UPDATED: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 00:53
VIEWED: 12036
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Friday, December 5, 2003 1:50 AM


Which episode do you think is the best episode of all time?
I loved converasations with dead people, and storyteller, and of course once more with feeling! But i love tabula rasa, family, intervention, restless and the freshman too. its so hard to decide, but i think my very very top one would have to be Once More With Feeling.

what do you think?


Friday, December 5, 2003 5:59 AM


My favorite is also Once more with Feeling, i also really loved the Zeppo, the first season episode when Buffy realized must die when battling the Master really Showcased SMG talent oh and the Thankgiving one very trenchant dialouge i quote it all the time.


Friday, December 5, 2003 9:55 AM


Hands freakin down - Bad Beer.
Runner up? Gentlemen Callers/Hush.

Does it make me warped that the ONLY time I found Buffy attractive was when she was 'cave buffy' ?

The beer episode has a special place in the hearts of me, my girl, and two friends cause at the end, listening to that dorks ludicrous, phony 'apology' we were expecting the usual round of pathetic forgiveness that validates such slime, and thus were chanting "hit him, clout him, do him in!" like an angry mob of rabid soccer fans....

When she bonked him we started cheering, it was kinda freaky, but then, I have some pretty bloodthirsty friends.

Beer good, yellow, foamy, com-for-ting...



Friday, December 5, 2003 11:40 AM


More accurately, they're all tied for #1 but if I had to break it down:

1. Hush -- I can create a new Buffy convert by showing them this episode (commercial free works best).
2. The Body -- I can relate to this one far more than I'd like to be able to. Powerful stuff
3. Once More With Feeling -- Before it premiered I was VERY concerned this would suck. Silly me. This musical is just brilliant.
4. Dopplegangland -- Evil Willow rules our dimension (or tries to anyway).
5. The Zeppo -- Sexually aggressive Faith. Need I say more?

Actually, I love ALL of the Buffy episodes except for the hyena one which I thought was way too cheesy. Cheesier even than the one with the dummy.



Friday, December 5, 2003 6:19 PM


I did not start watching Buffy regularly until 'Hush'. It's not the best hour of TV I've ever seen, but it has stuff as clever as the statue of Jayne. I liked the 'let's go do it.' motion that Anya shows Zander.

I'ts really that episode that started me on the path to Firefly and my commentary project.



Tuesday, December 9, 2003 9:01 PM


definitely Once More With Feeling. That goes so above and beyond that I can't even compare the rest of the eps to it. It's simply brilliant and never loses its power no matter how many times I watch it. Other favorites are Hush, Selfless, Fool For Love, Passion, Restless, many more...

She's terse. I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic.


Wednesday, December 10, 2003 1:53 AM


it's so weird. i heard so much praise for "once more with feeling" and i really looked forward to seeing it and then i did - just yesterday - and it didn't reach me at all. they all sing nice enough some more than nice and the story was ok and the secrets told were fitting and interesting but it never reached me. the music was cheesy and just so very mediocre lalala music it was actually getting on my nerves. but that's just me maybe. there seem to be millions of fans out there that really love it so it can't be real.

i watched "tabula rasa" right after and it was really good. made me feel better even if it was sad. not to disappointed any more.

...and "beer bad" is my second last best liked ep up to now (does that make sense, sounds almost bufyyish). her hitting parker in the end was a good thing but all the rest of the ep was just lame.
worst is "homecoming". buffy lost so much of my respect in that one i can't begin to tell. can't watch it again i think or i would really start looking down on her and thet's not good for the rest of the series.

the best in my humble oppinion would be "passion" i think. such a strong ep about all the different forms of passion. passion of love, passion of hate, passion of grief. it's all about emotions and how they try to be your master and rule your life. and how you have to sort them out and keep on going. it doesn't make too much sense all on it's own so I don't think it would be a good ep to take someone into the universe of buffy but embedded in the second season arc it's just awsome.

but there really are lots of good ones. funny ones and sad ones and ones that get you thinking and feeling. it's a good show. I will wait a while before i decide if it will become the third series that I declare myself a fan of. first of them is Farscape and second is Firefly.



Wednesday, December 10, 2003 5:20 AM


The Zeppo is my favourite. I love that episode to bits and have watched it so many times.

But Hush is pure genius - as is Once More, With Feeling.

Book: “A duel?”
Wash: “With swords?”
Simon: “The Captain's a good fighter, he must know how to handle a sword?”
Zoe: “I think he knows which end to hold.”


Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:01 AM


Chosen. Its the perfect ending and had a huge impact. Everything came together perfectly and showcases what a great show Buffy is. Once More, With Feeling is my second favourite.

How can anyone say Beer Bad is the best episode? It's awful, between that and Doublemeat Palance its got to be the worst episode ever.


Friday, January 23, 2004 2:52 PM



A deeply touching moment when Buffy is recognized by her fellow students at Sunnydale High School.

More importantly, however, Buffy & Angel break up.


Hottest. Scene. Ever.

It's worth it just to hear the zipper.


No other episode has made me laugh harder or howl with so much pain. Willow's "Or maybe there's a Billy Joel concert in town..." was just L-O-W. Funny as all freakin' hell, but it just made me feel so OLD! That just hurt. I first watched it recorded on tape and I had to stop the tape because my husband and I were literally howling in pain at that low blow.

But it was still hilarious. I've probably watched this episode more often than any other.



Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:33 AM


Well, my favorite episode is The Zeppo, without a doubt. But "favorite" and "best" are different things. Best is probably Once more with Feeling, The Gift, Hush, or the Body.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.


Monday, February 9, 2004 8:46 PM


Well, I like the same ones as everyone else, it seems.

Hush and OMWF - I saw the latter on TV before I watched the show regularly, and I loved it. I loved the songs, and the lyrics - it was so well done. Watching the same ep later, after watched every episode leading up to it - it's very powerful. And those dudes from Hush are scary. My favorite part of Hush is where Xander thought Spike killed Anya.

Those are the two...most artistic, I guess is the word. But I really like The Gift and Chosen. When Buffy realizes she'll have to die...that part is great. And Chosen is the best end for a show in history. The part where the original four are standing in that circle, discussing a upcoming visit to the mall; it's great. Sucks that Anya dies; but ah well.

I also like the one where Riley leaves, because of Xander and his two monologues. That guy is awesome. I also love his proposal in The Gift.


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 8:03 AM


"Hush" tops my list. It's the first ep I ever saw, and it's the one that I've drawn in more converts with than any other.

History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it merely shouts "Weren't you listening the first time?!?" and lets fly with a club.


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:36 AM


My favorite episode of Buffy, while difficult to choose, has to be Becoming, parts I and II (ok, so two episodes, I choose to count them as one).
I love Whistler´s monologue. "... the big moments are gonna come, you can´t help that, it´s what you do afterwards that counts. That´s when you find out who you are." I love Buffy´s reply when Angel asks her what she has left after
her friends, family and weapons have been taken away. "Me". Her reaction when Angel gets his soul and his memories back and she realizes that she has to kill him. Her sadness when she walks alone in the streets after losing Angel and "Full of Grace" is playing in the background. Everything about this episode is just so beautiful, heartwrenching and amazing.

Other favorites include, Surprise/Innocence, The Gift and Once More With Feeling.


Friday, February 13, 2004 4:52 PM


OMG you all blaspheme! the best episode was "The Gift". It's how the series should have ended, with Buffy being remembered as a martyr. not to mention the most kickass battle seen of all the scoobys fighting together. using Olaf's hammer and the Dagon sphere and the Buffy bot. that was amazing. The ending honsetly made me cry when you could here what she told Dawn and they showed Buff laying on the the pile of rubble at the end.


Saturday, February 14, 2004 6:59 PM



Originally posted by drewdog:
OMG you all blaspheme! the best episode was "The Gift". It's how the series should have ended, with Buffy being remembered as a martyr. not to mention the most kickass battle seen of all the scoobys fighting together. using Olaf's hammer and the Dagon sphere and the Buffy bot. that was amazing. The ending honsetly made me cry when you could here what she told Dawn and they showed Buff laying on the the pile of rubble at the end.

I listed this as one of my favorites...honestly, if the series had ended here, that would have been fine with me. Willow, Anya, and Spike would still be alive that way (I know Spike is still alive, but none of the Buffy-gang know this, so for all intents and purposes, he's dead).
The trade-off, of course, is we miss out on awesome episodes like OMWF, and charactors like Principal Wood. Plus the last episode of the show was really awesome, you must admitt.


Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:24 PM


In my opinion, "favorite," and "best," are very different things, so I have trouble thinking up the best one. However, my favorite Buffy episode will always be season 3's "The Zeppo".

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:08 PM



Originally posted by Steve580:
Willow, Anya, and Spike would still be alive that way...

Huh? Willow didn't die... Also, assuming Andrew told people Spike was back (or if you count him as one of the Scoobies), then they do know he's alive.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:29 PM


I can't believe no-one mentioned "Restless", the season 4 coda that provided some of the most fluid, stream-of-conciousness narrative ever seen on television, as well as introducing us to The Primitive, who went on to play a larger role in the season following. In fact, much of Buffy's future is reflected in these exquisite dream sequences, which are more truly dream-like, especially in the way the relfect and distort each character's past to distill the essence of that character's relationship to self and the world. I registered on this site just so I could say that.


Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:04 AM


It's tough to call favorites....so I'm going to list some of my favorite "things" in the Buffy verse:

Favorite Villian - The Mayor by FAR. He was the perfect blend of humor and horror. He seemed soft right until you pushed him that extra little bit, and suddenly he was evil personified. He made some GREAT eps.

Okay...now that's out of the way, I guess I can come up with some episodes that I just love more than the others that I love.

OMWF of course.

Hush is just genius through and through.

The Zeppo was so damn funny, and the music was outstandingly "fitting."

Damnit, can't remember the name of the 2-parter at the end of season 2 where Buffy kills Angel, but that HAS to be in there. Some truly emotional stuff when she shoved that sword through. Awesome television.

Prom - The wife and I love that episode. Always brings the tear (men can cry!)

The Body - an alternative to the above, the wife can't stomach this one because of it's power. I remember the first time I watched it, my jaw was on the floor for the whole episode. I remember hating commercials more than ever before in that one, because it broke that mastery for five minutes at a time.

I love the cave-girl episode. It wasn't like perfect or anything, but there were just damn funny parts in it.

Halloween (season 4) - Oh man, such a great ep. Giles with a chainsaw, Anya in a bunny suit, the mini-demon and buffy's laughter.

One of my favorite moments in Buffy of ALL time was when Willow went evil she-bitch, and Buffy and Giles are in the training room of the Magic Box...and they share a huge laugh that seemed so REAL at a moment of imminent peril (isn't it always). I'm assuming it had to be real, as both actors just seemed to really be heartily laughing. Great moment.

Okay, those are my random as hell thoughts


Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:20 AM


Season 2 Passions the best ever episode.


Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:15 AM


I so agree that "Smashed" has the hottest scene ever. I still get all tingly inside when I watch it. And I love Once More, With Feeling. But I love Buffy most for its depth and creativity, and with depth it is I must go for the best episodes ever:

1) Dead Things (season 6)
2) Passion (season 2)
3) The Body (season 5)
4) Hush (season 4)
5) Tabula Rasa (season 6)

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:29 AM


I tend to make a distinction between favorite and best...not sure what the best episode is, but my favorite will always be "The Zeppo".

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:48 PM



Originally posted by breathofj:

I love the cave-girl episode. It wasn't like perfect or anything, but there were just damn funny parts in it.

me too!! i was sitting there saying hit him, hit him. then she did!! perfect!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Friday, March 26, 2004 2:31 AM


And also some terrific moments with Xander and Giles with cave-girl Buffy up in her dorm. I don't remember exact quotes, but something about "don't make cave-Buffy angry" and such.

Feeble mind ain't what it used to be


Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:07 PM


I would have to say that the last ep of season 2 is my favorite.

Seasons 6, 2 then 3 are my favorite seasons.

And I just love when Buffy obtains the ability to read minds and says something to her mom about Joyce having had sex with Giles on the hood of a car--twice!?! during previous episode "Band Candy." And when she makes Giles walk into that tree at the end! Priceless!

Also when Joyce and Spike are sitting in the Summers living room at the end of season 2 and Joyce asks him "Do I know you?" and Spike reminds her that she hit him with the axe and said "Get the hell away from my daughter."

And in Hush, when Xander answers the phone!! HI-larious!

And when Spike tells Riley that he's "...just a friend of Xander's here..." not Hostile 17.

Bonus: Favorite episode of Angel was when he became human and was able to spend the day with Buffy.



Monday, March 29, 2004 4:07 AM


ohhh, I _LOVE_ all the scenes with Joyce and Spike, it's so nice to see someone talking to Spike like he was a normal person. he adores her for it and he's loyal to the end because of it. he is a weird vampire. just think of the scene in S3 where Spike was chatting with Joyce about Dru leaving him and Angel wants to save Joyce from the evil vampire but she wouldn't invite him in because she hates Angel and actually trusts Spike.

and when you mentioned Spike and Xander being 'friends' I spontanously thought of "Triangle" the S5 EP with Olaf the troll. Spike and Xander ran into each other at The Bronze just as Olaf showed up. Xander asked if he should go get Buffy or maybe Spike could fight the troll. Spike's reply was: "I could but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much." in the end he helps save the victims and doesn't even lick off their blood for which Buffy won't give him any credit cause she finds him "disgusting". makes you feel a bit sorry for the not-quite-so-evil vamp in love with the slayer.



Monday, March 29, 2004 4:22 AM


I have to add that "Beer Bad" actually got better every time I watched it. at first try I really hated it (see my message above) but after seeing it three times I kinda like it now. the "boy smells good" scene is perfect. as is the end.

whereas Once More With Feeling doesn't seem to get any better for me. I watched it twice more just to be sure. the music is awful and gets on my nerves every time I hear it. there are two songs that I like "Rest in Peace" and "Standing" all the rest are utter crap for my ears. but that's just a matter of taste of course. I'm just terribly sorry that I can't seem to enjoy it just because the music is so against my taste. I love all the rest about the EP just fine. and I thought I had a rather broad music taste. apart from country, jazz and rap and exactly this kind of boring lalala music I really don't have any styles I don't like and I always seem to make exceptions for some songs that are of a style I normally don't like but are good nonetheless. maybe I watch it a few times more and see if I can get used to it but then again maybe I'm the only Buffy fan worldwide that just doesn't like OMWF.



Monday, March 29, 2004 5:44 AM


I thought OMWF was great from the 1st note and also own the cd! I guess as I have aged (40&1/2) my tastes have broadend and relaxed. I used to be into ONLY heavy metal, all else sucked, IMO. Thank goodness I have grown or I would have missed out on sooo much music.

The relationship between Joyce and Spike was so funny.

I was stunned when Buffy and Spike got together sexually, after him being all evil and everything. I never really accepted the relationship but was glad when she finally began treating him as a man, rather than just punching or f**king him.

Beer Bad was never my favorite, but I totally enjoyed Parker getting his just reward. And also Willow's leading him on and then calling him a hypocrite.

I have a friend who is just now starting to watch Buffy re-runs on FX and he keeps calling me wanting to know what Dawn really is and who the heck is Adam and why is Willow a lesbian when she was in love with Oz, etc. It's fun to give these convoluted answers trying to explain everything!



Monday, March 29, 2004 5:56 AM


Greatest Buffy episode? Hands down, "The Body". And if I can quote a TV guide critic at the time: "Perhaps the greatest hour of television, ever." That says it all..................


Monday, March 29, 2004 5:58 AM



Originally posted by Malicious:
I thought OMWF was great from the 1st note and also own the cd! I guess as I have aged (40&1/2) my tastes have broadend and relaxed. I used to be into ONLY heavy metal, all else sucked, IMO. Thank goodness I have grown or I would have missed out on sooo much music.

so you think I'll have a chance later on? I'm 28 now. I was never really fixed on any kind of music though but generally I like rockier things more than pop but I love some Irish folk and I love some synthy-pop and I love some metal and some hip-hop and romantic songs too and I really thought I was openminded.

after being so disappointed with OMWF I went out and got Anthony Heads "Music For Elevators" which I love to pieces. and James Marsters "Ghost of the Robot" CD too which I find mostly interesting. they seem to have fun playing but it's not like they are technically any good at it. or at least it seems like that to me. it's cute in a way though. the songs are nice but the CD is crappily produced. I think they might be a lot of fun live though. just won't ever come to my area of the woods. I live in germany.

and sorry for ranting on this, I just can't seem to stop thinking about why everyone but me likes this. or why I don't like it or whatever. I tend to overanalyse things sometimes.



Monday, March 29, 2004 1:48 PM


Don't get me started, I was a psyche major!!

I used to work at a record store and HAD to listen to other people's musical tastes and grew to like quite a bit of what I was hearing. Lynda would put on Kate Bush or the Waterboys, or Tom would play the Beastie Boys, all of whom I had never heard of, and while I was doing inventory or was otherwise occupied, I would find myself humming and singing to familiar tunes and would then realize "Hey! THIS is not Metallica!! Why am I humming and singing to it?" That's how I first discovered Chris Isaak and a band called the Subdudes (LOVE them, have all of their cds). I guess what I am saying is you should try just putting on the music and go clean the house or something. Don't just sit there concentrating on it and listening to it deeply, judging it. Let it sneak up on you. You'd be surprised.

I think I will go out and buy Giles elevator music now, thanks to you!


Angel to Lorne during the ballet episode River appeared in in season 3:

"...and STOP calling me pastries!"


Monday, March 29, 2004 1:52 PM



I don't really care for "The Body," but it was an excellent tribute to Joyce. I am glad she had attention, even if she had to die to get it.



Monday, March 29, 2004 9:53 PM


My favorite storyline is the Angelus one from season 2, so the best episodes imo are Innocence/Surprise, Passion and Becoming I/II (in reverse order - Becoming is best, then Passion and finally Innocence/Surprise). They are so tight and poignant. The whole scene in Passion, from Giles ascending with the rose and champagne to the outside shot of Buffy and Willow learning what happened is so much more passionate than anything you're used to seeing on television. And the way Buffy is just destroyed utterly (or not quite) in Becoming is just awesome. Yet these also have some of the most funny scenes - like the Spike/Joyce dialog in the living room. "Have we met?" "Uh, you hit me over the head with an axe once... uhm 'Get the hell away from my daughter!'" "Oh". Priceless.

Season three is imo very close to season two in brilliance, but I can't pick out favorite episodes the same way - I just love the Mayor, and Faith is great. "Doppelgangland" is possibly the best single episode of season three - so many funny story lines in this one.

Better than any single episode in season three, though, are the experimental episodes, Hush and Once More, With Feeling. They really work so well - they some at exactly the right place in the character development. But many other episodes stand in line for recognition: What's my line, Lie to me, Angel, Prophecy Girl, Earshot, any of the Faith/Mayor eps, Graduation and Pangs to name a few.

Favorite episode:
1. Becoming
2. Passion
3. Innocense/Surprise
4. Hush
5. Once More, With Feeling
6. Doppelgangland

Favorite season:
1. Season 2
2. Season 3
3. Season 1
4. Season 4
5. Season 6
6. Season 7
7. Season 5
(2 and 3 are quite close, then there's a step down to 1, 4 and 6 which are around the same level, and a further step below those are 5 and 7)

Favorite villain:
1. Angelus/Spike
2. The Mayor
3. The Master
4. The Trio
5. Professor Walsh/Adam
6. Gloria
7. Willow
8. The First


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:32 AM


why Our Mrs.Reynolds of course we all remeber those great lines tha book said , if you have sexuual relations with her you will go to the very special hell the one reseverd for child molesters and peorple that talk during the theater ,the very special hell,plus I'm softy for romance.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:34 AM


oh sorry I thought you ment firefly


Sunday, May 9, 2004 1:49 PM


Ever since I first saw it, I've always maintained that The Wish is the best episode ever. It's odd, given that it was so early and there where some absolutely great episodes after it but it's kinda cemented in my head as not only the best ever made but the best episode possible.
I can honestly say that, if The Wish had been the last Buffy ep ever, I would have been more than happy (for starters, doublemeat palace would have never happened). Admitedly I'd probably have wanted them to stick a couple more seasons in before The Wish but it should have ended there.

I have no faith but it's all that I want
to be loved and believe
in my soul.


Monday, May 17, 2004 10:31 AM


what season is Once more with Feeling in?

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Monday, May 17, 2004 10:58 AM


1. The Body
2. Restless
3. Normal Again
4. Hush
5. Who are you? or Storyteller or Once More with Feeling

however, I should say, I don't like to rate the episodes, because I honestly think that all the episodes in season 4, 5, and 6 are unparalleled masterpieces, unlike anything else seen on american tv, and I honestly think "they're all THE BEST episode in their own unique way", in a way that does not at all overlap with any of the other episodes (that's what's great about Buffy, and Firefly too, every episode is so unique, and does what it does better than anything else).
That said, I do think The Body and Restless (but only those two) stand pretty clearly above the rest as joss's two attempts to go for 'pure art' and nothing less.

(note: if I made this list to include shows beyond buffy, the only thing I would change is to consider "Objects in Space" for #5)

I'm very glad that someone mentioned Beer Bad. For some reason a lot of people didn't get it, but it's by far one of their most intelligently constructed episodes, and also one of their best performed, in terms of the comedy and editing ...it covers so much ground, from really digging into the primal Id themes that are so important for that season, to satirizing aspects of academia, especially this ironic behaviour where 'smart' people obsessively have an urge to make themselves stupid (ok, it's a lot more complicated than that, but I can't sum it up in a sentance). And it did it in the most ridiculously hilarious way possible, making it one of the most 'in your face' funny episodes, and yet that hilarity seemed to be the only way its points could properly be expressed ...and it still built an intelligently constructed 'thesis' (just as many of the episodes in that season were structured like essays, to suit the university subject matter). Also, the directing in that ep. is some of their best (I'm pretty sure David Solomon, who did "Out of Gas", directed that episode). eg. there's actually a shot in the Parker/Willow scene that visually comminicates the "sharing of perspectives" and encountering new ideas, which was very much what the season was about. you just don't see that sort of thing outside of joss tv, and that was one of the most brilliant examples of buffy's 'art'.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:12 AM



Originally posted by howdyrockerbaby1:
what season is Once more with Feeling in?

season 6. it is ep 6x07



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:05 AM


I've skimmed through all the posts so far,a nd I don't think anyones even name-checked my favourate. Which in some ways I like, because I get to talk about it.
Yes all the big dramatic and of season finales are amazing and comedic likes of bad-candy, bewitched bothered and biwildered & OMWF entertain you like nothing else.
But favourate has always been series 5 episode 7 "Fool for love". For those of you who haven't seen it, at the start of the episode buffy gets badly injured fighting just one, normal run of the mill vampire. This throughs into perspective how no matter how good she gets, she can still die at any time. She tries to find out about how other slayers have dies in the past - about their final batles, but Giles can't find any such records. So she turns to the only "living" person who's seen a slayer die. Spike, whos killed two in his lifetime. What follows is a fantasticly writen kourney back thorugh the history of spike. How he became a vampire, how he sought out and killed the two slayers.
From the instant Buffy and Spike sit down together in the Bronze to the outstanding ending it was non-stop high quality tv. It was here in this episode that the fragilness of the salyer was first looked at. The beginning of a plot line that would climax in her death. And at the same time we were given this fantastic insight into the heart of spike. Understanding that he was never really a destroyer, just a rebel without a cause.

As for a second favourate..... well I'm a sucker for Faith. So probably Bad girls

"Fine, I'll get naked"


Monday, May 24, 2004 8:33 AM



Originally posted by kalathena:


Hottest. Scene. Ever.

It's worth it just to hear the zipper.

What happens in this scene then? I've not seen this episode.

As for me, favourite+best episodes would have to be:

OMWF - it's just so great .
Hush - I just think this episode is brilliant, really good.
The Gift - I saw this episode in the US actually, so yes, the adverts definitely destroyed the "Wow" factor somewhat - but still great.

I think I may buy some series boxsets - any reccomendations? (sorry about offtopicness)

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:53 AM


"Smashed" is the EP in season 6 where Buffy and Spike have sex for the first time. they trash a whole building in the process. ok the building wasn't new to begin with but it was smashed afterwards.







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