Dark Angel: 2nd season episodes that don't suck...

UPDATED: Saturday, July 9, 2005 07:58
VIEWED: 10250
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Monday, March 21, 2005 10:00 AM


If you like Dark Angel, you probable like most or all of season one. But two was, for me, problematic. I've made a list of good or acceptable episodes(in my humble opinion), and ones not listed are either plain stupid, or involve too much about that insipid snake cult.

Episode 1- Designate this
2- Bag 'em
3- Proof of Purchase
7- Some assembley required
10- Brainiac
11- The Berrisford agenda
12- Borrowed Time
13- Harbor lights
17- Hello, Goodbye
18- Dawg Day Afternoon
19- She ain't heavy
21- Freak nation
5- Boo
15- Fuhgeddaboudit
20- Love Among the Runes (on orders of FantasticLaughingFairy)

Which leaves 6 worthless episodes(again, in my humble opinion).
Did I leave anything good out?
Did I include any real stinkers?
Do you care?

It's so easy with Firefly episodes since they're ALL excellent
uh-oh, x-7's, gotta blaze.

Thanks to Kukoo for his imput.



Monday, March 21, 2005 2:26 PM


The Berrisford Agenda was phenomenal. Harbor Lights was all right. I just didn't like the direction they went with in Season 2. It was all about everybody else and not the main characters. With the exception of Alec. That boy had some great moments.


Monday, March 21, 2005 3:00 PM


Any episode with that stupid dog/man was horrible. I couldn't believe she blew up that base at the end of season 1. They could have milked that for a few seasons if they wanted and it still would have been good. I thought all of season 2 would have been her brainwashed or whatever it was (it's been a while, I forget the details) and they rest of the gang would have had to fight/elude her while trying to convert her back to normal. THAT would have been good. Personally, I think after 9/11 they got scared and wanted to take the show in a friendlier direction. Stupid FOX.

Run to the Tower, and call out the Magus
If he has caused this, we'll tear out his pages
Throw him in shackles, AND REMOVE HIS HANDS!
- Red Horse Rainbow, CLUTCH


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:27 AM


You know what? I just watched Love in vein last night, and I had to remove it from my list! It was worse than I remembered.
I never saw a show (with the exception of Firefly) that I loved so much so quickly... the second season was like having your best friend kinda go nuts on you. At least it had a couple of gems in the batch. Still would like to see a tv movie to tie things up, but....




Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:35 AM


You are dead on, man. 9/11 changed the direction of a lot of shows and movies! Look a Matrix 2&3, was that where they were goin' with that, either?
At least DA maintained that evil had to be fought! How's this:
After Freak Nation Ames White was taken to a looney bin where he killed himself, and the viris in Max mysteriously burned itself out- there, happy ending.
Like it?



Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:00 AM


actually I didn't find the second season that horrible,
not quite as good as the first,
but still better than a lot of stuff on TV.
I was really sorry to see the show get cancelled.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:19 AM


Me too. I didn't think 2nd season was HORRIBLE, it just wasn't as mind-blowing as the first. I was just like someone above said, Joshua and the snake cult took too much time away from the characters I DID care about(Max & Logan).



Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:18 PM


I'm with you Chrisisall, I didn't think the second season was as interesting as the first. in my opinion it dragged away from Max(I didn't much care for Logan, probably because i grew jealous when Max and Logan got intimate.) Anyway the second season didn't seem to have the structured feel of the first, and I need to be able to follow a story when watching TV. That's my two cents.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:30 PM


Jensen Ackles is a legend ;) And yeah S2 was lacking structure compared to S1. Then again I thought S1 was only good, not great.


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:27 AM


i acquired and watched through the dvd box sets of both seasons a few months back and was surprised by the reminder of just how much i loved the show (and the delectable ms alba). and whilst the second season did lose a bit of the tightness of the first, i still found it to be very enjoyable.

as for getting some closure on everything, there have been 3 official books written, 1 prequel explaining why max was in seattle, and 2 sequels dealing with the manticorian's seige and the snake cult. the latter books rush through the story a bit as they are obviously being written to tie up the loose ends rather than to continue the universe, but they are readble and bring you to an acceptable conclusion.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Thursday, March 24, 2005 6:39 AM


I would have loved to seen more Eyes Only. S2 wasn't as great as s1, but it did have its ups as well.

Keep shiny!


Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:52 AM


Yes, eviltobz, the books got the characters dead on, but the culmination :spoiler: of the snake cult mess was a nothing. Literally. All those centuries of breeding for absolutly nothing? Where was the genetic savior thing Max was supposed to supply the world with? Is that supposed to be ironic?
Very rushed.
I prefer to watch the full first season, then watch the TEN 2nd season shows that leave out the importance of the cult, or that don't center on Joshua.(see my list above)
The books were ok, but not how I would have done it (except how Max got rid of the virus, thought that was brilliant).
Note: recently purchased Alias season 1 on reccomendation sight unseen...big mistake. After Max, no other girl kicks ass show can compare.
I mean, good story, but Max spoiled me!

uh-oh, dog boy, gotta blaze.



Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:04 AM


To, Jossisagod, if you watch the dvds of DA you can see them gearing up for a change just before Tinga kicks, but it's like they re-thought it completely during the hiatus and decided to just throw in the kitchen sink with the anomilies; like they thought, let's not just make em strange, let's make em f@!*in' crazy!
Also, some of the writers and directors for DA also worked on Firefly! Could you imaging if they had given DA to Mr. whedon to produce?
2nd season would've been unbelievable then...

uh-oh, gill girl, gotta bounce.



Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:18 AM


Like Dr. Smith would say:

except maybe The Prisoner.....



Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:41 AM


to Chrisisall,
I'm too cheap to buy the DA series DVDs or VHSs for that matter. Some writers from DA worked on Firefly? WOW! I had no idea! Of course DA was back when I didn't care about who wrote the episodes and I just watched because I thought Jessica Alba was hot, Now i heared shes marrying The Fantastic Four's producer! I never paid that much attention to the second season of DA but I would have prefered the show if the producers stayed with the more human X5's instead of the 'nomilies.
See ya later, and thanks for the feedback.


Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:08 PM


Concerning creatures on tv; Flesh is almost always more interesting than latex, especially if it's Ms. Albas'.
Got DA from Wal-mart @ $30 per season, not a bad price as I'm usually broke. Turned out to be my most watched dvds!! Absolutly the best $60 I ever shelled out entertainment-wise.
And yeah, Fireflys' Verne Gillum(director), and Jose Molina(writer) both worked on DA - talent just gets moved from one project to the next...




Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:37 PM


Wow, I can't believe I didn't even know
Dark Angel was out on DVD!
Now I should look around and buy them,
because I do think that DA was a wonderful show.


Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:05 PM


I think the price dropped a little 'cause the sales have slowed, so buy it if you see it now, or you'll have to pay more later ordering it online.(unless you get it on a sale, or used)
P.S. for a full- frame, the transfer is lovely.

Adding to this message: deepdiscount.com and overstock.com both have DA season 1&2 for $29.99 each including shipping! So if you don't see it near you for less...
I jus' like to get my dvds at a store, make sure they didn't get bounced around or nothin'


Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:25 PM


I have to agree, I also loved season 1 of DA, but was deeply disappointed in Season 2. They changed too much, getting rid of 2 great villains like Lydecker and the blond chic Renfro or something. Also they got rid of Herbal and shifted the focus away from fighting corruption in an unjust world to a lame-ass snake cult. Then they added the Dog boy who I liked only when he was playing with Alec (Alec was the only change that I liked about the S2).

But the worse thing about S2 was they turned it into a lame Buffy rip off. In the S1 commentary, Jessica Alba says that she disliked all of the comparisons between her and Buffy when the show first came out, just because they both had strong female leads, and how the shows were nothing alike. Which I would have to agree with, in season 1 they were nothing alike and the characters Max and Buffy were nothing alike. But in Season 2 that all changed. What I loved about the Season 1 Max was how she could be such a Bitch sometimes. If someone she cared about was really in trouble she would help, but other then that they were on thier own. Max's first concern was looking out for herself and If someone was evil or hurting people, she would make sure that they were gotten rid of one way or another. It was refreshing and unusual to see that in a female lead. In season 2 she turned into Miss Buffy Summers, with the "I can't kill someone even though they are killing people I love because that would be wroooong!" "I have to help people who are hurting me because helping people is good" It got on my last nerve. Then they added in the Monster, er anomoly, of the week, made sure Max and Logan were star crossed lovers who could never get toghter because of a genetically engineered virus similar to Angel and Buffy with thier gypsy curse, then added the smart-aleck bad boy Alec as a possible love interest similar to Spike and voila! it was Buffy in year 2020. They even had a year long arc with the snake cult that was very similar to Buffy's arcs. All of this led to a season 2 which was very uneven and several episodes that were almost unwatchable.

That said, it was still better then most of the crap on TV now and there were several enjoyable episodes, especially the Beresford Agenda and Freak Nation. I wish it had been given a third season to see if they could correct the mistakes of season 2 and get it back to the show I loved in season 1.


Friday, April 1, 2005 9:46 AM


Kukoo, I agree with EVERY word you wrote!
Do you have the dvds? What do you think of my list at the top of the thread? I think season 3 would have worked it all out and come to a better ballance between 'nomalies and real story. But at least it came to a little bit of a conclusion... we can imagine the details getting worked out.
When it was broadcast, I gave up on the show just before Freak Nation, I was pleasently surprised when I finally broke down and bought it.

Thanks for the post.



Friday, April 1, 2005 7:58 PM


Yes, I have the DVD's, and I agree almost completely with your list. For my list, I would make a substitution of Episode 12: Borrowed Time for Episode 17: Hello, Goodbye. The Gossamer creature in Borrowed Time seemed kind of fake and at that point in the series, I was completly sick of the anomilies. In addition, the whole thing about Max and Logan was annoying. Put yourself in thier shoes, there is this great sexual tension that has been building for 1 1/2 years with this completly hot person, who you also love, and you have one night to fulfill your every desire, so what do you do, Have Dinner, I mean, what the F**k?!?

I really liked in Hello Goodbye the way that Alec and Max finally bonded, and all of the stuff that they talked about involving Alec's clone Ben (the Ben episode in Season 1 was one of my favorite episodes). Then there was the great scenes of Max convincing Logan that she was with Alec, in order to break things off with Logan completely. It was that sort of character developement and relationship drama that I enjoy and missed in much of season 2.

I would also add to your Acceptable show list Episode 20: Love Amoung the Runes. The opening sequence was one of the best on Dark Angel, in addition, for that one episode in the opening credits they got rid of the cheesy voice over (which always seem to bring any momentum from the opening sequence to a screeching halt) and went straight into the kick ass song which carried the momentum from the opening into the rest of the show. It was also kind of cool to see the members of Freak Nation banning together.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 5:04 AM


I will watch Hello, Goodbye over again now. I've only seen it on my dvds once before i dismissed the eps that featured Joshua, I forgot about the rest of the show.
After seeing Borrowed Time since I made the above list, I realize that it started out okay, but halfway through degenerated into nonsense. It's now only on my somewhat acceptable list with Fuggedaboudit.
You're right about the beginning of Love Among the Runes, but there is just too much snake crap in that one. The only way I can watch it is to keep my finger on the ff button. I did love the way the music just kicked in as if to say, "no time for voiceover, we're gonna kick some ass!"
Okay, acceptable list.

Again, thanks for the imput(I'm sounding like number five, short circuit)
Don't find that many hardcore DA fans 'round here.
Gotta blaze.



Saturday, April 2, 2005 5:56 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Don't find that many hardcore DA fans 'round here.

I wish I could reply as cogently and critically as the other DA fans here. But there's something about the 'teen Alba that disrupts my critical faculties; I don't kick puppies or shout at kittens, either.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 6:17 AM


Don' worry, mon. It's all good, all de time.



Sunday, April 3, 2005 5:54 AM


Okay, after seeing Hello. Goodbye I watched Dawg Day Afternoon, and it wasn't that bad and had some good moments, so it's now on the acceptable list.
I think that finalizes my selections for good and acceptable episodes. I've updated the list at the top of the thread, thanks for the help, everyone.



Sunday, April 3, 2005 6:28 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Jensen Ackles is a legend ;)

Jensen Ackles is the only reason why I would buy DAS2. Alec's character was hands down my favorite part of S2.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Monday, April 4, 2005 8:43 AM


Okay, I just watched Love Among the Runes last night and I had to take it off my list 'cause waaaaay to much snake stuff. I had to ff 8 or 9 times to get thru it.
So that's it. My final list.

Unless anyone has anything to offer, I'll say bye to this thread.



Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:20 AM


You all pretty much have it spot on. brilliant show, bit of a dodgy second seaason. cool characters.oh and isn't it cool how jessica alba's in two films at once. one tiny good thing out of her not being in DA any more. tiny, tiny, tiny, thing...

...and we will call it...this land...


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:32 AM


FLfairy, see if you like the ending for DA I came up with in the other thread, It's lookin' like I'm the only one who's gonna try one.

Would that qualify as fanfic?

Literary challenged Chrisisall


Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:55 AM


I was a big DA fan and once I adjusted to the change in focus from S1 (Manticore) to S2 (that weird breeding storyline), I did enjoy it. But my favorite, which always has me OTFL, was Boo, the Halloween episode. It helps to watch it late at night, with a couple of glasses of wine, to really appreciate the surrealism.

The interesting thing about DA-S2, is how some of the themes have been transferred to The 4400. I'm assuming that Ira Steven Behr (sp??) was responsible for that but I could be wrong. But the parallels are there. How do we react to the different among us? I thought Joshua was repulsive at first, but then grew fond of him. And he brought out the best in Max.

And the worst moment in S2 was that Max skateboarding scene in the finale (? - been a while) so "Escape from L.A." it was embarassing, not amusing.

That reminds me that I really need to buy S2 and watch it again.

terry (in iowa)


Originally posted by chrisisall:
If you like Dark Angel, you probable like most or all of season one. But two was, for me, problematic. I've made a list of good or acceptable episodes(in my humble opinion), and ones not listed are either plain stupid, or involve too much about that insipid snake cult.
Which leaves 9 worthless episodes(again, in my humble opinion).
Did I leave anything good out?
Did I include any real stinkers?
Do you care?


Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:12 AM



Originally posted by terryo:

And the worst moment in S2 was that Max skateboarding scene in the finale (? - been a while) so "Escape from L.A." it was embarassing, not amusing.

Don't mean to correct a fellow Trangenic Browncoat, but wasn't the worst moment in S2 every moment in the Gill Girl episode?

Max could beat Buffy Chrisisall


Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:40 AM


As soon as I get a chance to rewatch it, I'll let you know :-) but my vague recollection was only that they were trying way too hard with the everything but the kitchen sink catalog of transgenics. Unfortunately a lot of S2 was like that, as bad as X-Files or the Pretender for making it up as they went along...or so it seemed.

I'm a Transgenic Browncoat? Cool. ;-) Most Dark Angel fans I know wouldn't even watch Firefly, they were so p.o.'ed that Fox cancelled it. But I gathered that DA was doomed anyway (creative differences?) and it was JOSS WHEDON, for pity's sake.

The episode I hated the most was Heat. But then I had teenage girls living at home back then.

terry (buffy who?)


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Don't mean to correct a fellow Trangenic Browncoat, but wasn't the worst moment in S2 every moment in the Gill Girl episode?

Max could beat Buffy Chrisisall


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:00 PM



Originally posted by terryo:

terry (buffy who?)

Ha ha ha
You know, I saw a whole thread at another site all about who could kick who's ass, Buffy or Max!
Buffy has super-strength/ Max has military training- Buffy can sense oncoming danger/ Max can 'blur'...
Can you imagine even getting into a juvinile discussion like that? There's no point.

Max would win.

Buffy's GREAT, but....Chrisisall


Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:04 PM


All my money would be on Max, that's for sure.

But Buffy had Spike so she wins the twisted relationship contest. (Spike made me like BtVS, which is a feat in itself. The whole show, not just the quippy bits.)

I rarely get to any other boards even to lurk but as a heroine, I don't think it's that Max can kick Buffy's behind. What Max has that Buffy doesn't is an inner confidence - which I'm sure comes from that military upbringing. Buffy's world was sent into a tailspin when she became the Slayer and nothing was ever the same again. Max came out swinging and never stopped. She deals with the world the way it is. She even figures out a way to handle Logan's world, which is scarier in its own way.

They are on journeys in opposite directions, I guess. Buffy becomes more than human and Max is becoming truly human. Guess which one I like better?



chrisisall wrote:
Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:00

Ha ha ha
You know, I saw a whole thread at another site all about who could kick who's ass, Buffy or Max!
Buffy has super-strength/ Max has military training- Buffy can sense oncoming danger/ Max can 'blur'...
Can you imagine even getting into a juvinile discussion like that? There's no point.

Max would win.

Buffy's GREAT, but....Chrisisall


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:14 AM


BTW, which season of Buffy do you like best? Currently I only have S1, and have never seen any other.
Watched C.R.E.A.M. the other night, even the 'just okay' eps of DA S1 are still great!

Later, Terry, gotta bounce.

That's so bitch Chrisisall


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:36 AM


I was exposed to Buffy through my own teenagers and didn't really start watching until season 5 - because I am a sucker for a good cliffhanger. I'll even watch the series finales of shows I don't even watch. ;-) I wanted to see how Joss resolved it and it blew me away. I know most fans hate season 6 but I loved it, every dark, twisted and sick bit of it. Because when bad stuff happens it changes you and you can never go back to who you were - that is so true and one you don't often see played out on tv.

I like what Joss does with Mal better, though.

But each season has good bits; if you get the FX cable channel, they are still running both Buffy and Angel. Now there is a series finale that rates as number 1 (IMNSHO) Angel's last episode took my breath away.



Originally posted by chrisisall:
BTW, which season of Buffy do you like best?


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:58 AM


My bank account weeps, for 11 seasons I must buy...WILL KILL IT!!!!
No cable here, must rent from netflix, I guess.
The more I hear about Angel, the more I want to see it.

But only Firefly is better than watching Max Guevarra!

A nomaly Chrisisall


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:05 AM


Hello Chris. You asked for my opinion so here I am. ::sighs:: Well it's been quite some time since I've even pulled them off the shelf. I've been lost in other mutant shows and La Femme right now.

But from what I remember it's almost as if not only did they change their minds with where the story was going but they also decided to let the second string and third string writers take a stab at it. Which would make sense considering Cameron decided right at the beginning of the season that he didn't really want to be involved in it anymore. I just assumed when he pulled back so did the story designs and direction. That's particularly evident when you drone through the season and get to the finale which Cameron was once again in charge of. Then you see the intensity and the story and everything just come roaring back. Then I wanted more.

I hope she does the soup-thing. It's always a hoot and we don't all die from it.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:04 AM


Yeah, I think your list is bout right. Can't believe FOX, as you may have noticed in my latest thread. WE NEED A DA MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone get in touch with James Cameron. Please.

...and we will call it...this land...


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 8:30 AM


As much as I hate to say it, I thik Cameron and the cast are too spread out doing different things. It would take some kind of miracle for them to even consider it. It had almost an ending in Freak Nation...we just have to imagine the loose ends gettin' tied up, like on the other DA thread here.

Sad transgenic Chrisisall


Friday, June 17, 2005 3:36 AM


Yeah, the first season was AMAZING, but the second season had a lot of episodes that were just filler really, that didn't go witht the main storyline - like that AWFUL episode with the creature that spat goo! What was that about? That has to be like the worst episode.
Season 2 was still enjoyable though, because of the main plot and Alec. Man he was cool (the Berresford Agenda, awww). Anyway. Yeah. S1 amazing, S2, fine. My opinion anyway.

...and we will call it...this land...


Friday, June 17, 2005 11:09 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
like that AWFUL episode with the creature that spat goo! What was that about? That has to be like the worst episode

'Borrowed Time'. It started out as a serious ep with Max getting 'cured' for 24 hours, and how she and Logan could consumate their relationship at least for that one time, and degenerated to a stupid 'comedy' that ended in the creature being like a bad dog kinda freak. I only included it on the 'acceptable' part of my list for the first 20 minutes of the Logan/Max stuff, which was really good. Too bad the ep didn't just stick with that, it would've actually been one of their stronger episodes if they had.

Uhhh, he slimed me Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 5:09 AM


Yeah, I actually liked that part about Borrowed Time, it was a bit like I Will Remember You (Angel S2) which I love, but the goo-spitting creature (I think it was called a gossamer) just destroyed it. And why couldn't Logan and MAx just get it on?
Chrisisall, you really should try to see Buffy S2 and possibly S5 - the best by far. Don't think anything but Firefly can beat DA S1 and it's pretty close between them. I reckon you got your list just about right there dude - but what's with your major Snake-Cult-Issue. It wasn't that bad. It was better than all those eps with the 'nomilies. My opinion anyhoo. You going to see Fantastic Four (what's the other movie she's in? - I forgot now.)

...and we will call it...this land...


Monday, June 20, 2005 5:26 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
I reckon you got your list just about right there dude - but what's with your major Snake-Cult-Issue. It wasn't that bad.

It's just that it was, IMHO, an unnecessary element to up the wierdness factor, and ultimatly didn't go anywhere. That was time I felt that would be better spent on Sketchy, or Cindy.
It's not that I really hated it. Would you add any snake cult episodes to the list?
I did love the scene where Max flashed the cult kid to distract him- perfect way to handle a young teen with raging hormones! Ha ha ha ha

Me and the Mrs are SO gonna see Fantastic 4!! (She loves the guy playing Reed, and what can I say? Sue Storm will ROCK!!!)
PS, I already saw Buffy S2, and Passion was my fav ep from that season.

It's clobberin' time Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:28 AM



Here, FLF, check this site out. I don't agree with every rating, but the reviews are well written and interesting. It's also pretty.

Linkin' Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:53 AM


Can I just ask - what's with the cheesy voice in the titles of S2? To me it just signifies everything that went wrong with the show. sigh.

...and we will call it...this land...


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:20 AM


They were trying to emphasise that she was 'designed' for a purpose, and had a 'destiny', so people would be prepared for the whole Sandeman/no junk DNA/she's 'the ONE' thing that they came up with during the hiatus.
Like Finn said, I would have been happy if they just stuck to the intimate little stories about the characters, but they thought they had to go big time to keep and attract more viewers. Ah well...

Still a fan Chrisisall


Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:39 AM


Yeah, but what did the whole 'no junk DNA do'? she could dtill get her ass kicked by other X5's - even her junk-DNA-filled up clone.
Anyway, still love the show - even the second season - much better than most of what's on TV. Plus the overall storyline was fine really.

...and we will call it...this land...


Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:29 AM


No junk DNA meant that unlike all other life forms on Earth, every sequence had definite and particular purpose. Her genetic code was gonna save most of humanity (those not specially made or bred) from the upcoming apocalypse- a comet that passes the Earth once every few millenia and poisons the planet (it's really what killed off the dinosaurs, dontcha know) was supposed the infect the planet again, and only the best bred were gonna live, 'cept Max was gonna spread her code through a cold virus to save everyone. She was literally designed to be the savior of mankind.
Season 3 woulda ROCKED!!!

Listen to the commentary on Freak Nation to get a slightly more detailed account.

Awe struck Chrisisall


Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:34 AM


OMG! Region1 DVD's have no commentary! I am SO bummed! What's it say bout it all? Oh, thanks for explaining what the 'no junk DNA' did, it was buggin me. Thanks mate.

...and we will call it...this land...






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