Anyone else really not like Kennedy?

UPDATED: Sunday, August 31, 2003 22:42
VIEWED: 14651
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Wednesday, February 5, 2003 3:03 AM


Hrmph... I really doslike Kennedy, and I hate her and Willow being set up even more. I'm still a rabid W/T person ("The Killer in Me" made me all teary "I let her be dead..." *sob*). Anyone else feel the same way?


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 5:47 AM


Yeppers. I dislike Kennedy too and I REALLY hated the way the writers went on and on about her and Willow. I hope Kennedy bites it soon.


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 6:12 AM


She bugged me at first but I'm starting to like her.

She's strong and confident. I'd go as far as to say that Kennedy may be the most self assured non-evil character BTVS has had yet. I suspect this is what's throwing people off since all the main BTVS characters have a doubt or two now and then.

In the Willow/Tara dynamic, Willow was often the stronger and more confident one -- especially in the early days of that relationship. Kennedy appears to be the 'pillar of strength' in this new developing Willow/Kennedy dynamic.

Not the most exciting development from last night's episode (I think Amy being back and training the wicca-wannabes is much more intriguing), but the Willow/Kennedy thing didn't bug me as much as I thought it would.



Wednesday, February 5, 2003 8:07 AM



I hope Kennedy bites it soon

You and me both! I don't think I'd dislike her so much if the writers weren't cramming her and Willow together. I've looked at it... but to me, anyone besides Tara with Willow from now on just seems... wrong. I'm still praying to every deity I know that Tara will come back SOMEHOW.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 12:16 PM


You know, I've wanted Willow to be happy so much that I'm trying really hard to like Kennedy. But her whole approach to their "date" in this week's episode annoyed me. I won't say I hate her, or wish her dead. But tricking Willow into their first date? Bad idea. And Willow kept walking away... and Kennedy pushed her into staying. It made me really uncomfortable. Willow has never been a weakling, even before she became one of the most powerful witches on the planet. So why cower before a wanna-be slayer when she never cowered before the real thing, be they Buffy, or even EvilFaith. I don't buy that Willow is suddenly a wimp incapable of making relationship decisions on her own just because a SIT happens to be queer. The entire thing... all of their interactions felt so forced. Like Kennedy was trying to force her to be interested, and Willow was forcing herself to stay. Even the first kiss didn't seem to fit.

I'm all for Willow getting a new love interest. I loved Tara, and the whole end guilt thing with Will crying that she felt it was her fault, that she killed her by letting her be dead for a moment absolutely broke my heart. I was crying my eyes out. But I wouldn't say I don't want Willow to have a new love interest because I loved Tara. It's been nearly a year. It's ok for her to start dating. But I'm just not feeling the Kennedy love. I'm trying to. But so far, she feels like a plot device.

Also, I'm not sure that she's a good enough actress to play opposite Our Aly. Couldn't they have found a better actress to play the largest SIT role? There are a lot of very beautiful, very talented actresses out there without jobs.

Buffy: Willow, you're a gay woman - and he isn't.
Willow: This isn't about his physical presence. It's about his heart.
Anya: His physical presence has a penis!
Willow: I can work around it!


Thursday, February 6, 2003 2:39 PM


I don't dislike Kennedy... I dislike what they've done with her. It is completely forced.

Like Xander not marrying Anya, like Buffy working at DoubleMeat Palace, like Giles *not* giving Buffy a big hug when he came in the door with the SIT's... All of it is forced for the sake of the story. All of it is out of character for the characters.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 2:49 PM


*raises hand* j0.

I don't have a problem with Kennedy...I have a problem with how quickly Willow moves from one significant other to the next. Remember, it only took her, what, two weeks to decide she was gay and be all over Tara? And now Tara's body is barely in the ground and she's making moves with Kennedy.

And Warren's not evil! He was never evil! *pant pant*

"Let's move this conversation in a not-Jayne's-fault direction." - Jayne


Thursday, February 6, 2003 5:19 PM



I don't have a problem with Kennedy ...I have a problem with how quickly Willow moves from one significant other to the next. Remember, it only took her, what, two weeks to decide she was gay and be all over Tara? And now Tara's body is barely in the ground and she's making moves with Kennedy.

I don't have a problem with Kennedy either, and Tara's been dead for 6 months, and it's taken other characters less time to get over themselves (Like Buffy w/ Scott after killing Angel) And the point of the epi was all about Willow's guilt over "betraying" Tara. I don't remember much of season 4, but it took a couple of epis between Oz leaving and Hush, and a couple of epis before Willow confessing to buffy that they were together.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 5:43 PM


I'd have to say I'm in the "I don't dislike Kennedy, I dislike what they've done with her," camp. Actually, I'd say I'm even a little further out in the woods, in the "I actually really liked Kennedy, and I liked the direction they were heading with her and Willow, until they actually got there," camp.

I'm not sure what it is. Chemistry? Tara and Willow clicked, Kennedy and Willow don't? Kennedy's approach? To put it in ... well, maybe not the most appalling way possible, but possibly the third or fourth, sometimes it felt like Kennedy was just trying to sleeze her way into Willow's pants.

So yeah, to put it simply: forced. Like the writers-director-producers are glossing over the non-chemistry between W and K just to shove Willow into a relationship.

Well, sorta. There is that conversation in the bar, when Willow asks Kennedy why she's so interested in her, and Kennedy gives a few cute answers, but Willow doesn't seem completely convinced. So there is hope. I mean, how many relationships really are like that? Two people who just don't have much in common, don't even seem to speak the same language sometimes, but they're attracted to each other and give it a shot. Sometimes it even works.

To make this work though, I think our beloved storytellers are going to have keep aware that Willow and Kennedy just don't quite fit together and actually address it in the story, make it an issue, not just give it a nod and then move on. Saying, "Oh well, opposites attract," just don't cut it.

So I'm willing to just wait and see. Give our writer-type folk a chance to work their happy-fun mojo.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:01 PM


F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "There are many kinds of love in the world, but never the same love twice."

In other words, those of you who are expecting Willow and Kennedy to be just like Willow and Tara, you are going to be disappointed.

Let me be the first to say, I'm a Will/Tara shipper. They are my second favorite Buffyverse couple of all time. But that wasn't always the case. Willow and Oz used to hold that coveted spot in my heart. When Oz left, I was really ticked at Seth Green, and was fixated on the idea that'd he'd be back. When Tara showed up on the scene, I read the rumors that it was a gay thing, and I blew them off. I ignored the signs, because Willow and Oz were the second greatest couple of all time, and Oz was comming back, gorramit!

But "New Moon Rising" came along, and my theory went down the drain. Many of my friends were quick to condemn the new relationship. ("Will and Oz forever!") To tell the truth, I personally didn't know what to make of Tara. I didn't like her. I didn't dislike her. I just didn't know what to make of her. But I gave her a shot. (Besides, when Riley's around, do you really need another character to despise?) And around "Family," I grew to like her. The depth of feeling between Willow and Tara was unlike almost anything I'd ever seen on film. And, eventually I grew to love her. I loved her not just as a companion to Willow, but for herself. When Buffy confessed to Tara about Spike, and the way Tara handled it... well, it cemented my affection for her.

When Tara died, I was simultaneously hurt and angry. I hated Warren like I'd never hated a character before. I wanted him dead. And as far as I'm concerned, if Willow was going to kill him, she should have done it more slowly. So yes, I've shed my tears over Willow and Tara. I almost lost my cookies last Tuesday, and during "Conversations With Dead People."

So what do I think of Kennedy? Personally, I think she kicks serious bootay. I like her a lot. Unlike most of the other protoslayers, she doesn't whine. All the other Slayers are like different versions of Dawn. Kennedy has serious spunk. And Rona's OK, too.

I'm going to give Kennedy and Willow a shot. I'm not going to expect Kennedy to be Tara, just like I didn't expect Tara to be Oz. In the end, I may wind up thinking the whole relationship blows, but you never know.

Tara was probably Willow's soul mate. But that doesn't mean Willow shouldn't ever be happy again.


TARA: Every time I... even at my worst, you always make me feel special. How do you do that?
WILLOW: Magic.


Tuesday, February 11, 2003 7:56 AM


I believe my problem comes from the fact that I just don't get it. I understand that Willow fell in love with the person of Tara. I never thought that made her a lesbian because she loved Xander forever then he had Oz. I looked at Tara as the next person she loved. I never enjoyed Tara's character because she seemed to depend too much on Willow. Willow was the strong one in that relationship.

In regards to Kennedy, (BTW- what is the age difference?)

Tara just died. I can't believe that Willow would even have enough feeling to move on. I understand moving on with life but this just seems too soon and too forced. I honestly thought Willow was not a lesbian, just confused because she falls for the person regardless of the body. At least that is how I understood it. Another thing, the dynamic is different because here Kennedy is the strong one.

I do not know enough about Kennedy and neither does Willow. It is just too fast. I'm sure Joss has his reason's but at the moment I don't understand.


Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:33 AM


Here's a link to an interview with the actress who plays Kennedy:




Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:03 AM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
Here's a link to an interview with the actress who plays Kennedy:



Ew. Kinda glad she didn't get on Firefly.

"Let's move this conversation in a not-Jayne's-fault direction." - Jayne


Monday, March 24, 2003 5:05 PM


though i would have to agree with you, something tells me that Joss wanted Willow to go on so she won't have to spend every episode sobbing her brains out. i mean, whenever one of her "friends" leave her, she goes into a magick frenzy! lets not 4get "something blue", where she accidently turns her friends into "demon magnets" and "hopeless lovers".

but, thats not the point. Kennedy is SO not right for willow!!! when she said to buffy "you're not the strong one, with willow around, your not even close!" hah! shut up kennedy! you dont know what buffy's been through!

besides, willow gets all psycho when she uses her magicks lately, while buffy doesnt need tricks to slay a vamp or two.

wel, gotta go!

i like chicken


Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:16 AM


Okay, here's my take on Kennedy. I don't hate her, but she does bug me some. My lil' bro hates her. We both agree what about her bothers us. She reminds us of Faith. That overwhelming I am Da Bomb! kinda attitude is irritating. Like Faith she also loves the fight for itself, and wears her sexuality on her sleeve in flashing neon letters. My lil' bro and I have had long deep discussions about Joss' various creations, and our talks on Kendra and Faith came up w/ Buffy being the happy medium between them. She was more serious than Faith, but not as serious as Kendra. There are other examples...but the way I see it, is Kennedy is kinda the happy medium between Faith and Buffy. More out there and agressive than Buffy, but more sensitive and caring than Faith. So perhaps this is Joss' way of working out the Willow/Buffy or Faith dynamic in a romantic way. Although to be honest, I liked Tara (who in a way, could be seen as Willow coming to appreciate her own earlier self in it's insecure, sweet shy, nerdiness), but I'm still hoping for Oz (please Seth Green!) to come back in the 11th hour. :-D

I think about this stuff way too much.
It's all Joss' fault.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003 3:17 PM


Let me start out by saying yeah - Kennedy/Willow kind of irritating. And pretty unbelievable. Chemistry feels pretty forced.

Outside of that, I sort of see the dynamic in a really different way, and mostly to blame is one of the new articles on Slayage ( http://slayage.tv) that talks about Willow as the one character on Buffy who's always in transition, and how she really defines herself by what others say about her - mostly Buffy and Xander, but also Oz and Tara. I don't think Willow was the strong one in the Willow/Tara dynamic. Willow was the flashy one, they one who looked stronger on the outside, but Tara was the strong one on the inside. That's why Willow completely falls apart when Tara leaves her. And that's why I think Willow's in this relationship primarily because it's there. No, they don't have a lot in common, but she hasn't been in the best place for a while and maybe it's just easy to have someone around who thinks that she's the bees knees.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003 3:26 PM


I see the whole Willow/Kennedy dynamic as a rebound relationship for Willow. There's a place for such a thing, I think. They don't last typically, though.

As for Willow, was it just me or was the writing for her dialogue last week in Angel tighter than normal? It seemed as if she was more verbal, funnier, more on the ball, than in previous BtVS episodes.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003 3:33 PM


Agreed - smells reboundy. It has that "right for now, not right forever" feel about it. Easier than bein' alone - always nice to get some smoochies in while the world threatens fo fall apart (again).


Thursday, March 27, 2003 3:43 PM


speaking of willow on angel, did i miss something? is fred gay? since when? she seemed pretty hurt when willow told her that she was seeing someone.

and its funny, fred reminds alot of a younger willow. they both seem uncertain at times, and they know alot about magic (well, fred knows a bit... but she does tend to drag off when she was talking about her theory of the "kotex").



Thursday, March 27, 2003 7:59 PM


Or codex, whichever you prefer.


Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:30 AM


ME ME ME! I hate her. I miss Oz. Think they could get Seth back? (Doubting it, since they've already written the final episodes of the show....) Oh, well. We don't have to put with her for much longer. Unless they give her the spin-off. AW CRAP! NO!


Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:56 AM


I have a love/hate relationship w/ Kennedy. I like her b/c I do get the Faith vibe from her, but that kind of also makes me dislike her b/c she's nowhere as cool as Faith. She's like pale shadow of Faith.
The Willow/Kennedy thing seems really forced to me, I just don't see Kennedy as being Willow's type. And I think she was too forward, and moved i too fast after Tara's death. (Hey, maybe Kennedy is the rebound girl!) Plus the whole 'we have two lesbians, so they must be a couple thing kind of annoyed me.
When Willow guested on Angel at the end of the ep she and Fred were talking kind of flirtily and Willow blurts out "I'm seeing someone" I thought it was such a shame. Those two together had such great chemistry, I had completely forgotten about Kennedy! Of course a cross-network relationship like that would probably be hard to maintain!

Tara: "I go online sometimes, but everybody's spelling is just so bad. It's depressing."


Tuesday, April 1, 2003 9:46 AM


Kennedy sucks.

I miss Seth as well, as his character mixed perfectly with the quirky Willow character.

Hell, my dog's name is Oz if that means anything to ya :)



Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:18 AM


hi i just wanted 2 say r u people all crazy, the whole kennedy/willow thing is the best thing to happen on buffy in a long time. so wat eva u 've got against her get over it! bye xx


Sunday, April 13, 2003 1:57 AM


I'm not overly keen on her but I think that's because she's just overacting just now and she still has to find her character. There haven't been many BAD characters in Buffy or Angel over the years so I reckon she'll turn out ok.

I never liked Drusilla. It was the whole "Spoik" thing - the accent was just a tad strong for me and I've not heard that many people walking around London talking like that. Then again.... I wasn't there a few hundred years ago!! ;)


Sunday, April 13, 2003 7:31 AM


Kennedy's great. You diehard W/T shippers are the same pathetic people who still want Buffy/Angel together, and made Riley go away. Granted Kennedy is much better than Riley, why can't you accept people for who they are?

Someone wrote above how all these acts by Xander, Willow, Giles are out of character for sake of the story, in which they are not...

As Giles explains in 'First Date,' the end is coming, it's not time for dating. Oh kissing or hugging. What, Giles knows the end of the world it coming, let's hug buffy and tell her everything will be alright. We're not Dawson's Creek here.
Xander having doubts about Anya and the Wedding proves exactly the character Xander has always been. Proving to be sardonic only to hide how scared he is inside. And Willow with Kennedy? Kennedy forced the relationship on Willow with the trick of a date. Willow wasn't ready to move on from Tara, nor wanted to, but Kennedy helped her get past that, seen in The Killer in Me. Buffy and Willow had this same convo back in Season 4 about riley over angel, with everything being new and exciting.
And after all, Tara died in May, Will& Kennedy started in February, the ache in Wil's heart is taken away a bit, but it will always be there, and she must move on, as she did from Xander to Oz to Tara and now to Kennedy.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Sunday, April 13, 2003 11:07 AM


You know Fury, you have some very valid points. None of your valid points are on topic, but whatever. You can be wacky-off-topic person. But what you can't do is call us pathetic.

I've never been a Buffy/Angel shipper, really. I just think Riley was way too forced. The same is with the Kennedy thing. She's a forced character, and I don't like the way she is handled. I'm DEFINATELY not a Tara/Willow shipper. I never liked them together. But that's not the point. I LOVED Tara. Just didn't want them together. I'm long past Oz coming back. And I'm not against Willow moving on. But the way they're doing it is too forced for my tastes. I don't like it. Period.


why can't you accept people for who they are?

These aren't people. I don't have to accept ficticious characters. Ever. I don't have to watch the show. I can turn it off at any point. I just want to see my shows done well. Kennedy, at the moment, is not being done well.

I hope some of this made sense, but I'm fairly certain it didn't cause I'm tired and I'm typing really fast.


Monday, April 14, 2003 1:52 PM


My pints were on topic, they were to back my point. Kennedy is not a forced character, her actions put such the force you speak of into effect, as this is easy to see that it is the writers' intention. Kennedy is forcing Wil to be hers over memories of Tara as we saw in The Killer In me, alongside Kennedy's selfishness and take charge attitude.
The writers are forcing the relationship, they've brilliantly created a character who will do this for him. If say, Rona was the SIT(sounds like STD too much) involved with Wil, then it owuld be forced. But because of the way Kennedy is, it makes sense. I feel so strongly about this, because I know a girl like this, and it is a real life situatuion not being forced by writers, or being able to turn off a TV as you said above.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Monday, April 14, 2003 2:23 PM


I have never been real Buffy/Angel shipper... and I hate Riley because he is and was a stupid prat. (My Dad agrees... I was wathcing reruns with Riley in them the other day and he walked by, watched for two seconds and asked me "Who is that IDIOT?" Hee.)
I am not saying that Willow should never be allowed to have another relationship... it just seemed to FAST and too forced for my tastes.

I do have to agree with MisterFalcon, these ARE fictional characters, completely different from real life. If Kennedy and Willow were actual PEOPLE, I would probably see the situation entirely differently.

And though I'm still not at all fond of her, I find myself not vehamently hating Kennedy so much anymore. Maybe she'll grow on me eventually... hell, beginning of the 8th season of the X-Files (of which I remained a dedicated fan and viewer till the bitter end) I wanted to take Dogget's head off with a big pointy stick, but now I don't really mind him at all.


Saturday, April 26, 2003 3:12 PM


Now that I've finally seen the episodes in question, I like her. That's all I have to say about that.

DOBSON: I'm supposed to be meeting my wife's sister. I've only got a few days to see her...

ZOE: I wish there was another way...

DOBSON: Oh, no, no. That woman is like a dragon. I mean, I believe she has a tail. If there's any other moons we need to visit, or if we could just
fly very slowly...


Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:51 PM


I dig kennedy...she's assertive and brave even without the slayer powers which says alot...also, I dont think she forced willow to say on their first date..you dont force someone by saying "youre sexy when you pout."

I also have to say that after seeing "touched"..I love kennedy..she rocks

I also liked her in the final ep...I like the fact that she touches on the fact that she's a brat used to getting her way and what she says to willow is really sweet.

plus, I hate to say this because I was once and still am a willow/tara shipper...but kennedy is way, way, way, waaayyy hotter than tara. Hate to say it, but its true.


Friday, May 30, 2003 7:05 AM


I'm with Calliope.

Kennedy is hot... and I think that love scene between she and willow (the one with the tongue stud) is most likely the only time I have ever been aroused watching cable tv.


Friday, May 30, 2003 8:37 AM



plus, I hate to say this because I was once and still am a willow/tara shipper...but kennedy is way, way, way, waaayyy hotter than tara. Hate to say it, but its true.

Both Tara and Kennedy are hotties in their own individual ways. There's no denying the immediate chemistry between Willow and Tara. Nor can one downplay the importance of developing that relationship gradually over 2.5 seasons.

My complaint with Willow/Kennedy is it felt kinda forced or perhaps too condensed. The writers had to sell this new relationship in just over half a season. The chemistry between Willow and Kennedy wasn't apparent (for me) until the finale episode.

Another aspect of W/K that was never even touched upon is the rebound nature of the relationship (for Willow, at least). Rebound relationships rarely work out and are usually just a temporary crutch for the rebounder.

Other than that I have no problem with the Kennedy character nor the Limon's performance of her. I think she did a great job portraying a spoiled, bratty yet ascertive young woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. I got the impression from her that Kennedy is cut from the same cloth as Faith just with a better upbringing.

Just wish the writers had more time to develop convincing sparkage for her and Willow. Perhaps if/when a Buffy spin-off with Willow happens the two of them will get just that.



Sunday, June 1, 2003 9:47 PM



Originally posted by zeke023:
I'm with Calliope.

Kennedy is hot... and I think that love scene between she and willow (the one with the tongue stud) is most likely the only time I have ever been aroused watching cable tv.

The tongue stud was a nice touch....and @#$% yeah she's hot. But aside from that, I think the thing with Willow/Kennedy is that they had little time to develop it fully, which was actually the same issue I had with willow and tara in the early stages of there relationship. Tara didnt start to become more than "willow's girlfriend" until season six really when she started to assert herself.

I think that if the series werent over, next season we would see Willow and Kennedy evolve much better. But since that's a moot point now that the show's over, i'm content with episodes like "touched" (drools), "the killer in me" and that touching little scene they had in the last ep. When you think about it, willow didnt fare too badly, Kennedy's hot, assertive, a slayer and loaded if her references to houses with wings, summer homes and boarding schools are any indication. I can see her becoming like a slayer lara croft.


Saturday, June 7, 2003 6:50 AM


Y'know, I didn't think of this before, but now that you mention it, I can totally see Kennedy as this Slayer Lara Croft type...but w/ a hot witch girlfriend.



Friday, August 22, 2003 6:25 AM


Hey i just noticed this thread and had to respond. I dig the character of Kennedy-spoiled rich bitch-but loathe willow and kennedy together. Willow always had the most amazing relationships Oz was wonderous-so gentle and kind he really awoken something in her, and Tara angelic-patient and wiser than willow so she was almost like a mentoras well as a super compatible lover. So that she would go with this loud mouth cocky wench was beyond me i am hoping that if the spin off ever happens it starts off with Willow doing a long walk of shame. that would satisfy me more than a girlfriend with a tongue ring


Friday, August 22, 2003 6:25 AM


Hey i just noticed this thread and had to respond. I dig the character of Kennedy-spoiled rich bitch-but loathe willow and kennedy together. Willow always had the most amazing relationships Oz was wonderous-so gentle and kind he really awoken something in her, and Tara angelic-patient and wiser than willow so she was almost like a mentoras well as a super compatible lover. So that she would go with this loud mouth cocky wench was beyond me i am hoping that if the spin off ever happens it starts off with Willow doing a long walk of shame. that would satisfy me more than a girlfriend with a tongue ring


Friday, August 22, 2003 6:26 AM


Hey i just noticed this thread and had to respond. I dig the character of Kennedy-spoiled rich bitch-but loathe willow and kennedy together. Willow always had the most amazing relationships Oz was wonderous-so gentle and kind he really awoken something in her, and Tara angelic-patient and wiser than willow so she was almost like a mentoras well as a super compatible lover. So that she would go with this loud mouth cocky wench was beyond me i am hoping that if the spin off ever happens it starts off with Willow doing a long walk of shame. that would satisfy me more than a girlfriend with a tongue ring


Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:42 PM


I agree that Willow with anyone but Tara is... somehow wrong. Although I find Kennedy's personality to be refreshing as she is strong and confident I cannot see any depth to it. But with all the new characters appearing it seems like the writers just didn't have enough time to explore her. She was appropriate at the time as Willow needed someone to lean on but I felt it was too soon after Tara. I had little time to grieve.






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