Fat angels?

UPDATED: Thursday, February 11, 2021 10:54
VIEWED: 6979
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Sunday, November 29, 2020 3:30 PM


They use Capassin 38 engines?


Sunday, December 20, 2020 2:19 AM


You trying to bring back the caption game?


Thursday, January 28, 2021 4:25 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
You trying to bring back the caption game?

Hrrrmmmm... this might be a nice place to hide a thread... for a while at least since nothing is ever hidden on Still, it has an edit option and a catchy title. Something to consider!


Thursday, January 28, 2021 5:31 PM


Can you believe the desperation going on in RWED?
Can you believe the amount of crazy assholes running around this country??

Woman pleads guilty to murdering her sister's boyfriend by injecting him with homemade meth, strangling him, burying him, digging him back up then dismembering him in sick Valentine's Day incest plot that was set up so the sister could marry their FATHER

What IS the deal with Sigheil telling everyone they can't believe things?? She literally thinks if she says it enough everyone will just go "Ok, tell me what to think??"

How did this site collect so many nuts??


Saturday, January 30, 2021 4:46 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Can you believe the desperation going on in RWED?

I don't! Over the last 5 years I've tried to figure it out - just don't have a phd in crazy or desperate. I only have guesses.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Can you believe the amount of crazy assholes running around this country??

* see above I get "self interest" but the f-wads and their defenders/enablers I see in the current GOP...?


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Woman pleads guilty to murdering her sister's boyfriend by injecting him with homemade meth, strangling him, burying him, digging him back up then dismembering him in sick Valentine's Day incest plot that was set up so the sister could marry their FATHER

Ewww. All I can think is there had to be an easier way.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
What IS the deal with Sigheil telling everyone they can't believe things?? She literally thinks if she says it enough everyone will just go "Ok, tell me what to think??"

I dunno - some kind of trick to get people to respond? Hmmm... to separate the followers (malleable) from the contentious (difficult, not worth the time) ones? So much of what the harpies post is bait. "What are America's interests?" x 100 = laffable or early dementia.

WISHIMAY: "How did this site collect so many nuts??" It was a great feature for a while, then it became pure tedium. So many other places to hang out. I wish Haken had added a mute feature. I like twitter to some extent because you can chop and change who you follow and your timeline/subject matter changes. I've been dropping political feeds and adding other things. But there's no long form conversation - a bit too spastic.

So: Are humans a virus? I keep wondering about how c19 mutates into better versions of itself (incredible), and you can certainly say the same thing about mankind from a purely genetic stand point %-wise (longevity, health - not necessarily decision making!). Fascinating little bugger. We get a vaccine and boom, it goes around. Time to get a bigger freezer.


Saturday, January 30, 2021 12:53 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Ewww. All I can think is there had to be an easier way.

... and you can certainly say the same thing about mankind from a purely genetic stand point %-wise (longevity, health - not necessarily decision making!). Fascinating little bugger. We get a vaccine and boom, it goes around. Time to get a bigger freezer.

I never do understand what makes people think they can get away these days with murdering someone. All the serial killers used to get away with it back in the day because we weren't all in databases everywhere. Ppl go missing now there's a pretty good chance there's a computer or other ppl that will notice. And then police check phone data and you're done for.

We had a deep freeze when we first moved here, but unless you are dedicated to spending the ridiculous amount of money to fill it all the time, it's not worth it. We just gave ours away at a yard sale because no one else wanted it, either.
Having a second smaller refrigerator with a small freezer was infinitely more useful for us.


Monday, February 1, 2021 11:42 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I never do understand what makes people think they can get away these days with murdering someone. All the serial killers used to get away with it back in the day because we weren't all in databases everywhere. Ppl go missing now there's a pretty good chance there's a computer or other ppl that will notice. And then police check phone data and you're done for.

Like the Capital insurrection idiots taking all those selfies! My. God. "Thanks for doing the leg work for us." They should get max sentences just for being idiots.

One confession from that incident: I took some small pleasure knowing congress members had the %#@$! scared out of them. I even heard the idiots say things I might have said once, "You work for US!" Unfortunately, it seems to have worn off quickly. Get Shit. Done! I can only imagine if this pandemic had happened when my wife and I were both working at restaurants. We would have been totally effed waiting for congress to vote in a basic stimulus / survival check. I don't know how people are making it.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
We had a deep freeze when we first moved here, but unless you are dedicated to spending the ridiculous amount of money to fill it all the time, it's not worth it. We just gave ours away at a yard sale because no one else wanted it, either.
Having a second smaller refrigerator with a small freezer was infinitely more useful for us.

I go back and forth. If it wasn't for a "mutating virus" it would be more easier - the standard freezer is like portion control.

This is a fun read and listen (make sure to click on all the audio icons). This reporter joined an audio chat room for Q believers. One thing that stood out right away: "The most commonly used phrase is some version of “I heard,” followed by a theory:" JSF to the nth degree! "I heard Nazicrats hate Indians." WTF??

One of the worst things about the Internet is finding out just how many nut jobs there are and how little hope there is that that will change any time soon.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021 3:43 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

One of the worst things about the Internet is finding out just how many nut jobs there are and how little hope there is that that will change any time soon.

I think I just found my new tagline.
I always knew it was crazy out there, but damn. Maybe we should forget about high school electives and just go with How To Tell The Difference Between Fact And Fiction 101 for the foreseeable future..
I wish outing the soundbites made a difference to stupid people, but we know from here they just dig in harder.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021 5:43 PM


... stay crunchy...

The Stupids are impervious. It is *almost* impossible to beat stupid. They seem to have endless ways to deflect from the Truth. It catches up to them eventually - fck it can take a long time though! Just look at Dump's arc. You can see it starting to seriously fail and implode now, finally. That's not me being phony positive either. He's headed for Alex Jones irrelevance if not prison. Dear God please!

Meanwhile... more importantly...

Season 5 of The Expanse just concluded. Bummer - major freaking bummer. A micro few rough spots with Season 5 Eps 6-9, but it finished really, really well. Whether you like it or not, it is Epic in scope - so many threads and characters. Got to give all involved big props for that.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021 8:26 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Season 5 of The Expanse just concluded. Bummer - major freaking bummer.

Bummer that its over or... bummer half the crew dies??

I just started watching today, hubbs has taken Friday off and we are gonna spend the weekend watching...

Do I need to double the Prozac here??


Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:59 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Season 5 of The Expanse just concluded. Bummer - major freaking bummer.

Bummer that its over or... bummer half the crew dies??

I just started watching today, hubbs has taken Friday off and we are gonna spend the weekend watching...

Do I need to double the Prozac here??

Ha! Bummer it's over for now. and a couple other small bummers. *whistles*
I'm pretty sure you and your hubs will enjoy the science. This isn't Disney. Makes The Mandalorian look so cute you want to put baby Yoda out an airlock. The show asks you to suspend disbelief big time in season 2 (Miller), but otherwise it feels "possible." Well, then there's the Ring... ok, you'll see. It has an edge to it that has been missing from tv scifi. Tip: I watch with cc on - helps with the Belter dialect:

In other news:
Covid-19 deaths in January 2021:

New Zealand - 0
Vietnam - 0
Samoa - 0
Thailand - 8
China - 18
United States - 94,519

The "Shit Hole" countries are kicking our butt! I realize that most of those are not exactly industrialized nations, but nor do they have a vast majority of citizens who are ENTITLED IDIOTS. Personally, I hope MTG stays in congress as long as possible and says as much sh*t as she's been saying. Let her expose the Dumpkins so they can be expunged. Not to sound too much like RF, but the will be a purge.

BTW: have you invited any other rational FFF members over here? I saw Jo's comment on blogs (and he's right to a large extent).


Thursday, February 4, 2021 11:24 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
It has an edge to it that has been missing from tv scifi. Tip: I watch with cc on - helps with the Belter dialect:

In other news:
Covid-19 deaths in January 2021:

United States - 94,519

BTW: have you invited any other rational FFF members over here?

When my kid was little we accidently turned CC on and just left it. Sometimes when you have a low processing day it really does come in handy, and bonus, she always was a star reader.

I have always liked movies and series that stayed closer to a plausible reality. My husband and kid prefer deep dives into fantasy, but it kills the moment for me.

I don't think a purge of Repubs would benefit Dems tho. They would just head on over to "Independents". Different party name, same party games. From comment sections I see a lot already have. A mixed Independent party could be a worse thing in the long run too. Better to know how Repubs will react than to be left off guard?

I also see Rittenhouse jumped bail this morning...Wonder if Risky Schroeder still thinks supporting him was such a good idea?

I never thought there'd be any kind of exodus from RWED, I just wanted the idiots to spend some "quality time" together. I think it would take a lot longer than a month to get them to see how dense they are, but I've always believed a change in perspective can be a good thing. And, its really nice not having to see their drivel for a while, right?

I think most of our people are just cutting back. Change is harder for some than others...


Friday, February 5, 2021 7:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Meanwhile... more importantly...

Season 5 of The Expanse just concluded. Bummer - major freaking bummer. A micro few rough spots with Season 5 Eps 6-9, but it finished really, really well. Whether you like it or not, it is Epic in scope - so many threads and characters. Got to give all involved big props for that.

I read: "The Expanse season 5 finale is, in some ways, merely an intermission before the conflict continues in the sixth and final season. . . . With a series finale only ten episodes away, the stage is set for this epic space drama to conclude in explosive fashion."

Season 5 ended where Book 5 (Nemesis Games) ends, but there is enough story for four more seasons, since there are 4 more books, and book 9 is not yet published. Too bad that The Expanse (the TV show) will have to skip over books 6, 7, 8 and jump to book 9.

What do the authors of The Expanse say? "I'm reading a book right now that opens with a quote from Sophocles: 'One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.' The end of a story is kind of the moment when you find out what the story has been the whole time," Abraham said of wrapping up The Expanse series, in an April interview for "When Ty and I started in on The Expanse, we had a mission statement in mind, and now we're going to get there and folks will be able to see what kind of project it's been. I'm looking quite forward to it."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 5, 2021 8:42 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Meanwhile... more importantly...

Season 5 of The Expanse just concluded. Bummer - major freaking bummer. A micro few rough spots with Season 5 Eps 6-9, but it finished really, really well. Whether you like it or not, it is Epic in scope - so many threads and characters. Got to give all involved big props for that.

I read: "The Expanse season 5 finale is, in some ways, merely an intermission before the conflict continues in the sixth and final season. . . . With a series finale only ten episodes away, the stage is set for this epic space drama to conclude in explosive fashion."

Season 5 ended where Book 5 (Nemesis Games) ends, but there is enough story for four more seasons, since there are 4 more books, and book 9 is not yet published. Too bad that The Expanse (the TV show) will have to skip over books 6, 7, 8 and jump to book 9.

What do the authors of The Expanse say? "I'm reading a book right now that opens with a quote from Sophocles: 'One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.' The end of a story is kind of the moment when you find out what the story has been the whole time," Abraham said of wrapping up The Expanse series, in an April interview for "When Ty and I started in on The Expanse, we had a mission statement in mind, and now we're going to get there and folks will be able to see what kind of project it's been. I'm looking quite forward to it."

Never thought I'd say this, but... with all due respect to Sophocles I can tell how splendid the day is while it's happening.

I saw that reference to 6 being the final season near the beginning of season 5, and having read the books through season 5 and knowing there were 9, I was obviously pissed, frustrated, is it another great show ending before it's time??

However, not so fast - this could all be happy tv-speak, (and maybe the actors are looking for a change - 6 seasons is a long, grueling time I'm led to understand in making tv), BUT...

"So season 5 is shaping up to be a year to remember, and the series has already been renewed for season 6. That’s the good news. The bad news is that season 6 will be the final season…at least on Amazon. Talking to Polygon, Ty Franck — the other half of the book-writing duo — seems to think they’ll be able to keep going somehow. “We have what we think is a very natural pause point for the story after season 6,” Franck said. “It’ll feel like a satisfying end to the story we’ve been building over the first five seasons. I think one of the things that is sort of an outmoded idea is the idea of being canceled.”

Alcon [Television Group] — our studio — is very committed to the IP. They have lots of plans. We’ll see what happens after that. But, we will have a satisfying story to the TV arc in the sixth season."

Like I said, that's media fluffery until someone actually commits. One has to wonder why Amazon would not complete the series since they seem to have production dialed in. Another example of the cost of producing quality scifi?

Perhaps it's just story logistics:

Select to view spoiler:

"Book 7 in the series, Persepolis Rising, takes place after a 30-year time jump from the end of book 6. Obviously, that could provide logistical issues with the current cast."

Maybe this is hope for the FF crew to make a come back? [ / kidding ]


Friday, February 5, 2021 1:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Never thought I'd say this, but... with all due respect to Sophocles I can tell how splendid the day is while it's happening.

Another version of the quote that best fits The Expanse: "One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day was; one cannot judge life until death." - Charles de Gaulle

In keeping with de Gaulle's version, the Epilogue for Book 8, Tiamat's Wrath, ends with Amos saying, “One of the things I know now is that they’re going to kill everybody.”
They were silent for a moment.
“Yeah,” Holden said. “I know that too.”

That is the cliffhanger for the not yet released Book 9, Leviathan Falls. Book 1 is Leviathan Wakes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 6, 2021 2:38 AM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Never thought I'd say this, but... with all due respect to Sophocles I can tell how splendid the day is while it's happening.

"Book 7 in the series, Persepolis Rising, takes place after a 30-year time jump current cast."

Maybe this is hope for the FF crew to make a come back?

Agreed. I can also tell by about ten seconds into a song whether or not I want to keep listening or I'll hate it. I think most people have some sort of retroactive decision making process with that.

I've also gotten better about calling people out for things in the moment, mostly because I HATE thinking later "I wish I'd said something".

Most of the cast has for sure been staying busy enough. If most weren't acting anymore I'd say prolly not.

I'm up to episode three of season 5...but that line Amos gives "Chrissy" about being his stripper.....Hot tea right through my nose!
I love that they treat her like a 20 something, it's a fascinating and (since I hit 40) ...inspiring thing


Saturday, February 6, 2021 3:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, we can at least agree that The Expanse is a great show.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, February 6, 2021 8:23 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

I'm up to episode three of season 5...but that line Amos gives "Chrissy" about being his stripper.....Hot tea right through my nose!
I love that they treat her like a 20 something, it's a fascinating and (since I hit 40) ...inspiring thing

Amos has the best lines. That actor does a kind of Talking Expanse show on YouTube. It's ok - plenty of detail about making the show. Adam is a big fan - a bit gushy:

At first I thought the actor they cast was not close to the character I imagined, but he's totally taken over the part. Same thing with the actress who plays Naomi - not who I envisioned but she owns it. And then there's Drummer and Bobbi - heavy duty girl power.

I just started reading the book where season 5 left off. First book I'll have read since the show started - it will be interesting to read with these actors in mind.

"When will season 6 of the Expanse be released?" is big ad click/search bait on the web right now. No one knows, of course, and plenty of fake sites will be happy to tell you that next to a gazillion ads.


Saturday, February 6, 2021 9:32 AM


I also love the "Chrissy" scene for where Michael Irby and Wes come together, they were on The Unit together. Nice little band-aid for the way they ended that.

It's a nice diverse cast. They all have such layers and textures. One of the best examples of how good casting can be half of the experience.


Sunday, February 7, 2021 1:50 AM


We sat down and watched the whole shebang today while the snow fell. Can't remember the last time we all got to sit down and stop moving for that long, as a family.

I got tired of all the mommy-daddy sessions with Philip, but other than that kept my fingers off the FF button. Been through the head games as a kid, not looking for a repeat. Pretty much knew he was gonna be irredeemable no matter what.

Other than that, great season.
Poor Naomi, that was one hard freaking day

As for the other loss, BYE FELICIA


Sunday, February 7, 2021 1:39 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
We sat down and watched the whole shebang today while the snow fell. Can't remember the last time we all got to sit down and stop moving for that long, as a family.

That's cool.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I got tired of all the mommy-daddy sessions with Philip, but other than that kept my fingers off the FF button. Been through the head games as a kid, not looking for a repeat. Pretty much knew he was gonna be irredeemable no matter what.

Oh man, me too. That whole plot line got really thin and really old. That's probably my only beef when it comes to casting - the Marco actor. Just not up to the level of the rest imho.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Other than that, great season.
Poor Naomi, that was one hard freaking day

Ha! I watched in another room and my wife was like, "Dear god WTF was that all about??"


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
As for the other loss, BYE FELICIA

Which one was she? Belter?


Sunday, February 7, 2021 9:18 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Which one was she? Belter?

That's just what the kids say, their version of "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out" Kind of a latent innuendo for SUCK IT at the same time.

I was referring to the ousted perv. Was trying to keep non-spoilery for anyone out there who don't know.


Monday, February 8, 2021 8:21 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Which one was she? Belter?

That's just what the kids say, their version of "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out" Kind of a latent innuendo for SUCK IT at the same time.

I was referring to the ousted perv. Was trying to keep non-spoilery for anyone out there who don't know.

Ha gotcha. I wondered if the actor knew that's why his character was ending? Did they discuss it with him or was it hush hush wink wink kind of thing? Actually pretty lucky they wrote it that way... gets to be a hero.


Monday, February 8, 2021 6:58 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Actually pretty lucky they wrote it that way... gets to be a hero.

I didn't know if that was written that way or changed to fit the circumstances. I thought I read somewhere that they had to go do some re-filming, thought that may have been why. Maybe they weren't going to kill him off until next season originally?

I didn't realize the series was mostly about the struggle on THIS side of the rings, thought there would be more going on on the other side, but it makes sense that we would be our own biggest obstacle to doing ANYTHING


Tuesday, February 9, 2021 7:00 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Actually pretty lucky they wrote it that way... gets to be a hero.

I didn't know if that was written that way or changed to fit the circumstances. I thought I read somewhere that they had to go do some re-filming, thought that may have been why. Maybe they weren't going to kill him off until next season originally?

I was assuming they re-wrote it that way. His character did not die in the book - at least not at that point (I have 4 more to read). Having said that, the producers and show runners are kind of guarded on just why he died in the show:

Was Alex’s Death Added With Reshoots?
The sexual misconduct allegations leveled against Cas Anvar, who plays Alex Kamal, came after production of The Expanse season 5 was complete. When asked whether Alex’s death was inserted into the finale via reshoots to explain the actor’s announced departure from the series, showrunner Naren Shankar carefully answered, “The conversations went way back. Without getting into detail, the conversations had been going on for awhile.”

"In short, even though Alex Kamal does not die in this manner in The Expanse book series, the stakes are different for television. “We started talking about losing a major character in the show very early on in season 5, and part of that was we realized we were telling a story about war and struggle and violent people and cataclysm and just kind of scraping through it,” said Shankar. “And if everybody made it at the end, there was no cost… nothing’s going to happen to them; they’ll always get out of danger. And at a certain point, you start feeling like that doesn’t feel real.”

Uh-huh. Ok, if you say so...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I didn't realize the series was mostly about the struggle on THIS side of the rings, thought there would be more going on on the other side, but it makes sense that we would be our own biggest obstacle to doing ANYTHING

Yup - we're our own worst enemy! We need to live longer so we can learn more better. When I was a teen I thought all adults were idiots. And I wasn't far off. BUT, it meant I had to do a lot of learning things they already had learned. Kinda dumb. I joined the club without even knowing it.

Now that Expanse is off until next Dec, time to find some other scifi. I use to watch sport or news in the morning with my coffee just to see if anything blew up, etc. Time for a change (ie f*ck politics) - so I'm going to get out the headphones and binge watch some scifi movies, and not necessarily good ones. Maze Runner is on the list first. I've seen the first one but not the sequels. I don't care about the story, just the look of it and the escapism. Special effects have gotten so seamless that even the lowest budget scifi flicks look pretty damn good. I'm looking at you Escape From LA. I root for first time directors bigly.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021 3:14 PM


I think his death was just really convenient for them... HEY, LOOK, NO ONE IS WITH HIM....a little bit of foreshadowing and PRESTO!

I actually like that he didn't see his kid in person one last time. In real life, that's they way it works, death is rarely ever convenient..

Let me know if Maze Runner is watchable or not. Aside from Disney+ we've done our rounds on all the streaming things, as well.

I'm fairly certain I've got less than 10 years of decent life left, but I hope you are around long enough to get the de-ageing stuff that they've been saying they are working on. Have a ball for me!


Thursday, February 11, 2021 8:36 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I think his death was just really convenient for them... HEY, LOOK, NO ONE IS WITH HIM....a little bit of foreshadowing and PRESTO!

I actually like that he didn't see his kid in person one last time. In real life, that's they way it works, death is rarely ever convenient.

Too true.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Let me know if Maze Runner is watchable or not. Aside from Disney+ we've done our rounds on all the streaming things, as well.

I would not recommend it unless you can geek out on production design. And even then... so much YA angst, bad story telling, tropes...the last one is at least an hour too long. I kept pausing it to see how much was left! Having said that, it looks great - even bad movies take a lot of hard work, so respect. I think it's one of those "film from books" problems - they tried to stuff a lot of book into too little film. On to the next one! (Cecil Hotel Netflix - creepy af)


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I'm fairly certain I've got less than 10 years of decent life left, but I hope you are around long enough to get the de-ageing stuff that they've been saying they are working on. Have a ball for me!

Good news: "Immortality serum" is on my to-do list. Not to mention "Live today!" is one of my favorite mottos.


Thursday, February 11, 2021 10:54 AM


... stay crunchy...

And, in case you missed it (I did):

Thursday, Feb. 18 Mars Rover to land on Mars

NASA will host virtual news briefings, live shows, and activities the week of Feb. 15 to discuss events surrounding the landing of its Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. Landing on the Red Planet will occur about 3:55 p.m. EST Thursday, Feb. 18. Live landing commentary will begin at 2:15 p.m. on NASA Television, the agency’s website, the NASA app, and YouTube.

>>>>> About 3:55 p.m. – Expected time of Perseverance touchdown on Mars <<<<<






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