addresses for writing to FOX and the sponsors, the status of fund-raising, and promotional materials. Fans interested in advertising the site can find banners, instant messenger icons and e-mail invitations.

Firefly: Immediate Assistance has already received support from several sources. Angela Wing of Enygma Productions ( donated the web hosting for the new site. Kai Cole, Firefly creator Joss Whedon's wife also expressed their personal support for the campaign’s efforts.

More information is available at


Friday, November 1, 2002 6:59 AM


As a strong believer in the collective unconscious, I believe every little thing we do to support this cause (or any cause in general) has an expanding ripple effect that helps our chances of being successful.

Only inertia can defeat us. So don't be inert.

Let's pretend this Firefly effort is one of those annoying NPR or PBS fund drives and keep each other informed about what specifically we are doing to help save this show (besides, it's good for our morale!).

For my part, here's what I've done:

** Sent a complete set of postcards to Fox and all of the sponsors posted at (40+ total cards sent)

** Printed up an additional set of postcards for a friend of mine to sign and send.

** Before the postcard drive, I sent one page letters to three different execs at Fox detailing why Firefly is a great show, what I specifically like about it and making suggestions about non-Nielson ways to track viewership (since we all know the Nielson system is greatly flawed).

** Sent in e-mails to Fox.

** Since the show began, I've been blabbing about it endlessly to anyone who will listen in attempt to get them interested enough to watch it on their own. This includes making my pensionist father watch an episode with me as well as convincing a Chinese-American ex-girlfriend of mine watch the show to help translate the Chinese language portions (she was pleasantly surprised a show would even attempt this language)

** Oh yeah, and everytime some lame-ass critic writes up a bad review of the show, I send a message to that person informing them how off-base the are and why (so far I've sent such letters to the Boston Phoenix and some paper in S.F.) Who knows, perhaps they will give the show another chance of mention the "ardent fan base" in a future article mentioning Firefly.

Let us know what you've been doing!



Friday, November 1, 2002 6:23 PM


Here's the latest press release...


CONTACT: Kimberly Hirsh

DATE: 11/01/02

HEADLINE: Fervent Fans Flock To Firefly

Lightning seems to have struck twice for Joss Whedon. The creator of the immensely popular Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a new show gaining a wide base of devoted fans. Firefly, a quirky, well-wrought space western, has become an immediate hit with viewers across America, and has already spawned a campaign to keep the show on the air.

The Firefly: Immediate Assistance campaign was formed on October 25 to show support for the FOX show. Excited by the news that FOX had requested an additional three scripts, fans wanted to show their appreciation to both FOX and the sponsors. Kimberly Hirsh, owner and manager of, organized the campaign to coordinate the voices of Firefly supporters.

“Our objective is to show Fox how much fans of science fiction, Joss Whedon and Firefly itself appreciate the show,” said a statement on the group’s Web site. “We want to encourage Fox to continue showing Firefly. Consider this a very big thank you.”

In its first week, Firefly: Immediate Assistance has collected over 3,300 signatures in an online petition, and hopes to gain another 2,000 by November 7. The campaign has also prompted members to send over a hundred postcards to FOX and to the companies that advertise during the Friday night show.

Kai Cole, Whedon’s wife, is grateful for the fans’ efforts. “I thank you, Joss thanks you, and Firefly thanks you,” she said, in a message to Hirsh.

Christopher Buchanan, the president of Firefly’s production company, Mutant Enemy, also sent his thanks. “We really appreciate all the support. It’s so hard to focus on the ratings, politics, marketing, and promotion when we are just trying to make the show the best it can be!”

Firefly can be seen on FOX, Friday nights at 8:00 ET. More information is available at






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