buffy comics? recomend some?

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 08:45
VIEWED: 5438
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:24 PM


hey, so i havn't quite finished season 7 (about 10ish more eps. to go), but i'm feeling rather depressed about the whole willow/tara situation. i.e., that tara's dead and willow seems to be moving on.* anyway, i seem to recall reading somewhere that buffy comics existed, and i was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of some nice, fluffy HAPPY ENDING willow/tara comics? anyone?

*on another note: the ep. i'm referring to here is the one where willow kisses kenedy (who i do NOT like!) and then turns into warren.
the whole thing pretty much upset me, because it ruined my perfectly good plan for willow to die in the final battle and go be in heaven with tara (did i mention my need for happy endings? yeeeah...). up 'till this point, i figured that was a semi-plausable way for the willow/tara storyline to end relatively happily.
so ok, heres the part where i want your opinion: is it good for willow to move on like that? my gut reaction is, and i tend to think still will be, NO! i'm perfectly aware that that's my happy-ending complex speaking (complex? no thats not quite the right word... but you know what i mean), but all the same; i feel like in a world where ressurection is a possibility, or since that didnt work, where there defanitly is a heaven/hell, it seems kinda like someone being dead is a really lame excuse for not being faitful to them. your thoughts?

another part of that that influences me feeling like this is the whole thing where willow/warren talks about how tara's spirit left her, and she had been watching over her but since willow 'killed her'/kissed kenedy, she left. it was left kinda ambiguous, is that actually the case, or is it just the crazy/spell/warren talking? in any case, it made me very sad :( I'm none too happy w/ willow just now either, frankly i think she doesn't deserve tara, she's been bungling things for a while.

'neeway, now that i've rambled on, your thoguhts? on either/both?

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:02 PM


*bump* someone?

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 5:27 PM


well I don't know about the comics, I've only read a couple and wasn't at all impressed, but they were massively pre-tara anyway, there might be novels too though I had the same experience with them, tried a couple and didn't like them.

but I'll weigh in on the other stuff. I really hated kennedy, I didn't understand why willow would go for her... the fact that she was the only other lesbian in range isn't good enough

and I felt it was rather cheap in that episode that it was her kissing willow that made her come to terms with tara's death and her killing of warren (which is how I read it, don't know if you agree) that seemed totally wrong to me. and as you said, that was her letting go of tara's spirit, WTF? if I saw someone sobbing about losing the spirit of the dead love of their life because they kissed me, I WOULDN'T think, you know what I should do? kiss 'em again that's so stupid...

but you're right willow was very undeserving for a while, but she's still willow and she still deserved much better than kennedy... after she'd gone through a reasonable process of getting over tara.

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:00 PM


sorry dont know about old series and the new one I am recommending is actually a continuation of the series. Dark Horse comics will be releasing Buffy season 8 this year written by the man himself also later in the year a new Firefly/Serenity comic.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:06 PM


thankyou! yeah! uh... yeah!!! heh, i'm just glad i'm not alone on this... i tend to get into these things kinda strong, i was half expecting a 'quite whining and deal' message, so it's nice to know my opinion is shared.
another note: i read on wikipedia that the originol plan according to joss was for buffy to 'wish' tara back into existence at the end of season 7, but it didn't happen on account of scheduling conflicts. i wasn't quite sure if this made me happy or sad... on the one hand, that WAS the originol plan right? so in a way, its almost like cannon? so, it could maybe happen off camera, and we just dont hear about it? on the OTHER hand, it didnt happen. which just makes it that much suckier, and underlines the lack of cannonness of anyy sort of tara-ressurection. sooo... whacha think? is it better to pretend that that did happen (or would), and everything is all shiny? ...or is this one of those horrible 'accept it' moments?

ricker, just saw your post; thats GREAT, i do vaugly remember reading something about that now that you mention it; so i guess now that begs teh question: are we (me) gonna get shiny good news in the form of a ressurection of some sort? or will it just add distance?

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Thursday, February 1, 2007 4:31 AM


here's a link to an article from mtv, it's very spoiler heavy so don't read it unless you don't mind knowing some specifics from the first few issues.

I will continue in spoilers below (I'll be vague though if you don't want the details from the article but can handle some very unspecific speculation)


Select to view spoiler:

so, there's no mention of tara coming back but amber benson is quoted a couple of times. I know she's written for comics before so she could be involved in that side of it.

it does however mention anya, "she's dead but she's not gone" yay, I would love to see more anya, I don't care how or why, and if they can still use her dead, why not tara?

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Thursday, February 1, 2007 12:27 PM


i took a look, it defanitly sounds hopeful!
...allthough knowing joss, it would be just like him to go ahead and resurect everyone BUT tara...
hm. well, i guess im gonna be optamistic about this, since that's so much less depressing the being pessamistic. it comes out in march, yeah? i'll have to keep on that...

anyway, thanks for the article!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:37 PM


If you're looking for some Willow/Tara love, there's this cute ecomic over at Dark Horse's website:


There were also some Willow/Tara oneshots that Dark Horse released when the show was still on but they'll probably be hard to find now.

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:33 AM


Not Buffy comics per say, but I would recommend reading all of Fray
who is the future slayer...
and also 'Tales of the Slayer'
(the comic with a number of different slayers from different time periods)
Joss Whedon was behind those and they are wonderful...
'Tales of the Vampire' is also a lot of fun.

The real Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 will be starting this Month - and you don't want to miss that! This will be canon Joss all about what is REALLY happening these days in the Buffyverse!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:45 AM


Kennedy is 'Rebound Gal'.
Remember Riley?

'Nuff said Chrisisall






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