Buffy to continue without SMG?

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 09:53
VIEWED: 6508
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Wednesday, July 10, 2002 11:01 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Saw the below at SCIFI.COM. If memory serves me, which it often does not, I think this is the first real indication that BtVS might continue without a Buffy.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Enterprise helped boost UPN's ratings among total viewers last season by 15 percent, Variety reported. The fifth season of Buffy, which moved to the Smackdown network from The WB, and the premiere season of Star Trek spinoff Enterprise also helped UPN see a 13 percent increase in adult viewers 18-49 and a 19 percent hike in adults 18-34 in the 2001-'02 season, the trade paper reported.

In all three categories, UPN bested its archrival The WB. But UPN's other pickup from The WB, Roswell, tanked in the ratings and wasn't renewed, the trade paper reported.

Looking ahead, it's an open question whether Buffy will continue after UPN's deal with the show's producer, 20th Century Television, expires next spring. Star Sarah Michelle Gellar has been publicly noncommittal about returning for the 2003-'04 season. But Buffy creator Joss Whedon has been planning for such a possibility and might be inclined to continue even without Gellar, the trade paper reported.


Wednesday, July 10, 2002 11:54 AM


Sorry Haken, but that's a long way from "real indication". Anyway, there have always been stories and rumors about SMG wanting to move on. Some of them stronger than this, but mostly just people talking. Whedon himself has talked about how he might keep the show going without her. But no specific plans.

Read somewhere that Faith was invented so they'd have a backup in case SMG bailed. Not sure I believe that.


Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:10 AM


I read so many buffy websites and articles that it's hard to remember where I read what... but I have this undying non-love for Freddie Prinze Jr since I read that part of SMGs non-commital to Buffy is that Freddie would rather she focus on movies. All I have to say to that is he is NOT someone I would take career advice from. Has he EVER made a good movie? EVER? I do not like that guy.

Really? Me? I'll crack him like an egg.


Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:44 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
I read so many buffy websites and articles that it's hard to remember where I read what... but I have this undying non-love for Freddie Prinze Jr since I read that part of SMGs non-commital to Buffy is that Freddie would rather she focus on movies. All I have to say to that is he is NOT someone I would take career advice from. Has he EVER made a good movie? EVER? I do not like that guy.

Really? Me? I'll crack him like an egg.

Oh, sweet jebus... If SMG is taking career advice from FPJ, she's more of an idiot than I took her for. FPJ is a flash in the pan Frat Pack butt nugget, destined to make quasi-humorous teen/college movies until he's too old and busted to do so, then they'll try to promote him to his over-the-hill fans through bad sitcoms or maybe a Showtime drama.

SMG, as we've discussed before, is wasting her ample talents with the caca movies with which she continues to involve herself.

(BTW, I saw Scooby Doo, which wasn't nearly as abysmally, gut-wrenchingly, vomit-inducingly horrible as I thought, but still was certainly no better than the best of her other tripe films.)

Damn, I'm hard on her. I feel bad, because I genuinely like her work, and from what I've seen of her in interviews, she seems interesting and somewhat cool. However, she seems determined to undermine her career at every turn with these rotten scripts.

That girl needs to stick with Buffy until she gets her head on straight. Of course, getting her head on straight would be the only thing to keep her on Buffy, I guess...

SMG is doing more entertaining, more meaningful, and just plain better work on the worst episode of Buffy than Freddie Prinze Jr. has done in all his movies put together.

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Thursday, July 11, 2002 12:01 PM


Looking forward to Dawn the Vampire slayer!

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:55 PM


Panny I love you like ... well, I won't say a sister, I can't get along with mine. Let me just say I like to hear you speak your mind. Usually. But this time..

WHERE DO YOU GET OFF LECTURING A COMPLETE STRANGER ON HER CAREER STRATEGY? You have no authority on this subject. How much do you know about this person's actual personal life? How many movies or shows have you been in? How many casting couches have you danced around? How many cattle calls have you been to?

And, pray tell, what exactly is the secret of infallibly getting cast in good parts in good movies? No, better not tell us. Go become an agent -- you'll make a mint!


Thursday, July 11, 2002 2:53 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Panny I love you like ... well, I won't say a sister, I can't get along with mine. Let me just say I like to hear you speak your mind. Usually. But this time..

WHERE DO YOU GET OFF LECTURING A COMPLETE STRANGER ON HER CAREER STRATEGY? You have no authority on this subject. How much do you know about this person's actual personal life? How many movies or shows have you been in? How many casting couches have you danced around? How many cattle calls have you been to?

And, pray tell, what exactly is the secret of infallibly getting cast in good parts in good movies? No, better not tell us. Go become an agent -- you'll make a mint!

Look, Ziccy, I love you too, but SMG's track record speaks for itself. Whereas I'm not sure what kinds of offers she may have gotten in the time since Buffy started, I'm thinking that if Michelle "Dawson's Creek" Williams or Jordana "As The World Turns" Brewster or any number of teen/20 something actors working on shows that aren't even as reputable as Buffy can get quality roles in quality films, that SMG can get work in better movies than the ones she's chosen.

That's right, chosen. I'm not in the film industry, I'm not an actress, but I do know this: Nobody's holding a gun to SMG's head telling her to be in movies like "Simply Irresistible" and/or "Scooby Doo" (which, btw, I maintain are a waste of her significant talent). She ain't starvin', since I'm sure she's making a decent wage from Buffy and Maybelline, etc. So why can't she hold out for a really good movie?

I'm not lecturing SMG. SMG, if you're reading this, I'm very surprised. (And be aware that I love you, I think you're talented and hot. I've already been over the career advice.) However, I do have opinions about the use of her talent. She chose to put herself in the public domain, and that is going to lead to criticism *and* praise. Quite frankly, if she (or her fans) aren't prepared for anything but an SMG worship fest in which we genuflect before posters of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Scream 2", then they probably shouldn't be frequenting the internet at all.

I respect your love for SMG, Ziccy, I really do, but you should save your vitriol for someone else.

No hard feelings, though.

Yeah, and Swan's Crossing sucks too (though I'll give her that one since I'm pretty sure it was a major stepping stone in her career)!

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Thursday, July 11, 2002 3:31 PM



WHERE DO YOU GET OFF LECTURING A COMPLETE STRANGER ON HER CAREER STRATEGY? You have no authority on this subject. How much do you know about this person's actual personal life? How many movies or shows have you been in? How many casting couches have you danced around? How many cattle calls have you been to?

Well I can still call her hypocritical though. She's said in interviews various things about "honing her craft" and yet she is supposedly going to be leaving Buffy to be doing dreck like Scooby Doo ? She is also showing a pretty lousy eye for scripts (I can and will say that). Before she did Scooby Doo she had a truly open shot to be in Independent films to really hone her craft and get her greater respect as an actress. And she does Scooby Doo instead? Well that's one way to close yourself off from "important" films for now and ever (I hate that too but the people who make decisions on these type of things will end up believing that people wouldn't take their movies seriously with the female lead from Scooby Doo in them).

Her problem is the same one Tom Selleck (an earlier actor who had the same problem she has of being over identified as their character) had in the 80s/early 90s in that she seems to be looking for that sure "box office" win instead of just appearing in good movies. Selleck career flamed out for a good long while before making a semi-comeback in the 90s with stuff like IN and Out (which he has followed by going into semi-retirement) which involved taking the kinds of chances he should have been taking *much* sooner. Unless Sarah realizes this her career is liable to go in much the same manner as Mr. Selleck's (with Scooby Doo being her Three Men and a Baby) which will be more than a bit sad.

"Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong." - Janeane Garofalo, from "Feel this Book"


Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:34 PM


Looks like it's been pretty quiet the last couple of days...

I've already said my peace on SMG's career. I did want to say that Ebert apparently loved HARVARD MAN. He thought it was "smart." OTOH, Roeper thought it was "despicable and loathesome." The funny part was when Roeper says, roughly, "When you see Rebecca Gayheart pull out that FBI badge ... CHARLIE'S ANGELS was a documentary."

A word on Freddie Prinze, Jr -- he was actively campaigning for the role of Peter Parker in SPIDER-MAN(!). For an idea of how sickening Prinze as Parker would look, watch BOYS AND GIRLS, where he played a nerd (re: he wore glasses and grew out his bangs). Thankfully, Sam Raimi never even considered him.

--- Joe


Thursday, July 11, 2002 7:48 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

A word on Freddie Prinze, Jr -- he was actively campaigning for the role of Peter Parker in SPIDER-MAN(!). For an idea of how sickening Prinze as Parker would look, watch BOYS AND GIRLS, where he played a nerd (re: he wore glasses and grew out his bangs). Thankfully, Sam Raimi never even considered him.

--- Joe


[weighing one in each hand]

Freddie Prinze Jr., Tobey Maguire... Freddie Prinze Jr., Tobey Maguire...

Tough call.

*sniffsniff* Smell that? That's sarcasm.

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Friday, July 12, 2002 6:00 AM



That's right, chosen. I'm not in the film industry, I'm not an actress, but I do know this: Nobody's holding a gun to SMG's head telling her to be in movies like "Simply Irresistible" and/or "Scooby Doo" (which, btw, I maintain are a waste of her significant talent). She ain't starvin', since I'm sure she's making a decent wage from Buffy and Maybelline, etc. So why can't she hold out for a really good movie?

Well, I'm not likely to see either of these movies (if SMG had played Velma, the part she originally tried out for, I might be tempted to see Scooby Doo). But you know, when she signed up to be in them, neither had she. These movies were just scripts, or even treatments, possibly quite different from what actually came out.

And what do you know about metaphorical guns-to-the-head? It's not just about money. It's about dealing with pressure from studios, agencies, and a lot of other people who work in a very nasty business -- and whom she will have to please if she wants to keep working after she leaves Buffy. I don't know what specifically motivated SMG to make the choices she made -- but they're pretty damn common choices. Look at the utter crap Patrick Stewart has been in. Look at Jamie Lee Curtis (Jamie Lee Curtis!), making yet another Halloween movie.

And consider, how many good roles are there? Especially for blandly pretty starlets whose resume consists of soap opera, makeup commercials, and a TV show with a silly name.

Fact is, Hollywood does not give young actresses a good shake. I can't count the ones I've been fans of who've had their moments an then basically disappeared from view. Molly Ringwald. Ally Sheedy. Linda Kelsey. Michelle Meyrink (have you seen Real Genius?). Kristine DeBell. It's a long list.


Friday, July 12, 2002 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Well, I'm not likely to see either of these movies (if SMG had played Velma, the part she originally tried out for, I might be tempted to see Scooby Doo). But you know, when she signed up to be in them, neither had she. These movies were just scripts, or even treatments, possibly quite different from what actually came out.

Oh, come on, Ziccy... drop the straws and quit grasping. The very idea of playing Daphne in a Scooby Doo movie should be enough for someone who wants to garner respect for her craft and her career to say "no". As far as Simply Irresistible, I'll give you (though I heartily doubt) that it may have been Oscar material when she agreed to do it. However, that still doesn't explain "I Know What You Did Last Summer", "Scream 2", or "Scooby Doo". I sincerely doubt that the original drafts that she read of these scripts were Oscar material.


And what do you know about metaphorical guns-to-the-head? It's not just about money. It's about dealing with pressure from studios, agencies, and a lot of other people who work in a very nasty business -- and whom she will have to please if she wants to keep working after she leaves Buffy. I don't know what specifically motivated SMG to make the choices she made -- but they're pretty damn common choices. Look at the utter crap Patrick Stewart has been in. Look at Jamie Lee Curtis (Jamie Lee Curtis!), making yet another Halloween movie.

And consider, how many good roles are there? Especially for blandly pretty starlets whose resume consists of soap opera, makeup commercials, and a TV show with a silly name.

I don't know... seems like other young women her age seem to be able to find them, even if they have to turn to the *gasp* independent circuit (oh no, less money!). At this point, you're right, she'll be hard pressed to get a role of quality, because she's allowed herself to be typecast as a bimbette, and few people in the film world are going to recognize her talent now because she's obscured it with her 'blandly pretty starlet'-ness.


Fact is, Hollywood does not give young actresses a good shake. I can't count the ones I've been fans of who've had their moments an then basically disappeared from view. Molly Ringwald. Ally Sheedy. Linda Kelsey. Michelle Meyrink (have you seen Real Genius?). Kristine DeBell. It's a long list.

Fact is, it seems like the women you've listed weren't stellarly talented. Ally Sheedy, who actually is quite active in the independent film circuit from what I understand, allowed herself to be just another member of tbe Brat Pack, choosing movies highly unwisely. To paraphrase Nate, she started making the right choices for her career a little late in the game. SMG has something raw that needs to be shaped, but instead she's coasting on the success of Buffy and the financial successes of the cheesy movies she's been in. Again, I'll name for you Michelle Williams, Jordana Brewster, Katie Holmes (who while she's been in her share of cheese, has made real efforts to be in serious works as well), Christina Ricci (sure, she's respected now, but she was Wednesday in the Addams family to start, remember), and a number of others. These women took risks, were in movies that didn't stand to be blockbusters, and their craft is improving. Will they be Meryl Streep when they grow up? Maybe not. But maybe they can be Lili Taylor, and if you really care about art, that's not a bad place to be at all.

demand more.

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Friday, July 12, 2002 9:44 AM


Hey there! I'm not a big fan of the Addams Family movies, but they didn't quite suck either. I particularly like Christina Ricci in them. Matter of taste I suppose.

Which makes me think that you're judging actors solely by the movies they've been in, which you judge solely by whether you personally liked them or not. Pretty subjective.


Friday, July 12, 2002 9:52 AM


*sigh* I guess you and I are just doomed to disagree no matter the situation . Oh well, once more into the breach and all that...


Well, I'm not likely to see either of these movies (if SMG had played Velma, the part she originally tried out for, I might be tempted to see Scooby Doo). But you know, when she signed up to be in them, neither had she. These movies were just scripts, or even treatments, possibly quite different from what actually came out.

Yes but if she was really serious about becoming a great actress she wouldn't sign to do Scooby Doo. This has nothing to do with the fact that it was just a script but more a recognition of an obvious pattern. Namely, that if *every* single effort at taking a cartoon into live action in the 90s (and possibly the 80s if you hated Popeye) has resulted in braindead films then it is purely common sense to assume that the next film of this type will also be braindead. I'm in some agreement with you on Simply Irresitable as I'm willing to believe that, as a script, it might have come out far better than what we got (and admittedly the movie wasn't *that* bad).


And what do you know about metaphorical guns-to-the-head? It's not just about money. It's about dealing with pressure from studios, agencies, and a lot of other people who work in a very nasty business

I'm sure the agency is happy enough with her. As for the studios? If various other people from TV are in position to turn down braindead roles then I'm sure Sarah is as well. Out of the various people from WB shows that I can recall only James Vanderbeek (star of the loathsome Dawson's creek) has shown as bad an eye for projects as Sarah (I mean even Katie Holmes got to be in Wonderboys for crying out loud). So I'm sure she is getting just as many good offers as they are. The question is why isn't she taking them instead of making junk like Scooby Doo (film elistism rules! ).


-- and whom she will have to please if she wants to keep working after she leaves Buffy. I don't know what specifically motivated SMG to make the choices she made -- but they're pretty damn common choices.

No they aren't. Even Ryan "worthless" Phillippe has made better choices then her (something that I will get back to in a moment). Edited to add (since I forgot to get back to this): If Mr. Phillippe can get a decent sized role in Altman's Gosford Park then why can't Ms. Gellar seem to get anything good?


Look at the utter crap Patrick Stewart has been in. Look at Jamie Lee Curtis (Jamie Lee Curtis!), making yet another Halloween movie.

I won't address Curtis though when she was Sarah's age she made *excellent* choices (thus her making another Halloween movie could be a result of the scarcity of roles in Hollywood for Women over 40 that are not Meryl Streep). Stewart on the other hand I can say something about. A brief look at imdb shows the following since 1998:

Lion in Winter, The (2003) (TV) .... King Henry II

Well he's playing Henry the II and he has an executive Producer credit for the same. I'd say this is somewhat presitigous considering.

Water Warriors, The (2003) (voice)
X2 (2003) .... Prof. Charles Francis Xavier/Prof. X

A sequel to a movie that was pretty okay the first time around. I'm not saying this is truly worthy of him *but* it is a better vechile than anything Sarah has chosen (with the possible except of Cruel Intentions).

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) .... Captain Jean-Luc Picard

YEs another Trek sequel. On the other hand he might have felt some obligation or been under contract to do them.

King of Texas (2002) (TV) .... John Lear

Fairly well regarded adaptation of King Lear. Not great but it certainly wasn't horrible (though it wasn't Kurosawa's Ran either).

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) (voice) .... King Goobot

A voice role in a successfull picture that got nominated for best Animated Feature at the Oscars
X-Men (2000) .... Professor X/Professor Charles Francis Xavier

See the comments on The Sequel.

Christmas Carol, A (1999) (TV) .... Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge

Got a 7.3 rating on imdb *and* got him nominated for an award from the Screen Actors Guild.

Animal Farm (1999) (TV) (voice) .... Napoleon

Voice over work in a middling adaptation. On the other hand it gets "prestige points".

Prince of Egypt, The (1998) (voice) .... Pharaoh Seti I

Voice over credit in an *excellent* animated feature. If they had an award for best animated feature this probably would have gotten nominated.

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) .... Captain Jean-Luc Picard

See the comments about the other Star Trek film.

Safe House (1998) (TV) .... Mace Sowell

No comment other than that everyone can be allowed to make 1 mistake.

Dad Savage (1998) .... Dad Savage

This didn't get the highest rating but it does get points for ambition considering that some comments stated that it aspired to be an English Reservoir Dogs.

Moby Dick (1998) (TV) .... Captain Ahab

Yet another worthy adaptation of a classic.

Plus this is ignoring his well regarded stage work (I forget the exact play, possibly Mechant of Venice) that got good comments.

Thus I don't see where you are getting the name Patrick Stewart from (unless you are talking his extensive use of Voice work for video games).

"Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong." - Janeane Garofalo, from "Feel this Book"


Friday, July 12, 2002 9:59 AM



Hey there! I'm not a big fan of the Addams Family movies, but they didn't quite suck either. I particularly like Christina Ricci in them. Matter of taste I suppose.

Which makes me think that you're judging actors solely by the movies they've been in, which you judge solely by whether you personally liked them or not. Pretty subjective.

Well we are talking basically about someone's career path here (especially since it seems that we are basically in agreement on Ms. Gellar's talent) and in doing so all we can discuss *are* they're previous roles and films. I'm not saying that Ms. Ricci didn't show talent in the Adams Family movies but I *will* say that they would act as a hinderance in trying to get "serious" work. Much more so than appearing on an acclaimed dramatic TV series (silly name or not).

"Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong." - Janeane Garofalo, from "Feel this Book"
edited because I can't type right


Friday, July 12, 2002 2:49 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Hey there! I'm not a big fan of the Addams Family movies, but they didn't quite suck either. I particularly like Christina Ricci in them. Matter of taste I suppose.

It's not a matter of whether or not I liked the Addams Family (which I did quite a bit, as it happens). It's more a matter of the esteem that the Addams family would have to the people who would make the films that Ricci *would* want to be in (the Ice Storm, the Opposite of Sex, etc), which is low, low, low. Summer blockbusters based on old TV shows are not considered art. In the film world (and this I know from being a review-a-holic and a pop-culture junkie), such movies are looked at (at best) as sort of the Britney Spears or *Nsyncs of the industry, whereas better films (such as the Ice Storm, etc) are looked at as the Tori Amoses, Tools, and other such artists who are critically acclaimed for the quality of their music and lyrics, but don't have as much commercial success.

My point is that if you're in something like the Addams Family, you're probably at even more of a disadvantage than someone who's on a highly successful and well-made television series. Also, taking into account Ms. Ricci's look, which is highly unconventional, we know that SMG is not at some kind of physical disadvantage.


Which makes me think that you're judging actors solely by the movies they've been in, which you judge solely by whether you personally liked them or not. Pretty subjective.

Your assumption is incorrect. I happen to like a lot of really bad movies. I actually didn't hate Scooby Doo- I'm rather indifferent to it. It was a bad career move for SMG regardless of my feelings toward it. The same goes for all of her other work since starting Buffy, with the exception of Cruel Intentions, which despite being mainstream, was well made and fairly respectable as far as films go. I think if anyone's being subjective here, Ziccy, it's you.


"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Monday, July 15, 2002 2:14 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Here's more info concerning a Buffyless Buffy.



Joss Whedon, creator of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, told SCI FI Wire that he's leaving open the possibility of carrying on the show after next year, even if star Sarah Michelle Gellar decides not to renew her contract, which expires at the end of year seven. Meanwhile, regular cast member Emma Caulfield, who plays Anya, told SCI FI Wire that she intends to leave the show after the end of the seventh season, which kicks off Sept. 24, but added that every other cast member has already signed up for year eight.

"I'm game for almost anything," Whedon said in an interview, when asked if he'd go on without Gellar. "It's an incredibly strong ensemble. It's a very strong mythos. It's a huge universe we've created and an incredible cast of actors. So there are definitely opportunities for different kinds of shows."

Earlier, Buffy executive producer Marti Noxon told SCI FI Wire that she thought the show could continue without Gellar in the lead. For his part, Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) said that he thought season seven would be the show's last. Gellar has made plain her desire to move on after the show's seventh season ends, whether the show goes on or not after that.

Similarly, Caulfield said she's gone after next year. "Uh-huh," she said in an interview. It's "my last year. It depends on whether or not the show goes beyond a seventh season. Sarah has not signed on. The rest of the cast has signed on for an eighth season. I have not. I'm leaving. I'm done. It's just time, you know? It's been five great years. But it's sort of like, I use the analogy of, like, high school. ... Four years. It's time to graduate, you know? It's time." Buffy airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:16 AM


Speaking of Patrick Stewart...
Anyone remember the movie Jeffrey? He was one of my favorite characters in one of my all time favorite movies, and he gives, I think the best quote of the whole movie:

"Can I do this? or do I look like a Gay Superhero?"

I'm like a superhero or something.


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:39 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
Speaking of Patrick Stewart...
Anyone remember the movie Jeffrey? He was one of my favorite characters in one of my all time favorite movies, and he gives, I think the best quote of the whole movie:

"Can I do this? or do I look like a Gay Superhero?"

I'm like a superhero or something.

Boooob... of COURSE I remember Jeffrey! Love it, too... :D

Me love Patrick Stewart as gay man. Must rent film to watch again...

Bob, have I mentioned you're the bomb lately? Well, you are.

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:56 AM



Originally posted by Pandora:

Boooob... of COURSE I remember Jeffrey! Love it, too... :D

I'm hoping that is pronounced Baaaaaahhhhb and not Boob.


Originally posted by Pandora:
Bob, have I mentioned you're the bomb lately? Well, you are.

Thanks, Pandy. I think you're pretty swell yourself. Seems like we have pretty similar taste in movies. If you were local, I'd ask to take you out to one.

And how long have you known that your girlfriend's Tinkerbell?


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:13 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:

Originally posted by Pandora:

Boooob... of COURSE I remember Jeffrey! Love it, too... :D

I'm hoping that is pronounced Baaaaaahhhhb and not Boob.

note to self: Baaaaaaaahhhhhb, not Boooooob...


Thanks, Pandy. I think you're pretty swell yourself. Seems like we have pretty similar taste in movies. If you were local, I'd ask to take you out to one.

And how long have you known that your girlfriend's Tinkerbell?

Bob, you're both incorrigible and lovely. If you're ever in Jersey...

(I love the fork!)

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:24 AM


I'll be in NYC next month... close enough to Jersey?

bob wonders if asking a girl out on a message board is weird....

Nowhere like the Hellmouth for a party.


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:40 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
I'll be in NYC next month... close enough to Jersey?

bob wonders if asking a girl out on a message board is weird....

Nowhere like the Hellmouth for a party.

Well, usually yes... however, I'll be in Miami at that point. (grr!)

And yes, message board dating is a little weird...

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:53 AM



Originally posted by Pandora:

Well, usually yes... however, I'll be in Miami at that point. (grr!)

And yes, message board dating is a little weird...

Ooooh.... Bob has been SHOT DOWN! bummer.

Miami is awesome. you moving there, or vacationing?

What else would I want to pump you for? I really just said that, didn't I?


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:19 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:

Ooooh.... Bob has been SHOT DOWN! bummer.

Miami is awesome. you moving there, or vacationing?

Shot down never! You know I love you bob. And Internet dating is supremely weird!

Miami is prettty awesome... I am vacationing for an extended period of time. Sorta. Long story.


"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:48 PM



Originally posted by Pandora:
Originally posted by Shot down never! You know I love you bob. And Internet dating is supremely weird!

she loves me!

And hey, who said anything about dating? I was just looking to get a little. (just kidding!) bob dives for cover under desk and tries to snicker quietly enough to not get caught.

Wrong? Why? How did you play doctor?


Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:02 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:

Originally posted by Pandora:
Originally posted by Shot down never! You know I love you bob. And Internet dating is supremely weird!

she loves me!

And hey, who said anything about dating? I was just looking to get a little. (just kidding!) bob dives for cover under desk and tries to snicker quietly enough to not get caught.

Wrong? Why? How did you play doctor?

Ohhh, bob, you're hankerin' for a spankerin'...


"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies
and the baby looked at me." -Ralph Wiggum


Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:53 AM



Originally posted by Pandora:

Ohhh, bob, you're hankerin' for a spankerin'...


I've been told that before...
Then they never call.

Well, I'd be willing to bargain down to 'eccentric' with an option on 'cool.'






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