Keep having this weird firefly-related dream

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:29
VIEWED: 3628
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Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:23 AM


It's really just varations on the same theme, I havn't had the same dream on this topic twice, but the basics are the same. Basic premese? Firefly is real and earth as we know it is like this alliance-made cover-up thing to experement and find out if certian events hadn't happened would earth-that-was history still have progressed the same way? Kinda like a historical musium where the actors don't know they're actors. It was a very contraversial thing, but mostly unknown and usually just called the AE project.

These dreams usually start with the REAL crew of Serenity (who don't really look like the actors we know and love but still look like the characters in that sorta way that most people's fan art of Draco Malfoy looks nothing like Tom Felton but is still reconizable as the same person) coming within WAVE range of AE, and Jayne picking up an eposode of Buffy...and promptly becoming addicted. How they meet Joss and Joss learning the truth about the universe and such things vary, but it always turns out that he requested permission to fictionalize them, let them preview each script (with the exception of The Train Job, 'cause of the rush job on that) and such before production the alliance kinda flips out and...well...their most recent reaction in my subconcious was to have all AE governments make Firefly illigal. 'course, they had trouble makin' a prision big enough to fit all us browncoats...really interesting, but bizzare.

Just thought I'd share my weird


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:36 AM


Actually, sounds like it would make an awesomely fun fanfiction.

But wait- so what you're saying here, is that there really ISN'T an AE project, and we all aren't subjects of the Alliance? And there really isn't a Firefly class ship called Serenity?
That it was all some show that some guy named Joss made up?

That... That's crazy talk! Plain and simple crazy talk!


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:27 PM


That is a very interesting and intense dream, reminds me of an idea I've played with for a Star Trek book. I envy that you have so many dreams about our BDH, even if in your dreams they're a made up conspiracy.

I've had two dreams, that I remember, the 2nd was a few days ago and damn me if I can remember it anymore, but it was disjointed, as dreams tend to be, and at one point I think Rossanne was in it.

The other one was a nightmare with Reavers, thankfully I can't remember all of it, but one thing I remember clearly, it was about recruitment, and I, or someone I was portraying, had to watch one scene that scared the hell out of me.

Ever see Aliens 4 when the man who had been impregnated with an egg started to realize it was about to burst out so he ran behind this person who was threatening the team just as the baby alien punched through, taking them both out? Well, it was kind of like that, only the Reaver was *ugh* eating his way through both chests... Okay, this has officially turned from mild to extreme, and if I've appauled anyone forgive me, but if you can't share with a Browncoat and seek their therapy who can you share with?

So, ya, interesting dream there Ladyknight. Can I trade my nightmare for your weird one?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:56 AM


Yano, there's plenty of wide open deserted places in the world... Pick one and build wall's! Instant Browncoat prison. :P (50% chance I won't be thrown in one... "It's Illegal!")

[img] [/img]

And the results are in!
(100%) 1: River Tam ° (75%) 2: Captain. Mal Reynolds ° (75%) 3: Hoban Washburne ° (72%) 4: Shepard Book ° (70%) 5: Zoe Washburne ° (62%) 6: Jayne Cobb ° (55%) 7: Kaylee Frye (47%) 8: Simon Tam ° (45%) 9: Inara


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:29 AM


I had a scary nightmare about Reavers a couple of weeks ago. Well they looked like reavers but moved like traditional Zombies so they weren't very fast and were easy to escape. Anyway it woke me up and made it difficult to fall back asleep.

An I carried such a torch






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