Season 6 WAS good, no really...

UPDATED: Monday, July 8, 2002 11:34
VIEWED: 19321
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Friday, June 21, 2002 3:09 PM


S6 is triumphant. The outblast of fans is due to the fact that it didnt focus on Buffy as muh as other seasons did, such as S5 which was basically entirely the Summers family. This year, and especially this finale let the other characters shine, and i have to say that Anya seems far more developed even from an ep like Older and Far Away, watch her in that one. Spectacular. Xander rose to the top, finally doing something worthwhile, and BEING THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD. And since he was the only one who could, it is even sweeter. Dawn is getting more fighty, yeah Tara's gone, but maybe that'll give Willow some more different stories, ans yeah Buffy felt the pain of leaving heaven for this cruel world, but she knows she can live again...unless she dies at the end of S7, which i think is unlikely now sine the writers did all this work bringing her back, how will they end it(if it ends with S7).

Jossy's original idea to end Buffy was the Hellmouth sucking in the whole world, but that would end Angel which Joss wants at least 6 seasons out of he said. Or maybe Greenwalt said that, but his future is up in the air now b/c of Miracles, anyway... S6 was spectatcular in developing out beloved characters, lets just anticiapte next year.

Nuf' said.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 12:47 PM


Well, I mostly didn't like S6. To be precise, I didn't like most of the story between Amy's return (which is when the season should have really taken off) and the appearance of Dark Willow.

Which kind of throws a spoke in the standard theory that the season was "too dark". Sure it was dark, but was it any darker than when Buffy went to fight The Master knowing she was going to die? Or when she had to abandon everything she loved in order to save the world from Angel?

I really looked forward to seeing Dark Willow, and she was as good as I expected. But I didn't enjoy her brief career all that much. I was just too disappointed with the lame way they built up to it. When Willow says to Giles, "Maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off." there's a promise of long dark journey to Dark Willow.

Which promise is broken. Instead we get lame recycled soap opera. Addiction. Who's dreaming about whom? Fear of Commitment. Will I turn out like my parents? Will They Get Back Together? And finally, Tara's ridiculous death.

OK, I accept that they had to kill off poor Tara. But I'm sorry, that was a stupid way to do it. There's no room for guns in the Buffyverse. If bullets trump magic, why isn't everybody armed like an Arnold Swarzenagger character?

That's what it all comes down to, a failure of imagination. Which is a strange thing to say about the most imaginative show on TV. (Ever? Yeah, I guess so.) Maybe they realized they were caught in there own "raising the bar" trap, and just decided not to try to top themselves. So, yeah, we'll do a completely original Big Bad (have to do that), but we won't focus on her, avoid comparisons with Glory and Mayor Wilkins and Evil Angel.

Presumably it was some choice like that. I hate to think they let the season spin out of control just because they had too much going on.

Oh well, never mind. It's all done with now. When does Firefly start? I WANT TO SEE FIREFLY ALREADY


Saturday, June 22, 2002 2:09 PM


Between eps 12-19 i thought were good, being trapped in the house was a nice ep same with Riley's return, but they seemed more focused on one thing. The wedding, mental institution, and the aftermath was spectacular. I wish UPN would have held the whole buffy could just be mental ep until after the 6week hiatus. Buffy framed for murder was absolutely essential, and those seven eps i mentioned right there, it really furthered the stories. My fav ep this season would be the wedding, well done.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 3:27 PM


So basically, you liked all the episodes I hated. Well, Riley's return was OK. So was the trapped one. But "OK" is the best I can do.

I really liked "Normal Again" -- until that stupid, stupid, STUPID ending. It wasn't even an ending, it was a stupid extra scene they tacked on trying to be cute.

Hell's Bells. What a disappointment. Yeah, it was nicely staged and had some good dialogue. And I'm not going to quibble with the ending, which served some higher purpose -- I hope. But couldn't they have found a way to break up Xander and Anya that didn't totally ignore the way the two characters had developed?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:25 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
So basically, you liked all the episodes I hated. Well, Riley's return was OK. So was the trapped one. But "OK" is the best I can do.

I really liked "Normal Again" -- until that stupid, stupid, STUPID ending. It wasn't even an ending, it was a stupid extra scene they tacked on trying to be cute.

Hell's Bells. What a disappointment. Yeah, it was nicely staged and had some good dialogue. And I'm not going to quibble with the ending, which served some higher purpose -- I hope. But couldn't they have found a way to break up Xander and Anya that didn't totally ignore the way the two characters had developed?

Agreed. Although, when you say the Riley return ep was ok, I'll go out and say it was horrid. Another attrocity was Dead Things (ok plot; horrible, horrible execution with *amazingly* lame dialogue.)

I liked Older and Far Away (the house one), though it was poorly paced and executed as though it were a series of non-connected scenes. There was a lot of great dialogue, though.

I agree with your estimation of Normal Again. It was a great episode (except for some corny dialogue at the beginning... and isn't the whole thing with Tara that she had no other friends? But I digress) until that ending. I was thinking about it for days... and it nearly ruined my enjoyment of the entire series.

To tell you the truth, I enjoyed everything up to Smashed... and then there was Wrecked (yuck!) and from Wrecked until Normal Again, the story was very bad (except for Gone and Doublemeat Palace). Basically, if the season had condensed Dead Things, Older and Far Away, As You Were, Hell's Bells into one big package written by Joss, the season would have been great. (Ironically, this was around the same time Joss was off filming Firefly and couldn't be on set... and where I believe the season got out of control, only to be redeemed by the last 5 episodes).

Now that I think about it... there were only five episodes that didn't fit very well into the season.

My feeling about the season: It was my favorite to date, containing some of the singularly best episodes of the entire series (After Life, Life Serial, Once More With Feeling, Smashed, Seeing Red, Two to Go, and Grave). Even though the story started to get out of control around episode 13 and produced some of the singularly worst episodes of the entire series (Wrecked, Dead Things, and As You Were), the utter goodness of the earlier and later episodes more than make up for the badness of the mid-season. Buffy gained a sense of visual maturity and experimental spirit in season six that I believe will make season 7 better than anything preceeding it. Some of the writers' experiments failed miserably, but even more succeeded and will add a new spirit to the rest of the series. Season 6 was a necessary evil (I, as expressed above, loved most of it) that served as a sort of transitional piece, much like season 4 (though, season 4, in my eyes, was an absolute failure save for 5 episodes), and will lead into some of the best the elements (visually and storytelling-wise) the series has to offer.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:51 PM



I liked Older and Far Away (the house one), though it was poorly paced and executed as though it were a series of non-connected scenes. There was a lot of great dialogue, though.

I thought OaFA was the absolute worst episode of the season. Words cannot express...


I agree with your estimation of Normal Again. It was a great episode until that ending. I was thinking about it for days... and it nearly ruined my enjoyment of the entire series.

I loved the ending of NA. Don't be a literalist.


Basically, if the season had condensed Dead Things, Older and Far Away, As You Were, Hell's Bells into one big package written by Joss, the season would have been great. (Ironically, this was around the same time Joss was off filming Firefly and couldn't be on set...

Actually, I believe he was filming FIREFLY in Feb/March during the evil (re: loquacious) Willow arc. OTOH, he would be busy with pre-production during that time.

ADDING: I think the midseason slump can be attributed to Buffy's endless rut. She had an epiphany of sorts at the end of every ep (Gone, DT, OaFA, AYW), and each time we expected a lighter mood, but instead she just sinks lower. The emotional arcs of all the characters (Dawn especially) just weren't meaty enough for a 22-ep season. Everyone's spinning their wheels until the end.

--- Joe


Saturday, June 22, 2002 4:58 PM



Actually, I believe he was filming FIREFLY in Feb/March during the evil (re: loquacious) Willow arc. OTOH, he would be busy with pre-production during that time.

Well... then... *Dylan's Head Explodes*

I guess I was wrong But yeah... pre-production and what not... (so I wasn't *totally* wrong, right? RIGHT!?!)

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:25 AM


Oh, please. Season 6 sucked rocks. Sluggish pacing, dull acting, and some of the worst writing I've seen this side of Dawson's Creek. Dammit, Marti Noxon! Didja think we would just sit back and accept the drug-addiction-metaphor tripe you fed us? The ONLY good parts of S6 were the ep where Tara died and, of course, "Once More, With Feeling".

Joss, please come back. PLEASE.


Sunday, June 23, 2002 10:06 AM


Funny you'd bring up Dawson's Creek. Didnt the writer of Normal Again write an ep of Dawson's Creek this season?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Sunday, June 23, 2002 10:58 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

I loved the ending of NA. Don't be a literalist.

Jeesh, what's that supposed to mean? We shouldn't care because it's all just a story anyway?


Sunday, June 23, 2002 2:12 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Funny you'd bring up Dawson's Creek. Didnt the writer of Normal Again write an ep of Dawson's Creek this season?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

Hmm... IMDB credits the writer (Diego Gutierrez http://us.imdb.com/Name?Garc%EDa+Guti%E9rrez,+Diego ) as a Dawson's Creek writer and the writer of Buffy's "Normal Again." He's also been Joss Whedon's Writing Assistant since Season 3 (if you scour the ending credits, you'll see ).


--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Monday, June 24, 2002 8:44 AM



Didja think we would just sit back and accept the drug-addiction-metaphor tripe you fed us?

I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! Although I'm not sure it was all Marti's fault. I've heard Joss quoted as saying that he worked very close on all the story arcs for S6. So even if he didn't write the episode, that doesn't mean he didn't approve of the willow/junky thing.

Of all the things to have someone get addicted to... MAGIC??? It's a show about vampires and demons. Magic has been a part of it from the very beginning. The entire season, the only thing that really put me off was the whole magic junky storyline. Willow was this amazing strong character, and her magic has been helpful, even saving the day when Buffy could not. And then they take that away from her. What will Willow be next season? back to the lovable but helpless computer geek she was in S1? I have to say that I didn't really find Willow to be that interesting a character until she started standing up for herself and standing on her own. I love her stubborness when Buffy would try to shield her from the evil and Willow would jump into the fray with her magicks anyway, or get pissed at Buffy for trying to hold her back. Yes, Buffy is the Slayer. But she is not the only powerful being. And I think that the show will suffer tremendously if Willow goes back to a magic-free lifestyle.

Unfortunately, making the connection between Magic and Drug addiction pretty much blocks them from pursuing a magical storyline with Will. For example, if she had a drinking problem, and she "kicked the habbit", they would never show her casually drinking a glass of wine, because she's an addict... she can't enjoy a casual glass of wine like other, non-addicted people. Same with magic now. Because of her addiction, she won't be able to cast even simple protection spells anymore. I think they definitely could have handled it differently.

Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?


Monday, June 24, 2002 9:09 AM


As they say over in Rush Country, Ditto. Magic Addict Willow was lame for all the reasons you mention. Plus it destroyed the impact of Evil Willow. Every Buffy season leads up to the Final Confrontation With The Big Bad. Screw that up and you screw up the whole season.

It gets worse. All though the summer of 2001 fans were driving themselves crazy with the big question: How will they bring Buffy back? They made it very clear with Joyce that ressurection is a no-no. There has to be a trick, a price, something.

After a while it seemed like the price would be the effect it had on Willow, by seducing her to the dark side. But then they simply abandoned that concept, and went with something recycled from an After School Special. Very sad.


Monday, June 24, 2002 9:30 AM


Buffy The After School Special:

They have always done this. Season 2, she lied to go to a party where she drank alcohol and was nearly eaten by a snake monster.

Dawn lied about staying at a friends house and was nearly eaten by a vampire.

Buffy and Riley were having too much sex, and they unleashed the repressed spirits of past inhabitants of Riley's dorm who attacked partygoers and kept Buffy and Riley locked in his bedroom (even if they didn't notice they were locked in).

Buffy drinks beer with some guys from school, they all turn into neanderthals.

Even things as mundane as Buffy sneaks out of the house, Buffy gets grounded. or Buffy causes problems, Buffy gets kicked out of school.

But so far, they have all been real problems. Teenagers lying to their parents CAN lead to bad things (maybe not snake monsters, but the kids can get themselves hurt). Drinking CAN lead to stupid behavior. Getting caught up in the passion of a new relationship does put strain on friendships.

But why Magic? Other than this particular Magic=Meth/Heroin/Crack season, when has Willow's magic been anything but helpful to the Scoobs? And if Magic really were this big scary villain, how come Giles and Tara still used it?

Risk? Of what? Making her deader?


Monday, June 24, 2002 10:43 AM


Yeah, of course we all know he was jossy's assistant. Brett Matthews is now, and he posts on the firefly off. site, chek it out there.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Monday, June 24, 2002 11:26 AM



Buffy The After School Special:

They have always done this. Season 2..

Hmm, I don't think that episode had any particular moral. Or if it did, it wasn't "Don't hang out with guys who are too old for you, or you'll be eaten by a big snake"!

Sure Buffy uses themes from ordinary life, and they're mostly themes that have been in other TV shows. But there's usually an original spin to it. That's why Buffy has such a wide audience.

Willow Addict, on the other hand, is a standard-issue soap opera story with minor repackaging. Which is the sort of crap you see on every TV show except Buffy. Which makes it all the more disappointing.


Monday, June 24, 2002 3:35 PM


Point: Magic is POWER. And all Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Take a look at congress for awful examples.

Jeff Timm
Who is careful with what little power he has.


Monday, June 24, 2002 5:59 PM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Point: Magic is POWER. And all Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Take a look at congress for awful examples.

The thing is... they didn't play the power addiction angle. I think it would have been fascinating if the drug metaphor would have been left as sub-text, with the real issue being her addiction to power and the corruption that absolute power brings.

It may not be all Marti Noxon's fault, but I will probably hold her resonsible for the major flaw in the season. She wrote the *only* episode that blatantly compared magic to drugs (Wrecked), and she did it in such a tasteless and *obvious* way that it was utterly ludicrous. In my eyes, the rest of the season was a cover for Marti's screw-up in Wrecked. I may be totally off on this, maybe none of it was Marti's fault and it was all orchestrated by Joss, but until this is proven to me, I will hold her mostly responsible for the most uninteresting (read:annoying) aspect of Buffy to date.

Normally, I try to draw parallels to "Dark Age" from season 2 (the Ethan Rayne episode where we discover Giles had a negative experience with magic somewhat similar to Willow's story), or I try to explain it as "but Willow was using a destructive type of magic, and Tara had been using a "good" type of magic which Willow had been using up until this season," but I've given up on trying to justify Willow's addiction. I didn't like it at all... I'd go as far to say that I hated it.

One thing about Dawson's Creek... I don't see a comparison. DC is about "good" kids doing "good"/"normal" things and developing "normal" drama through their actions. Buffy, this season, was about good kids doing very very bad/not normal things and developing "dark" drama through their actions (that's right, drugs/magic and rape are not that common... and certainly not things dealt with on Dawson's Creek). Therefore, Buffy has more in common with trashy soap operas than Dawson's Creek.

Don't get me wrong, most of the season, I felt, was amazingly well done and incredibly powerful;however, when Wrecked aired, the series degraded tremendously (with the exception of "Gone" and "Doublemeat Palace") to a low level it has rarely reached in its six season run. During these episodes, it felt like I was watching the aforementioned "trashy soap opera." Only when Normal Again aired did the series return from it's mid-season hell and really start to take off again.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:46 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Point: Magic is POWER. And all Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Take a look at congress for awful examples.

Jeff Timm
Who is careful with what little power he has.

Still in the same political rut, I see. But you have a point. And that's the way they started to portray Willow at the beginning of Season 6. Too bad they didn't stick with that.


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:56 AM


But they did play the magik/powerful angle, ie. when Willow threatened Giles with her power in Flooded. I agree with the other guy, who said that? Tiny Tim? sry

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:04 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
But they did play the magik/powerful angle, ie. when Willow threatened Giles with her power in Flooded. I agree with the other guy, who said that? Tiny Tim? sry

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

That may be the case for the beginning of the season, but if you actually watch Wrecked and anything following it, you'll see that they left that angle in the dust.

Adds to the point that I believe it was Marti's fault. Everything leading up to Wrecked alluded to power addiction, but once Wrecked aired... oops, magic is now literally addictive. And *gasp* it has the same physical effects as heroin!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 12:40 PM


Well, it was a little more complicated than that. We got "Willow has an addictive personality" and Tara as an example of somebody who "can handle it".

Except a good Mutant Enemy story shouldn't need that kind of psychobabble!


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 5:19 PM


What about GONE? Willow felt helpless without the aid of her magicks until she finally took some intitiative in tracking down the nerds. Gone was after Wrecked. (Duh!)

She knew Tara loved her for who she was, so she gave up magick to give up the power and because the girl we know and love. ONce Tara died, she had no use for remaining magick-free and non-powerful, and went completely pumped of power and on the whole dark vengeance spree.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 6:13 PM


Season 6 spoilers... read at your own risk!


Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
What about GONE? Willow felt helpless without the aid of her magicks until she finally took some intitiative in tracking down the nerds. Gone was after Wrecked. (Duh!)

By "Gone" do you mean the same "Gone" where Willow is carrying around a water bottle because she is in obvious physical withdrawl? How about "Doublemeat Palace" when Willow highlights her entire book because she can't concentrate due to her *physical withdrawl*? In Wrecked, Amy experiences *physical withdrawl* when she visits Buffy's home to take the oregeno (a *stupid* scene, btw)... then there are the strung-out kids in Rack's waiting room, who are experiencing the same effects of a *physical addiction* to heroin... and don't get me started on Willow's contrived little decision to take Dawn to Rack's "lair," an act that reaks of *physical addiction.*

If you're denying the fact that magic was *directly* related to drugs during this season, then you are either blind or horribly, horribly naive. PEOPLE DON'T SUFFER PHYSICAL WITHDRAWL WHEN THEY ARE DENIED POWER.

Whether or not she was power hungry is not what I'm arguing. I believe that during "Two To Go" Willow did indeed become power hungry... and the same power-crave was alluded to in the episodes prior to Wrecked; however, anything following and including Wrecked abandoned the power angle and never again alluded to Willow being power hungry... at least not until "Two To Go," when she drains Rack. This is how I saw it, and this *is* an objective matter. Read whatever the you'd like into those episodes... I don't care how you saw it.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 27, 2002 7:38 AM


Shut the up! You're shoving words into my mouth that I didn't say. What the are you talking about??? Pleeze, never do that again.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Thursday, June 27, 2002 8:46 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Shut the up! You're shoving words into my mouth that I didn't say. What the are you talking about??? Pleeze, never do that again.

You crack me up, Furyfire

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 27, 2002 8:57 AM


Stop witht e damn kisses. Are you gay?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:19 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Stop witht e damn kisses. Are you gay?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

Somebody has orientation issues!


Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:32 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Stop witht e damn kisses. Are you gay?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

Somebody has orientation issues!

:jumps out the window:

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:37 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:

Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Stop witht e damn kisses. Are you gay?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?

Somebody has orientation issues!

Well... you know what they say about homophobes!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:51 AM


Ya mother
I'm not gay! Ya crazy son of a

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:04 AM


I can just feel the love in this thread.... It's beautiful.

Note to self: learn to duck.


Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:12 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
I can just feel the love in this thread.... It's beautiful.

Note to self: learn to duck.

hehe... yup, bushels and bushels of love If by love, you mean intollerance and hillarious irrationality, that is

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:23 AM


Oh well, rationality is so overrated. My roommate, Elvis, does just fine without it. Yes, that Elvis!


Thursday, June 27, 2002 11:40 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Oh well, rationality is so overrated. My roommate, Elvis, does just fine without it. Yes, that Elvis!

You live with Elvis ?
Are you gay or somthing?

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

Finds himself much funnier than he probably should...


Thursday, June 27, 2002 1:25 PM


These animated smileys are getting out of control...


Thursday, June 27, 2002 1:27 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
These animated smileys are getting out of control...

Ahh... for sure they will soon take over the board!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 27, 2002 7:29 PM



all hail to the smileys!



Friday, June 28, 2002 5:11 AM


Oi, i wish i wuz dead

While yu nerds piss over this, I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend


Friday, June 28, 2002 5:55 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Oi, i wish i wuz dead

While yu nerds piss over this, I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend

Hey, no need to go into denial! Nowadays no right-thinking person objects to alternative lifestyles!


Friday, June 28, 2002 9:50 AM


An important link for FF:


No need to thank me! It's enough to know that I helped a fellow human being reach his full potential!


Friday, June 28, 2002 9:52 AM


!!!!!!!!!! Go piss yurselfs, and stop with the hellddiddily hell kisses. ACKen arg!

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Friday, June 28, 2002 9:54 AM


Still in denial, I see. Oh well, you can say we didn't try to help!


Friday, June 28, 2002 9:55 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
An important link for FF:


No need to thank me! It's enough to know that I helped a fellow human being reach his full potential!

sry to dble post. but,

GAYDAR! What the squawken bawken crocken gayness are yu????? :bask:

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Friday, June 28, 2002 9:59 AM


OK, we have to cut this discussion short. All this laughing is aggravating my asthma!


Friday, June 28, 2002 3:24 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
OK, we have to cut this discussion short. All this laughing is aggravating my asthma!

LOL! Me too!

I especially found humorous the part where he said he was going to go have sex with his girlfriend. Hahaha!

Come on, Furyfire... we all know you're just playing hard to get. Here's something for the road, FF...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

still finding himself a little too funny

This one's for Furyfire...


Saturday, June 29, 2002 9:38 AM


F'n homos. How bout you go yourselves with your homo erotica nerdish ways and leave me and my gf alone. And yes, I did go f&*( her befo.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 29, 2002 10:57 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
F'n homos. How bout you go yourselves with your homo erotica nerdish ways and leave me and my gf alone. And yes, I did go f&*( her befo.

Definitely this guy has issues. Maybe we should back away before he gets violent.


Saturday, June 29, 2002 1:06 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Definitely this guy has issues. Maybe we should back away before he gets violent.

True, he may go out and drag some college boy behind his truck and beat him to death to take out some of his aggression.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

Ducks rotten fruit

This one's for Furyfire...


Saturday, June 29, 2002 1:09 PM







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