Why Firefly Matters

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 01:10
VIEWED: 7560
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Friday, February 3, 2006 4:37 PM


Firefly does for Science Fiction what Raiders of the Lost Ark did for archeology. Interest, and wonder, and hope... and all this while entertaining us. It brings different folks from all walks together for a common purpose. Firefly is intelligent, funny and, quite honestly, some of the most creative film work we've ever seen (in this 'verse or the next.) Every ship is an engineers dream and the humor is, well, my kind of funny. The characters are genuine and lovable and the stories are tight, full of surprise, and unlike any ever seen before. The psychotic psychic is a stroke of genius and who knows where that River would eventually flow (given half the chance - or a second season.) The honorable criminal, while done before, has never been depicted as such a likable character in the persona of Mal Reynolds. And the other characters are more than interesting. In short, Firefly matters because it truly entertains.


Friday, February 3, 2006 5:26 PM


Now this is true speak. It aggravates me no end that Fox screwed with this perfect show. They OBVIOUSLY had no idea what they had. All they wanted was a goofy "shoot-em-up" action show, the more cleavage the better. What they got was a thoughtful, well-acted character driven action-comedy, and they didn't know what to do with it, so they cancelled it prematurely. NICE GOING PINHEADS ! !


Friday, February 3, 2006 5:32 PM


Yea, and it makes us fall in love too.

And it's wonderful!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, February 4, 2006 1:38 PM


There has been little, if any, good Science Fiction on T.V. for many years. Perhaps since Star Trek: The Next Generation. So, along comes a witty, intelligent and fun program and in true Hollywood fashion it gets eliminated before it can truly develop. It begs to ask the question... where are all the good programs? And why can't good programing survive these days?
Wouldn't it have been great if Shephard Book could have been developed more as a character? He remains the most enigmatic character on the program. An operative, perhaps? An Alliance officer? Hmm.... too bad we'll never know!


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:29 PM


Hey fellow fans i'm a new user of the site. My name is Anna and I'm from the UK and got hooked on Firefly since the film 'Serenity' was aired here a few months back i have just finished the fifteenth and sadly final episode. From what I've read the fan base in the states was relatively strong and I am desperately confused as to why this marvellous show wasn't continued. I first fell in love with Joss's work when i was 12 and my Mum encouraged me to watch Buffy. I was then hooked! I haven't felt so encouraged by a piece of television since Buffy and I cannot believe what is such a good show with such good morals and truth behind its messages was axed. Not only is the story beautifully written and suitably intricate, the visual effects, not just the special effects are spectacular. I am particularly fond of the use of colour and light and its application to meaning throughout the plot. If anyone can post me information on where to write to try and do my bit to get this back on air in the states and perhaps even encourage a british broadcaster to pick it up please let me know!!!


'And we will call it This Land'


Friday, February 10, 2006 7:46 AM


Hey, Spanna1986, welcome! We're glad to have you!

*hands Spanna a Browncoat*

Just stick around here for links to places you can write and what you can do to help get more of the 'verse... there's a thread for sending Valentines to Universal and the most important thing I think all of us can do is spread the word, tell our friends and family about Firefly and share the DVD's of the movie and tv show. Folks seem to fall in love with this, which just makes for more Browncoats. And they'll hopefully buy DVD's too.

We all feel just like you do.... can't believe this great show isn't on the air RIGHT NOW, and that there's not already a sequel in the works. We all feel the same loss as we get to that final episode too.....

But this is a shiny place and we all talk and joke and share and discuss and it makes it better until we get more. We hope you'll join in often.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Thursday, March 9, 2006 9:49 PM


If the Trekkies can agree Firefly was a brilliant Science Fiction series, that should say something about it.

What Firefly showed me was a creative breath of fresh air; a universe with unique characters that for the most part, feel partly like family and mostly real, thanks in part to the creative minds of Joss Wheadon and his Mutant Enemy production crew. Where Trek probed the boundaries of the human experience, Firefly does more, and dare I say, with more of a heart on it's sleeve then the cold sterile manner Trek usually handles situations. Mal as a character is possibly, given the recent "revisions" by Lucas, an even better character then Han Solo. He's a conflicted man, yet not above pointing out how absurd some things are, in a very funny and humorous manner. Yet even with his flaws, there's an inner fire to him that if I were a part of the crew (and sometimes I wish I was) I'd follow that man to the depths of hell and back, because how Nathan plays him so well, you know you can trust him, even though he was a man who lost so much after the war, the only thing he can do is carry on, and that philosophy is what I think makes the show what it is, it's about facing things that you know are dark and bad, and hopefully surviving to live again. Hence, why we as fans, nee Browncoats continue to carry the torch. Part of me wants to believe that was all part of Joss' plan from the beginning. But either way it worked, and the community the fans have build seems incredibly unshakeable. And unlike Trek, all the cast seems to actually revel in the fact that they were a part of it. Some may be still trying to make it in Hollywood, some have had a career as long as your arm, but each of them within the crew, makes the show. If we're lucky enough to get a movie continuation as quickly as we did, who knows what other change will happen. The only thing we can't do is give up on it.

Ok, complete and utter ramblin' rant over.

Remember, Remember the fifth of November


Friday, March 10, 2006 3:05 AM



Originally posted by V:
Mal as a character is possibly, given the recent "revisions" by Lucas, an even better character then Han Solo. He's a conflicted man, yet not above pointing out how absurd some things are, in a very funny and humorous manner. Yet even with his flaws, there's an inner fire to him that if I were a part of the crew (and sometimes I wish I was) I'd follow that man to the depths of hell and back, because how Nathan plays him so well, you know you can trust him, even though he was a man who lost so much after the war, the only thing he can do is carry on, and that philosophy is what I think makes the show what it is, it's about facing things that you know are dark and bad, and hopefully surviving to live again. Hence, why we as fans, nee Browncoats continue to carry the torch.

Ah, V thus my nick above....

I too would follow Mal into Hades. Wouldn't hesitate. When discussions of Zoe's loyalty to Mal come up, I understand completely her following him unquestioningly into every situation.
Thus also my own dedication to this show and my fervent wish for more that keeps me writing letters and postcards and printing out flyers and posters and talking to everyone about this. I want everyone to have this feeling!

I too wish to be on Serenity. That's never happened to me before, never wished to be in a world other than this one, I was just an observer watching a tv show. I would gladly do cleaning duties to ship out on Serenity. Just a chance to adventure thru life with Mal... be worth latrine duty!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 10, 2006 3:09 PM



Originally posted by V:
If the Trekkies can agree Firefly was a brilliant Science Fiction series, that should say something about it.

Yeah, very true. I'm a die-hard Trekkie myself (love DS9, TNG and VOY) also a huge STAR WARS fan - but FIREFLY instantly took pride of place alongside them. I fell in love with the show from the first moments of the pilot. And whilst I'm proud to be a fan of Trek and Star Wars (all 6) I'm even more proud to say that I am a Browncoat!

FIREFLY is just such an incredible show - clever, intelligent, well scripted. It doesn't rely on technobabble to solve problems or have a highly convenient Deus Ex Machina appearing at the last minute. Sometimes gritty and tense, sometimes dark, sometimes funny - always entertaining. I know I'm babbling and maybe I've said it before (but it matters, so I'll say it again), but it seems to me that a show that can appeal to so many different people with such diverse tastes and backgrounds....

...well, that's something really special.

- Shiny. let's be bad guys.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:34 PM


Up till last weekend, I had only seen a portion of Firefly when it ordingally aired. Even with that brief encounter, I was drawn to it. Now I can't wait to get more of it. The past week my friend "reintroduced" me to Firefly. He had taped only 8 episodes from the Scifi Channel when it ran a Firefly marathon. But even then, I am hooked! Shiny show!

I've got the the remaining episodes coming in on Netflix and I will definately borrow "Serenity" from another friend.

Can't wait!!

--Kinroe Darkstone

"...Hungh!" -- Mal (upon finding River in the cryo crate)


Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:40 PM



Originally posted by KinroeDarkstone:
Up till last weekend, I had only seen a portion of Firefly when it ordingally aired. Even with that brief encounter, I was drawn to it. Now I can't wait to get more of it. The past week my friend "reintroduced" me to Firefly. He had taped only 8 episodes from the Scifi Channel when it ran a Firefly marathon. But even then, I am hooked! Shiny show!

I've got the the remaining episodes coming in on Netflix and I will definately borrow "Serenity" from another friend.

Can't wait!!

--Kinroe Darkstone

"...Hungh!" -- Mal (upon finding River in the cryo crate)

Well, welcome aboard! Good to know the show is still continuing to draw people in!

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:00 PM


I'm a die hard Trekkie too. I have to say that nothing has affected me the way Serenity and her crew have. I'm obsessed now with everything about them.

Funny, bright, and showing what true loyalty is all about, Mal is my hero.

I look out for me and mine... that don't include you 'lessen I conjure it does.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:16 PM



Originally posted by Azhea:
I'm a die hard Trekkie too. I have to say that nothing has affected me the way Serenity and her crew have. I'm obsessed now with everything about them.

Funny, bright, and showing what true loyalty is all about, Mal is my hero.

I know how you feel. There's a lot of other shows out there that I love - but Firefly and Serenity is something else! It's just a gorram shiny, special show! I was hooked right from the first moments I started to watch it too!

Here's hoping there's more of the good stuff to come!

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:33 PM


This show is so important to me because it is the one show that didn't treat it's audience like idiot children. Joss doesn't come right out and smack you over the head with everything. There are shades of grey everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if even Niska would be helping our crew out at some point. We have mysteries everywhere to keep us curious and entertained. The crew all seemed like real people. They fought, they laughed, they loved. The actual actors were the same. I love the outtakes almost as much as the episodes, because it lets me see the awesome real people behind the characters. The show just makes you fall in love. I don't know many people who won't fight for something they love.


Friday, March 17, 2006 6:13 AM


It matters because it's soo good.

The problem is, there is so much rubbish on TV that actually finding something good is near on impossible.

I missed the show on TV and only bought the series on DVD because I am a fan of SciFi. It took a while for me to get into it because it is so different.

As I watched each episode, the combination of interesting characters, the romantic, hippy comuneesque ship and the humour made me really enjoy each story. The episode with the funeral at the end was, in my opinion the best thing I had watched on TV ever.

I fear that the show may be left to fade into SciFi legend. Lets just hope that if it is ever made again, it doen't go "Epiode 1" and spoil what went before.

Thanks Mr Weadon you have made me enjoy SciFi again, thanks Fox (fools), and hello and thanks to the actors if you ever read this stuff.

Vila: We're all victims of a miscarriage of justice. Blakes 7


Friday, March 17, 2006 6:36 AM


"Why Firefly Matters"

"'cause it's awesome. 'nuff said."

I'll be in my bunk...


Friday, March 17, 2006 6:43 AM


Three words:

Orson Scott Card (on Serenity)

"It's great.

I'm not going to say it's the best science fiction movie, ever.

Oh, wait. Yes I am."


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:54 PM


Can someone actually tell me why they did cancel the show? I heard that they didnt like it because it was a little too political or is that bull.

"Love, you know all the math in the verse but if you take a boat in the air, you dont love she'll shake you up sure as turn of the worlds" Mal


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 3:12 AM


Plitics have become a major discussion point because all other lines of reason have been exhausted. I am under the firm opinion that the show was caneled to limited veiwing and that Fox generally has its head up its and always cancels there best shows.

Kuang Zhe De


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:03 AM


Same, i believe that `Firefly` and `Serenity` are THE BEST sci-fi productions i have ever seen. I mean things where you have a camera, facing a garage with painted walls and a bunch of people in it pretending to be serious and pretending to fall over things is kinda....old fasioned.
Well directed, well acted work like this should not be taken off air.
I've seen some really bad things on TV lately.....they are just funny because they are just so badly made.

Anyone up for a rebellion at Fox's HQ?



Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:37 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Whoops:
Can someone actually tell me why they did cancel the show?

Firefly never scored higher than fourth from the bottom of FOX's prime-time lineup -- three times it was at the bottom. It was an expensive show (US38Megabucks for fourteen eps), and FOX had to give back a lot of the ad revenue because it didn't draw their guaranteed minimum audience numbers.

Firefly was too good for TV.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . .


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:46 PM



Originally posted by auntychris:
Now this is true speak. It aggravates me no end that Fox screwed with this perfect show. They OBVIOUSLY had no idea what they had. All they wanted was a goofy "shoot-em-up" action show, the more cleavage the better. What they got was a thoughtful, well-acted character driven action-comedy, and they didn't know what to do with it, so they cancelled it prematurely. NICE GOING PINHEADS ! !

fox had to cancel it as soon as they saw how good it was. can you imagine how bad the ratings would get for all the "reality tv" or the other crap they play if they started airing well writen/acted shows?? remember in high school when you always tried for a c? if you do really good one time, people will expect you to do good again. there just aren't that many good tv show writers out there.
i can't believe that they would be dumb enough to cancel it for any other reason.


Sunday, May 28, 2006 8:33 PM


Why is Firefly important.

'Cause, as Mr. Whendon pionted out: the Fans. or the power of the fans.

They've spread the word using four litte DVD discs, and within THREE years of it being cancelled, there was a movie. (Trekkies had to wait TEN years for one).

THese fans don't let up. THe eat, sleep, breath and talk Firefly. Wanna know something: the first thing we'll give aliens after first contact is a Firefly Box set.

Also: don't be suprised if 100 years time, the word "shiny" has replaced cool in the english launguage.

WHY!!! 'cause the fans will make it happen...

We are the Browncoats, this is our 'verse and Joss Whedon is our new god (after our God(s) of course)

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Sunday, May 28, 2006 9:01 PM


Firefly matters, because we make it matter.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Sunday, May 28, 2006 9:28 PM



Originally posted by monksdad:
Firefly matters, because we make it matter.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."

damn...he just sumed up my ramblings in one sentance

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Sunday, May 28, 2006 9:44 PM


yep *sigh*

*checks to make sure DH is not in the room* LOL


Monday, May 29, 2006 2:26 AM



Originally posted by warrensethers:

Ok, someone please criticise me on how stupid this idea truely is. Its 4:24Am on Mon May 29th...I'm tired, rambling and just got done watching Serenity. Scuze the spelling, I hope ya'll can make out what i'm trying to say here, lol

Morning: Ep 1 - 5
Afternoon: Ep 6 - 10
Night: Ep 11 - 15
also Night: Serenity

"I'm tired" - me

Can't criticize you my friend, because you have said many of the same things we ALL have said.
We are all just as in love with this show as you are.

Welcome home...this is the place...where you will always be understood and where everything you say will be echoed.

We've all written about and searched for ways to bring the show back and we've all said we'd contribute our own cash. Unfortunately at this point, that's not going to work. What is going to work is recruiting new folks that feel the same way that we do. Our numbers have to grow and grow in order for the powers that be to take notice of our wants. It's as simple as that.

First off, you're a Browncoat by virtue of your love for the 'verse and every Browncoat needs their own browncoat...

*hands Warrensethers a browncoat fresh from the storeroom*

There you've got your gear. We're glad you're with us.

Take a look around the site, there's been much discussion of action to get our 'verse back by doing something now and thru the summer. So we've come up with several approaches and we hope you'll join us. Check out the Browncoat Events Forum panel to the right on the front page. Click around in there and you'll see there are listings for several different events coming up.
It's gonna take all of us together doing this with all our hearts to make them see that we want more. I'm dedicated to it, I hope you will be too.
Also, this is a really fun and smart site.. enjoy yourself.. our ships the best.

If you have any questions you can email me or PM me at any time. I'll be happy to do my best to answer them for you. My email is

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, May 29, 2006 9:56 AM



Originally posted by warrensethers:
The end of serenity left a lot of room for yet another Series.

I agree

Oh how I wish the other part about Joss and his own station were possible.

I find myself on this slow Monday afternoon dreaming of the need for a new Firefly/Serenity something.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:51 AM


Nope, never gets boring... and it's hard for a long time to watch anything else.

I began this journey last year... still watching the eps constantly and still watching the movie at least once a week. I find things in both I didn't see before.

Some friends and I also shindig them ( watch them simultaneously while talking together online on chat) from time to time, and that's lots of fun!

I do believe there is a sad stage that some folks go thru... after so long a time there's a small patch of time where it's almost painful to watch them.. and you have to do it in little doses. The heartbreak is just so intense. So even after the initial sadness of losing it, there's another time. But you get thru that ( watching Jaynestown and OMR often seems to help!) and then you get active. At least that's what I did.

It also helps to watch Buffy and Angel believe it or not. Even though you may not be into vampires and girls who kill them and brooding bloodsuckers,( I'm not!) it is Joss... so it helps some. It's not Firefly, but it fills some kind of need.

This love is a very marvelous and demanding thing, and it doesn't end. Being a Browncoat at least for me.. is for life.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:56 AM


hey everybody!

I´m a new member of this site form germany!
a few months ago my brother bought the firefly season (14 episodes).
and I tell U somethin, I´m not interested in cowboy-stuff and space movies at all, but "firefly" is the best thing I´ve ever seen!!!
I love it! Everything about it! it´s funny and the charakters are so amazing!!!

so now I´m just sad that there isn´t more about firefly, or is there????

please tell me if there are more episodes to come! That´ll be so great! I don´t understand why don´t they continue doing firefly...
sorry I´m a very New-firefly-fan and don´t know that much about it so please tell me^^

I´ve seen the 14 episodes and the movie serenity yet. Is there more?



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:37 AM



Originally posted by KissMyAsiaAss:
hey everybody!

I´m a new member of this site form germany!
"firefly" is the best thing I´ve ever seen!!!
I love it!

so now I´m just sad that there isn´t more about firefly, or is there????


Welcome New Member! We're glad you're here!
We all think that Firefly is the best thing we've ever seen too! So you are surely amongst friends.

And we're all sad that there isn't more Firefly too... exactly the same as you.

At this time, there isn't more about Firefly on tv or in movie form. But there is in comics! And a new one to come! Have you read the comics? You can order the comic book in trade paperback form from There's also several books about Serenity and Firefly already out.. do a search on Amazon and you'll come up with several.
There is a Visual Companion already out for the movie and TWO books coming for Firefly.. visual companions also, with interviews, and all sorts of shiny goodies.

There are lots of other things.. there will be more folks come along and tell you about the River Tam sessions..I don't have the link. folks who join our shiny site are welcomed with their very own virtual browncoat.. kinda to signify their joining up with the
Browncoats.... that's my job.

*hands KissMyAsiaAss a browncoat from the storeroom*

There you go. You have your gear. You are one of us. Welcome home!

Don't forget to share Firefly/Serenity with everyone you know. It's only thru growing our numbers and lots of folks falling in love with the 'verse that we'll get another movie or show.
There are lots of things going on this summer to be involved with... check out the Browncoat Events Forum on the right of the front'll see a big ole list of shindigs, conventions and there will be more plans for us to have fun and help Universal see that we want more!

Someone will likely be along and offer you some food and drink.. the mudder's milk is pretty strong, but Jossisagod's coffee is the best!

See you around the boards!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:10 AM


hey yah!

thx for the friendly information *happy*
oh no 2 season-___- *not so happy*
excuse my bad english if I don´t spell the words right^^ I don´t understand everything here eather.. well it´s been three years since my last english lesson hahaha xD

It´s so cool 2 see that there are a lot of other firefly-fans. My big-bro and my boyfriend are big fireflyfans too. Especialy my boyfriend wants to know if theres anything what we can do to make them continueing firefly-.-

well whatever, at least there comics hehe^^
by the way. Can I put my selfmade Manga´s (Comics) on this side??? And how I´m going to do this?

thx for the nice welcome and have a shiny day everyone^.^







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