Here is how we bring it back!

UPDATED: Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:07
VIEWED: 3523
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Friday, April 23, 2004 6:05 PM


I used to own a bar and promoting was a full time job so I know this works.
Phase one: notify other fans, find new fans, and grow our numbers. 4/23/04
Phase two: bribe your way into local radio stations and gain their favor. 6/11/04
Phase three: three days before campaign mail out letters, one day before send out e-mail
6/22/04 & 6/24/04
Final stage: flood radio station phone lines across the country, making national news.
Day of Campaign 6/25/04

Explanation: P-1 We will need as many people as we can get to pull this off in as many major markets as we can. So we will have to post this on every message board, bring up the topic in chat rooms, get all of your friends to watch DVDs, and even print up flyers to make it familiar to everyone else, pass them out at B and N and colleges (Kinko’s only charges about a penny a copy). I am ordering 10 more box sets myself and sending one to a friend in Austin and one to a friend in Phoenix. The others go to the radio stations, I’ll get to that. If we get enough of a showing Barnes and Noble could be talked into running a sale the day of the campaign.

P-2 Now to get radio stations on our side. There are a few things radio people love free-stuff, a good cause, and strippers. I plan to take starbucks coffee, breakfast burritos, and the DVD’s (for the morning shows). This way I can get in, get their attention, and get them to watch. I will tell them the fans intend to bombard them with calls in two weeks. That will give them time to watch if they have not already. I will also give them 5 box sets to give away on the day of the campaign. The best things to get are the local AM & FM morning shows and the afternoon talk shows so that we have both drive times and the biggest audience. Making it a movement this way keeps the cost down and the noise we make in public up. Hitting one in one city wouldn’t be enough but 5 in 50 cities will make the news. Also radio stations know TV people so they can drop a word for you that something is going on.

P-3 Three days before campaign mail out as many post cards and letters as you can to networks, local TV stations, Hollywood Reporter. Independent letters make more volume and volume is what we want. The day before campaign send as many e-mails out as you can, flood them all. (Key phrase – BRING IT BACK-)

Final stage: The day of campaign get everyone you can to call into radio stations to tell them what we want and to get people talking about it. They usually only have 20 lines so it’s not hard to keep them busy. People love to sound off and make noise so you should also be able to get other people to call who just like being a part off things. Keep it going all day by dark we should start making the news.

Different variations of getting attention are great, but the dates have to be set in stone so that we act at the same time and not sporadically. I also do not know the addresses of all of the networks and could use help posting them for others.
reply or e-mail me at


Friday, April 23, 2004 7:24 PM


I hate to break the enthusiasm, but we already had campaigns back when the show was cancelled, and while we don't have the show back yet, we DID succeed in getting the DVD, keeping the Official Board up, and most of all getting a big damn movie.

There is nothing we can do for now until after the movie, except try to convert more fans. Now after the movie.. then we can campaign for the show back, hopefully with much larger numbers due to new fans from the movie!

Good plan though, I'm not dissing your plans.

Keep flying


Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:41 AM


no offense but I think you're wrong (to the poster above me, not the origional thread maker)
if you start campaigning NOW for the show to be returned on a different channel then not only will the movie recieve more advertisement but you will get people interested who will buy the DVD and will then help promote.
Plus by campaigning BEFORE the movie and mentioning the movie you may cause some of the channels to look at the show before the movie hoping to buy its rights and make a profit off of the movie's fans as well.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:07 AM


Guy's - it's a movie franchise now.... it got picked up by Universal, there are a couple of posts about it on here somewhere I think......






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