Random thought, and pardon IAP, but why did Thanos send Loki to invade / conquor Earth ?

UPDATED: Monday, March 4, 2019 21:10
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Sunday, February 24, 2019 12:21 PM


America loves a winner!

Was it to get the other 2 infinity stones ? Because seems to me that sending a covert team, like the Black Order , and catching the Avengers off guard would have been far more effective.

Because , as we see in the Avengers coda, Thanos slips on the Gauntlet and says he'll do it himself.

Do what, exactly ? His whole PLAN wasn't to conquer the universe, but instead to gather the stones and * Snap * things into order.

Which , as we see, he finally does ( sorry , spoilers )

I don't follow MCU lore very closely, but those who do, is there an answer ? Because it seems Thanos had this plan going way back, to before he was a master bad guy and his world was still intact.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 7:07 AM


Thanos is something of a minimalist, i.e. he prefers not to be directly involved. Loki was supposed to be retrieving the Tesseract, a.k.a. the Space Stone which the Asgardians used to travel through space before developing the Bifrost (I think), after which they didn't need it. Earth was to be Loki's reward.

As to the Time Stone, it's possible Thanos simply didn't know it was on Earth, at least not until Dr. Strange used it to negotiate with Dormammu. Plus Loki already had the Mind Stone - in his sceptre - without knowing it; Thanos was gambling one Infinity Stone to obtain another with minimal risk to himself...risk in this context being embodied in, so I've read, Captain Marvel. Attracting her attention was the last thing he wanted to do since she's apparently so powerful even Thanos considers her a threat.

OTOH, now he has all six Stones, what can Marvel - what can anybody - do? He can alter reality such that anyone who opposes him not only spontaneously ceases to exist but never even existed in the first place! The "laws" of physics now obtain only if Thanos permits them to do so! If he decides stars should be powered by strawberries instead of nuclear fusion and that space should be green instead of black, then that's the way it'll be! I mean, in his closing scene, where was he? On Titan, restored by him to its former beauty...but with only half of its former population?

I believe he did alter reality such that half the Universe's population disintegrated simply because it was no longer possible for them to exist, so they no longer did. In accordance with his commitment to fairness, he must've given the alteration the same quality of randomness as radioactivity, thus no one category would be spared or victimised. Even the Avengers weren't all affected, even though biasing the process so they would all be wiped out would be a sound tactical move, i.e. erasing his enemies. If Thanos has one saving grace, it's that he's not a hypocrite.

Then again, does he really need to give a damn about his enemies anymore?

All of which leaves us MCU fans looking forward immensely to Endgame. Consider: Strange looked at 14,000,605 alternate futures...and in this one he gave the Time Stone to Thanos. This one, therefore, must be the one in which the Avengers win...somehow.

Roll on April 26th!!!


Monday, March 4, 2019 9:10 PM


America loves a winner!

Wasn't it Thanos who gave Loki the ' glow stick of destiny ', to help him defeat Earth and take control ? And how did Hydra get the scepter after Loki was defeated ? I guess after Civil War, Hydra absconded with it and scurried off to do tests on the Maximov twins, huh ?

So, we knew that...

The Scepter had the Mind Stone, and was in Sokovia ( until retrieved )

Dr. Strange had the Time Stone.

The Tesseract ( space stone ) was on Asgard.

The Collector had the Reality Stone

Nova Core had the Power Stone

And the Soul stone was guarded by Redskull.