Buffy Bad: So say parents.

UPDATED: Saturday, September 7, 2002 08:06
VIEWED: 9223
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Thursday, August 22, 2002 8:49 AM


"The Parents Television Council rated UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer the worst show in prime time for graphic violence and sex and an element of the occult, the Associated Press reported."

(orginally found at http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/ )

Don't you just love parents?

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:14 PM


The call themselves parents, but what they really are is a bunch of social ostriches who want to dictate what everybody else can watch. They don't just criticize shows they don't like -- they pressure networks and advertisers to drop them. It doesn't seem to occur to "Parents TV" that parents have the option of watching with their kids or turning the damn thing off.

Here's what they don't like about Buffy

Offensive language has included uses of “bitch,” “bastard,” “hell,” “damn,” “ass,” and “piss.” Violence on Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not only frequent, but also very graphic. In past seasons, episodes included vampires being aroused by biting their victims, Buffy being stabbed, and Dawn’s wrists being slit. In the 2001 season finale, Buffy committed suicide, jumping to her death to save the world. The 2001 – 2002 season premiere showed her decayed corpse regenerated and resurrected through witchcraft.
Concepts of fantasy and metaphor also seem beyond them. They much prefer uplifting shows like Sabrina:

Sabrina focuses on the daily struggles of a cheerful teenager who just happens to be a witch as she adjusts to collegiate life and learns to balance family, new friends, and studies. Parents will appreciate that although Sabrina is now in college, she has maintained strong relationships with her aunts, who offer her sound advice and assistance when appropriate. Episodes last season emphasized the importance of fulfilling one’s academic potential, loyalty in friendship, social responsibility, and “clean fun” as being the most fun.
In short, the only TV that should be allowed is bland stuff with a pureply positive message, that pretends that a host of social problems simply don't exist.

More at http://www.parentstv.org/


Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:29 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I wonder what they think of the Evening News or the latest edition of Dateline?


Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:39 PM



Other shows, such as Will and Grace and Friends, continue to deluge their young viewing audiences with adult themes including explicit sexual references or adult sexual situations.  These programs routinely make references to promiscuous lifestyles, masturbation and oral sex.

*heavy sigh*

Edited to add:

Felicity has received a red light for its sexual content.  Episodes last season featured Felicity too drunk to remember whether she had sex with a stranger; Felicity being asked to donate an egg by her homosexual boss Javier; Meghan working as a phone sex operator; Sean finding out about Meghan’s romantic night with another female; Tracy’s losing his virginity to Elena; and Richard’s losing his virginity.  In addition, episodes included implied nudity and references to impotence, orgasms, pornography, STDs, sexual harassment, and transvestites.

What I find particulaly odd is that they consider egg donation sexual content. Hmm...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:18 PM


What's really scary is their belief that ignorance is bliss. I never watch Felicity, but I assume they made it clear that alcoholic blackouts and sex with total strangers is scary and dangerous. This is not something they're going to learn from watching the insipid stories on Sabrina. The theory seems to be that the only reason teenagers abuse chemical or have unsafe sex is because they see it on TV.


Thursday, August 22, 2002 3:43 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
What I find particulaly odd is that they consider egg donation sexual content. Hmm...

What I find particularly odd is that they are talking about the negaitive issues with sex as much as anything else.... STD's and impotence don't make me want to go out and have sex!

Oh and implied nudity.... What?! Sabrina has implied nudity! She desn't wear the same clothes all the time! Plus I'm sure there has been an episode where she has had some spell go wrong to make her embarrashingly nude!

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" -Willow


Friday, August 23, 2002 6:00 AM


I just noticed a particularly weird inconsistency: no mention at all of gay characters. There are three shows I watch where a central character is gay (Buffy, ER, The Shield) and all three have show said characters groping their partners. Not one word on this on their site.

In theory, the Parents TV site is primarily informational -- it helps parents identify material they do and do not want their kids to see. And I'm forced to agree that parents have a right to do this, even if their filters are based on short-sighted and naive assumptions.

But then why nothing about portrayals of gay characters? If parents have issues with people saying "piss" in front of the kids, they must surely have issues with their kids seeing two guys kissing.

But if they made an issue of this, Parents TV would be accused of homophobia. Which would interfere with their main goal -- forcing shows they don't like off the air. Pretty appalling.


Friday, August 23, 2002 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
What's really scary is their belief that ignorance is bliss. I never watch Felicity, but I assume they made it clear that alcoholic blackouts and sex with total strangers is scary and dangerous. This is not something they're going to learn from watching the insipid stories on Sabrina. The theory seems to be that the only reason teenagers abuse chemical or have unsafe sex is because they see it on TV.

Well, that's always been the assupmtion by these radical parent groups, that's not what surprises me.

In Fort Lauderdale this week, a 17 year old male babysitter was discovered raping an 18 month old baby. Here, parent groups are searching furiously for a way to blame this on the media... a parent interviewed said something along the lines of how media had somehow forced the boy to do this.

First of all: Where the hell has it *ever* been portrayed that raping babies is ok? In television, movies, music? It just proves how far these goddamn parent groups will go to find a scapegoat. Can they not accept that their children are monsters? Oh wait, no, that would mean admitting that their parenting style had been flawed.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Friday, August 23, 2002 8:36 AM


I certainly don't agree with their choice of "best" shows... Doc? Number 1? now, in all fairness, I've never watched the show. But I have seen enough previews to know that I never want to. Billy Ray Cyrus? Come on, people... you can do better than that! there also seems to be a rather Christian theme to their best list. (7th Heaven, Touched by an Angel)

The fact is that most of the shows that they have on their "worst" list are not meant for children. (I'm surprised we didn't find South Park on the list...) I don't see anything wrong with parents choosing what shows their children can and can't watch. In fact, I see it as one of the responsibilities of a good parent. I have an 8 year old nephew. I wouldn't want him watching Buffy (there was some pretty graphic sex scenes... in particular Buffy's first trist with Spike. Also, he has a tendency to copy what he sees on TV. After watching Power Rangers once he ran around trying to punch and kick his brother and sisters yelling "power rangers!!!") I am perfectly content to have him watch Spongebob Square Pants (although for some reason spongebob does frequently feel the need to take off his pants and walk around in his tighty whiteys).

But what does bother me is that this website doesn't expect (or even give room for) the parents to be able to think for themselves. Other than a few paragraphs about all 20 shows combined, it doesn't even really give you a breakdown of what the shows are about! yes, buffy is violent... but she's saving the world from terrible demons and vampires... not exactly a documentary. Will & Grace is a show about 2 gay men and their 2 best female buddies.... OF COURSE the show will have sexual themes and occassionally mention things like (GASP) promiscuity and oral sex. The least they could do is give you links to the shows sites so that you could form your own opinion.

For God's sake, man, she's eighteen. And you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just have at it, would you? And stop fluttering about!


Friday, August 23, 2002 11:09 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
there also seems to be a rather Christian theme to their best list. (7th Heaven, Touched by an Angel)...
But what does bother me is that this website doesn't expect (or even give room for) the parents to be able to think for themselves. Other than a few paragraphs about all 20 shows combined, it doesn't even really give you a breakdown of what the shows are about!

Yeah, as I said, this group is mainly about getting "bad" shows cancelled. Defined as any show that has anything they don't want people to see.

You're probably right about the Christian mind set, although Parents TV seems careful to avoid religious labels. I guess "Christian" has joined "Liberal" as a label that gets you pegged and ignored. Which, speaking as a non-Christian with a lot of respect for serious Christianity, I find pretty sad.

As for parents not thinking for themselves -- there are, alas, a lot of Dittoheads out there.


Friday, August 23, 2002 9:30 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Which, speaking as a non-Christian with a lot of respect for serious Christianity, I find pretty sad.

You have no idea how happy that statement made me. You made my day! It's so nice to read statements like that, rather than the usual bashing that usually happens.

But back on the subject.

It appears to me that the PTC holds more conservative views on what good TV is. I don't mind their opinion, I just wish they would not try to take shows they don't like off the air. Truly, if they don't like a show, why not just ignore it? I'm sure a lot of people ignored the show, "My Mother the Car", and look, it's off TV!

By focusing only on a shows faults, you sometimes cause people to watch just for the novelty of the 'bad' things. Some children are no different... but I have to respect the opinion of the PTC. Even if I don't agree with their idea of Buffy :D


Saturday, August 24, 2002 6:48 AM


I strongly suspect this has much to do with the invasion of the 2000 - 2100 formerly family hour with much more adult scenes.

Now you have to filter every TV show and watch it with your kids. No even the history channel is safe any more.

Who wonders about TVs effect on kids when I'm told 1 in 12 children have sex at age 12, or earlier.


Saturday, August 24, 2002 8:40 AM



Originally posted by Lainie:

It appears to me that the PTC holds more conservative views on what good TV is. I don't mind their opinion, I just wish they would not try to take shows they don't like off the air. Truly, if they don't like a show, why not just ignore it? I'm sure a lot of people ignored the show, "My Mother the Car", and look, it's off TV!

"My Mother the Car" has been canceled???? No!!!!


By focusing only on a shows faults, you sometimes cause people to watch just for the novelty of the 'bad' things.

In fact, people who like graphic sex and violence often refer to sites like parentstv.org to help then find the "good stuff".

but I have to respect the opinion of the PTC. Even if I don't agree with their idea of Buffy :D
Well, I'm perfectly willing to concede people their right to share information about shows they don't watch their kids to watch. But that's not what parentstv.org is about. As I pointed out earlier, they actually withhold some information that might serve that purpose. Any other goals are clearler secondary to their main goal: getting content they don't like off the air.


Saturday, August 24, 2002 8:59 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
I strongly suspect this has much to do with the invasion of the 2000 - 2100 formerly family hour with much more adult scenes.

Now you have to filter every TV show and watch it with your kids. No even the history channel is safe any more.

Who wonders about TVs effect on kids when I'm told 1 in 12 children have sex at age 12, or earlier.

Well, yeah, I don't suppose wanting "mature" content programmed later in the evening is unreasonable. Which Parents TV loves to make noise about. But it's hard to take their advocacy of the Family Hour seriously when their most stident criticisms are aimed at The Shield -- which is on at 10.

But when most kids have their own TVs, or even VCRs, it's difficult to see how much good the Family Hour does. More effective is taking the set out of the bedroom and actually watching stuff with your kids. (Which strikes me as a good idea in any case -- how's a kid supposed to develp if the idiot box is allowed to soak up all his or her rec time?) And then there's the V Chip. Which would seem to be the perfect parental control tool, but which few parents show any interest in using.

I say again, Parents TV is not about parental control, it's about censorship, pure and simple. They don't want to control what their own kids watch , they want to dictate what everybody watches.

Which is appalling and hypocritical. But then again, if there were nothing on by the bland pablum Parents TV wants us to watch, people would get out more. It'd be a boon to bowling alleys!


Sunday, August 25, 2002 1:00 PM


Here's a item from TV Guide:


Family-friendly watchdog group Parents Television Council has named [Buffy] the worst show in primetime for its graphic violence, sex, and occult themes. CSI and Friends were also cited among the top 10 worst offenders, with Jennifer Aniston's Rachel character dubbed a bad role model for being an unmarried mother. What year is it people? 1982?


Sunday, August 25, 2002 1:38 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Here's a item from TV Guide:


Family-friendly watchdog group Parents Television Council has named [Buffy] the worst show in primetime for its graphic violence, sex, and occult themes. CSI and Friends were also cited among the top 10 worst offenders, with Jennifer Aniston's Rachel character dubbed a bad role model for being an unmarried mother. What year is it people? 1982?

heh heh Well, I'm glad someone in the TV industry has some sense.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Sunday, August 25, 2002 2:49 PM


Hey! 1982? That was the year I was born damn it! They better not be bad mouthing '82!!

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" -Willow


Monday, August 26, 2002 6:59 AM



Originally posted by Lainie:

Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Which, speaking as a non-Christian with a lot of respect for serious Christianity, I find pretty sad.

You have no idea how happy that statement made me. You made my day! It's so nice to read statements like that, rather than the usual bashing that usually happens.

After spending a bit of time thinking about it, I have to say something about this point. There's a good reason so many people react negatively to the word "Christian". Its most common use is as a banner for bigoted, intolerant, ignorant people. These are people who want to dictate what other people do, see, and read -- even down to content of science and history texts. They literally believe the world revolves around them, and that anybody who disagrees with them is condemned eternally.

There's another class of people, much less visible, but which I have had the good fortune to know. For them, "Christian" is their label for their most closely-held beliefs, which involve compassion, tolerance, and respect for the varieties of human experience.

It's presumptuous of this non-Christian to pass judgment, but I have little doubt as to which of these two groups that carpenter guy would be more comfortable with.


Monday, August 26, 2002 7:23 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Here's a item from TV Guide:


Family-friendly watchdog group Parents Television Council has named [Buffy] the worst show in primetime for its graphic violence, sex, and occult themes. CSI and Friends were also cited among the top 10 worst offenders, with Jennifer Aniston's Rachel character dubbed a bad role model for being an unmarried mother. What year is it people? 1982?

and what year did the whole Dan Quayle/Murphy Brown thing happen? Was that 92? Maybe it's some sort of cycle... Every 10 years or so, someone starts bitching about unwed mothers.

As for the Christians thing, I have a lot of respect for Christians. But there are an awful lot of people who call themselves that who are not "Christ-like", which is what Christian is supposed to mean. Myself, I am Pagan, but I studied many different religions before I came to that decision. I like the idea of Christianity, and Jesus seemed to be a guy I could definitely get behind. But in my life I have only ever met 1 Christian that I felt was truly following the word of the bible. All of the others that I met have not. So I typically do puff up at the word "Christian", because so far, I've had very few good experiences with them.
Captain Logic is not steering this tugboat. I smell Captain Fear at the wheel!


Tuesday, August 27, 2002 5:19 AM


i find these parents groups to be a pain in the ass


Friday, August 30, 2002 3:34 PM


They say 'family' tv.

But I have to ask myself, what is family tv?

IS family TV a 'safe' show, where the main theme is about family, love, peace, and whatever religion said family is of?

Or is family TV what the family watches together? A show in which all members of the family watch and enjoy?

I go with it being a show the family watches together which, are of the following: Angel, Buffy, Enterprise, Will & Grace, and Friends. (And probably Firefly once it starts.)

Those shows are my family's "family shows". Because we watch them together, as a family.

The reasons are as follow: Actually, there is none.


Saturday, August 31, 2002 2:57 AM


I think that we can all guess what they mean by 'family tv', they're out for totally non-discript shows with no 'offensive' content.....

Anyone for 'Little House on the Prarie'?

I have to say I disagree with the ratings people, Buffy isn't aimed at kids, its aimed at teenagers who can make something more of a realism check.

I know its not unheard of for Teenagers to go off the rails but I happen to think that 'Power Rangers' has more of an influential age group that its working on!.... Is that still running in the US? I know it is here.

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" -Willow


Saturday, August 31, 2002 10:24 AM



Originally posted by HikariHeart:
They say 'family' tv.

But I have to ask myself, what is family tv?

"Family" in this context, is just a political buzzword. A way of justifying a repressive, intolerant social attitude. Nothing to do with anything in the real world.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 5:27 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by HikariHeart:
But I have to ask myself, what is family tv?

"Family" in this context, is just a political buzzword. A way of justifying a repressive, intolerant social attitude. Nothing to do with anything in the real world.

I disagree. Children are NOT adults and should be shielded from some things in "the real world" until such time as they have the education to understand and chose. Keeping adult themes off the "Ghod Box" for a few hours in the evening does not seem unreasonable. If the networks are not interested in filling the time slot, just run a test pattern.

Jeff Timm
Who thinks people who cannot take responsibility call themselves "liberal." The effect on the Mendez brothers comes to mind.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 6:46 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:

Children are NOT adults and should be shielded from some things in "the real world" until such time as they have the education to understand and chose. Keeping adult themes off the "Ghod Box" for a few hours in the evening does not seem unreasonable. If the networks are not interested in filling the time slot, just run a test pattern.

I agree that children need family-friendly options. And there are. Tons. Attacking a few adult shows because they're on an hour earlier is misplaced ire, especially now that parents can block those types of programming.

--- Joe


Sunday, September 1, 2002 7:06 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Jeff Timm
Who thinks people who cannot take responsibility call themselves "liberal." The effect on the Mendez brothers comes to mind.

With conservatives charging that television is ruining children, or that metal and rap are ruining children, or that Clinton's foibles are ruining children, or that the absence of "under God" in the Pledge is ruining children, or that the absence of the Ten Commandments on the classroom wall is ruining children ... etc.,

I don't think conservatives have sole claim on the "Personal Responsibility" line.

--- Joe
Well, know. That was a bit political, wasn't it?


Sunday, September 1, 2002 11:10 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:

I disagree. Children are NOT adults and should be shielded from some things in "the real world" until such time as they have the education to understand and chose. Keeping adult themes off the "Ghod Box" for a few hours in the evening does not seem unreasonable. If the networks are not interested in filling the time slot, just run a test pattern.

And if "Parents TV" were about helping parents choose what their kids see, then you might have a point. But it's not. Their agenda is censorship, not parental control. They talk about bringing back the family hour, but they crusade against shows that are on late. They...

Oh, I'm repeating myself. Jeff, if you want to dispute what I'm saying, respond to what I've already said. I enjoy a good argument, but I have no interest in arguing in circles.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 1:18 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Jeff Timm
Who thinks people who cannot take responsibility call themselves "liberal." The effect on the Mendez brothers comes to mind.

With conservatives charging that television is ruining children, or that metal and rap are ruining children, or that Clinton's foibles are ruining children, or that the absence of "under God" in the Pledge is ruining children, or that the absence of the Ten Commandments on the classroom wall is ruining children ... etc.,

I don't think conservatives have sole claim on the "Personal Responsibility" line.
Well, know. That was a bit political, wasn't it?

Politics is human, unfortunately. At least someone is worried about cultural decay and the effect on society. Even the US Marines are worried about the lack of values in the current recruits. Scary.

Jeff Timm
Who is worried about the future.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 1:34 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
And if "Parents TV" were about helping parents choose what their kids see, then you might have a point. But it's not. Their agenda is censorship, not parental control. They talk about bringing back the family hour, but they crusade against shows that are on late. They...

Oh, I'm repeating myself. Jeff, if you want to dispute what I'm saying, respond to what I've already said. I enjoy a good argument, but I have no interest in arguing in circles.

Sorry, I'd forgotten your earlier comments, until you reminded me. There is NOTHING wrong with crusading against things you find objectionable. Censorship is often an excuse for excreble bad taste. If the purveyors of entertainment decide to change the shows, that remains up to them. If the Government wants to enforce standards on the public airwaves, that's all right. Pushing the envelope of public taste is perfectly all right, just check out Howard Stern on E! The ultimate control is to turn the box off, which people seem to be doing in droves.

Jeff Timm
Who believes in all three boxes required for freedom, soap, jury and cartridge.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 1:59 PM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:

Sorry, I'd forgotten your earlier comments, until you reminded me. There is NOTHING wrong with crusading against things you find objectionable. Censorship is often an excuse for excreble bad taste.

Well, first off, we weren't talking about censorship, we were talking about conservative groups (mis) use of the word "family".

But since you raise the issue, I might as well respond: Trying to dictate what other people can watch on television is wrong. Perhaps people have the right to control what their own families watch. But Parents TV is trying to control what everybody watches. It's true that they use legitimate political means to achieve their goals, but that doesn't change the fact that they're hypocritical, judgmental, and dangerously ignorant of the social issues they pretend to care about.

Your that "censorship is often an excuse" is pretty ironic in this context. It's perfectly true that a lot of pornographers, talentless hacks, and general idiots thoroughly abuse the first amendment. But that doesn't change the fact that free speech is funadmental right. No more than the abuse of that same right by Parents TV.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 2:07 PM


Sigh. Can't edit my post again. And Haken, could we maybe have a "preview" feature?


Originally posted by TinyTimm:

Sorry, I'd forgotten your earlier comments, until you reminded me.

No offense Jeff, but if you're just going to respond to the last thing I said, without observing the ongoing conversation, then I'm gonna lose interest in hearing what you have to say.

There is NOTHING wrong with crusading against things you find objectionable. Censorship is often an excuse for excreble bad taste.

Well, first off, we weren't talking about censorship, we were talking about conservative groups (mis) use of the word "family".

But since you raise the issue, I might as well respond: Trying to dictate what other people can watch on television is wrong. Yeah, they have the right to crusade against entertainment they dislike. But by the same token, the rest of us have a right to be unhappy with self-appointed censors. Especially when they're as dishonest and ignorant as Parents TV is.

Your remark that "censorship is often an excuse" is pretty ironic in this context. It's perfectly true that a lot of pornographers, talentless hacks, and general idiots thoroughly abuse the first amendment. But that doesn't change the fact that free speech is funadmental right. No more than the abuse of that same right by Parents TV.


Sunday, September 1, 2002 10:59 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by TinyTimm:

Sorry, I'd forgotten your earlier comments, until you reminded me.

No offense Jeff, but if you're just going to respond to the last thing I said, without observing the ongoing conversation, then I'm gonna lose interest in hearing what you have to say.

Don't know how to break this to ya Zic, but I don't memorize everything you say as if it were scripture.


Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Trying to dictate what other people can watch on television is wrong. Yeah, they have the right to crusade against entertainment they dislike. But by the same token, the rest of us have a right to be unhappy with self-appointed censors. Especially when they're as dishonest and ignorant as Parents TV is.
Your remark that "censorship is often an excuse" is pretty ironic in this context. It's perfectly true that a lot of pornographers, talentless hacks, and general idiots thoroughly abuse the first amendment. But that doesn't change the fact that free speech is funadmental right. No more than the abuse of that same right by Parents TV.

But TV speech isn't free and the courts have said so. The airwaves belong to the people and we do control content. Not to mention the communist style infiltration of the "media" by radical leftists (84% voted for Al Gore, vs only about 50% of the country.) "Free Speech" was supposed to be Political Speech not porn. Besides, the 1st Admendment, like the 2nd was revoked by congress, and we, the people, didn't care enough to toss them out of office for it (cross reference the "Campaign finance law.")

Who has seen much change in 34 years. "But we were born free."


Monday, September 2, 2002 8:37 AM



Don't know how to break this to ya Zic, but I don't memorize everything you say as if it were scripture.

I don't expect you to memorize everything I say. But it's very rude to pretend to participate in a conversation you're not trying to follow, If you're only interested in hit-and-run quipping, then don't expect to have any actual influence over other people's ideas.

But TV speech isn't free and the courts have said so...
Responding to that would require repeating the very last thing I said. Heck with that.


Monday, September 2, 2002 9:31 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
If you're only interested in hit-and-run quipping, then don't expect to have any actual influence over other people's ideas.


I think you have seriously distorted concept of the relative importance of message boards in the universe. Not to mention your own opinion of your own opinion.

Who notes, "Angels can fly, because they take themselves so lightly."


Monday, September 2, 2002 9:49 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:

Originally posted by Zicsoft:
If you're only interested in hit-and-run quipping, then don't expect to have any actual influence over other people's ideas.


I think you have seriously distorted concept of the relative importance of message boards in the universe. Not to mention your own opinion of your own opinion.

Who notes, "Angels can fly, because they take themselves so lightly."

Bored now.


Monday, September 2, 2002 10:27 PM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Besides, the 1st Admendment, like the 2nd was revoked by congress, and we, the people, didn't care enough to toss them out of office for it

Congress doesn't have the power to revoke a Constitutional amendment. An amendment can only be revoked by another amendment, and Congress (last I heard, anyway) doesn't have the power to add those.


Monday, September 2, 2002 10:59 PM



Originally posted by CharlieBlue:

Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Besides, the 1st Admendment, like the 2nd was revoked by congress, and we, the people, didn't care enough to toss them out of office for it

Congress doesn't have the power to revoke a Constitutional amendment. An amendment can only be revoked by another amendment, and Congress (last I heard, anyway) doesn't have the power to add those.

They never "revoked" or "amended" congress just ignores any law they want to, including the constitution. The most infamous example is the "Balanced Budget Law" which was passed and immediately ignored by congress and the President.

If I win the Lottery next Tuesday and buy time on TV to make a political statement, I can be arrested and thrown in prison for YEARS waiting trial. This is in the so called "Campaign Finance Reform" law recently passed. Legal action has been started, but it will take YEARS to get a resolution.

Who liked this country more when it was free.


Monday, September 2, 2002 11:03 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Bored now.

I'll alert the media.

Who finds some people incredibly funny.


Tuesday, September 3, 2002 7:57 AM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
Who liked this country more when it was free.

Shouldn't that be 'more free'? Or do you believe freedom is an absolute?



Saturday, September 7, 2002 7:40 AM


Personally, I'm proud of Buffy and it's new title. It's nothing new that BTVS pisses off the religious right. And it's nothing new that the religious nuts out there favor television that promotes Christianity and avoids real issues, as opposed to shows that feature realisic characters that are not perfect and make mistakes.

And as for the term "family programing," I'd like to add something: Buffy IS family programming. In my family, Buffy is a family bonding experience in its own right. Before I went off to college, my parents and I would watch Buffy every tuesday. Religiously. Serious discussions would stem off of the Scoobies latest adventures and experiences: binge drinking and college, substance abuse, homosexuality, and guys that make a game of seeing how many girls they can sleep with. We would often refer to Buffy as "educational programming," only half in jest. It is still a topic of discussion in phone calls and e-mails.

Whether some people like to admit it or not, things like depression and suscide are real. They happen. And both BTVS and Angel deal with it. So that's why I am proud of Buffy's new award. It's something to be proud of when a show can stand up and take on an issue without caring what the wackos say.

Buffy: I've seen too much now. I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it - what if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless...
Angel: Buffy. You couldn't be helpless or boring.
Not even if you tried.

-- "Helpless"


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:06 AM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
In my family, Buffy is a family bonding experience in its own right. Before I went off to college, my parents and I would watch Buffy every tuesday. Religiously. Serious discussions would stem off of the Scoobies latest adventures and experiences: binge drinking and college, substance abuse, homosexuality, and guys that make a game of seeing how many girls they can sleep with.

Obviously your parents are infected with dangerous new concepts. Every right-thinking American knows that the social problems you describe only happen to evil people and can't happen to good people. They manage the behavior of their children simply by telling them what to do -- none of this "talking" nonesense!






The anti-Joss anti-Buffy fever
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