All Sorts of BUFFY Related News.

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 18:28
VIEWED: 5326
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Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:39 PM


Not sure if anyone else noticed this stuff, but I thought I'd put it on here just in case...


According to Joss Whedon, Jeph Loeb, who was meant to act as the animated show's runner, has departed to join the SMALLVILLE crew. However, the series has been greenlighted (finally). As for when it'll appear, he didn't have a clue.

Source: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-06/19/11.30.tv


According to www.scifi.com, Marti Noxon has confirmed that there will be a Season Eight of the series. Based on her comments, I'm inclined to think that's not what she's saying; she seems to be merely commenting that the potential for an eighth season exists.

Source: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-06/20/12.00.tv


Since the information listed in the story could be considered spoiler-like, I've decided not to actually put them down here but rather provide the link to see them if you should want to. To be frank, they're nothing particularly groundbreaking.

Source: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2002-06/19/12.00.tv


Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:11 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Well, it's definately going to be difficult without SMG. And with the success of Scooby Doo, it'll make it even less likely that she'll want to return to the small screen.

BTW, this was also on SCIFI.COM


Warner Brothers is fast-tracking a sequel to its hit Scooby-Doo movie, Variety reported. The studio has exercised its sequel options for the cast, including Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr., Matthew Lillard and Linda Cardellini, and is in talks with Scooby director Raja Gosnell to helm the sequel.

James Gunn will again write the script for the film, which is eyeing an early 2003 production start and a 2004 release date, the trade paper reported. Scooby-Doo, based on the long-running animated TV show Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?, grossed $54 million in its opening weekend.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:24 PM


The show is called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." If Sarah doesn't come back, why not just spin off the rest of the cast into another show? Like a Willow show... or "The Scooby Gang." or something.

It would just be a bit odd to have "Buffy" without a Buffy...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 20, 2002 5:07 PM


RE: Buffy Season 8/spin-off/continuation:
IMO, the show we know and love as BtVS should after this season. And maybe then do a movie.

The oft-mentioned Dawn continuation/spin-off is problematic. How to explain Buffy's absence? I don't believe Joss will kill her off because it's been done (twice). The only storyline I can think of is that Dawn is sucked into a hell dimension -- ME does The Lost World.

I think, also, that the other actors on the show (besides Sarah) like Aly and Emma want to move on, so a spin-off with them isn't likely. Spike is the only regular character, at this point, who can carry his own show. But does James want to bleach his hair for another 5 yrs?

--- Joe


Thursday, June 20, 2002 6:43 PM


Ok... here's my speculation as to how season 7 will end. This is based on ideas planted in Fray and the tone of the series to date. It may also plant ideas as to how the series could be called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" without Sarah Michelle Gellar. I'll turn spoilers on...

Select to view spoiler:

In Fray, we see that the slayer directly preceeding Fray was sucked into a hell dimension to save the world and rid it of all demons. At first, I thought that the slayer who would be sucked into Hell would be Faith. However, the news that Sarah Michelle Gellar may not be returning for a season 8 has made me wonder if the slayer sucked into hell is indeed Buffy.

In Fray, it proceeds to detail that no one knows what happened to the slayer following her suckage into hell, and I believe they open the possibility that she lived happily ever after (I could be wrong... I'm going by memory here.) Season 8 could detail the gang's coping with Buffy being lost in Hell and possiblly their attempts to rescue her. Season 8 could then logically maintain the title "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" because it directly involves the pursuit of Buffy and the continuation of her story.

This is just rampant specualtion... none of it will probably be right, and none of it it very logical. No one can really predict what will happen on Buffy... but it's half the fun trying, I guess...

I'm just very interested in how Joss will resolve the "slayer being sucked into hell" thread he developed in Fray. As of yet, it doesn't really make any sense... nor does Melaka's axe/stake weapon. I'm beginning to worry that these holes will be left open... but I desperately hope they will be at least touched upon or hinted at in Buffy's future seasons if there are to be more than one...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Friday, June 21, 2002 6:35 AM


The above Buffy / Fray speculation does tend to jibe with the recent quote from Joss:

Select to view spoiler:

(paraphrasing) "The next season of Buffy will end with an exclamation point and not a question mark..."



Friday, June 21, 2002 2:30 PM


Okay BS8 (either Buffy season 8 or Buffy saga 8) lets just all call it that BS8.
Either way, it is most likely it will continue as DAWN THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Gellar has said in an interview that she feels tired of Buffy, and her fiancee is pressuring her to leave buffy to star in movies, and she is now gonna be working on Scooby Doo 2, so she's already got work for next year. Remember, Dawn's blood was made out of Buffy's. That's why Buffy was able to sacrifice herself in The Gift. For more on this watch Blood Ties. Dawn has slayer's blood therefore, so counldn't the show continue that way?

So, On Dawn's show, who do you think would follow her there? (like on Angel: Cordelia, Wesley, Whistler was supposed to)
I'd suspect Xander since ya know, Nick Brendon has expressed he want to keep working there, and him and Dawn could work out, and I'd think Janice from All The Way, but ya never know.

Did ya all hear that "certain cast members have expressed they want out." I think Hannigan would be one, she's spent 7 years there incl next season. Caulfield will have only spent 3, and possibly Marsters will wanna be gone, he's been 6, but not full yrs.

ps. sry for long post

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 5:05 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Okay BS8 (either Buffy season 8 or Buffy saga 8) lets just all call it that BS8.
Either way, it is most likely it will continue as DAWN THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Gellar has said in an interview that she feels tired of Buffy, and her fiancee is pressuring her to leave buffy to star in movies, and she is now gonna be working on Scooby Doo 2, so she's already got work for next year.

Actually, Sarah Michelle Gellar was on Howard Stern a few nights ago, and she mentioned that she didn't intend to leave the show when Howard brought up the rumors of her leaving. She says "I take it year by year" and "at the beginning of every season we're all like, yeah, let's do another season. in the middle we're all... I don't want to do another episode. Then at the end we all are excited about a new season!" Besides, she *did* manage to do Scooby Doo 1 without taking time off from Buffy.


Remember, Dawn's blood was made out of Buffy's. That's why Buffy was able to sacrifice herself in The Gift. For more on this watch Blood Ties. Dawn has slayer's blood therefore, so counldn't the show continue that way?

But also remember that being the slayer is not genetic. Buffy was in line to become the slayer, just as Faith was. Dawn isn't Buffy... and just because they share similar blood does not mean that Dawn will be a slayer. Joss has said so directly. The only way I'd hope to see Dawn with powers is if the Key in her is unleashed, and she recieves a major power boost.


Did ya all hear that "certain cast members have expressed they want out." I think Hannigan would be one, she's spent 7 years there incl next season. Caulfield will have only spent 3, and possibly Marsters will wanna be gone, he's been 6, but not full yrs.

Where did you hear that? I haven't heard anything about that... though, I'd expect they would want to leave at this point in their career (except for Brendon and Marsters... their resumes, with the exception of Buffy, are fairly pathetic). Also remember what Brendon said at that convention in Australia? "People are going to die" is what he said.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:44 AM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
The above Buffy / Fray speculation does tend to jibe with the recent quote from Joss:

Select to view spoiler:

(paraphrasing) "The next season of Buffy will end with an exclamation point and not a question mark..."


It does indeed... this quote also adds to the jibe-age:

Select to view spoiler:

"But next year Buffy will be much less peripheral to the climax. The climax will be the biggest thing we've ever done."

My speculation is sounding more and more relevant, or maybe I'm just reading too much into things... again.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Saturday, June 22, 2002 12:12 PM



The oft-mentioned Dawn continuation/spin-off is problematic. How to explain Buffy's absence? I don't believe Joss will kill her off because it's been done (twice). The only storyline I can think of is that Dawn is sucked into a hell dimension -- ME does The Lost World.
Well, as they say, third time's the charm! Actually, I can just picture everybody standing around all teary, and Buffy's dying wish: "OK, we're not going to break any rules of nature this time, right?"

It's worth mentioning how Whedon pictures the post-Buffy world in Fray. (This is not a spoiler, it's part of the basic setup of the series.) We're told that "back in the 21st century" a Slayer (who may or may not have been Buffy) fought an epic battle with a huge army of demons, at the end of which both sides disappeared into an alternate "dimension" (hate that word, but it's standard Buffyverse jargon). After that, there was no more magic, no more demons -- and no more Slayers. Until Fray, who's the first Slayer in several centuries -- and the first Slayer since the beginning to have to work without the subconscious memories and skills inherited from her predecessors.


Saturday, June 22, 2002 2:22 PM


I'd like to know where you hear that. Btw, i know of the Stern interview, but she hasnt done just one interview. ALso, Prinze said many times many places, including on Last call on thurs that he wants SMG to stop doin buffy and do movies.
The other stuff u said i forgot so w/e. Try to know what yur talking about without complaining about me please.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 3:15 PM


I haven't heard anything. I don't watch/listen to talk shows. There are tons of rumors about what SMG wants or plans, but you know what they're worth. I just don't believe she'd want to do this one part forever. There's gonna come a time when she's run out of ways to play the role. Or it just stops being fun. After six years, I'd think that this time would be sooner rather than later.

Besides, she's going to have to move on eventually. Which is going to be really painful. She's going to have to prove that she can play other roles. (Well duh! We all know she's better than that. But if you look at the movies she's been in, you'll see that nobody in Hollywood thinks she has the depth of pancake.) That's gonna be hard, and she's better off doing it while she's young.


Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:46 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
I'd like to know where you hear that. Btw, i know of the Stern interview, but she hasnt done just one interview. ALso, Prinze said many times many places, including on Last call on thurs that he wants SMG to stop doin buffy and do movies.
The other stuff u said i forgot so w/e. Try to know what yur talking about without complaining about me please.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

If this was directed toward me... I thought I backed up my evidence pretty clearly... I only cited an article (from Joss), an interview (with SMG), and a convention article (from Nic Brendon) which can be found on the news section of this site. AND, with my last paragraph, I believe I agreed with your point.

And just because SMG's fiance wants her to stop doing Buffy doesn't mean she will. Last time I checked, Sarah and Freddie are not connected at the hip. What does mean something is that she may be getting bored with Buffy... but I haven't heard her say anything about that in *any* interview she's done. All I've ever heard from Sarah is glowing praise for her role.

Cool down, Furyfire ... just because I may have a different opinion than you do does not mean your opinion is wrong, so don't get so defensive! Especially when I was (mostly) agreeing with your post and simply offering a different stance on Sarah Michelle Gellar's place on Buffy in the future.

Another thing... you say that "you'd like to know where I heard that." What exactly are you refering to in that statement? I'd be glad to further explain any of my statements

If this wasn't directed toward me, well, then... forget I said anything

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Sunday, June 23, 2002 10:08 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
I'd like to know where you hear that. Btw, i know of the Stern interview, but she hasnt done just one interview. ALso, Prinze said many times many places, including on Last call on thurs that he wants SMG to stop doin buffy and do movies.
The other stuff u said i forgot so w/e. Try to know what yur talking about without complaining about me please.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

If this was directed toward me... I thought I backed up my evidence pretty clearly... I only cited an article (from Joss), an interview (with SMG), and a convention article (from Nic Brendon) which can be found on the news section of this site. AND, with my last paragraph, I believe I agreed with your point.

And just because SMG's fiance wants her to stop doing Buffy doesn't mean she will. Last time I checked, Sarah and Freddie are not connected at the hip. What does mean something is that she may be getting bored with Buffy... but I haven't heard her say anything about that in *any* interview she's done. All I've ever heard from Sarah is glowing praise for her role.

Cool down, Furyfire ... just because I may have a different opinion than you do does not mean your opinion is wrong, so don't get so defensive! Especially when I was (mostly) agreeing with your post and simply offering a different stance on Sarah Michelle Gellar's place on Buffy in the future.

Another thing... you say that "you'd like to know where I heard that." What exactly are you refering to in that statement? I'd be glad to further explain any of my statements

If this wasn't directed toward me, well, then... forget I said anything

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal

I'm not gonna dignify that with a response, and get rid of those kissy thingys! yeesh! Cousin Wade.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Wednesday, June 26, 2002 2:22 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

Originally posted by Hjermsted:
The above Buffy / Fray speculation does tend to jibe with the recent quote from Joss:

Select to view spoiler:

(paraphrasing) "The next season of Buffy will end with an exclamation point and not a question mark..."


It does indeed... this quote also adds to the jibe-age:

Select to view spoiler:

"But next year Buffy will be much less peripheral to the climax. The climax will be the biggest thing we've ever done."

My speculation is sounding more and more relevant, or maybe I'm just reading too much into things... again.

Actually, I think you're reading too much into things. Here's why:

Select to view spoiler:

Within the FRAY section of the Buffyverse, the portal that took away the Slayer in the past also removed all demons from the world as well. At least that's what it was supposed to have done.

This leads me to believe that it wasn't Buffy who accomplished this. Because if it were, and it occurred next season, what would happen to ANGEL, both the character and the series? The fact that it also seems to have removed the magicks of the world would prove particularly trying on the sister show.

Unless a) Joss deems ANGEL and BUFFY seperate realities at this point and wouldn't have the one affect the other, or b) Melaka's demon trainer in FRAY was wrong regarding the exact purpose of the portal opened in the past and it did nothing of the sort.

What are your thoughts on this bit of information? Is there a likely way around it, or ways that stretch too thin?


Wednesday, June 26, 2002 6:28 PM


Uhm, I don't think anything in the second Fray comic counts as a spoiler. They have to be assuming every Buffy fan is gonna read it.

Select to view spoiler:

But it's your thread, so I'll play by your rules. I don't see any conflict here. Remember, Buffy remains a Slayer for the rest of her life. So unless she encounters she gets killed yet again (would that be the third time or the fourth?), and irreversibly this time, she could be The Slayer That Ends Magic, ten, twenty, thirty years from now.

Of course, she can't do it before Angel and whatever other spinoffs they come up with (Spike and Dru, Vampire Bounty Hunters!) have run their course. So that just means they can't use this story to end Buffy -- unless they end all the spinoffs first, or at the same time.

Which is actually why this story will probably never make it to TV at all. Remember, Whedon doesn't own any of his TV characters -- the studio does. So they get that last word on what stories he can do. I haven't heard that they've tried to limit what kind of stories he does, but I think they'd draw the line at letting him put on a story that means no more Slayer, Vampires, or magic.






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