Worst Episode?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:11
VIEWED: 12945
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Sunday, April 24, 2005 6:16 AM


Which do you think is the worst episode..?
I hate Listening to Fear, I have only watched it twice in all my years as a huge Buffy fan!
What does everyone else think?

"In my plan, we are beltless!"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:11 AM


As much as i love Buffy, there are a few eps which bug me to hell. It mostly those utterly ridiculous ones with the people in big, very fake rubber suits. For Instance:
-Teachers Pet
-Reptile Boy
-Bad Eggs
-Dead Man's Party
and a few more. Not all of them have bad fake costumes, but they are the ones that really annoy me. Also, I'm not a fan of the Buffy/Spike thing, so those eps aren't my fave either. My feeling regarding Buffy are rather mixed, because there are eps that i absolutely love, and will watch over and over and over again. And then there are Buffy eps that I really dislike that I will only watch once in a few blue moons. Then there are eps which I watch when I am in the mood. Listening to Fear is a little annoying butI can handle it becauseit deals with some major issues in the story arc. But that is my basic list of eps that I dislike.

No Power In The 'Verse Can Stop Me


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:33 AM


Yeah I agree. There were some pretty bad ones in seasons 1 and 2. Anything where it was some lame monster and no real emotional content or character development.

Also, although I love a lot of season 6 (especially where it goes in the last 7 episodes), I have to admit the beginning third of the season was kind of boring. I find it close to difficult to sit through any of the first 4 episodes for the second or third time. Don't get me wrong, it had it's moments. I love the mummy hand sequence in Life Serial that leaves Buffy in frustrated tears. That is very funny. But Bargaining 1 and 2 were disappointing save the final scene with Buffy and Dawn on the tower.

"Vampires of the world, BEware." - Buffybot


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:37 AM


Difficult to pick a worst one since I'll probably never willingly watch any of these again:

Doublemeat Palace
Older and Far Away
As You Were
Hell's Bell

Can you see a pattern emerging?


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:03 AM


Grounded, have you tried watching any of these a second time? I found that some were better the second time around. Try viewing Smashed with the commentary. That kind of gave me new perspective on the episode and I wound up liking it much more.

"Vampires of the world, BEware." - Buffybot


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:23 AM


I hated, HATED, most of season 6. Buffy banging Spike, Dawn being a total brat, Xander and Anya breaking up, GRRRRRR!!! There were some really good episodes in season 6, and the Triad was really funny, but over all that season was a huge disappointment.

The worst was probably the one where Willow's "addiction" led to Dawn breaking her arm (BTW, the whole magic/drug metaphor was about as subtle as a kick to the groin). Either that or the season finale.

I'm actually sitting here getting mad thinking about the magic "dealer" guy. The guy who said Willow tasted like strawberries.

Sorry I don't have the ep names; I can't find the DVDs. Maybe it was a defense mechanism to protect me from Buffy/Spike sex.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:50 AM


Oh God yes I have to agree with you on that one. The episode is Wrecked, and the dealer's name is Rack. I felt like I was watching an after school special. I hated the magic/drug comparison, and it doesn't make sense. What's supposed to be happening to Willow is that she's been abusing THE POWER and thinking that she's above placing any limits on her use of magic, not to mention her carelessness when it comes to any possible consequences of the spells themselves. She's not supposed to be getting high on it. The whole floating on the ceiling bit was laughable.

I think the writers realized this because they never really revisited this exact comparison. Yes she goes back to Rack at the end of the season but that's just to take his power for herself. And come on, if it really was like drug use, Giles wouldn't be training her to use it wisely in season 7. You don't teach an alcoholic to only drink in moderation. Especially one who almost destoyed the world.

"Vampires of the world, BEware." - Buffybot


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Difficult to pick a worst one since I'll probably never willingly watch any of these again:

Doublemeat Palace
Older and Far Away
As You Were
Hell's Bell

Can you see a pattern emerging?

I agree with you completely on this run of bad episodes, EXCEPT as kissthelibrarian said, Smashed is actually pretty good when viewed again (especially with the commentary). AND ALSO, I thought that Entropy was hilarious and a great break after having so many depressing episodes in a row. It was certainly a welcome relief after Hell's Bells, which is my least favorite Buffy episode out of the 144.

Apathy on the Rise. No ONe Cares.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:44 AM


I don't think I have a worst episode as generally the season arc was being developed and/or character's were evolving - but I was never into the robot heavy episodes... and I thought the Buffy Spike realtionship was overlong, so there are a few of those where I'm thinking

"OK done this already lets move it along."

And I probably had this with the Xander and Anya demise - as it was pretty obvious what was going to happen.




Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:49 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Oh, this should be easy, but as you know, picking a bad episode out of a series you love so much is proving to be quite hard.

Buffy: Easily a tie between "I Robot..You, Jane" and "Bad Eggs". Relooking over season one, its not near as bad as I thought it was, but this was easily the standout as one of the worst shows I had ever seen, Buffy or not, and "Bad Eggs"...sure was.

Angel: "I Fall To Pieces" in season one. Even though it features one of Joss's hat tricks, I just couldn't seem to care. Which is not to say that Season 1 of Angel is bad...its one of the best, in my opinion.

Firefly: "Heart of Gold" Even though I enjoy the episode from time to time, its not so great. My roommate's XBox in Korea wouldn't even play this episode, and I didn't seem to mind.

There are more, and I'm seeing a lot of Buffy season 6 episodes listed here, but even they had their strengths, and a strong seasonal arc (even if it did seem to break up just before the end. I wanted The Trio to be the big bad.)

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:35 AM


I can watch bad episodes; most of the time, there is something worth while in them. But the absolute worst episodes for me usually involve some sort of aberration of character. For instance, HELLS BELLS bothered me because Xander's family situation was always played as sad and kind of tragic. There was this hint of abuse that was subtle but present. But they made his family a JOKE in this episode! It really offended me how they treated Xander and his dysfunctional family as nothing more than comic relief. It's one thing when Xander jokes about his family; it's his defense. But when the writers do it, it shows a lack of respect for everything that has come before.

But my most hated episode has to be GO FISH. Buffy would have been sexually assaulted by that guy in the car if she hadn't had super powers, then Snider comes down on her, and tells her she had it coming because of how she dresses. As she is relaying this story to her friends and mentor, they are with the rolling of eyes, and Giles says something to the effect of her being too self-involved to notice the research they are doing. WHA? So, so, so out of character! I cannot, will not watch GO FISH. I have never made it past that scene a second time.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:57 AM


With all the focus on the merits(or lack thereof) for season 6 I think one episode from much earlier was ignored:

When She Was Bad: Season 2 Episode 1

Buffy is utterly out of character in this episode. I hold violations of core character values and traits to be great sins and this episode is a classic example. It's odd too, because it by itself is terrible but starts what I consider to be the greatest season of all, season 2. The episode plays off Buffy's bad attitude as a function of her death and resurection but I can't buy it. It just feels wrong and I hate watching it.

I've also noticed that most seasons have weak opening episodes. 2 has the aforementioned When She was Bad. 3 has Anne which a lot of ppl don't like(I'm OK with it) 4 has the Freshman, again not liked by some. 5 has the dracula episode which is like a side quest with no real merit to much of anything. 6 has the aforementioned lack of energy in the form of the first part of the Bargaining episodes. 7 has Lessions, the one about the vengeful spirits in Sunnydale High, I think this one is a better season opener than most of the others. Honestly, the best episode as a season opener is really Welcome to the Hellmouth since it was serving as a pilot and introducing the characters.

The other episode I cannot stand to watch is The Killer in Me, season 7 episode 13, when Willow kisses Kennedy and the wonderful character of Willow with all her development and new juxtaposition is utterly ruined. I consider this episode to be the moment when Buffy The Vampire Slayer offically jumps the shark.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 4:53 AM


I have a few that I've always disliked:

Beer Bad - this one was good as a funny throwaway funny episode, and it did have pretty good humor, but the premise was just ridiculous, and the "beer makes you stupid" metaphor was, as someone else said, about as subtle as a kick in the groin.

Buffy vs. Dracula - Ugh. It just...ugh. This episode wouldn't have been so bad, but Dracula totally crapped in the face of the Buffy mythology. If you're going to use a legendary character like that, you might as well make him fit in with the mythology you have set up, dammit. I mean...honestly. No bumpy face? He can't be killed by a stake, EVEN THOUGH HE DUSTS? I don't think so. File this one under "crappy fanfiction" for me.

Doublemeat Palace - Ugh times four. This episode was just plain BAD, and it may be my least favorite episode ever. A couple of years later, when I picked up the DVD set, I was like "oh! Maybe this episode will be better, because now I work at a McDonald's, so I'll get all the in-jokes about working at a fast food restaraunt!" Nope. If anything, it was probably worse. Just a bad, bad, bad, BAD episode.

Simon: You...you came for us.
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Right. I guess I just didn't...you don't even like me.
Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?



Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:42 AM


Anything with the stupid, ruined the final season, Potentials in.....(sorry, not exactly constructive criticism but it's from the heart!)

And Beer Bad. Although that episode was redeemed by Willow having the last laugh on Parker.



Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:40 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
Anything with the stupid, ruined the final season, Potentials in.....

You are utterly correct. "Stupid runied final season" is EXACTLY how I feel.

The Killer in Me: episiode where the character of Willow is ruined

Dirty Girls: When the character Caleb is introduced only to be later tossed away. Terrible writing.

End of Days: When the magic "slayer axe" is introduced. What total storytelling crap.

Chosen: The season finale when all the potentials are granted slayer powers and NO PRICE IS PAID by Willow for this titanic use of magic. And there's also the fact that doing this erased the romantic feel of "one girl in all the world"

Buffy is hardly the first show to be good for a long time but then devolve into meaningless crud. I watched the 1st two seasons of Andromeda on Sci-Fi which were good. After season 3 started the show just all-of-a-sudden became a mockery of itself. It was painful to watch it and finally I just gave up. Buffy 7 is in the very same place. Although I will admit there are nuggets of joy scattered throughout such as "storyteller", the episode told through Andrew's eyes. But on the whole, season 7 is chock full of howlers. I maintain that Buffy 7 and Angel 4 are crappy because Joss sapped those seasons of life energy so he could pour it all into Firefly. Watch the improvement in Angel 5 over the previous season and you'll see it plain as day.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:03 AM


I didn't hate the final series as a whole (OK, there's not much about Buffy I do hate!) but those idiot girls just blighted the final season with their whining and crap accents! And would Willow really have fallen so quickly for Kennedy? I mean seriously - all she had to do was say "I'm a lesbian" and that was it!

And OK, so Buffy no longer had to carry the burden of being "alone" but that was what made her special. The Chosen storyline also goes against Joss's own Fray storyline in Tales of the Slayers (the animated one) which said that the final Slayer fought an apocalyptic battle and after that there were no more until Fray was called (and was given the axe). Clearly that couldn't be the case if there were hundreds or thousands of newly empowered Slayer fans running around.

I've always preferred Buffy to Angel (or at least assumed I have), but Angel's final season was far superior, in particular the final episode.



Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:58 PM


Hmmm, I agree, and disagree.

As far as the writing for seven 7 goes, agree. I felt like so much was introduced only to be dropped later and out of nowhere things were made easier...where the hell has the scythe been all this time? And the amulet? And if it was as easy as magic to make there be an army of slayers in an instant, why didn't anyone think of it before? Did the watcher's council just sit around and sip tea for hundreds of years? BUT, I think a lot of this can be attributed to deciding mid season to end Buffy. Joss and everyone had to scramble to wrap up the series the way he had always intended to. Too bad really. I still love season 7, it's one of my favorites. But you do really have to let yourself be wrapped up in the show, and not think too critically about storylines, etc. I really wish they had to decide on each season's fate at the beginning so we didn't end up with these thrown together plot lines.

But I do really like that Joss ended the series with Buffy not being the only slayer. I think he had planned that all along...I know he said he always planned to have Sunnydale destroyed at the end. Buffy had always struggled with being alone, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders, etc. Always wanting to be more like a normal girl. I think it was wonderful that in the end we know that she'll have that.

Writing aside, the emotion was definitely there in season 7. Again, this was the season to let yourself be totally emotionally involved in the show and not have that critical distance. With doing so, Chosen was such a huge payoff. I cried for weeks.

My chief complaint about season 7 was with Willow and Xander. I didn't think Willow's redemption was ever fully earned or demonstrated. Again, I've been told that's a result of suddenly deciding to end the show. And Xander is my biggest disappointment of the entire series. I don't really think his character evolved much. Not how I would have liked to have seen it. To the very end he was combative with Spike, just the way he was with Angel in the very first season. He was always so judgemental. Even when Spike was fighting alongside them after Buffy died and putting his life on the line more than once, Xander still hated him and only thought of him as a monster and a murderer. Hello! How many people do you think Anya injured or killed in a thousand years! I love Xander and he has many good qualities, but as I was watching Seeing Red again yesterday I realized, he is a bigot. We know where he gets that from. I just really would have liked to have seen some of that fade away in the later years.

Feel free to argue.

"Vampires of the world, BEware." - Buffybot


Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:03 PM



Originally posted by kissthelibrarian:
Hmmm, I agree, and disagree.

As far as the writing for seven 7 goes, agree. I felt like so much was introduced only to be dropped later and out of nowhere things were made easier...where the hell has the scythe been all this time? And the amulet?

BUT, I think a lot of this can be attributed to deciding mid season to end Buffy. Joss and everyone had to scramble to wrap up the series the way he had always intended to.

My chief complaint about season 7 was with Willow and Xander.

And Xander is my biggest disappointment of the entire series. I don't really think his character evolved much. Not how I would have liked to have seen it. To the very end he was combative with Spike, just the way he was with Angel in the very first season. He was always so judgemental. Even when Spike was fighting alongside them after Buffy died and putting his life on the line more than once, Xander still hated him and only thought of him as a monster and a murderer. Hello! How many people do you think Anya injured or killed in a thousand years!

Feel free to argue.

"Vampires of the world, BEware." - Buffybot

At least the amulet was "explained" in the final series of Angel. Well, sort of...And I figure that the scythe was just an in-joke to tie in with the Fray graphic novel.

With regards "scrambling" to wrap up the series, it was almost certain going into Season 7 that it was going to be the final one. Compare that with Angel, which was abruptly axed half way through and which still (in my opinion anyway) managed to end satisfactorily - and how come Angel got to have a wonderful new character like Illyria whilst BTVS was stuck with Kennedy?

But I totally agree with you about Xander -a) the fact that he couldn't see how much it upset Buffy that she'd have to kill Anya, and how she'd put the greater good above her personal happiness on countless occasions and b) when he & the rest of the Scoobies (extra shame on you too Dawn) turned against you. Just a couple of episodes earlier he'd been telling the Potentials how much Buffy had earned their trust. OK Xander, you lost your eye. Well Buffy died...twice.

As for his feelings towards Spike, well he never learned to accept Angel either.But I reckon this comes down to sheer jealousy. Much easier to forgive a perky ex-vengeance demon than a couple of vamps who got to do the dirty with his beloved Buffy.



Friday, April 29, 2005 9:24 AM



Originally posted by kissthelibrarian:

But I do really like that Joss ended the series with Buffy not being the only slayer. I think he had planned that all along...I know he said he always planned to have Sunnydale destroyed at the end. Buffy had always struggled with being alone, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders, etc. Always wanting to be more like a normal girl. I think it was wonderful that in the end we know that she'll have that.

We can agree to disagree I suppose.

I cannot agree that filling the world with slayers added any value to the Buffyverse. The powerful theme of "One Girl in All the World" who has a "Sacred Duty to Mankind" is simply awe inspiring when you consider its implications and complexity. If by the end of season 7 a writer wanted to establish that Buffy could lay aside her burden to live a normal life there are many better options available than simply filling a world with slayers via an illogical, no-price-paid uberspell. If you want an example I'll offer one:

Buffy is a slayer. Faith is as well. Establish that Faith has turned from her inner demons and will now fight for what's right. (This is easy to do after her breakdown in AtS and subsequent voluntary imprisonment to atone) Take the series to the final episode where Buffy is offered a choice. The trio of African Warlocks who created the first slayer (and were thus imprisioned forever in the mystical slayer's wasteland as the price for their mighty use of magic) are able to use their magics to reverse the slayer calling for Buffy. The price paid would be that the process would be forever irreversible. At the end of the final episode after Sunnydale is destroyed as the climax, provide an anti-climax in the form of a final spiritual journey by Buffy into the slayer's wasteland through the use of slayer Nikki's (1977 slayer) talismans. If you choose to end the series with Buffy accepting their interventions to allow her to become a normal mortal then you have achieved a nice closure. A BETTER ending would be that Buffy sees her desire of laying down her burden laid before her but in the end chooses to keep sacred her tragedy out of a supreme sense of duty. The BEST ending would be that buffy is offered the choice and returns from the Slayer Wasteland with the outcome unknown. THAT is good storytelling. I can even see that ending in my mind. Buffy returns looking no different from when she left....the scoobies ask what happened...Giles stands silent awaiting Buffy's reply as others clammer....Buffy's reply to the question "What did you choose?" is simply "What I had to". Giles nods gravely as though he understands exactly what she did. (demonstrating the intimate relationship twixt slayer and Watcher) The series ends then with an inappropriate comment from Xander about some trite matter unrelated to the current events. Conversations ensue that are equally trite. People walk away leaving Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Xander (core 4). Then Xander and Willow leave frame together (still best friends after all these years) leaving the slayer and her watcher. As Buffy and Giles turn from the camera we pause a moment to witness their departure before reading: "Executive Producer Joss Whedon" Music from the final scene carries over into Joss's credit and then ends. Roll credits.

I know Joss planned the destruction of Sunnydale. I applaud it. It's wonderful. What I do not believe is that he ever planned the story arc of thousands of slayers. I think that whole thing came from his inability to split his attention twixt Buffy S7, Angel S4, and Firefly. (not his fault, he was just overloaded) By handing over the reins of writing to a staff he effectively gave us Willow's runied character, the violation of the shows largest theme "One Girl in All the world", and crappy trash-fantasy forwarding devices such as the slayer axe and Caleb. As a work of art, S1 is better. Although S1 is considered campy, the core themes are solid. S7 forgot what it was supposed to be doing.

I'm sorry if this post is getting off the orginal intent of the thread which is to discuss the "worst episodes" of BtVS. I seem to have begun a new subject which is "discuss the worth of season 7". I ranted on the merits of season 7 on this thread:


If people want to continue that thread further I'd be more than willing. A friend of mine knows that I love to argue about season 7. (and Angel S4 too)

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Friday, April 29, 2005 9:27 AM


Whatever episode it was that involved Buffy and Dawn fighting over the same teenage boy. The only good part is when you see Spike grab the rocket launcher from Buffy, who is about to blow up Principle Wood.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:12 AM


What to say about season seven? Well I'm re-watching season seven presently. Just two more to go.

It's more enjoyable second time around but the holes are bigger and there are far more of them than previous seasons.

I think the main struggle I have with it is the fact that at one point there were five people in a room (sorry can't remember the episode). Xander, Anya, Willow, Spike and Andrew. Now they're all fighting evil right ?- but four out of those five characters had killed one or more people in past episodes: Anya, Willow, Spike and Andrew, and all had at one time or other wanted to destroy or rule the world... and yet now they're helping to fight and save it? I did my best to go along with it but I just felt that for Xander , a natural character development would have been to take Dawn and Buffy and get the hell outa there. Go to the beach or summit ! Why save these psycho friends ! The writers have these guys change their megalomania about as quickly as they change a pair of socks... and I think this is too convenient. After a while logic is dispensed with far too readily and without enough groundwork. It comes across as too contrived.

"Oh I'm not evil now, I was but now I'm better" - Can you guess which character said that? Right almost all of them. It was far to overused a line for character redemption.... Convenient you might say.

However I don't wish to say only negative things about season seven, there were some fine moments: the new principal with a taste for vengeance was nice, under developed but nice; Andrew was very funny at times, has to be said, he made it funny. Spike with a soul, engaging to a point, and the Watchers' council being taken out was tense. Plus there are some pretty decent demons in there too.

All of which make it a very enjoyable season - just not the best and not nearly as engaging as one would have hoped given that it was the shows finalé, and maybe that's the disappointment. It was the end and you expect so much from the end that maybe it was never going to be able to sustain our expectations... Who knows.

It's still a sublime ride though and I'm glad I have all seven seasons on DVD. They're still enjoyable to watch and very entertaining. Even with it's worst episodes Buffy the Vampire Slayer still rules!




Saturday, April 30, 2005 4:05 PM


Those complaining about the way BtVS ended in "Chosen" should watch that episode then immediately go back and watch "Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest". You'll see that the seeds for that ending were sown by Joss right from the beginning of the show.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 10:24 AM



Originally posted by bikisdad:
Those complaining about the way BtVS ended in "Chosen" should watch that episode then immediately go back and watch "Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest". You'll see that the seeds for that ending were sown by Joss right from the beginning of the show.

Yes, and I commented on it previously in the "What did you think of season 7?" thread. The most obvious point of connection exists when you compare the ending of the harvest (Buffy, Xander, & Willow walking away from Giles while speaking about trite matters) to the moment before the decent into the bowels of the High School where the core 4 (Giles, Buffy, Willow, & Xander) speak about equally trite matters as the camera pans them in frame.

HOWEVER, to simply say that the entire ending of season 7, and thus the entire show as well, was completely set up in Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest is not correct. Some bits, like the previously mentioned panning sequence, are clear connections. This I cannot argue. But the only thing I can further agree on is that seeds were sown for the destruction of Sunnydale the City. The rest of the episode, and also season 7, are largely concoctions by the writing staff of BtVS, with whom I have many bones to pick.

So I'll say this. When season 1 started I agree that Joss had it in his mind that Sunnydale the city would be destroyed whenever the series ran out of time. (Which I believe was to be season 8, except SMG became grouchy) This does not mean, however, that season 7 itself has any overall merit when measured against the other seasons. I will also say that the point-of-order of the angst I feel towards season 7 is centered on two terrible mistakes 1. Willow's character violation and 2. The multiple slayers violating the main theme "One Girl in All the World" You'll never prove to me that those things were sown in Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Monday, May 2, 2005 6:31 AM


Personally, I believe one of the biggest faults in season 7 to be when Buffy tells Xander that he is the only one she can truly count on, and thats why she wants him to take Dawn and get the hell out... wasn't this the same Xander who helped overthrow Buffy from the leadership role just one episode earlier?

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Monday, May 2, 2005 6:35 AM


Either "Doublemeat Palace" or "Hell's Bells". Probably DM gets the nod. But IMHO, Seasons 6 and 7 unfortunately produced a lot of worthy nominees.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 4:57 AM


I'm now re-watching season six. Watched double meat palace last night and I have to say it is very weak. Shame too as it was writen by my favourite Buffy writer (after Joss of course) :( Jane Espenson Maybe they had a really tough deadline with it :?

Have to say though season six is generally not on the same level at all. The episodes feel rushed and not as well rounded.




Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:25 AM


All the Way. Without a doubt, that was the worst 45 minutes of television that Mutant Enemy have ever produced. It was juvenile; it focussed on annoying, unsympathetic characters; the metaphors were clumsy and obvious. I could go on... and on... and on. I really hate that episode.

Neither Season 6 or season 7 bothered me on the whole. I agree thet were both flawed, but I could nit-pick about any of the other seasonsas well. I actually found seasons 6 & 7 to be a massive improvement on season 5.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:12 PM


I don't know about worst eps, but the worst season, imo, was Season 7, which was surprising because I thought 6 was the the strongest overall. The potentials (especially Kennedy) really ruined Season 7 for me. The only bright spots that year were Spike and Andrew. Other than that though, I think Buffy got better every year. I've never understood the dislike of Season 6. I guess people don't like it because it's a lot darker than the other seasons, but that's what I found most interesting. Also, it is the first season I saw, so maybe that has something to do with me liking it more.

And what's wrong with "Hell's Bells"? That's one of my all time favorite eps!

Seasons (Best to Worst)



Friday, June 3, 2005 5:53 AM



Originally posted by gtman8503:
I don't know about worst eps, but the worst season, imo, was Season 7, which was surprising because I thought 6 was the the strongest overall. The potentials (especially Kennedy) really ruined Season 7 for me. The only bright spots that year were Spike and Andrew. Other than that though, I think Buffy got better every year. I've never understood the dislike of Season 6. I guess people don't like it because it's a lot darker than the other seasons, but that's what I found most interesting. Also, it is the first season I saw, so maybe that has something to do with me liking it more.

And what's wrong with "Hell's Bells"? That's one of my all time favorite eps!

Seasons (Best to Worst)


I so agree with you. Season six was my favorite by far. Each year had special episodes that really stand out. "Once More With Feeling" will always be one of my favorites.

Season one was the weekest for me. Not sure I can pick a specific episode out of that year.

I must say, even a bad episode of Buffy is better than anything that is on TV right now!


Friday, June 3, 2005 7:06 AM


As I read the thread, I'm wondering why nobody mentioned "Ted". Stands out in my mind...

EDIT: Wow, what illiteration.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Friday, June 3, 2005 12:04 PM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
Firefly: "Heart of Gold" Even though I enjoy the episode from time to time, its not so great.

My first disagreement with you, dude!
HOG is like every other Firefly episode to me: pure gold. Some eps are more polished, but they're ALL 24 karat.
The worst ep of Firefly is equal to a really good (but not great) ep of Buffy, IMHO.

Bad Eggs gets my vote for worst Buffy show (but I'm only 1/3 thru S3 right now).

Ted bugged me Chrisisall


Friday, June 3, 2005 8:06 PM



I have to say, a lot of the first season was weak, but it was just the beginning. And I hated Buffy's attitude in S6, but I didn't hate the season. Same in S7 when she REFUSED to see any good in Spike. I would have to say "Him" is my least favorite...that's the one where all the girls are fighting over the guy in the varsity jacket. Hated that one. Stupid and very detrimental, I thought, to the relationship between Dawn and Buffy.



Monday, July 11, 2005 11:49 AM


CALLMEATH, I'm just into S4 on Buffy and just wanted to know something. I hate spike as a person, but like him as a good BAD. The idea that Buffy would ever get wit him is disgusting. Is season 5 okay, or does it start then? There's no way I'm gonna pay money to see Spike even KISS the Buffster. Season 4 or 5 will be the last ones I buy, the rest I might catch on broadcast tv. Ick. Spuffy. Gross.

Spike bugs me Chrisisall


Monday, July 11, 2005 2:50 PM


Well, I loved Spike until about the middle of season 6. Then I thought he suffered some extreme character assassination. But I haven't tried to rewatch 6; I think with an open mind I can start to like him (and the season) again.

Episodes: Almost the entire middle of Season 4. After 4.01 and 4.02, Riley became a supreme annoyance to me.

Also: any episodes with potentials. The concept was awesome; execution, not so much.

Others: Never kill a boy on a first date, the pack, some assembly required, inca mummy girl, reptile boy, gingerbread, the prom, the real me, out of my mind, shadow, and robot giles in season 7.

phew. and it's still my favorite show!

I swallowed a bug.



Monday, July 11, 2005 2:58 PM


There is only one Buffy episode I hate with such a passion that you'd have to pay me to watch it.

Once more with feeling.

I'm sorry, but as I saw it the songs were mediocre, the dancing was mediocre, the singing was mediocre at best. If I wanted a musical I'd go to the theatre and watch a GOOD one, because that was a waste of an episode of Buffy.


Monday, July 11, 2005 11:18 PM


You hate it with a fiery passion yet you think everything about it was mediocre?


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 12:27 AM


That's why I hate it. Buffy should not be mediocre. It's not natural.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:21 AM


There are far more mediocre eps than OMWF.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:12 AM


I know some people think that but in my opinion, there aren't. That's why I posted OMWF here as worst episode (in my opinion) and not some other ep. Buffy should've stuck to doing something that it's good at instead of venturing into a territory better covered by professionals in that field.

But that's just my opinion *holds hands up* I don't mean this to be insulting or to say it's the universal truth.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:24 AM


Personally I always hated the Slayer Fest 99 episode. I just didn't ever care about anything in the episode. It appeared to be an episode about cordellia growing to understand buffy more. However, that never seemed to stick. She was right back to calling buffy selfish the rest of the season.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:45 AM



Originally posted by Phoebe:
I know some people think that but in my opinion, there aren't. That's why I posted OMWF here as worst episode (in my opinion) and not some other ep. Buffy should've stuck to doing something that it's good at instead of venturing into a territory better covered by professionals in that field.

But that's just my opinion *holds hands up* I don't mean this to be insulting or to say it's the universal truth.

Isn't the point that they're not professionals in the field? Ah well it's your opinion and I ain't gonna change it. Personally I don't think it's that great either, but that's more to do with the story than the musical aspect. I could name at least 20 eps that are further down the pecking order for me.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:16 AM


Buffy is the best show ever IMO. While there are eps that I enjoy more than others, I LOVED them all.


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Friday, July 15, 2005 3:10 PM



Buffy is the best show ever IMO. While there are eps that I enjoy more than others, I LOVED them all.

Me too! I even loved the bad ones! I LIKED 'Bad Eggs' and 'Beer Bad' was so funny & I loved when Buffy knocked Parker out. And 'Ted'--I thought Ritter was awesome. And the musical--I still listen to the CD--thought the songs fit the characters amazingly well, unlike most TV musical eps.

"I aim to misbehave."


Friday, July 15, 2005 3:10 PM



Buffy is the best show ever IMO. While there are eps that I enjoy more than others, I LOVED them all.

Me too! I even loved the bad ones! I LIKED 'Bad Eggs' and 'Beer Bad' was so funny & I loved when Buffy knocked Parker out. And 'Ted'--I thought Ritter was awesome. And the musical--I still listen to the CD--thought the songs fit the characters amazingly well, unlike most TV musical eps.

"I aim to misbehave."


Sunday, July 17, 2005 3:41 PM


I thought "Pangs" was pretty bad, to say nothing of "Beer Bad" and "Bad Eggs". I also thought that "When She Was Bad" wasn't very good.

I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.


Monday, July 18, 2005 1:07 AM


Yeah I often see people singing the praises of Pangs, but I just don't get it. Spike getting shot while tied to the chair is funny enough, but that's about it.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:00 AM


I love Pangs because of the humor. It makes me laugh every time from start to finish (mainly because of Spike).


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:07 AM


Yeah but story-wise it's a bit ropey, no?


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:26 AM


I honestly can say that I can't think of one episode I didn't like.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:47 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
CALLMEATH, I'm just into S4 on Buffy and just wanted to know something. I hate spike as a person, but like him as a good BAD. The idea that Buffy would ever get wit him is disgusting. Is season 5 okay, or does it start then? There's no way I'm gonna pay money to see Spike even KISS the Buffster. Season 4 or 5 will be the last ones I buy, the rest I might catch on broadcast tv. Ick. Spuffy. Gross.

Spike bugs me Chrisisall

You know, I would completely agree with you that I never imagined that Buffy and Spike would get together. But it's amazing how they let his character grow and change (Buffy too) and then you could see them together. Pretty hot too, I might add.

NY/NJ Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
Yeah but story-wise it's a bit ropey, no?

Not the best story I have ever seen on TV, but not bad either. Hey, it makes me laugh from start to finish, so no complaints from me.

Could you expand on what you mean by the story being "a bit ropey"? I'm not familiar with the term. Did you not like the villain of the week or the thanksgiving as celebration of horrors upon the native american people storyline? Or all of it combined?


The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!






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