Best/Worst Spin-Off Ideas?

UPDATED: Friday, September 6, 2002 08:46
VIEWED: 12786
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Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:08 PM


I have heard a lot of talk about Spin-Offs on several different message boards and I'm fascinated by the idea. I'm curious what others think, and also, what do you think are the best and worst ideas for a spin-off?

I would love to see a withchy-Willow spin-off (I've never like the idea of magic=drug addiction storyline).

I've heard a lot of talk of a "Dawn the Vampire Slayer" spin-off, and I have really mixed feelings. My first reaction was HELL NO!!! but have heard a couple convincing arguments for it and now I think maybe... It's still open for debate in my mind.

We could grind our enemies into talcum powder with a sledgehammer, but, gosh, we did that last night.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:19 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I have mixed feeling about a Dawn spinoff as well. It's been there done that. What I would like to really see is a Faith: The Vampire Slayer movie. It has the potential of being very dark, very scary, and very adult because of the Faith character.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:33 PM


I think a better approach would be a spin-off mini-series or twice annual TV movie. As much as I looove the Whedon-iverse, I think five TV series will be enough (factoring in the BTVS animated show and BBC Giles). Don't want the shows to get too hard pressed for ideas.

Babylon 5 and Alien Nation have each gone the TV movie route and turned out some excellent shows.

I'd love to see a Faith mini-series or TV movie. A Willow TV movie would be grand as well.

How about a narrative TV movie detailing a particular occasion when Holtz got too close to Angel & Co. back in the last century? It could be a great Buffyverse period piece as opposed to the usual flashback. Heck, Holtz could meet an actual Slayer.

Speaking of which, past Slayers would play well in an anthology show (similar to the comic book Tales of the Slayer).

Moving away from the TV series philosophy would be a good thing. How many shows actually merit 22 hours a year (26 if you're Star Trek)? Not many! Some would say the last season of Buffy didn't merit that many episodes (personally I disagree). However, constructing mini-series instead of full series and one or two TV movies a year has the benefit of:

A. Higher budgets
B. Choosing the better realized stories.
C. Easier scheduling of the talent (many of whom are big movie celebs now and wouldn't have time otherwise)

I say NO MORE SERIES. Time to branch out and mess with the format, Jack!

These ideas are free. Take them and be rich!



Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:42 PM


Um, I'm really inclined to beg Joss for a FRAY television series based on the comic book. It's so amazingly good, and the character is quite different from Buffy.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:42 PM


There's been talk of a Fray movie (David Fury has been begging Joss to do it.) A Fray series won't be possible, if my guess as to what will happen a the story's conclusion is right.

David Fury has also mentioned wanting to do a Faith series and a Willow series.

If I were to do anything, it would be a Faith series. I'd send her out to Manhattan, where she'd meet up with Whistler (I think they'd be a *riot* together. No romance, though). I think a fugitive-esque, traveling from town to town, method... that way she'd have time to redeem herself and whatnot.

Willow looks to be getting a lot darker as a character, and while I originally thought that a Willow series would end up being a little too Sabrina-esque, with the current developments in her character it could now work.

Dawn The Vampire Slayer won't happen... it's just a dumb idea, IMO. She isn't a slayer, and the line isn't passed genetically (that and the fact that the line is passed through Faith... and Faith isn't dead.) Maybe "The Key" would be interesting, but I doubt it.

I think a "Tales of the Slayers" series would be very cool... each season could be the story of another slayer in Buffy continuum... it'd be a fresh idea, one that's never been done in America. Even a movie series like this would be cool.

Now, on the Angel front, a series about Lorne would be the most interesting, IMO... but I won't get into that...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 20, 2002 5:32 PM


I would LOVE to see a Slayer Anthology series -- perhaps a limited-run.

FRAY ANIMATED. Live-action would be prohibitively expensive.

I want to see RIPPER here in the U.S. if it ever gets going.

Since Willow is no longer a witch, Spike is now the only character who can carry his own show, IMO. He could probably be in a spin-off w/ Dawn.

--- Joe


Thursday, June 20, 2002 6:20 PM


Spoilers/speculation for Fray, Buffy Season 7, and Spinoffs

Fray Speculation... not confirmed, but spoilers should be on regardless...

Select to view spoiler:

My guess is that Fray will die at the end of the comic book run. Buffy is unique in how long she's lived (mostly due to the help of her friends)... most slayers die relatively quickly, and I can't imagine a neutered slayer like Fray (with basically no friends) could live longer than the average chosen one.

Buffy Season 7/ Potential Willow Spin-off

Select to view spoiler:

I think Willow will still be a witch. Next season is supposed to involve Willow off in England with Giles. My Speculation: Either she's developing mega-powerful good magic with the coven mentioned in Grave by Giles, or she's training to be a watcher.

Either way, she's still gonna be some majorly powerful figure in the Buffy-verse.

Another thing I forgot to mention is... Sarah Michelle Gellar has said that she will not be in a Buffy movie if one is ever made (meaning, one'll never be made). She says that it's a slap in the face to the medium that they've been working in (TV) and something that just wouldn't work as a major motion picture. Maybe she'd do a TV movie? Her main gripe seemed to be a theatrical release, so a TV movie/movies/mini-series could be possible(Source on Sarah's stuff: Wanda from E!Online)

SO... If Joss wants to continue the slayer mythos past the Buffy series and on the big screen, it'd have to be with a different slayer... like an adaptation of Fray.

Personally, I think that when the Buffy story comes to an end, none of the main characters should be spun off (no Willow series, not Spike series, no Dawn series). The reason the characters work so well is that they compliment eachother perfectly. Without any of the other characters, I doubt they could support a story. The end of the series will probably be the end of Buffy and Company's story...

The *only* Buffy related figure that I feel could realistically support a series post-Buffy is Faith, and Eliza Dushku is becomming too big a star to return to TV as a more-than-recurring character. If a series were to develop based on Faith, it would be Faith's story... not the continuation of a Buffy story, much like Angel is the story of Angel's "family."

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Friday, June 21, 2002 2:40 PM


I think a Dawn spinoff would be great, it would be a whole different way to explore the teenage years, considering also that Dawn would have absolutely no family. Since Buffy would be gone or dead.

No other characters would work in a spinoff.

Spike: The character has pretty much been used to his full potential. ANy spinoff would be too close to ANGEL, a vampire with a soul. Nah.

Willow: Hannigan wants to move on, and she should, but Willow has stopped with the magicks, Tara's dead, not much left for her, in BS8 she'd have a job by then since she's graduating in S7.

Xander: What does he do?

Buffy: Dead. Gone. Either way. This show ends with her, she's not spinning her self off.

Anya: Yeah she's bak with the demonic stuff, but any vengeance wreaking we've either seen or heard about, and her and Hallie aren't gonna carry a show.

Dawn: All the potential.

ps. Cya yall soon

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Friday, June 21, 2002 6:20 PM


Any Buffy (real Buffy) is better than no Buffy. In order: I'd like to see s8, 9, 10, etc. If not, then a set of mini-series sounds great. Whether they're her real reasons or not and whether she'd stick to it, I agree with some of what Sarah says about a Buffy movie. That's a last resort.

As far as character's supporting spinoffs, I agree with what some others have said. To combine a couple of idea: Spike's the only character who could carry a show, but he doesn't have a show to carry. AtS is already doing the vamp-with-a-soul shtick. (Assuming, as I very much hope, that Spike is at least still a vamp.)

I'm not a Dawn-hater, though she tried my patience this season, but I wouldn't watch a show centered on her. The other Scooby's, shining through at the end of this season or not, are sidekicks for a reason - integral to the Slayer's strength and success, but still sidekicks.

The only hope is a new show based in the Buffyverse, like a past/future Slayer show... or Faith. And Faith would be a smash. I'd love to see that. Before Angel took a dive, it was supposed to be a dark adult show about an almost anti-hero in heavy self-conflict on the mean streets of a major city. Faith could completely pull that off. I also like the idea of a very adult movie based on something similar. If we can't bring ED back to the show, maybe we can take the show to her as a movie.


Friday, June 21, 2002 6:58 PM


I've heard Joss mention that he imagined a Faith spin-off would be kinda like Renegade. Of course, a Faith series won't happen unless Dushku wants it, but she's busy with the movies.

Also, I've mentioned already the slayer anthology series. Of any possible spin-off, this would be the one that I would most look forward to.

--- Joe


Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:45 AM


Here's my favorite spinoff fantasy. Spike gets arrested. He's thrown into a cell with Faith. A guy comes in, says they're both gonna get paroled and he's their parole officer. The PO is a demon, of course.

Except, as everyone keeps pointing out, ED has other comittments. (At least that's the official story. And she is doing a lot of work. But no starring roles. Nothing like the exposure she was getting on Buffy. I have to wonder if "has other comittments" isn't the Hollywood equivalent of "left to spend more time with his family" which is what corporation say when they fire an exec.) So no Faith.

Still, it would be fun to see Spike cut loose from the Scoobies and teamed up with somebody more like him.

Another possibility is something centered around Dawn. Actually, that's not a possibility, that's a certainty -- no way Fox will close down the show when SMG leaves, and that can't be more than a year or two away. Somehow, I don't find myself looking forward to that. I like the character, and I like the actress. But how much can you do with a show about somebody's little sister?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:54 AM



Originally posted by MarinO:
Um, I'm really inclined to beg Joss for a FRAY television series based on the comic book. It's so amazingly good, and the character is quite different from Buffy.

When I think of Fray, I think movie. All that futuristic stuff begs for a big screen and a bigger special effects budget.

Tempting to play "Who plays Melaka Fray?" Top of my list:

Fairuza Balk. But Whedon would probably prefer someone less well known.


Saturday, June 22, 2002 2:14 PM


IS she well known? Never heard of her.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 3:41 PM


Jeez, where ya been? The Craft.

American History X

Lots more:


Not to mention that when you go to her web site


You get an audio greeting that ends, "Blessed be"! Who better to play a post-apocalypse slayer?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:23 PM


Fairuza Balk has the look, but she's a little old (28). And she's not well known at all. Those films are years old. Her last, to my recollection, was ALMOST FAMOUS, ironically enough. I remember her long ago in that RETURN TO OZ(?) movie ... that brings back memories.

Out there suggestions:
--Eliza Dusku as Fray would be perfect, but obviously... Goes to show how similar Faith and Mel are. At the Comicon last year, a fan commented on the similarity and Joss answered that he was a hack. LOL
--Jennifer Garner, though she doesn't have the tough street girl look.
--Jessica Alba, but Joss, in his own words, only works with real actors. And he hates DA -- he conspired to get it cancelled for chrissakes!!
--Maybe we'll see if SMALLVILLE's Kristen Kreuk has range? Okay, now I'm beginning to sound ridiculous.

--- Joe


Saturday, June 22, 2002 6:54 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

--Maybe we'll see if SMALLVILLE's Kristen Kreuk has range? Okay, now I'm beginning to sound ridiculous.

No no no... ridiculous be you not! I think that if Kreuk's hair were ratted up, her make-up toned down, she was made to look a bit dissheveled, a scar was planted above her lip, and she worked out a bit, she'd, physically, be great for the role, IMO (so maybe that's a lot of "ifs" ) Can't say much for her acting ability, as she's been good-girl Lana Lang and a Disney Snow White so far in her career...

Eliza Dushku would be great.

Linda Cardellini might work.

If Thora Birch were still built like she was in American Beauty, I think she could have played Fray.

I think that if Fairuza Balk were about 10 years younger she'd be an excellent choice... as long as she wasn't wearing all that goth-y make-up.

Rose McGowan, maybe? If she were 10 years younger?


--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:09 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

--Eliza Dusku as Fray would be perfect, but obviously... Goes to show how similar Faith and Mel are. At the Comicon last year, a fan commented on the similarity and Joss answered that he was a hack. LOL

I don't see that much similarity between Melaka and Faith. They're both streetwise two-fisted babes who like a tough crowd, true. But Faith is impulsive, sexually charged, self-destructive. Melaka is calmer, more detached.

--Jennifer Garner, though she doesn't have the tough street girl look.

So what else does she have going for her? A few fight scenes in a bad tv spy story don't make her an action hero.

--Jessica Alba, but Joss, in his own words, only works with real actors. And he hates DA -- he conspired to get it cancelled for chrissakes!!

I hear he was on the grassy knoll too! Anyway, here's a hot flash: JA can't act.

--Maybe we'll see if SMALLVILLE's Kristen Kreuk has range? Okay, now I'm beginning to sound ridiculous.

I'm not going there!

--- Joe


Sunday, June 23, 2002 8:51 PM


My 2 cents:

DEFENITELY a slayer anthology series. Have any of you guys read the buffy novel, 'Tales of the Slayer, Vol 1'?? I didn't think I would like it at all, but i'm hangind for vol 2 now. There's a comic series about other slayers too I think, 'The Lost Slayers'? I think at least, I haven't read any, but i've seen them in a comic book shop, but they might have been called something else, i'm not big on comics. 'The Book of Fours' was also very, had a lot of slayer history in it. I just love slayer history! Does noone else get excited about this?



Monday, June 24, 2002 12:12 PM


MMmmmmm... Fairuza...


I think that if Fairuza Balk were about 10 years younger she'd be an excellent choice... as long as she wasn't wearing all that goth-y make-up.

First, Even if she is 28, I still think she looks pretty young. Maybe not high school young, but definitely not washed up old has-been.

Second, Mmmmmm.... Fairuza! ;) I think she's gorgeous, even (especially) with the gothy makeup. Faith always did the sister of darkness thing, and I think it worked. I think that Fairuza's dark gothy ways would work nicely in the buffy-verse.

Just relax, and take your pants off.


Monday, June 24, 2002 1:08 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
I think that Fairuza's dark gothy ways would work nicely in the buffy-verse.

Just picture her saying "I do not know you am not lying. Where'd you learn to talk?" I think we have our Slayer!

I don't think the Slayer has to be a teenager. Hey Buffy is 21 already, and SMG is a couple years older than that. Besides Fray is obviously someone who's been around the block more than a couple times.


Monday, June 24, 2002 6:09 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
Second, Mmmmmm.... Fairuza! ;) I think she's gorgeous, even (especially) with the gothy makeup. Faith always did the sister of darkness thing, and I think it worked. I think that Fairuza's dark gothy ways would work nicely in the buffy-verse.

Maybe so... but I don't see Fray as a goth chick at all. She's more of a hardened tomboy who's been kicked around most of her life and has gotten strong because of it. She's had a tough life and knows how to be strong. The majority of "gothic" kids are pretentious little whiners who take their simple little lives for granted (not all, but most fall into this category)... certainly *not* the hardened street kid-type that Melaka is described as.

I think that Fairuza would be an amazing slayer, just not Fray... (maybe an 80's punk slayer chick?).

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:41 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
Maybe so... but I don't see Fray as a goth chick at all. She's more of a hardened tomboy who's been kicked around most of her life and has gotten strong because of it. She's had a tough life and knows how to be strong. The majority of "gothic" kids are pretentious little whiners who take their simple little lives for granted (not all, but most fall into this category)... certainly *not* the hardened street kid-type that Melaka is described as.

Good summary of Melaka.

I think that Fairuza would be an amazing slayer, just not Fray... (maybe an 80's punk slayer chick?).

Where is it written that FB can only play Goth Chicks?


Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:19 AM



I want to see RIPPER here in the U.S. if it ever gets going.

Join the club! I can't wait for this one.

i think that hydrant wasn't there


Sunday, June 30, 2002 2:23 AM


I'd like to see Spike in a spinoff, but he'd have to be different than Angel in order for it not to seem like a similar series. Maybe he could be changed back to the way he was, & it could be "Spike, the Punk Rock Vampire"!



Sunday, June 30, 2002 10:09 AM



Originally posted by tlsmith1963:
I'd like to see Spike in a spinoff, but he'd have to be different than Angel in order for it not to seem like a similar series. Maybe he could be changed back to the way he was, & it could be "Spike, the Punk Rock Vampire"!


Yeah, Spike is every right-thinking fan's first choice for a spinoff. But how to do it without recycling Angel?

Got it! We recycle the X Files instead! Spike gets drafted by two government agents who need his help investaging the paranormal. We won't call the Muldar and Scully, but the woman will definitely have to be a redhead! Consider the potential for inside jokes!


Sunday, June 30, 2002 12:55 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

If Thora Birch were still built like she was in American Beauty, I think she could have played Fray.

Uh, you're thinking of how fat she looked in Ghost World. It's my understanding that she put that weight on deliberately.


If I were to do anything, it would be a Faith series. I'd send her out to Manhattan, where she'd meet up with Whistler (I think they'd be a *riot* together. No romance, though). I think a fugitive-esque, traveling from town to town, method... that way she'd have time to redeem herself and whatnot.

I'm told that Whistler was supposed to be on Angel, but by the time the show got going Max Perlich was "unavailable".

And as for Eliza Dushku... You know, I'm getting suspicious of all the actors that are "too busy" to be on Buffy and Angel. Max Perlich, Eliza Dushku, Seth Green, Joel Gray...

And then there are all the dead people. OK, so dramatic necessity killed them off. But in some cases (Lindsey Crouse in particular) they seemed in an aweful hurry to do die.

I've come to suspect that there are a lot of Hollywood actors Joss Whedon really doesn't like to work with. I think these are people who want to have a lot of creative control over their own characters. Which most TV producers don't mind giving up. But not Whedon. His shows are his creation. He can delegate, but not give up control. And some of the problems with Season 6 might stem from his inability to delegate as much as he should.

Anyway, I don't want to point fingers. We all know how Whedon lost most of the creative control of the Buffy movie to other people, especially to Donald Sutherland, who insisted on writing a lot of his own dialog. Now, this is not a bad thing in itself -- a lot of good movies are made with this kind of decentralized creativity. And I still think Buffy was a good movie -- it just wasn't the movie Joss Whedon wanted to make.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 1:11 PM


The most obvious spinoff is a new slayer. Buffy died and that's how that first other slayer came around. Kendra? And then whe nshe bit the dust it was Faith.




Saturday, July 6, 2002 1:13 PM


The same goes with a replacement if Ms. Gellar leaves the show.


Me Again.


Sunday, July 7, 2002 4:15 AM


You know in response to the person who said that Eliza hasnt appeared on either shows because Joss wants control over his characters, I think you may have a point. Either way I'm getting a feeling Eliza's absence isnt of her own accord- I read a recent interview in which she basically said that she loves the show and its writing, but hasnt reappeared because the writers simply havent asked.

She was originally to be a regular on Angel but declined because of the pressure and working hours, so they put her in a coma (Faith, not Eliza, though that would have been amusing). Then when she was ready to come back, so were they, so she did the Buff season 4 stuff. She then thought she was gonna be recurring in season two of Angel, but she had different ideas of where Faith would end up emotionally to them, and what they came up with she didnt like and so didnt appear. She's hinted at this several times- jsut browse some interviews on the net and there is lots of things to suggest this. I'm probably wrong though (usually am).

As for a Faith spin off, I love the character but I'm not sure it'd work as a series unless they had compelling supporting characters. Perhaps one or more Slayer/s in waiting could join her. That'd be interesting as one could be trying to resist their duties, and is therefore desperately making sure Faith doesnt die in case she is called next, and another could be really into it and trying to kill Faith so she can be Slayer next! Or, the Watcher's Council could be constantly trying to capture and stop her, believing her to be evil. I'm a budding screenwriter and think that idea has tons of potential! Maybe after they truly discover she's no longer evil, they could keep attempting to impose authority and new Watchers, to her suspicion and annoyance. Harmony could be a recurring character too, can you imagine those two together!? Dru would be great too, seeing as she killed her predecessor.

As for the Dawn idea, I think it could be interesting. Dawn was essentially created from Buffy, so it could be about Slayer traits emerging and Dawn trying to control them. Sunnydale High is apparently being reopened in season seven, which I dont get. Dawn obv goes to another school so whats the point?? And if they transfer Dawn there, then get Buffy or another Scoob a job at the school, I will never watch again!! I can smell the cheese from here!!

Stay kooky.


Sunday, July 7, 2002 5:58 AM



Originally posted by kookytree:
You know in response to the person who said that Eliza hasnt appeared on either shows because Joss wants control over his characters, I think you may have a point. Either way I'm getting a feeling Eliza's absence isnt of her own accord- I read a recent interview in which she basically said that she loves the show and its writing, but hasnt reappeared because the writers simply havent asked.

She was originally to be a regular on Angel but declined because of the pressure and working hours, so they put her in a coma (Faith, not Eliza, though that would have been amusing). Then when she was ready to come back, so were they, so she did the Buff season 4 stuff. She then thought she was gonna be recurring in season two of Angel, but she had different ideas of where Faith would end up emotionally to them, and what they came up with she didnt like and so didnt appear. She's hinted at this several times- jsut browse some interviews on the net and there is lots of things to suggest this. I'm probably wrong though (usually am).

That's probably right. Also, the writers say Faith is too important a character to just deal with in a one-off. They'd want to give her an arc, which has to be planned months in advance. But she says she can't guarantee them anything that far ahead because she might come across a movie that she wants to do instead.

I'm sure some of it, too, is just Eliza wanting to distance herself from the bad girl typecasting.

--- Joe


Monday, July 8, 2002 10:28 AM


Has Eliza ever played anything but a bad girl? Even in True Lies she was a pick-pocketing smart ass, and in Bring it On, she was the one who stood up to the rest of the team and told them they were hacks. Of course, this is what I like about her so far. She's got spunk.

I'd just be interested to see if she could pull off another type of roll. Could she be sweet and innocent? Could she be a straight and narrow, bookish nerd? I'd like to see her try some new stuff.

Five by Five


Monday, July 8, 2002 1:10 PM


I haven't seen most of ED's work, but the answer is probably No. Hollywood has her typecast as a Bad Girl, and that's that.


Monday, July 8, 2002 1:32 PM


She apparently played a good girl in The New Guy. At least, that's what she kept saying back when it was first released and she was doing the talk show rounds.

There's "This Boy's Life" where she played a good girl. Of course, she was about 10.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generatorâ„¢
Faith: All these little cuts and bruises just bring out the mother in me.


Monday, July 8, 2002 3:09 PM


ED was in this movie called THAT NIGHT when she was young (13 or so). She played a very sweet character. Dumb movie, but she wasn't bad in it. I'm certain she's capable, but she just has the bad girl look. Can't escape it.

--- Joe


Monday, July 8, 2002 3:28 PM


I haven't seen TNG, but it sounds like her character is The Bad Girl with a Heart of Gold. Which is close enough to The Bad Girl to not matter.


Monday, July 8, 2002 7:13 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
I haven't seen TNG, but it sounds like her character is The Bad Girl with a Heart of Gold. Which is close enough to The Bad Girl to not matter.

Not like it matters. She's not a great actress to begin with. I ended up seeing Soul Survivors tonight. She's supposed to be a badass girl, which she's usually good at... but she sucked until the character turned into Faith.

I like ED, though... and maybe the new Robert Deniro project will offer a good performance? Something tells me to doubt it.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generatorâ„¢


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 4:46 AM


Hmm, maybe that's why she keeps having "scheduling conflicts" that keep her away from Buffy. I think she's a decent actor, but she never blows my socks off the way some of the others routinely do.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 12:19 PM


A Dawn spin-off would be pointless. What would it be about? I can only take so much of her whining and complaining about life.

I would kill to see a Fray movie/spin-off/cartoon/mini-series. I love the comic book; Joss is able to take what he already has and make something completely new. A Faith spin-off would be cool to see. They haven't explored her character that deeply and it opens up a whole bunch of possibilities.

Ripper sounds good. When it makes it out of development heck, I would love to see it.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 1:19 PM



Originally posted by Ness:
A Dawn spin-off would be pointless. What would it be about? I can only take so much of her whining and complaining about life.

Please. That's what 15-year-old girls do. Especially second children. Especially when big sister is a superheroine. She'll grow out of it.


I would kill to see a Fray movie/spin-off/cartoon/mini-series.

It's a movie or nothing. The comic book works because Whedon and that cartoonist love to play with big three-dimensional action. No way you can reduce that to a TV screen.

A Fray movie would cost a lot to make. It'd be like the city scenes in AotC, only for the entire movie! So it'll be a while before it happens, if it ever does. But if Firefly is successful, I imagine backing will be forthcoming.

Assuming Whedon can find the time to write and direct. If anybody else tries to make it, it'll be a waste of film stock.


Friday, September 6, 2002 8:46 AM









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