Alright...enough screwin' around. Let's get this series back on the air.

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 8, 2006 18:57
VIEWED: 24241
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:28 PM


OK! I loved Serenity. I thought it was good enough to order the Firefly box set. Joss's creations have always been guilty pleasures of mine and firefly will be no different. Fact of the matter is people, I want a reason to actually WANT to watch TV again. It seems any series that actually makes waves, takes initiative, or moves in a new direction gets shitcaned pretty quick. Firefly had marvelous potential, but never really got to spread its wings. Serenity only proves that if given the chance the possibilities for the series were nearly endless.

My question, ney, my challenge is this. What can we the fans due to force a network, any network, into generating so much buzz that Joss will have no choice but to rekindle the flame under firefly?


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:32 PM


The problem isn't Joss not wanting to rekindle the flame it is the Goram Networks not wanting to spend the money neccasary to make the show. And as for wich Network I say that we need to start Dogging SciFi to make a new series. SciFi is the closest thing to a Fan oriented network to ever exist and they have some form of the rights since they air the first series. So if you really want to get the networks attention then we need to do some of our famous Browncoat Organization and start getting on SciFi's case. E-Mail Campaigns, Snail Mail campaigns, guerilla marketing, actually buying the stuff the advertise during the show....


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:40 PM


I absolutely despise, despise the Fox network. I flat out refuse to watch any new shows that they air because they are far too cancel-happy. Gotta make room for more of their reality crap that they stole from other networks, after all.

I don't blame other networks for being reluctant to give Firefly a chance (although I really do think Sci Fi should, and I'm not entirely clear as to why they don't appear all that interested). Sci Fi's a hard sell as it is, and most people don't know about the extenuating circumstances of Fox doing ther very best to destroy the show...they only know it's a failed show. Unfortunate? Absolutely. But I just cant blame them for being reluctant. Fox, however, I can and do blame. They chose to refuse to air the Pilot, they chose to shove the show onto their "we want to cancel this show" night and time, they chose to cancel the show almost immediately despite critical acclaim, without even giving it a chance to get an audience.

I just wish there was some way to hold Fox accountable for this. Firefly isn't even the first good show they've done this just happens to be my favorite.

Good thing for fans of the shows that Seinfeld and Friends weren't on Fox. They probably would have been cancelled immediately. I still have no clue how Arrested Development lasted as long as it did.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:42 PM



Originally posted by ForgotN:
The problem isn't Joss not wanting to rekindle the flame it is the Goram Networks not wanting to spend the money neccasary to make the show. And as for wich Network I say that we need to start Dogging SciFi to make a new series. SciFi is the closest thing to a Fan oriented network to ever exist and they have some form of the rights since they air the first series. So if you really want to get the networks attention then we need to do some of our famous Browncoat Organization and start getting on SciFi's case. E-Mail Campaigns, Snail Mail campaigns, guerilla marketing, actually buying the stuff the advertise during the show....

Agreed. And it pretty much has to be the Sci Fi network. I just don't see any of the other networks actually giving it a shot under present circumstances.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:07 PM



Originally posted by KyleLitke:

Originally posted by ForgotN:
The problem isn't Joss not wanting to rekindle the flame it is the Goram Networks not wanting to spend the money neccasary to make the show. And as for wich Network I say that we need to start Dogging SciFi to make a new series. SciFi is the closest thing to a Fan oriented network to ever exist and they have some form of the rights since they air the first series. So if you really want to get the networks attention then we need to do some of our famous Browncoat Organization and start getting on SciFi's case. E-Mail Campaigns, Snail Mail campaigns, guerilla marketing, actually buying the stuff the advertise during the show....

Agreed. And it pretty much has to be the Sci Fi network. I just don't see any of the other networks actually giving it a shot under present circumstances.

i second that just mad that the "present circumstances" arent good enough for these people at networks.. Serenity and Firefly are 4 and 5 on's top sellers list and have been for days, if not weeks and were higher up.

Kaylee: Everyone's got somebody. Wash, tell me I'm pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: 'Cause you're pretty.


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:06 AM


I would have to agree. SciFi channel seems like the most likely candidate. So now what?


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:12 AM



Originally posted by Ph8lDiVide:
OK! I loved Serenity. I thought it was good enough to order the Firefly box set. Joss's creations have always been guilty pleasures of mine and firefly will be no different. Fact of the matter is people, I want a reason to actually WANT to watch TV again. It seems any series that actually makes waves, takes initiative, or moves in a new direction gets shitcaned pretty quick. Firefly had marvelous potential, but never really got to spread its wings. Serenity only proves that if given the chance the possibilities for the series were nearly endless.

My question, ney, my challenge is this. What can we the fans due to force a network, any network, into generating so much buzz that Joss will have no choice but to rekindle the flame under firefly?

I would have to agree. SciFi channel seems like the most likely candidate. So now what?


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:46 AM


Let's get some addresses and e-mail addresses and start sending all kinds of mail their way. If needs to be non-stop, relentless and passionate. I'm at work right now, but when I get home, I'll try to come up with a form letter, and post it here to be copied. Although I do feel that individual plees for the show would be more dramatic than just a ffrom letter being sent over and over again.
They will suffer us - what say you!


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:28 AM


What about HBO??? Sopranos are coming to an end, they like edgy stuff with lowish ratings????

I'd think they'd like a show like Firefly????


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:52 AM


That's the spirit! If we can get things organized I'm gonna post this on the main forum. Keep me posted.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! -- "William Shakespear's Julius Ceaser"


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:54 AM



Originally posted by scouseratheart:
What about HBO??? Sopranos are coming to an end, they like edgy stuff with lowish ratings????

I'd think they'd like a show like Firefly????

The only problem with that is the exposure will be limited to HBO subscribers only. We need a network which has to compete directly with other prime time networks.


Monday, January 23, 2006 8:05 AM



Originally posted by Ph8lDiVide:

Originally posted by scouseratheart:
What about HBO??? Sopranos are coming to an end, they like edgy stuff with lowish ratings????

I'd think they'd like a show like Firefly????

The only problem with that is the exposure will be limited to HBO subscribers only. We need a network which has to compete directly with other prime time networks.

You have a point, but I think it would be best to keep all of our options open. If we're going to flood one network with letters, why not flood two... why not flood 'em all?

(I'm about to do something very silly and disagree with myself)

On the other hand, it's probably best for us to keep focused. If we don't have one main goal, such as "get SciFi to pick up Firefly," our actions, no matter how many, will be scattered and random. There are a lot of us, and the most effective way will be to make sure that we're all working together, and not going off on totally random tangents.

So.... while, yes, I think it would be good to consider HBO as a possibility, we probably should focus on one network, at least for the time being, and that network may as well be SciFi.


this is the captain. we have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode.


Monday, January 23, 2006 8:23 AM


I agree.

Let's focus on Sci-Fi.

I hold a slightly different opinion of Firefly's current state. I know there are tv execs out there watching the DVD sales (both series and BDM) and are simply waiting for the magic number (where profitability is a guarantee) before they make their move. Believe me there will be a network that will inquire about relighting the Firefly (built in fan base, existing cast, critical accliam, awesome creator). My only concern is that Joss will be on another project, and if that is the case, I think it is time for Tim Minear to fly solo.

Long story longer, pressure Sci-Fi (other networks will hear about it as well) and keep buying BDM and series copies (boosting sales and recruiting new "pesky fans").

Post those addresses for Sci-Fi and let the battle for Serenity Valley begin!

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:00 AM


Check out this website...

I don't know if this is some kind of cruel joke or a hallucination brought on by months of Firefly fever; but if it is legit, I advise all of you to fill out the survey on that website. I was unable to find the author of the website. Whoever is running the website eludes to a second season of Firefly in a variety of formats..

The Firefly Season 2 Project:
Captain Mal and the crew of Serenity need your help to stay flying. The Network "Alliance" wants to deny us of our beloved show, so the battle has begun.

We are looking to push the envelope of episodic television by offering Season Two of Firefly in a groundbreaking new format. Each episode (or the entire season) will be available for purchase in Standard or Hi-Definition.

Subscribers may choose one of three playback options; monthly DVD deliveries, TV On-Demand using your cable or satellite provider, or computer viewing via Streaming Download.

In order for our fight to be successful, we first need to take stock of the browncoat recruits that support our cause. It will only take a minute, is strictly confidential, and each profile will take the independents one step closer to victory!



Monday, January 23, 2006 9:05 AM


Just relayin a post on
Don't start gettin excited because there has been no official word on this yet


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:11 AM



Originally posted by bbood20:
Check out this website...

I went to the site, and filled out the form. I'm not entierly sure it's legit, but it's a very cool idea. In the event there is no network willing to take Firefly, new technology is creating so many new ways to broadcast video. If we pay by the episode, whether online, pay-per view, or through some kind of DVD delivery system, I'm pretty sure there are enough people buying in to support it. Personally I'm pretty sure this is the future of entertainment anyways. Networks just slow things down with all of their redtape.


this is the captain. we have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode.


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:28 AM


I registered at the site. It doesn't ask any specific info, so it seems fairly safe.

Not to sound like a brainwashed fanboy (but I will anyway). Sometimes networks/studios hire 3rd party independent production companies to run surveys to ascertain the feasibilty of a certain project (in this case Firefly).

While the format suggested is interesting, I think this may be a fact finding endeavor by a network wanting to air our BDH.

Just a theory...based in a little fact ;)

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:14 PM


Just in case, I'm still working on the heartfelt form letter. I should have it here by tomorrow morning.
Is it sick to say that I don't think life is worth living without Firefly? Just a question!


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:18 PM



Originally posted by Shiney777:
Is it sick to say that I don't think life is worth living without Firefly? Just a question!

Nope, we're all right there with you in this obsession... I mean, fandom. Actually, I mean love.

" I start fighting a war, I guarantee you'll see something new. " Mal


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:22 PM


new to the community.
recieved the box set for christmas, and I must say that I was sceptical at first, but fell in love with the crew of "Serenity", as I found a bit of myself in each.
I hear that the problem with the series' initial sucess is due to it's airing during baseball season, when that was all anyone cared to watch. I had wanted to catch it, but never did. So, i've been reunited thanks to my sister.
sci-fi should at least re-run the series, seeing as how they've aired the first 30 seasons of Stargate SG-1 about 80 times now.
Corporate America:
because I'm going to be a millionaire by age 21.


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:05 PM


At this point, letter-writing campaigns aren't going to do any good. If you're going to focus your energy on resurrecting the series, you have to deal in the only currency that studio executives understand: uhm... currency. When the fan support and the growing fan base is seen to translate into $, there is no way anyone will be able to keep it OFF the air.

Buy the DVD for a friend. Buy it for family. Talk it up. It's the only language they'll understand.

Newbie Fan (Since Jan, 2006)
DVD Series given as gifts: 4
DVD Movies given as gifts: 4
Browncoat converts to date: 1
You can't stop the signal.


Monday, January 23, 2006 10:02 PM


We as the fans can't just feed money directly into the networks pockets. It just doesn't work that way. Like it or not we have very little control over things. Joss is still captin of this boat. All we can do is the fan thing and do it very very well. Letter writing campaigns are our best tool in resurecting the Verse. This is taken directly off of SciFi's website

SCI FI CHANNEL: If you have suggestions or comments for our Programming Department about the SCI FI Channel or any of its shows, please contact:

So apparently they do listen to fan letters. (Okay that is the same address that they have you send ANY kind of feedback but at least it is an address) Im not saying that this is our only hope but it is something to work on. We can start with individual e-mails and add a form letter spam storm when one is posted (Im sure somebody else can do that better then me. CNAs don 't do paper work) Ill post a snail mail address soon as I find one.

Side note: everybody, EVERYBODY, needs to buy the BDS, BDM, BDM novelization, the soundtrack(s), all of the comics, and any other OFFICIAL merch you can find. lets reach us that afore mentioned magic marketing number sooner rather than later.


Monday, January 23, 2006 10:14 PM


Okay people, here is some SciFi Info.

Sci-Fi Channel USA
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY


Home Page

Also, another point of intrest, has there own BBoard. It might be a good idea to get everybody here to register there and start chatting up about our beloved Verse. If there own site is clogged with Firefly fans then they have to know that we exist. And that we like them. Just a thought.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:01 AM


Great thread, I sent an email to SCI FI yesterday and filled out the survey three days ago. Tonight I will have my wife do the same under her email address. This weekend my friends are visiting and I will have them do the same. THE BATTLE IS ON!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:11 AM


I just sent a nice long email to the sci-fi boys, i made sure to mention where i was from, just give them an idea that its not just in the states the show is popular, Im from Dublin, Ireland and HMV on Grafton Street which is a big shopping street in Ireland, has a few shelves full of the series and has had it readily in stock over the christmas period, its right at them front of the store with all the really popular dvds and good deals, so its got to be selling well!!Just wait until they release the movie on dvd...roll on 27th Feb!!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:10 AM


Here is my version of a form letter. I'm not a writer, so don't laugh. Well, do what you will, it's not like I can hear you!
Doll it up all you want.

Browncoats Unite!

Dear Sci-Fi,

The loyal fans of the hit TV Series Firefly, and movie Serenity are in need of your help. As you know, the rights to our show are still owned by Fox. This is no type of home for a show with so many Sci-Fi fans.

Yours is the only venue today for quality Science Fiction, and Firefly is the epitome of a quality Sci-Fi show, dare I say, that it is exactly what Sci-Fi should be. Browncoats across the globe are uniting to re-light Firefly and find it a new, safe haven. The Sci-Fi network is the obvious choice.

We are hoping that you will see the potential, (and profit), in taking up Firefly for many more seasons. This show was never even given a chance to get an audience, and yet it now has a huge fan base; a fan base that now looks to you, to do the right thing. We implore you, give us back our sky, and make Firefly a part of your family, just as we have.

Help us Sci-Fi Network, you’re only hope!


The Loyal Fans of Firefly
(Individuals would sign here, and place any personal comments in this spot).


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:46 AM


Don't know that they would be that responsive. Scifi has a history of cancelling shows almost as long as Fox's, the Farscape people had 5 seasons on SciFi, good ratings and coproduction deals lined up in Europe and Australia to share costs and SciFi still axed them.

Hate to say it but I think the series boat sailed a long time ago. Had SciFi been interested they would have picked the show up when Joss offered it to them. Back then production offices were open, writers and actors were still under contract and the sets still existed at Fox Television. THAT was the time when they could have got the show cheap. Now they will need to buy rights from Fox probably pay Universal Pictures for their sets (or make Serenity Mk3) and negociate new deals with the BDM's and Joss, Tim and co.

The only reason SciFi showed Firefly was to promote Serenity now that's done don't expect them to go make a series. I think we need to talk to Universal about direct to DVD movies. That would work and SciFi would screen those if someone else in the organisation made them.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:34 AM


Im new to the 'verse. just picked up the firelfy and serenity dvds this weekend.. but what are BDS, BDM, BDM novelization?? im lookin into getting the comics, if i can find them and would gladly buy any merchadise to help the cause. I owuld love for this show to return in one form or another.. Its one of the most original shows ive seen in a LONG time.. Thanks


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:23 AM


BDS = Big Damn Series
BDM = Big Damn Movie
BDH = Big Damn Heroes

Welcome to the Verse!

Back on topic. Im not saying that a series is the most likely answer to our plight, Im not even convinced myself that it is a viable option, but the most important thing is that we keep fighting so that the rest of the world knows were here and that we mean busisness. We have to make a stand somewere and SciFi is as good a place as any. This might turn out to be a repeat of the Battle for Serenity Valley but Big Deal. We need to do something, anything, to keep Joss's dream alive. And the only way that anybody is going to know that we mean business, that we our an organized group of fans, who aren't just going to fall victim to the whims of the gorram blue handed Fox Execs, is to Fight Back. We have done the impossible folks and that makes us mighty, to quote a very wise man. We are the first group of fans to EVER get a feature length film made out of a TV show that was cancelled after half a season. If we can do that then we can do ANYTHING, just as long as we don't give up. The Browncoats lost the unification war due to superior numbers, well, that aint exactly a problem anymore folks.

Keep Flyin'


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:38 AM



Originally posted by SerenityForever:
At this point, letter-writing campaigns aren't going to do any good. If you're going to focus your energy on resurrecting the series, you have to deal in the only currency that studio executives understand: uhm... currency. When the fan support and the growing fan base is seen to translate into $, there is no way anyone will be able to keep it OFF the air.

Buy the DVD for a friend. Buy it for family. Talk it up. It's the only language they'll understand.


I agree with this. Letter-writing is all well and good (and we as Browncoats do need to be exploring EVERY option available to us), but the real key always was and always will be the sales of the DVDs and merchandise. We need to spread the word to any who will listen. (And try not to sound so much like the crazed fans we are ) We need to buy as many copies of the BDM as we can afford, for gifts or donation copies to libraries, whatever. Next time you go to a video store, recommend it to a complete stranger who looks unsure about what to get. (I've done this - it actually works! I was giddy after I saw the guy renting it). Creating a bigger fan base is how this is going to take off. I can almost see the sequel now.... Shiny.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:47 AM


Okay, so...just a thought. What if we were to set up a organized fund to buy Serenity for orphaned teenagers or something. You know... we could slap some kind of charity name on the DVD like "A family on board" or something like that. It would raise awareness as well as applying DVD sales to our total. Maybe we could even get stars of the show to come out... Tell me what you guys think.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:40 AM


Many of us have done this. I think we'd have to coordinate our efforts in order to maximize the results.

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:08 AM


Everyone seems to be forgetting one of the most important factors to getting a show back on the air. Its not just write some letters and lickity-split looky looky Firefly is back. There's tons of red tape to sift through, the biggest obstacle being Sci-Fi would have to buy the rights to the show from Fox. And with so much public support, they're not going to let it go for a very long time. There's so much law requirements within the media aspect that it would cost more to simply buy the show than produce half a season.

You really want to get something done? Start writing (non-threatening) letters to Fox.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:31 PM


I like that you reminded us of the non-threatening part. I think we all tend to get a little whimsical in te brainpan, when it comes to Fox.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:00 PM


I do agree Flipdog! We need to get organized and get the word out. If we are to be united, it needs to be under one roof. Call me bias, I haven't been here long, but I love this forem. It looks better, is more user friendly, and has the best fans than any other site out there. We need to get a good form letter going (better than what I wrote up there), and why not two; one to Fox, and one to Sci-fi, that are easily assessible. Then we need to go and spread the word in all the other forems out there, and bring them under this roof, for this part of the campaign.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:22 PM


I just saw where UPN and WB are joining together to form one network called CW. They still have a lot of programming to fill. How can we get them to look at doing Firefly?


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:42 PM


No no no, not HBO. I don't have those channels, and don't know anyone who does. It's got to be SciFi or some other regular cable channel. Let's flood SciFi ( or maybe...Fox?!?!?) with e-mails (or snail mail), letting them know how important bringing back our Firefly is!!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:50 PM



Originally posted by Shiney777:
Just in case, I'm still working on the heartfelt form letter. I should have it here by tomorrow morning.
Is it sick to say that I don't think life is worth living without Firefly? Just a question!

Not at all.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by Shiney777:

Is it sick to say that I don't think life is worth living without Firefly?

Good god, I hope not!

"The world's divided into two groups, panda's and alligator boys."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:12 PM


Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's look at our options. First, we need a group to go to all of those various browncoat sites and get these people on here pronto. Remember organization is our biggest weapon. Second, SciFi does seem to be our most viable option, but we should definitely consider the upcoming CW network as well. We need to carpetbomb both networks, but we need to make Fox "want" to give up the rights to Firefly. Now if anyone has any idea on how to pull off that last part I'd love to hear it. For instance if everyone stopped buying Fox DVD box sets would they make or lose money by holding the rights to Firefly in a death grip? Good work on that form letter Shiney777.

"It's love that keeps her in the air even when she shouldn't fly."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:27 PM



Originally posted by FlipDog:
Everyone seems to be forgetting one of the most important factors to getting a show back on the air. Its not just write some letters and lickity-split looky looky Firefly is back. There's tons of red tape to sift through, the biggest obstacle being Sci-Fi would have to buy the rights to the show from Fox. And with so much public support, they're not going to let it go for a very long time. There's so much law requirements within the media aspect that it would cost more to simply buy the show than produce half a season.

You really want to get something done? Start writing (non-threatening) letters to Fox.

Having a central focus is how we get a collective effort. I'm not so sure it matters which network, as long as we're in it together.

As far as obstacles the network will face, they aren't our problem. We don't work there or, for most of us, know how it works. It's not our problem and solving it doesn't need to be our goal. It's for the network to figure out (that's what they do). It's for us to make them want to. That's it.

I think whatever we choose to do is beneficial, personally, because we're not done fighting. Whatever the outcome, we're just not done.

"The world's divided into two groups, panda's and alligator boys."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:38 PM


"We need to carpetbomb both networks, but we need to make Fox "want" to give up the rights to Firefly. Now if anyone has any idea on how to pull off that last part I'd love to hear it."

I guess that whole 'horse head in the bed' thing would be a little over the top. I will hit some of the other forems tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep track, and get a running list to put up, so we aren't all hitting the same ones; although I think a little over kill won't hurt. Should I direct them to this thread, or will something special be made up for this?


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:47 PM



Originally posted by Shiney777:
"We need to carpetbomb both networks, but we need to make Fox "want" to give up the rights to Firefly. Now if anyone has any idea on how to pull off that last part I'd love to hear it."

I guess that whole 'horse head in the bed' thing would be a little over the top. I will hit some of the other forems tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep track, and get a running list to put up, so we aren't all hitting the same ones; although I think a little over kill won't hurt. Should I direct them to this thread, or will something special be made up for this?

I think that this is called for a reason. This is the place where all of the true fans should be coming to anyway. There is no such thing as overkill. Direct them to this thread and let the numbers in it spell the rebirth of our once and soon to be agian fantastic series.

P.S. No horse's head. Bad Shiney777! *smacks on hand*


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:07 PM


Will do!

Really, no horse's head?

I actually love horses. Maybe a hobby horse head with some runny ketchup!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:40 PM



Originally posted by Shiney777:
I like that you reminded us of the non-threatening part. I think we all tend to get a little whimsical in te brainpan, when it comes to Fox.

No worries...everything's shiny. I also agree about the united stuff. But it needs to be coherent and not fall off the front of the boards so quickly. Like my other thread, there's too much gossip going on for anything important to stay up for long. So, heck, I'll follow along and offer help when needed. I'm decently versed in the realm of media law. So, if you want opinion and stuff, maybe we should start a specific thread for only ideas.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:15 PM


I agree. Make a petition and I will gladly sign it.

I like Firefly a lot


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:15 PM


I think the best strategy would be to first start boycotting Fox Network...which isn't really hard to do because that network friggen sucks. The hard part of this is letting Fox know that they are being fought against and having enough people to do it.

Once this happens, that is when pressure is put onto Sci-Fi. I do not know all the legal matters in this, I am not a lawyer, but I would think that if enough people talked about this show, bought the merchandise, email spams both sci-fi and Fox...then we might see something happen.

Waves always start as ripples.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:08 PM


I'm so happy about this thread! Some websites tend to be a bit cynical and doubt that we can get anything accomplished. But I agree that a multi-front campaign will be effective as long as it's a focused and united effort.

We don't need to start our own petition. There are several on One in particular already has thousands of signatures and the signers are sincere and eloquent:
The petition originator initially suggested HBO, but amended his intro to address any network. I think this is worth supporting as one avenue, even though I'm not sure what will be done with the petition. But it can always be pointed to for backing up our point.

I'm also going to write to Sci-Fi and WB. After participating in many letter campaigns to our State legislature I know that letters work with politicians, so why not with networks? Personal appeals are preferable to form letters, but form letters are a zillion times better than no letters.

Then there's the FireflySeason2 website as another avenue. I'm going to support that effort, even though it's only in the beginning stages and sounds very ambitious.


Originally posted by Elyam:
I think the best strategy would be to first start boycotting Fox Network...which isn't really hard to do because that network friggen sucks. The hard part of this is letting Fox know that they are being fought against and having enough people to do it.

The way I understand it, 21st Century Fox are the good guys (who worked with Joss and put out our beloved DVD set), and they are the parent company of the bad guys, Fox Network. Fox Network canceled the show, but I'm pretty sure 21st Century Fox holds the rights. So IMHO we don't gain much by making Fox mad.

Well, I'm off to think on my charming and convincing letter to the Sci-Fi guys. Sorry for the long post!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:28 PM


Have you seen this, posted on whedonesque?
Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune thinks along the same lines:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:03 AM


Is there any way we can get this thread to stay on the front page...kinda like a feature thread for our latest campaign, for all fans to read and get involved with? Who is the administrator for the site and how do we get in touch, to get him onboard? The more organised our efforts the better.






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Tue, November 5, 2024 04:26 - 4 posts
Made in Taiwan
Wed, September 18, 2024 04:03 - 18 posts
Pallette of fonts?
Thu, April 21, 2022 22:56 - 2 posts
Getting thrown off whenever I try to post
Sat, December 18, 2021 14:58 - 10 posts
Shiny Universe Updates on Twitter
Thu, September 2, 2021 13:07 - 8 posts
Sun, January 14, 2018 01:57 - 63 posts
Site back up
Tue, September 5, 2017 23:04 - 1 posts
Site just got back up.
Thu, June 15, 2017 18:39 - 3 posts
malware threat here?
Mon, March 21, 2016 13:09 - 11 posts
Is anyone else having trouble updating their sigantures?
Mon, November 16, 2015 01:12 - 16 posts
Time for new software.
Fri, June 26, 2015 10:04 - 5 posts
Missing link
Thu, February 6, 2014 12:53 - 2 posts