Wonderfalls - Second Season conundrum

UPDATED: Thursday, September 29, 2005 08:24
VIEWED: 11603
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Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:18 PM


Ok so it’s not really a sci-fi series unless talking animals counts (and Tim Minear), but following a recommendation from someone on this site (possibly the voracious Chrisisall), I bought the first season on R1 DVD …

I watched it over the last couple of weeks.

I thought it started slowly, but was totally hooked by midseason and loved the ending (including our own Ms Staite playing an evil bitch with a heart) and now, due to my horrendously addictive personality – I WANT MORE!!

So you Americans out there, can you tell me, is there a second season or what??


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:30 PM


Doesn't need an American to answer that!

I'm a recent convert myself - and no, that is it. I believe only 4 episodes were actually aired before Fox pulled the plug.


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Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:36 PM


Or what is the answer I'm afraid. Like The Inside, like Firefly, in fact, like rather a lot of Fox shows, this was destined to be cancelled from the off (and the makers knew it too).

Which, when you consider how much TV costs to make, is very weird. If you go through the DVDs and listen to the commentaries, you can get a pretty good idea of where they were going to go over the next two seasons. Not that that's as good as having them to watch but at least you know they were thinking that far ahead.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:37 PM



Originally posted by fray101:
Doesn't need an American to answer that!

I'm a recent convert myself - and no, that is it. I believe only 4 episodes were actually aired before Fox pulled the plug.


Only 4 episodes??? -That’s ridiculous!! - they just don't give things long enough for people to decide whether they like them or not ...

Programmes that are immediately arresting are good for a couple of episodes and then get boring as hell (e.g. Desperate Housewives) … why can’t they give us a chance to get over the travails of childbirth and appreciate the growing child???

Still, at least it ends with a resolution of sorts …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:39 PM


If having only one (half-?) season hurts too much, you could make believe that it's two seasons of a BBC show


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:41 PM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
If having only one (half-?) season hurts too much, you could make believe that it's two seasons of a BBC show

I guess - you mean like Spooks and its measly 3, or was it 5 episode runs ...

I think Wonderfalls must be a whole season as it ends with a sort of finale ... It's very good, if you haven't seen it ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:49 PM


Actually the first series of Spooks had 6 episodes, the next two series had 10 each.

But things like Jonathan Creek have had 3 episode runs recently.

And isn't Caroline fabulous? She needs to be in more stuff.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:51 PM


I think the only thing we CAN be grateful for is that they knew they'd been axed so could wrap up the story. Couldn't have handled being left with a cliff-hanger!

Years (and years) ago, there was this thing on TV at Christmas called "Stainless Steel & the Star Spies." Ended with a cliff-hanger and a "to be continued" - was never heard of again. My brother & I are still haunted by that....

Sorry, just wanted to reminisce!


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www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:00 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Actually the first series of Spooks had 6 episodes, the next two series had 10 each.

But things like Jonathan Creek have had 3 episode runs recently.

And isn't Caroline fabulous? She needs to be in more stuff.

Ok so I was exaggerating with the Spooks thing but really, (and I agree with Fray here) do you recall the bloody awful cliff-hanger at the end of Spooks 1 :–

Is he dead? Is his family dead?? Is EVERYONE dead???

Find out NEXT YEAR!!! AgghhhhH!!!

Haunted?? Don’t talk to me about haunted …

Oh and "Stainless Steel & the Star Spies" sounds fanbloodytastic!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:04 AM


I was going to say "are there worse words in the English language than X will return next year" but then reaslised that of course there are: "X will never be returning, sorry - that's your lot."

I just googled for Stainless Steel & drew a blank. Maybe I imagined it....


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:09 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
I was going to say "are there worse words in the English language than X will return next year" but then reaslised that of course there are: "X will never be returning, sorry - that's your lot."

I just googled for Stainless Steel & drew a blank. Maybe I imagined it....

Here ya go, Fray101:

and yes, the words "never returning" have a Poe-esque doom-laden, presentment-of-disaster feel all their own …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:14 AM


Hey- thanks! Shall send that onto my brother.

1981 - gulp!


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:18 AM


Oooh, we should do a thread about TV shows with never resolved cliffhangers like The Tripods or Bugs (or even Red Dwarf).


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:20 AM


Gotta say it sounds like one of those shows that’s better in your memory that actually re-watching – I mean: “ Stainless Steel, Utensil, the Canz and Gadget”???

I bring to mind many, many great children’s shows including Children of Fire Mountain (remember that? I’m beginning to think I imagined it as no one else does and I can’t find anything on Google!)


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:27 AM


Zoot - I have no doubt you're right! It's funny how some things just stick in your mind all these years though. Sorry to say I have no recollection of Children of Fire Mountain, but ah, the Tripods....surely with TWOTW fever this is the time for them to make a comeback?!


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:37 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
Zoot - I have no doubt you're right! It's funny how some things just stick in your mind all these years though. Sorry to say I have no recollection of Children of Fire Mountain, but ah, the Tripods....surely with TWOTW fever this is the time for them to make a comeback?!

Yes I remember the Tripods - used to scare the pants off me - though why ungainly pieces of metal should do that, I've no idea ...

I also have a vague memory of another children's TV programme - slightly after my time but was on when I got home from school - about a futuristic cop who sort of gave lectures on his adventures, which were presented in a kind of card-board cut out format - sounds insane but is all I can remember ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:42 AM


Sorry to say I have no idea what that one could be!

But thinking back on all these old shows (some of which were decidedly quirky!), was Wonderfalls so off the wall that people couldn't handle it? All we get these days is hospital dramas, 10 different CSIs etc.


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Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:45 AM


I know what you mean - It's ridiculous - especially to someone who grew up with such insanity as The Adventure Game (when reality TV game shows were PROPER!!) and Fingermouse!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:49 AM


Are you thinking of Captain Zep - Space Detective?


Monday, July 25, 2005 1:01 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Are you thinking of Captain Zep - Space Detective?

OHmigosh, SimonWho, I think I love you!!

The Solve Academy for would-be space detectives (or would that be Spetectives??)

I feel so much better now. Thak you!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 1:04 AM


Ah, The Adventure Game...(wipes small tear away).

Ooh, "Captain Zep, Captain Zep...Super Space Detective"!!! Loved that show!


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 1:27 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
Ah, The Adventure Game...(wipes small tear away).

Ooh, "Captain Zep, Captain Zep...Super Space Detective"!!! Loved that show!

*sighs exaggeratedly* - Now Fray knows what I was talking about!!! (I may not have described it with any accuracy)!!

I know we've gone completely off topic, but what I loved most about the Adventure Game was those little plastic counters or money or whatever the hell it was they had ... clear plastic with a shape in a bright colour inside it - I really wanted those!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 1:42 AM


Yep, I remember those!

I think most English people of a certain age remember The Adventure Game fondly.

Gronda gronda!

(apologies to any Wonderfalls fans who wandered into this thread and are now thoroughly confused!).


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 1:44 AM


I vaguely recall Captain Zep, mostly the theme tune. I have much stronger memories of The Adventure Game, that was wonderfully barmy.

I think any Americans who wander into this thread are just going to go "Oh look, the Brits have lost it again." and leave us to it.


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:05 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I vaguely recall Captain Zep, mostly the theme tune. I have much stronger memories of The Adventure Game, that was wonderfully barmy.

I think any Americans who wander into this thread are just going to go "Oh look, the Brits have lost it again." and leave us to it.

YOu know I actually feel sorry for American 30-somethings who didn't grow up with the weirdness that was Oliver Postgate et al...

I like to think such things permenantly warped our little psyches (in a good way, you understand) ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:08 AM


I think we can safely say the Clangers would have been axed quicker than Wonderfalls! "But, they're talking in whistles - how will the audience understand them?".


Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com.

www.cafepress.com/destiny2 (Wonderfalls)


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:11 AM


We may have lost Cricket but we`ve still got our marbles

Can you remember `The Great Egg Race` ? that`s what I thought of when you mentioned the `Adventure Game` - classic TV.

Another Fox program that fell over was `The Lone Gunmen` (Gawd I forgot the title) - again maybe Fox execs just don`t like to be associated with briliance and kookieness at the same time

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:13 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
I think we can safely say the Clangers would have been axed quicker than Wonderfalls! "But, they're talking in whistles - how will the audience understand them?".

Yeah, and you just know the Clangers were all swearing exotically in Chinese, don'tcha??


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:15 AM



Originally posted by Zol:
We may have lost Cricket but we`ve still got our marbles

Can you remember `The Great Egg Race` ? that`s what I thought of when you mentioned the `Adventure Game` - classic TV.

Another Fox program that fell over was `The Lone Gunmen` (Gawd I forgot the title) - again maybe Fox execs just don`t like to be associated with briliance and kookieness at the same time

Darin (Zol.)

Ah! the Great Egg Race with Dr Heinz Wolf - another psychadelic classic ... do we think they were all ON something?? - I mean, Think of a Number, go on, THINK of one ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 11:31 AM


Fox killed Harsh Realm, which was really shiny, after just three episodes. If you don't have the DVD set for that one (nine episodes in all) grab it while you can.

"Oh, sweetie, don't feel bad. He makes everybody cry. He's like a monster."


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:43 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
Ok so it’s not really a sci-fi series unless talking animals counts (and Tim Minear), but following a recommendation from someone on this site (possibly the voracious Chrisisall), I bought the first season on R1 DVD …

I watched it over the last couple of weeks.

I thought it started slowly, but was totally hooked by midseason and loved the ending (including our own Ms Staite playing an evil bitch with a heart) and now, due to my horrendously addictive personality – I WANT MORE!!

Slow start? Really? I think the pilot for Wonderfalls may be one of the best pilots I have ever seen. Glad you enjoyed the show though. It's one of my favorites.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:41 AM


I LOVED Wonderfalls when it was on. I made everyone I knew watch it. Then Fox killed it, and I gotta say I wasn't surprised. I wasn't happy, but i wasn't surprised. It would have been best teamed up with something like Arrested Development. Tru Calling was a crap lead in for it. And then they moved it to the Friday night death slot and it was over.

I read a Tim Minear interview where he revealed some of the stuff that was going to happen in season 2, like the virgin conception of Jaye's sister (the lesbian). It actually sounded like they had big plans for this show, and so I'm even more crushed about it's death.

If you like Wonderfalls you'd probably love Dead Like Me, which is done by one half of the Wonderfalls team (the half that isn't Tim). But it only got 2 seasons, which is not nearly enough either.

The American ratings and TV system is in big trouble. They are always looking for the next friends, when in all reality it'll be damn hard to attract that sort of wide-ranging audience to anything these days. If you think about it, Buffy only got a chance cos it was on a struggling network, much in the way that Veronic Mars is on UPN now. Had the WB been Fox Buffy wouldn't have made it to half-way through season 1. And imagine that, a world without Buffy...

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:09 PM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:
I LOVED Wonderfalls when it was on. I made everyone I knew watch it. Then Fox killed it, and I gotta say I wasn't surprised. I wasn't happy, but i wasn't surprised. It would have been best teamed up with something like Arrested Development. Tru Calling was a crap lead in for it. And then they moved it to the Friday night death slot and it was over.

I read a Tim Minear interview where he revealed some of the stuff that was going to happen in season 2, like the virgin conception of Jaye's sister (the lesbian). It actually sounded like they had big plans for this show, and so I'm even more crushed about it's death.

If you like Wonderfalls you'd probably love Dead Like Me, which is done by one half of the Wonderfalls team (the half that isn't Tim). But it only got 2 seasons, which is not nearly enough either.

The American ratings and TV system is in big trouble. They are always looking for the next friends, when in all reality it'll be damn hard to attract that sort of wide-ranging audience to anything these days. If you think about it, Buffy only got a chance cos it was on a struggling network, much in the way that Veronic Mars is on UPN now. Had the WB been Fox Buffy wouldn't have made it to half-way through season 1. And imagine that, a world without Buffy...

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."

Just FYI, you have it backwards. Wonderfalls started out in the friday death slot. They aired 3 eps and then moved it the next week to thursday, aired one ep and gave it the ax. Not fair treatment for such an original and funny show.

Also Bryan Fuller created Dead Like Me. It was a good show. I still have not seen the last few eps of the second and last season though. And I think he and showtime parted ways shortly after the show aired, creative differences or something. Todd Holland created Malcolm In The Middle. I like Todd but I never got into that show.

I'll be interested to see what Tim does next since his last three series have been dumped prematurely by fox.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 12:49 PM


I've never seen wonderfalls, I am, however, guessing its good.
Is it the show that started on Sky One recently about a girl who can talk to inanimate objects?

Cause there was a show like that that I wanted to see recently, but, erm, didn't...


Hey- thanks! Shall send that onto my brother.

1981 - gulp!

hehehe, Fray, that was the year i was born...

Q: What do you have when you are holding two little green balls in your hand.
A: Kermit's undivided attention.


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:31 PM


Sean, salting the wound there!

Yup, Wonderfalls is the one you've missed although I'm sure Sky will repeat between endless programmes of the world's blankest blank.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 1:51 AM


I know, couldn't resist...
I'm a bad bad man!

But I liked the worlds plainest blanket, enjoyed it nearly as much as C4's 100 greatest paints to watch dry...

Q: What do you have when you are holding two little green balls in your hand.
A: Kermit's undivided attention.


Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:30 AM


Stainless Steel and the Star Spies
was a pilot program filmed by Euston Films the same people who shot "Minder" but they deceided not to go ahead with series shame because it was fun to work on.

Don Brown (Sound Mixer)


Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:36 AM


Am I reading this right? You actually worked on Stainless Steel & The Star Spies?

That programme has been stuck in the memories of me & my brother for, well, more years than I care to remember! Shame I can't actually remember any specific details!


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www.cafepress.com/fireflyclass & www.cafepress.com/session416


Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:19 AM


Yes we filmed it a disused warehouse in Putney London in 1981 the people who built the puppets made the original Cadburys Smash Martians
The cameraman was the Oscar winning Freddie Young
"Lawrence of Arabia" and Doctor Zhivago"



Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:44 AM


That's spooky! I only have vague recollections of it (remember the title more than anything) but was thinking how they reminded me of the Smash Martians.

Thanks so much for posting! Nothing beats a bit of nostalgia!


Design a Serenity poster & win a Serenity t-shirt at http://www.destinything.com/id152.html

Visit the Browncoats' Photo 'Verse at http://disneypix.tripod.com/photoverse

www.cafepress.com/fireflyclass & www.cafepress.com/session416


Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:57 AM


My daughter Sarah was 7 at the time and I took her to see crew showing we lived in Watford at the time and we caught the train to Euston and walked along to Thames Studio she was talking about it all the way home sadly see died 4 years ago aged 26 from a brain tumour. I did have a copy on VHS but lent it to someone and did not get it back but I still have the script.




Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:14 AM


re: Canceled shows with cliff hangers

Many years ago there was an episode of a SF/Horror/fantasy show where Aliens have come to Earth to revive a TV show that was not picked up for the following season and ended with a cliff hanger. The Aliens have been monitoring our radio/TV transmissions and they think this show is High Art. So, the story revolves around them reassembling the show to make the final episode.

I can't remember which TV series this episode was on. I guessing something like New Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone. Does this episode sound familar to anyone? And do you know which series it was on?

(And, if there are any Aliens out there, I got a list of shows for you...)

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:14 AM


re: Canceled shows with cliff hangers

Many years ago there was an episode of a SF/Horror/fantasy show where Aliens have come to Earth to revive a TV show that was not picked up for the following season and ended with a cliff hanger. The Aliens have been monitoring our radio/TV transmissions and they think this show is High Art. So, the story revolves around them reassembling the show to make the final episode.

I can't remember which TV series this episode was on. I guessing something like New Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone. Does this episode sound familar to anyone? And do you know which series it was on?

(And, if there are any Aliens out there, I got a list of shows for you...)

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:21 AM



Originally posted by Declan:
re: Canceled shows with cliff hangers

Many years ago there was an episode of a SF/Horror/fantasy show where Aliens have come to Earth to revive a TV show that was not picked up for the following season and ended with a cliff hanger. The Aliens have been monitoring our radio/TV transmissions and they think this show is High Art. So, the story revolves around them reassembling the show to make the final episode.

I can't remember which TV series this episode was on. I guessing something like New Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone. Does this episode sound familar to anyone? And do you which series it was on?

(And, if there are any Aliens out there, I got a list of shows for you...)

Actually....that happened in an episode of "Futurma"...

A planet was 1000 light years away, and they showed up in the year 3000 demanding an ending to "Single Female Lawyer" (guess which show that was a paradoy of?)

BTW: The execs at Fox are a bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes!!!

(Oh, and all 13 "Wonderfalls" are out on DVD...)


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:35 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Maybe its a bit late, but you can still check out Wonderfalls. It's shown at various times on Wednesday night but is repeated at 8pm on Fridays. Oh and it's on Sky One Mix. Don't ask me why they changed the channel, maybe it wasn't getting very good ratings (they switched Alias season 2 from Sky One to Sky One Mix without so much as an announcement, and they never picked it up for the following season - must have been low ratings)

It's probably nearer the end than the beginning of the series, but its worth checking out if you dont know whether you'd buy the boxset. Jewel Staite is in it at the minute

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:44 AM



Originally posted by reaverchow:

Originally posted by Declan:
re: Canceled shows with cliff hangers

Many years ago there was an episode of a SF/Horror/fantasy show where Aliens have come to Earth to revive a TV show that was not picked up for the following season and ended with a cliff hanger. The Aliens have been monitoring our radio/TV transmissions and they think this show is High Art. So, the story revolves around them reassembling the show to make the final episode.

I can't remember which TV series this episode was on. I guessing something like New Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone. Does this episode sound familar to anyone? And do you which series it was on?

(And, if there are any Aliens out there, I got a list of shows for you...)

Actually....that happened in an episode of "Futurma"...

A planet was 1000 light years away, and they showed up in the year 3000 demanding an ending to "Single Female Lawyer" (guess which show that was a paradoy of?)

(Oh, and all 13 "Wonderfalls" are out on DVD...)

Thanks for your help but the show that I was thinking of was live-action. I seem to recall that the episode, or parts of it, were shot in black-and-white with a very film noir look to it. And the supposed High Art may have been something like the "The Fugitive" but now my memory is getting very dim.

Oh, by the way, I came to Wonderfalls by way of this site. I'm through episode 10. I'm glad to hear that it resolves.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:44 AM



Originally posted by reaverchow:

Originally posted by Declan:
re: Canceled shows with cliff hangers

Many years ago there was an episode of a SF/Horror/fantasy show where Aliens have come to Earth to revive a TV show that was not picked up for the following season and ended with a cliff hanger. The Aliens have been monitoring our radio/TV transmissions and they think this show is High Art. So, the story revolves around them reassembling the show to make the final episode.

I can't remember which TV series this episode was on. I guessing something like New Outer Limits or New Twilight Zone. Does this episode sound familar to anyone? And do you which series it was on?

(And, if there are any Aliens out there, I got a list of shows for you...)

Actually....that happened in an episode of "Futurma"...

A planet was 1000 light years away, and they showed up in the year 3000 demanding an ending to "Single Female Lawyer" (guess which show that was a paradoy of?)

(Oh, and all 13 "Wonderfalls" are out on DVD...)

Thanks for your help but the show that I was thinking of was live-action. I seem to recall that the episode, or parts of it, were shot in black-and-white with a very film noir look to it. And the supposed High Art may have been something like the "The Fugitive" but now my memory is getting very dim.

Oh, by the way, I came to Wonderfalls by way of this site. I'm through episode 10. I'm glad to hear that it resolves.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:53 AM


Thanks muchly Needy, If I can prise the cable controls from the grip of others I'll definatly give it a look...

Zen Buddhist to the Hotdog Vendor:
"Make me one with everything."


Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:41 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Well Citizen if you do get the chance, the only thing you really need to know (Apart from the whole inanimate animals talk to Jaye and tell her to do things) is that Jaye had fallen for bartender Eric, whose wife was unfaithful on the wedding night. But now he's giving his wife (Jewel Staite) a second chance...

Its a quirky and fun show, and for the most part really good... I know I'm going to be sad when I get to the final episode

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, September 15, 2005 1:42 PM


I wish there was more Wonderfalls, I loved it. But if you want something fresh, well 9 years old, but brilliant, see Profit. Run to a DVD store and buy it. There is a very, very, very long wait on Netflix and last time I checked Amazon was on back order.

This is just dark, funny, and just too different....you just got to see it! Anyone else see it?

NY/NJ Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc


Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:24 PM


Just had to chime in with 2 more shows given the short end of the stick.

The first show is Miracles. David Greenwalt worked on this show and it was on in 2003. I first heard about the show from visiting here and watched it from the start. Unfortunately, it got bumped around by ABC and axed after only six shows with another seven in the can never aired. It is now on DVD (at least in the states) and Amazon has a deal if you buy this and Wonderfalls together.

Another great network decision was the way CBS handling one of the best shows ever American Gothic. Between 95 & 96 they showed the show on different nights and out of order. Well, being a show with an actual story and an arc this messed up everything to anyone who was trying to watch. The show was just great and Sci-fi has shown it on occasion. Well, come October 25 it too will finally be on DVD including the four episodes that CBS did not air.

These are two shows I strongly advise people to check out (well, first being Firefly and Wonderfalls is also up there), but believe me, American Gothic was truly a great show.

"It's not fair."
"No. It's not. Death never is."


Friday, September 16, 2005 7:03 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by HotForKaylee:
Just had to chime in with 2 more shows given the short end of the stick.

The first show is Miracles. David Greenwalt worked on this show and it was on in 2003. I first heard about the show from visiting here and watched it from the start. Unfortunately, it got bumped around by ABC and axed after only six shows with another seven in the can never aired. It is now on DVD (at least in the states) and Amazon has a deal if you buy this and Wonderfalls together.

Another great network decision was the way CBS handling one of the best shows ever American Gothic. Between 95 & 96 they showed the show on different nights and out of order. Well, being a show with an actual story and an arc this messed up everything to anyone who was trying to watch. The show was just great and Sci-fi has shown it on occasion. Well, come October 25 it too will finally be on DVD including the four episodes that CBS did not air.

These are two shows I strongly advise people to check out (well, first being Firefly and Wonderfalls is also up there), but believe me, American Gothic was truly a great show.

"It's not fair."
"No. It's not. Death never is."

I missed Miracles when it was shown here on Living, but managed to tape the repeats... all except the pilot. And then when it was repeated again (about a month after), I missed the pilot again! Then again it was shown at 3 in the morning so can you blame me for missing it in the schedule?

I still have all the other episodes on tape, still unwatched, and am *whispers* currently downloading the pilot episode. When it actually finishes downloading I can watch the others.

As for American Gothic - I've never watched it. I always am reminded of Dark Skies though when I hear it mentioned, because over here in the UK, they were both bought by Channel 4 who aired them both on Monday nights, back to back. However, I was a might bit younger back then and American Gothic didn't really appeal. I loved Dark Skies though and hope that it will be released on DVD soon. And Now and Again - another great show cancelled after 1 season

The next series I want to see on dvd though is Undeclared. I havent seen it before but am a big fan of Freaks and Geeks, and I've heard that Undeclared is another great similarly-themed show

I've been trying to download the pilot of that too, but even though I've found it on edonkey, the downlaod hasnt progressed any

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny






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