
UPDATED: Sunday, April 13, 2008 05:37
VIEWED: 8713
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:59 AM


Just seen the new episode of Torchwood and WOW. James Marsters is soooo cool playing a bad guy. The episode was awsome can wait for next weeks. What did everyone think of it?

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:00 PM


It doesn't air in the US for another 10 days :(


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:59 PM


Would have been better without the stupid fish head alien. (Not a spoiler - he/it's in the preamble)

Also, spot the plot device possibly, maybe lifted (in a somewhat modified form) from Firefly...


Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:23 AM


Hmmm....never noticed a plot device from FF.

I like this show now. When I originally saw the pilot and second episode of season one I didn't think much to it. But I kept reading about it and gave it another go. Now I like it. It's not perfect but I do like it.

James Marsters is a great addition. I just hope they don't spoil it by bringing him in too often. If they are gonna do that they may as well make him a regular. He's playing the type of character that shakes things up everytime he's around. Some great lines from him.

I think the fishhead character will appear again, a bit like some of the other creatures do.

10 days isn't a long time to wait, sometimes in the UK we wait for months for a show to appear.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:19 AM



CRUITHNE3753 wrote:

Also, spot the plot device possibly, maybe lifted (in a somewhat modified form) from Firefly...

Hehehehe. Yeah, I spotted that too. The Vera comment made me chuckle as well. Although, that was in reference to Coronation Street's Jack and Vera.

Select to view spoiler:

I did feel that the start of this season leant itself a lot to Buffy. I mean, the Torchwood gang, (without Captain Jack), was pretty much a copy of the Scoobies when Buffy died in season 6. Possibly, even season 3 as well, when she left SunnyDale behind. The usual resentment and questions of Captain Jack's absence from the group, and his sudden return, were there.

'Captain John' seemed to have shades of Spike in his character. Spike always had a nickname for people - he called Dawn 'the little bit' for example. In Torchwood, he called Lanto 'Eye Candy.'

Although, Whedonverse comparisons aside, it seems that Torchwood has come back with a bang. It looks like the show is much more defined now. I mean, it felt like a different show last night. It was fast, gritty and filled with funny dialogue. There were slight hints of cheesey acting/facial expressions from John Barrowman and Eve Myles, but nothing to spoil the overall enjoyment of the episode. The direction was much tighter.

In the first season, the action felt cheesy at times. (I'm still trying to forget the finale with the gigantic demon thing rampaging through Cardiff.)

I loved last night's episode though. The flashy camera angles were great. I loved the bar scenes, and the way that the camera whipped around as Captain John shot out the glass in the doors. Also, the inclusion of 'Song 2' by Blur during the bar fight wasn't intrusive, and added to the mood.

If they have more flashy camera work like that each week - that actually adds to the story, then I'm happy.

I was glued to the screen, and I actually care for these characters now. That was something which was hard to do in the first season, as the quality jumped all around the place.

I hope that the quality of last night's ep is carried throughout the rest of the season. I've never seen Torchwood look and feel so confident. I'm invested in these characters now.



Thursday, January 17, 2008 2:06 PM


Well even if I hadn't been enjoying Torchwood from the begining (which I had, LOVED Cpatain Jack since I first saw him in Dr Who), the combination of John Barrowman and James Masters on screen together would have had me hooked. I've never found men kissing to be a turn on before but those two sizzled!!

Hope that wasn't a spoiler but I'm sure you've all seen the piccies!



Wednesday, January 23, 2008 3:42 PM


Nice hangout they have, I can say that much.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:31 PM


I love my captain

I've been missing both Torchwood and Dr. Who. I didn't even get to see the season enders for either of them. Stupid job. I can't wait to start watching again.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:34 AM


I got all grumpy last night as my Mum watched Torchwood whilst I was at work and then refused to watch the late night repeat as she was watching Wire in the Blood (good but not quite the same). Will have to download this weeks ep. I shall studiously still my fingers in my ears and avoid glancing at spoilers till then.



Friday, January 25, 2008 7:46 AM


I like the way they showed the new kid-friendly pre-9pm edit of ep. 1 and then followed it with (a) a trail for the unexpurgated ep. 2 later that night and (b) the "Torchwood declassified" show which seemed to include most of the bits that were cut out...

Note for USAians - In the UK we have this quaint idea that stuff shown on national TV before 9pm should be suitable for kids, but after that anything goes. I don't think that works if you have time zones. However "not suitable for kids" seems to be some arbitrary rules about not saying or and not actually showing the consequences of violent acts (however clearly they're implied).


Friday, January 25, 2008 8:53 AM


ok so so thrilled that Engie sent me a bootleg copy of season 2 first episode... Em you have to see it!!! It was AMAZING!

Select to view spoiler:

ok so love that Jack asked Ianto out on a date. That was so freakin cute! Also, am I imagining things or was Owen chatting up Tosh? I thought James was terrific, but I do hope he's not around a lot because I think that would become tedious. I am really kind of excited for Martha to be a part of Torchwood for a bit... really great start to the season!


Ain't Love GRAND!!!


Sunday, February 3, 2008 4:03 PM



Originally posted by CosmicFugitive:
The Vera comment made me chuckle as well. Although, that was in reference to Coronation Street's Jack and Vera.

Well, there was also the "Good-night Kiss" he applied to Gwen!


Sunday, February 3, 2008 5:24 PM


I like torchwood too, I just wish there was a little less blatant homosexuality.. and making James Marsters kiss a man...

I know i'm gunna get flamed by the homo-sensitive types out there but we heterosexuals are still the majority and majority rules!


Sunday, February 3, 2008 6:17 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
I like torchwood too, I just wish there was a little less blatant homosexuality.. and making James Marsters kiss a man...

I know i'm gunna get flamed by the homo-sensitive types out there but we heterosexuals are still the majority and majority rules!

ok, not trying to flame ya bro, but, try and look at it from the other side of the coin, the VAST majority of tv is all hetero ALL the time, now this show is run by and stars very publicly gay people.
now if we "breeders" were in the minority, and the norm of television, was for same sex couples,(and if you were in the majority, in this senario "a gay") would you be as upset if there was a dude kissing a chick on tv? or if you were "a gay" in our reality, would you be appreciative of a representation of your type of relationship on the airwaves, and then if you were in the position to actually make quality tv, to represent your prespectives on sexuality??

ok, not sure if that makes sense outside my head, but hopefully it does.
and hopefully you can get past your knee jerk "eeewww" type reaction...

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Sunday, February 3, 2008 6:59 PM



optimus1998 wrote:
Sunday, February 03, 2008 18:17

Originally posted by Calhoun:
I like torchwood too, I just wish there was a little less blatant homosexuality.. and making James Marsters kiss a man...

I know i'm gunna get flamed by the homo-sensitive types out there but we heterosexuals are still the majority and majority rules!

ok, not trying to flame ya bro, but, try and look at it from the other side of the coin, the VAST majority of tv is all hetero ALL the time, now this show is run by and stars very publicly gay people.
now if we "breeders" were in the minority, and the norm of television, was for same sex couples,(and if you were in the majority, in this senario "a gay") would you be as upset if there was a dude kissing a chick on tv? or if you were "a gay" in our reality, would you be appreciative of a representation of your type of relationship on the airwaves, and then if you were in the position to actually make quality tv, to represent your prespectives on sexuality??

ok, not sure if that makes sense outside my head, but hopefully it does.
and hopefully you can get past your knee jerk "eeewww" type reaction...

You're being quixotic.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:17 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

You're being quixotic.


Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:18 PM


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Quixotism is the description of a person or an act that is caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An impulsive person or act can be regarded as quixotic.

Quixotism is usually related to "over-idealism", meaning an idealism that doesn't take the consequences into account. It is also related to naïve romanticism and to utopianism.

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:02 PM


quixotic - Not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic.



Monday, February 4, 2008 2:52 AM



Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 3:48 AM


the next episode hits the england tv screens tomorrow it's called meat and feeatures alien meat dealers, plus Gwens fianscie finally learns the truth about Gwens job, about torchwood

you gonna duel or drool?


Saturday, February 9, 2008 12:11 PM


I've been watching WAY to much torchwood lately.
i'm starting to use some of Gwen's inflections, and enunciations.
I'm From Ohio(Usa) i've never even been to the uk, and i'm effecting a welsh accent from watching a tv show.


Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Monday, February 11, 2008 9:12 AM


My first crack at a Torchwood music video. Have gotten some good input on it so far, would like to see what ppl here think and will take any and all suggestions for improvement.



Sunday, February 17, 2008 6:40 AM


ive tried and tried with Torchwood but i just cant watch it. i love John Barrowman, but like Doctor Who i just cant get past the plots sorry!


Sunday, February 17, 2008 1:48 PM



Originally posted by mygoodeye:
ive tried and tried with Torchwood but i just cant watch it. i love John Barrowman, but like Doctor Who i just cant get past the plots sorry!

Doctor Who is like Marmite ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite) - it may be hard to love if you didn't grow up with it.

Its also a rather unusual half-way-house between kids TV and adults TV. It has always had a certain pantomime element to it (and since Russel T Davis revived it its been more camp than Skegness in August )

In Doctor Who, I can accept the occasional plot involving man-with-evil-laugh reviving a giant evil monster then acting all surprised when he's the first one to get squished. I could even forgive the cyberwoman with nice little high-heeled cyberboots and oh-so-convenient cyberbikini if there were kiddies watching who might be traumatised by some horrific melding of flesh and machine or (horror of horrors) a nipple!

Torchwood, however, is supposed to be adult and dark and gritty and sexy - which is rather hard to do while maintaining coninuity with an escapist camp fantasy (and there's a big important gulf between "camp" and "homo-erotic").

What it needs is some script doctoring by someone with experience of producing a darker, more adult spinoff from a show aimed mainly at teens.

If only someone like that existed...


Thursday, March 20, 2008 3:26 PM


Watching the episode "From Out of the Rain"...

For some reason I was expecting the line "Hello Dave... you're my wife now!" at some point...


Saturday, April 12, 2008 7:07 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
I like torchwood too, I just wish there was a little less blatant homosexuality.. and making James Marsters kiss a man...

I know i'm gunna get flamed by the homo-sensitive types out there but we heterosexuals are still the majority and majority rules!

Whats wrong with a gay role model, or even a hero? There are few if any gay characters in the media that are not asexual and sterilized. Let Jack be a sexual being and be unapologetic about it. There are many gay young people who are taught that what they are is wrong, and to see if only for a little while that it isn't can make a world of difference for them. I respect your opinion but I disagree, hetero's have 99.9% of the media let others have a show where the gay characters aren't a walking joke, a stereotype, or a caricature of what a person is.


Saturday, April 12, 2008 7:35 AM


I had a little trouble with the omnipresent multi-directional sexuality of the series at first-- I have no problem with gay characters per se, but it seemed a little against odds that every member of the Torchwood team (as of the series opener,) was bisexual. Then it was revealed that Jack had recruited each one, and suddenly it made sense. Nice set of Gaydar, Cap'n. (Gwen, who literally walked in off the street didn't undergo Jack's screening process)

I have a lot more problems with story illogic, for example, (recent episode spoilers follow):

Select to view spoiler:

Although I can accept that Owen, being an animate corpse, no longer needs to breathe, and probably no longer has the breathing reflex, he obviously still has the capacity to inhale and exhale to some extent. Why? Because he's capable of audible speech, including deep sighs (which are nothing but an exhilation). So why couldn't he perform mouth-to mouth on the dying guy? Hell, it'd probably be more effective than an ordinary human, as Owen wouldn't be using up any of the oxygen in the air!

Another example: In Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (an otherwise excellent episode)

Select to view spoiler:

the time warp at the end sends the entire group back to the exact moment that Captain John arrived in Cardiff, and they happen to be at the same spot where he arrived. So where is the earlier version of Captian John, not to mention the mugger and his victim? If they arrived earlier, the rubble of their arrival should have been present during the first scene; if they arrived later, then the mugger's corpse should be present.

Multiple episodes are full of logic gaps like that. It hasn't dissuaded me from watching yet, but I'm beginning to get tired of lazy writing.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:37 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
but it seemed a little against odds that every member of the Torchwood team (as of the series opener,) was bisexual.

Not sure that's even true: Ianto and Jack sure, but Gwen and Owen both had pheromone-induced "incidents" but have shown no other signs of being bi- and Tosh fell victim to a manipulative alien who, as a mind reader, could exploit her vulnerabilities and know exactly what... buttons... to... push........ (I'll be in my bunk).

However, Jack (the character) isn't supposed to be gay in the conventional sense - he was introduced in 'Who as being from a future, cosmospolitan society in which gender - or even species - is simply not an issue in relationships. If he has surrounded himself with a team who are, at least, open minded it may simple be because he associates that with the necessary openness to new ideas demanded by the job. (although it does seem that the main qualification for being a Time Agent is a hyperactive libido).






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