Get yer pointless DA threads here...

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 07:38
VIEWED: 4041
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Sunday, August 21, 2005 3:06 AM


Seriously, I've never actually been able to discuss this show with anyone and it's kinda cool that there are fans on this board...

And I'll say again that I haven't watched any of it for a while, so my memory might be a bit shocking, but here's a question (which has probably been asked countless times before, but has been bugging me ever since I watched it)...

When the second season came out, they made such a big deal about Max being the chosen one, that she had no junk DNA, yada yada yada.

Fair enough.

But if she had no junk DNA (at all!) what the hell happened to her seizures from season one? And exactly what purpose did they serve? 'cause without any junk DNA or RNA, all her strands were coded for a purpose, right? That's what it means, right?

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:22 PM


It was a plant to get her to think she was an ordinary transgenic, that WAS a common genetic error in most of them.
Edit: that also explains why her seizures suddenly end the same year all the hits the fan, at that point Sandeman knew they'd be unnecessary.

Answer for everything Chrisisall 524


Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:46 PM


ooooh, hey.

You really do have an answer for everything.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Sunday, August 21, 2005 12:53 PM


So Jacqui, you seem hardcore with DA. Where do you rank it in you favourite shows?

It's my second favourite of all time, right behind Firefly.

Transgenic questions? Ask Dr. Chrisisall


Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:38 PM


At the moment? To be honest.

Firefly ('tis a given).
Tru Calling.
Dark Angel.

So... uh... 7th? Maybe?

Not sure if I'd say I'm incredibly hard core with it (you ain't seen nuthin'... I can be skeery, obsessive and OCD with Joss shows), but it was a really interesting show, with really interesting story ideas and plot lines (whether or not the full potential of these ideas translated to the screen).

In fact, when it was first aired, I caught a few episodes here and there (maybe five?) of the first season and didn't really think much of it after that.

It was only last year when the DVDs went on sale and I got them for under $20 ea (that works out to be about $15 US) that I decided I should maybe check it out.

I watched them pretty quickly and was really impressed.

I'm enthusiastic about it here on this board right now, because nobody I've known really got that into it and I haven't really discussed it with anyone else. I haven't been that eager to go join any groups or message boards or fan sites for it, though.

My five year old nephew did ask a very pertinent question one day, though...

"Why do all your DVDs have girls with guns on them?"

Hadn't really thought about it before, but he's right... I have a prediliction for shows where girls kick ass.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Sunday, August 21, 2005 4:34 PM


Girls kick ass, says so on a tee shirt.

Is Tru Calling that good? I like Eliza...

Potential TC fan Chrisisall


Sunday, August 21, 2005 4:56 PM


Tru Calling is...

How shall I put it...?

Up and down. It has really great moment, but for all those there are some pretty horrific ones. It was inconsistent. There are plot holes a'plenty and some awfully awkward dialogue.

I think Eliza did some really good work in it and she was the reason I watched the show.

It's awfully frustrating, because it really did flounder for the first half of the first season and then it came into its own and found a plot arc that served it well. The writers became more comfortable with their work, the actors became more comfortable and everything seemed to fall into place and gel quite nicely.

The finale of season one was awesome and left you hanging in a way that *really* made you want more.

Unfortunately, by then it was cancelled. They shot about six or so episodes (I think, don't have them here in Aust yet) of the second season, in the hope that another network would pick it up.

And it got better in the second season, too, with a renewed purpose.

As well as a prediliction for shows where girls kick ass, I also seem to have a penchant for shows that get cancelled MID FREAKIN' SEASON and leave me hanging and frustrated.


I'm the black widow of TV.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Monday, August 22, 2005 1:46 AM


WOW - Chrisisall - even after my obsessive DA watching I had been entirely unable to come up with the reason her seizures suddenly disappeared - or why she had them in the first place - and believe me - I'd thought about it.
I am thoroughly amazed.
So, you had any other thoughtful insights - like why she never followed up on what Logan told her about her Mum (sorry Mom)? I was just wondering, because she seemed so intent on finding Hannah, even though it was dangerous and she may have been dead anyway; and the other X5s - and she didn't even know who (if any)had escaped - but not her Mum (Mom)? It just struck me as strange.

Let's all ask Mystic Christic


Monday, August 22, 2005 1:58 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It was a plant to get her to think she was an ordinary transgenic, that WAS a common genetic error in most of them.
Edit: that also explains why her seizures suddenly end the same year all the hits the fan, at that point Sandeman knew they'd be unnecessary.

Answer for everything Chrisisall 524

Nah! Don't buy that for 1 moment oh normally-so-lucid-Chrisisall ...

I reckon a more feasible explanation relates to the fact that the seizures were brought about because Max is missing the little strand of DNA which makes ceratonin or whatever the hell it was - Her DNA is still all pertinent and coded and there is no junk, but she's just missing a teeny tiny bit, is all ...

(or alternatively, the writers hadn’t though about the “all coded DNA” thing and needed a hook to make the streetwise, all powerful, girls-kick-arse heroine a little bit vulnerable in the first few episodes ….


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, August 22, 2005 2:47 AM


Hey Zoot - another good (and plausable) answer there! How've you been - I can't believe you got tickets to the London preview - I'd kill for those. Hang on - where do you live? (Laughs manically in an evil way).

Men in white coats are on their way.....


Monday, August 22, 2005 2:57 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
Hey Zoot - another good (and plausable) answer there! How've you been - I can't believe you got tickets to the London preview - I'd kill for those. Hang on - where do you live? (Laughs manically in an evil way).

Men in white coats are on their way.....

Hey FLF!

You don't get me that easily - anyhow - I live on a top secret island that sinks beneath the waves, only rising again when I need to get the car out, so you'll never find me ... aha ahahahaha ha ...

I am so totally overexcited it's scary - went to Ikea with my brother on Saturday (who is also coming to the screening) and we both wound each other up something shocking – much to the consternation and confusion of his girlfriend (he has not shown her firefly as he thinks it makes him look too geeky, *snigger*! yeah, that’s right, it’s firefly that makes him look geeky, not the two linked computers and the original Star Wars figurines gracing his living room, oh no… *heavy irony*) …

Anyway am not sure I going to survive until Wednesday without doing something very stupid, so I’ll leave a note that if I get run over ‘cos I was doing an impression of Wash ‘stead of lookin’ at the road, you can have my ticket ….


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, August 22, 2005 5:50 AM


Ah very good - I should really get me one of those top secret island things, I only have a castle that flies damnit! Oh, and tell your brother off - Firefly is not geeky!

Does the offer still stand if I'm driving the car........ ?


Monday, August 22, 2005 6:01 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:

Does the offer still stand if I'm driving the car........ ?

In that scenario I may have to rethink ...

to parahrase:

Point of interest? Offering to run me over, don't
work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.
Anyway, I've hidden the ticket. So if you kill me, you'll never find it...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, August 22, 2005 6:06 AM


I could always kill your brother and steal his ticket! Or you know, you could take me instead cos he's only your brother. I got one. There's not much to shout about.

Do I get my own room?


Monday, August 22, 2005 6:34 AM


I was waiting for the 'There could be torture' incentive!!

I actually quite like my elder brother ... mostly ... except when he's refusing to introduce me to his attractive older friends 'cos I'm "too weird"!!!

B@stard - maybe you can have his ticket ... on second thoughts, he can kill me with his brain (allegedly) ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, August 22, 2005 10:39 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
So, you had any other thoughtful insights - like why she never followed up on what Logan told her about her Mum (sorry Mom)?

Did you miss this on the other thread?
I always got the dark impression that the birth mothers were of little use after their 'job' was done, and putting 'em back in the world was a tactical no-no, so I never imagined they lived very long after the transgenic stork came a callin'.
With Max's obsession with finding her brothers and sisters, do you think for a moment she'd rest if she thought her mom was out there? That's why she asked Hannah what she was like, not where she might be; she's been in one particular place for at least 19 years at that point.

cynical Chrisisall
BTW, I sent you the pic of my son, see if you can't post it here for Zoot, and anyone that wants to see him, and maybe do some extapolatin' to get an idea about me...

Proud daddy Chrisisall


Monday, August 22, 2005 10:51 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
Nah! Don't buy that for 1 moment oh normally-so-lucid-Chrisisall ...

Think about it, She was designed by Sandeman much later than the rest, all with purpose and such, I find it hard to believe that he hadn't seen some of the serotonin mistakes, and that at that point he couldn't correct them, especially in Max. So he let a 'slip' in her DNA through, along with the encoding necessary to correct it at the oppertune moment. If she had been too perfect, it might have drawn attention, and led to testing and restrictions that would have made her '09 escape impossible.

(or alternatively, the writers hadn’t though about the “all coded DNA” thing and needed a hook to make the streetwise, all powerful, girls-kick-arse heroine a little bit vulnerable in the first few episodes ….

Okay, so that's the actual reason, but I like mine better!

I have an underground operation, a la the Initiative Chrisisall


Monday, August 22, 2005 12:33 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Is Tru Calling that good? I like Eliza...

Oh, Chrisisall, you keep suckering me with that "ask your opinion" thing...

So here goes. I liked Tru Calling, although certainly not as much as a Whedon show. Personally, I thought the first half of season one dragged a little and I wondered what they would do to keep it fresh. Shouldn't have worried about that! A little past the halfway point of season one, they introduce the plot point hinted at, and things get really interesting. The season finale is mind-blowing, and then season 2 (six episodes) keeps up the frantic pace until it finishes abruptly. Note that Jane Espenson joins as a writer for second season.

Overall, it was well worth watching, especially factoring in the last ten or so. Some of the characters were a little dull or predictable at first, but by the end I liked them all (those that made it). And the concepts were awesome. (I read on-line some spoilerish comments about dangling threads here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/tightropegirl/)

On a different topic from another thread, Chrisisall, be sure to watch S4 of Angel. In for a penny, in for a pound!

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:30 AM


Let's see, Jacqui, Zoot, FLF, and Cisall.
Why don't more GUYS take an interest in DA?
Sickdude and Grounded pop in, but aren't so determined.

Another thing, in most shows, I identify with the male characters. Xander in Buffy, Wash and Mal in FF, Caine in Kung Fu. But in DA, I don't identify with Logan or Alec; I identify with Max. Is that odd?
Do you ladies here do the same? Or do any of you identify with Alec (when you're not drooling over him)?

When I was a kid, I always preferred playing with girls more than boys. I guess that's why I really like these DA threads.

Random musings of Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:38 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Do you ladies here do the same? Or do any of you identify with Alec (when you're not drooling over him)?

I identify mostly with female characters. I can't say as I've ever really felt an affinity with any male characters... maybe one or two aspects of one, but I really do find links with the females of shows.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."






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