Hollywood Reporter Donates $1200 Upgrade To Save Farscape Ad

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 1, 2002 17:47
VIEWED: 3391
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:02 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

SCI-FI definately underestimated the current and potential Farscape fans.

Here's the latest news from the Save Farscape Campaign.

BENBROWDER.NET took out an ad in the Hollywood Reporter and they liked it so much that the Hollywood Reporter gave a $1200 upgrade to a full page ad for FREE.

Maryam Lavi of the Hollywood Reporter had this to say about the add:

"You got a great position for your ad [in the issue]. It came out looking really great. It was a pleasure working with you, and any time you need anything I'd love to help out. I'll definitely watch Farscape now!" "You guys are doing a terrific job, and it was our pleasure to help out with the upgrade."

Here is that ad.


Pssst – Hey, you! Yeah, you, the savvy network TV programming executive sitting in your office reading the Hollywood Reporter – have we got a deal for you!

Looking for a good home ---

Farscape, a slightly used science fiction drama with lots of life in it. Unceremoniously dumped by its previous home, the Sci Fi Channel, despite four seasons of brand building success and Nielsen conquest.

Comes with its own built-in Emmy nomination, showers of critical acclaim, and an expansive fan base known for its loyalty to both the network airing the series and to its advertisers. Just ask Kia, Honda or Dell.

But wait! Here’s what people have said about the series:

“…this lavishly produced…space adventure quickly established itself as the most irreverent, unpredictable, sexy, intelligent and exciting sci fi show on TV…Ben Browder and Claudia Black have incredible chemistry, and are surrounded by some of the most vivid and compelling fantasy creatures ever created. Farscape is a joy to watch.” - Matt Roush, TV GUIDE ONLINE

Farscape has distinguished itself with bold stories, movie-quality special effects, superb acting and bizarre aliens, courtesy of the Jim Henson Co., winning the series…admiration from sci-fi fans and mainstream critics.” - Mark A. Perigard, BOSTON HERALD

“TV's most imaginative and enjoyable science-fiction series…Ironically, Farscape just helped Sci Fi to its biggest summer ever.” - Mike Brantley, MOBILE REGISTER

Farscape, for non-sci-fi fans (the assumption here is that if you're into this stuff already, you're a loyal viewer), is addictive...the acting and writing is top-notch. There's a witty undertone that's much appreciated..." - Tim Goodman, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

“Each week, its mixture of humor and drama and its richness of character and theme are a delight. Ben Browder, as the displaced space traveler, plays serious scenes as well as he plays comedy, and he plays comedy superbly. The entire cast is multitalented.” - David Bianculli, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

"It Sci-Fi Babes: The Ladies of Farscape. TV's smartest sci-fi series is also the sexiest..." - "The It List 2002," ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY

"Farscape is a grungier, sexier take on the space frontier...the humor in Farscape smooths things along for those new to the series." - Mark Sachs, LOS ANGELES TIMES

"A favorite of critics, Farscape is the network's top show...It features state-of-the-art special effects, an interesting gallery of alien grotesques and a nova-hot romance..." - Lewis Beale, NEW YORK TIMES

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste! Act now! Millions of affluent, well-educated viewers aged 18 – 54 with disposable income are standing by!

Paid for by Farscape fans worldwide


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:10 PM


A brilliant, well written ad. With any luck, Sci-Fi execs will be in therapy for the rest of their lives. This isn't a public relations nightmare; people wake up from nighmares. This is public relations Hell.


"Kryptonite, magic bullet, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; What does it take to kill you?"


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:38 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

There is A LOT of chatter on the net right now about boycotting the Sci-Fi network should negotiations fall apart between Sci-Fi and Jim Henson.

How ironic. The financial repercussion of the cancellation will likely exceed the cost of carrying the series for another season.


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:50 PM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
A brilliant, well written ad. With any luck, Sci-Fi execs will be in therapy for the rest of their lives. This isn't a public relations nightmare; people wake up from nighmares. This is public relations Hell.

Not at all. SciFi's biggest problem is visibility. Whatever happens, a lot of advertisers are going to think of this channel when they might not have before. As they say in show biz, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Which is not to say that the Save Firefly effort can't succeed. Indeed, the network might well decide that all this free publicity counterbalances the high cost of making the show.


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:58 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
How ironic. The financial repercussion of the cancellation will likely exceed the cost of carrying the series for another season.

I doubt that. Doesn't this remind you of all the spite we got from Dark Angel fans when Firefly replaced that show in the Fox lineup? They were talking about a boycott too, but these angry feelings never translate into long term viewing habits.

On the other hand, I do believe the show has a real chance of surviving now. Even if SciFi doesn't change its mind (and I really don't think they have the cash to do so), it's hard to believe that some other network won't grab a show with such a conspicuous and vocal fan base. Only problem is, it'll probably be a pay cable network.

Does anybody know if the sets have been torn down as scheduled?


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:37 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Doesn't this remind you of all the spite we got from Dark Angel fans when Firefly replaced that show in the Fox lineup? They were talking about a boycott too, but these angry feelings never translate into long term viewing habits.

Except Dark Angel was on network TV, whereas Farscape is on a cable network. The viewing habits of the two aren't exactly the same. I would assume that most people go out of their way to watch Sci-Fi. At least I do.

Besides, Dark Angel was replaced by an original and potentially popular television series. I don't see that happening when Farscape ends its run on Sci-Fi. And if Sci-Fi is as financially strapped as they professes to be, chances are, they'll have some sub-par replacement waiting in the wings--one that I'll not watch.

I'm sure SCI-FI will definately feel the hurt at one level or another. A boycott at this time will do damage to programs like Spielburg's Taken, which airs in December, in its ability to attract potential advertisers should word spread.

Keep in mind too that a boycott does not necessarily equate to never being able to watch a miniseries like Taken. Nowadays, one could pickup a series only a couple of months after it has aired on television. Dinotopia is a good example of this. All without commercial interruptions. So while Dreamworks is able to recoup whatever lost they might have had with a boycott, SCI-FI will likely not.

This is all speculation, but the scenario is a possible one. It all really depends on the resolve of the Farscape fans. At the moment, they seem very organized and determined.

The opposite could be true too. Everyone could go back to watching SCI-FI as if nothing had happened. In that case, I'm sure SCI-FI will continue to do what they have done all along--disregard the fans. And that just doesn't seem right.


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:47 PM


Haken, can you tell us a bit more about Taken? I didn't know Spielberg was working on a mini-series.


"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:54 PM



Originally posted by Ringwraith:
Haken, can you tell us a bit more about Taken? I didn't know Spielberg was working on a mini-series.

I know I'm not named Haken, but I think I can somewhat answer your question. In a nutshell, it's a big-@$$ miniseries about alien abductions. SciFi is really proud of it, and there's probably tons of info on their site. You know, the kind of info that hypes, but other than that tells you nothing.


"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass." —Maya Angelou


Wednesday, September 18, 2002 6:17 AM


I am pretty disgusted with Sci-Fi right now. A lot of people are. They made too many of their viewers angry, & not just Farscape fans. My favorite is Babylon 5 (but I also like Farscape). The B5 fans were really hoping that SFC could put on a B5 spinoff & keep it on the air after what TNT did to Crusade, but they stuck it to us, too. The fact that SFC has annoyed so many people across the board is what will hurt them. Actually, the Farscape cancellation has almost made me want to stop watching these networks entirely. I'm tired of how they treat their viewers. If Firefly is treated badly, I always have my growing collection of anime DVDs. What's nice is that most anime series are never aired on US-TV (although my favorite, Cowboy Bebop, is airing on TV here), so they are never subject to ratings. A ratings-free world...heaven!



Tuesday, October 1, 2002 5:47 PM


You know I only just started watching some of the farscape DVD's and never saw the show before but from what I saw it looks really interesting so I would hate to just start getting into a show that's getting axed. Personally I wished if SCIFI was so adament about cancelling the show they should release the reruns then and let it on syndication at the very least. I know I would watch them now that I got into it. Also it's a stupid move for this reason. Farscape is about to hit it's 5th season. 5 seasons equals sydication material normally. Syndication means new fans who don't check out sci-fi will learn of the show. That menas bigger exposure for the show and bigger rating for first run episodes so Sci-Fi will reap those benefits. They also can do like FX does with BUffy and show all the repeats on a daily basis but sydicating the early episodes on a weekend only basis to regular Tv networks.More exposure and better ratings for sci-fi all around. I'm sorry but this is just a stupid move for Sci-Fi in my opinion. WB's financial decision to let Buffy go made more sense than this.

Also Something I actually noticed in general is there is Less New Sci-Fi/fantasy period on TV. I mean farscape's cancelled, Firefly's rating are low and the only place to get good anything fanatasy elements is AMINE actually. WHat's going on with TV. Are we going to have to watch only cop/doctor/lawyer shows and that's it. It's pathetic how TV has deteriorated recently. sept 11 put a stop to any networks willing to take a risk now. They all are just cookie cutting the entire lineup because they don't want to risk anything and any failed or cancelled sci-fi show that gets no repercussions just confirms their choices. I'm with you all on the sci-fi boycot. We need some networks to actually had some guts to put on these cool shows or I'll just stop watching TV in general.







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