If you could change 3 things about Buffy season 7

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 16:26
SHORT URL: http://goo.gl/odKye
VIEWED: 29996
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Sunday, July 10, 2005 7:04 AM


So far out of the 6 eps I've seen of S4, Beer Bad was the only one I didn't like a lot. I miss Cordellia a little, but I don't miss Angel...
This is lookin' like it'll be my favourite season!
I like the college dynamic, too.

Academia-like Chrisisall


Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:40 AM


The end of Fear, Itself was a bit cack no?


Sunday, July 10, 2005 2:31 PM



Originally posted by Grounded:
The end of Fear, Itself was a bit cack no?

Cack (?) Unknown phrase.
It was funny beyond words, especially when Giles said "Actual size." I almost fell over.
And Wild at Heart actually got me teary, so I know it was great.

S4 groupie Chrisisall


Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:51 PM


cack = bad

I thought the actual size bit was a pretty cheap gag.


Monday, July 11, 2005 11:00 AM


Cheap? I guess. But so unexpected that I almost peed my kilt.
The Initaitive thing is awsome!! Shoulda known that Gorram psych teacher was not what she seemed.

Groovy Chrisisall


Monday, July 11, 2005 11:05 AM


The only reason I would rewatch Fear, Itself is for the awesome Oz sitting in the bathtub scene.


Monday, July 11, 2005 11:36 AM


Anya and Xander's first time was a scream. Season 4 is just so much bigger that what came before.
Even Beer Bad had some good moments (and wasn't as bad as Bad Eggs). It's hilarious that Joss actually appologizes for it on the note that comes with the dvd's.

Bad Pizza Chrisisall


Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:39 AM


I think season 4 will always remain the most controversial Buffy season.

For the record, I loved it MUCH more than any other, it had everything I like about Buffy:

-Faith. The good Faith, not the (comparatively) dull S7 Faith

-Oz. Shame this was where his Buffyverse days ended for him (if only they'd made Angel 6, I heard he was planned for it).

-Spike at his best. I say his best because he was still cool and evil, but the chip meant he was with the scoobies and part of the action. Brilliant idea.

There's many many other reasons I like it the most but I don't want to go too off topic. Just to get back on, another way to improve S7:

-Wipe all the footage and replace with season 4 (but forgetting to put Beer Bad on).


Saturday, August 13, 2005 12:05 PM


I definitely would have loved to see a return plot thread for Oz. His story is not over yet.

If James Marsters does indeed get too old to play Spike in a TV movie of some kind, I suggest revisiting the Oz character (but not in London... lol).


More actors from Firefly worked into the seventh season would have been great too.


Two hour finally with some mourning closure for the fallen Anya!!


But mostly, I am okay with the UPN years of Buffy. I know some people hate them overall... but watch them in a marathon sometime. Those season actually work very well.



Sunday, August 14, 2005 12:53 PM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
More actors from Firefly worked into the seventh season would have been great too.

Two hour finally with some mourning closure for the fallen Anya!!
But mostly, I am okay with the UPN years of Buffy. I know some people hate them overall... but watch them in a marathon sometime. Those season actually work very well.


i agree with 2 and 3 points it would of been the ultimate show of skill to the writers to get a scene with Wash... so cute.

Absolutly agree, there just wasnt enough time for me to sob my heart out over Anya's demise before Xander was already giving a "Aww shucks, the love of my life is dead" act.
my 3 point- get rid of that potential in the dungerees, her voice, her whining so much more irritating then kennedy-at least ken has a tongue piercing! i try and fast forward any scene where Indigo opens her mouth!

one big shiny family


Sunday, August 14, 2005 1:29 PM


So true, I hated Rona 1000 times more than Kennedy.

Mal: You wanna run this ship?
Jayne: Yes.
Mal: Well… you can’t.


Sunday, August 14, 2005 1:48 PM



Originally posted by Jello:
So true, I hated Rona 1000 times more than Kennedy.
thank you- could not remember her name...
why couldnt she die instead of Anya, Amanda and all the other potentials...I mean[qoute] ding dong the witch is dead

sooo stupid. what was joss thinking when he allowed that monster into our homes? yes i know I am slightly irrational over this... any tips to get past this problem greatly appreciated but hopeful!

one big shiny family


Sunday, August 14, 2005 4:08 PM


1. Kill Buffy the whole premise of the show was one slayer dies another is called. We all got cheated in the end. But I guess it'd been done before and before and before so I guess it would of been kind of cheapened.

2. Kill Xander I just never like him and am too lazy to go into why here.

3. Three words... Faith orgy potentials


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:35 AM


I don't think killing Xander would have worked, I thought it was nice that the core 3 survived.

Then again, the First's primary disguise could have been Xander which would have been pretty cool. And Xander would have had some effect on the series other than 'the guy who fixes windows'.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:45 AM


Boy, this is just one nasty, bitter thread for a fansite! You've created a thread for whiners.

NY/NJ Browncoats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/firefly_nyc


Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:44 PM


1. MAKE DAWN A SLAYER!, Michelle needed more on screen time! and to see the younger sister continue the legacy!
2. Tara would still be alive: she and willow could hook-up with Kennedy. This for no other reason than to keep Tara in the mix,and Kennedy WAS kinda hot in my opinion.
3.Give Zander more Screen time at least in the finale! As you said he deserved MUCH MORE than he got.

I make no more explaination, and no excuses for this writing.


Thursday, August 25, 2005 4:02 PM


I've been watching the FX reruns of season 7, and I'd forgotten just how pumped I was at the end of CwDP. I honestly thought season 7 would be the best of them all. And then the potentials arrived, and the speeches started. It kind of sounded like the B-story of The Zeppo with the gang stopping an apocalypse - all fakey and overblown, but not played for satire this time. Ugh.

1) no Giles red herring - either kill him off and have him be evil or just drop it
2) SOMEBODY drops the idiot ball and just says, "Hey, screw the First. All it can do is taunt. Let's just concentrate on the bringers and the orcs, er, Ubervamps."
3) Caleb comes into the picture sooner. Cool villain, but it just felt like desparation by the time he arrived.

Maybe a tweak to the ending: I'm thinking thay maybe they could have gone with something like this- Keep the same basic plan of empowering all the girls 'round the world, but the only way for it to work is if Buffy sacrifices herself.

PS I second the follow-through complaint as well.
PPS Rona was SO much worse than Kennedy. She should have been slapped upside the head by Showtime at the latest.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Thursday, August 25, 2005 4:48 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
As an aside, I am, apparently, the only Buffy fan who liked Kennedy.

No. I too liked Kennedy.


Friday, August 26, 2005 8:22 AM


1. As someone else already said, more stand-alone episodes. There were too many in the second half of the season that were devoted to the whole "First-y circus" and the potentials where not much happened. It just served to point out how thin the overall arc was.

2. Fewer potentials, more Willow & Xander. I disagree with those who argue that S7 became the "Buffy and Spike Show." I don't think Spike got any more screen time than he did in seasons 5 or 6, but it seemed like he did because there was so much less of Xander, Willow, and Anya. And while on that topic, a better payoff for Spike's trigger and the whole disabling-of might've been nice. Three or four episodes--at least--were spent focused on it, making it seem to be this hugely important deal, and when he's finally de-triggered, we don't even get an "Oh darn, now I'll have to re-adjust my plan," from the First.

3. A two-part finale, with both parts written and directed by Joss, as he did with "Becoming" in S2 and "Graduation Day" in S3. Caleb is introduced in "Dirty Girls," ep. 18, which was a great episode and had me thinking "Okay, at least they're going to be able to salvage the final five eps and make them great." Then for the next three... nothing. Total filler. Just the writers and characters dragging their feet, waiting around for Joss to come in and deliver all the action and wrap everything up in the last 42 minutes. (And somewhere in those three filler eps, 19-21, maybe slip in an explanation, however lame it might've been, of why Caleb couldn't just march over to Buffy's house and kill them all right then.)

And not quite making my top 3 reasons but still too important to leave out: Give Anya's death the moment it deserved. We loved that character for four years, and then she was dead and gone and the scene had switched to something else before we could blink. If I hadn't accidentally been spoiled ahead of time and known she wasn't going to make it, I don't think I would've even registered what had happened the first time around. It just went by so fast.

So that's my list. I still enjoy the season, and continue to watch my DVDs, because it's still Buffy and therefore better than just about anything else to come along in the last ten years. But because they'd set such a high standard for themselves in the first six years, the many problems with S7, unfortunately, tend to stand out.


Friday, August 26, 2005 6:49 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
As an aside, I am, apparently, the only Buffy fan who liked Kennedy.

I two liked Kennedy, I did not think she was whiny, Butch maybe but whiny NOT IN THE LEAST!


Monday, August 29, 2005 11:08 AM


The episode Get It Done was on FX today, and it reminded me why I disliked Kennedy so much. She got slapped around by the demon that was exchanged when Buffy went into ShadowPuppetLand. Spike trades blows with it and gets tossed through the ceiling. Yet Kennedy acts like she's more qualified to track the demon down, "We're trained!"


"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Saturday, September 10, 2005 4:18 PM


1) The writers would not have retroactively pretended Joyce was just the First trying to fool Dawn. Never before or since has the First exterted any physical force on the world, and never before or since has the First been in two places at once. That was NOT the First.

2) Dawn would have been a potential slayer, or at least something like it. Being made out of Buffy would surely have made her something special.

3) The First would have become corporeal at some point, probably as a result of all the potentials becoming slayers. After all, the slayer power is rooted in darkness, and when "the forces of darkness overrun the planet" the First will become corporeal, or something along those lines...

In fact, they really should just have used this alternate script for the finale: http://www.whedon.info/article.php3?id_article=731. I'm not sure whether it's authentic or not, but I AM sure that it's definitely superior to the finale we actually got (except for the Xander dying part)...


Sunday, September 11, 2005 7:41 PM



Originally posted by fray101:
Agree with pretty much everything said above but to clarify:

1. No potentials (which rules out Kennedy straight away)

2. As mentioned above, Buffy's wish brings Tara back ("look at my new shoes"! - ah, I'd have been in tears if that had happened).

So true. If the Buffy's wish episode had happened, it would have made S7 possibly the strongest Buffy season of all.

Willow + Tara=Love

Willow + Kennedy=(?) Still trying to figure it out. It may have been a lot of things, but none of them were any good.


Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:08 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
So true. If the Buffy's wish episode had happened, it would have made S7 possibly the strongest Buffy season of all.

One good episode does not a good season make ;)


Monday, September 12, 2005 4:11 AM


I think 'The First's' real plan was to have the potentials become Slayers and end all future slayers. With all Potentials now Slayers when all living slayers die there will be no more Slayers. Then when all the slayers come to help Angel and his crew everyone dies or is sucked into another dimension. All magic and demon energy is taken with it. Angel is the only demon left (or half demon anyway). Spike is still alive and human (thanks to Angel signing the Scroll in his blood.) Nina is human again, as is Oz. Everyone at the fight dies, except Spike and Angel. Spike moves on and eventually dies. Angel and Nina give it a go but he becomes obsessed with trying to find Buffy and the slayers. Eventually he goes crazy. The first just waits for its chance to mess with Angel making him bite a few people making them Vampires. Soon demons are everywhere. The first becomes corporeal. This happens about two hundred years after Buffy's Death. For the first time a new Slayer is awakened her name is Melaka Fray and she is the first potential since the death of Buffy Summers (as you can read in "Fray" The Dark Horse comicbook. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1569717516/qid=112653423
) As Firefly tells us "The Earth got used up". It's still there but uninhabitable by humans. So as many humans as posible left earth and the rest died. It is now a demon breeding ground. Hell, just what the first wanted but it's pissed because its suck on earth with the rest of the monsters except for the Reavers of course. So I wouldn't change anything.


Monday, September 19, 2005 11:37 AM


Three things I'd change about Season 7?


1. Make the First's plan a little bit more coherent. I mean, in the end, it just didn't make any sense. It wanted to destroy the Slayer line...okay, noble enough. But in the finale, it said something like "When my army outnumbers the number of humans on Earth, the scales will tip and I'll be corporeal"? WTF? What kind of wacky nonsense is that? If that was the case, I don't know why Buffy and the Scoobies were so worried; it doesn't seem like there could've been more than a couple hundred thousand Ubervamps in in the cave, but there are BILLIONS of humans on Earth.

2. Don't make Spike's insanity a "throwaway" thing. In the season premiere, I was STOKED to see crazy Spike. "Obviously," I thought to myself, "Spike's soul drove him insane. What a great way to make him different than Angel." Imagine my dissapointment, then, when I discovered that the only reason Spike was crazy was because the First had been torturing him in the basement. I would have much preferred to see Spike regain his sanity over the course of the season - taking him out of the basement would have made him more coherent, sure, but not completely cure him. I think mildly-crazy-Spike-on-the-way-to-recovery would have been much more interesting than what we got, made his soul more important, and made seeing "old" Spike again much more satisfying.

3. A little bit less focus. Some of you may think MORE focus was needed, but I mean in terms of the focus on The First story line. Too many episodes focused exclusively on The First, and they started focusing too early in the season. By the end of the year, we were exhausted by the First and the Potentials...if we had less "First-centric" episodes, we may have had a bit more coherent of a story arc.

Simon: You...you came for us.
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Right. I guess I just didn't...you don't even like me.
Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?



Monday, September 19, 2005 11:41 AM



With all Potentials now Slayers when all living slayers die there will be no more Slayers.

I would think that eventually, more Potentials would be born and become Slayers. If no more Potentials were born after Buffy's generation, there'd be pretty slim pickins when it came to choosing more Slayers.

The way I understood it was this: sure, Buffy decided to make all Potentials into Slayers, but other than that things continue much the same way: more girls are born with the potential to be Slayers, but the potential is fully realized right away.

Simon: You...you came for us.
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Right. I guess I just didn't...you don't even like me.
Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?



Wednesday, September 21, 2005 5:01 AM



Originally posted by CS:
-Return of Oz! He used to make Buffy so great, and I can just see a great Willow/Oz story- willow's gay but Oz loves her. It's been done before but I know it would have worked great on Buffy, the relationship would have been beautiful.

YES!!! I have wanted the return of Oz since he left. He was such a great character that they could have done so much more with. Or atleast put him on Angel...I would have liked that too.

1. I would have gotten rid of Kennedy. I just could not stand that girl and the only time I even found her slightly entertaining was when she was talking about Willow's Moulin Rouge habits...because I do that too on occasion, before they talked about it on the show.

2. The potentials in general, like everyone else has stated, needed to be tuned down a little. I didn't care for them at all...and I really couldn't buy it. I was bored with the majority of the season because of this.

3. Spike being more Spikeish and not so lovey dovey please stake me as a viewer.

OH...and the whole series finale in genral. To me, it was a let down. BUt thats just my two cents.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 1:06 PM


1. Anya...why...why Anya i happened to like Anya kill Xander Willow heck kill Buffy but not Anya!!!
2. Oh Kennedy please leave NOW i think they should have killed Kennedy heck i think she never should have shown up in the first place... actually while i am on the subject i want Oz back!
3. screw the first i want more Caleb! okay thats probably the Firefly fan talking but still I WANT MORE NATHAN FILLION!!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:58 PM


Well, first I'd bring back Tara, and not gotten Willow involved with Kennedy.
That relationship to me seemed very forced and hurried to me.

Not killed Anya, and not poked Xander's eye out. (way too disturbing in my opinion).
Toned down the potentials, I mean I know it was the main agenda, but they seemed way too annoying and had too much camera time.

That's it I suppose, only maybe found a way so that the Spike raping Buffy in season 6 never happened so that Buffy could really be free to be in a truly loving relationship with Spike.

I'm a leaf on the wind....Watch how I soar.

Wash: Captain, don't you know kissin' girls makes ya sleepy? Mal: Sometimes I just can't help myself.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:08 AM



Originally posted by luciddreams:

2. More stand alone episodes - Look at Storyteller, Selfless, and Conversations with Dead People. Notice what they have in common? Towards the end of s5 and s7 I felt the seasons suffered from too much focus on the finale's arc. The other seasons did better jobs of having stand alones without sacrificing the arcs. When the episodes became all about the big finales they just all blended together in my mind.

3. 2 hour season finale.

I agree with this. More variety in storylines. That's what made the past seasons work better is varying stories that shook things up most of the season, plus lots of crossovers didn't hurt too.

I'm a leaf on the wind....Watch how I soar.

Wash: Captain, don't you know kissin' girls makes ya sleepy? Mal: Sometimes I just can't help myself.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:52 AM



Originally posted by lamiasong:

Originally posted by Jello:
So true, I hated Rona 1000 times more than Kennedy.
thank you- could not remember her name...
why couldnt she die instead of Anya, Amanda and all the other potentials...I mean[qoute] ding dong the witch is dead

sooo stupid. what was joss thinking when he allowed that monster into our homes? yes i know I am slightly irrational over this... any tips to get past this problem greatly appreciated but hopeful!

one big shiny family

I totally agree. I just wanted to beat Rona with a bunch of those Slayer weapons everytime she opened her mouth. She is the main reason that they all turned on Buffy. Otherwise they could have all talked it out calmly, but she wouldn't let it go because she didn't want to be there in the first place! I hate that character! Kennedy is my 2nd least favorite. And to think I used to hate Dawn.
lol Dawn was wonderful compared to those two.

Also to add to my last post... I also think that Willow and Xander needed more screen time. Especially Xander after Anya dies, it was like oops she's dead ....awwww no, show's over folks!!!

I'm a leaf on the wind....Watch how I soar.

Wash: Captain, don't you know kissin' girls makes ya sleepy? Mal: Sometimes I just can't help myself.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:25 PM


1) Less Spike.
I love the peroxide head as much as anyone but I think this season shouldve been focused more upon Buffy's task wit the potentials.

2)2 hour finale
Chosen seemed a bit rushed and I think that there should have been a lot more Buffy/Willow/Xander time .

3)More fleshed out potentials
Speaks for itself.


Monday, February 20, 2006 12:38 PM


1. Make Buffy and Sike together again, i mean like have 'i love you' at the end was sweet, but not enough for my romance meter.
2. no kennedy willow just NONONO. yuck bad. shame
3.MORE DAWN! its horrible no dawn how sad



Saturday, March 18, 2006 6:47 PM


I'd much rather have a 3 things you'd change about Angel Season 5, but okay.

1. Less focusentral on the big plotline. I always loved those stand-alones that still had ultimate plotline stuff oging on in the background (For example, Season 2, even as Angel, Spike and Drusilla are planning their big plane, they're still fighting Werewolves, Der Kinderstod and Fish-People). They could have done that.

2. Cameos by Oz and Drusilla. I don't mean The First DISGUISED as Drusilla like she did (THE FIRST IS TOTALLY FEMALE), or Drusilla in a flashback. Do you realize we never saw her in real time again after Season 5? And Oz never appeared again after Season 4. I am, in fact, working on a fanfic about Oz, who seems to have settled down in Seattle.

3. BRING TARA THE HELL BACK! Come on! They bring everybody back! Why not Tara? Of course, in my Oz Fanfic, Tara does come back. As a ghost, yeah, but she'll still be back. Once I finish, anyways.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:34 AM


Three things...hmmm...
1) Make Chosen a two-parter directed by Joss, instead of only one ep.

2) Have some more scenes for Xander.

3) ummmm....nuthin' more, I guess, I was pretty happy with the rest.

S7fan Chrisisall


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:24 AM


I agree with the making of SMG unfold her arms a bit more, and maybe perhaps saying less "mmm kays".
And apart from the obvious of seeing more of the core characters, maybe more andrew too????


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:03 PM


1.) Anya and Andrew: Their potential as the perfect duo came way too late. The wheelcahir fight; inspired. The series needed at least 20 more eps like Selfless and Storyteller.

2.) Potentials = Bad. 'Nuff Said

3.) Buffy had to die. She had to, and not just for all the "everybody-sucks-but-me" speechifying. She should have finally been given peace. And it's completely un-Joss to not let her die. Back to heaven and all that.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:06 AM


Well, seeing as how I'm a hopeless romantic....

1) Bring Tara back. Kill Kennedy. Happy Willow.

2) Don't kill Anya - that was so sad - and if you have to, could you not make more of a deal over it? It was a pathetic attempt at dying if you ask me.

3) (Possibly at the end of whenever Angel SHOULD have finished) Buffy and Angel back together. I know it could never happen - but it would have been nice. And as I said before - I'm a romantic.

Realistically though - I would have brought Tara back (or preferably - not have killed her at all) - she was the only one for Willow (die Kennedy - DIE) and Willow was a better character with her around (although her geeky days were also fun).

The potential slayers thing didn't work imho; the acting was poor - and it was like having many (even more annoying) Dawns.

I would also have liked more character development - particularly with Giles, Xander and Willow - they were the ORIGINAL scoobies, but it seems like they were just left to stagnate as characters over s7. Anya was also a tad too whiny (which on top of the potentials REALLY annoyed me) - she would have been better if Xander and Anya had married - even if there had been constant arguments or whatever.

Basically - s7 wasn't my favourite - too many slayers- -not enough fun.

Would just like to add - I liked s4 - though s2 and s5 are my faves.

Does it really matter as long as you're having fun?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:19 AM


FLF, are you the FLF I'm thinking of?

Fantastic Laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:57 AM


I can only think of two things I would change.

1. Never make Season 7

2. Never make Season 6

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, September 1, 2006 5:42 AM


having just watched same time same place the other night, we could have had anya get it on with willow, she was so up for it. ok it may have confused xander a bit, but what the heck, woulda been much better than the kennedy travesty.

more old school giles, he was always off picking up girls and when he was there he wasn't that great.

more clem, can't have enough clem... and did he and andrew ever meet? imagine the double act they'd make

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:14 PM


Entirely pointy.

I liked season seven. It's not perfect, but there are so many great episodes.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:17 AM


of course i am - how many other FLF's u kno chris?
how've you been?

Vodka! Cheaper than botox - and it kills more muscles!


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:27 AM


This thread, and your dislike of 6 & 7 in particular, Finn, is what made me put off seeing them for so long. Maybe I was just prepared, but seven is equal to 3 for me now, not in overall quality, of course, but in the high points. Chosen and OMWF are my two favourite episodes.

Dark works for the Buffster Chrisisall


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:47 AM


Good, long time no see, in the virtual sense. How's life across the pond?

His lateness Chrisisall


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:57 AM


I wish this were 3 things I could change about Buffy the series

Bring Oz back
NO dawn at all
NO potentials

and I really didnt like the Principal and Faith thing it felt forced.

I was disappointed in the "a boy broke my heart so I now I will be a lesbian" feel in the Willow/Tara thing. It would have been more interesting and less offensive if Oz stuck around and Willow found herself torn between the 2 loves.

But thats just me

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:27 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

and I really didnt like the Principal and Faith thing it felt forced.

I was disappointed in the "a boy broke my heart so I now I will be a lesbian" feel in the Willow/Tara thing. It would have been more interesting and less offensive if Oz stuck around and Willow found herself torn between the 2 loves.

I disagree about Faith and the Principal, she can always use a good lesson.

But I totally agree on your Willow/Oz/Tara take, that would've been great.

I must be one of the few that wasn't bugged by the Potentials...

Chrisisall, a brat


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:36 AM


I disagree about Faith and the Principal, she can always use a good lesson.

But I totally agree on your Willow/Oz/Tara take, that would've been great.

I must be one of the few that wasn't bugged by the Potentials...

Chrisisall, a brat

I accept your disagreement cause it wuz funnee and I accept your agreement cause great minds think alike

My beef with the potentials is (a) they (the actresses) couldn't - act and (b) if they did the "calling all the potentials up immediately at the end" thing, why didn't they just do that in the first place!

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:48 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

if they did the "calling all the potentials up immediately at the end" thing, why didn't they just do that in the first place!

Cause changing the rules set down by men long ago takes power, and Willow was the first person any slayer could have used strong enough to do it, plus, Buffy was the first to even concieve that it might be done!

Sound right? Chrisisall






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